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HESI A2 version 1 and 2 Exam 196 Questions with Verified Answers 2021,100% CORRECT

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HESI A2 version 1 and 2 Exam 196 Questions with Verified Answers 2021 Which of the following is a structure found in the upper respiratory? - CORRECT ANSWER Pharynx A person who has damage to th... eir ulnar nerve will have decreases sensation in - CORRECT ANSWER . Arm Which bone dose not articulate with any other bone? - CORRECT ANSWER Hyoid . Which of the following statements best describe endocrine glands? - CORRECT ANSWER They secrete chemicals into the blood Diet is important because bone are storage places for - CORRECT ANSWER Calcium and phosphorous Which organ is part of both the male reproductive system and the urinary system? - CORRECT ANSWER . Urethra Ligaments provides with connection? - CORRECT ANSWER Bone to bone What structure conduct urine from the kidney to the urinary bladder? - CORRECT ANSWER Ureter Anaerobic respiration can lead to a burning sensation caused by with molecule? - CORRECT ANSWER Lactic acid As part of the negative feedback system, which type of cell is stimulated to resorb bone matrix in response to a decrease in calcium in the blood? - CORRECT ANSWER Osteoclasts Sweat on the skin's surface cools the body through which process? - CORRECT ANSWER Evaporation When assessing a female client who describes herself as a vegetarian in the nurse notes that she has an unusual skin color. The nurse should ask the client if she has eaten large amount of: - CORRECT ANSWER carrot and squash. Which hand position describes an anatomical position of a person who is standing erect with feet forward? - CORRECT ANSWER Palms of the hand facing anterior Which structure is a ball and socket joint? - CORRECT ANSWER Shoulder Which anatomical structure houses the malleus, incus, and stapes? - CORRECT ANSWER Skull ear What are like cells grouped together called? - CORRECT ANSWER A tissue . The pulse point located behind the knee is palpated over which artery? - CORRECT ANSWER Popliteal Ceruminous glands secrete - CORRECT ANSWER Ear wax What type of synovial joint is the elbow? - CORRECT ANSWER Hinge What occurs when the sympathetic nervous system is stimulated? Increased - CORRECT ANSWER Cardiac output Where does digestion begin in the digestive system? - CORRECT ANSWER Oral cavity Which structure regulates the transport of substances in and out of a cell? - CORRECT ANSWER The cell membrane The mediastinum is located within which cavity? - CORRECT ANSWER Thoracic . What is the effect of serotonin, a neurotransmitter? - CORRECT ANSWER Involved with mood, anxiety and sleep What is the response of cells in the collecting tubules in the nephrons when antidiuretic hormone AHD is secreted? - CORRECT ANSWER . Water is reabsorbed from the urinary filtrate . What is the function of the thrombocytes (platelets)? - CORRECT ANSWER . Play role in blood clotting Which muscle of the quadriceps femoris group lies on the slide surface of the lower extremity? - CORRECT ANSWER Vastus lateralis Which structure is located on the sternum - CORRECT ANSWER Xiphoid process The occipital region is located in which part of the body? - CORRECT ANSWER Head Which structure carries oxygen to the cells? - CORRECT ANSWER Hemoglobin Which gland is commonly known as the "Master Gland"? - CORRECT ANSWER Pituitary Gland Aspirin occurs when there is a tear in which structures? - CORRECT ANSWER Ligament What epidermal derivative is involved in temperature homeostasis? - CORRECT ANSWER Eccrine gland Which statement are true about bone? - CORRECT ANSWER Osteoblast,epiphyseal, diaphysis Aqueous humor is watery fluid in which part of the body? - CORRECT ANSWER Eye The Malleus, Incus, and Stapes are located in which part of the body? - CORRECT ANSWER Ear Dorsiflexion plantar flexion are types of joint movement that are associated with which part of the body? - CORRECT ANSWER Foot Within which vessel does blood return from the lungs? - CORRECT ANSWER Pulmonary vein . Which part of the brain is involved in auditory functioning? - CORRECT ANSWER Temporal lobe What internal structure of the ear is concerned with hearing? - CORRECT ANSWER Cochlea Fertilization of an ovum occurs in which anatomical structure? - CORRECT ANSWER Fallopian tubes Where is the tubialis anterior muscle located? - CORRECT ANSWER Lower leg An over-production of cerumen (earwax) can accumulate in which area? - CORRECT ANSWER External ear canals The mitral value is located between which two structures? - CORRECT ANSWER Left ventricle & Left atrium . The olfactory nerves is associate in which sense? - CORRECT ANSWER Smell Vessel carries blood from the body to the heart? - CORRECT ANSWER Vena cava . Hormone(s) is/are produced by the ovaries? - CORRECT ANSWER Estrogen & progesterone Plane divides the body into right and left sides? - CORRECT ANSWER Sagittal Two principles divisions that makeup nervous system? - CORRECT ANSWER Peripheral (PNS) & Central (CNS) . The orthopedic surgeon informs you that you have broken the distal region of the humerus. What area is he describing? - CORRECT ANSWER Epiphsis . Part of the brain attaches to spinal cord? - CORRECT ANSWER Medulla oblongata 25. Which term is used to describe movement of the arms and legs away from midline of the body? - CORRECT ANSWER Abduction Structure provides a pulse reading in the neck? - CORRECT ANSWER Carotid Artery Which hormone is produce by the posterior pituitary gland? - CORRECT ANSWER Oxytocin What is the primary function of the hemoglobin (blood)? - CORRECT ANSWER Carry oxygen What stimulates the chemoreceptors to function? - CORRECT ANSWER rise in CO2; Fall in o2 Which condition causes a client to say "I can't see far away"? - CORRECT ANSWER Nearsightedness Anaerobic respiration can lead to burning sensation caused by which molecule? - CORRECT ANSWER lactic acid Golgi apparatus functions as? - CORRECT ANSWER process protein secreation. synthesize carbs and glycoproteins What organ produces insulin? - CORRECT ANSWER panceas What effects do serotonin has or neurotransmitters? - CORRECT ANSWER appetite, sleep, mood Fertilization occurs in the? - CORRECT ANSWER oviduct When drawing blood from autecubital region which blood vessel is used to obtain blood? - CORRECT ANSWER median cubital What hormone induces growth of pubic and axillary hair at puberty? - CORRECT ANSWER Testosterone and estrogen Increase in rate of depth of breath results in what blood PH change? - CORRECT ANSWER alkalosis . What lobe of the brain is responsible for auditory functioning? - CORRECT ANSWER Temporal What is the function of the hypothalamus - CORRECT ANSWER regulates function of body, balance, thermoreg How many carb per gram do carbohydrates contain? - CORRECT ANSWER 4 When water molecules move across cell membrane from high to low concentration this process is called? - CORRECT ANSWER osmosis What is the result of carbon dioxide in the body? `` - CORRECT ANSWER body become more acidic What plane divides the body from left to right? - CORRECT ANSWER sagittal plane What part of the body is the lower back? - CORRECT ANSWER lumbar High levels of which ion would most likely result in a cardiac arrest? - CORRECT ANSWER Potassium What blood vessel prefuses the kidney? - CORRECT ANSWER Renal vein What glad is located on the anterior surface of the trachea? - CORRECT ANSWER Thyroid Gland In white blood cells what contributes to phagocytosis? `` - CORRECT ANSWER macrophages, neutrophils What part of the brain is attached to the spinal cord? - CORRECT ANSWER medulla oblongata What structure of the eye picks out color? - CORRECT ANSWER retina . What is the outer most protective layer of the skin? - CORRECT ANSWER Epidermis The organ of corti is located in? `` - CORRECT ANSWER Ear Where in the body are nutrients absorbed? - CORRECT ANSWER Small intestine What cell structure regulates the transportation of substances in and out the cell? - CORRECT ANSWER Plasma membrane The rough endoplasmic reticulum functions in the human cell to? - CORRECT ANSWER Synthesize protein What is the response of cells in the collecting tubules in the nephrons when antidiuretic hormone ADH is secreted? - CORRECT ANSWER water is reabsorbed from urinary filtrate Tissue repair is enhanced by a diet high in? - CORRECT ANSWER Protein What is the definition of chyme? - CORRECT ANSWER bolus that turns into soupy substance. The result of action by the stomach. What are hormones? - CORRECT ANSWER chemical messengers What female reproductive organ produces oocytes, estrogen, progesterone - CORRECT ANSWER ovaries What structure is located in the upper airways? - CORRECT ANSWER nose, pharynx What cellular process helps to move debris and mucous through the lining of tubules? - CORRECT ANSWER Cilia Which is a hollow organ? - CORRECT ANSWER gall bladder Which muscle is included in the quadriceps femoris group? - CORRECT ANSWER Rectus femoris, Vastus lateralis, vastus medilis, vastus intermedius Which structure is responsible for normal respiratory function? - CORRECT ANSWER medulla oblongata The Mitral valve is located between which two structures? - CORRECT ANSWER left atrium left ventricle Which hormone is produced by the posterior pituitary gland? - CORRECT ANSWER ADH and OT Client has large pituitary tumor what part of the body does this effect? - CORRECT ANSWER head hurt, sickness, low blood pressure Which structure produces B-lymphocytes? - CORRECT ANSWER red bone marrow What occurs when the sympathetic nervous system is stimulation is increased? - CORRECT ANSWER Blood pressure rises, goose bumps The buttocks are which surface of the body? - CORRECT ANSWER dorsal . The esophagus is located in which body cavity? - CORRECT ANSWER thoracic The tympanic membrane is located between which structures? - CORRECT ANSWER external auditory canal and middle ear How many days is the average menstrual cycle? - CORRECT ANSWER 28 days Which structure produces T-lymphocytes? - CORRECT ANSWER thymas A person who has damaged the ulnar nerve will have decreased sensation in which area? - CORRECT ANSWER arm -inability to adduct arms and fingers Calcaneus is located in? - CORRECT ANSWER foot Urinary system in the human body primary task is to? - CORRECT ANSWER expel waste Which of the following produce progesterone to prepare the uterus for pregnancy? - CORRECT ANSWER Corpus luteum what are fingerprints made of - CORRECT ANSWER Friction Ridges dac ABCD of cancer? - CORRECT ANSWER Melanoma which of the following location would the urinary bladder & internal reproductive organ be found - CORRECT ANSWER pelvic region which one increases angle at the joint - CORRECT ANSWER extensor which hormone is release by posterior lobe - CORRECT ANSWER oxytocin. order of organization of living things - CORRECT ANSWER organelle, cells, tissues, organs, organ systems, organisms, populations, communities, ecosystem, and biosphere. what bones are formed first during intramembraneous ossification - CORRECT ANSWER flat bone of face and cranial most obvious skin cancer - CORRECT ANSWER basal cell carcinoma active transport - CORRECT ANSWER requires energy and work from cell passive transport and examples - CORRECT ANSWER doesn't require energy ex. diffusion and osmosis diffusion - CORRECT ANSWER The passive movement of molecules or particles along a concentration gradient, or from regions of higher to regions of lower concentration. osmosis - CORRECT ANSWER movement of water across a membrane fibrous joint - CORRECT ANSWER immoveable and held together by ligaments only ex. teeth in socket cartilaginous - CORRECT ANSWER connection between articulating bones made up of cartilage synovial joints - CORRECT ANSWER highly moveable hinge, pivot, saddle two types of asexual reproduction - CORRECT ANSWER binary fission and mitosis eustachian tube - CORRECT ANSWER links the nasopharynx to the middle ear calciferol is controlled by - CORRECT ANSWER parathyroid sebaceous gland - CORRECT ANSWER secretes oil endocytosis - CORRECT ANSWER engulfs and brings in exocytosis - CORRECT ANSWER fuses within plasma membrane and releases content outside of cell pituitary gland produces - CORRECT ANSWER adrenocorticotropic hormone GH adrenal gland secretes - CORRECT ANSWER cortisol and aldosterone Aerobic respiration takes place in - CORRECT ANSWER the mitochondria and requires oxygen and glucose, and produces carbon dioxide, water, and energy. Anaerobic respiration also produces - CORRECT ANSWER energy and uses glucose, but it produces less energy and does not require oxygen. What part of the respiratory system is I the upper respiratory? - CORRECT ANSWER Bronchioles, alveolar ducts, and alveoli aerobic respiration happens in presence of - CORRECT ANSWER oxygen soft spot on baby head - CORRECT ANSWER fontanelle what do endocrine hormones do - CORRECT ANSWER growth metabolsim sexual development and function layers of epidermis (outer to inner) - CORRECT ANSWER corneum, lucidum, granulosum, spinosum, basale can lily grant serena boys top of sternum - CORRECT ANSWER manubrium parts of sternum - CORRECT ANSWER manibrium body xiphoid what makes up most plasma - CORRECT ANSWER water polypeptide are - CORRECT ANSWER chains of amino acids Mitosis- - CORRECT ANSWER the process of cell division that occurs in five stages before pinching two "daughter" cells in a process called cytokinesis Meiosis: - CORRECT ANSWER to make haploid gametes and the production of germs cells Photosynthesis- - CORRECT ANSWER precursor to the glucose molecule is produced in a process. Use sunlight to synthesize foods from carbon dioxide and water. Generates oxygen as a byproduct. the ribs are attached to - CORRECT ANSWER the sternum auricle - CORRECT ANSWER a thin pouch in the heart inspiration - CORRECT ANSWER expands thoracic cavity seperates abdominal and thoracic cavity - CORRECT ANSWER diagram distal convulted tubule controlled by - CORRECT ANSWER PTH HCL chemical in stomach, why not absorbed/ harm stomach= - CORRECT ANSWER mucus lining protects heart with largest layer - CORRECT ANSWER left ventricle what makes colors of the skin - CORRECT ANSWER melanin and melanocytes distal convoluted tubule works with hormone - CORRECT ANSWER ADH oxytocin - CORRECT ANSWER produced by hypothalamus and released by posterior pituitary ligament - CORRECT ANSWER bone to bone tendon - CORRECT ANSWER bone to muscle osteocytes - CORRECT ANSWER bone forming cells 4 steps of bone ossification - CORRECT ANSWER hematoma formation callus formation ossification bone remodeling gallbladder is part of - CORRECT ANSWER digestive system vastus lateralis - CORRECT ANSWER extends knee and stabilizes muscle contraction that moves food thru digestive tract - CORRECT ANSWER peristalsis where are schwann cells - CORRECT ANSWER nervous system how does nervous system work with muscular - CORRECT ANSWER tells muscles how to respond to environment somatic nervous system - CORRECT ANSWER voluntary movements autonomic nervous system - CORRECT ANSWER involuntary movements (sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems) which organ system is responsible for regulating muscle growth - CORRECT ANSWER endocrine how does lymph work with circulatory - CORRECT ANSWER lymph draws excess fluid from the cells and deposits it into blood vessels function of parathyroid - CORRECT ANSWER activation of vitamin D what is a normal beat - CORRECT ANSWER 72 bpm 120 over 80 how is pepsin used in the body - CORRECT ANSWER breakdown proteins esophagus is part of the - CORRECT ANSWER digestive system which system produces antibodies - CORRECT ANSWER lymphatic blood that has supplied nutrients and oxygen to heart msucle returns to right atrium via - CORRECT ANSWER coronary sinus diploid - CORRECT ANSWER 46 chromosomes haploid - CORRECT ANSWER 23 chromosomes skeletal system function - CORRECT ANSWER 1. protection 2. movement 3. mineral storage 4. production of blood efferent - CORRECT ANSWER away from CNS afferent - CORRECT ANSWER toward CNS Ovum - CORRECT ANSWER a mature female reproductive cell, especially of a human or other animal, that can divide to give rise to an embryo usually only after fertilization by a male cell. Gamete - CORRECT ANSWER a mature haploid male or female germ cell that is able to unite with another of the opposite sex in sexual reproduction to form a zygote. capillaries - CORRECT ANSWER carry blood away from body in order to exchange nutrients oxygen and waste What is the exchang eof gases between the atmosphere and the blood through the alveoli called? - CORRECT ANSWER A. External respiration Mostofthecarbondioxideintheblooddoeswhichofthefollowing? - CORRECT ANSWER It is converted to bicarbonate ions by carbonic anhydrase within red blood cells. what are the two functions of the male and female sex organs? - CORRECT ANSWER C. Production of gametes and production of hormones which tissue serves as the framework of the body by providing support and structure for organs - CORRECT ANSWER connective what are the glands of the skin that produce a thin and watery secretion - CORRECT ANSWER eccrine glands All actions of the nervous system depend on the transmission of nerve impulses over which of the following? - CORRECT ANSWER neurons monocytes - CORRECT ANSWER becomes macrophages lymphocytes - CORRECT ANSWER important in immune system neutrophils - CORRECT ANSWER phagocytize microorganisms in order for inhalation to occur - CORRECT ANSWER contraction of the diaphragm, which enlarges the chest cavity and draws air functional units of the kidney - CORRECT ANSWER nephrons when boxer gets hit and has deviated septum? - CORRECT ANSWER vomer (in nose) Where does fertilization occur? - CORRECT ANSWER fallopian tubes cellular contact is important for - CORRECT ANSWER wound healing most abundant tissue - CORRECT ANSWER connective tissue [Show More]

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