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PTK Practice ABCTE Exam 65 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT

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PTK Practice ABCTE Exam 65 Questions with Verified Answers MOST effective method for closing a lesson? - CORRECT ANSWER The students identify the important topics and conclusions in group discussio... ns. Why: Closure is best done by students so that the teacher can assess the effect of the lesson. It needs to be done as a group so that the teacher can monitor and adjust before students work individually. Choice b (The teacher reiterates an outline of the lesson and outlines important conclusions) isn't correct because students are merely reiterating the lesson and not stating the issues and results in their own words. Graphic Organizer that would best help elementary students understand differences and similarities of forests and deserts? - CORRECT ANSWER VENN DIAGRAM-this is used to compare/contrast 2 objects/information These graphic organizers are useful for organizing a linear discussion or argument - CORRECT ANSWER outline These graphic organizers are helpful when students need to examine 2 sides of the same topic (pros cons) - CORRECT ANSWER t charts This organizer helps show details of a topic - CORRECT ANSWER choose web cluster or topic/subtopic chart This graphic organizer is appropriate to use when showing relationships between events - CORRECT ANSWER Cause-effect chart This is the most appropriate organizer to work with in class to understand the recycling process after reading a chapter about recycling. This chart is the best way for students to visualize a process with multiple steps and options. They help clarify complicated processes. - CORRECT ANSWER Flow Chart A history teacher instructs students to create a timeline to represent the unit they just covered. Which of the following BEST explains the purpose of this activity? - CORRECT ANSWER A: to give students an opportunity to visually represent the temporal relationships between key historical events. This is the best answer because this activity relates to selecting facts to illustrate ideas in the classroom. the proper use of creating timelines is to show students the order of historical events. studying for exams is not the primary purpose of using a timeline as an instructional activity. reviewing key events is not the primary purpose either. Before elementary students start reading a new book about baby dinosaurs, which of the following activities would best assess prior knowledge and stimulate student interest? - CORRECT ANSWER Answer a Show the class drawings of different kinds of dinosaurs and ask them to name and discuss them, if they can. Discuss the answers as a group and ask the question, "What would you do if you found a baby dinosaur?" Incorrect B: show students photo of dinosaurs and ask if they've ever read any stories about dinosaurs why is a correct? The teacher is able to assess what students know about dinosaurs and can correct any misinformation. in addition, the questions is open-ended and is an attention grabber. Choice b and c are passive and the teacher cannot assess prior knowledge. choice d(museum) may seem like a good activity, but again, the teacher cannot assess prior knowledge. In teaching a lesson, it is helpful to share the objectives with the students because doing so - CORRECT ANSWER Correct A: helps students strive for the same learning goals Incorrect- Makes sure students are on task and ready to learn. Why? objectives help focus the students on the major goal of the day Which assignment will BEST determine if students can analyze what they are learning? - CORRECT ANSWER a. define the following terms Correct B-Create a storyboard that explains how religion influenced the development of Latin America c. draw a map showing changes in borders of European countries before after ww2 d (my answer) describe climate in rain forest and discuss how human activity affects it Why-The students must explain a concept by creating or synthesizing something. In Blooms taxonomy, synthesis is a higher order than answer knowledge (a) -comprehension (D) and application (c) During the beginning of a unit about the Great Depression for a sixth grade class, which of the following questions would be most effective for presenting the new content? - CORRECT ANSWER Correct-Can anyone tell us where the Great Depression took place? WHy? it is a relevant answer with a verifiable answer. Those qualities are useful at the start of a unit beause they start building a store of info that can be used later. Choice a may be used to create interest in the topic. choice b focuses on sources, not the content. choice d supposes prior knowledge and would be appropriate later in the unit. In teaching a unit on Germany in the 30s, teacher wants class to recognize and understand that multiple social,economic, and political factors contributed to the rise of National Socialism. After starting the unit, what types of questions should be asked next? - CORRECT ANSWER Correct answer : D What & Where Not-A: How & Why Why? What and where questions elicit info that adds to a base or scaffold. Asking how usually involves more complex thinking, as does asking why. Those questions that will come up later in a unit. What is the most important reason homework should be given to high school math students? - CORRECT ANSWER B. To facilitate learning outside of the classroom I put C. To give students a chance to test their understanding of the material. The question does not reference an upcoming exam. B is correct because homework should be tailored so it extends the ideas outside of the classroom. Although students could use homework , the primary purpose of homework is to extend learning outside of school. A language arts class is beginning a section on poetry. When the students enter the room, they see the teacher has written a short poem on the board, but left the subject words blank. The teacher opens the class by asking the students to fill in the blanks of the poem. using this exercise best accomplishes which one of the following goals? - CORRECT ANSWER A. Engaging students' interest in poetry. I put it would introduce them to the rules of poetry conventions such as rhyme and meter The correct answer is A because the lesson provides students with the opportunity to draw from their personal background and interest in order to relate to the new topic. Choice B is incorrect because although filling in blanks of an existing poem may give teacher idea of how much students know about poetry, it is not the primary purpose of the activity. c in incorrect because filling in blanks of an existing poem does not allow a teacher to assess what students want to learn about composing poetry. choice d is incorrect because info related to poetry conventions such as rhyme and meter is not provided and is outside the scope of the question. An 11th grade teacher is introducing poetry in a lesson. Which of the following illustrates the best sequence for introducing the material? - CORRECT ANSWER B. Describe each type of poem and review parts, have students write examples, and finish the lesson by comparing and contrasting the different types. teachers should present material in a logical sequence. it makes sense to introduce the types of poems and the parts of each before having students write their own examples. having students write their own examples before introducing the different types of poetry is not correct. Which of the following situations are students most likely to require additional guidance and support from the teacher? - CORRECT ANSWER Answer D The students have little choice or control over their level of participation Not C (They have a lot of choice) Why D? Some degree of personal choice or control almost always makes learning easier; in its absence, extra guidance and support may help learning. All other choices are situations that build independence in students. Which of the following classroom management goals will BEST ensure an orderly classroom? - CORRECT ANSWER Answer C-Establish, explain, and practice classroom procedures; set standards for performance. Wrong A-minimize behavior that intereferes with learning; respond accordingly when it does happen. Why C-Procedure is the key element in classroom management. Procedures for dealing with negative behavior are an important part of classrrom management but only a part. Choice b deals with curriculum and instruction. The emphasis on definition makes choice D too narrow. In the middle of a lesson on the legislative branch, a teacher has students form a mock legislature and debate bills that they have created as a way to assess student learning. wHAT IS THIS an example of? - CORRECT ANSWER Answer is A, Formative Assessment NotB, Summative Why? Formative assessment provides feedback that allows a teacher to monitor and adjust the instruction and is an easy way to evaluate individual student learning. Assume that a set of test scores is normally distributed. How many test scores would be expexted to be within two standard deviations of the mean? - CORRECT ANSWER 95%, because it is relatively rare for a score to be more than 2 standard deviations from the mean in a set of normal scores. Given the following scores, which measure is the best descriptor of the central tendency of the data? 22,57,60,60,60,75,76,82,85,88,90,92,97 - CORRECT ANSWER Answer is Median, not mode, mean or standard deviation. This is because a low score of 22 will skew the data. Because the mean is not resistant to extremes, the median is a better test of center. The mode of 60 is not idicative of the center of this data. The standard deviation is never a measure of center. These tests measure the amount or percentage of content students know or can perform. It measures learning of a specific set of skills or info. - CORRECT ANSWER Criterion-referenced test A teacher prepares checklists for students to complete at the end of key lessons. checklists ask students to identify what part of the lesson was hardest to follow and what gave the most help. Students do not put their names on the checklist. the teacher uses the info to guide future instruction. What is the standard name of this kind of assessment? - CORRECT ANSWER Answer is formative, not summative Formative assessments help form or they inform future instruction. They guide improvements and refinements. The other major category of assessments is summative, they sum up what students have learned from a course, unit, or lesson Which of the following sets of verbs should be used to assess how well students have retained a set of basic faCTS? - CORRECT ANSWER c. list, LABEL, MATCH wHY? THE Verbs in this set call for very basic thinking without much additional processing. According to bloom's taxonomy, these are the foundationl skills. Choice a, use demonstrate, modify, calls for applying knowledge, b diagram outline differtiate-analysis d. rearrange compile combine-synthesis The four major steps to planning a lesson are task analysis, determining objectives, determining goals, and identifying neccary prerequestite knowlesdge. What order should those steps occur? - CORRECT ANSWER Answer-Goals, objectives, task analysis, prerequisite knowledge The first thing is to determine the overarching goal and the measurable objectives to reach that goal. A task analysis is completed to help guide the lesson plan, including determing the necessary prerequesite knowledge. A student who is usually well behaved is consistently interrupting the class routine and annoying nearby students. The teacher has already reminded him that he must obey the classroom behavior standards, but that hasn't changed the behavior. Which of the following is the most appropriate teacher response? - CORRECT ANSWER Separate student from classmates and give 5 minute time out Why? the behavior is consistent so ignoring it is ineffective. Rules must be enforced consistently, and if the student actively chooses to disobey, a consequence must follow. Referring the student to the discipline officer is far too severe a response at this early stage, and telling him to explain behavior standards is unlikely to be effective since he has already ignored reminders. The problem is not that he cannot comprehend what the rules are, but instead why he has to follow them Which of the following statements, when used to begin a lesson on the respiratory system, encourages meaningful student participation? - CORRECT ANSWER B "Take a deep breath and pay attention to how it feels to breathe deeply" NOT D "you breathe all day every day, do you know hot it works?" Why? Beginning a lesson with a overt or covert participation is effective in helping students focus and absorb material. Choice B gives students a specific task, focusing their minds on the topic. Choices A and C are passively received by the listener and do not give the student a task to help them participate. Choice D is shallow and if absorbed by the students at all, can be dismissed with a yes or no answer. While in a science lab, a student who is repeatedly off task and disruptive is pretending to make pancake batter by mixing chemicals together. the appropriate response is to - CORRECT ANSWER D get the student out of the room and under the supervision of another adult not a-tell the student to stop and stand nearby to make sure he behaves Why -mixing chemicals is risky behavior. Because the student is repeatedly off task and disruptive, an immediate consequence is in order. A science lab class offers many distractions, and the teacher cannot ignore the rest of the students in order to control one child. A reliable test__ - CORRECT ANSWER A- yields consistent results not C-is free of bias Why? A reliable test must simply produce consistent results. A test must be reliable to be considered valid, but valid tests are not automatically reliable as well. Which teaching plan is the best way to begin a mathematics class? - CORRECT ANSWER B Begin a simple activity not a, going over homework why?A simple warm up activity allows the students to transition their thinking to mathematics. it has the added benefits of giving students a review, preview, or extension activity and giving the teacher an opportunity to check in with students and recognize individual difficulties that may appear while students do the warm up. What kind of info can be gathered using a formative student assessment? - CORRECT ANSWER B-patterns of student errors not c-a ranking of students based on learning why? A formative assessment is designed to give immediate evidence of student learning and is not used to grade or evaluate students. At 2+ standard deviations...what percentile is the student in? - CORRECT ANSWER a student is at the 95th percentile. Which of the following best describes how a consequence for classroom misbehavior should be enforced? - CORRECT ANSWER D after some warning has been delivered not c, immediately after the misbehavior takes place why? a small correction calls a student's attention to behavior that needs to change and gives the student an opportunity to make the change. usually that ends the immediate problem with minimum disruption to teaching and learning. what other students notice or do not notice is tangential. the immediacy suggested by choice c is important, but immediate attention, not immediate consequences, is key to good classroom discipline. A teacher notices that a student often misbehaves after she is given a reading assignment, most likely because the student has poor vocabulary skills and is not a competent reader. What should the teacher do? - CORRECT ANSWER Start designing a plan that will help the student build reading/language skills not d, refer student for special ed Why? Some educational problems seem to be at the root of misbehavior and choice b puts attention on finding educational solutions for them. enlisting parents might be part of the educational plan, but the focus should be more on educational strategies than on discipline. reading assignments probably should be adapted, but suspending them is an extreme step. asking for a special ed evaluation might be part of the teachers plan, but a referral for services implies that a good evaluation has already been made. Students monitor a US geological survey website and collect info about recent volcanoes and earthquakes. which of the following learning goals is met by this activity? - CORRECT ANSWER B accurately observe natural events. not c, identify simple patterns in physical phenomena Why? the activity gathers reliable info about natural events, but does not call for analysis and inference (B) or evaluation of devices used to capture data like D This instructional method can be time consuming and can diverge away from the topic - CORRECT ANSWER Socratic seminar This method most effectively conveys info to an entire group of students at once, gives the students the opportunity to teach students to listen attentively and take notes. - CORRECT ANSWER Lecture This should only be used when the act of discovery truly helps students learn - CORRECT ANSWER Discovery Learning- Worksheet Info - CORRECT ANSWER skill and drill workbook learning is most useful for building accuracy on a topic already discussed in class What kind of graphic organizer is most helpful during a brainstorming session in which students are supposed to come up with topics for a term paper? - CORRECT ANSWER c Cluster Diagram Why-it is a nonlinear graphic organizer that allows for and even stimulates creative thinking and free association-both of which make brainstorming more productive. Which of the following strategies is useful when a student is int he acquisition stage of learning? - CORRECT ANSWER correct a. The teacher demonstrates the target skill. not - b the student has frequent opportunities to drill c. the student gets periodic opportunities to review d. the student gets opportunities to practice the skill in a new setting demonstrating the skill is a way of introducing it. choice b should occur in the fluency stage, choice c in the generalization stage, and choice d in the adaptation stage a set of data with a low standard deviation is tightly grouped around the mean - CORRECT ANSWER why? standard deviation describes the average distance a number in the data set is from the mean of the set, in other words, it describes the spread of the data. the lower the standard deviation, the more tightly the data is grouped around the mean of the data set. it has nothing to do with the value of the numbers itself. The inter quartile range of a data set - CORRECT ANSWER Describes how spread out the middle of the data is Why:? By definition, the inter-quartile range is the first quartile subtracted from the third quartile (the medians of the top and bottom halves of a set of data that is, itself, divided at the median. " A teacher is working on instructional objectives for a science unit, including one that reads :Students will map the locations of recent earthquakes," which of the following modifications would best improve the objective? - CORRECT ANSWER D. Specifying how students will map the required location. Not A. indicating why this skill is important to the unit Why? The teacher needs to indicate how she intends the students to map the earthquakes, not just that she intends it to happen. None of the other choices adds as much instructional value to the objective. Which of the following homework assignments would best after a lesson that introduces the addition of fractions with common denominators? - CORRECT ANSWER C assign 10 problems on adding fractions with common denominators. not d. Ask students to summarize the procedure used to add fractions with common denominators. Why> practice problems should be relevant to the new instruction. choices a and b dont give students enough practice applying the new concept. choice d is not as effective as practice problems when establishing accuracy. Which of the following is an example of an inductive sequence? - CORRECT ANSWER DEDUCTIVE the class studies several totalitarian regimes and develops a list of general rules that apply to all dictatorships. not b-the class traces the step by step process through which totalitarian regimes come to power DEDUCTIVE or d-the class learns a general model of totalitarian govt and then applies it to various regimes to see if they fit the definition. why?inductive reasoning involves deriving a rule based on examples. Choice d is the opposite, deductive reasoning, in which a specific rule is applied to an example. If A student repeats a question already answered during a class period, the teacher should - CORRECT ANSWER B-answer the question using different language and examples not d, ask the student who posed the question the first time to tell the other student to answer Why? A teacher should encourage class participation by answering all relevant questions, even questions that are asked more than once. Choice a doesn't take into account that the student may be asking the question because she did not understand the explanation the first time. Choice C would only embarrass the student and make her less likely to ask questions in the future. Choice D PUTS both students in an awkward position. WHICH of the following verbs would indicate a behavioral objective? - CORRECT ANSWER Describe not A,comprehend, c, know, d, understand Why? A behavioral objective is a clear, precise statement used to describe what students should be able to do when they have completed theri instruction. Objectives must be measurable. The verb describes the behavior produced by the learner. A teacher has a set of handouts he gives throughout a unit on writing research papers. Which of the following should be the first handout he gives students? - CORRECT ANSWER D-Research papers: a step-by-step overview not a, brainstorming and outlinging why? giving students a preview broken down into steps makes learning a difficult skill seem more manageable. Choice a does involve the first phases of writing a paper, but students should get a preview of the whole process first. Choices b and c would come later in the unit. What statistical calculations are required when converting from a raw to a standard score? - CORRECT ANSWER A. mean and standard deviation. A standard score is calculated using the raw score, the distance from the mean, and the standard deviation of the distribution. A student who usually completes homework consistently has not returned her homework in for 3 consecutive days. When the teacher addresses the situation with the student, she is aloof and will not respond. What action should the teacher take? - CORRECT ANSWER B Call the students parents to schedule a conference not a, schedule a private meeting with the student to discuss problem in more detail why?since the student is normally responsible, it is important to determine, with the aid of her parents, what has caused the behavioral change. Choices c and d are too punitive under the circumstances. choice a is likely ineffective, since the student already proved unwilling to talk to the teacher about the problem. These TESTS DISCRIMINATE BETWEEN HIGH AND LOW ACHIEVERS - CORRECT ANSWER Norm-referenced tests These tests check performance or predefined criteria - CORRECT ANSWER Criterion referenced tests A 4th grade science class completed an experiment in groups. which method of closing the lesson will best clarify students' understanding? - CORRECT ANSWER c explicitly teach the concepts the experiment illustrated implicitly not a, ask students to read their results and answer the questions you posed on the lab worksheet why?following inquiry based instruction with direct instruction helps ensure that all students understand what has occurred during the inquiry portion. Direct instruction in the closing can also give teachers a change to go further into depth on the concept that the students explored. having students write in their science journals about what they learned is a from of assessment, it doesn't clarify the students' understanding. Students in 10 grade English are finishing Romeo and Juliet in which they focused on the themes, fate, love, and inter-generational conflict. Which exercise provides the most effective closure to the unit? - CORRECT ANSWER D Ask students to compare the treatment of the three major themes in Romeo and Juliet to the treatment of those themes in another book, play, movie, or television program they have seen. not a, have students read final scene aloud and discuss how 3 main themes come together in conclusion Why? D reinforces the main concepts of the unit, and help students retain the info by encouraging them to connect what they have learned to their own lives and experiences. Which of the following techniques is most effective when leading whole class discussions? - CORRECT ANSWER A First present a question, then call on a student. not d, establish a clear pattern for calling on students. Why-Presenting the question before calling on a student helps keep the entire class engaged since many students will not think about the question if they will not be asked to respond. For this reason, choices B and D are not effective choices. Habitually repeating or even upgrading a response discourages other students from listening to their peers. In order to help her students attain fluency in reading grade-level materials aloud, the teacher assesses students frequently and tailors her instruction accordingly. Which type of assessment performed at least twice per month, would best monitor students reading fluenc - CORRECT ANSWER D students read a selected passage while the teacher keeps a running record of errors. not c, the teacher calls students aside to listen to them read several pages of their choice. In order to best monitor the students' reading fluency, a teacher must track error and speed over time. a running record allows a teacher to be more consistent in monitoring students because all errors are noted. patterns of mistakes and improvements over time can easily be seen. Listening to students read pleasure books is important, but a more formal process can help teachers better tailor their instruction. since the objective in this case was fluency, not comprehension, choice b(having student read silently and answering questions aloud) is an inappropriate assessment. What is: The difference between the actual score that a student achieves on an exam and her hypothetical score. The measurement is used to determine the accuracy of a test in gauging student knowledge. - CORRECT ANSWER STANDARD ERROR OF MEASUREMENT- A behavioral objective should contain an action verb that can be measured to determine if students have accomplished the objective. The verbs in the other answer choices are difficult, if not impossible, to measure. Which of the following prompts will require students to evaluate what they are working on? - CORRECT ANSWER D What is the most important? It directs students to make a judgement or form an opinion about something, a clear instance of evaluation. Choice A (What might happen if) is a from of synthesis Choice B (Describe in your own words) requires good comprehension but doesn't go beyond that Choice C (how does this illustrate) requires analysis demonstrated through categorizing A state's annual report on statewide student performance on mandated standardized tests includes a section in which the data is broken down by socioeconomic status. This data is - CORRECT ANSWER Biased Disaggregated means - CORRECT ANSWER separated into parts. Breaking a set of data down into parts doesn't make it biased or invalid. Example of token economy - CORRECT ANSWER students are given a reward like stickers stars chips or privileges for achieving a goal. This involves attaching an undesirable consequences to undesirable behavior (like missing recess for calling someone a bad name) - CORRECT ANSWER Negative Reinforcement This is a term psychologists use to describe a sort of operant conditioning in which a certain behavior is only sometimes reinforced. many students are motivated by competition, but in the example above, they are not competing with each other. - CORRECT ANSWER Partial Reinforcement A physical science class its own polyvinyl acetate blobs to demonstrate the characteristics of plastic polymers. The science is an example of what type of instruction? - CORRECT ANSWER B Inquiry learning. -The polymer activity is an example of inquiry or discovery learning. Students use the materials themselves to discover a concept in a structured lesson. In direct instruction the teacher presents the concepts directly to the students. Active teaching is another term used for direct-instruction techniques. Although the students are in groups, the type of instruction is not a discussion group. [Show More]

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