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AANP Exam 200 Questions with Answers 2023,100% CORRECT

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AANP Exam 200 Questions with Answers 2023 normal heart anatomy - CORRECT ANSWER - base at top, apex at bottom - aortic, pulmonic, tricuspid, mitral - S1 heart sound = closure of AV valves, mitr... al & tricuspid - S2 heart sound = closure of SL valves, aortic & pulmonic - S3 = extra fluid, HF, preg - S4 = uncontrolled HTN, LV hypertrophy Split S2 - CORRECT ANSWER - during inspiration and expiration is bad - normal = only during inspiration where do you hear heart sounds - CORRECT ANSWER - S2 at base - S1, S3, S4 at apex Diastolic murmurs - CORRECT ANSWER - DOOM! - refer! - MS. ARD 1. mitral senosis 2. aortic regurgitation systolic murmurs - CORRECT ANSWER - only systolic murmurs radiate MR. ASS MVP mitral regurg aortic stenosis mitral valve prolapse aortic stenosis - CORRECT ANSWER - closest to neck - radiates to neck - systolic Mitral regurgitation - CORRECT ANSWER - radiates to armpit - systolic Mitral valve prolapse - CORRECT ANSWER - systolic murmur - normally hear a click - commonly seen with marfan syndrome palpable thrill murmur - CORRECT ANSWER = grade 4 or higher peripheral arterial disease - CORRECT ANSWER - purple and shiny - intermittent claudication: pain relieved with rest and dangling, pain with activity - ulcer on toes - DX: Ankle Brachial Index (ABI) < 0.9 = PAD - ABI calculated for each leg by dividing BP in artery of ankle by BP in artery of arm - risks: smoking - tx: keep walking and take breaks as needed chronic venous insufficiency - CORRECT ANSWER - red, brown skin - edema - vericose veins - high risk for DVTs: no good venous return to heart so it starts to pool - refer to vascular DVTs - CORRECT ANSWER - s/s = localized swelling, redness, calf pain - DX: venous doppler, D-dimer, homan's sign (no longer specific enough) Raynaud's phenomenon - CORRECT ANSWER - decreased blood flow to fingers - caused by exposure to cold, stress - Tx = CCBs, avoid triggers asthma severity - CORRECT ANSWER - predominant symptom = cough - intermittent, mild, moderate, severe asthma tx - CORRECT ANSWER - peak flow readings at home - NOT determined on how often they use rescue inhaler - NEVER prescribe long acting beta agonist by itself (formoterol, salmeterol), always with ICS. Increases risk of asthma related death - all pts need low dose ICS (decrease overall mortality in pts) Peak flow readings - CORRECT ANSWER height age gender HAG ASthma meds - CORRECT ANSWER - ICS-LABA PRN: intermittent - ICS-LABA daily: mild - ICS-LABA daily OR low dose ICS with LRTA (singulair): moderate - REFER to pulm: severe *budesonide-formoterol = preferred ICS-LABA combo bronchodilators - CORRECT ANSWER - "terol" steroids - CORRECT ANSWER - "ide" - "zone" COPD Dx - CORRECT ANSWER - FEV1/FVC ratio < 0.70 - s/s: barrel chest, clubbing of fingers, chronic caugh - exam: percussion hyperresonance - chronic bronchitis and emphysema chronic bronchitis or emphysema BEFORE COPD - CORRECT ANSWER = bronchodilator COPD Tx - CORRECT ANSWER - Group A: SABA or LABA - Group B: LABA or LAMA - Group C: LAMA - Group D: LAMA or LAMA-ICS *albuterol - formoterol - tiotropium - combo LAMA-ICS (trelegy) Pneumonia - CORRECT ANSWER - infiltrates and consolidation in lower lobes - exam: increased tactile fremitis - s/s: cough, fever, chills, rhonchi, wheezes pneumonia tx - CORRECT ANSWER - MAD: macrolide, amoxicillin, doxycycline = healthy outpt adults - comorbidities or abx in last 90 days = levaquin or augmentin AND macrolide CURB-65 criteria - CORRECT ANSWER - hospital admission criteria for elderly - confusion, BUN > 19, RR > 20/30, BP < 90/60, > 65 yrs - 1pt for criteria. 2 pts might be admission. 3 or greater is admission tuberculosis - CORRECT ANSWER - upper lobes - tx: usually requires tx up to a year and 3 drug tx - dx: confirmed with sputum culture TB skin test - CORRECT ANSWER - HIV/immunocompromised: > 5mm - gen public: > 15 mm - immigrants: > 10 mm HIV - CORRECT ANSWER - turns into AIDS with CD4 < 200 - prophylactic abx < 200 = bactrim strep throat - CORRECT ANSWER - s/s = sore swollen throat, exudates on tonsils - KEY: palentine petichiae - amoxicillin, PCN mononucleosis - CORRECT ANSWER - s/s = sore swollen throat, exudates on tonsils - KEY: splenomegaly - tx: no abx, viral, tx s/s - return to sports after spleen ultrasound scarlantina - CORRECT ANSWER - s/s: sandpaper rash, terrible looking throat - results from untx strep throat - can lead to rheumatic fever, glomerulonephritis tx for strep and mono at same time - CORRECT ANSWER - must tx with abx due to risks - do not give PCN, can lead to morbillaform rash - tx = macrolide, cephalosporin, PCN VK acute bronchitis - CORRECT ANSWER - s/s: nagging cough, some sputum or not - 95% of cases are viral - tx: only tx with abx if due to pertusis (doesn't decrease s/s but does decrease transmission) - azithromycin - vax: TDAP, DTAP - fever after vax usually due to pertusis component sinusitis - CORRECT ANSWER - s/s: recent URI, 7-10 days later roccurance of symptoms, pain bending over, unilateral toothache - tx: augmentin allergic rhinitis - CORRECT ANSWER - avoid triggers - tx: intra-nasal corticosteroids (flonase), antihistamine (benadryl) - dx: IGE anticholinergic side effects - CORRECT ANSWER - cant see, cant pee, cant spit, cant poop Thyroid function - CORRECT ANSWER - check TSH first - TSH: 0.5-5.0 hypothyroidism - CORRECT ANSWER - high TSH, low T3/T4 - tx: Synthroid -- monitor cardiac affects, start at low dose in elderly - check TSH every 4-6 wks hyperthyroidism - CORRECT ANSWER - low TSH, high T3/T4 - tx: propanolol, tapazole, PTU - PTU preferred in 1st trimester of preg then move to tapazole - PTU: frequent lab levels, mult doses per day parathyroid - CORRECT ANSWER - located behind thyroid - release PTH: calcium and phosphorus hyperparathyroidism - CORRECT ANSWER - calcium is high - phos is low - calcium high is concern for underlying malignancy subclinical hypo or hyperthyroidism - CORRECT ANSWER abn TSH and normal ts/t4 - monitor in 6 months, tx once actually hyper or hypo DM 2 - CORRECT ANSWER - dx: A1C at or > 6.5% - fasting BG, oral glucose tolerance test - refer to podiatry, ophthalmology - yearly microalbumin screening to monitor renal fxn DM 1 - CORRECT ANSWER - antibodies against beta cells - insulin dependent - can develop DKA, often upon dx - DO NOT stop insulin when sick - monitor keytones in urine Symogyi effect - CORRECT ANSWER - elevated BG when waking up in morning - dip in middle of the night (2-3am-ish) followed by sudden rise in morning - tx: cutback on nighttime insuline, stop exercising before bed Dawn effect - CORRECT ANSWER - high BG in morning upon waking - steadily rises all night - due to increase in growth hormone - tx: increase insulin Prediabetes - CORRECT ANSWER - metformin - start on low dose to decrease side effects metformin - CORRECT ANSWER *max dose = 2550 mg/day - does NOT cause hypoglycemia. Doesnt increase insulin production - GI side effects - can lead to B12 deficiency - used to tx PCOS - monitor: renal fxn - If GFR < 46 cut dose in hald - GFR < 30 stop metformin - stop metformin before contrast 2 days prior SGLT2 inhibitors - CORRECT ANSWER - cardioprotective - DM meds GLP1 agonist - CORRECT ANSWER - injectable only insulin - CORRECT ANSWER - start at A1C > 9% acanthrosis nigrans - CORRECT ANSWER - darkening of skin behind neck DM meds that cause hypoglycemia - CORRECT ANSWER - sulfonoylureas (glipizide) --> avoid in elderly long acting insulin - CORRECT ANSWER - lantus, levimir addisons disease - CORRECT ANSWER - s/s: hyperpigmentation - low everything but high potassium *addisonian crisis: always carry emergency steroids cushings disease - CORRECT ANSWER - s/s: moon face, truncal obesity - high everything but low potassium lupus - CORRECT ANSWER - dx: pos ANA WITH several s/s - s/s = malar rash, sjogren's syndrome anemia - CORRECT ANSWER - normal MCV = 80-100 macrocytic anemia - CORRECT ANSWER - MCV > 100 - B12 def - Folate def FAB microcytic anemia - CORRECT ANSWER - MCV < 80 - iron def - lead - thalassemia LIT B12 anemia - CORRECT ANSWER - macrocytic MCV > 100 - s/s: neuro symptoms, tingling in hands and feet, dizziness, unsteady gait, beefy red tongue (glossitis) Folate Anemia - CORRECT ANSWER - macrocytic MCV > 100 - iron def anemia - CORRECT ANSWER - microcytic MCV < 80 - low iron levels, high total iron binding capacity levels - s/s: nail pitting, pica, fatigue, pale Thalassemia - CORRECT ANSWER - microcytic MCV < 80 - overload of iron in blood, increase intestinal absorption of iron - requires a lot of transfusions - dx: hemoglobin electrophoresis sickle cell anemia - CORRECT ANSWER - dx in infancy - microcytic MCV < 80 - sickle cell crisis: illness, dehydration, deoxygenation - tx: IV fluids, O2, pain meds +HBsAG - CORRECT ANSWER Hep B Antigen - "always growing" - acute or chronic infection + HBsAB - CORRECT ANSWER - immunity to Hep B - Hep B antibody + IgM - CORRECT ANSWER - "miserable" - acute infection + IgG - CORRECT ANSWER - "gone" - no longer acute, gone or chronic infection Hep B exposure - CORRECT ANSWER - not vaxed: give vax and immunoglobulin - Hep B vax first dose within 24 hours of birth, vac during preg - dont know vax status, then do full vax < 7 = Dtap > 7 Tdap immunizations - CORRECT ANSWER it's time for many happy vaccines - IPV - TD, Tdap - MMR - Hep B - Varicella HIB vaccine - CORRECT ANSWER - helps prevent epiglottitis in children epiglottitis - CORRECT ANSWER - drooling, resp distress - xray = thumb print sign hemocromotosis - CORRECT ANSWER - too much iron in blood - tx: phlebotomy Polycythemia vera - CORRECT ANSWER - making too many blood cells, really thick and viscous blood - increased risk of clots - secondary due to: high altitude, COPD - tx: phlebotomy appendicitis signs - CORRECT ANSWER - rovsing - markle - blumberg - mcburneys point - obturator -psoas Rovsing Sign - CORRECT ANSWER "reverse" - palpate left and hurts on RLQ appendicits Markle Sign - CORRECT ANSWER - pain in RLQ when hops on one foot appendicits Blumberg Sign - CORRECT ANSWER - reBound tenderness appendicits Mcburney's point - CORRECT ANSWER - 2/3s distance b/n belly button and ileac crest appendicits Obturator sign - CORRECT ANSWER - internal rotation of right hip at 90 causes abd pain appendicits Psoas - CORRECT ANSWER patient rasies leg against resistence appendicits Murphy's sign - CORRECT ANSWER Cholecystitis - positive: palpate subcostal area on RUQ and pain on inspiration Cholecystitit - CORRECT ANSWER - murphys sign: pain with inspiration - dx = ultrasound - if no gallstones found, then order HIDA scan Cullens sign - CORRECT ANSWER - "center", belly button blue - intraabd bleed: pancreatitis, ruptured ectopic preg Turners sign - CORRECT ANSWER - intraabdominal bleed: pancreatitis, ruptured ectopic preg - "turn" over and see blue on flank pancrease - CORRECT ANSWER - amylase - lipase Chvostek's sign - CORRECT ANSWER - hypocalcemia - thyroidectomy with parathyroid damage - tap on face and scrunch up on one side - risk of seizure Trousseau's sign - CORRECT ANSWER - hypocalcemia - thyroidecomy with parathyroid damage - inflate BP cuff and draws up arm like involuntary contraction - risk of seizure hypercalcemia - CORRECT ANSWER - monitor - possible malignancy GERD - CORRECT ANSWER - tx: first line is PPI and H2 blocker - PPIs: omeprazole, more severe GERD use if H2 not working *can lead to : osteoporosis, B12, and cdiff - h2 blocker: famotidine, mild GERD cheaper - avoid CCBs in pts with GERD! Barrett's esophagus - CORRECT ANSWER - can lead to esophogeal cancer Hpylori - CORRECT ANSWER - tx: triple therapy = CAP clarythromycin amoxicillin PPI quadruple therapy = PPI tetracycline flagyl bismuth salt trichomoniasis - CORRECT ANSWER - strawberry cervix, pinpoint hemorrhages - tx: flagyl bacterial vagainosis - CORRECT ANSWER Blue cells positive whiff test - tx: flagyl gonorrhea or chlamydia - CORRECT ANSWER friable cervix herpes - CORRECT ANSWER painful vesicles normal vagaina PH - CORRECT ANSWER 3.8-4.5 gonorrhea and chlamydia - CORRECT ANSWER - doxycycline and rocephin chalmydia - CORRECT ANSWER - azithromycin - 2nd line doxycycline gonorrhea - CORRECT ANSWER - rocephin syphillis - CORRECT ANSWER - dx: RPR comfirmatory = FTA-ABS test - s/s: *1st painless cancker for 3-6 wks then goes away *2nd rash on palms and soles *3rd neurosyphillis affects brain and spinal cord - Tx: IM bicellin non hormonal contraception - CORRECT ANSWER - copper IUD depo provera - CORRECT ANSWER - risk of osteoporosis - take calcium and vit d - dont use longer than 5 years breastfeeding contraceptions - CORRECT ANSWER - progestin only - mini pill combo contraceptions - CORRECT ANSWER - dont use with migraine with aura, hx of blood clots, > 35 and smoker - if miss 2 pills: take most recent missed pill, get rid of other missed pills, utalize backup method ortho evra patch - CORRECT ANSWER - high risk of clots presumptive preg - CORRECT ANSWER - breast tenderness - amenorrhea - subjective probable preg - CORRECT ANSWER - hcg preg test - hegar - chadwick - goodell positive preg - CORRECT ANSWER - fetal heart tones - palpation of fetus - ultrasound of fetus Rhogam - CORRECT ANSWER - week 28 - within 72 hours postpartum placental abruption - CORRECT ANSWER - very serious - placenta separates from inner wall of uterus - incredibly painful, hard uterus, bleeding - typically in 3rd trimester placenta previa - CORRECT ANSWER - placenta covers cervical opening - light, painless bleeding mastitis - CORRECT ANSWER - tx: PCN, dicloxacillin - 2nd line clindamycin, macrolides - if symptoms dont go away after abx, refer to GYN for risk of breast cancer - dont stop breastfeeding pap smears - CORRECT ANSWER - start at age 21, every 3 years - at age 30 every 5 years with HPV cotesting - AS-CUS: get HPV testing, if positive then get colposcopy - LSIL: refer for colposcopy - HSIL: refer for colposcopy - CIN 2 and 3 = bad colposcopy results, scary guardasil - CORRECT ANSWER - age 11 - as early as 9 yrs old - prevents HPV 16 & 18 & 6 & 11 geniital worts - CORRECT ANSWER - TCA acid menopause - CORRECT ANSWER - SSRI paxil helps with hotflashes and nightsweats - oral contraceptives - IUDs - vaginal creams - black cohosh, ginkgo (increased bleeding risk) PCOS - CORRECT ANSWER - higher risk for: insulin resistance, HLD, cancer - fertility issues - tx: metformin galactorrhea - CORRECT ANSWER - milk discharge from breast - typically associated with breast stimulation - order prolactin level to monitor BPH - CORRECT ANSWER - symmetrically enlarged rubbery prostate - urinary frequency and hesistancy - tx: alpha blockers, terazosin - take med at bedtime, orthostatic hypotension - finasteride - shrinks prostate down, takes 6 months - saw palmetto PSA cutoff is 4 for referral prostate cancer - CORRECT ANSWER - often dont tx unless > 10 years to live epidydimitis - CORRECT ANSWER - positive prehn sign - scrotum angry and swollen - unilateral testicular pain - tx: doxycycline or rocephin if < 35 yrs levofloxacin if > 35 yrs testicular torsion - CORRECT ANSWER - severe unilateral pain and cremasteric reflex is absent kidney fxn - CORRECT ANSWER GFR BUN Creatinine RBC = glomerulonephritis or WBC casts = pyelonephritis urinalysis - CORRECT ANSWER - positive nitrites - positive leukocytes - blood - UTI - bactrim, cipro, macrobid - avoid bactrim if on warfarin - heel pain - avoid fluroquinolone erectile dysfunction - CORRECT ANSWER - look for cards issues - PDE5: viagra *before prescribing must order an EKG Osteoporosis - CORRECT ANSWER - Dx = DEXA scan < -2.5 - risks: depo provera, long term steroid use, smoking, female, elderly - tx: bisphosponates (fosamax), HCTZ (stimulate osteoblasts and build bone, decrease exretion of CA in bones) - Prevention: calcium, vitamin d, weight-bearing exercise Osteopenia - CORRECT ANSWER - Dx: DEXA scan -1 - -2.4 Rheumatoid Arthritis - CORRECT ANSWER - s/s: systemic symptoms, buchards nodes, boutonneirs, swan neck deformity - Tx: DMARDs (methotrexate) *causes folic acid deficiency Osteoarthritis - CORRECT ANSWER - s/s: joint pain and stiff ness in morning that resolves in < 1 hr, heberden & buschards nodes - x ray = joint space narrowing - tx: NSAIDs first line (not with HF pts), regular exercise buchards nodes - CORRECT ANSWER - proximal interphalangeal joint (PIP) - seen with osteoarthritis and RA Heberden's ndoes - CORRECT ANSWER - seen with osteoarthritis only - distal interphalangeal joint (DIP) bouteniere and swan neck deformity - CORRECT ANSWER - boutonniere deformity = middle joint of finger wont straighten, PIP joint hyperextension - swan neck deformity = DIP joint, end of finger ankylosing spondilitis - CORRECT ANSWER - s/s: pain starts in lower back and works up the back to the neck, autoimmune and chronic inflamm disease - dx: Xray, MRI AKA "bamboo spine" scaphoid, navicular fracture - CORRECT ANSWER - s/s: snuff box tenderness, - patient reprots falling with hands braced to catch them - dx: doesnt show on xray right away, may show on xray at 2 weeks - tx: even with neg xray, thumb spica cast Carpal tunnel syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER - tests = phalens (backwards prayer hands) & tinel's (tap the inner wrist) - affects median nerve - tx: splint, brace, rest, steroids morton's neuroma - CORRECT ANSWER - "feels like a pebble is in my shoe", b/n 3rd and 4th toe Knee INjury tests - CORRECT ANSWER - McMurry = meniscus - Appley test = meniscus - lachman = ACL (most sensitive sign for ACL - anterior drawer test = ACL - Valgus test = ligaments continued popping in knee - CORRECT ANSWER meniscal injury straight leg test - CORRECT ANSWER - sciatica - positive result = reproduction of s/s b/n 30-70 degrees of elevation Sciatica - CORRECT ANSWER - L4 = squat and rise exam with diminished knee jerk - L5 = heel walking with numbness at great toe - S1 = walk on toes with diminished or absent ankle jerk Drop arm test - CORRECT ANSWER - rotator cuff injuries - abduct patient's shoulder then have them lower it down slowly - positive = arm suddenly drops to side Empty can test - CORRECT ANSWER - supraspinatus tear - shoulder injury Gout - CORRECT ANSWER - prevention: allopurinol *side effect = bone marrow suppressiono - low purine diet, no alcohol, avoid diuretics - DO NOT give HCTZ (increases uric acid levels) - dx test: serum uric acid level (not always high with acute attacks) - acute tx: NSAIDs, indocin, steroids - colcrys = severe fibromyalgia - CORRECT ANSWER - widespread pain, overall sensitivity - dx: pain, fatigue, waking up feeling unrefreshed, cognitive problems ALL x 3 or more months - also cannot be explained by any other condition - tx: cymbalta, elavil, lyrica, flexoril - regular exercise! Hallux valgus - CORRECT ANSWER - bunion - lateral deviation of hallux first metatarsal phalangeal joint - dx: xray, degree of severity (around 20 degrees?) - tx: surgery plantar fascitis - CORRECT ANSWER - s/s: pain in heel, paini with first thing in morning and gets better throughout the day, precipitated by running - cauda equina syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER - s/s: saddle anesthesia (numbness and tingling), severe low back pain, new incontinence - tx: refer to ED - often caused by severe ruptured lumbar disc, spinal cord compression De Quervain's Tenosynovitis - CORRECT ANSWER - pain in lower thumb and wrist, pain, tenderness, swelling in radial side of wrist - dx: finklestein test - grab thumb and perform ulnar devaition - tx: NSAIDs, splinting, steroids lateral Epicondylitis - CORRECT ANSWER AKA Tennis Elbow - s/s: repetitive forearm and elbow activities, elbow pain during or following elbow flexion and extension - occurs with activities requiring wrist extension or supination - tx: rest, ice, NSAIDs, brae Medial Epicondylitis - CORRECT ANSWER AKA golfer's elbow - s/s: elbow pain during or following elbow flexion and extension - occurs with wrist flexion/pronation with valgus strain of elbow - tx: rest, ice, NSAIDs, brae epicondylitis - CORRECT ANSWER common with: Tennis Fencing Golf Rowing Baseball (pitching) Hammering Typing Meat-cutting Plumbing Painting - tx: rest, ice, NSAIDs, brae Levels of Evidence - CORRECT ANSWER - top = meta analysis/systemic reviews - middle = RCTs, cohort studies, case control studies, cross sectional studies - bottom: editorials, opinions, no real research Quasi-experimental design vs RCTs - CORRECT ANSWER - second catergory of evidence -RCT = randomization - QED = no randomization Health Belief Model - CORRECT ANSWER - people change behaviors when they believe they are personally at risk - perceived risks susceptibility - belief of consequence - risk severity - benefits to action - self efficacy - cues to action license - CORRECT ANSWER - ability to practice from your state certification - CORRECT ANSWER - board exam, ANCC or AANP credentialing - CORRECT ANSWER - process to bill insurances, medicare, medicaid - massive verification process liability insurance - CORRECT ANSWER - claims based: coverage only while employed - occurrence based: covered any time you had an active policy to the entire duration stages of change model - CORRECT ANSWER - assess patients readiness to make a change - pre-contemplation: no interest in stopping, nothing bad has happened - contemplation - preparation: cutting down smoking - action - maintenance family systems theory - CORRECT ANSWER - family functions as a system, cohesive unit - each family member has a role - unfreeze: before change - change - refreeze transitional care model - CORRECT ANSWER - goal is to prevent readmissions and exacerbations - hospital, rehab, home with home health, etc. - case management, discharge planners ICD 10 code - CORRECT ANSWER - identifies the diagnosis - needs HPI, phys exam, plan CPT code - CORRECT ANSWER - procedures done during the visit - diagnostics, labs, xrays, surgical procedures - needs HPI, phys exam, plan swiss cheese model - CORRECT ANSWER - when an issues happens, where did the issue continually fall through the cracks and then finally reach the patient - not blaming but root cause analysis incident to billing - CORRECT ANSWER - when a physician first sees pt and then we see the same pt for the same dx later - bill at 100% for this - normally NPs only bill up to 85% - phys can to be in building state nursing practice act - CORRECT ANSWER - determines legal right to practice and scope of pracftice - we can collaborate with MDs, dentists, and DOs medicare - CORRECT ANSWER A - inpt hospital B - out pt, dialysis C- advantage plans, subplemental plans, vision, dental D - RX Budget reconocilliaton act - CORRECT ANSWER - BRA act came first - allows us to be reimbursed up to 85% when seeing a patient balanced budget act - CORRECT ANSWER - came after BRA act - now requires NPs to have NPI number HITECH act - CORRECT ANSWER - mandaged that we all move to EMRs to get paid - offered major incentives to switch early - found meaningful use for providers: AVS, clinical decision supports incorporated into practice (abn labs in red in EMR), enact PHI Medicaid - CORRECT ANSWER - funded at federal and state level - those who cannot afford health insurance and live below the poverty level - < $2000/month *childrens health insurance program (CHIP) if above 2000 but cannot afford it - programs through medicaid: WIC primary prevention - CORRECT ANSWER - before it occurs secondary interventions - CORRECT ANSWER screenings tertiary - CORRECT ANSWER rehab or treatment veracity - CORRECT ANSWER truth telling fidelity - CORRECT ANSWER loyalty autonomy - CORRECT ANSWER ability to make own decision paternalism - CORRECT ANSWER - provider tries to pick what is best benifecence - CORRECT ANSWER to do good Nonmaleficence - CORRECT ANSWER - do no harm justice - CORRECT ANSWER everyone gets same tx native americans - CORRECT ANSWER shamans believe illness is a punishment uses herbal remedies avoids eye contact and loud volumes health is in harmony vietnamese - CORRECT ANSWER blood loss is worse than illness - dont like labs - stop rx when feel better hispanics - CORRECT ANSWER imbalance b/n environment and individual chinese - CORRECT ANSWER disruption b/n yin and yang cupping coining avoid anything cold after birth COBRA - CORRECT ANSWER up to 18 months after leaving a job Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act (GINA) - CORRECT ANSWER prohibits using genetic info for employment and healthcare insurance decision Consensus model for APRNs - CORRECT ANSWER allows NPs to practice at their fullest extent of training and certification validity vs reliability - CORRECT ANSWER - validity: actual accuracy of results - reliability: are these results repeatable? erikson's stages - CORRECT ANSWER trust the auto in industry and identify with intimate geniuses with integrity developmental milestones - CORRECT ANSWER - 2-3 monthsL posterior fontanell closes - 12-18 months: anterior fontanel closes - 4-6 months: strabismus clears up - 6 months: sit up unassisted, palmar grasp goes away - 9 months: stands, separation anxiety - 12 months: says mama and dada with meaning - 12-17 months: walks - 15-18 monoths: holds a spoon - 2-3 yrs: genu varum (bow-legged) goes away - 3 yrs: copy a cicle, throw a ball, ride a tricycle - 4 yrs: Draw a crss - 5-6 yrs: ride a bike premi babies - CORRECT ANSWER - catch up by age 2 reflexes at birth - CORRECT ANSWER - rooting tonic neck grasp moro stepping birth weight doubles - CORRECT ANSWER 6 months birth weight triples - CORRECT ANSWER 12 months bilirubin - CORRECT ANSWER > 15 = phototherapy tanner stages - CORRECT ANSWER girls: 2 - breast bud, 2-3 years later she gets period 3- one mound 4- two mounds and start of period Boys: 2- straight pubic hairs 3- penis grows in length, growth spurt 4- curly pubic hairs puberty: > 8 in girls, > 9 in boys - worried if period not by age 15 - if a girl has had period, probably at adult height - CORRECT ANSWER .,amd.,asmd [Show More]

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