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HESI Admission Assessment Exam Review - 4th Edition 180 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT

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HESI Admission Assessment Exam Review - 4th Edition 180 Questions with Verified Answers A die is rolled once. What is the probability of getting the number 5? - CORRECT ANSWER 1/6 Meaning of cur... sory? The Vet tech gave the dog a cursory examination. - CORRECT ANSWER Concentrated In the hierarchic system of classification, which of the following is the least inclusive? - CORRECT ANSWER Species How does the trachea remain open like a hollow tube? - CORRECT ANSWER Supporting cartilaginous rings keep it open. The quotient of y and -25 is -100; find the value of y. - CORRECT ANSWER Multiply. Answer: 2500 Meaning of Acute? - CORRECT ANSWER "Abrupt, intense" Sixteen (16) more than a number is nine (9). What is the number? - CORRECT ANSWER -7 I will _______ that chart to the patient's room later today. A. Bring B. Take C. Brought D. Took - CORRECT ANSWER Take The nucleus of an atom contains, or is made up of, which of the following? - CORRECT ANSWER Protons and neutrons After observing an event, you develop an explanation. This statement is referred to as which of the following? - CORRECT ANSWER Hypothesis Which word in the following sentence should be replaced? The department chairman stepped up to the podium. A. podium B. stepped C. chairman D. up - CORRECT ANSWER Chairman What is the best definition of the word expedite? - CORRECT ANSWER Accelerate Which mineral is responsible for muscle contractions? - CORRECT ANSWER Calcium Of all the molecules that are significant to biology, which are considered the most important? - CORRECT ANSWER Carbohydrates, lipids, protein, and nucleic acids. A tissue examined under the microscope exhibits the following characteristics: cells found on internal surface of stomach, no extracellular matrix, cells tall and thin, no blood vessels in tissue. What type of tissue is this? - CORRECT ANSWER Epithelial Comprehensive means? - CORRECT ANSWER Complete Which of the following proteins catalyzes different reactions or processes? A. Keratin B. Hormone C. Enzyme D. Collagen - CORRECT ANSWER Enzyme Fraction to decimal: 5/11 - CORRECT ANSWER 0.45 Fraction to decimal: 3/8 - CORRECT ANSWER 0.38 Which word in the following sentence is a conjunction? The little girl wanted a cookie, but she didn't take one. A. little B. but C. take D. the - CORRECT ANSWER But A die is rolled once. What is the probability of getting an even number? - CORRECT ANSWER 50% Deteriorate - CORRECT ANSWER Worsen Which word in the following sentence is an indirect object? The doctor gave the patient a prescription. - CORRECT ANSWER Patient One unit of lumber is 3.7 inches wide and another is 1.6 inches wide. How many inches wider is the first unit of lumber than the second? A. 5.3 B. 5.9 C. 2.3 D.2.1 - CORRECT ANSWER 2.1 Concise - CORRECT ANSWER "brief, to the point." In a science class, there are 3 girls and 5 boys. The teacher asks a student to volunteer to come to the board. What is the probability that the student is a girl? - CORRECT ANSWER 3/8 How do phospholipids function in cells? - CORRECT ANSWER They are integral components of the plasma membrane Aegis - CORRECT ANSWER Control, protection. (EX: Unit staffing decisions are under the aegis of the nurse manager.) Carbohydrates - CORRECT ANSWER They serve as fuel for the body Proteins - CORRECT ANSWER are biologic molecules considered the most significant contributors to the cellular function Which word or phrase in the following sentence is the predicate? Everyone who attended the concert heard the conductor's announcement. - CORRECT ANSWER Heard the conductor's announcement Predicate - CORRECT ANSWER tells what the subject is or does Euphemism - CORRECT ANSWER An indirect, less offensive way of saying something that is considered unpleasant (The nurse told the family, "I'm sorry; your father has passed away.") During the process of transcription, a sequence of RNA is generated in which the RNA base cytosine (C) is inserted complementary to the DNA base guanine (G). What RNA base is inserted complementary to the DNA base Thymine (T)? - CORRECT ANSWER Adenine simple columnar epithelium - CORRECT ANSWER Secretion or absorption stratified squamous epithelium - CORRECT ANSWER protection simple squamous epithelium - CORRECT ANSWER Simple single layer. Allows passage of materials by diffusion and filtration in sites where protection is not important. In a cell, reactions take place in a series of steps called: - CORRECT ANSWER Metabolic Pathways Chemical bonding - CORRECT ANSWER One atom to another atom Nerve tissue is composed of neurons and connective tissue cells that are referred to as what? - CORRECT ANSWER Neuroglia Osteoblasts - CORRECT ANSWER Bone building cells Osteocytes - CORRECT ANSWER a bone cell, formed when an osteoblast becomes embedded in the matrix it has secreted. Arterioles - CORRECT ANSWER smallest arteries Two (2) more than three (3) times a number is twenty(20). What is that number? - CORRECT ANSWER 6 in what area of the body would you expect to find an especially thick stratum corneum? - CORRECT ANSWER Heel of the foot Testicular activity is under the control of which hormone(s)? - CORRECT ANSWER Both FSH and LH FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) - CORRECT ANSWER stimulates secretion of ovarian sex hormones, development of ovarian follicles, and sperm production LH (luteinizing hormone) - CORRECT ANSWER a hormone that causes the secretion of sex hormones by the testes and ovaries A bicycle trip of 680 m takes 12.6 seconds. What is the average speed of the bicycle? - CORRECT ANSWER Divide. Answer: 53.97 m/sec A cannon is placed on the edge of a cliff that is 300 m tall. The barrel of the cannon is parallel to the ground below. If a cannonball leaves the barrel in a horizontal direction with a velocity of 115 m/sec, how far out from the base of the cliff will the cannonball land? - CORRECT ANSWER Velocity formula: V=distance/time Answer: 900.0 m Jeffrey has contracted bulbar poliomyelitis, and it has affected the medulla oblongata. The doctors warned the family that his condition is grave and death may be imminent. What functions of the medulla oblongata have warranted such a dire prognosis? - CORRECT ANSWER The medulla Oblongata contains vital centers that control heart action, blood vessels diameter, and respiration. Write the following phrase as an expression. The product of X and 12. - CORRECT ANSWER 12x product - CORRECT ANSWER the answer to a multiplication problem quotient - CORRECT ANSWER the answer to a division problem A car that weighs 15,000 N is initially moving at 60 km/hr when the brakes are applied. The car is brought to a stop in 30 m. Assuming the force applied by the brakes is constant, determine the magnitude of the braking force. - CORRECT ANSWER Cross multiply for X and divide. Answer: 7, 086.7 N Hormone that initiates the preparation of the endometrium of the uterus for pregnancy? - CORRECT ANSWER Estrogen Progesterone - CORRECT ANSWER hormone produced by the corpus luteum in the ovary and the placenta of pregnant women positive feedback - CORRECT ANSWER Feedback that tends to magnify a process or increase its output. Ex: Breastfeeding negative feedback - CORRECT ANSWER A primary mechanism of homeostasis, whereby a change in a physiological variable that is being monitored triggers a response that counteracts the initial fluctuation. Ex: Blood Sugar Regulation aural - CORRECT ANSWER pertaining to the ear or the sense of hearing Which word from the following sentence is an adjective? The nurse leisurely changed from green scrubs into street clothes. - CORRECT ANSWER changed adjective - CORRECT ANSWER A word that describes a noun The following sentence contains which type of word pr phrase? It's okay; brb. - CORRECT ANSWER Textspeak can, may - CORRECT ANSWER CAN suggests ability while MAY suggests permission. Interjection - CORRECT ANSWER expresses emotion and has no grammatical relation to the rest of the sentence. (Ex: Well, I hope you are happy.) between, among - CORRECT ANSWER two persons, many persons bring, take - CORRECT ANSWER Use bring to carry something from a farther place to a nearer place. Use take to carry something from a nearer place to a farther place. Please bring that book to me. Would you take your ruler from your desk and put it back on the shelf? Hear versus Here - CORRECT ANSWER Hear: a verb meaning "to recognize sound by means of the ear" (Can you hear me now?) Here: most commonly used as an adverb meaning "at or in this place" (The test will be here tomorrow) i.e. versus e.g. - CORRECT ANSWER i.e.: that is - specifies or explains e.g.: for example Learn versus teach - CORRECT ANSWER Learn: to receive or acquire knowledge Teach: To give or impart knowledge Lie versus Lay - CORRECT ANSWER Lie: to recline or rest Lay: to put or place Which versus That - CORRECT ANSWER Which: Used to introduce nonessential clauses (example: the hospital, which flooded last July, is down the street) That: Used to introduce essential clauses (example: the hospital that flooded last July is down the street; the other hospital is across town) Bad versus Badly - CORRECT ANSWER Bad: Use bad an an adjective before nouns (He is a bad teacher) and after linking verbs (That smells bad) to modify the subject Badly: Use badly as an adverb to modify an action verb (The student behaved badly in class) Affect versus Effect - CORRECT ANSWER Affect: Used as a verb that means "to influence or to change" (example: the chemotherapy affected [changed] my daily routine) Effect: May be used as a noun or a verb As a noun, it means "result or outcome" (example: The chemotherapy had a strange effect [result] on me). As a verb, it means "to bring about or accomplish" (As a result of the chemotherapy, I was able to effect [bring about] a number of changes in my life) Amount versus Number - CORRECT ANSWER Amount: Used when referring to things in bulk (The nurse has a huge amount of paperwork) Number: Used when referring to individual countable units (The nurse had a number of charts to complete) Good versus Well - CORRECT ANSWER Good: An adjective. Use good before nouns (He did a good job) and after linking verbs (She smells good) to modify the subject Well: Usually an adverb. When modifying a verb, use the adverb well (She plays softball well). Well is used as an adjective only when describing someone's health (She is getting well) ambivalent - CORRECT ANSWER uncertain or unable to decide about what course to follow assent - CORRECT ANSWER agreement concave - CORRECT ANSWER Rounded inward concise - CORRECT ANSWER brief and to the point cursory - CORRECT ANSWER Quick, hasty, not thorough Etiology - CORRECT ANSWER The origin or cause of a disease or condition Flexion - CORRECT ANSWER bending a joint impervious - CORRECT ANSWER impenetrable, not allowing anything to pass through insidious - CORRECT ANSWER so gradual as to not become apparent for a long time labile - CORRECT ANSWER Changing rapidly and often manifestation - CORRECT ANSWER an indication or sign of a condition Posterior (dorsal) - CORRECT ANSWER back of body ubiquitous - CORRECT ANSWER being or seeming to be everywhere at the same time; omnipresent verb - CORRECT ANSWER An action word or state of being Adverb - CORRECT ANSWER A word that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. Ex: quickly, very, quite Hip is --- to the knee - CORRECT ANSWER proximal If you wanted to separate the abdominal cavity from the thoracic cavity, which plane would you use? - CORRECT ANSWER Transverse You have been given a sample of tissue that has pillar-shaped cells arranged tightly together. What tissue do you have? - CORRECT ANSWER Columnar Epithelium The epidermis is classified as a(n): - CORRECT ANSWER tissue Which type of tissue provides support and structure for the organs? - CORRECT ANSWER Connective Within which epidermal layer of the skin does mitosis occur? - CORRECT ANSWER Stratum germinativum The orthopedic surgeon informs you that you have broken the middle region of the humerus. What area is he describing? - CORRECT ANSWER Diaphysis Going from superior to inferior, the sequence of the vertebral column is: - CORRECT ANSWER Cervical(7), thoracic(12), lumbar(5), sacral(5), and coccyx(4) The cells that form compact bone are called? - CORRECT ANSWER osteoblasts skeletal muscle - CORRECT ANSWER attaches to bones by tendons. muscle contraction helps keep the body warm. skeletal muscles continuously contract to maintain posture. The following are needed for a muscle cell to contract: - CORRECT ANSWER Calcium and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) If an impulse is traveling from a sense receptor toward the spinal cord, it is traveling along what type of neuron? - CORRECT ANSWER Sensory Neuron What does parathyroid hormone regulate? - CORRECT ANSWER Calcium Where are the pressoreceptors and chemoreceptors (specialized sensory nerves that assist with the regulation of circulation and respiration) located? - CORRECT ANSWER Carotid Body Bile is secreted into which organ? - CORRECT ANSWER small intestine What is the role of progesterone in the female reproductive system? - CORRECT ANSWER Stimulates the development of the endometrium sagittal plane - CORRECT ANSWER divides body into left and right frontal plane or coronal plane - CORRECT ANSWER Divides the body into front and back portions. transitional epithelium - CORRECT ANSWER function: stretches readily and permits distension of urinary organ by contained urine Location: lines the ureters, urinary bladder, and part of the urethra squamous epithelial tissue - CORRECT ANSWER forms the upper layer of the epidermis; consists of flat, scaly cells that are continuously shed Epithelial - CORRECT ANSWER pertaining to skin cells Muscular/skeletal system - CORRECT ANSWER The muscles, bones, tendons, ligaments. Provides structures/support so that our bodies aren't a squished up blob. Muscles allow us to have movement. nervous tissue - CORRECT ANSWER A body tissue that carries electrical messages back and forth between the brain and every other part of the body. Mitosis vs. Meiosis - CORRECT ANSWER Mitosis: one division forming 2 identical cells (clones); Meiosis: two divisions forming 4 genetically different cells Perichondrium - CORRECT ANSWER around the cartilage (membrane) Vitamin K is created in the? - CORRECT ANSWER intestinal tract Histology - CORRECT ANSWER study of tissues Erythropoiesis - CORRECT ANSWER Red blood cell formation What is the relationship between sarcomeres and muscle cells? - CORRECT ANSWER Muscle cells contain myofibrils, which in turn are made up of sarcomeres. A person who has torn their vastus lateralis muscle will need which of the following? - CORRECT ANSWER A cane or crutches -Vastus Lateralis muscle is a voluntary muscle in the legs Muscles produce contraction due to the sliding action of: - CORRECT ANSWER filaments The medulla oblongata has what primary responsibility? - CORRECT ANSWER Vital functions What is true about simple reflexes? - CORRECT ANSWER They travel only through the spinal cord What is NOT a role of Cortisol? - CORRECT ANSWER Controlling motor impulses How many pairs of spinal nerves are there? - CORRECT ANSWER 31 pairs The spinal cord reaches from the base of the skull to the first or second lumbar vertebra. The base of the skull is known as? - CORRECT ANSWER Foramen Magnum Cyclic adenosine monophosphate (Camp) is a substance that performs which of the following? - CORRECT ANSWER Acts as a secondary messenger The neuron is composed of a/n ______, which transmits signals towards the cell body, and a/n ______, which transmits signals away from the cell body. - CORRECT ANSWER Dendrite, Axon The Soleus muscle is located in which general area? - CORRECT ANSWER The Legs Deflections of the EKG, represent what? - CORRECT ANSWER The electrical activity that precedes contraction and relaxation follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), Thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), and luteinizing hormone (LH) are what type of hormones? - CORRECT ANSWER Tropic Hormones What stimulates the interstitial cells of the testicles to produce testosterone? - CORRECT ANSWER (LH) Luteinizing Hormone Celsius to Fahrenheit equation - CORRECT ANSWER (C x 1.8) + 32 = F Fahrenheit to Celsius conversion - CORRECT ANSWER (F - 32), Multiply x 5, divide by 9 = C 1 kilometer - CORRECT ANSWER 1000 meters 1 meter - CORRECT ANSWER 100 centimeters 1 centimeter - CORRECT ANSWER 10 millimeters How many centimeters in a foot? - CORRECT ANSWER 30.5 How many centimeters in an inch? - CORRECT ANSWER 2.54 1 centimeter to inches - CORRECT ANSWER 0.39 inches ounces in a ton? - CORRECT ANSWER 32,000 pounds in a ton? - CORRECT ANSWER 2,000 pounds in a ton boiling point - CORRECT ANSWER 100 degrees Celsius 212 degrees Fahrenheit Freezing point - CORRECT ANSWER 0 degrees Celsius 32 degrees Fahrenheit Therapeutic - CORRECT ANSWER remedial Ominous - CORRECT ANSWER portentous Paroxysmal - CORRECT ANSWER sudden or spasm like Neurovascular - CORRECT ANSWER relating to the nerves and especially their effect on blood flow "obvious or visible" - CORRECT ANSWER overt nutrient - CORRECT ANSWER food fatigue - CORRECT ANSWER exhaustion 0.0009 is equivalent to? - CORRECT ANSWER 0.09% What vein returns blood to the heart, draining the head, neck, and upper torso? - CORRECT ANSWER Superior Vena Cava What area of the eye has the most acute vision and is comprised only of cones? - CORRECT ANSWER Fovea Centralis What area of the brain is most affected if a person is unable to understand written or verbal speech? - CORRECT ANSWER Weirnecke's Area Fats are broken down in the small intestine using which enzyme(s)? - CORRECT ANSWER Lipase and bile During exhalation, the diaphragm does what? - CORRECT ANSWER Relaxes and lifts Electrical impulses called "action potentials" more along the axon of a neuron by ______? - CORRECT ANSWER Saltatory Conduction What would be a direct result of lipid depletion in the human body? - CORRECT ANSWER The decrease in the amount of estrogen produced What lobe of the brain is responsible for processing olfactory information? - CORRECT ANSWER Temporal How many organ systems are in the human body? - CORRECT ANSWER 11 types of connective tissue - CORRECT ANSWER cartilage, adipose tissue, blood tissue Types of cellular transport - CORRECT ANSWER passive transport and active transport How many basic tissue types does a human have? - CORRECT ANSWER 4: epithelial, connective, nervous, muscular In order for the actin filaments to bind to the myosin head, what must occur first? - CORRECT ANSWER Calcium ions must bind to troponin molecules What valve is responsible for preventing the backflow of blood from the right ventricle to the right atrium? - CORRECT ANSWER Tricuspid Valve flat bone examples - CORRECT ANSWER skull, ribs, sternum, scapula Order of blood flow through the heart - CORRECT ANSWER 1) superior/inferior vena cava 2) right atrium 3) tricuspid valve 4) right ventricle 5) pulmonary semilunar valve 6) pulmonary artery 7) into the lungs 8) pulmonary vein 9) left atrium 10) bicuspid valve 11) left ventricle 12) aortic valve 13) aorta Bile is produced in the? - CORRECT ANSWER liver and stored in the gallbladder 3 bones in ear - CORRECT ANSWER malleus, incus, stapes sebaceous glands - CORRECT ANSWER secrete sebum (oil) into the hair follicles where the hair shafts pass through the dermis atrium - CORRECT ANSWER Thin-walled, upper chamber of the heart through which blood is pumped to the ventricles. ventricle - CORRECT ANSWER Bottom portion of the heart, thicker walled and larger adrenal medulla - CORRECT ANSWER secretes epinephrine and norepinephrine adrenal cortex - CORRECT ANSWER outer section of each adrenal gland; secretes cortisol, aldosterone, and sex hormones Hypothalamus - CORRECT ANSWER brain region controlling the pituitary gland Thalamus - CORRECT ANSWER the brain's sensory switchboard, located on top of the brainstem; it directs messages to the sensory receiving areas in the cortex and transmits replies to the cerebellum and medulla thyroid gland - CORRECT ANSWER produces hormones that regulate metabolism, body heat, and bone growth Skin layers (outer to inner) - CORRECT ANSWER Epidermis- visible layer of skin; lax blood vessels and nerve cells Dermis- below epidermis; Dennis, irregular connective tissue Subcutaneous- primarily composed of lipocytes which manufacture and store large amounts of fat [Show More]

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