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HESI A2 Entrance Exam 225 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT

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HESI A2 Entrance Exam 225 Questions with Verified Answers Virulence -CORRECT ANSWER the ability to produce disease Efface -CORRECT ANSWER to wipe out, to rub out, do away with; (medical) the thi... nning of the cervix during labor Ubiquitous -CORRECT ANSWER omnipresent, existing or being everywhere osmosis -CORRECT ANSWER process of fluid passing through semi-permeable membrane from higher to lower concentration labile -CORRECT ANSWER apt or likely to change, changing quickly -Because the children fever was very labile the nurse instructed the unlicensed assistive personnel to check the temp frequently. febrile -CORRECT ANSWER having or showing symptoms of a fever dynamic -CORRECT ANSWER energetic, lively insidious -CORRECT ANSWER dangerous, treacherous, so gradual as to not become apparent for a long time -The doctor explained that the cancer probably started years ago but had not been detected because it spread was so insidious. empathy -CORRECT ANSWER understanding another's pain, suffering alongside someone else anticipatory -CORRECT ANSWER showing anticipation, looking forward to ominous -CORRECT ANSWER threatening, menacing preferred -CORRECT ANSWER to set above or hold above another, to like better than another acute -CORRECT ANSWER sharp, intense, coming about quickly chronic -CORRECT ANSWER (medical) refers to a disease or condition that is long-lasting and reoccurring exploratory -CORRECT ANSWER (medical) refers to a surgery or procedure used to diagnose a disease or condition but not treat it recessive -CORRECT ANSWER (genetics) A trait or a gene that can be dominated by another (dominant) trait or gene assent -CORRECT ANSWER To agree (not the same as ascend, to go up or higher), to give consent toxic -CORRECT ANSWER poisonous subjective data -CORRECT ANSWER (medical) Symptoms. Information that is apparent only to the person affected; that person is the only one who can verify it. Examples are pain, fear, and itching. objective data -CORRECT ANSWER (medical) Signs. Information that can be detected or measured by an observer against a standard. Examples are blood pressure, body temperature, and observing a patient crying. effect -CORRECT ANSWER more often used as a noun, meaning result or outcome affect -CORRECT ANSWER Often seen as a verb, meaning to influence or to change. In medical terminology, it may be used as a noun meaning a person's emotional response or disposition. overt -CORRECT ANSWER in the open, clearly visible, not hidden anterior -CORRECT ANSWER toward the front contract -CORRECT ANSWER pronounced with the accent on the second syllable (and used as a verb), it means to draw up, to draw together -The physical therapist exercises the patients muscles so they contract and expand. rigidity -CORRECT ANSWER stiffness, the stat of not being flexible persecute -CORRECT ANSWER to harass or annoy constantly longevity -CORRECT ANSWER long life impervious -CORRECT ANSWER cannot be penetrated or affected distension -CORRECT ANSWER swollen and protruding out further than normal ambivalent -CORRECT ANSWER uncertain, having contradictory feelings, unable to make a decision between two conflicting choices patent -CORRECT ANSWER (medical) Pronounced with a long a ̅, refers to something tube-shaped that is open and unblocked (such as an artery) potent -CORRECT ANSWER powerful, producing a strong effect -the medicine was very potent and it immediately relieved the pateint pain adhere -CORRECT ANSWER to stick to, either literally or figuratively (to adhere to the wall); to adhere to a strict diet euthanasia -CORRECT ANSWER referred to as a "mercy killing," to choose to end the life of someone who is terminally ill prognosis -CORRECT ANSWER predicting the likely outcome of an illness antigen -CORRECT ANSWER a foreign substance that causes the immune system to make antibodies against it abstain -CORRECT ANSWER to voluntarily refrain from incidence -CORRECT ANSWER the rate at which something occurs, such as injuries or illnesses hydrophilic -CORRECT ANSWER attracted to water ("water loving") hydrophobic -CORRECT ANSWER not attracted to water or water-repelling ("fear of water") occluded -CORRECT ANSWER blocked, closed; the opposite of patent -Because the patient foot was cold and blue the nurse reported that the patient circulation to the foot was occluded. precipitous -CORRECT ANSWER (medical) a sudden and dramatic change for the worse vital -CORRECT ANSWER necessary for the maintenance of life; essential ingest -CORRECT ANSWER to take into the body by the mouth for digestion proscribe -CORRECT ANSWER to forbid prescribe -CORRECT ANSWER recommend or authorize the use of supplement -CORRECT ANSWER something that is added in order to make up for something that is lacking or missing paroxysm -CORRECT ANSWER a violent seizure; or something that begins suddenly and uncontrollably carniore -CORRECT ANSWER meat-eater belligerent -CORRECT ANSWER aggressively hostile, combative, pugnatious bilateral -CORRECT ANSWER present on both sides -The unlicensed assistive personnel reported o the nurse that the patient had bilateral weakness in the leg when walking. recur -CORRECT ANSWER to occur again flaccid -CORRECT ANSWER limp, lacking tone - After a stroke , the patient could not feed herself because her arms were flaccid. androgynous -CORRECT ANSWER having both male and female characteristics untoward -CORRECT ANSWER improper or unfortunate, adverse or negative -The patient became very confused which was an untoward effect of the medication received. endogenous -CORRECT ANSWER occurring or resulting from within the body -The nurse explained that endogenous insulin produced by the body's pancreas helps regulate the body blood sugar levels. exogenous -CORRECT ANSWER occurring or resulting from outside the body -The nurse explained that people with diabetes often need to receive exogenous forms of insulin because their bodies are unable to produce enough insulin. intrusive -CORRECT ANSWER invasive parameter -CORRECT ANSWER guideline, a characteristic or constant factor, limit -The dietician explained that the number of calories needed for energy is one of the important parameters of a healthy diet. void -CORRECT ANSWER (medial) to urinate; excrete or expel urine -The patient was instructed to void into the container so the nurse could examine the urine. lethargic -CORRECT ANSWER sluggish, difficult to arouse -The unlicensed assitive personnel observed that the morning after a patient received a sleeping pill, the patient was to lethargic to eat breakfast. offsetting -CORRECT ANSWER counteracting atrophy -CORRECT ANSWER the degeneration or wasting away of a part of the body discrete -CORRECT ANSWER apart or detached, separate, distinct -The paramedics observed several discrete bruise marks on patients body. site -CORRECT ANSWER location exposure -CORRECT ANSWER to surgically lay open; to be subjected to something (such as sunlight or germs) exacerbate -CORRECT ANSWER to aggravate, to worsen neuron -CORRECT ANSWER a nerve cell adverse -CORRECT ANSWER unfavorable, undesired, possibly harmful -Vommiting is an adverse effect of many medications. holistic -CORRECT ANSWER (medical) concerned with the whole person or all the body systems instead of just one part suppress -CORRECT ANSWER to stop, or subdue -When the child's fever went down, the nurse checked to see if any medication given had suppress the fever. impending -CORRECT ANSWER about to happen, likely to occur soon symmetric -CORRECT ANSWER equal on both sides; being equal or the same in size, shape, and relative postition volume -CORRECT ANSWER quantity repugnant -CORRECT ANSWER offensive intact -CORRECT ANSWER unbroken, in place, unharmed access -CORRECT ANSWER the ability to enter, contract, or approach; -To administer medications into the patient vein,the nurse must access the vein with special needle. dilate -CORRECT ANSWER to become larger in diameter abrupt -CORRECT ANSWER sudden annual -CORRECT ANSWER occurring every year apply -CORRECT ANSWER to place, put on, or spread something audible -CORRECT ANSWER able to be heard cardiac -CORRECT ANSWER of or relating to the heart cast -CORRECT ANSWER hard protective device applied to protect a broken bone while the bones heals cavity -CORRECT ANSWER an opening or an empty space cease -CORRECT ANSWER come to an end or bring to an end compensatory -CORRECT ANSWER offsetting or making up for something -When the patients blood pressure decreased, the paramedic noted that the heart rate increased ,which the paramedic recognized as a compensatory action. complication -CORRECT ANSWER an undesired problem that is the result of some other event comply -CORRECT ANSWER to do as directed concave -CORRECT ANSWER rounded inward concise -CORRECT ANSWER brief to the point consistency -CORRECT ANSWER degree of viscosity , how thick or thin fluid is -The respiratory therapist noticed that the mucus the patient was coughing was a thin watery consistency. constrict -CORRECT ANSWER to draw together or become smaller -The nurse knows that small blood vessel of the skin will constrict when ice is applied to the skin, contingent -CORRECT ANSWER dependent -The hygienist told the patient that a healthy mouth is contingent on careful daily brushing and flossing. contour -CORRECT ANSWER shape or outline of a shape -While bathing an overweight patient, the unlicensed assistive personnel noticed that the contour of the patient abdomen was quite rounded. contraindication -CORRECT ANSWER a reason why something is not advisable or why it should not be done -The patients excessive bleeding was a contraindication for discharge from the hospital. defecate -CORRECT ANSWER expel feces -The unlicensed assistive personnel helped the patient to the toilet when he needed to defecate. deficit -CORRECT ANSWER a deficiency or lack of something depress -CORRECT ANSWER press downward -The nurse will depress the patients skin to see if any swelling is present. depth -CORRECT ANSWER downward measurement from surface -The physician measures the depth of a wound by inserting a cotton swab into the wound. deteriorating -CORRECT ANSWER worsening device -CORRECT ANSWER tool or piece of equipment diagnosis -CORRECT ANSWER identification of an injury or disease diameter -CORRECT ANSWER the distance across the center of an object dilute -CORRECT ANSWER to make liquid less concentrated distended -CORRECT ANSWER enlarged or expanded from pressure -When blood vessel is distended, the laboratory tech can easily insert a needle to obtain a blood sample. dysfunction -CORRECT ANSWER impaired or abnormal functioning elevate -CORRECT ANSWER to lift up or place in higher position excess -CORRECT ANSWER more than what is needed or usual expand -CORRECT ANSWER to increase in size or amount external -CORRECT ANSWER located outside the body fatal -CORRECT ANSWER death fatigue -CORRECT ANSWER extreme tiredness, exhaustion gaping -CORRECT ANSWER wide open gastrointestinal -CORRECT ANSWER of or relating to the stomach and intestines gender -CORRECT ANSWER sex of an individual, male or female hematologic -CORRECT ANSWER of or relating to blood -Pregnancy can put a women at risk for anemia, which is a hematologic disorder. hydration -CORRECT ANSWER maintenance of body fluid balance hygiene -CORRECT ANSWER measures contributing to cleanliness and good health impaired -CORRECT ANSWER diminished or lacking some usual quality or level infection -CORRECT ANSWER contamination or invasion of body tissues by pathogenic organisms inflamed -CORRECT ANSWER reddned, swollen ,warm, and often tender initiate -CORRECT ANSWER to begin or put into practice flushed -CORRECT ANSWER reddened or ruddy appearance internal -CORRECT ANSWER located within the body invasive -CORRECT ANSWER inserting or entering into the body part laceration -CORRECT ANSWER cut, tear -After accident the paramedics examined the patients lacerations. latent -CORRECT ANSWER present but not active or visible manifestation -CORRECT ANSWER an indication or sign of a condition -The dietician looked for manifestations of poor nutrition, such as excessive weight loss. musculoskeletal -CORRECT ANSWER of or relating to muscle and skeleton -As a result of overtraining, the athlete suffered a musculoskeletal injury. neurologic -CORRECT ANSWER of or relating to the nervous system neurovascular -CORRECT ANSWER of or relating to the nervous system and blood vessels -Strokes and aneurysms are neurovascular disorders. nutrient -CORRECT ANSWER substance or ingredient that provides nourishment ominous -CORRECT ANSWER significantly important and dangerous -After accident the doctor noticed the patient breathing was irregular, which was a ominous sign that patient condition was worsening. oral -CORRECT ANSWER given through or affecting the mouth paroxysmal -CORRECT ANSWER beginning suddenly or arbutly convulsive pathogenic -CORRECT ANSWER causing or able to cause disease -bacteria and viruses are pathogenic organisms pathology -CORRECT ANSWER processes, causes, and effects of disease abnormally posterior -CORRECT ANSWER located behind in the back potential -CORRECT ANSWER capable of occurring or likely to occur precaution -CORRECT ANSWER preventive measure precipitious -CORRECT ANSWER rapid, uncontrolled predispose -CORRECT ANSWER to make more susceptible or more likely to occur preexisting -CORRECT ANSWER already present primary -CORRECT ANSWER first or most significant priority -CORRECT ANSWER of great importance rationale -CORRECT ANSWER the underlying reason renal -CORRECT ANSWER of or relating to the kidney respiration -CORRECT ANSWER inhalation and exhalation of air restrict -CORRECT ANSWER to limit retain -CORRECT ANSWER to hold or keep status -CORRECT ANSWER condition strict -CORRECT ANSWER stringent, exact, complete sublingual -CORRECT ANSWER under the tongue symptom -CORRECT ANSWER an indication or problem syndrome -CORRECT ANSWER group of symptoms that, when occuring toghther, reflect a specific disease or disorder therapeutic -CORRECT ANSWER of or relating to the treatment of disease or a disorder transdermal -CORRECT ANSWER crossing through the skin transmission -CORRECT ANSWER transfer such as of a disease from one person to another trauma -CORRECT ANSWER injury, wound triage -CORRECT ANSWER process used to determined the priority of treatment for patients according to the severity if a patient's condition and likelihood of benefit from the treatment urinate -CORRECT ANSWER excrete or expel urine vascular -CORRECT ANSWER of or relating to blood vessels verbal -CORRECT ANSWER spoken, using words virus -CORRECT ANSWER microscopic infectous agent capable of replicating only living cells, usually causing infectious diseases volume -CORRECT ANSWER amount of space occupied by fluid spasmodic -CORRECT ANSWER affected by involuntary jerky muscular contractions perceptible -CORRECT ANSWER easily seen or detected, noticeable sputum -CORRECT ANSWER mucus secretion from lungsd, bronchi and trachea expelled through lungs expectorate -CORRECT ANSWER to cough up discharge from lungs and out the mouth convulsion -CORRECT ANSWER a violent disturbance remission -CORRECT ANSWER improvement or absence of sign or disease -When your cancer is in remission it means that it is manageable not getting worse. circuit -CORRECT ANSWER movement once around a course lysis -CORRECT ANSWER decomposition proliferation -CORRECT ANSWER increase -The proliferation of text message among teens has alarmed parents. viscosity -CORRECT ANSWER thickness of liquid -Water flows easily, honey does not, that's why it has greater viscosity than water. docile -CORRECT ANSWER compliant, obediant, easily taught initial -CORRECT ANSWER first progeny -CORRECT ANSWER offspring aggregate -CORRECT ANSWER a sum total of many things ramppant -CORRECT ANSWER unrestrained metabolism -CORRECT ANSWER the sum of all chemical proccessess that occur in an organism eradicate -CORRECT ANSWER destroy completly aide -CORRECT ANSWER assistant, helper ravenous -CORRECT ANSWER hungry sorded -CORRECT ANSWER dirty or vile delectable -CORRECT ANSWER taste or delicious revelation -CORRECT ANSWER a sudden realization or flash of knowledge acclimated -CORRECT ANSWER used to or accustomed to elated -CORRECT ANSWER ecstatic or wildly happy subtle -CORRECT ANSWER delicate or mysterious liberate -CORRECT ANSWER freed absorption -CORRECT ANSWER movement of nutrients from digestive tube into the blood stream 1 cup = __ fl oz -CORRECT ANSWER 8 fl oz 1 pint = __ cups -CORRECT ANSWER 2 cups 1 quart = __ pints -CORRECT ANSWER 2 pints 1 gallon = __ quarts -CORRECT ANSWER 4 quarts 1 gallon = __ fl oz -CORRECT ANSWER 128 fl oz 1 foot = __ inches -CORRECT ANSWER 12 inches 1 yard = __ feet -CORRECT ANSWER 3 feet 1 yard = __ inches -CORRECT ANSWER 36 inches 1 mile = __ yards -CORRECT ANSWER 1,760 yards 1 mile = __ feet -CORRECT ANSWER 5,280 feet 1 fl oz = __ mL -CORRECT ANSWER 30 mL 1 tbs = __ mL -CORRECT ANSWER 15 mL 1 kg = __ pounds -CORRECT ANSWER 2.2 pounds 1 inch = __ cm -CORRECT ANSWER 2.54 cm accountable -CORRECT ANSWER to be responsible aegis -CORRECT ANSWER control, protection bacteria -CORRECT ANSWER single-celled, microscopic organisms chronology -CORRECT ANSWER order of events as they occurred; timeline convulsive -CORRECT ANSWER having or causing convulsions, i.e., violent shaking of the body cursory -CORRECT ANSWER quick, perfunctory, not thorough distal -CORRECT ANSWER distant; away from the center (such as of the body) equilibrium -CORRECT ANSWER balance etiology -CORRECT ANSWER the origin or cause of a disease or condition extension -CORRECT ANSWER lengthening; unbending joint flexion -CORRECT ANSWER bending a joint imply -CORRECT ANSWER to suggest without explicitly stating infer -CORRECT ANSWER to conclude or deduce kinetic -CORRECT ANSWER of or related to movement lateral -CORRECT ANSWER on the side ongoing -CORRECT ANSWER continuous otic -CORRECT ANSWER of the ear [Show More]

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