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GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice 145 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT

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GRE Verbal Reasoning Practice 145 Questions with Verified Answers A. apathy toward - CORRECT ANSWERS All Jon cared about was getting an A, so because the team project did not count toward his gra... de in the course, he felt ____________ the work and did not do his share. A. apathy toward B. zeal for C. loathing for D. cheerful about E. antagonism toward Blank (i). B. astonishment Blank (ii). D. sojourning - CORRECT ANSWERS To her friends' (i) __________, because she had never expressed an interest in travel, Lovia decided to teach English in Thailand, (ii) _________ in that country for a year. Blank (i) A. delight B. astonishment C. dismay Blank (ii) D. sojourning E. retiring F. persevering Blank (i) C. apprehension Blank (ii) E. escalated Blank (iii) H. confiscatory - CORRECT ANSWERS The citizens met with their senator to express (i) ____________, arguing that if tax rates (ii) __________ any further, taxes would become (iii) __________, allowing hard-working individuals to keep little of their well-earned income. Blank (i) A. euphoria B. composure C. apprehension Blank (ii) D. economized E. escalated F. elaborated Blank (iii) G. congruent H. confiscatory I. consummate B. dogma; E. tenet - CORRECT ANSWERS Our manager holds as a __________ that an employee with a messy desk is irredeemably lazy, and she therefore demands that all members of her staff keep their work areas meticulously organized. A. whim B. dogma C. hypothesis D. fancy E. tenet F. polity A. spurious; C. fallacious - CORRECT ANSWERS Elena liked Joe a great deal, but she soon tired of his friends pseudointellectuals who propounded inane theories based on __________ interpretations of Neo-Marxism and existentialism. A. spurious B. terse C. fallacious D. succinct E. bellicose F. blithe C. renounce; D. spurn - CORRECT ANSWERS Despite the many pleasures of staying in a hotel, such as a hot shower and clean sheets, many people _________ such comforts in favor of cold water from a nearby stream and a sleeping bag in order to savor a revitalizing proximity to nature. A. extol B. deprecate C. renounce D. spurn E. discountenance F. eulogize A. gainsaid - CORRECT ANSWERS The young man always had to have the last word; he would rather be disliked than __________. A. gainsaid B. selfish C. remembered D. praised E. different B. elusive - CORRECT ANSWERS The giant squid's massive body, adapted for deep-sea life, breaks apart in the reduced pressures of shallower ocean depths, making the search for an intact specimen one of the most ________ quests in all of marine biology. A. meaningful B. elusive C. popular D. expensive E. profitable B. dilapidated; F. ostentatious - CORRECT ANSWERS Although well built and well kept, the little brick house seemed (i) ________ compared to the ornate, almost (ii) __________ new house beside it. Blank (i) A. impressive B. dilapidated C. desirable Blank (ii) D. translucent E. diminutive F. ostentatious A. orator; F. ebullience - CORRECT ANSWERS The (i) ________ gave such an impassioned speech that even the most forlorn members of the crowd were briefly moved to (ii) ___________. Blank (i) A. orator B. miscreant C. interloper Blank (ii) D. despair E. duress F. ebullience - CORRECT ANSWERS His explosive, rude remarks convinced many that he was Abate - CORRECT ANSWER to reduce in amount abscond - CORRECT ANSWER to leave secretly Adulterate - CORRECT ANSWER to make impure Aggrandize - CORRECT ANSWER to increase power, influence, reputation amalgamate - CORRECT ANSWER to combine, mix together Ameliorate - CORRECT ANSWER to make better, improve Anachronism - CORRECT ANSWER something out of place in time analogous - CORRECT ANSWER similar or alike in some way antipathy - CORRECT ANSWER lack of interest or emotion arbitrate - CORRECT ANSWER to judge a dispute between 2 opposing parties archaic - CORRECT ANSWER ancient, old fashioned assuage - CORRECT ANSWER to make something unpleasant less severe Attenuate - CORRECT ANSWER to reduce in force, weaken Audacious - CORRECT ANSWER fearless and daring Austere - CORRECT ANSWER severe or stern in appearance; undecorated banal - CORRECT ANSWER predictable, cliched, boring bolster - CORRECT ANSWER to support, prop up bombastic - CORRECT ANSWER popmpous in speech or manner cacophony - CORRECT ANSWER harsh, jarring noise candid - CORRECT ANSWER impartial and honest in speech capricious - CORRECT ANSWER changing ones mind quickly and often castigate - CORRECT ANSWER to punish or critisize harshly caustic - CORRECT ANSWER biting in wit chauvinist - CORRECT ANSWER someone prejudiced in favor of a group to wich he or she belongs chicancery - CORRECT ANSWER deception by means of craft or guile coget - CORRECT ANSWER convincing and well reasoned convoluted - CORRECT ANSWER intricate and complicated corroborate - CORRECT ANSWER to provide supporting evidence credulous - CORRECT ANSWER too trusitng; gullible decorum - CORRECT ANSWER appropriateness of behavior or conduct deference - CORRECT ANSWER respect, courtesy deride - CORRECT ANSWER to speak of or treat with conempt; to mock desiccate - CORRECT ANSWER to dry out thorooughly desultory - CORRECT ANSWER jumping from one thing to another diatribe - CORRECT ANSWER abuse, condemnatory speech diffident - CORRECT ANSWER lacking self confidencce dilatory - CORRECT ANSWER intended to delay dilettante - CORRECT ANSWER someone with an amateurish and superficial interest in a topic dirge - CORRECT ANSWER a funeral hymn or mournful speech disabuse - CORRECT ANSWER to set right, to free from error discern - CORRECT ANSWER to perceive, recognize disparate - CORRECT ANSWER fundamentally different dissemble - CORRECT ANSWER to present a false appearance dogmatic - CORRECT ANSWER dictatorial in one's opinions dupe - CORRECT ANSWER to deceive; a person who is easily deceived elegy - CORRECT ANSWER a sorrowful poem or speech eloquent - CORRECT ANSWER persuasive and moving emulate - CORRECT ANSWER to copy to try to equal or excel enervate - CORRECT ANSWER to reduce in strength engender - CORRECT ANSWER to produce, cause, or bring about emphemeral - CORRECT ANSWER lasting a short time equivocate - CORRECT ANSWER to use expressions of double meaning in order to mislead erudite - CORRECT ANSWER learned, scholarly, bookish esoteric - CORRECT ANSWER known or understood by very few estimable - CORRECT ANSWER admirable euphemism - CORRECT ANSWER use of an inoffensive word or phrase in place of a more distasteful one exculpate - CORRECT ANSWER to clear from blame; prove innocent exigent - CORRECT ANSWER urgent, requiring immediate action exonerate - CORRECT ANSWER to clear of blame fawn - CORRECT ANSWER to grovel fervid - CORRECT ANSWER intensely emotional;feverish florid - CORRECT ANSWER excessively decorated or embellished foment - CORRECT ANSWER to arouse or incite frugality - CORRECT ANSWER a tendency to be thrifty or cheap garrulous - CORRECT ANSWER tending to talk alot gregarious - CORRECT ANSWER outgoing, social guile - CORRECT ANSWER deceit or trickery iconoclast - CORRECT ANSWER one who opposes established beliefs, customs, and institutions imperturbable - CORRECT ANSWER not capable of being disturbed impervious - CORRECT ANSWER impossible to penetrate impetuous - CORRECT ANSWER quick to act without thinking implacable - CORRECT ANSWER impossible to be calmed down or made peaceful inchoate - CORRECT ANSWER not fully formed, disorganized ingenious - CORRECT ANSWER showing innocence or childlike simplicity inimical - CORRECT ANSWER hostile, unfriendly innocuous - CORRECT ANSWER harmless insipid - CORRECT ANSWER lacking in interest or flavor intransigent - CORRECT ANSWER uncompormising; refusing to be reconciled inundate - CORRECT ANSWER to overwhelm, cover with water irascible - CORRECT ANSWER easily made angry laconic - CORRECT ANSWER using a few words laud - CORRECT ANSWER to give praise, to glorify loquacious - CORRECT ANSWER talkative malinger - CORRECT ANSWER to evade responsibility by pretending to be ill misanthrope - CORRECT ANSWER a person who dislikes others mitigate - CORRECT ANSWER to soften, to lessen mollify - CORRECT ANSWER to calm or make less severe monotony - CORRECT ANSWER lack of variation obdurate - CORRECT ANSWER hardened in feeling resistent to persuasion obsequious - CORRECT ANSWER overly submissive and eager to please obstinate - CORRECT ANSWER stubborn, unyielding obviate - CORRECT ANSWER to prevent; to make unneccesary occlude - CORRECT ANSWER to stop up; to prevent the passage of onerous - CORRECT ANSWER troublesome and oppressive; burdensome opprobrium - CORRECT ANSWER public disgrace ostentation - CORRECT ANSWER excessive showiness paragon - CORRECT ANSWER model of excellence or perfection pedant - CORRECT ANSWER someone who shows off learning perfidious - CORRECT ANSWER willing to betray one's trust perfunctory - CORRECT ANSWER done in a routine way; indifferent placate - CORRECT ANSWER to soothe or pacify pragmatic - CORRECT ANSWER practical as opposed to idealistic precipitate - CORRECT ANSWER to throw violent or bring about abruptly, lacking deliberation prevaricate - CORRECT ANSWER to lie or deviate from the truth pristine - CORRECT ANSWER fresh and clean; uncorrupted prodigal - CORRECT ANSWER lavish, wasteful proliferate - CORRECT ANSWER to increase in number quickly propitiate - CORRECT ANSWER to conciliate; to appease propriety - CORRECT ANSWER to correct behavior; obedience to ruled and customs prudence - CORRECT ANSWER wisdom caution, or restraint pungent - CORRECT ANSWER sharp and irritating to the sense quiescent - CORRECT ANSWER motionless rarefy - CORRECT ANSWER to make things thinner to sparser repudiate - CORRECT ANSWER to reject the validity of reticent - CORRECT ANSWER silent, reserved satiate - CORRECT ANSWER to satisfy fully or overindulge soporific - CORRECT ANSWER causing sleep or lethargy specious - CORRECT ANSWER deceptively attractive, seemingly plausible, but fallacious stolid - CORRECT ANSWER unemotional lacking sensitivity sublime - CORRECT ANSWER lofty or grand tacit - CORRECT ANSWER done without using words taciturn - CORRECT ANSWER silent, not talkative tirade - CORRECT ANSWER long harsh speech or verbal attack torpor - CORRECT ANSWER extreme mental and physical sluggishness transitory - CORRECT ANSWER temporary vacillate - CORRECT ANSWER to sway physically, to be indecisive venerate - CORRECT ANSWER to respect deeply veracity - CORRECT ANSWER filled with truth and accuracy verbose - CORRECT ANSWER wordy vex - CORRECT ANSWER to annoy volatile - CORRECT ANSWER easily aroused or changeable waver - CORRECT ANSWER to fluctuate between choices whimsical - CORRECT ANSWER acting in a fanciful or capricious manner; unpredictable zeal - CORRECT ANSWER passion, excitement [Show More]

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