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HESI A2 Exam Review 397 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT

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HESI A2 Exam Review 397 Questions with Verified Answers Abrupt - CORRECT ANSWER Sudden Abstain - CORRECT ANSWER To voluntarily refrain from something Access - CORRECT ANSWER A means to obtain... entry or a means of approach Accountable - CORRECT ANSWER Responsible Adhere - CORRECT ANSWER To hold fast or stick together Adverse - CORRECT ANSWER Undesired, possibly harmful Affect - CORRECT ANSWER Appearance of observable emotions Annual - CORRECT ANSWER Occurring every year Apply - CORRECT ANSWER To place, put on, or spread something Audible - CORRECT ANSWER Able to be heard Bilateral - CORRECT ANSWER Present on two sides Cardiac - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the heart Cast - CORRECT ANSWER Hard protective device applied to protect a broken bone while the bone heals Cavity - CORRECT ANSWER An opening or an empty area Cease - CORRECT ANSWER Come to an end or bring to an end Compensatory - CORRECT ANSWER Offsetting or making up for something Complication - CORRECT ANSWER An undesired problem that is the result of some other event Comply - CORRECT ANSWER Do as directed Concave - CORRECT ANSWER Rounded inward Concise - CORRECT ANSWER Brief, to the point Consistency - CORRECT ANSWER Degree of viscosity; how thick or thin a fluid is Constrict - CORRECT ANSWER To draw together or become smaller Contingent - CORRECT ANSWER Dependent Contour - CORRECT ANSWER Shape or outline of a shape Contract - CORRECT ANSWER To draw together, to reduce in size Contraindication - CORRECT ANSWER A reason why something is not advisable or why it should not be done Defecate - CORRECT ANSWER Expel feces Deficit - CORRECT ANSWER A deficiency or lack or something Depress - CORRECT ANSWER Press downward Depth - CORRECT ANSWER Downward measurement from a surface Deteriorating - CORRECT ANSWER Worsening Device - CORRECT ANSWER Tool or piece of equipment Diagnosis - CORRECT ANSWER Identification of an injury or disease Diameter - CORRECT ANSWER The distance across the center of an object Dilate - CORRECT ANSWER To enlarge or expand Dilute - CORRECT ANSWER To make a liquid less concentrated Discrete - CORRECT ANSWER Distinct, seperate Distended - CORRECT ANSWER Enlarged or expanded from pressure Dysfunctional - CORRECT ANSWER Impaired or abnormal functioning Elevate - CORRECT ANSWER To lift up or place in a higher position Endogenous - CORRECT ANSWER Produced within the body Exacerbate - CORRECT ANSWER To make worse or more severe Excess - CORRECT ANSWER More than what is needed or usual Exogenous - CORRECT ANSWER Produced outside the body Expand - CORRECT ANSWER To increase in size or amount Exposure - CORRECT ANSWER Contact External - CORRECT ANSWER Located outside the body Fatal - CORRECT ANSWER Resulting in death Fatigue - CORRECT ANSWER Extreme tiredness, exhaustion Flaccid - CORRECT ANSWER Limp, lacking tone Flushed - CORRECT ANSWER Reddened or ruddy appearance Gaping - CORRECT ANSWER Wide open Gastrointestinal - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the stomach and the intestines Gender - CORRECT ANSWER Sex of an individual, as in male or female Hematologic - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to blood Hydration - CORRECT ANSWER Maintenance of body fluid balance Hygiene - CORRECT ANSWER Measures contributing to cleanliness and good health Impaired - CORRECT ANSWER Diminished or lacking some usual quality or level Impending - CORRECT ANSWER Likely to occur soon Incidence - CORRECT ANSWER Occurrence Infection - CORRECT ANSWER Contamination or invasion of body tissue by pathogenic organisms Inflamed - CORRECT ANSWER Reddened, swollen, warm, and often tender Ingest - CORRECT ANSWER To swallow for digestion Initiate - CORRECT ANSWER To begin or put into practice Insidious - CORRECT ANSWER So gradual as to not become apparent for a long time Intact - CORRECT ANSWER In place, unharmed Internal - CORRECT ANSWER Located within the body Invasive - CORRECT ANSWER Inserting or entering into a body part Labile - CORRECT ANSWER Changing rapidly and often Laceration - CORRECT ANSWER Cut; tear Latent - CORRECT ANSWER Present but not active or visible Lethargic - CORRECT ANSWER Difficult to arouse Manifestation - CORRECT ANSWER An indication or sign of a condition Musculoskeletal - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to muscle and skeleton Neurologic - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the nervous system Neurovascular - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the nervous system and blood vessels Nutrient - CORRECT ANSWER Substance or ingredient that provides nourishment Occluded - CORRECT ANSWER Closed or obstructed Ominous - CORRECT ANSWER Significantly important and dangerous Ongoing - CORRECT ANSWER Continuous Oral - CORRECT ANSWER Given through or affecting the mouth Overt - CORRECT ANSWER Obvious, easily observed Parameter - CORRECT ANSWER A characteristic or constant factor, limit Paroxysmal - CORRECT ANSWER Beginning suddenly or abruptly; convulsive Patent - CORRECT ANSWER Open Pathogenic - CORRECT ANSWER Causing or able to cause disease Pathology - CORRECT ANSWER Processes, causes, and effects of a disease; abnormality Posterior - CORRECT ANSWER Located behind; in the back Potent - CORRECT ANSWER Producing a strong effect Potential - CORRECT ANSWER Capable of occurring or likely to occur Precaution - CORRECT ANSWER Preventative measure Precipitous - CORRECT ANSWER Rapid, uncontrolled Predispose - CORRECT ANSWER To make more susceptible or more likely to occur Preexisting - CORRECT ANSWER Already present Primary - CORRECT ANSWER First or most significant Priority - CORRECT ANSWER Of great importance Prognosis - CORRECT ANSWER The anticipated or expected course or outcome Rationale - CORRECT ANSWER The underlying reason Recur - CORRECT ANSWER To occur again Renal - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the kidneys Respiration - CORRECT ANSWER Inhalation and exhalation of air Restrict - CORRECT ANSWER To limit Retain - CORRECT ANSWER To hold or keep Site - CORRECT ANSWER Location Status - CORRECT ANSWER Condition Strict - CORRECT ANSWER Stringent, exact, complete Sublingual - CORRECT ANSWER Under the tongue Supplement - CORRECT ANSWER To take in addition to or to complete Suppress - CORRECT ANSWER To stop or subdue Symmetric (Symmetrical) - CORRECT ANSWER Being equal or the same in size, shape, and relative position Symptom - CORRECT ANSWER An indication of a problem Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Group of symptoms that, when occurring together, reflect a specific disease or disorder Therapeutic - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the treatment of a disease or disorder Transdermal - CORRECT ANSWER Crossing through the skin Transmision - CORRECT ANSWER Transfer, such as of a disease, from one person to another Trauma - CORRECT ANSWER Injury, wound Triage - CORRECT ANSWER Process used to determine the priority of treatment for patients according to severity of a patient's condition and likelihood of benefit from treatment Untoward - CORRECT ANSWER Adverse or negative Urinate - CORRECT ANSWER Excrete or expel urine Vascular - CORRECT ANSWER Of o relating to blood vessels Verbal - CORRECT ANSWER Spoken, using words Virus - CORRECT ANSWER Microscopic infectious agent capable of replicating only in living cells, usually causing infectious disease Vital - CORRECT ANSWER Essential Void - CORRECT ANSWER Excrete, or expel urine Volume - CORRECT ANSWER Amount of space occupied by a fluid VR1. Meaning of exacerbated in: The client's condition was exacerbated in the fall. A) Improved B) Made worse C) Eliminated D) Created a scar - CORRECT ANSWER B) Made worse VR2. Meaning of overt in: The overt signs of the baby's illness were distressing to the parents. A) Easily observed B) Subtle C) Intestinal D) Feverish - CORRECT ANSWER A) Easily observed VR3. Meaning of paroxysmal in: His paroxysmal coughing was a sign of this illness. A) Occasional B) Convulsive C) Discreet D) Soft - CORRECT ANSWER B) Convulsive VR4. Meaning of expand in: The bride decided to expand the number of people invited to the wedding. A) Decrease B) Increase C) Widen D) Reduce - CORRECT ANSWER B) Increase VR5. Meaning of abrupt in: The nurse noticed an abrupt change in the patient's level of pain. A) Slow B) Chronic C) Subtle D) Sudden - CORRECT ANSWER D) Sudden VR6. Meaning of flushed in: Her flushed appearance was noted by the nurse during the examination. A) Pale B) Excited C) Ruddy D) Indifferent - CORRECT ANSWER C) Ruddy VR7. Meaning of respiration in: The nurse was keeping careful watch on the patient's respiration. A) Breathing B) Skin color C) Pulse D) Diet - CORRECT ANSWER A) Breathing VR8. Meaning of sublingually in: The medication was given sublingually. A) By nasal inhaler B) By injection C) Under the tongue D) Under the eyelid - CORRECT ANSWER C) Under the tongue VR9. Meaning of rationale in: The rationale for the therapy was to increase the patient's range of motion. A) Prescription B) Outcome C) Goal D) Reason - CORRECT ANSWER D) Reason VR10. Meaning of accountable in: The nurse is accountable for patient safety. A) Available B) Always aware C) Responsible D) Documenting - CORRECT ANSWER C) Responsible VP1. Meaning of deteriorate in: The nurse called the doctor when the patient's condition began to deteriorate. A) Grow B) Improve C) Worsen D) Clarify - CORRECT ANSWER C) Worsen VP2. Meaning of disorder in: The patient was diagnosed with a psychiatric disorder. A) Rule B) System C) Organization D) Illness - CORRECT ANSWER D) Illness VP3. Which word means "brief, to the point" in: The teacher's instructions were concise, so the student was able to complete the project in a reasonable period of time. A) Period B) Concise C) Complete D) Reasonable - CORRECT ANSWER B) Concise VP4. What word meaning "once a year" fits best in: The _ family reunion picnic was held at the Jones farm instead of the country park. A) Regular B) Annual C) Biennial D) Holiday - CORRECT ANSWER B) Annual VP5. Docile is best define as being _ A) Defiant B) Disobedient C) Firm D) Compliant - CORRECT ANSWER D) Compliant VP6. Meaning of occluded in: Because the patient had an occluded artery, the physician decided to perform cardiovascular surgery. A) Obstructed B) Open C) Broken D) Cloudy - CORRECT ANSWER A) Obstructed VP7. Which word means "an undesired problem that is the result of some other event" in: The complication of the surgery caused the hospital to have an additional complement of testing procedures implemented. A) Complication B) Complement C) Procedures D) Implemented - CORRECT ANSWER A) Complication VP8. Meaning of bilateral in: The dog developed bilateral weakness in its hindquarters, so the veterinarian created a wheeled cart to help the dog walk. A) Present on two sides B) Available for exercise C) Affecting the left side D) Affecting the right side - CORRECT ANSWER A) Present on two sides VP9. Select the correct definition for prognosis in: The doctor's prognosis gave the patient and his family reason to feel optimistic about the surgery. A) Instructions B) Estimate C) Behavior D) Outcome Statement - CORRECT ANSWER D) Outcome Statement VP10. Meaning of labile in: The child developed a labile condition that worried the parents, so they brought the child to the doctor's office for a checkup. A) Fevered B) Volatile C) Stomach D) Vision - CORRECT ANSWER B) Volatile VP11. The nurse noted in the chart, "The patient is lethargic." How was the patient behaving? A) Pacing in the halls, yelling at staff B) Difficult to arouse C) Shaking uncontrollably D) Not responding to painful stimuli - CORRECT ANSWER B) Difficult to arouse VP12. Meaning of initial in: The doctor made an initial examination of the patient. A) Complete B) First C) Incomplete D) Discharge - CORRECT ANSWER B) First VP13. Select the word that is the correct meaning: Progeny is a term used to describe a person's _. A) Creditors B) Offspring C) Hereditary disease D) Health status - CORRECT ANSWER B) Offspring VP14. What is the best description for the word distal? A) The part of the heart that receives blood from the lungs B) Urgent C) The part of the body farthest from the injury D) Empathetic - CORRECT ANSWER C) The part of the body farthest from the injury VP15. Select the correct definition of incidence in: The incidence of smoking has decreased in recent years because of the effectiveness of advertising campaigns. A) Prestige B) Glamour C) Occurrence D) Influence - CORRECT ANSWER C) Occurrence VP16. Select the correct definition of symmetrical in: The symmetrical nature of the artwork allowed it to be viewed from many angles. A) Measured from the center B) Colorful C) Equal on all sides D) Whimsical - CORRECT ANSWER C) Equal on all sides VP17. Select the word or phrase that will be grammatically correct. Within the _ of the hospital, great emphasis is placed on calmness. A) Cafeteria B) Milieu C) Metabolism D) Component - CORRECT ANSWER B) Milieu VP18. Select the correct definition of verbal in: The verbal instructions given by the instructor allowed the student to create an outstanding project. A) Written B) Detailed C) Oral D) Permissive - CORRECT ANSWER C) Oral VP19. What is the best description for the word quotient? A) The minimum number of members to be present for a vote to be valid B) The protocol used when a sterile field must be maintained C) A math term naming the answer in a division question D) The preferred inoculation site for a newborn infant - CORRECT ANSWER C) A math term naming the answer in a division question VP20. Select the word or phrase that will be grammatically correct. The nurse has a _ to the Journal of Nursing Education. A) Subscription B) Prescription C) Recipe D) Receipt - CORRECT ANSWER A) Subscription VP21. Select the word or phrase that will be grammatically correct. The food bank referred many _ patients to the free clinic. A) Indignant B) Wealthy C) Indigent D) Healthy - CORRECT ANSWER C) Indigent VP22. What is the best description for the word laceration? A) The means by which nursing mothers produce milk for their babies B) A deep, ragged tear C) A medical term used to describe the removal of the tear ducts D) An intolerance of dairy products - CORRECT ANSWER B) A deep, ragged tear VP23. Which statement uses a euphemism? A) The fireman bravely entered the burning building B) The nurse told the family, " I'm sorry your father passed away." C) The orderly was laughing about the patient's vomiting episode D) Her husband was overjoyed when she told him she was pregnant - CORRECT ANSWER B) The nurse told the family, " I'm sorry your father passed away." VP24. What is another word for skull? A) Spine B) Ability C) Cranium D) Zygote - CORRECT ANSWER C) Cranium VP25. Meaning of desired in: In medicine, the desired outcome is recovery. A) Expected B) Analyzed C) Wished For D) Diagnosed - CORRECT ANSWER C) Wished For VP26. What is the best description for the term triage? A) The stand with three legs used to support an IV pump B) The order in which patients are to be treated C) The physician's prescription for a drug to be taken three times a day D) The shift for nursing duty beginning at 3 pm and ending at 11 pm - CORRECT ANSWER B) The order in which patients are to be treated VP27. Meaning of pigmented in: His skin was unevenly pigmented by the disease. A) Scarred B) Spotted C) Broken D) Colored - CORRECT ANSWER D) Colored VP28. Which word means "the thickness of a liquid"? A) Viscosity B) Zygote C) Sublingual D) Adhesion - CORRECT ANSWER A) Viscosity VP29. Definition for the word gaping in: The gaping hole in the fence was an enticing lure for he curious toddler. A) Narrow B) Jagged C) Painted D) Wide Open - CORRECT ANSWER D) Wide Open VP30. What is the best description for the term febrile? A) Mental Incompetence B) Having a fever C) Pregnant D) Having clogged sinuses - CORRECT ANSWER B) Having a fever VP31. What is the best description for the word contraction? A) Spasm B) Decrease C) Treaty D) Moderate - CORRECT ANSWER A) Spasm VP32. Meaning of plan in: The nurse discussed the diet plan with the patient. A) Regime B) Regimen C) Supposition D) Substitution - CORRECT ANSWER B) Regimen VP33. What is the best description for the term combination? A) Putting two or more things together B) The beginning of a fire C) The reason for an action D) The change seen when a drug is administered - CORRECT ANSWER A) Putting two or more things together VP34. Decomposition is the process of enzymes digesting food. Another name for this process is _. A) Degeneration B) Dialysis C) Lysis D) Lymph - CORRECT ANSWER C) Lysis VP35. Meaning of audible in: The nurse noticed an audible gurgle when doing a physical examination on the patient. A) Observable B) Spasmodic C) Ominous D) Perceptible - CORRECT ANSWER D) Perceptible VP36. Meaning of inflamed in: The nurse observed that the skin around the sore was inflamed. A) Blanched B) Covered with a scab C) Cool to the touch D) Reddened - CORRECT ANSWER D) Reddened VP37. Meaning of renal in: The nurse gave instructions to the patient on the care of his renal disease. A) Fatal B) Kidney C) Heart D) Lung - CORRECT ANSWER B) Kidney VP38. Meaning of endogenous in: Endogenous factors were responsible for his illness. A) Produced within the body B) Produced outside the body C) Polluting D) Hemocratic - CORRECT ANSWER A) Produced within the body VP39. Which word is not spelled correctly in the context of the sentence: The ICU nurse-manger wanted all staff to sign the letter complaining about working hours at the unit. A) ICU B) Sign C) Manager D) Complaining - CORRECT ANSWER C) Manager VP40. Meaning of dilation in: When examined, the laboring mother was at 50% dilation. A) Blood pressure B) Cervical opening C) Birth process D) Exhumation - CORRECT ANSWER B) Cervical opening VP41. Which word is not spelled correctly in the context of this sentence: The nurse went form room to room looking for the missing patient. A) Patient B) Form C) Nurse D) Missing - CORRECT ANSWER B) Form VP42. Meaning of alleviate in: To alleviate his pain, the nurse gave the patient a PRN medication. A) Pinpoint B) Relocate C) Eradicate D) Reduce - CORRECT ANSWER D) Reduce VP43. Meaning of bilingual in: Being bilingual is an advantage for a nurse. A) Able to speak more than one language B) Able to use either hand with equal skill and ease C) Not squeamish when seeing blood D) Can remember everything that is read - CORRECT ANSWER A) Able to speak more than one language VP44. What is the best description for the term fracture? A) Break B) Brake C) Cut D) Cure - CORRECT ANSWER A) Break VP45. Which word is not spelled correctly in the context of the sentence: The physician thought it was unecessary to explain the procedure. A) Physician B) Unecessary C) Explain D) Procedure - CORRECT ANSWER B) Unecessary VP46. Meaning of exogenous in: Exogenous factors will affect the patient's well-being. A) Produced outside the body B) Produced within the body C) Produced by the kidneys D) Hereditary - CORRECT ANSWER A) Produced outside the body VP47. To implement something is to _. A) Prevent it from occurring B) Emphasize the importance of C) Cause it to happen D) Follow from beginning to end - CORRECT ANSWER C) Cause it to happen VP48. Posterior refers to which part of the body? A) Topmost B) Lowermost C) Front D) Back - CORRECT ANSWER D) Back VP49. Meaning of precipitous in: The precipitous change was considered a good thing. A) Difficult B) Abrupt C) Gentle D) Unanticipated - CORRECT ANSWER B) Abrupt VP50. Meaning of untoward in: His untoward actions during the admission process created a problem for the nurse. A) Violent B) Casual C) Unseemly D) Capricious - CORRECT ANSWER C) Unseemly VP51. Meaning of transdermal in: The practical nurse is planning to administer a transdermal medication. A) Applied directly to the skin B) Injected just barely under the skin C) Injected in the tissue just below the skin layer D) Directly under the tongue - CORRECT ANSWER A) Applied directly to the skin VP52. Meaning of potent in: The potent medication reduced the symptoms almost immediately. A) Correct B) Strong C) Liquid D) Tablet - CORRECT ANSWER B) Strong VP53. Which word can be defined as a truth, a rule, or a law? A) Prescription B) Tort C) Principle D) Malpractice - CORRECT ANSWER C) Principle VP54. Meaning of proliferation in: The proliferation of text messaging among teens has alarmed parents. A) Increase B) Summarization C) Ambiance D) Rampant - CORRECT ANSWER A) Increase VP55. Meaning of intact in: It is important that the bandage remain intact. A) Dry B) Whole C) Uncovered D) Secure - CORRECT ANSWER B) Whole VP56. Meaning of hygiene in: It is not wise to skimp on personal hygiene. A) Measures contributing to cleanliness and good health B) Financial resources available through the employment department C) Insurance D) Friendliness - CORRECT ANSWER A) Measures contributing to cleanliness and good health VP57. The patient fractured the lateral portion of the hip bone, which is known as the _. A) Ilium B) Ileum C) Icterus D) Ileus - CORRECT ANSWER A) Ilium VP58. Meaning of parameters in: The parameters of medical ethics require the nurse to report instances of suspected child abuse. A) Laws B) Limits C) Common sense D) Structure - CORRECT ANSWER B) Limits VP59. Select the correct order of words. The nursing _ put the Band-_ on the wound to _ the nurse. A) Aid, Aide, Aide B) Aide, Aid, Aid C) Aid, Aide, Aid D) Aide, Aid, Aide - CORRECT ANSWER B) Aide, Aid, Aid VP60. A person who is ravenous is _. A) Generous B) Outspoken C) Friendly D) Hungry - CORRECT ANSWER D) Hungry GR1. Which of the following is grammatically incorrect? A) We took him to the store, the library, and the restaurant. B) We took him to the store and the library. C) We took him to the store and then we went to the library. D) We took him to the store and then went to the library. - CORRECT ANSWER C) We took him to the store and then we went to the library. GR2. Select the best word for the blank in: I will _ that chart to the patient's room alter today. A) Bring B) Take C) Brought D) Took - CORRECT ANSWER B) Take GR3. Which word should be replaced: The department chairman stepped up to the podium. A) Podium B) Stepped C) Chairman D) Up - CORRECT ANSWER C) Chairman- chairman is sexist language GR4. Which word is an indirect object: The doctor gave the patient a prescription. A) Doctor B) Prescription C) Gave D) Patient - CORRECT ANSWER D) Patient- person or thing indirectly affected by the action of the verb. GR5. Which is grammatically correct? A) The patient and nurse knew that he could walk. B) While the patient was walking. C) The patient, the nurse and the doctor were walking. D) Because the patient could walk, he was allowed to leave his room. - CORRECT ANSWER D) Because the patient could walk, he was allowed to leave his room. GR6. Which is grammatically correct? A) The child's torn shirt was laying on the floor. B) The torn child's shirt was laying on the floor. C) The child's shirt was laying on the floor torn. D) The child's shirt torn was laying on the floor. - CORRECT ANSWER A) The child's torn shirt was laying on the floor. GR7. Which contains an interjection? A) I hope you have finished digging your well. B) I hope you are feeling well. C) Well, I hope you are happy. D) I hope you perform well on the test. - CORRECT ANSWER C) Well, I hope you are happy. - well expresses emotion with no grammatical connection to the rest of the sentence GR8. Which word is used incorrectly: To who should the letter be addressed? A) Who B) Should C) Letter D) Addressed - CORRECT ANSWER A) Who- should be whom GR9. Select the best word for the blank in: He couldn't _ the speaker's words because of the nearby airport noise. A) Here B) Hear C) Comprehend D) Understand - CORRECT ANSWER B) Hear GR10. What word is used incorrectly in: The six students in the class discussed the test results between themselves. A) Discussed B) Results C) Between D) Themselves - CORRECT ANSWER C) Between- implies only 2 people, should be among GP1. Select the best word for the blank: He was _ by her kind words. A) Affect B) Effect C) Effected D) Affected - CORRECT ANSWER D) Affected GP2. Which is grammatically incorrect? A) He performed well on the test. B) He performed good on the test. C) He performed poorly on the test. D) He performed adequately on the test. - CORRECT ANSWER B) He performed good on the test. GP3. Which is the dependent clause in: We played a game while we waited, and then we had dinner. A) We played B) Then we had dinner C) While we waited D) A game - CORRECT ANSWER C) While we waited GP4. Which is grammatically correct? A) She drove much farther than I did. B) The campus is further up the road. C) I will have to consider farther before making a decision. D) The hospital was further away than he thought. - CORRECT ANSWER A) She drove much farther than I did. GP5. Select the best word for the blank: He thought it was _ than 3 miles to the hospital. A) Further B) Fewer C) Bigger D) Less - CORRECT ANSWER D) Less GP6. Select the best words for the blanks: The patient wanted to _ down on the bed, but first she had to _ her tray of food on the table. A) Lie, Lay B) Lay, Lie C) Lie, Laid D) Lain, Lying - CORRECT ANSWER A) Lie, Lay GP7. Which word is a noun in: The bird flew across the blue sky. A) Across B) Flew C) Bird D) Blue - CORRECT ANSWER C) Bird GP8. Which word is a conjunction in: The little girl wanted a cookie, but she didn't take one. A) Little B) But C) Take D) The - CORRECT ANSWER B) But GP9. Which word is a direct object in: The nurse helped the patient with the medication. A) Helped B) Nurse C) Patient D) Medication - CORRECT ANSWER C) Patient GP10. Which word or phrase is a subject in: The nurses went to the conference room. A) Conference B) Went to C) Room D) Nurses - CORRECT ANSWER D) Nurses GP11. Which is grammatically correct? A) Walking home from class, the students watched the snow begin to fall. B) Walking home from class, the snow began falling on students. C) Walking home from class, snow fell on the students. D) Walking home from class, the students watched the snow fell. - CORRECT ANSWER A) Walking home from class, the students watched the snow begin to fall. GP12. Select the best word for the blank: The student sang well, but she danced _. A) Bad B) Badly C) Poor D) Poorer - CORRECT ANSWER B) Badly GP13. Which is grammatically correct? A) I wanted ice cream; he wanted cake. B) I wanted ice cream he wanted cake. C) I wanted ice cream, he wanted cake. D) I wanted ice cream but he wanted cake. - CORRECT ANSWER A) I wanted ice cream; he wanted cake. GP14. Select the best word for the blank: The college _ he chose is in New York. A) Which B) That C) Who D) What - CORRECT ANSWER B) That GP15. Select the best word for the blank: The nurses, except for Henry, _ in the conference room. A) Waits B) Is waiting C) Are waiting D) Was waiting - CORRECT ANSWER C) Are waiting GP16. Select the best word for the blank: Not only the students but also the professor _ stunned by the test results. A) Was B) Were C) Are D) Be - CORRECT ANSWER A) Was GP17. Which word is a preposition in: The university lost power during the storm. A) Lost B) During C) Power D) The - CORRECT ANSWER B) During GP18. Which word or phrase is the predicate in: Everyone who attended the concert heard the conductor's announcement. A) The conductor's announcement B) Everyone C) Heard the conductor's announcement D) Who attended - CORRECT ANSWER C) Heard the conductor's announcement GP19. "The patient was fit as a fiddle" contains which type of phrase? A) Sexist language B) Profanity C) Euphemism D) Cliche' - CORRECT ANSWER D) Cliche' GP20. Select the best word for the blank in: The pack of wolves _ running through the forest. A) Are B) Were C) Is D) Be - CORRECT ANSWER C) Is GP21. Which is grammatically correct? A) This semester I am taking classes in Spanish chemistry, and biology. B) This semester I am taking classes in Spanish, chemistry, and biology. C) This semester I am taking classes in Spanish chemistry and biology. D) This semester I am taking classes in Spanish, chemistry and biology. - CORRECT ANSWER B) This semester I am taking classes in Spanish, chemistry, and biology. GP22. Which is grammatically correct? A) The room was filled with the perfume of flowers (e.g., plant blossoms). B) The room was filled with the perfume (e.g., scent) of flowers. C) The room (e.g., enclosed space) was filled with the perfume of flowers. D) The room was filled with the perfume of flowers (e.g., roses, lilies, and irises). - CORRECT ANSWER D) The room was filled with the perfume of flowers (e.g., roses, lilies, and irises). GP23. Which word is grammatically incorrect in: Dr. Jones, who all of the patients like, plays the piano well. A) Who B) Well C) Plays D) Like - CORRECT ANSWER A) Who GP24. Which contains a predicate adjective? A) My classes are for smart students. B) Smart students are in my classes. C) My smart students are in these classes. D) The students in my classes are smart. - CORRECT ANSWER D) The students in my classes are smart. GP25. Which is grammatically correct? A) The nurse spoke to my sister and I about our mother's condition. B) The nurse spoke to my sister and me about our mother's condition. C) The nurse spoke to me and my sister about our mother's condition. D) The nurse spoke to I and my sister about our mother's condition. - CORRECT ANSWER B) The nurse spoke to my sister and me about our mother's condition. GP26. Select the word or phrase that is grammatically correct in: She has always been afraid of _ to the doctor. A) Go B) To go C) Going D) Have gone - CORRECT ANSWER C) Going GP27. Select the word that is grammatically correct in: Every morning after a shower, I shave _. A) Me B) Myself C) Mine D) My - CORRECT ANSWER B) Myself GP28. Select the word or phrase that is grammatically correct in: The patient was _ cold, so he asked the nurse for another blanket. A) Too B) Not C) To D) So much - CORRECT ANSWER A) Too GP29. Select the word or phrase that is grammatically correct in: Because I want to go to the movies later, I am going _ my homework now. A) To do B) Doing C) Be doing D) To doing - CORRECT ANSWER A) To do GP30. Select the word or phrase that is grammatically correct in: He sat _ Holly and Mary on the bus. A) Though B) Through C) Among D) Between - CORRECT ANSWER D) Between GP31. Select the word or phrase that is not used correctly in: The data confirms that the patient is suffering from extreme anxiety, and a tranquilizing medication is immediately required. A) Extreme anxiety B) Confirms C) Is D) Immediately - CORRECT ANSWER B) Confirms GP32. Select the word or phrase that is grammatically correct in: The professor had a huge _ of tests to grade. A) Number B) Amount C) Aggregate D) Stacks - CORRECT ANSWER A) Number GP33. Which word is used incorrectly in: Will you learn me how to do origami? A) Me B) Will C) Learn D) Origami - CORRECT ANSWER C) Learn GP34. Select the correct word for the blank in: The members of the group _ to be seated together. A) Wanting B) Want C) Wants D) Waiting - CORRECT ANSWER B) Want GP35. Select the correct word for the blank in: The student completed the test _. A) Quite B) Quick C) Quitely D) Quickly - CORRECT ANSWER D) Quickly GP36. Select the word(s) for the blank in: The student thought the second test was _ than the first test. A) Harder B) More hard C) Hardest D) Most hardest - CORRECT ANSWER A) Harder GP37. Select the correct word for the blank in: The dog wagged _ tail when the food dish was filled. A) The B) One's C) Its D) It's - CORRECT ANSWER C) Its GP38. What word is the best substitute for The boy, in: The boy watched the lights in the house go off. A) Him B) His C) They D) He - CORRECT ANSWER D) He GP39. Select the correct word for the blank in: _ thought the movie was very good. A) Us B) We C) Them D) Ourselves - CORRECT ANSWER B) We GP40. Select the correct word for the blank in: The hospital is located at the top _ the hill. A) Of B) Off C) In D) On - CORRECT ANSWER A) Of BR1. Why is polarity the most important characteristic of water? A) The results of the polarity are hydrogen bonding, a high specific heat value, and its versatile solvent properties B) The results of the polarity are covalent bonding, a low specific heat value, and its versatile solvent properties C) The results of the polarity are ionic bonding, a high specific heat value, and its versatile solvent properties D) The results of the polarity are hydrogen bonding, a low specific heat value, and its versatile solvent properties - CORRECT ANSWER A) The results of the polarity are hydrogen bonding, a high specific heat value, and its versatile solvent properties BR2. Athletes are often concerned with the question of what they need in their diets to increase muscle mass and strength. What biologic molecule would you recommend that would accomplish this? A) Carbohydrates B) Proteins C) Lipids D) Nucleic Acids - CORRECT ANSWER B) Proteins BR3. Which organelle would you expect to be present in a cell responsible for detoxifying multiple molecules? A) Rough endoplasmic reticulum B) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum C) Lysosome D) Golgi apparatus - CORRECT ANSWER B) Smooth endoplasmic reticulum BR4. A cell from heart muscle would more than likely contain an unusually high proportion of: A) Lysosomes B) Mitochondria C) mRNA D) Ribosomes - CORRECT ANSWER B) Mitochondria BR5. Which part of cellular respiration produces the greatest amount of ATP? A) Electron transport chain B) Glycolysis C) Krebs cycle D) Fermentation - CORRECT ANSWER A) Electron transport chain BR6. When plants do not receive enough water their photosynthetic rates drop. This is because: A) Water is a raw material for the light reactions in photosynthesis B) Carbon dioxide is not available C) Water provides the carbon atoms used to make sugar D) Not enough oxygen is produced to keep fermentation running - CORRECT ANSWER A) Water is a raw material for the light reactions in photosynthesis BR7. Which of the following statements is true about the Krebs cycle and the Calvin cycle? A) Both result in a net production of ATP and NADH B) Both require a net input of ATP C) Both result in the release of oxygen D) Both use light to initiate the process - CORRECT ANSWER A) Both result in a net production of ATP and NADH BR8. Why is it important for cells to undergo mitosis? A) Mitosis allows for reproduction with male and female gametes B) Mitosis increases variation within the species C) Mitosis produces cells that are different from the parent cell D) Mitosis produces cells for growth and repair of body tissue - CORRECT ANSWER D) Mitosis produces cells for growth and repair of body tissue BR9 72 chromosomes undergo meiosis. How many chromosomes will be in each gamete? A) 18 B) 36 C) 72 D) 144 - CORRECT ANSWER B) 36 BR10. Which of the following shows how information is transformed to make a protein? A) DNA - RNA - protein B) Gene - chromosome - protein C) ATP - amino acid - protein D) RNA - DNA - protein - CORRECT ANSWER A) DNA - RNA - protein BP1. In the heirarchic system of classification, which of the following is the least inclusive? A) Kingdom B) Class C) Genus D) Species - CORRECT ANSWER D) Species BP2. After observing an event, you develop and explanation. This statement is referred to as which of the following? A) Hypothesis B) Experiment C) Conclusion D) Theory - CORRECT ANSWER A) Hypothesis BP3. A molecule of water is bonded with another molecule of water by what type of bond? A) Ionic B) Covalent C) Hydrogen D) Molecular - CORRECT ANSWER C) Hydrogen BP4. Which of the following is a benefit of the intermolecular hydrogen bonding of water? (Select all that apply.) A) Water has a relative high specific heat value. B) Water has strong cohesive and adhesive properties. C) Polarity of water allows it to act as a versatile solvent. D) Water moves from higher to lower concentrations. - CORRECT ANSWER A) Water has a relative high specific heat value. B) Water has strong cohesive and adhesive properties. C) Polarity of water allows it to act as a versatile solvent. BP5. Of all the molecules that are significant to biology, which of the following are considered the most important? A) Carbohydrates, lipids, protein, and nucleic acids. B) Carbohydrates, lipids, protein, and calcium. C) Carbohydrates, lipids, protein, and sulfur. D) Carbohydrates, lipids, protein, and iron. - CORRECT ANSWER A) Carbohydrates, lipids, protein, and nucleic acids. BP6. Lipids are better known as fats, but what are they specifically? (Select all that apply.) A) Fatty acids B) Phospholipids C) Ketones D) Steroids - CORRECT ANSWER A) Fatty acids B) Phospholipids D) Steroids BP7. What are the two categories of fatty acids? A) Trans fat and saturated fats B) Trans fat and unsaturated fats C) Saturated fats and unsaturated fats D) Saturated fats and polyunsaturated fats - CORRECT ANSWER C) Saturated fats and unsaturated fats BP8. How do phospholipids function in cells? A) They are integral components of the nuclear membrane. B) They are integral components of the cytoplasmic membranes. C) They are integral components of the mitochondrial membranes. D) They are integral components of the plasma membrane. - CORRECT ANSWER D) They are integral components of the plasma membrane. BP9. Which of the biologic molecules are considered the most significant contributor to cellular function? A) Carbohydrates B) Lipids C) Proteins D) Nucleic acids - CORRECT ANSWER C) Proteins BP10. Proteins are polymers of which of the following? A) Monosaccharides B) Amino acids C) Fatty acids D) Nucleotides - CORRECT ANSWER B) Amino acids BP11. Which of the following proteins catalyze different reactions or processes? A) Keratin B) Hormone C) Enzyme D) Collagen - CORRECT ANSWER C) Enzyme BP12. Which of the biologic molecules are components of the molecules of inheritance? A) Carbohydrates B) Lipids C) Proteins D) Nucleic acids - CORRECT ANSWER D) Nucleic acids BP13. What is the sum of all chemical reactions that occur in an organism? A) Catalysis B) Metabolism C) Catabolism D) Anabolism - CORRECT ANSWER B) Metabolism BP14. In a cell, reactions take place in a series of steps called: A) Metabolic pathways B) Chemical bonding C) Synthesis D) Hydrolysis - CORRECT ANSWER A) Metabolic pathways BP15. What is the fundamental unit of biology? A) Atom B) Cell C) Tissue D) Organ - CORRECT ANSWER B) Cell BP16. Which type of cell contains no defined nucleus? A) Prokaryotic cell B) Eukaryotic cell C) Animal cell D) Protest cell - CORRECT ANSWER A) Prokaryotic cell BP17. What is the primary purpose of the flagella on the surface of cells? A) Movement of the cell B) Removal of cellular waste C) Replication of chromosomes D) Production of energy - CORRECT ANSWER A) Movement of the cell BP18. Which cell organelle functions to transport materials from the endoplasmic reticulum throughout the cell? A) Ribosome B) Golgi apparatus C) Lysosome D) Vacuole - CORRECT ANSWER B) Golgi apparatus BP19.Which of the following are the distinct organelles that produce cell energy? A) Mitochondrion and chloroplast B) Mitochondrion and nucleus C) Chloroplast and nucleus D) Chloroplast and lysosome - CORRECT ANSWER A) Mitochondrion and chloroplast BP20. Which component of cell contributes to the protection, communication, and passage of substances into and out of the cell? A) Nucleus B) Cell membrane C) Endoplasmic reticulum D) Cytoplasm - CORRECT ANSWER B) Cell membrane BP21. The cell membrane consists of a bilayer of phospholipids with proteins, cholesterol, and glycoproteins. This bilayer creates a hydrophobic region between two layers of lipids, making it which of the following? A) Impermeable B) Permeable C) Selectively permeable D) Selectively imperable - CORRECT ANSWER C) Selectively permeable BP22. What are the two catabolic pathways that lead to cellular energy production? A) Fermentation and internal respiration B) Fermentation and external respiration C) Fermentation and cellular respiration D) Fermentation and anaerobic respiration - CORRECT ANSWER C) Fermentation and cellular respiration BP23. What is the first step in the conversion of glucose to pyruvate? A) Glycolysis B) Krebs cycle C) Electron transport chain D) Aerobic respiration - CORRECT ANSWER A) Glycolysis BP24. Which step in cellular respiration yields the greatest amount of ATP? A) Glycolysis B) Krebs cycle C) Electron transport chain D) Fermentation - CORRECT ANSWER B) Krebs cycle BP25. During cell respiration, the conversion of glucose results in an overall production of how many ATP molecules? A) 2 B) 16 C) 18-24 D) 32-36 - CORRECT ANSWER D) 32-36 BP26. What is the function of water in photosynthesis? A) Combine with carbon dioxide B) Absorb light energy C) Supply electrons in the light reactions D) Transport hydrogen ions in the dark reactions - CORRECT ANSWER C) Supply electrons in the light reactions BP27. Cells reproduce by different processes, all of which fall into what two categories? A) Sexual reproduction and binary fission B) Sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction C) Asexual reproduction and binary fission D) Asexual reproduction and mitosis - CORRECT ANSWER B) Sexual reproduction and asexual reproduction BP28. Which of the following describes how a bacterium reproduces? A) Mitosis B) Meiosis C) Binary fission D) Cytokinesis - CORRECT ANSWER C) Binary fission BP29. Regarding mitosis and cytokinesis, one difference between higher plants and animals is that in plants: A) The spindles contain cellulose microfibrils in addition to microtubules, whereas animal spindles do not contain microfibrils. B) Sister chromatids are identical, whereas in animals they differ from one another. C) A cell plate begins to form at telophase, whereas in animals a cleavage furrow is initiated at that stage. D) Chromosomes become attached to the spindle at prophase, whereas in animals chromosomes do not become attached until anaphase. - CORRECT ANSWER C) A cell plate begins to form at telophase, whereas in animals a cleavage furrow is initiated at that stage. BP30. During which phase of cell reproduction does the cell divide forming two separate identical cells? A) Prophase B) Metaphase C) Anaphase D) Cytokinesis - CORRECT ANSWER D) Cytokinesis BP31. How does meiosis differ from mitosis? A) In meiosis, each of the daughter cells contains twice as many chromosomes as the parent. B) In meiosis, each of the daughter cells contains half as many chromosomes as the parent. C) In meiosis, each of the daughter cells is completely identical to the parent. D) Meiotic division occurs in all body cells, whereas in mitosis the cells only divide in the gonads. - CORRECT ANSWER B) In meiosis, each of the daughter cells contains half as many chromosomes as the parent. BP32. At which phase of meiosis does crossing over occur? A) Prophase I B) Prophase II C) Metaphase I D) Metaphase II - CORRECT ANSWER A) Prophase I BP33. A cell division occurs in a human. The resulting cells contain 23 chromosomes. This is a description of gametes formed by which process? A) Mitosis B) Binary fission C) Meiosis D) Cytokinesis - CORRECT ANSWER C) Meiosis BP34. If you wanted to determine the probability of a genotype, which of the following would you use? A) Karyotype B) Electrophoresis C) Punnett square D) Genotype map - CORRECT ANSWER C) Punnett square BP35. Which of the following terms is used to describe the appearance of the organism? A) Homozygous B) Heterozygous C) Phenotype D) Genotype - CORRECT ANSWER C) Phenotype BP36. What is the probability that a recessive trait would be expressed in offspring if two parents who are both heterozygous for the desired trait were crossed? A) 100% B) 75% C) 50% D) 25% - CORRECT ANSWER D) 25% BP37. Because genetics is the study of heredity, many human disorders can be determined by studying a person's chromosomes or by creating which of the following? A) Punnet square B) Pedigree C) Chromosome model D) Genetic map - CORRECT ANSWER B) Pedigree BP38. Why is DNA important for metabolic activities of the cell? A) It initiates cellular mitosis B) It provides cell wall stability C) It increases glucose absorption D) It controls the synthesis of enzymes - CORRECT ANSWER D) It controls the synthesis of enzymes BP39. During protein synthesis, what process uses an RNA strand to produce a complementary strand of DNA? A) Transcription B) Translation C) Transfer synthesis D) Codon synthesis - CORRECT ANSWER A) Transcription BP40. During the process of transcription, a sequence of RNA is generated in which the RNA base cytosine (C) is inserted complementary to the DNA base guanine (G). Which RNA base is inserted complementary to the DNA base thymine (T)? A) Adenine B) Cytosine C) Quinine D) Thymine - CORRECT ANSWER A) Adenine APR1. Which of the following statements is anatomically correct? A) The knee is distal to the ankle B) The heart is inferior to the diaphragm C) The hip is proximal to the knee D) The wrist is proximal to the elbow - CORRECT ANSWER C) The hip is proximal to the knee APR2. If you wanted to separate the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity, which plane would you use? A) Sagittal B) Transverse C) Frontal D) Coronal - CORRECT ANSWER B) Transverse APR3. You have been given a sample of tissue that has pillar-shaped cells arranged tightly together. The tissue you have is: A) Squamous epithelium B) Cuboidal epithelium C) Columnar epithelium D) Transitional epithelum - CORRECT ANSWER C) Columnar epithelium APR4. The epidermis is classified as a(n): A) Cell B) Tissue C) Organ D) System - CORRECT ANSWER B) Tissue APR5. The orthopedic surgeon informs you that you have broken the middle region of the humerus. What area is he describing? A) Epiphysis B) Articular cartilage C) Perichondrium D) Diaphysis - CORRECT ANSWER D) Diaphysis APR6. Going from superior to inferior, the sequence of the verbal column is: A) Sacral, coccyx, thoracic, lumbar, and cervical B) Coccyx, sacral, lumbar, thoracic, and cervical C) Cervical, lumbar, thoracic, sacral, and coccyx D) Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccyx - CORRECT ANSWER D) Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, and coccyx APR7. Which of the following is true of skeletal muscle? (Select all that apply.) A) Skeletal muscle comprises 10% of the body's weight B) Skeletal muscle attaches to bones by tendons C) Muscle contraction helps keep the body warm D) Skeletal muscles continuously contract to maintain posture - CORRECT ANSWER B) Skeletal muscle attaches to bones by tendons C) Muscle contraction helps keep the body warm D) Skeletal muscles continuously contract to maintain posture APR8. If an impulse is traveling from a sense receptor toward the spinal cord, it is traveling along what type of neuron? A) Motor neuron B) Sensory neuron C) Interneuron D) Bipolar neuron - CORRECT ANSWER B) Sensory neuron APR9. What does the parathyroid hormone regulate? A) Magnesium B) Calcium C) Calcitonin D) Glucocorticoids - CORRECT ANSWER B) Calcium APR10. Where are the pressoreceptors and chemoreceptors (specialized sensory nerves that assist with the regulation of circulation and respiration) located? A) Circle of Willis B) Cerebral arteries C) Abdominal aorta D) Carotid body - CORRECT ANSWER D) Carotid body APR11. Bile is secreted into which organ? A) Small intestine B) Liver C) Large intestine D) Stomach - CORRECT ANSWER A) Small intestine APR12. What is the role of progesterone in the female reproductive system? A) Stimulates ovulation B) Conversion of the follicle to the corpus luteum C) Stimulates the development of the endometrium D) Stimulates the start of the menstruation - CORRECT ANSWER C) Stimulates the development of the endometrium APP1. What mineral is responsible for muscle contractions? A) Chloride B) Sodium C) Calcium D) Magnesium - CORRECT ANSWER C) Calcium APP2. In which of the following locations would the urinary bladder and internal reproductive organs be found? A) Thoracic Cavity B) Mediastinum C) Abdominal Cavity D) Pelvic Cavity - CORRECT ANSWER D) Pelvic Cavity APP3. What separates the thoracic cavity from the abdominal cavity? A) Diaphragm B) Mediastinum C) Liver D) Lungs - CORRECT ANSWER A) Diaphragm APP4. Which of the following epithelial types is correctly matched with its major function? A) Simple squamous epithelium-secretion or absorption B) Stratified squamous epithelium-changes shape when stretched C) Stratified squamous epithelium-diffusion D) Simple columnar epithelium-secretion or absorption - CORRECT ANSWER D) Simple columnar epithelium-secretion or absorption APP5. A tissue examined under the microscope exibits the following characteristics: cell found on internal surface of stomach, no extra cellular matrix, cells tall and thin, no blood vessels in the tissue. What type of tissue is this? A) Epithelial B) Connective C) Muscle D) Cartilage E. Nervous - CORRECT ANSWER A) Epithelial APP6. Nerve tissue is composed of neurons and connective tissue cells that are referred to as which of the following? A) Osteoblasts B) Neuroglia C) Osteocytes D) Arterioles - CORRECT ANSWER B) Neuroglia APP7. Which tissue serves as the framework of the body by providing support and structure for the organs? A) Epithelial B) Connective C) Nervous D) Muscle - CORRECT ANSWER B) Connective APP8. What is the basic unit of life and the building block of tissues and organs? A) Atom B) Organelle C) Cell D) DNA - CORRECT ANSWER C) Cell APP9. Which type of cell division takes place in the gonads? A) Mitosis B) Meiosis C) Binary fission D) Asexual division - CORRECT ANSWER B) Meiosis APP10. In what area of the body would you expect to find an especially thick stratum corneum? A) Back of the hand B) Heel of the foot C) Abdomen D) Over the shin - CORRECT ANSWER B) Heel of the foot APP11. What are the glands of skin that produce a thin, watery secretion? A) Sebaceous glands B) Eccrine glands C) Apocrine gland D) Endocrine glands - CORRECT ANSWER B) Eccrine glands APP12. Skin aids in maintaining the calcium and phosphate levels of the body by participating in the production of which of the following? A) Sebum B) Keratin C) Vitamin A D) Vitamin D - CORRECT ANSWER D) Vitamin D APP13. Which of the following are functions of the skeletal system? (Select all that apply.) A) Support the body B) Hemopoiesis C) Conduct impulses D) Provide protection - CORRECT ANSWER A) Support the body B) Hemopoiesis D) Provide protection APP14. The orthopedic surgeon informs you that you have broken the middle region of the humerus. What is he describing? A) Epiphysis B) Articular cartilage C) Perichondrium D) Diaphysis - CORRECT ANSWER D) Diaphysis APP15. You have been given a sample of tissue that has open spaces partially filled by an assemblage of needlelike structures. What is the tissue? A) Spongy bone B) Compact bone C) Cartilage D) Adipose tissue - CORRECT ANSWER A) Spongy bone APP16. Which of the following bones is the only movable bone of the skull? A) Maxilla B) Zygomatic C) Lacrimal D) Mandible - CORRECT ANSWER D) Mandible APP17. Which mineral is responsible for regulating fluid in the body? A) Chloride B) Sodium C) Calcium D) Magnesium - CORRECT ANSWER B) Sodium APP18. Why are skeletal muscles also called voluntary muscles? A) They are under conscious control B) They are attached to the skeleton C) They use ATP to energize contraction D) They are striated in appearance - CORRECT ANSWER A) They are under conscious control APP19. All actions of the nervous system depend on the transmission of nerve impulses over which of the following? A) Neuroglia B) Efferent pathways C) Afferent pathways D) Neurons - CORRECT ANSWER D) Neurons APP20. Motor or _______ neurons transmit nerve impulses away from the CNS. A) Afferent B) Efferent C) Central D) Peripheral - CORRECT ANSWER B) Efferent APP21. Jeffery has contracted bulbar poliomyelitis, and it has affected the medulla oblongata. The doctors warned the family that his condition is grave and death may be imminent. What functions of the medulla oblongata have warranted such a dire prognosis? A) The medulla oblongata contains vital centers that control heart action, blood vessel diameter, and respiration. B) The medulla oblongata contains neural connections of the reticualar-activating system. C) The medulla oblongata contains the pineal gland, which controls the vital centers. D) The medulla oblongata contains the corpora quadrigemina, which controls the neural transmission of impulses along the spinal cord. - CORRECT ANSWER A) The medulla oblongata contains vital centers that control heart action, blood vessel diameter, and respiration. APP22. What are chemical messengers that control growth, differentiation, and the metabolism of specific target cells called? A) Hormones B) Neurons C) Glands D) Second messengers - CORRECT ANSWER A) Hormones APP23. Which of the following are tropic hormones? (Select all that apply) A) Somatotropin B) Follicle-stimulating hormone C) Antidiuretic hormone D) Thyroid-stimulating hormone - CORRECT ANSWER A) Somatotropin B) Follicle-stimulating hormone D) Thyroid-stimulating hormone APP24. Which leukocytes are correctly matched with their function or description? (select all that apply) A) Monocytes- become macrophages B) Basophils- the most common type of WBC C) Lymphocytes- important in immune response D) Neutrophils- phagocytize microorganisms - CORRECT ANSWER A) Monocytes- become macrophages C) Lymphocytes- important in immune response D) Neutrophils- phagocytize microorganisms APP25. The heart has an intrinsic beat that is initiated by which of the following? A) Semilunar B) Bicuspid C) Tricuspid. D) Sinoatrial node - CORRECT ANSWER D) Sinoatrial node APP26. Vasodilation and vasoconstriction results from which of the following? A) Contraction of smooth muscle in the arterial wall B) Relaxation of smooth muscle in the arterial wall C) Relaxation and contraction of smooth muscle in the arterial wall D) Contraction and relaxation of smooth muscle in the venous wall - CORRECT ANSWER C) Relaxation and contraction of smooth muscle in the arterial wall APP27. Which of the following is the blood vessel where exchanges take place between blood and the cells of the body? A) Artery B) Vein C) Capillary D) Arteriole - CORRECT ANSWER C) Capillary APP28. What is the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and the blood through the alveoli called? A) External respiration B) Internal respiration C) Inhalation D) Cellular respiration - CORRECT ANSWER A) External respiration APP29. In order for inhalation to occur, what must happen? A) Contraction of the diaphragm, which decreases the volume of the chest cavity and draws air into the lungs B) Contraction of the diaphragm, which enlarges the chest cavity and draws air into the lungs C) Recoil of the lungs as the respiratory muscles contract, and the thorax decreases in size D)Recoil of the lungs as the respiratory muscles relax, and the thorax decreases in size - CORRECT ANSWER B) Contraction of the diaphragm, which enlarges the chest cavity and draws air into the lungs APP30. Most of the carbon dioxide in the blood does which of the following? A) It is carried in solution or bound to blood proteins B) It is carried on hemoglobin C) It is converted to bicarbonate ions by carbonic anhydrase within red blood cells D) It is converted to biocarbonate ions by carbonic anhydrase within the plasma - CORRECT ANSWER C) It is converted to bicarbonate ions by carbonic anhydrase within red blood cells APP31. How does the trachea remain open like a hollow tube? A) Air pressure inside keeps it open B) Supporting cartilaginous rings keep it open C) It is reinforced with bone that cannot colapse D) Special muscles are working to keep the trachea open - CORRECT ANSWER B) Supporting cartilaginous rings keep it open APP32. The stomach muscle churns and mixes food, turning the mass into a soupy substance called which of the following? A) Bolus B) Bile C) Chyme D) Feces - CORRECT ANSWER C) Chyme APP33. What is the function of aldosterone? A) It converts proinsulin to insulin B) It conserves sodium in the body C) It protects against stress D) It affects heat production - CORRECT ANSWER B) It conserves sodium in the body APP34. All the nutrients that enter the hepatic portal vein are routed where for decontamination? A) Kidney B) Pancreas C) Spleen D) Liver - CORRECT ANSWER D) Liver APP35. Which are the functional units of the kidney? A) Ureters B) Glomeruli C) Nephrons D) Renal capsules - CORRECT ANSWER C) Nephrons APP36. What are the two functions of the male and female sex organs? A) Production of all cells and production of hormones B) Production of interstitial cells and production of hormones C) Production of gametes and production of hormones D) Production of gametes and production of interstitial cells - CORRECT ANSWER C) Production of gametes and production of hormones APP37. In men, spermatozoa develop within the ________ of each testis. A) Seminiferous tubules B) Vas deferens C) Ejaculatory ducts D) Bulbourethral glands - CORRECT ANSWER A) Seminiferous tubules APP38. Testicular activity is under the control of which hormone(s)? A) FSH B) LH C) GH D) Both FSH and LH - CORRECT ANSWER D) Both FSH and LH APP39. Which hormone initiates the preparation of the endometrium of the uterus for pregnancy? A) FSH B) Estrogen C) LH D) Progesterone - CORRECT ANSWER B) Estrogen APP40. During pregnancy, what organ produces the hormones that maintain the endometrium and prepare the breasts for milk production? A) Placenta B) Uterus C) Cervix D) Corpus luteum - CORRECT ANSWER A) Placenta CR1. If an individual weighs 125 lb, what is their weight in kilograms? A) 56.8 kg B) 2750 kg C) 68.5 kg D) 100 kg - CORRECT ANSWER A) 56.8 kg CR2. How many protons does potassium (K) have? A) 39.08 B) 32 C) 19 D) 13 - CORRECT ANSWER C) 19 CR3. How many neutrons does carbon 14 (^14C) have? A) 6 B) 7 C) 8 D) 9 - CORRECT ANSWER C) 8 CR4. What would be the oxidation state of the sulfur atom in sulfuric acid, H2SO4? A) +4 B) +5 C) +6 D) +8 - CORRECT ANSWER C) +6 CR5. What is the strongest type of chemical bond? A) Covalent B) Hydrogen C) Ionic D) Dipole interactions - CORRECT ANSWER A) Covalent CR6. Acids are: A) Protons acceptors B) Proton donors C) Electron acceptors D) Electron donors - CORRECT ANSWER C) Electron acceptors CR7. When two monosaccharides are joined together they make a: A) Polysaccharide B) Oligosaccharide C) Disaccharide D) Fat - CORRECT ANSWER C) Disaccharide CR8. The nucleic acids DNA and RNA A) Are found in the cell nucleus B) Are not found in the cell mitochondria C) Contain different kinds of fat D) Include very small molecules - CORRECT ANSWER A) Are found in the cell nucleus CR9. The reaction 2C2H6(g)+7O2(g) --> 4CO2(g)+ 6H2O(g) or ethane+ oxygen yields carbon dioxide + water is an example of: A) Combustion B) Double replacement C) Single replacement D) Decomposition - CORRECT ANSWER A) Combustion CR10.What is the correct name for MgSO4? A) Magnesium Sulfate B) Manganese C) Magnesium sulfite D) Manganese silicate - CORRECT ANSWER A) Magnesium Sulfate CP1. What are all the metric measurements composed of? A) Metric prefix and a basic unit of measure B) A significand and a metric prefix C) A metric prefix and a coefficient D) A coefficient a d a significand - CORRECT ANSWER A. Metric prefix and a basic unit of measure CP2. What is the most commonly used temperature scale in the scientific community? A) Fahrenheit B) Celsius and Centigrade C) Kelvin D) English temperature method - CORRECT ANSWER B. Celsius and Centigrade CP3. The nucleus of an atom contains or is made up of which of the following? A) Protons and electrons B) Protons only C) Protons and neutrons D) Neutrons and electrons - CORRECT ANSWER C. Protons and neutrons CP4. What is an atom that has a positive charge called A) A cathode B) A cation C) An anode D) An anion - CORRECT ANSWER B. A cation CP5. In the periodic table, what are the rows called? A) Groups B) Moles C) Columns D) Periods - CORRECT ANSWER D. Periods CP6. What is the atomic number? A) Number of neutrons B) Number of protons C) Number of electrons D) Number of isotopes - CORRECT ANSWER B. Number of protons CP7. Which if the following describes the atomic mass? A) Mass of protons and electrons B) Mass of neutrons and electrons C) Average mass of that elements isotopes D) Number of moles in a solution - CORRECT ANSWER C. Average mass of that elements isotopes CP8. Chemical equations are written in which manner? A) Product - - > Reactants B) Reactants - - > Products C) Reactants + Reactants D) Products + Reactants - CORRECT ANSWER B. Reactants - - > Products CP9. What is the charge on potassium in the compound KCI? A) - 1 B) +1 C) - 2 D) +2 - CORRECT ANSWER B. +1 CP10. A catalyst is a substance that accelerates a reaction by which of the following? A) Adding energy to the overall reaction B) Increasing the amount of energy ended for the reaction to occur C) Finding an alternate pathway for a reaction that requires less energy D) Speeding up the overall reaction process - CORRECT ANSWER C. Finding an alternate pathway for a reaction that requires less energy CP11. Percent concentration of a solution is expressed as which of the following? A) 100 parts per 100 dL B) Parts per 100 parts C) Parts of moles D) Moles per 100 parts - CORRECT ANSWER B. Parts per 100 parts CP12. What will one liter of a one molar solution of any element contain? A) The atomic mass in grams of that element B) The atomic number in grams of that element C) The atomic mass in liters of that element D) The atomic number in liters of that element - CORRECT ANSWER A. The atomic mass in grams of that element CP13. Chemical bonding is the bonding if which of the following? A) One atom to another atom B) One mole to another mole C) A proton to an electron D) One cation to another cation - CORRECT ANSWER A. One atom to another atom CP14. Which of the following describes an ionic bond? A) It shares electrons B) It does not share electrons C) It is sometimes called a covalent bond D) It is the strongest of all chemical bonds - CORRECT ANSWER B. It does not share electrons CP15. The reaction 2C2H6 + 7O2 —> 4CO2 + 6H2O has a ratio of 2 parts ethane (C2H6) and 7 parts oxygen (O2). How many parts of ethane (C 2 H 6 ) will be needed to react with 21 parts of oxygen? A) 3 parts of ethane (C 2 H 6 ) B) 6 parts if ethane (C 2 H 6 ) C) 9 parts if ethane (C 2 H 6 ) D) 14 parts of ethane (C 2 H 6 ) - CORRECT ANSWER B. 6 parts if ethane (C 2 H 6 ) CP16. What is the concentration of 58.5 g of NaCl in 2 L of solution (atomic weights of each element are as follows: Na = 23 g/mol, Cl = 35.5 mol)? A) 0.5 NaCl B) 0.75 mol NaCl C) 1 mol NaCl D) 2 mol NaCl - CORRECT ANSWER A. 0.5 NaCl CP17. In a redox reactions, which of the following describes reduction? A) It is the loss of electrons B) It is the gain of protons C) It is the loss of neutrons D) It is the gain of electrons - CORRECT ANSWER D. It is the gain of electrons CP18. What are acids? A) Hydrogen acceptors B) Solution of high pH C) Hydrogen donors D) Amphoteric - CORRECT ANSWER C. Hydrogen donors CP19. What is a benefit of water's ability to make hydrogen bonds? A) Lack of cohesiveness B) Low surface tension C) Use as a nonpolar solvent D) High specific heat - CORRECT ANSWER D. High specific heat CP20. What are bases or alkaline solutions? A) Hydrogen acceptors B) Solutions of low pH C) Hydrogen donors D) Amphoteric - CORRECT ANSWER A. Hydrogen acceptors CP21. Chemical reactions in living systems proceed along catabolic pathways, and there tends to be an increase in which of the following? A) Entropy B) Enthalpy C) Glucose D) Glycogen - CORRECT ANSWER A. Entropy CP22. What is a pH of 7? A) Acidic B) Basic C) Neutral D) Positive - CORRECT ANSWER C. Neutral CP23. Which is the correct way to write Iodine (I) with an atomic mass of 131? A) I^131 B) I131 C) ^131I D) 131I - CORRECT ANSWER C. ^131I CP24. What is the correct formula for magnesium chloride? A) MgCl2 B) MgCl C) Mg2Cl D) Mg2Cl2 - CORRECT ANSWER A. MgCl2 CP25. What is the weakest of all the intermolecular forces? A) Dispersion B) Dipole interactions C) Hydrogen bonding D) Covalent bonding - CORRECT ANSWER A. Dispersion CP26. Beta radiation is the emission of which of the following? A) Large numbers of helium ions B) An electron C) High energy electromagnetic radiation D) A product of the decomposition of a proton - CORRECT ANSWER B. An electron CP27. Which of the following describes carbohydrates? A) They serve as fuel for the body B) They are present in the DNA but not in RNA C) They are the least abundant biomolecule D) They cannot be stored in the body - CORRECT ANSWER A. They serve as fuel for the body CP28. What are monosaccharides? A) The simplest form of carbohydrates B) The most complex for of carbohydrates C) One form of a very complex fat D) Artifical sweeteners such as saccharin - CORRECT ANSWER A. The simplest form of carbohydrates CP29. Disaccharides are the joining together of which of the following? A) Three to six monosaccharides B) Two monosaccharides C) A number of monosaccharides D) A fat and a monosaccharide - CORRECT ANSWER B. Two monosaccharides CP30. Glycolysis is one of the body's chemical pathways for which of the following? A) Manufacturing glycogen B) Building proteins C) Producing fat D) Metabolizing glucose - CORRECT ANSWER D. Metabolizing glucose CP31. Amino acids are the building blocks for which of the following? A) Nucleic acids B) Carbohydrates C) Proteins D) Lipids - CORRECT ANSWER C. Proteins CP32. What is the union if two amino acids using a peptide bond called? A) A dipeptide B) A peptide C) A monopeptide D) A polypeptide - CORRECT ANSWER A. A dipeptide CP33. Which of the following describes lipids? A) They are a major source of fuel for the body immediately after a meal B) They are stored for a source of fuel after carbohydrate depletion C) They are comprised of glycerol and three fatty acids D) They are metabolized by a pathway called glycolysis - CORRECT ANSWER B. They are stored for a source of fuel after carbohydrate depletion CP34. Which of the following describes DNA? A) It is made of two strands of a ribose sugar-phosphate chain B) It consists of one strand of deoxyribose sugar-phosphate chain C) It consists of one strand of a ribosome sugar-phosphate chain D) It is located solely in the mitochondria of the individual cell - CORRECT ANSWER B. It consists of one strand of deoxyribose sugar-phosphate chain CP35. Use of the periodic table allows prediction of which of the following? A) The properties of each of the elements B) The charge of polyatomic ions C) The number of isotopes in each element D) The potential for discovery of new elemens - CORRECT ANSWER A. The properties of each of the elements CP36. How could water be boiled at room temperature? A) By lowering the pressure B) By increasing the pressure C) By decreasing the volume D) By raising the boiling point - CORRECT ANSWER A. By lowering the pressure CP37. What is a combustion reaction? A) It is endothermic B) It substitutes one element for another C) It always shares electrons D) It is a reaction that involves oxygen - CORRECT ANSWER D. It is a reaction that involves oxygen CP38. What is KCI --> K + Cl2 an example of? A) Synthesis B) Decomposition C) Single replacement D) Double replacement - CORRECT ANSWER B. Decomposition CP39. Iodine and carbon dioxide undergo sublimation at room temperature and atmospheric pressure. What is this process? A) Changing from a gas to a solid B) Changing from a liquid to a gas C) Changing from a solid to a liquid D) Changing from a solid to a gas - CORRECT ANSWER D. Changing from a solid to a gas CP40. An experiment is performed to measure the temperature of boiling water at sea level. The actual boiling point is 104.6 C, 104.5 C, and 104.4 C. What term best describes this data? A) Accurate B) Precise C) Variable D) Equivalent - CORRECT ANSWER B. Precise [Show More]

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