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HESI Admission Assessment exam 149 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT

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HESI Admission Assessment exam 149 Questions with Verified Answers Celsius to Fahrenheit - CORRECT ANSWER 9x divided by 5 plus 32 Fahrenheit to Celsius - CORRECT ANSWER x-32 times 5 all divided ... by 9 1 mile is equivalent to how many feet and yards? - CORRECT ANSWER 5,280 feet and 1,760 yards how many centimeters are in an inch? how many centimeters are in an inch? - CORRECT ANSWER 2.54 how many quarts are in a gallon? - CORRECT ANSWER 4 how many ounces are in a gallon? - CORRECT ANSWER 128 how many pints are in a quart? - CORRECT ANSWER 2 how many cups are in a pint? - CORRECT ANSWER 2 how many pounds in a ton? - CORRECT ANSWER 2000 how many ounces are in a pound? - CORRECT ANSWER 16 how many kilograms are in a pound? - CORRECT ANSWER 2.2 how many milliliters in a liter? - CORRECT ANSWER 1,000 1 cubic centimeter is equal to what? - CORRECT ANSWER 1 milliliter roman numeral XL - CORRECT ANSWER 40 roman numeral L - CORRECT ANSWER 50 roman numeral LX - CORRECT ANSWER 60 roman numeral XC - CORRECT ANSWER 90 roman numeral C - CORRECT ANSWER 100 roman numeral M - CORRECT ANSWER 1,000 roman numerals with a line over them indicate that - CORRECT ANSWER they are multiplied by 1,000 2016 would be written as _____ in roman numerals - CORRECT ANSWER MMXVI 2/5 as a decimal would be - CORRECT ANSWER .4 3/5 as a decimal would be - CORRECT ANSWER .6 4/5 as a decimal would be - CORRECT ANSWER .8 1/8 as a decimal would be - CORRECT ANSWER .125 3/8 as a decimal would be - CORRECT ANSWER .375 5/8 as a decimal would be - CORRECT ANSWER .625 7/8 as a decimal would be - CORRECT ANSWER .875 1/3 as a decimal would be - CORRECT ANSWER .3 on repeat 2/3 as a decimal would be - CORRECT ANSWER .6 on repeat Exacerbate - CORRECT ANSWER to make worse or more severe insidious - CORRECT ANSWER so gradual as to not become apparent for a long time ominous - CORRECT ANSWER significantly important and dangerous patent - CORRECT ANSWER open occluded - CORRECT ANSWER closed or obstructed precipitous - CORRECT ANSWER rapid and uncontrolled prognosis - CORRECT ANSWER an anticipated or expected course or outcome untoward - CORRECT ANSWER adverse or negative triage - CORRECT ANSWER process used to determine the priority of the treatment for patients according to the severity of the patients condition and likelihood of benefit from the treatment Ruddy - CORRECT ANSWER flushed Abstract noun - CORRECT ANSWER name of a quality or general idea some examples of this would be persistence and democracy Collective noun - CORRECT ANSWER a noun that represents a group of persons, animals, or things, some examples of this would be family, flock, and furniture pronoun - CORRECT ANSWER takes place of a noun and the word or group of words it refers to is the antecedent some examples of this would be them and their which could refer to an antecedent such as students Personal pronoun - CORRECT ANSWER refers to a specific person, place, thing, or idea some examples of this would be we which is first person, you which is second person, or them which would be third person plural possessive noun - CORRECT ANSWER a form of personal noun that shows some type of ownership and does not contain an apostrophe, some examples of this would be his, mine, my etc. adjective - CORRECT ANSWER a word phrase or clause that modifies a noun some examples of this would be the "biology" book answers the questions what kind, which one, how many or how much participle - CORRECT ANSWER is a type of verb form that functions as an adjective usually ends in -ing or -ed an example of this would be the "absent minded" professor adverb - CORRECT ANSWER a word, clause, or phrase that modifies a verb, an adjective, or another verb some examples of this would be verb example, the physician operates "quickly" adjective example, the nurse wears "very" colorful uniforms, adverb example the student scored "quite" badly on the test conjunction - CORRECT ANSWER joins words or phrases or clauses some examples of this would be and, but, or, so, nor, for, and yet correlative conjunctions - CORRECT ANSWER work in pairs to join words or phrases some examples of this would be neither nor and either or interjection - CORRECT ANSWER a word or phrase that expresses an emotion or exclamation clause - CORRECT ANSWER a group of words that has a subject and a predicate direct object - CORRECT ANSWER is the person or thing that is directly affected by the action of a verb answers the question of what or whom an example of this would be the students watched the "professor" distribute the exams indirect object - CORRECT ANSWER is the person or thing that is not directly affected by the action of the verb found between the verb and direct object an example of this would be the professor gives "his class" the test results A phrase - CORRECT ANSWER a group of two or more words that act as a single part of speech in a sentence can be used as a noun, an adjective or an adverb a phrase lacks a subject and predicate predicate - CORRECT ANSWER tells what the subject does or what is done to the subject it includes the verb and all of the words that modify the verb predicate adjective - CORRECT ANSWER follows a linking verb and helps to explain the subject an example of this would be my professors are "wonderful" predicate nominative - CORRECT ANSWER a noun or pronoun that follows a linking verb and helps explain or rename a subject an example of this would be professors are "teachers" affect - CORRECT ANSWER affect, normally used as a verb, is an emotional response or disposition some examples of this would be the chemotherapy affected my daily routine the troubled teen with the flat affect attempted suicide effect - CORRECT ANSWER may be used as a noun or verb, as a noun it means result or outcome, for example the chemotherapy had a strange effect on me as a verb it means to bring about or accomplish an example of this would be as a result of chemotherapy I was able to effect a number of changes in my life Among versus between - CORRECT ANSWER among shows a relationship involving more than two persons or things whereas between is used to show a relationship involving two persons or things unless the things are considered individually some examples of this would be among the students, between you and I, and I can't decide between my biology class, math class, or chemistry class Amount versus number - CORRECT ANSWER amount refers to things in bulk whereas number is used when referring to individual countable units some examples of this would be the nurse had a huge amount of paperwork, and the nurse had a number of charts to complete can versus may - CORRECT ANSWER can implies ability or power and may implies permission or possibility some examples of this would be I can make an A in that class, and you may leave early farther versus further - CORRECT ANSWER farther refers to a measurable distance and further refers to a figurative distance and means to a greater degree i.e. versus e.g. - CORRECT ANSWER i.e. or that is specifies or explains e.g. or for example gives an example some examples of this would be i.e. i love to study chemistry i.e. the science dealing with the composition and properties of matter e.g. chemical equations, atomic structure, and molar relationships lie versus lay - CORRECT ANSWER lie is to recline or rest and lay is to place or put forms of lie include lie, lay, had lain, and was lying forms of lay include lay, laid, have laid, and laying dermis contains - CORRECT ANSWER connective tissue, nerve endings, blood vessels, and associated skin structures name the layers of epidermis from outer most to inner most - CORRECT ANSWER stratum corneum, stratum lucidum, stratum granulosum, and stratum germinativum which consists of the stratum spinosum and stratum basale mitosis occurs in which layer of the skin? - CORRECT ANSWER stratum basale and spinosum what are the two types of sweat glands? - CORRECT ANSWER eccrine and apocrine eccrine glands are described as? - CORRECT ANSWER the most widely distributed and help to regulate body temperature by secreting water that evaporates from the skins surface apocrine glands are described as? - CORRECT ANSWER found in the armpit and groin area and are known to secrete bits of cytoplasm, this cell debris attracts bacteria and may result in body odor what are sebaceous glands? - CORRECT ANSWER they are glands that release an oily secretion called sebum through hair follicles which lubricate the skin and prevent drying how is oil produced? - CORRECT ANSWER by holocrine secretion in which whole cells are are part of the secretion, this may attract bacteria and cause clogging especially during adolescence appendages of the skin a=include - CORRECT ANSWER hair and nails which are both comprised of the protein keratin what does the body framework consist of? - CORRECT ANSWER bone, cartilage, ligaments, and joints hemopoiesis - CORRECT ANSWER blood cell formation what are the functions of the skeletal system? - CORRECT ANSWER support, movement, hemopoiesis, protection of internal organs, detoxification, provision for muscle attachment, and mineral storage particularly phosphorus and calcium where is the epiphysis of the bone found and what is it predominantly composed of? - CORRECT ANSWER found at the end of the bone and is composed of mainly spongy or cancellous bone where is the diaphysis of the bone found and what is it predominantly composed of? - CORRECT ANSWER this is the shaft of the bone and is mainly composed of compact bone what are the cells that form compact bone? - CORRECT ANSWER osteoblasts, when they become fixed in the dense bone matrix they stop dividing but continue to maintain bone tissue as osteocytes how do muscle contractions occur? - CORRECT ANSWER sliding together actin and myosin filaments within the muscle cell or fiber each muscle cell consists of ______ which are made up of smaller units known as ________ - CORRECT ANSWER myofibrils and sarcomeres what must be present for muscle contraction? - CORRECT ANSWER calcium and adenosine triphosphate also AKA ATP what causes the release of calcium ions from the sarcoplasmic reticulum? - CORRECT ANSWER nervous stimulation from motor neurons What happens when calcium ions attach to inhibitory proteins on the actin filaments within a cell? - CORRECT ANSWER this moves them aside so that cross-bridges can form between actin and myosin filaments, using the energy provided by ATP the filaments slide together to produce contraction PNS or peripheral nervous system consists of what? - CORRECT ANSWER all the nerves that transmit info to and from the CNS afferent neurons or sensory neurons do what? - CORRECT ANSWER transmit nerve impulses toward the CNS efferent neurons or motor neurons do what? - CORRECT ANSWER transmit nerve impulses away from the CNS toward the effector organs such as muscles glands and digestive organs what is the cerebrum responsible for? - CORRECT ANSWER associated with movement and sensory input what is the cerebellum responsible for? - CORRECT ANSWER muscular coordination what is the medulla oblongata responsible for? - CORRECT ANSWER respiration and heart rate what are hormones? - CORRECT ANSWER chemical messengers that control the growth, differentiation, and metabolism of specific target cells most affect cell activity by altering the rate of protein synthesis the pituitary gland is attached to the hypothalamus by what? - CORRECT ANSWER the infundibulum what are the two major potions of the pituitary gland? - CORRECT ANSWER the anterior lobe and the posterior lobe the anterior lobe of the pituitary secretes which hormones? - CORRECT ANSWER tropic hormones which act on mainly other endocrine glands GH or STH, ACTH adrenocorticotropic hormone, TSH thyroid stimulating hormone, FSH follicle stimulating hormone, and LH luteinizing hormone the posterior lobe of the pituitary secretes which hormones? - CORRECT ANSWER oxytocin and ADH antidiuretic hormone what are all of the endocrine glands? - CORRECT ANSWER pituitary, thyroid, parathyroid, adrenal, pancreas, and gonads blood consists of what? - CORRECT ANSWER 55% plasma and 45% formed elements such as erythrocytes, leukocytes, and platelets where are the elements of blood produced from? - CORRECT ANSWER stem cells in red bone marrow What is the main function of erythrocytes? - CORRECT ANSWER transporting oxygen bound to the pigmented protein hemoglobin what are the types of leukocytes? - CORRECT ANSWER neutrophils, monocytes, basophils, eosinophil, and lymphocytes platelets are active in the process of ______ - CORRECT ANSWER blood clotting what are the main roles for blood? - CORRECT ANSWER transport oxygen and nutrients to body cells and carry away carbon dioxide and metabolic waste plasma is made up of ______ - CORRECT ANSWER 10% proteins, ions, nutrients, waste products, and hormones which are dissolved or suspended in water where is the bicuspid valve found in the heart? - CORRECT ANSWER between the atria and ventricle of the left side of the heart where is the tricuspid valve found in the heart? - CORRECT ANSWER between the atria and ventricle of the right side of the heart where is the semilunar valves found in the heart? - CORRECT ANSWER at the entrances of the pulmonary trunk and the aorta blood is supplied to the myocardium via? - CORRECT ANSWER coronary arteries blood drains from the myocardium directly into the right atrium through what? - CORRECT ANSWER the coronary sinus the contraction phase of the cardiac cycle is known as - CORRECT ANSWER systole the relaxation phase of the cardiac cycle is known as - CORRECT ANSWER diastole how does blood flow through the right side of the heart? - CORRECT ANSWER Blood enters the heart through IVC and SVC, emptying oxygen-poor blood from the body into the RA of the heart. As the atrium contracts, blood flows from your right atrium into your RV through the open tricuspid valve. When the ventricle is full, the tricuspid valve shuts. This prevents blood from flowing backward into the atria while the ventricle contracts. As the ventricle contracts, blood leaves the heart through the pulmonic valve, into the pulmonary artery and to the lungs to be oxygenated how does blood flow through the left side of the heart? - CORRECT ANSWER The pulmonary vein empties oxygen-rich blood from the lungs into the LA of the heart. As the atrium contracts, blood flows from your LA into your LV through the open mitral valve. When the ventricle is full, the mitral valve shuts. This prevents blood from flowing backward into the atrium while the ventricle contracts. As the ventricle contracts, blood leaves the heart through the aortic valve, into the aorta and to the body. what are the components of the respiratory system? - CORRECT ANSWER nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, lungs with their alveoli, diaphragm and muscles surrounding the ribs external respiration refers to what? - CORRECT ANSWER the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and and the blood through alveoli internal respiration refers to what? - CORRECT ANSWER the exchange of gases between the blood and body cells carbon dioxide is a regulator of what? - CORRECT ANSWER blood PH what does the digestive system consist of? - CORRECT ANSWER mouth, pharynx, esophagus, stomach, small intestine, large intestine, rectum, and anus what are the accessory organs of digestion? - CORRECT ANSWER liver, pancreas, and gallbladder where does digestion and absorption of food occur? - CORRECT ANSWER small intestine what are the three regions of the small intestine? - CORRECT ANSWER duodenum, jejunum, and ileum all nutrients enter the ________ to be routed to the liver for decontamination - CORRECT ANSWER hepatic portal vein what is the large intestine responsible for? - CORRECT ANSWER water reabsorption, and storage and elimination of undigested foods what are the five portions of the large intestine? - CORRECT ANSWER ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, sigmoid colon, and rectum the filtration process occurs where in the nephron? - CORRECT ANSWER through the glomerulus in the bowman's capsule as the glomerular filtrate passes through the nephron what leaves the nephron by diffusion and reenters the blood? - CORRECT ANSWER water, glucose, and ions what are the two main functions of the male and female sex organs? - CORRECT ANSWER production of gametes or sex cells and production of hormones gametes are formed through what? - CORRECT ANSWER meiosis the interstitial cells between the seminiferous tubules produce what? - CORRECT ANSWER testosterone which influence sperm cell development and produce the male secondary characteristics where are matured sperm stored? - CORRECT ANSWER in the epididymis of the testis what is the ejaculation pathway for sperm? - CORRECT ANSWER vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, and urethra along the ejaculation pathway for sperm what glands produce the semen? - CORRECT ANSWER seminal vesicles, prostate, and bulbourethral glands what hormones secreted by the anterior pituitary gland control testicular activity? - CORRECT ANSWER FSH regulates sperm production, and LH or ICSH interstitial cell stimulating hormone stimulates the interstitial cells to produce testosterone which hormone influences several eggs to ripen within the ovarian follicles in the ovary? - CORRECT ANSWER FSH what hormone is produced by the ovarian follicle to initiate the prep of the endometrium of the uterus for pregnancy? - CORRECT ANSWER estrogen what happens at approximately day 14 of the cycle? - CORRECT ANSWER a surge of LH is released from the pituitary gland stimulates ovulation and the conversion of the follicle to the corpus luteum what does the corpus leteum secrete? - CORRECT ANSWER progesterone and estrogen further stimulating the development of the endometrium what causes menstruation? - CORRECT ANSWER the degeneration of the corpus luteum when fertilization does not occur after ovulation where is the egg swept to? - CORRECT ANSWER the oviduct or fallopian tube what should the summary of the passage include? - CORRECT ANSWER accurate information that presents the main ideas from the beginning, middle, and end of the passage in that sequence Labile - CORRECT ANSWER Changing rapidly or often Insidious - CORRECT ANSWER So gradual as not too become apparent for a long time Distended - CORRECT ANSWER Enlarged or expanded from pressure Overt - CORRECT ANSWER Easily observed Paroxysmal - CORRECT ANSWER Beginning suddenly or abruptly Precipitous - CORRECT ANSWER Rapid uncontrolled Untoward - CORRECT ANSWER Adverse or negative Were vs was - CORRECT ANSWER Use were not was when you say things like I wish I were [Show More]

Last updated: 7 months ago

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