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HESI A2 ADMISSIONS ASSESSMENT 201 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT

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HESI A2 ADMISSIONS ASSESSMENT 201 Questions with Verified Answers Celsius to Fahrenheit - CORRECT ANSWER (C x 9/5) + 32 Fahrenheit to Celsius - CORRECT ANSWER (F - 32) * 5/9 freezing point ... of water - CORRECT ANSWER 0 degrees Celsius; 32 degrees Fahrenheit boiling point of water - CORRECT ANSWER 100 degrees Celsius; 212 degrees Fahrenheit Roman Numerals: V, X, L, C, D, M - CORRECT ANSWER 5, 10, 50, 100, 500, 1000 1 Kilometer - CORRECT ANSWER = 1,000 meters 1 meter - CORRECT ANSWER = 100 centimeters 1 centimeter - CORRECT ANSWER = 10 millimeters 1 inch - CORRECT ANSWER = 2.54 centimeters 1 mile in yards - CORRECT ANSWER = 1 ,760 yards 1 mile in feet - CORRECT ANSWER = 5,280 feet 1 yard in feet - CORRECT ANSWER = 3 feet 1 foot in inches - CORRECT ANSWER = 12 inches 1 liter - CORRECT ANSWER = 1,000 milliliters 1 milliliter - CORRECT ANSWER = 1 cubic centimeter 1 gallon in quarts - CORRECT ANSWER = 4 quarts 1 gallon in ounces - CORRECT ANSWER = 128 ounces 1 quart - CORRECT ANSWER = 2 pints 1 pint - CORRECT ANSWER = 2 cups 1 cup - CORRECT ANSWER = 8 ounces 1 ounce - CORRECT ANSWER = 30 milliliters (cubic centimeters) 1 Kilogram - CORRECT ANSWER = 1,000 grams 1 gram - CORRECT ANSWER = 1,000 milligrams 1 ton - CORRECT ANSWER = 2,000 pounds 1 pound - CORRECT ANSWER = 16 ounces 1 Kilogram - CORRECT ANSWER = 2.2 pounds Abrupt - CORRECT ANSWER Sudden. Abstain - CORRECT ANSWER To voluntarily refrain from something. Access - CORRECT ANSWER A means to obtain entry or a means of approach. Accountable - CORRECT ANSWER To be responsible. Acute - CORRECT ANSWER Sudden, intense. Adhere - CORRECT ANSWER To hold fast or stick together. Adverse - CORRECT ANSWER Undesired, possibly harmful. Aegis - CORRECT ANSWER Control, protection. Affect - CORRECT ANSWER Appearance of observable emotions. Ambivalent - CORRECT ANSWER Uncertain, having contradictory feelings. Annual - CORRECT ANSWER Occurring every year. Apply - CORRECT ANSWER To place, put on, or spread something. Assent - CORRECT ANSWER To give consent; to agree. Audible - CORRECT ANSWER Able to be heard. Bacteria - CORRECT ANSWER Single-celled, microscopic organisms. Bilateral - CORRECT ANSWER Present on two sides. Cardiac - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the heart. Cast - CORRECT ANSWER Hard protective device applied to protect a broken bone while the bone heals. Cavity - CORRECT ANSWER An opening or an empty area. Cease - CORRECT ANSWER Come to an end or bring to an end. Chronology - CORRECT ANSWER Order of events as they occurred; timeline. Compensatory - CORRECT ANSWER Offsetting or making up for something. Complication - CORRECT ANSWER An undesired problem that is the result of some other event. Comply - CORRECT ANSWER Do as directed. Concave - CORRECT ANSWER Rounded inward. Concise - CORRECT ANSWER Brief, to the point. Consistency - CORRECT ANSWER Degree of viscosity; how thick or thin a fluid is. Constrict - CORRECT ANSWER To draw together or become smaller. Contingent - CORRECT ANSWER Dependent. Contour - CORRECT ANSWER Shape or outline of a shape. Contract - CORRECT ANSWER To draw together, to reduce in size. Contraindication - CORRECT ANSWER A reason something is not advisable or should not be done. Convulsive - CORRECT ANSWER Having or causing convulsions, i.e., violent shaking of the body. Cursory - CORRECT ANSWER Quick, perfunctory, not thorough. Defecate - CORRECT ANSWER Expel feces. Deficit - CORRECT ANSWER A deficiency or lack of something. Depress - CORRECT ANSWER Press downward. Depth - CORRECT ANSWER Downward measurement from a surface. Deteriorating - CORRECT ANSWER Worsening. Device - CORRECT ANSWER Tool or piece of equipment. Diagnosis - CORRECT ANSWER Identification of an injury or disease. Diameter - CORRECT ANSWER The distance across the center of an object. Dilate - CORRECT ANSWER To enlarge or expand. Dilute - CORRECT ANSWER To make a liquid less concentrated. Discrete - CORRECT ANSWER Distinct, separate. Distal - CORRECT ANSWER Distant; away from the center (such as of the body). Distended - CORRECT ANSWER Enlarged or expanded from pressure. Dysfunction - CORRECT ANSWER Impaired or abnormal functioning. Elevate - CORRECT ANSWER To lift up or place in a higher position. Empathy - CORRECT ANSWER Ability to share what others are feeling; understanding the feelings of another. Endogenous - CORRECT ANSWER Produced within the body. Equilibrium - CORRECT ANSWER Balance. Etiology - CORRECT ANSWER The origin or cause of a disease or condition. Exacerbate - CORRECT ANSWER To make worse or more severe. Excess - CORRECT ANSWER More than what is needed or usual. Exogenous - CORRECT ANSWER Produced outside the body. Expand - CORRECT ANSWER To increase in size or amount. Exposure - CORRECT ANSWER To come into contact. External - CORRECT ANSWER Located outside the body. Fatal - CORRECT ANSWER Resulting in death. Fatigue - CORRECT ANSWER Extreme tiredness, exhaustion. Flaccid - CORRECT ANSWER Limp, lacking tone. Flexion - CORRECT ANSWER Bending a joint. Flushed - CORRECT ANSWER Reddened or ruddy appearance. Gaping - CORRECT ANSWER Wide open. Gastrointestinal - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the stomach and the intestines. Gender - CORRECT ANSWER Sex of an individual, as in male or female. Hematologic - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to blood. Hydration - CORRECT ANSWER Maintenance of body fluid balance. Hygiene - CORRECT ANSWER Measures contributing to cleanliness and good health. Impaired - CORRECT ANSWER Diminished or lacking some usual quality or level. Impending - CORRECT ANSWER Occurring in the near future, about to happen. Impervious - CORRECT ANSWER Impenetrable, not allowing anything to pass through. Imply - CORRECT ANSWER To suggest without explicitly stating. Incidence - CORRECT ANSWER Occurrence. Infection - CORRECT ANSWER Contamination or invasion of body tissue by pathogenic organisms. Infer - CORRECT ANSWER To conclude or deduce. Inflamed - CORRECT ANSWER Reddened, swollen, warm, and often tender. Ingest - CORRECT ANSWER To swallow for digestion. Initiate - CORRECT ANSWER To begin or put into practice. Insidious - CORRECT ANSWER So gradual as to not become apparent for a long time. Intact - CORRECT ANSWER In place, unharmed. Internal - CORRECT ANSWER Located within the body. Invasive - CORRECT ANSWER Inserting or entering into a body part. Kinetic - CORRECT ANSWER Of or related to movement. Labile - CORRECT ANSWER Changing rapidly and often. Laceration - CORRECT ANSWER Cut; tear. Latent - CORRECT ANSWER Present but not active or visible. Lateral - CORRECT ANSWER On the side. Lethargic - CORRECT ANSWER Difficult to arouse. Manifestation - CORRECT ANSWER An indication or sign of a condition. Musculoskeletal - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to muscle and skeleton. Neurologic - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the nervous system. Neurovascular - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to nervous system and blood vessels. Nutrient - CORRECT ANSWER Substance or ingredient that provides nourishment. Occluded - CORRECT ANSWER Closed or obstructed. Ominous - CORRECT ANSWER Significantly important and dangerous. Ongoing - CORRECT ANSWER Continuous. Oral - CORRECT ANSWER Given through or affecting the mouth. Otic - CORRECT ANSWER Of the ear. Overt - CORRECT ANSWER Obvious, easily observed. Parameter - CORRECT ANSWER A characteristic or constant factor, limit. Paroxysmal - CORRECT ANSWER Beginning suddenly or abruptly; convulsive. Patent - CORRECT ANSWER Open. Pathogenic - CORRECT ANSWER Causing or able to cause disease. Pathology - CORRECT ANSWER Processes, causes, and effects of a disease; abnormality. Posterior - CORRECT ANSWER Located behind; in the back. Potent - CORRECT ANSWER Producing a strong effect. Potential - CORRECT ANSWER Capable of occurring or likely to occur. Precaution - CORRECT ANSWER Preventive measure. Precipitous - CORRECT ANSWER Rapid, uncontrolled. Predispose - CORRECT ANSWER To make more susceptible or more likely to occur. Preexisting - CORRECT ANSWER Already present. Primary - CORRECT ANSWER First or most significant. Priority - CORRECT ANSWER Of great importance. Prognosis - CORRECT ANSWER The anticipated or expected course or outcome. Rationale - CORRECT ANSWER The underlying reason. Recur - CORRECT ANSWER To occur again. Renal - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the kidneys. Respiration - CORRECT ANSWER Inhalation and exhalation of air. Restrict - CORRECT ANSWER To limit. Retain - CORRECT ANSWER To hold or keep. Serene - CORRECT ANSWER Calm, tranquil. Site - CORRECT ANSWER Location. Status - CORRECT ANSWER Condition. Sublingual - CORRECT ANSWER Under the tongue. Supplement - CORRECT ANSWER To take in addition to or to complete. Suppress - CORRECT ANSWER To stop or subdue. Symmetric (symmetrical) - CORRECT ANSWER Being equal or the same in size, shape, and relative position. Symptom - CORRECT ANSWER An indication of a problem. Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Group of symptoms that, when occurring together, reflect a specific disease or disorder. Therapeutic - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to the treatment of a disease or a disorder. Toxic - CORRECT ANSWER Causing harm, poisonous. Transdermal - CORRECT ANSWER Crossing through the skin. Transmission - CORRECT ANSWER Transfer, such as of a disease, from one person to another. Trauma - CORRECT ANSWER Injury, wound. Triage - CORRECT ANSWER Process used to determine the priority of treatment for patients according to the severity of a patient's condition and the likelihood of benefit from the treatment. Ubiquitous - CORRECT ANSWER Being or seeming to be everywhere at once. Untoward - CORRECT ANSWER Adverse or negative. Urinate/ Void - CORRECT ANSWER Excrete or expel urine. Vascular - CORRECT ANSWER Of or relating to blood vessels. Verbal - CORRECT ANSWER Spoken, using words. Virulent - CORRECT ANSWER Extremely harmful and severe. Virus - CORRECT ANSWER Microscopic infectious agent capable of replicating only in living cells, usually causing infectious disease. Vital - CORRECT ANSWER Essential. Volume - CORRECT ANSWER Amount of space occupied by a fluid. aegis - CORRECT ANSWER control, protection ambivalent - CORRECT ANSWER Having mixed feelings assent - CORRECT ANSWER agreement contraindication - CORRECT ANSWER A reason why something is not advisable or why it should not be done cursory - CORRECT ANSWER hasty, not thorough distal - CORRECT ANSWER farther from the origin of a body part or the point of attachment of a limb to the body trunk distended - CORRECT ANSWER Enlarged or expanded from pressure exacerbate - CORRECT ANSWER to make worse ominous - CORRECT ANSWER threatening impervious - CORRECT ANSWER cant pass through insidious - CORRECT ANSWER proceeding in a gradual, subtle way, but with harmful effects labile - CORRECT ANSWER Changing rapidly and often manifestation - CORRECT ANSWER an indication or sign of a condition occluded - CORRECT ANSWER closed or obstructed patent - CORRECT ANSWER to open precipitous - CORRECT ANSWER rapid, uncontrolled ubiquitous - CORRECT ANSWER present or existing everywhere virulent - CORRECT ANSWER extremely poisonous portentous - CORRECT ANSWER foreshadowing an event to come; causing wonder or awe; self-consciously weighty, pompous sensuous - CORRECT ANSWER appealing to the senses, especially aesthetically paroxysmal - CORRECT ANSWER Beginning suddenly or abruptly; convulsive void - CORRECT ANSWER to urinate lay vs lie - CORRECT ANSWER Lay-to put something down Lie- to recline fewer vs less - CORRECT ANSWER fewer refers to a number you can count. Less refers to an amount of something. Ex. Use the cooking analogy...you have fewer cherries and less flour than you need. Fewer people Ex. Fewer people voted for him in this election I liked him less after his global warming statement simple predicate - CORRECT ANSWER the verb in the sentence which expresses what is said about the subject simple sentence - CORRECT ANSWER a sentence consisting of only one clause, with a single subject and predicate. adulation - CORRECT ANSWER high praise demure - CORRECT ANSWER quiet and modest; reserved infer vs imply - CORRECT ANSWER infer: assume, draw from; the hearer *infers* imply: suggest, signify; the speaker *implies* boorish - CORRECT ANSWER rude; insensitive euphoric - CORRECT ANSWER very happy adept - CORRECT ANSWER (adj.) thoroughly skilled; (n.) an expert vertigo - CORRECT ANSWER dizziness brawny - CORRECT ANSWER strong, muscular regime - CORRECT ANSWER a government in power ostracize - CORRECT ANSWER (v.) to exclude from a group, banish, send away regimen - CORRECT ANSWER A regulated program, especially one designed to improve or maintain health [Show More]

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