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HESI Nursing entrance exam 839 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT

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HESI Nursing entrance exam 839 Questions with Verified Answers What are the most abundant elements of the human body? - CORRECT ANSWER Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen 90% of the human body ... is composed of just four elements which are: - CORRECT ANSWER Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen, Nitrogen The smallest unit of an element that still retains the chemical and physical properties of the element is called: - CORRECT ANSWER Atom Subatomic particles are: - CORRECT ANSWER Protons (positive), Neutrons (neutral) and Electrons (negative) All matter is composed of basic substances called - CORRECT ANSWER Elements An atom that tells you how many protons an atom has is called: - CORRECT ANSWER Atomic Number The number of protons and neutrons is called: - CORRECT ANSWER Mass Number What is isotope? - CORRECT ANSWER The same element but different number in protons and neutrons-Mass Number (protons plus neutrons) minus Atomic Number (number of protons) equals the number of neutrons. What is radioactive isotope? - CORRECT ANSWER Atom whose nucleus undergoes degeneration and in the process gives off radiation What is a molecule? - CORRECT ANSWER Atoms bonded together to form a chemical unit What is a compound? - CORRECT ANSWER Combining different atoms What is ionic bond? - CORRECT ANSWER Ions with opposite charges attract What are ions? - CORRECT ANSWER Particle that is electrically charged because it has gained or lost one or more eletrons What is a covalent bonds? - CORRECT ANSWER Atoms sharing electrons instead of losing or gain them What is polar bond? - CORRECT ANSWER Bond created when electrons shared by adjacent atoms are shared unequally hydrophilic means - CORRECT ANSWER water-living Hydrophobic means - CORRECT ANSWER water-fearing What is electrolyte? - CORRECT ANSWER Substances that release ions when puts into water What is pH? - CORRECT ANSWER a measure of hydrogen ion concentration Anterior position - CORRECT ANSWER a body part is located towards the front (ventral) Posterior position - CORRECT ANSWER a body part is located toward the back. (dorsal) Superior position - CORRECT ANSWER a body part is located ABOVE another part or towards the head Anatomy - CORRECT ANSWER structure as well as its relationship with other structure Physiology - CORRECT ANSWER function of the body Proximal - CORRECT ANSWER a body part is CLOSER to a specific point of origin or attachment or closer to the trunk of the body Distal - CORRECT ANSWER a body part is FARTHER from the specific point of the origin or attachment Superficial -external - CORRECT ANSWER a body part is located near the surface Deep (internal) - CORRECT ANSWER a body part is located away from the surface A sagittal plane (median) cuts the body - CORRECT ANSWER right down the middle A frontal plane (coronal) is perpendicular (oppose) so it cuts the body - CORRECT ANSWER from ear to ear, from shoulder to shoulder across A transverse plane cuts the body - CORRECT ANSWER from the navel in half dividing the superior from the inferior A group of similar types of cells that performs a specific function is a(n): - CORRECT ANSWER Tissue What is the mechanism called which brings about an increasing change in the same direction? Example: child birth - CORRECT ANSWER positive feedback The relative consistency of the body's internal environment is called - CORRECT ANSWER hemostasis A group of similar types of cells that performs a specific function is a(n): - CORRECT ANSWER tissue A group of two or more types of tissues is a(n): - CORRECT ANSWER Organ Structures found WITHIN a cell that perform specific functions are: - CORRECT ANSWER Organelles Place the levels of organization in order from least complex to most complex - CORRECT ANSWER atom, molecule, organelle, cell, tissue, organ, organ system, organism The mitochondrion is an example of a(an) - CORRECT ANSWER Organelle The nose is _______ to the chin - CORRECT ANSWER Superior The muscles are _____ to the skin - CORRECT ANSWER Deep The sternum is anterior or ______ to the heart. - CORRECT ANSWER Ventral What is the scientific term for the mouth - CORRECT ANSWER Oral Identify the plane that would divide the body into left and right sides - CORRECT ANSWER Sagittal The plane that divides a body part into anterior and posterior sections is the ______ plane - CORRECT ANSWER Frontal (coronal) plane The cavity that contains the pleural and abdominopelvic cavities is the ______ cavity - CORRECT ANSWER Anterior (ventral) The cavity that contains the pericardial and pleural cavities is the ______ cavity. - CORRECT ANSWER Ventral and thoracic The vertebral canal and cranial cavity is located within the ______ cavity - CORRECT ANSWER Posterior, dorsal cavity The serous membrane that lines the thoracic cavity is the - CORRECT ANSWER visceral pleura The serous membrane covering the heart is the - CORRECT ANSWER Parietal pericardium Which of the following is NOT found in the mediastinum? - CORRECT ANSWER Lungs The stomach would lie in the ______ quadrant of the abdominopelvic cavity - CORRECT ANSWER Upper Left Quadrants Emily needs to have her gall bladder removed. Her incision would be in the _________ quadrant of the abdominopelvic cavity. - CORRECT ANSWER Upper Right Identify the organ system responsible for the production of blood cells - CORRECT ANSWER Skeletal System Identify the organ systems that function in integration and coordination - CORRECT ANSWER Nervous and endorine system When body temperature rises, the body responds by causing sweating and dilation of skin blood vessels. This type of response is called - CORRECT ANSWER Negative feedback What is the mechanism called which brings about an increasing change in the same direction? - CORRECT ANSWER Positive feedback A disease that affects the entire body or involves several organ systems is refereed to as - CORRECT ANSWER Systemic The calf is _________ to the knee. - CORRECT ANSWER Distal-body is FARTHER from attachment The directional term lateral describes a structure that is: - CORRECT ANSWER further from the midline The little or "pinky" finger is _______to the thumb. - CORRECT ANSWER medial The term sural refers to the: - CORRECT ANSWER Calf Identify the plane that would divide the body into left and right sides. - CORRECT ANSWER Sagittal The vertebral canal and cranial cavity is located within the ______ cavity. - CORRECT ANSWER posterior, dorsal, cavity Identify the two primary cavities within the ventral cavity. - CORRECT ANSWER thoracic and abdominopelvic cavities Emily needs to have her gall bladder removed. Her incision would be in the _________ quadrant of the abdominopelvic cavity - CORRECT ANSWER Upper right Plasma Membrane - CORRECT ANSWER outer surface that regulates entrance and exit of molecules (phospholipid bilayer that said to be semipermeable) because it allows certain molecules but others to enter the cell. nucleus is - CORRECT ANSWER a large, centrally located structure that contains the chromosomes and is the control center cytoplasm - CORRECT ANSWER gelatinous like semi-fluid that is between the nucleus and plasma membrane cytoskeleton - CORRECT ANSWER maintains cell shape and assists movement of cell parts Endoplasmic reticulum - CORRECT ANSWER Transports materials within the cell, provides attachment for ribosomes, and synthesizes Chromatin - CORRECT ANSWER Fiber composed of protein and DNA molecules which contains cellular information for synthesizing proteins chromosomes - CORRECT ANSWER rod-like structures that contains genes Nuclear envelope - CORRECT ANSWER double membrane that covers the nucleus, the most important function is surround and contain DNA Ribosomes - CORRECT ANSWER particles that carry out protein synthesizes Rough ER - CORRECT ANSWER Stubbed with ribosomes, processes proteins Smooth ER - CORRECT ANSWER lacks ribosomes, synthesizes lipid molecules (fat) Golgi Apparatus - CORRECT ANSWER processes, packages, and secretes modified cell products (UPS delivery truck) Lysosomes - CORRECT ANSWER vesicle that digests macromolecules and even cell parts (garbage disposal) Peroxisomes - CORRECT ANSWER detoxify drugs, alcohol and other potential toxins Mitochondria the powerhouse of the cell - CORRECT ANSWER release energy from food molecules and transforms energy into useable form. the energy source also site of ATP What is ATP? - CORRECT ANSWER Adenosine Triphosphate Centrosome - CORRECT ANSWER helps distribute chromosomes to new cells during cell division and initiates formation of cells centrioles are inside that help to divide the cells Cilia and Flagella are: - CORRECT ANSWER projections of cells that propels fluids over cellular surfaces Simple Diffusion - CORRECT ANSWER Movement of atoms or molecules from an area of higher concentration to an area of lower concentration Osmosis - CORRECT ANSWER Diffusion of water across a plasma membrane Occurs when there is an unequal distribution of water on either side of a selectively permeable membrane Tonicity- Isotonic - Hypotonic- Hypertonic- - CORRECT ANSWER -concentration of solute versus the concentration of water -equal concentration of solutes (dissolved substances) and solvent (water) inside and outside cell; cell shape is maintained -higher concentration of water (lower concentration of solutes) outside cell; water moves into cell causing it to swell and eventually lyse - lower concentration of water (higher concentration of solutes) outside cell; water moves out of cell causing it to shrink or crenate Filtration - CORRECT ANSWER is the movement of liquid from high pressure to low pressure Active transport - CORRECT ANSWER Solutes move up their concentration gradient •Requires a protein carrier (often called pumps) •Requires the use of cellular energy Endocytosis - CORRECT ANSWER In _________ the plasma membrane envelopes a substance and forms an intracellular vesicle Exocytosis - CORRECT ANSWER In _______a vesicle fuses with the plasma membrane as secretion occurs Apoptosis - CORRECT ANSWER (cell death) occurs at the RESTRICTION CHECKPOINT if the cell did not complete mitosis and is abnormal The cell cycle consist of: - CORRECT ANSWER Interphase,g1 phrase, S phrase and g2 phrase, and the mitotic stage, which includes mitosis,4 stages, and cytokinesis Mitosis 4 stages: - CORRECT ANSWER Prophase: about to divide Metaphase: chromosomes are lined up Anaphase: the sister chromatids separate Telophase: two distinct and separate daughter nuclei Cytokinesis - CORRECT ANSWER division of the cytoplasm and organelles Gametes - CORRECT ANSWER ,sperm or ova, that results have half the normal number of chromosomes Phagocytosis it happens in Endocytosis - CORRECT ANSWER "cell eating" - cell ingests solid particles Pinocytosis it happens in Endocytosis - CORRECT ANSWER "cell drinking"- cell consumes solutions Osmotic pressure - CORRECT ANSWER - force exerted on a selectively permeable membrane Medial - CORRECT ANSWER Closer to the midline A chemical substance that helps keep the pH from drastically changing is a(an) - CORRECT ANSWER Buffer Ions are formed when an atom gains or loses: - CORRECT ANSWER Electrons Which of the following does NOT describe a water molecule? - CORRECT ANSWER An ionic compound Which of the following is NOT a property of water? - CORRECT ANSWER It can absorb only small quantities of heat without heating up. What type of bond forms between water molecules? - CORRECT ANSWER Hydrogen bond Water will cling to other surfaces due to hydrogen bonds. This property is refereed to as: - CORRECT ANSWER adhesion What type of substances will dissolve in water? - CORRECT ANSWER Polar molecules and ions Lateral position means - CORRECT ANSWER means toward the side, away from midline Bilateral position means - CORRECT ANSWER refers to paired structures, one on each side. (The lungs are bilateral) Ipsilateral position means - CORRECT ANSWER refers to sturcutres on the same side. (the right lung and right kidney are ipsilateral) Contralateral - CORRECT ANSWER refers to structures on the opposite side.(A patient with a fractured right leg would have to bear weight on the contralateral left lower limb) Postiviely charged ions are called Negatively charged ions are called - CORRECT ANSWER Cations Anions Electrolytes are - CORRECT ANSWER substance that release ions in water Acids are - CORRECT ANSWER electrolytes that dissociate to release hydrogen ions in water Bases are - CORRECT ANSWER substances that release ions that can combine with hydrogens ions Salts are - CORRECT ANSWER electrolytes formed by the REACTION between an acid and a base What are the functions of the digestive system? - CORRECT ANSWER Ingest food, breakdown food into small molecules, absorb these nutrient molecules, and elimate nondigestible wastes What are parts of the digestive system? - CORRECT ANSWER Salivary glands, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine What are the accesory organs of the digestive system? - CORRECT ANSWER liver, gallbladder, pancreas and tongue What are the different salivary glands? - CORRECT ANSWER Partoid, Submandibular and Sublingual What is the function of pharynx? - CORRECT ANSWER delivers food to the stomach along with esophagus. Pharynx (Throat) is the common passageway for air, food, and liquid What is the function of esophagus? - CORRECT ANSWER transport the food down What is the function of stomach? - CORRECT ANSWER main function is digestion. It does this by: Storing the food we eat. Breaking down the food into a liquidly mixture called chyme. How long does the food stay in the stomach? - CORRECT ANSWER 4-6 hours What is bolus? - CORRECT ANSWER Food that is chewed and mixed with saliva What is chyme? - CORRECT ANSWER Food broken down and mixed in stomach gastric juices What is peritoneum? - CORRECT ANSWER the mucus membrane covering the abdominal cavity What is peristalsis? - CORRECT ANSWER rhythmic contraction of the smooth muscles of the alimentary canal that push the food forward What is segmentation? - CORRECT ANSWER the turning of the food What are the gastric juices? - CORRECT ANSWER a digestive fluid, formed in the stomach. It is composed of hydrochloric acid, potassium chloride (KCl) sodium chloride (NaCl). What are the layers of the digestive tract? - CORRECT ANSWER Deepest to superfacial: Mucosa Submucosa, Muscularis externa Serosa What is peritonitis? - CORRECT ANSWER inflammation of the peritoneum What is the function of small intestine? - CORRECT ANSWER COMPLETES DIGESTION, absorption the nutrients and movement of undigested food into the large intestines What is the function of large intestine? - CORRECT ANSWER Absords water, salts and some vitamins and indigestive material until eliminated Diverticulosis? - CORRECT ANSWER sac-like pouches in the colon what is the function of the gastrin? - CORRECT ANSWER causes GASTRIC CONTRACTIONS and secretion by gastric glands also makes more gastric juices What is Leptin? - CORRECT ANSWER feeling of fullness What is ghrelin? - CORRECT ANSWER triggers hunger What is the function of the liver? - CORRECT ANSWER Produce Urea Produce bile detoxification storage of of iron and vitmains A,E,D,K Regulated cholesterols regulates blood glucose levels concentrations Makes plasma proteins What is the function of the pancreas? - CORRECT ANSWER Secretes inslin and glucagon hormones and makes pancreatic juices Disorders of the Liver are - CORRECT ANSWER Hepatitis Jaundice-yellowish tint to the white of eyes Cirrhosis- fatty liver What is heartburn? - CORRECT ANSWER when the gastric jucies backflow into the esophagus What is bulimia nervosa? - CORRECT ANSWER binge eating Where is excess bile stored? - CORRECT ANSWER Gallbladder What are the functions of the kidneys? - CORRECT ANSWER Excertion removal of metabloic wastes from the body How do kidneys aid in maintaining blood pressure? - CORRECT ANSWER Kidneys maintain blood pressure through the regulation of the volume of blood in the body What are the different waste products in the urine? - CORRECT ANSWER Urea-produced by the liver stored in the kidneys ammonium creatinine uric acid urochrome What is the function of erthropoietin? - CORRECT ANSWER Production of RBC The liver is the graveyard for RBC What is the function of renin? - CORRECT ANSWER maintains blood pressure, activates angiotensin (produced in the kidneys) This peptide hormone is secreted by the kidneys from specialized cells called granular cells found in the juxtaglomerular apparatus. What is the function of aldosterone? - CORRECT ANSWER promotes the reabsorption of sodium ions and water by the kidneys Differentiate between exceration and defecation? - CORRECT ANSWER Exceration is REMOVAL of metabolic waste and Defecation is ELIMINATION of metabloic waste Name the parts of the nephron? - CORRECT ANSWER renal corpucle, renal tubule, glomerlus, glomerluar capsule Alkalosis is - CORRECT ANSWER above 7.4 Acidosis is... - CORRECT ANSWER below 7.4 Anti-Diuretic means - CORRECT ANSWER No/against urine making Differentiate between meiosis and mitosis - CORRECT ANSWER Mitosis is simple cell division, ending up with two identical cells, each with both pairs of every gene. Meiosis is cell division for gametes (sex cells). This is a two step process, and 4 daugther cells that are different also called reduction division What is zygote? - CORRECT ANSWER when an egg (ovum) and sperm meet Differentiate between oogenesis and ovulation? - CORRECT ANSWER Oogenesis is the creation/production of an ovum (egg). Ovulation is the release of an ovum (egg) during menstruation What is spermatogenesis? - CORRECT ANSWER spermatogenesis is the process of sperm maturation FSH promotes and occurs in the seminiferous tubules Intertital cells secrete (make) what? - CORRECT ANSWER Testosterone Seminal vesicle produce? - CORRECT ANSWER semen Cells in the in the seminiferous tubules are: Germ cells produce: Sertoli sustentacular cells produce: - CORRECT ANSWER sperm supporting and nourishment Parts of the sperm - CORRECT ANSWER Head- contain nucleus and cap like structure call acrosome stores enzymes needed to penetrate the ovum (egg) Middle piece-contains mitochondria and provides energy Tail-movement Where does fertilization take place? - CORRECT ANSWER takes place in the fallopian tubes Where does the embryo develop? - CORRECT ANSWER In the Uterus ANH hormone is produced by the... and it does what.... - CORRECT ANSWER heart inhibits renin and aldosterone When blood volume is too high the heart secretes artial natriuretic horomone) ADH hormone is produced by the.. and it does what..... - CORRECT ANSWER A relatively small peptide molecule that is released by the pituitary gland at the base of the brain after being made nearby in the hypothalamus. ADH has an antidiuretic action that prevents the production of dilute urine and so is antidiuretic retains water and salt (Na+) Identify the salivary gland that is located just anterior and inferior to the ears - CORRECT ANSWER Parotid Salvia contains the enzyme - CORRECT ANSWER amylase Identify the function of amylase - CORRECT ANSWER aids in the digestion of carbohydrates Which of the following is NOT a function of saliva? a) moistens food b) kills bacteria c) removes microbes d) begins digestion of protein - CORRECT ANSWER D Identify the two primary components of saliva? - CORRECT ANSWER mucous and water Which part of the pharynx is not part of the passageway for food? - CORRECT ANSWER Nasopharynx Identify stomach secretions - CORRECT ANSWER HCI, gastrin, intrinsic factor and pepinogen Identify the stomach secretion that activates pepsin, destroys bacteria and breaks down connective tissue ingested - CORRECT ANSWER HCI Identify the stomach secretion that binds to vitamin B12 and thus prevents the destruction of vitamin b12 - CORRECT ANSWER Intrinic factor cells Identify the HOROMONE secreted by the stomach that controls muscular contraction and secretions of the stomach - CORRECT ANSWER Gastrin Identify the structure that secretes cholecystokinin (CCK) - CORRECT ANSWER small intestine CCK also causes enzyme release from the pancreas Where do the pancreatic enzymes function? - CORRECT ANSWER duodenum and small intestine List the sections of the large intestine in correct order: - CORRECT ANSWER cecum, colon, rectum and anal canal The acidic chyme of the stomach is neutralized in the small intestine by __________ that produced by the ___________. - CORRECT ANSWER sodium bicarbonate; pancreas Identify the three hormones secreted by the small intestine - CORRECT ANSWER CCK, GIP, and secretin The appendix is attached to the - CORRECT ANSWER cecum The large intestine functions to - CORRECT ANSWER absorb water and electrolytes Haustra, pouch like structures, are associated with the - CORRECT ANSWER large intestine Identify the pancreatic secretion that is important for neutralizing the acidic chyme from the stomach - CORRECT ANSWER bicarbonate Both pepsin and trypsin primarily produce products called - CORRECT ANSWER peptides Carbohydrates (starches) are chemically broken down in the - CORRECT ANSWER mouth and small intestine Identify the locations of protein digestion - CORRECT ANSWER stomach and small intestine The final product of protein digestion is - CORRECT ANSWER amino acids Periodontitis is - CORRECT ANSWER loss of bone and loosening of the teeth The final product of meiosis? - CORRECT ANSWER 4 haploid daugther cells that are different 23 chromosomes Where does spermatogenesis occur? - CORRECT ANSWER seminiferous tubles Which hormone STIMULATES spermatogenesis? - CORRECT ANSWER Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) Identify the cells that produce testosterone - CORRECT ANSWER interstitial cells Identify cells that provide nourishment and support to developing sperm cells. - CORRECT ANSWER sustentacular cells How many sperm are formed from one primary spermatocyte? - CORRECT ANSWER 4 Place the types of sperm cells in order from most immature to most mature - CORRECT ANSWER Spermatogonium, primary spermocyte, secondary spermatocyte and spermaid The haploid (n) number of chromosomes inhuman cells is - CORRECT ANSWER 23 A cell with 46 chromosomes undergoes mitosis. The result is 2 cells, each with: - CORRECT ANSWER 46 chromosomes that are generally identical Cells within the seminiferous tubles include: - CORRECT ANSWER germ cells, sperm, and sustentacular cells ,supporting and nourishment, Where do sperm mature? - CORRECT ANSWER epididymides What structure transports sperm from the testes to the addominal cavity? - CORRECT ANSWER vas deferens Sperm is most viable in a ______ solution - CORRECT ANSWER slightly basic Which male gland produces a secretion that is think, milky and alkaline? - CORRECT ANSWER prostate Which hormone stimulates testosterone production? - CORRECT ANSWER luteinizing hormone LH The penis consists of three columns of erectile tissue: two _______ and one ______. - CORRECT ANSWER corpora cavernosa; corpus spongiosum The ejaculatory ducts pass through the ______ and join the _____. - CORRECT ANSWER protstate gland; urethra The ovaries produce: - CORRECT ANSWER estrogen, progesterone and ova The formation of an ovum through the process of meiosis is called - CORRECT ANSWER oogenesis. How many viable cells are produced by oogenesis? - CORRECT ANSWER 4 Identify the structures that usually disintegrate during oogenesis. - CORRECT ANSWER polar bodies Identify the hormone that stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone LH . - CORRECT ANSWER GnRH Place the stages of follicular development in chronological order. - CORRECT ANSWER Primary oocyte - secondary oocyte - vesicular Graafian follicle The function of fimbriae is to help - CORRECT ANSWER move the secondary oocyte into the fallopian tube. The female external genital organs are collectively called the: - CORRECT ANSWER vulva The birth canal is the _____. - CORRECT ANSWER vagina The structure of the female that is homologous to the penis in males is the ______. - CORRECT ANSWER clitoris Identify the hormone that stimulates ovulation. - CORRECT ANSWER LH What structure is formed in the ovary from the follicle of an ovulated ovum? - CORRECT ANSWER corpus luteum Identify the hormone(s) that is/are secreted by the corpus luteum. - CORRECT ANSWER Both progesterone and estrogen Estrogen is responsible for the - CORRECT ANSWER thickening of the endometrium Follicle stimulating hormone FSH is secreted by the: - CORRECT ANSWER anterior pituitary gland Which of the following does not describe events of the follicular phase of the ovarian cycle? - CORRECT ANSWER Estrogen causes a large decrease in LH secretion. What occurs in the uterus during the ovarian follicular phase? - CORRECT ANSWER menstruation thickening of the endometrium. uterine proliferative phase The third phase of the uterine cycle is the ______ phase. - CORRECT ANSWER secretory The longest part of the ovarian cycle occurs after ovulation and is called the _____ phase. - CORRECT ANSWER luteal Place the events of the ovarian cycle in chronological order - CORRECT ANSWER Follicular phase - ovulation - luteal phase Place the events of the uterine cycle in chronological order. - CORRECT ANSWER Menstruation - proliferative phase - secretory phase Which hormone is produced in higher amounts during the ovarian luteal phase? - CORRECT ANSWER progesterone Menstruation and the proliferative phase of the uterine cycle correspond to what event(s) of the ovarian cycle. - CORRECT ANSWER Follicular phase When is the level of estrogen the highest? - CORRECT ANSWER When the follicle is largest. The flow of blood and tissues passing out of the vagina during the woman's period is called _______ . - CORRECT ANSWER mensus Which of the following is NOT an ovarian cycle phase? A) follicular b) ovulation c) luteal d) menstuation - CORRECT ANSWER D) menstuation Which of the following is NOT a uterine cycle phase? - CORRECT ANSWER ovulation The first milk that is produced following delivery is called _____. - CORRECT ANSWER colostrum The production of milk requires the hormone _____ and the "let down" of milk requires the hormone ______. - CORRECT ANSWER prolactin; oxytocin Of the natural methods of contraception, which one is most effective? - CORRECT ANSWER abstinence the presence of uterine tissue outside the uterus is called - CORRECT ANSWER endometriosis. Which of the following is an STD caused by a virus? - CORRECT ANSWER genital warts What is caused by Papilloma viruses in humans? - CORRECT ANSWER genital warts Which bacterial STD has three distinct stages? - CORRECT ANSWER syphills What is bulbourethral glands? (cowper glands) - CORRECT ANSWER Internal accessory organs it secrete a mucus-like fluid that lubricates the ends of the penis Urea is made in the _____ and removed from the body via the ____________ - CORRECT ANSWER liver; kidneys When blood supply to the kidneys drops, the kidneys will release - CORRECT ANSWER Renin When the oxygen content of the blood decreases, the kidneys will release - CORRECT ANSWER erythropoietin Aldosterone stimulates the kidneys to - CORRECT ANSWER reabsorption of sodium ions and water Which of the following is not a region of the kidney? A) medulla B) cortex C) lobule D) pelvis - CORRECT ANSWER C Where in the kidney are the glomeruli located? - CORRECT ANSWER cortex Where does filtration based on blood pressure occur? - CORRECT ANSWER glomerulus Glomerular filtration occurs between the _____ and the ______. - CORRECT ANSWER glomerulus and the glomerular capsule The process of returning water, nutrients, and salt to the blood from the filtrate in the tubules is - CORRECT ANSWER tubular reabsorption. Where does tubular reabsorption primarily occur? - CORRECT ANSWER proximal convoluted tubule Identify the mechanisms of water intake. - CORRECT ANSWER Fluid ingested, food ingested and metabolic processes The reabsorption of water from the Loop of Henle depends on the movement of ______ out of the tubule. - CORRECT ANSWER sodium chloride Identify the mechanisms of water output. - CORRECT ANSWER Exhaled air, sweat, urine and feces What molecule adds to the increased solute concentration in the lowest part of the renal medulla? - CORRECT ANSWER urea Where does tubular secretion primarily occur? - CORRECT ANSWER distal convoluted tubule To increase the reabsorption of water, which parts of the kidney tubules are involved? - CORRECT ANSWER Loop of Henle and collecting duct The best indicator of blood osmolarity is the blood concentration of ______ ions. - CORRECT ANSWER sodium Atrial natriuretic hormone (ANH) will promote a(n) _______ in the excretion of sodium and water; thus ______ blood volume and blood pressure. - CORRECT ANSWER Increase; decrease The presence of ADH will cause - CORRECT ANSWER decreased urine production. What controls the reabsorption of salt and water in the distal convoluted tubule? - CORRECT ANSWER hormones Which structure monitors blood volume and monitors the osmolarity of the blood? - CORRECT ANSWER juxtaglomerular apparatus Where is the juxtaglomerular apparatus located? - CORRECT ANSWER Between the afferent arteriole and the distal convoluted tubule. The most important blood buffer is - CORRECT ANSWER bicarbonate and water. Infection of the kidney is called _________ . - CORRECT ANSWER pyelonephritis What is the function of human chorionic gonadotropic hormone? - CORRECT ANSWER maintains the corpus luteum. Infection of the urinary bladder is - CORRECT ANSWER cystitis. Where is urea produced? - CORRECT ANSWER liver and stored in the kidneys Identify components of pancreatic juice. - CORRECT ANSWER amylase, lipase, sodium bicarbonate and trypsin Which of the following is NOT a function of the liver? A) Detoxification of the blood. B) Bile secretion. C) Digestive enzyme production. D) Storage of glucose as glycogen. - CORRECT ANSWER C) Digestive enzyme production. The formation of an ovum through the process of meiosis is called - CORRECT ANSWER oogenesis. The function of fimbriae is to help - CORRECT ANSWER move the secondary oocyte into the fallopian tube. Identify the hormone that stimulates the release of luteinizing hormone. - CORRECT ANSWER GnRH 0º Celsius = ____ Fahrenheit (freezing point of water) - CORRECT ANSWER 32º Fahrenheit 100º Celsius = ____ Fahrenheit (the boiling point of water) - CORRECT ANSWER 212º Farenheit 1 kilometer = ____ meters - CORRECT ANSWER 1,000 meters 1 meter = ____ centimeters - CORRECT ANSWER 100 centimeters 1 centimeter = ___ millimeters - CORRECT ANSWER 10 millimeters 2.54 centimers = ___ inch - CORRECT ANSWER 1 inch 1 mile = ___ yards - CORRECT ANSWER 1,760 yards 1 mile = ____ feet - CORRECT ANSWER 5,280 feet 1 yard = ____ feet - CORRECT ANSWER 3 feet 1 foot = ____ inches - CORRECT ANSWER 12 inches 1 liter = ____ milliliters - CORRECT ANSWER 1,000 milliliters 1 milliliter = _____ cubic centimeter - CORRECT ANSWER 1 cubic centimeter 1 gallon = ____ quarts - CORRECT ANSWER 4 quarts 1 gallon = _____ ounces - CORRECT ANSWER 128 ounces 1 quart = ___ pints - CORRECT ANSWER 2 pints 1 pint = ____ cups - CORRECT ANSWER 2 cups 1 cup = _____ ounces - CORRECT ANSWER 8 ounces 1 ounce = ____ milliliters (cubic centimeters) - CORRECT ANSWER 30 milliliters 1 kilogram = ____ grams - CORRECT ANSWER 1,000 grams 1 gram = ____ milligrams - CORRECT ANSWER 1,000 milligrams 1 ton = ____ pounds - CORRECT ANSWER 2,000 pounds 1 pound = ____ ounces - CORRECT ANSWER 16 ounces 2.2 pounds = ____ kilogram - CORRECT ANSWER 1 kilogram Connotation - CORRECT ANSWER the emotions or feelings that the reader attaches to words Inference - CORRECT ANSWER an educated guess or conclusion drawn by the reader based on the available facts and information Abrupt - CORRECT ANSWER Sudden Abstain - CORRECT ANSWER To voluntarily refrain from something Access - CORRECT ANSWER A means to obtain entry or a means of approach Accountable - CORRECT ANSWER Responsible Adhere - CORRECT ANSWER To hold fast or stick together Adverse - CORRECT ANSWER Undesired, possibly harmful Affect - CORRECT ANSWER Appearance of observable emotions Annual - CORRECT ANSWER Occurring every year Apply - CORRECT ANSWER To place, put on, or spread something Audible - CORRECT ANSWER Able to be heard Bilateral - CORRECT ANSWER Present on two sides Cardiac - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the heart Cast - CORRECT ANSWER Hard protective device applied to protect a broken bone while the bone heals Cavity - CORRECT ANSWER An opening or an empty area Cease - CORRECT ANSWER Come to an end or bring to an end Compensatory - CORRECT ANSWER Offsetting or making up for something Complication - CORRECT ANSWER An undesired problem that is the result of some other event Comply - CORRECT ANSWER Do as directed Concave - CORRECT ANSWER Rounded inward Concise - CORRECT ANSWER Brief, to the point Consistency - CORRECT ANSWER Degree of viscosity; how thick or thin a fluid is Constrict - CORRECT ANSWER To draw together or become smaller Contingent - CORRECT ANSWER Dependent Contour - CORRECT ANSWER Shape or outline of a shape Contract - CORRECT ANSWER To draw together, to reduce in size Contraindication - CORRECT ANSWER A reason why something is not advisable or why it should not be done Defecate - CORRECT ANSWER Expel feces Deficit - CORRECT ANSWER A deficiency or lack of something Depress - CORRECT ANSWER Press downward Depth - CORRECT ANSWER Downward measurement from a surface Deteriorating - CORRECT ANSWER Worsening Device - CORRECT ANSWER Tool or piece of equipment Diagnosis - CORRECT ANSWER Identification of an injury or disease Diameter - CORRECT ANSWER The distance across the center of an object Dilate - CORRECT ANSWER To enlarge or expand Dilute - CORRECT ANSWER To make a liquid less concentrated Discrete - CORRECT ANSWER Distinct, separate Distended - CORRECT ANSWER Enlarged or expanded from pressure Dysfunction - CORRECT ANSWER Impaired or abnormal functioning Elevate - CORRECT ANSWER To lift or place in a higher position Endogenous - CORRECT ANSWER Produced within the body Exacerbate - CORRECT ANSWER To make worse or more severe Excess - CORRECT ANSWER More than what is needed or usual Exogenous - CORRECT ANSWER Produced outside the body Expand - CORRECT ANSWER To increase in size or amount Exposure - CORRECT ANSWER Contact External - CORRECT ANSWER Located outside the body Fatal - CORRECT ANSWER Resulting in death Fatigue - CORRECT ANSWER Extreme tiredness, exhaustion Flaccid - CORRECT ANSWER Limp, lacking tone Flushed - CORRECT ANSWER Reddened or ruddy appearance Gaping - CORRECT ANSWER Wide open Gastrointestinal - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the stomach and the intestine Gender - CORRECT ANSWER Sex of an individual, as in male or female Hematologic - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to blood Hydration - CORRECT ANSWER Maintenance of body fluid balance Hygiene - CORRECT ANSWER Measures contributing to cleanliness and good health Impaired - CORRECT ANSWER Diminished or lacking some usual quality or level Impending - CORRECT ANSWER Likely to occur soon Incidence - CORRECT ANSWER Occurrence Infection - CORRECT ANSWER Contamination or invasion of body tissue by pathogenic organisms Inflamed - CORRECT ANSWER Reddened, swollen, warm, and often tender Ingest - CORRECT ANSWER To swallow for digestion Initiate - CORRECT ANSWER To begin or put into practice Insidious - CORRECT ANSWER So gradual as to not become apparent for a long time Intact - CORRECT ANSWER In place, unharmed Internal - CORRECT ANSWER Located within the body Invasive - CORRECT ANSWER Inserting or entering into body part Labile - CORRECT ANSWER Changing rapidly and often Laceration - CORRECT ANSWER Cut; tear Latent - CORRECT ANSWER Present but not active or visible Lethargic - CORRECT ANSWER Difficult to arouse Manifestation - CORRECT ANSWER An indication or sign of a condition Musculoskeletal - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to muscle and skeleton Neurologic - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the nervous system Neurovascular - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the nervous system and blood vessels Nutrient - CORRECT ANSWER Substance or ingredient that provides nourishment Occluded - CORRECT ANSWER Closed or obstructed Ominous - CORRECT ANSWER Significantly important and dangerous Ongoing - CORRECT ANSWER Continuous Oral - CORRECT ANSWER Given through or affecting the mouth Overt - CORRECT ANSWER Obvious, easily observed Parameter - CORRECT ANSWER A characteristic or constant factor, limit Paroxysmal - CORRECT ANSWER Beginning suddenly or abruptly; convulsive Patent - CORRECT ANSWER Open Pathogenic - CORRECT ANSWER Causing or able to cause disease Posterior - CORRECT ANSWER Located behind; in the back Potent - CORRECT ANSWER Producing a strong effect Potential - CORRECT ANSWER Capable of occurring or likely to occur Precaution - CORRECT ANSWER Preventive measure Precipitous - CORRECT ANSWER Rapid, uncontrolled Predispose - CORRECT ANSWER To make more susceptible or more likely to occur Preexisting - CORRECT ANSWER Already present Primary - CORRECT ANSWER First or most significant Priority - CORRECT ANSWER Of great significant Prognosis - CORRECT ANSWER The anticipated or expected course or outcome Rationale - CORRECT ANSWER The underlying reason Recur - CORRECT ANSWER To occur again Renal - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the kidneys Respiration - CORRECT ANSWER Inhalation and exhalation of air Restrict - CORRECT ANSWER To limit Retain - CORRECT ANSWER To hold or keep Site - CORRECT ANSWER Location Status - CORRECT ANSWER Condition Strict - CORRECT ANSWER Stringent, exact, complete Sublingual - CORRECT ANSWER Under the tongue Supplement - CORRECT ANSWER To take in addition to or to complete Suppress - CORRECT ANSWER To stop or subdue Symmetric (symmetrical) - CORRECT ANSWER Being equal or the same in size, shape, and relative position Symptom - CORRECT ANSWER An indication of a problem Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Group of symptoms that, when occurring together, reflect a specific disease or disorder Therapeutic - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the treatment of a disease or a disorder Transdermal - CORRECT ANSWER Crossing through the skin Transmission - CORRECT ANSWER Transfer, such as of a disease, from one person to another Trauma - CORRECT ANSWER Injury, wound Triage - CORRECT ANSWER process used to determine the priority of treatment for patients according to the severity of a patient's condition and likelihood of benefit from the treatment Untoward - CORRECT ANSWER Adverse or negative Urinate - CORRECT ANSWER Excrete or expel urine Vascular - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to blood vessels Verbal - CORRECT ANSWER Spoken, using words Virus - CORRECT ANSWER Microscopic infectious agent capable of replicating only in living cells, usually causing infectious disease Vital - CORRECT ANSWER Essential Void - CORRECT ANSWER Excrete, or expel urine Volume - CORRECT ANSWER Amount of space occupied by a fluid Noun - CORRECT ANSWER Word or group of words that names a person, place, thing, or idea Common Noun - CORRECT ANSWER The general, not the particular, name of a person, place, or thing (e.g., nurse, hospital, syringe) Proper Noun - CORRECT ANSWER Official name of a person, place, or thing(e.g., Fred, Paris, Washington University) Abstract Noun - CORRECT ANSWER Name of a quality or general idea (e.g., persistence, democracy) Collective Noun - CORRECT ANSWER Noun that represents a group of persons, animals, or things (e.g., family, flock, furniture) Pronoun - CORRECT ANSWER A word that takes place of a noun, another pronoun, or a group of words acting as a noun Antecedent - CORRECT ANSWER The word r group of words to which a pronoun refers Personal Pronoun - CORRECT ANSWER Refers to a specific person, place, thing, or idea by indicating the person speaking (First person), the person or people spoken to (second person), or any other person, place, thing or idea being talked about (third person) Possessive Pronoun - CORRECT ANSWER A form of personal pronoun that shows possession or ownership Adjective - CORRECT ANSWER Word, phrase, or clause that modifies a noun (the biology book) or pronoun (He is nice) Particle - CORRECT ANSWER A type of verb form that functions as an adjective Verb - CORRECT ANSWER Word or phrase that is used to express an action or a state of being (Past - worked, present - works, future - will work) Linking verbs - CORRECT ANSWER They link or join the subject of the sentence to a noun, pronoun, or predicate adjective (e.g., That exam looks difficult) Adverb - CORRECT ANSWER A word, phrase, or clause that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb Preposition - CORRECT ANSWER A word that shows the relationship of a noun or pronoun to some other word in the sentence Conjunction - CORRECT ANSWER A word that joins words, phrases, or clauses Interjection - CORRECT ANSWER A word or phrase that expresses emotion or exclamation (e.g., Yikes, Whew) Clause - CORRECT ANSWER Group of words that has a subject and a predicate Independent Clause - CORRECT ANSWER Expresses a complete though and can stand alone as a sentence (e.g., The professor distributed the examinations... as soon as the students were seated) Dependent Clause - CORRECT ANSWER Begins with a subordinating conjunction (Box 4-2) and does not express a complete thought and therefore cannot stand along as a sentence (e.g., As soon as the students were seated) Direct object - CORRECT ANSWER The person or thing that is directly affected by the action of the verb (e.g., the professor answers whom the students watched) Indirect object - CORRECT ANSWER The person or thing that is indirectly affected by the action of the verb (e.g., His class is the indirect object. It comes between the verb [gave] and the direct object [test results] and it answers the question to whom) Phrase - CORRECT ANSWER A group of two or more words that acts as a single part of speech in a sentence Predicate - CORRECT ANSWER The part of the sentence that tells what the subject does or what is done to the subject Predicate Adjective - CORRECT ANSWER Follows a linking verb and helps to explain the subject (e.g., My professors are wonderful) Predicate Nominative - CORRECT ANSWER A noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and helps to explain or rename the subject (Professors are teachers) Sentence - CORRECT ANSWER A group of words that expresses a complete though Declarative - CORRECT ANSWER A declarative sentence makes a statement (example: I went to the store) Interrogative - CORRECT ANSWER An interrogative sentence asks a question (example: Did you go to the store?) Imperative - CORRECT ANSWER An imperative sentence makes a command or request (example: Go to the store) Exclamatory - CORRECT ANSWER An exclamatory sentence makes an exclamation (example: You went to the store!) Compound Sentence - CORRECT ANSWER Sentence that has two or more independent clauses (example: The professor thought the test was too easy, but the students thought it was too hard) Run-on sentence - CORRECT ANSWER When two or more complete sentences are written as though they were one sentence (example: The professor thought the test was too easy the students thought it was too hard) Cliche - CORRECT ANSWER Expressions or ideas that have lost their originality or impact over time because of excessive use Euphemism - CORRECT ANSWER A mild, indirect, or vague term that has been substituted for one that is considered harsh, blunt, or offensive Sexist Language - CORRECT ANSWER Refers to spoken or written styles that do not satisfactorily reflect the presence of women in our society Affect versus Effect - CORRECT ANSWER Affect: Used as a verb that means "to influence or to change" (example: the chemotherapy affected [changed] my daily routine) Effect: May be used as a noun or a verb As a noun, it means "result or outcome" (example: The chemotherapy had a strange effect [result] on me). As a verb, it means "to bring about or accomplish" (As a result of the chemotherapy, I was able to effect [bring about] a number of changes in my life) Among versus Between - CORRECT ANSWER Among: To show a relationship involving more than two persons or things being considered as a group (The professor will distribute the textbook s among the students in his class) Between: To show a relationship involving two persons or things (I sit between Holly and Jo in class) Amount versus Number - CORRECT ANSWER Amount: Used when referring to things in bulk (The nurse has a huge amount of paperwork) Number: Used when referring to individual countable units (The nurse had a number of charts to complete) Good versus Well - CORRECT ANSWER Good: An adjective. Use good before nouns (He did a good job) and after linking verbs (She smells good) to modify the subject Well: Usually an adverb. When modifying a verb, use the adverb well (She plays softball well). Well is used as an adjective only when describing someone's health (She is getting well) Bad versus Badly - CORRECT ANSWER Bad: Use bad an an adjective before nouns (He is a bad teacher) and after linking verbs (That smells bad) to modify the subject Badly: Use badly as an adverb to modify an action verb (The student behaved badly in class) Bring versus Take - CORRECT ANSWER Bring: conveys action toward the speaker - to carry from a distant place to a near place (Please bring your textbooks to class) Take: Conveys action away from the speaker - to carry from a near place to a distant place (Please take your textbooks home) Can versus May (Could versus Might) - CORRECT ANSWER Can/Could: Can and could imply ability or power (I can make an A in that class) May/Might: May and might imply permission (You may leave early or I may leave early) Farther versus Further - CORRECT ANSWER Farther: Refers to a measurable distance (The walk to class is much farther than I expected) Further: Refers to a figurative distance and means "to a greater degree" or "to a greater extent" (i will have to study further to make better grades). Also means "moreover" (Further/Furthermore, let me tell you something) and "in addition to" (The student had nothing further to say) Fewer versus Less - CORRECT ANSWER Fewer: Refers to number - things that can be counted or numbered - and used with plural nouns (The professor has fewer students in his morning class than he has in his afternoon class) Less: Refers to degree or amount - things in bulk or in the abstract - and is used with singular nouns (Fewer patients mean less work for the staff). Less is also used when referring to numeric or statistical terms (It's less than 2 miles to school. he scored less than 90 on the test) Hear versus Here - CORRECT ANSWER Hear: a verb meaning "to recognize sound by means of the ear" (Can you hear me now?) Here: most commonly used as an adverb meaning "at or in this place" (The test will be here tomorrow) i.e. versus e.g. - CORRECT ANSWER i.e.: that is - specifies or explains e.g.: for example Learn versus teach - CORRECT ANSWER Learn: to receive or acquire knowledge Teach: To give or impart knowledge Lie versus Lay - CORRECT ANSWER Lie: to recline or rest Lay: to put or place Which versus That - CORRECT ANSWER Which: Used to introduce nonessential clauses (example: the hospital, which flooded last July, is down the street) That: Used to introduce essential clauses (example: the hospital that flooded last July is down the street; the other hospital is across town) Who versus Whom - CORRECT ANSWER Who and Whom: serve as interrogative pronouns and relative pronouns Who: Who passed the chemistry test (He/she/they/I) passed the chemistry test Whom: To whom did the professor give the test? he gave the test to him/her/them/me/us example: Who is getting an A in this class? [interrogative] Susan is the one who is getting an A in this class [relative] To whom shall I give the textbook? [interrogative] Susan, whom the professor favors, is very bright [relative] Anatomic position - CORRECT ANSWER The body is erect, the feet are slightly apart, the head is held high, and the palms of the hands are facing forward Superior - CORRECT ANSWER Above Inferior - CORRECT ANSWER Below Anterior - CORRECT ANSWER Facing forward Posterior - CORRECT ANSWER Toward the back Medial - CORRECT ANSWER Toward the midline Lateral - CORRECT ANSWER Away from the midline or toward the sides Proximal - CORRECT ANSWER Closer tot he point of attachment Distal - CORRECT ANSWER Away from the point of attachment Histology - CORRECT ANSWER Study of tissues Neuroglia - CORRECT ANSWER Nerve tissue is composed of neurons and connective tissue cells Cell - CORRECT ANSWER The basic unit of life and the building block of tissues and organs Voluntary muscle - CORRECT ANSWER Skeletal muscles Involuntary muscle - CORRECT ANSWER Smooth muscle and cardiac muscle tissue Epithelial tissue - CORRECT ANSWER Connective tissue - CORRECT ANSWER Muscle tissue - CORRECT ANSWER Nervous tissue - CORRECT ANSWER Transverse plane - CORRECT ANSWER Divides top and bottom of the body Sagittal plane - CORRECT ANSWER Divides right and left of the body Frontal plane - CORRECT ANSWER Divides front and back of the body Mitosis - CORRECT ANSWER Necessary for growth and repaid - DNA is duplicated and distributed evenly to two daughter cells Meiosis - CORRECT ANSWER Special cell division that takes place in the gonads (ovaries and testes - chromosome number reduced from 46 to 23 Skin - CORRECT ANSWER Largest organ of the body Epidermis - CORRECT ANSWER Outermost protective layer of dead keratinized epithelial cells Dermis - CORRECT ANSWER Underlying layer of connective tissue with blood vessels, nerve endings, and the associated skin structures Layers of epidermis - CORRECT ANSWER Outer to inner 1. stratum corneum 2. stratum lucidum 3. stratum granulosum 4. stratum germinativum (includes stratum basal and stratum spinosum), where mitosis occurs Melanin - CORRECT ANSWER Epidermal cells contain the protein pigment, protecting against radiation from the sun Inner layer of the skin dermis contains what? - CORRECT ANSWER Fibrous connective tissue with blood vessels, sensory nerve endings, hair follicles and glands What does the dermis rest on? - CORRECT ANSWER The subcutaneous tissue that connects the skin to the superficial muscles Two types of sweat glands - CORRECT ANSWER Eccrine & sebaceous Eccrine - CORRECT ANSWER Most widely distributed sweat glands regulate body temperature by releasing a watery secretion that evaporates from the surface of the skin Sebaceous - CORRECT ANSWER Mainly in the armpits & groin area, display apocrine secretion. this secretion contains bits of cytoplasm from the secreting cells. this cell debris attacks attacks bacteria and the presence of the bacteria on the skin results in body odor. The sebaceous glands release an oily secretion (sebum) through the hair follicles that lubricates the skin and prevents drying These glands are susceptible to what? - CORRECT ANSWER To becoming clogged and attracting bacteria, particularly during adolescence The appendages of the skin include what? - CORRECT ANSWER Hair and nails What do the hair and nails contain? - CORRECT ANSWER Keratin The body framework consists of? - CORRECT ANSWER Bone, cartilage, ligaments, and joints Functions of the skeletal system: - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Support 2. Movement 3. Blood cell formation (hemopoiesis) 4. Protection of internal organs 5. Detoxification (removal of poisons) 6. Provision for muscle attachment 7. Mineral storage (particularly calcium and phosphorus) What type of bone shapes are there? - CORRECT ANSWER Long bones, short bones, flat bones, irregular bones, and sesamoid bones Long bones - CORRECT ANSWER Has an irregular epiphysis at each end, composed mainly of spongy (cancellous bone), and a shaft or diaphysis, composed mainly of compact bone Osteoblasts - CORRECT ANSWER Cells that form compact bone; when they become fixed in the dense bone matrix, they stop dividing but continue to maintain bone tissue as osteocytes Axial skeleton has how many bones in the skull? - CORRECT ANSWER 28 bones of the skull - 14 facial & 14 bones of the cranium What are the facial bones? - CORRECT ANSWER 2 nasal bones 2 maxillary bones 2 zygomatic bones 1 mandible 2 palatine bones 1 vomer 2 lacrimal bones 2 inferior nasal conchae What is the only moveable bone of the skull? - CORRECT ANSWER The mandible What are the bones of the cranium? - CORRECT ANSWER 1 occipital 1 frontal 1 ethmoid 1 sphenoid 2 parietal 2 temporal Ossicles of the ear: malleus, incus, stapes) How many bones are in the axial skeleton? - CORRECT ANSWER 33 bones of the vertebral column How many cervical vertebrae are there? - CORRECT ANSWER 7 How many thoracic vertebrae are there? - CORRECT ANSWER 12 How many lumbar vertebrae are there? - CORRECT ANSWER 5 How many sacral vertebrae (fused to form the sacrum) are there? - CORRECT ANSWER 5 Coccygeal vertebrae - CORRECT ANSWER Tailbone Remaining axial skeleton - CORRECT ANSWER Bones of the thorax, the sternum, and the 12 pairs of ribs What is in the appendicular skeleton? - CORRECT ANSWER Girdles and limbs What is in the upper appendicular skeleton? - CORRECT ANSWER Pectoral or shoulder girdle, clavicle, scapula and upper extremity Bones of the arm - CORRECT ANSWER Humerus, radius, ulna, the carpals (wrist bones), metacarpals (bones of the hand), and the phalanges (bones of the fingers) What is in the lower appendicular skeleton? - CORRECT ANSWER Pelvic girdle or os coxae What does the os coaxe consist of? - CORRECT ANSWER Fused ilium, ischium and pubic Bones of the lower extremity - CORRECT ANSWER Femur (thigh bone), the tibia, fibula, tarsals (ankle bones), metatarsals (bones of the foot), and the phalanges Muscle contraction results from? - CORRECT ANSWER The sliding together of actin and myosin filaments within the muscle or fiber Each muscle consists of? - CORRECT ANSWER myofibrils Myofibrils are made up of? - CORRECT ANSWER Sacromeres What must be present for muscle cell contraction? - CORRECT ANSWER Calcium and ATP Voluntary muscles - CORRECT ANSWER Under conscious control Involuntary muscles - CORRECT ANSWER Not under conscious control Prime mover - CORRECT ANSWER Muscle that executes a given movement Antagonist - CORRECT ANSWER Muscle that produces the opposite movement Synergists - CORRECT ANSWER Muscles that may work in cooperation with the prime mover Flexors - CORRECT ANSWER Reduce the angle at the joint Extensors - CORRECT ANSWER Increase the angle at the joint Abductors - CORRECT ANSWER Draw a limb away from the midline Adductors - CORRECT ANSWER Return the limb back toward the body What does the nervous system consist of? - CORRECT ANSWER Brain, spinal cord and nerves What do all actions of the nervous system depend on? - CORRECT ANSWER The transmission of nerve impulses over neurons, or nerve cells What are the functional units of the nervous system? - CORRECT ANSWER Neurons or nerve cells Main parts of the neuron - CORRECT ANSWER Cell body, axon and dendrites Dendrites - CORRECT ANSWER Transmit the impulse toward the cell body Axons - CORRECT ANSWER Transmit the impulse away from the cell body Nervous system may be divided structurally into: - CORRECT ANSWER Central nervous system (CNS) & peripheral nervous system (PNS) The PNS consists of? - CORRECT ANSWER All the nerves that transmit information to and from the CNS Sensory (afferent) neurons - CORRECT ANSWER Transmit nerve impulses toward the CNS Motor (efferent) neurons - CORRECT ANSWER Transmit nerve impulses away from the CNS toward the effector organs such as muscles, glands, and digestive organs Major parts of the brain - CORRECT ANSWER Cerebrum, cerebellum and the medulla oblongata Cerebrum - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with movement and sensory input Cerebellum - CORRECT ANSWER Responsible for muscular coordination Medulla oblongata - CORRECT ANSWER Controls many vital functions such as respiration and heart rate The spinal cord is how many inches long? - CORRECT ANSWER 18 inches Where does the spinal cord extends from? - CORRECT ANSWER Base of the skull (foramen magnum) to the first or second lumbar vertebra (L1 or L2) How many pairs of spinal nerves exit the spinal cord? - CORRECT ANSWER 31 Simple (spinal) reflexes - CORRECT ANSWER Those in which nerve impulses travel through the spinal cord only and do not reach the brain Endocrine System - CORRECT ANSWER Assists the nervous system in homeostasis and plays important roles in growth and sexual maturation Where do these two systems meet? - CORRECT ANSWER Hypothalamus & pituitary gland Hypothalamus - CORRECT ANSWER Governs the pituitary and is in turn controlled by the feedback of hormones in the blood Which has more long-lasting and wide-spread effects in the coordination and control of the body: nervous or endocrine system? - CORRECT ANSWER Endocrine Hormones - CORRECT ANSWER Chemical messengers that control the growth, differentiation, and metabolism of specific target cells Two major groups of hormones - CORRECT ANSWER Steroid and nonsteroid Steroid hormones - CORRECT ANSWER Enter the target cells and have a direct effect on the DNA of the nucleus Nonesteroid - CORRECT ANSWER Some are protein hormones - protein hormones remain at the cell surface and act through second messenger, usually AMP Pituitary gland is nicknamed? - CORRECT ANSWER The master gland Pituitary gland is attached to? - CORRECT ANSWER The hypothalamus Infundibulum - CORRECT ANSWER What attaches the pituitary to the hypothalamus Pituitary gland has two major portions - CORRECT ANSWER Anterior lobe and posterior lobe Adenohypophysis - CORRECT ANSWER Anterior lobe of the pituitary gland Neurohypophysis - CORRECT ANSWER Posterior lobe of the pituitary gland Tropic hormones - CORRECT ANSWER Hormones of the adenohypophysis Name the tropic hormones - CORRECT ANSWER STH (somatotropin hormone) or GH (growth hormone) Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) Follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) Luteinizing hormone (LH) Hormones from the posterior lobe - CORRECT ANSWER Oxytocin (labor hormone) Antidiuretic hormone (ADH) Other important endocrine glands - CORRECT ANSWER Thyroid, parathyroid, adrenals, pancreas, and gonads (ovaries and testes) Whole blood consists of? - CORRECT ANSWER 55% plasma 45% formed elements What are the formed elements? - CORRECT ANSWER Erythrocytes (RBC) Leukocytes (WBC) Platelets Where are the formed elements produced? - CORRECT ANSWER From stem cells in the red bone marrow Erythrocytes (RBC) - CORRECT ANSWER Modified for transport of oxygen What is oxygen bound to? - CORRECT ANSWER Pigmented protein hemoglobin How many types of leukocytes (WBC) are there? - CORRECT ANSWER 5 What are the types of leukocytes? - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Neutrophils 2. Basophils 3. Eosinophils 4. Lymphocytes 5. Monocytes 6. Macrophages What WBCs are active in phagocytosis? - CORRECT ANSWER Neutrophils and monocytes What WBCs are active in antibody formation? - CORRECT ANSWER Lymphocytes What are platelets active in? - CORRECT ANSWER Blood clotting What does blood serve to do? - CORRECT ANSWER Transport oxygen and nutrients to body cells and to carry away carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes Plasma contains? - CORRECT ANSWER ~10% proteins, ions, nutrients, waste products, and hormones (which are dissolved or suspended in water) Blood is received to the heart by? - CORRECT ANSWER Superior and inferior vena cava What valve is between the atria and ventricles on the right side of the heart? - CORRECT ANSWER Tricuspid What valve is between the atria and ventricles on the left side of the heart? - CORRECT ANSWER Biscuspid What valves are found at the entrances of the pulmonary trunk and the aorta? - CORRECT ANSWER Semilunar Myocardium - CORRECT ANSWER Heart muscle Blood is supplied to the myocardium by the? - CORRECT ANSWER Coronary arteries Blood drains from the myocardium directly into the? - CORRECT ANSWER Right atrium through the coronary sinus ECG - CORRECT ANSWER Electrocardiogram Contraction phase of the cardiac cycle - CORRECT ANSWER Systole Relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle - CORRECT ANSWER Diastole Vascular system - CORRECT ANSWER Includes arteries that carry blood away from the heart, veins that carry blood toward the heart, and the capillaries Capillaries - CORRECT ANSWER Smallest of vessels and where the exchanges take place between the blood and surrounding tissues, exchanging water, nutrients, and waste products Systemic arteries - CORRECT ANSWER Begin with aorta, branches to all parts of the body Arterioles - CORRECT ANSWER Smallest arteries Large veins that empty into the right atrium of the heart - CORRECT ANSWER Superior and inferior vena cava Vasoconstriction - CORRECT ANSWER Contraction Vasodilation - CORRECT ANSWER Relaxation Components of the respiratory system - CORRECT ANSWER Nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs with their alveoli, diaphragm, and muscles surrounding the ribs What is respiration controlled by? - CORRECT ANSWER Respiratory control center in the medulla of the brain Respiratory system supplies? - CORRECT ANSWER Oxygen to the body and eliminates carbon dioxide External respiration - CORRECT ANSWER Exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the blood through he alveoli Internal respiration - CORRECT ANSWER Exchange of gases between the blood and the body cells The passageways between the nasal cavities and the alveoli: - CORRECT ANSWER Conduct gases to and from the lungs The upper passageways also serve to: - CORRECT ANSWER Warm, filter, and moisten incoming air What are the upper respiratory tubules lined with? - CORRECT ANSWER Cilia What do the cilia in the upper respiratory tubules do? - CORRECT ANSWER Help to trap debris and keep foreign substances from entering the lungs Inhalation requires - CORRECT ANSWER The contraction of the diaphragm to enlarge the thoracic cavity and draw air into the lungs Exhalation is a passive process during which the lungs - CORRECT ANSWER Recoil as the respiratory muscles relax and the thorax decreases in size Most of the oxygen carried in the blood is bound to - CORRECT ANSWER Hemoglobin in RBCs What does the alimentary canal (digestive tube) consists of? - CORRECT ANSWER Mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus Accessory organs of digestion - CORRECT ANSWER Liver, pancreas, gallbladder Mastication - CORRECT ANSWER Chewing Saliva does what? - CORRECT ANSWER Lubricates and dilutes chewed food Saliva contains an enzymes called/ - CORRECT ANSWER Amylase Amylase starts digestion of - CORRECT ANSWER Complex carbohydrates Bolus - CORRECT ANSWER Ball of food Esophagus - CORRECT ANSWER Narrow tube leading from the pharynx to the stomach Four main layers of digestive tract - CORRECT ANSWER Mucous membrane, submucous layer, muscular layer and the serous later What breaks down foods in the stomach? - CORRECT ANSWER Hydrochloric acid Chyme - CORRECT ANSWER Soupy substance from breakdown of bolus Digestion and absorption of food occurs in the - CORRECT ANSWER Small intestine Small intestine consists of three major regions: - CORRECT ANSWER Duodenum, jejunum, ileum Nutrients are absorbed through the walls of the - CORRECT ANSWER Small intestine Most of the fats are absorbed into the lymph by the - CORRECT ANSWER Lacteals Villi - CORRECT ANSWER Small fingerlike projections to increase surface area of intestinal wall Large intestine function - CORRECT ANSWER Reabsorbs water and stores and eliminates undigested food Five portions of the large intestine - CORRECT ANSWER Ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and the rectum Anu - CORRECT ANSWER Opening for defecation Urinary system consists of - CORRECT ANSWER 2 kidneys 2 ureters 1 urinary bladder 1 urethra Kidney function - CORRECT ANSWER Filter blood Ureter function - CORRECT ANSWER Tubes that transport urine to the urinary bladder Urinary bladder function - CORRECT ANSWER Where urine is stored before urination Urethra - CORRECT ANSWER Where urine exits the body Nephrons - CORRECT ANSWER Functional units of the kidney Filtration process occurs through the - CORRECT ANSWER Glomerulus in Bowman's capsule of the nephron Filtration of the blood occurs through the - CORRECT ANSWER Glomerulus under the force of BP Water is reabsorbed at the - CORRECT ANSWER Tubules of the nephron Final product produced by the millions of nephrons per kidney - CORRECT ANSWER Urine Male and female sex organs - CORRECT ANSWER Testes and ovaries Two functions of sex organs - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Production of gametes (sex cells) 2. Production of hormones What are the sex organs under control of? - CORRECT ANSWER Tropic hormones from the pituitary gland Gametes are formed by - CORRECT ANSWER Meiosis Reproductive activity is cyclic in? - CORRECT ANSWER Women Reproductive activity is continuous in? - CORRECT ANSWER Men Spermatozoa develop within - CORRECT ANSWER The seminiferous tubules of each testis What produces testosterone? - CORRECT ANSWER The interstitial cells between the seminiferous tubules Testosterone influences - CORRECT ANSWER Sperm cell development, and produces male secondary sex characteristics Male secondary sex characteristics - CORRECT ANSWER Body hair & deep voice Once sperm is matured, where is it stored? - CORRECT ANSWER The epididymis of each testis Pathway of ejaculation - CORRECT ANSWER Vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra Glands that produce the transport medium or semen - CORRECT ANSWER Seminal vesicles, prostate gland, bulbourethral (Cowper's gland) What regulates sperm production? - CORRECT ANSWER FSH What stimulates the interstitial cells to produce testosterone? - CORRECT ANSWER Interstitial cell-stimulating hormone (ICSH) or LH What influences the ripening of eggs within the ovarian follicles in the ovary? - CORRECT ANSWER FSH What is produced by the follicle and initiates the preparation of the endometrium of the uterus for pregnancy? - CORRECT ANSWER Estrogen What stimulates ovulation and conversion of the follicle to the corpus luteum at day 14 of the cycle? - CORRECT ANSWER LH Corpus luteum secretes - CORRECT ANSWER Progesterone and estrogen If fertilization occurs, the corpus lutetium remains - CORRECT ANSWER Functional After fertilization, the egg is swept into the - CORRECT ANSWER Oviduct or fallopian tube If fertilization occurs, it occurs while the egg is in the - CORRECT ANSWER Oviduct Where does the fertilized egg implant itself? - CORRECT ANSWER Endometrium The embryo is nourished by the - CORRECT ANSWER Placenta What is the placenta formed by - CORRECT ANSWER Maternal and embryonic tissues Hormones from the ____ maintain the endometrium and prepare the breasts for milk production - CORRECT ANSWER Placenta What is the occipital lobe of the brain responsible for? - CORRECT ANSWER Vision What is the temporal lobe of the brain responsible for? - CORRECT ANSWER Sense of smell What is the frontal lobe of the brain responsible for? - CORRECT ANSWER Controls cognition and motor movement What is the parietal lobe of the brain responsible for? - CORRECT ANSWER Controlling body/spatial placement and responses to touch Hinge Joint - CORRECT ANSWER One plane movement (ex: elbow, ankle, knee, fingers, toes) Ball and socket joint - CORRECT ANSWER Allow for more movement including some type of circular motion (Ex: arm, hip, shoulder) Pivot/Synovial joint - CORRECT ANSWER One bone moving around the other (Top of your vertebrae) Limbic system is responsible for - CORRECT ANSWER Regulating emotion, behavior and motivation Motor movement is a function of the - CORRECT ANSWER motor cortex and speech production (housed in Broca's area) Flat bone - CORRECT ANSWER Skull, thoracic cage, pelvis Irregular bone - CORRECT ANSWER Vertebrae, pubis, ilium, ischium Long bone - CORRECT ANSWER Lower & Upper limbs: Femur, fingers, toes, tibia, fibula, humerus, radius, ulna Short bone - CORRECT ANSWER Cube shaped: carpals in the wrist, tarsals in the ankles Sesamoid bone - CORRECT ANSWER Patella Cranial nerve I - CORRECT ANSWER Olfactory - smell Cranial nerve II - CORRECT ANSWER Optic - vision Cranial nerve III - CORRECT ANSWER Oculomotor - eyelid and eyeball movement Cranial nerve IV - CORRECT ANSWER Trochlear - innervates superior oblique & turns eye downward and laterallyCra Cranial nerve V - CORRECT ANSWER Trigeminal - chewing face & mouth touch & pain Cranial nerve VI - CORRECT ANSWER Abducens - turns eye laterally Cranial nerve VII - CORRECT ANSWER Facial - controls most facial expressions & secretion of tears & saliva & taste Cranial nerve VIII - CORRECT ANSWER Auditory - hearing & equilibrium sensation Cranial nerve IX - CORRECT ANSWER Glossopharyngeal - taste & senses carotid blood pressure Cranial nerve X - CORRECT ANSWER Vagus - senses aortic blood pressure & slows heart rate & stimulates digestive organs & taste Cranial nerve XI - CORRECT ANSWER Spinal Accessory - controls trapezius & sternocleidomastoid & controls swallowing movements Cranial nerve XII - CORRECT ANSWER Hypoglossal - controls tongue movements I - CORRECT ANSWER 1 II - CORRECT ANSWER 2 III - CORRECT ANSWER 3 IV - CORRECT ANSWER 4 V - CORRECT ANSWER 5 VI - CORRECT ANSWER 6 VII - CORRECT ANSWER 7 VIII - CORRECT ANSWER 8 IX - CORRECT ANSWER 9 X - CORRECT ANSWER 10 XI - CORRECT ANSWER 11 XX - CORRECT ANSWER 20 XXX - CORRECT ANSWER 30 XL - CORRECT ANSWER 40 L - CORRECT ANSWER 50 LX - CORRECT ANSWER 60 LXX - CORRECT ANSWER 70 LXXX - CORRECT ANSWER 80 XC - CORRECT ANSWER 90 C - CORRECT ANSWER 100 D - CORRECT ANSWER 500 M - CORRECT ANSWER 1,000 V (line over it) - CORRECT ANSWER 5,000 X (line over it) - CORRECT ANSWER 10,000 L (line over it) - CORRECT ANSWER 50,000 C (line over it) - CORRECT ANSWER 100,000 D (line over it) - CORRECT ANSWER 500,000 M (line over it) - CORRECT ANSWER 1,000,000 Skeletal System - CORRECT ANSWER Framework of body consists of bone, cartilage, ligaments, and joints Functions of Skeletal System - CORRECT ANSWER Support, movement, hemopoiesis, protection of organs, detoxification, muscle attachment, mineral storage Shapes of Bones - CORRECT ANSWER Long, short, irregular, sesamoid Long Bone - CORRECT ANSWER Irregular epiphysis (spongy bone), and diaphysis of compact bone Compact Bone is made up of - CORRECT ANSWER Osteoblasts Axial Skeleton - CORRECT ANSWER Cranial, Facial, Vertebral column, Thoracic cage Cranial Bones (Axial) - CORRECT ANSWER Frontal, Parietal, Ethmoid, Temporal, Occipital, Sphenoid Facial Bones (Axial) - CORRECT ANSWER Maxilla, Mandible, Zygomatic, Nasal, Palatine, Vomer, Lacrimal, Inferior Nasal Conchae Vertebral Column (Axial) - CORRECT ANSWER Cervical Vertebrae(7), Thoracic(12), Lumbar(5), Sacrum, Coccyx Thoracic Cage (Axial) - CORRECT ANSWER Sternum, Ribs(24) Appendicular Skeleton - CORRECT ANSWER The girdles and the limbs Upper Portion (Appendicular) - CORRECT ANSWER pectoral girdle, upper extremity Pectoral Girdle(Appendicular) - CORRECT ANSWER Clavicle(2), Scapula(2) Upper Extremity(Appendicular) - CORRECT ANSWER Humerus, Radius, Ulna, Carpals(16), Metacarpals(10), Phalanges(28) Lower Portion (Appendicular) - CORRECT ANSWER Pelvic Girdle, Lower Extremity Pelvic Girdle(Appendicular) - CORRECT ANSWER Ilium, Ischium, Pubis Lower Extremity(Appendicular) - CORRECT ANSWER Femur, Tibia, Fibula, Patella, Tarsals(14), Metatarsals(10), Phalanges(28) Muscular System - CORRECT ANSWER Produces movement by contracting in response to nervous stimluation Muscle contraction results from - CORRECT ANSWER The sliding of actin and myosin filaments What must be present for muscles to contract? - CORRECT ANSWER Calcium and ATP Voluntary Muscles - CORRECT ANSWER Skeletal muscles that are under conscious control Flexor Muscles - CORRECT ANSWER Reduce the angle at the joint Extensor Muscles - CORRECT ANSWER Increase the angle at the joint Abductor Muscles - CORRECT ANSWER Draw limb away from midline Adductors - CORRECT ANSWER Draw limb toward the body Nervous System - CORRECT ANSWER Enables us to perceive many of the changes that take place in our external and internal environments and to respond to those changes; works closely with endocrine glands Nervous System consists of - CORRECT ANSWER Brain, spinal cord, and nerves Functional units of Nervous System - CORRECT ANSWER Neurons Parts of Neuron - CORRECT ANSWER Body, Axon(away from cell body), Dendrites(toward cell body) CNS and PNS - CORRECT ANSWER PNS Consists of all the nerves that transmit information to and from the CNS Cerebrum - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with movement and sensory input Cerebellum - CORRECT ANSWER Responsible for muscular coordination Medulla Oblongata - CORRECT ANSWER Control respiration and heart rate Spinal Cord - CORRECT ANSWER 18 inches long from base of skull to first or second lumbar vertebrae Endocrine System - CORRECT ANSWER Assists nervous system in homeostasis and plays role in growth and sexual maturation Hormones of Anterior Pituitary - CORRECT ANSWER Tropic Hormones Somatotropin or growth hormone Adrenocorticotropic hormone Thyroid stimulating hormone Follicle stimulating hormone Luteinizing hormone Hormones of Posterior Pituitary - CORRECT ANSWER Oxytocin(labor contraction) and antidiuretic Thyroid - CORRECT ANSWER Produces hormones that regulate metabolism, body heat, and bone growth Parathyroid - CORRECT ANSWER Maintains the correct amount of Calcium in blood Adrenal Glands - CORRECT ANSWER a pair of endocrine glands that sit just above the kidneys and secrete hormones (epinephrine and norepinephrine) that help arouse the body in times of stress. Pancreas - CORRECT ANSWER An organs in the abdominal cavity with two roles. The first is an exocrine role: to produce digestive enzymes and bicarbonate, which are delivered to the small intestine via the pancreatic duct. The second is an endocrine role: to secrete insulin and glucagon into the bloodstream to help regulate blood glucose levels. Gonads - CORRECT ANSWER endocrine glads, testes produce testosterone in males; ovaries produce estrogen in females Whole blood consists of - CORRECT ANSWER 55% plasma and 45% formed elements Erythrocytes (RBC) Leukocytes (WBC) Platelets How are the formed elements of blood produced? - CORRECT ANSWER From stem cells in red bone marrow Erythrocytes - CORRECT ANSWER Modified for transport of oxygen- most of the oxygen is bound to the pigmented protein hemoglobin Five types of Leukocytes - CORRECT ANSWER Neutrophils, Eosinophils, Basophils, Lymphocytes, Monocytes White blood cells are active in what processes? - CORRECT ANSWER Phagocytosis (neutrophils and monocytes) and antibody formation (lymphocytes) Platelets are active in what process? - CORRECT ANSWER Blood clotting Blood serves to - CORRECT ANSWER Transport oxygen and nutrients to body cells and to carry away carbon dioxide and metabolic wastes Plasma contains approximately - CORRECT ANSWER 10% proteins Ions Nutrients Waste products Hormones Heart - CORRECT ANSWER Double pump that sends blood to the lungs through the pulmonary circuit and to the rained of the body through the systemic circuit Blood is received in the heart by the - CORRECT ANSWER Atria Blood is pumped into circulation by the - CORRECT ANSWER Ventricles Valves between the atria and ventricles include - CORRECT ANSWER Tricuspid on right side of heart Bicuspid on left side of heart What type of valves are found at the entrances of the pulmonary trunk and aorta? - CORRECT ANSWER Semilunar valves Blood is supplied tot he heart muscle by the - CORRECT ANSWER Coronary arteries Blood drains from the myocardium directly into - CORRECT ANSWER The right atrium through the coronary sinus The heart has an intrinsic beat initiated by the - CORRECT ANSWER Sinoatrial node The cardiac cycle - CORRECT ANSWER The period from the end of one ventricular contraction to the end of the next ventricular contraction Systole - CORRECT ANSWER Contraction phase of the cycles Diastole - CORRECT ANSWER Relaxation phase of the cycles The vascular system - CORRECT ANSWER Arteries blood away from heart Veins blood to the heart Capillaries Capillaries - CORRECT ANSWER Smallest vessels and where the exchanges take place between the blood and surrounding tissues, exchanging water, nutrients, and waste products Systemic arteries begin with what - CORRECT ANSWER The aorta Arterioles - CORRECT ANSWER The smallest arteries Superior and Inferior Venae Cavae - CORRECT ANSWER The large veins that empty into the right atrium of the heart Walls of the arteries are - CORRECT ANSWER Thick and elastic and carry blood under high pressure Walls of the veins are - CORRECT ANSWER Thinner and less elastic and carry blood under low pressure Components of the respiratory system - CORRECT ANSWER Nose Pharynx Larynx Trachea Bronchi Lungs with alveoli Diaphragm Muscles surrounding the ribs Respiration is controlled by - CORRECT ANSWER The respiratory control center in the medulla of the brain Respiratory system supplies - CORRECT ANSWER Oxygen to the body and eliminates carbon dioxide External respiration - CORRECT ANSWER The exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the blood through the alveoli Internal respiration - CORRECT ANSWER Exchange of gases between the blood and the body cells Inhalation - CORRECT ANSWER Requires the contraction of the diaphragm to enlarge the thoracic cavity and draw air into the lungs Exhalation - CORRECT ANSWER Passive process during which the lungs recoil as the respiratory muscles relax and the thorax decreases in size Accessory organs of digestion - CORRECT ANSWER Liver, pancreas, gallbladder Four layers of digestive tract - CORRECT ANSWER Mucous membrane Submucous layer Muscular layer Serous layer The pancreas contributes to digestion in small intestine - CORRECT ANSWER Contributing water to dilute the chyme and bicarbonate ions to neutralize the acid from the stomach The amino acids and simple sugars derived from proteins and carbohydrates are absorbed - CORRECT ANSWER Directly into the blood Where are most of the fats absorbed? - CORRECT ANSWER Into the lymph by the lacteals which eventually are added to the bloodstream All nutrients enter what vein after small intestine? - CORRECT ANSWER The hepatic portal vein to be routed to the liver for decontamination Villi - CORRECT ANSWER Small fingerlike projections that greatly increase the surface area of the intestinal wall The large intestine does what? - CORRECT ANSWER Reabsorbs water and stores and eliminates undigested food Five potions of the large intestine - CORRECT ANSWER Ascending colon Transverse colon Descending colon Sigmoid colon Rectum Anus - CORRECT ANSWER Opening for defecation Male and female sex organs have two functions: - CORRECT ANSWER Production of gametes and production of hormones Activities of the sex organs are under control of - CORRECT ANSWER Tropic hormones from the pituitary gland Reproductive activity in women is - CORRECT ANSWER Cyclic Reproductive activity in men is - CORRECT ANSWER Continuous Spermatozoa develop within the - CORRECT ANSWER Seminiferous tubules of each testis The interstitial cells between the tubules produce - CORRECT ANSWER Testosterone Testosterone - CORRECT ANSWER Male hormone that influences sperm cell development and also produces the male secondary sex characteristics Where is sperm stored once produced? - CORRECT ANSWER The epididymis Pathway for sperm - CORRECT ANSWER Vas deferens Ejaculatory duct Urethra Glands that produce the transport medium or semen - CORRECT ANSWER Seminal vesicles Prostate gland Bulbourethral glands Testicular activity is under control of what two anterior pituitary hormones? - CORRECT ANSWER FSH and Interstitial cell stimulating hormone or LH Follicle stimulating hormone - CORRECT ANSWER Regulates sperm production Luteinizing hormone - CORRECT ANSWER Stimulates the interstitial cells to produce testosterone Estrogen - CORRECT ANSWER Hormone produced by the follicle initiates the preparation of the endometrium of the uterus for pregnancy What happens on day 14 of the menstrual cycle? - CORRECT ANSWER Surge of LH released from pituitary which stimulates ovulation and conversion of the follicle to the corpus luteum The corpus luteum secretes which hormones? - CORRECT ANSWER Progesterone and estrogen What mineral is responsible for muscle contractions? - CORRECT ANSWER Sodium What are the glands of skin that produce a thin, watery secretion? - CORRECT ANSWER Eccrine Gland Whick Leukocytes are correctly matched with their function or description? Select all that apply A. Monocytes-become macrophages B. Basophils-the most common type of WBC C. Lymphocytes-important in immune response D. Neutrophils-phagocytize microorganisms - CORRECT ANSWER A, C, D Vasodialtion and vasoconstriction result from which of the following? A. Contraction of smooth muscle in the arterial wall B. Relaxation of smooth muscle in the arterial wall C. Relaxation and contraction of smooth muscle in the arterial wall D. Contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle in the venous wall. - CORRECT ANSWER C. Relaxation and contraction of smooth muscle in the artieral wall. What is the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the blood through the alveoli called? A. External respiration B. Internal respiration C. Inhalation D. Cellular respiration - CORRECT ANSWER Internal Respiration Most of the carbon dioxide in the blood does which of the following? A. It is carried in solution or bound to blood proteins B. It is carried on hemoglobin C. It is converted to bicarbonate ions by carbonic anhydrase within red blood cells. D. It is converted to bicarbonate ions by carbonic anhydrase within plasma - CORRECT ANSWER C. It is converted to bicarbonate ions by carbonic anhydrase within red blood cells. [Show More]

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