*NURSING > EXAM > NURSE MED SURGE 100 Questions and Answers With Rationale and Test-Taking Tips (All)

NURSE MED SURGE 100 Questions and Answers With Rationale and Test-Taking Tips

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• A patient diagnosed with gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) reports a sensation of fluid in the throat that does not have the bitter taste previously experienced with reflux. What symptom is t... his patient experiencing? Pyrosis Dyspepsia Water brash Odynophagia p. 1088 What type of cirrhosis is caused by hepatitis C? <p>What type of cirrhosis is caused by hepatitis C?</p> Biliary Laennec's Cholestatic Postnecrotic p. 1170 Which condition is suspected in a patient who presents with right quadrant abdominal pain followed by anorexia, nausea, and vomiting? <p>Which condition is suspected in a patient who presents with right quadrant abdominal pain followed by anorexia, nausea, and vomiting?</p> Peritonitis Appendicitis Gastroenteritis Crohn's disease p. 1147 Which statement is true regarding polyps? <p>Which statement is true regarding polyps?</p> Polyps are malignant. Polyps are symptomatic. Polyps may be hereditary. Tubular adenomas pose a greater cancer risk than villous adenomas. p. 1126 What is a common cause of oral candidiasis? <p>What is a common cause of oral candidiasis?</p> Malnutrition Allergy to gluten Long-term antibiotic therapy Deficiency of complex B vitamins p. 1076 • Correct (95) Which is the most serious complication of peptic ulcer disease that a nurse should check for in an older patient? <p>Which is the <b>most </b>serious complication of peptic ulcer disease that a nurse should check for in an older patient?</p> Perforation Hemorrhage Pyloric obstruction Intractable disease p. 1108 The nurse is caring for a patient who has liver trauma as a result of a motor vehicle crash. What sign/symptom, if present in the patient, would prompt the nurse to suspect internal hemorrhage and hypovolemic shock? <p>The nurse is caring for a patient who has liver trauma as a result of a motor vehicle crash. What sign/symptom, if present in the patient, would prompt the nurse to suspect internal hemorrhage and hypovolemic shock?</p> Tachypnea Bradycardia Hot, dry skin Hypertension p. 1186 A patient has been diagnosed with mild gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and asks the nurse about nonpharmacologic treatments to prevent symptoms. What does the nurse tell this patient? <p>A patient has been diagnosed with mild gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) and asks the nurse about nonpharmacologic treatments to prevent symptoms. What does the nurse tell this patient?</p> "Avoid caffeine-containing foods and beverages." "Peppermint lozenges help to reduce stomach upset." "Sleep on your left side with a pillow between your knees." "Eat three meals each day and avoid snacking between meals." p. 1088 The patient has severe biliary obstruction. What type of surgery does the nurse anticipate this patient requiring in order to explore the ducts for patency? <p>The patient has severe biliary obstruction. What type of surgery does the nurse anticipate this patient requiring in order to explore the ducts for patency?</p> Traditional cholecystectomy Transhepatic biliary catheter Laparoscopic cholecystectomy Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery p. 1196 Which area of the body is a location for gastric ulcers? <p>Which area of the body is a location for gastric ulcers?</p> Muscularis propria Proximal duodenum In the antrum of the stomach Upper portion of the duodenum p. 1107 A patient who has just undergone porfimer sodium therapy reports slight chest pain a short time after the procedure. What medication does the nurse anticipate administering to this patient? <p>A patient who has just undergone porfimer sodium therapy reports slight chest pain a short time after the procedure. What medication does the nurse anticipate administering to this patient?</p> Nitrates Beta blocker Opioid analgesics Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) p. 1098 Which examination is used first to identify an enlarged appendix in a patient? <p>Which examination is used <b>first</b> to identify an enlarged appendix in a patient?</p> X-ray study Abdominal ultrasound Computed tomography Palpation of the abdomen p. 1146 The patient recently diagnosed with acute pancreatitis complains of severe pain despite intravenous narcotic pain medication. Into which position should the nurse assist the patient in order to help decrease pain? <p>The patient recently diagnosed with acute pancreatitis complains of severe pain despite intravenous narcotic pain medication. Into which position should the nurse assist the patient in order to help decrease pain?</p> Prone Supine Side lying High Fowler's p. 1201 What is the common symptom associated with anorexia? <p>What is the common symptom associated with anorexia?</p> Vomiting Diarrhea Abdominal cramping Temperature greater than 101°F p. 1147 When assessing a patient for possible liver dysfunction, the nurse notices round, pinpoint, red-purple lesions on the patient's skin. What term should the nurse use to document such lesions? <p>When assessing a patient for possible liver dysfunction, the nurse notices round, pinpoint, red-purple lesions on the patient's skin. What term should the nurse use to document such lesions?</p> Petechiae Ecchymosis Telangiectases Spider angioma p. 1173 The nurse is assessing a patient who has had his tongue removed. The nurse uses which term to document this procedure? <p>The nurse is assessing a patient who has had his tongue removed. The nurse uses which term to document this procedure?</p> Cryotherapy Glossectomy Mandibulectomy Commando procedure p. 1082 Which statement about xerostomia as a consequence of oral radiation therapy is accurate? <p>Which statement about xerostomia as a consequence of oral radiation therapy is accurate?</p> It is a temporary side effect. Methylcellulose is avoided in treating it. It usually happens within 24 hours of radiation. It is managed by frequent sips of water after meals. p. 1085 While performing an abdominal assessment, where does the nurse expect to locate the liver? <p>While performing an abdominal assessment, where does the nurse expect to locate the liver?</p> Left lower quadrant (LLQ) Left upper quadrant (LUQ) Right lower quadrant (RLQ) Right upper quadrant (RUQ) p. 1067 Which complication is seen exclusively in patients with ulcerative colitis? <p>Which complication is seen exclusively in patients with ulcerative colitis?</p> Cholelithiasis Malabsorption Colorectal cancer Abscess formation pp. 1151-1152 The patient requires a large amount of calories daily to promote the healing of a fistula. Which kind of diet should the nurse provide to the patient? <p>The patient requires a large amount of calories daily to promote the healing of a fistula. Which kind of diet should the nurse provide to the patient?</p> High-fiber food Low-vitamin food High-protein food Low-calorie meals p. 1160 Which assessment finding is consistent with a diagnosis of viral hepatitis? <p>Which assessment finding is consistent with a diagnosis of viral hepatitis?</p> Icteric skin Dark-brown stool Light-colored urine Left upper quadrant tenderness p. 1183 What drug has a complication of hemolytic anemia in a patient with ulcerative colitis if taken in higher doses? <p>What drug has a complication of hemolytic anemia in a patient with ulcerative colitis if taken in higher doses?</p> Oslalazine Balsalazide Mesalamine Sulfasalazine p. 1152 A patient is suspected of having liver cancer. What region of the abdomen would have pain on palpation? <p>A patient is suspected of having liver cancer. What region of the abdomen would have pain on palpation?</p> Right iliac region Hypogastric region Right lumbar region Right upper quadrant region p. 1186 Which kind of hernia is common in infants? <p>Which kind of hernia is common in infants?</p> Direct Ventral Femoral Umbilical p. 1137 Which organism causes gastroenteritis and is possibly transmitted through the respiratory route? <p>Which organism causes gastroenteritis and is possibly transmitted through the respiratory route?</p> Shigella Norovirus Escherichia coli Campylobacter enteritis p. 1148 Which complication occurs due to increasing growth of the colorectal tumor in a patient? <p>Which complication occurs due to increasing growth of the colorectal tumor in a patient?</p> Fistula formation in the colon Abscesses formation in the mouth Tumor spreading to two layers of the bowel wall Bowel obstruction or perforation with resultant peritonitis p. 1127 A patient reports pain in the right upper quadrant (RUQ) after a high-fat meal. Which organ does the nurse expect to be affected? <p>A patient reports pain in the right upper quadrant (RUQ) after a high-fat meal. Which organ does the nurse expect to be affected?</p> Spleen Stomach Appendix Gallbladder p. 1067 Which statement by the patient indicates high risk for esophageal cancer? <p>Which statement by the patient indicates <b>high</b> risk for esophageal cancer?</p> "I eat a lot of pickles." "I do like fresh fruits and vegetables." "I only drink alcohol 3 to 4 times a year." "I've always had issues with constipation." p. 1095 A pathology report indicates a patient who has impaired digestion and bowel function is infected with Trypanosoma cruzi. The nurse notes the patient has cardiac dysrhythmia. Which condition does the nurse suspect? <p>A pathology report indicates a patient who has impaired digestion and bowel function is infected with <i>Trypanosoma cruzi. </i>The nurse notes the patient has cardiac dysrhythmia. Which condition does the nurse suspect?</p> Giardiasis Chagas disease Celiac disease (CD) Intestinal amebiasis Test-Taking Tip: Understand that the patient has cardiac dysrhythmias and impaired digestion. Use your critical thinking to choose the correct answer based on these factors. p. 1166 What type of nutrition therapy is indicated for patients diagnosed with severe steatorrhea? <p>What type of nutrition therapy is indicated for patients diagnosed with severe steatorrhea?</p> Low-fat Gluten-free Low-calorie High-protein . p. 1141 A liver is retrieved from a donor for liver transplantation for a patient with liver cancer. What would be the maximum duration within which the liver has to be transplanted to the cancer patient? <p>A liver is retrieved from a donor for liver transplantation for a patient with liver cancer. What would be the maximum duration within which the liver has to be transplanted to the cancer patient?</p> 2 hours 5 hours 8 hours 18 hours p. 1187 What are the common signs and symptoms of gastroenteritis? <p>What are the common signs and symptoms of gastroenteritis?</p> Fecaliths Polyphagia Nausea and vomiting Abdominal pain that increases with cough p. 1148 The laboratory report of a patient with acute gastritis states there are traces of blood in the stool. What term does the nurse use to document this finding? <p>The laboratory report of a patient with acute gastritis states there are traces of blood in the stool. What term does the nurse use to document this finding?</p> Melena Dyspepsia Peritonitis Hematemesis p. 1105 What surgical techniques are involved in the treatment of Crohn's disease? <p>What surgical techniques are involved in the treatment of Crohn's disease?</p> Minimal invasive surgery (MIS) and ileostomy Minimal invasive surgery (MIS) and stricturoplasty Ileostomy and natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) p. 1161 Which is a risk factor for the development of hepatitis C? <p>Which is a risk factor for the development of hepatitis C?</p> Consuming shellfish Traveling internationally Chronic alcohol consumption Employment in the health care field p. 1181 Which laboratory test may be used to identify bacterial overgrowth and malabsorption of nutrients in the small intestine? <p>Which laboratory test may be used to identify bacterial overgrowth and malabsorption of nutrients in the small intestine?</p> Occult blood test Serum albumin test Hydrogen breath test Complete blood count test p. 1136 What may be a cause of colon polyps? <p>What may be a cause of colon polyps?</p> Pregnancy Tachycardia Sports injury Rectal bleeding p. 1126 Small growths that are covered with mucosa and are attached to the surface of the intestine are known as what? <p>Small growths that are covered with mucosa and are attached to the surface of the intestine are known as what?</p> Polyps Hernias Volvulus Adenocarcinomas p. 1126 Which surgical procedure for removal of an inflamed appendix involves minimal intervention? <p>Which surgical procedure for removal of an inflamed appendix involves minimal intervention?</p> Laparotomy Laparoscopy Exploratory laparotomy Transluminal endoscopic surgery What changes take place in a patient after a total proctocolectomy with a permanent ileostomy? <p>What changes take place in a patient after a total proctocolectomy with a permanent ileostomy?</p> The effluent has a foul odor. The stool becomes reddish in color. Stool volume increases and becomes thin. Stool volume decreases and becomes thick. p. 1154 The patient presents to the emergency department with acute gastritis. The nurse suspects which organism is most likely the culprit? <p>The patient presents to the emergency department with acute gastritis. The nurse suspects which organism is <b>most </b>likely the culprit?</p> Streptococcus Escherichia coli Helicobacter pylori Staphylococcus aureus p. 1104 What are the less-common causes for peritonitis? Select all that apply. <p>What are the <i>less</i>-common causes for peritonitis? <b>Select all that apply.</b> </p> Bacteria Chemicals Perforating tumors Leakage during surgery Contamination during surgery <p>A patient with a hiatal hernia is prescribed famotidine. What is the action of this drug in the treatment of hiatal hernia?</p> Buffers acid in stomach Increases gastric emptying Increases pH of gastric contents Decreases gastric acid secretions p. 1091 What is a clinical manifestation of Crohn's disease? <p>What is a clinical manifestation of Crohn's disease?</p> Nausea Vomiting Abdominal pain Dryness of mucous membranes What finding is consistent with a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? <p>What finding is consistent with a diagnosis of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?</p> Decreased hemoglobin Positive hydrogen breath test Elevated white blood cell (WBC) count Elevated erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) p. 1136 What term is used to describe a sac that develops anywhere along the esophagus due to herniation of the esophageal mucosa and submucosa into the surrounding tissue? <p>What term is used to describe a sac that develops anywhere along the esophagus due to herniation of the esophageal mucosa and submucosa into the surrounding tissue?</p> Sliding hiatal hernia Barrett's esophagus Esophageal diverticula Paraesophageal hernia p. 1101 What is a risk factor for liver cancer? <p>What is a risk factor for liver cancer?</p> Cirrhosis Fatty liver Hepatomegaly Portal vein thrombosis p. 1186 What diagnostic test is preferred to differentiate between ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease? <p>What diagnostic test is preferred to differentiate between ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease?</p> Computed tomography (CT) scan Colonoscopy Magnetic resonance enterography X-ray examination with barium enema p. 1152 A patient reports pain midway between the anterior iliac crest and the umbilicus in the right lower quadrant. The nurse documents that the patient is experiencing pain in which location? <p>A patient reports pain midway between the anterior iliac crest and the umbilicus in the right lower quadrant. The nurse documents that the patient is experiencing pain in which location?</p> Rebound point Appendix point McBurney's point Right lower quadrant point p. 1148 Which route is responsible for spreading lung metastasis in patients with gastric cancer? <p>Which route is responsible for spreading lung metastasis in patients with gastric cancer?</p> Lymphatic spread Peritoneal seeding Hematogenous spread Direct invasion of gastric mucosa p. 1115 Which is a type of primary stomatitis? <p>Which is a type of primary stomatitis?</p> Moniliasis Denture stomatitis Herpes simplex stomatitis Chemotherapy-induced stomatitis p. 1076 A patient with an external transhepatic biliary catheter has had a reduction in drainage. What does this finding indicate? <p>A patient with an external transhepatic biliary catheter has had a reduction in drainage. What does this finding indicate?</p> The catheter is not working. The patient needs to change positions. There is a decrease in biliary secretions. The patient will need to increase the medication. p. 1195 A patient with ulcerative colitis complains of severe diarrhea with exacerbations. What is the drug of choice in this condition? <p>A patient with ulcerative colitis complains of severe diarrhea with exacerbations. What is the drug of choice in this condition?</p> Glucocorticoids Aminosalicylates Immunomodulators Antidiarrheal drugs p. 1152 Which statement made by the student nurse indicates effective learning about polyps? <p>Which statement made by the student nurse indicates effective learning about polyps?</p> "Polyps are formed due to injuries to the internal organs." "Polyps are formed due to weakness in the abdominal wall." "Polyps are formed in the intestinal tracts as small growths." "Polyps are formed due to inadequate healing of a surgical incision." p. 1126 What treatment utilizes liquid nitrogen to destroy liver tumors? <p>What treatment utilizes liquid nitrogen to destroy liver tumors?</p> Cryotherapy Radiation therapy Radiofrequency ablation Percutaneous ethanol injection p. 1187 What term is used to describe a fistula that is present between the bowel and the bladder? <p>What term is used to describe a fistula that is present between the bowel and the bladder?</p> Enteroenteric fistula Enterovesical fistula Enterovaginal fistula Enterocutaneous fistula p. 1159 When assessing the mouth of a patient, the nurse notices a thickened white patch on the floor of the mouth. What term is used to document this finding? <p>When assessing the mouth of a patient, the nurse notices a thickened white patch on the floor of the mouth. What term is used to document this finding?</p> Stomatitis Dysphagia Leukoplakia Erythroplakia p. 1078 A patient is diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. Which test is a sensitive indicator of biliary obstruction in this disorder? <p>A patient is diagnosed with acute pancreatitis. Which test is a sensitive indicator of biliary obstruction in this disorder?</p> Serum amylase Serum bilirubin Alkaline phosphatase Serum alanine aminotransferase p. 1200 What is the incubation period of norovirus? <p>What is the incubation period of norovirus?</p> 1 to 7 days 1 to 10 days 10 to 51 hours 24 to 48 hours p. 1148 Which part of the world has the lowest rate of gastric cancer? <p>Which part of the world has the lowest rate of gastric cancer?</p> Eastern Asia South America North America Eastern Europe p. 1115 Which individual has the greatest risk for developing hepatitis A? <p>Which individual has the <b>greatest</b> risk for developing hepatitis A?</p> Health care worker Intravenous drug user Patient receiving hemodialysis Person who consumes raw oysters p. 1181 The nurse is auscultating the abdomen of a patient. What would be a normal finding with this assessment? <p>The nurse is auscultating the abdomen of a patient. What would be a normal finding with this assessment?</p> Loud gurgling sounds Bruits or "swooshing" sounds High-pitched irregular gurgles Diminished or absent sounds p. 1067 Which condition is the most common cause of peritonitis? <p>Which condition is the <b>most </b>common cause of peritonitis?</p> Diverticulitis Peritoneal dialysis Perforating tumors Leakage during surgery p. 1145 What long-term effects of radiation therapy for oral cancer commonly occur in the head or neck? Select all that apply. <p>What long-term effects of radiation therapy for oral cancer commonly occur in the head or neck? <b>Select all that apply.</b> </p> Mucositis Stomatitis Xerostomia Dental decay Taste alterations p. 1083 Which assessment findings are consistent with a diagnosis of leukoplakia? <p>Which assessment findings are consistent with a diagnosis of leukoplakia?</p> Inflammation and erosion of the oral mucosa White, plaque-like lesions on the buccal mucosa Red, velvety mucosal lesions on the oral mucosa Thickened white patches that are firmly attached p. 1078 A patient is being evaluated in the emergency department (ED) for a possible small-bowel obstruction. Which signs and/or symptoms does the nurse expect to assess? <p>A patient is being evaluated in the emergency department (ED) for a possible small-bowel obstruction. Which signs and/or symptoms does the nurse expect to assess?</p> Cramping intermittently, metabolic acidosis, and minimal vomiting Intermittent lower abdominal cramping, obstipation, and metabolic alkalosis Metabolic acidosis, upper abdominal distention, and intermittent cramping Upper abdominal distention, metabolic alkalosis, and great amount of vomiting p. 1122 A patient presents to the emergency department with pain in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen. The patient reports nausea after eating, diarrhea, and abdominal bloating. What diagnosis does the nurse suspect? <p>A patient presents to the emergency department with pain in the left lower quadrant of the abdomen. The patient reports nausea after eating, diarrhea, and abdominal bloating. What diagnosis does the nurse suspect?</p> Hemorrhoids Umbilical hernia Intestinal obstruction Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) p. 1136 When a patient has gastroenteritis, what type of sound is heard during auscultation of the abdomen? <p>When a patient has gastroenteritis, what type of sound is heard during auscultation of the abdomen?</p> Loud, gurgling sounds Soft swooshing sounds High-pitched musical sounds Low-pitched thud-like sounds p. 1067 Which drug is used to treat liver cancer and acts by kinase inhibition? <p>Which drug is used to treat liver cancer and acts by kinase inhibition?</p> Cisplatin Sorafenib Doxorubicin 5-Fluorouracil p. 1187 Which statement about hepatitis A is accurate? <p>Which statement about hepatitis A is accurate?</p> It is transmitted by the fecal-oral route. It is more common in affluent countries. It is resistant to the action of chlorine (bleach). It is more severe in children and young adults. p. 1181 The serum level of what enzyme is elevated in patients with obstructive jaundice? <p>The serum level of what enzyme is elevated in patients with obstructive jaundice?</p> Alkaline phosphatase Lactate dehydrogenase Alanine aminotransferase Aspartate aminotransferase p. 1174 Which enzyme is involved in enzymatic fat necrosis of the endocrine and exocrine cells of the pancreas? <p>Which enzyme is involved in enzymatic fat necrosis of the endocrine and exocrine cells of the pancreas?</p> Lipase Trypsin Elastase Kallikrein p. 1197 What patient population is more susceptible to direct inguinal hernias? <p>What patient population is more susceptible to direct inguinal hernias?</p> Older adults Obese patients Newborn babies Pregnant women p. 1138 Which medication is the drug of choice to treat giardiasis? <p>Which medication is the drug of choice to treat giardiasis?</p> Infliximab Tinidazole Azathioprine Metronidazole p. 1166 Which factor increases the risk for hernia? <p>Which factor increases the risk for hernia?</p> Bradycardia Underweight Pink-colored wounds Abdominal distension p. 1138 Which bacteria can cause gastric cancer? <p>Which bacteria can cause gastric cancer?</p> Escherichia coli Helicobacter pylori Streptococcus bovis Staphylococcus aureus p. 1115 A patient presents with erythroplakia. What does the nurse expect to find upon assessment of the oral cavity? <p>A patient presents with erythroplakia. What does the nurse expect to find upon assessment of the oral cavity?</p> Inflammation and erosion of the oral mucosa Red, velvety mucosal lesion on the oral mucosa White, plaque-like lesions on the buccal mucosa Slightly raised white patches on the buccal mucosa p. 1079 The nurse is assessing the nature of abdominal pain in a patient with a suspected peptic ulcer. What feature of the pain points towards a diagnosis of gastric ulcer? <p>The nurse is assessing the nature of abdominal pain in a patient with a suspected peptic ulcer. What feature of the pain points towards a diagnosis of gastric ulcer?</p> The pain is on the right of the epigastrium. The pain is worsened by the ingestion of food. The pain often occurs about 2 hours after a meal. The pain often awakens the patient around 1 AM. p. 1110 Which manifestation occurs in advanced gastric cancer? <p>Which manifestation occurs in advanced gastric cancer?</p> Indigestion Epigastric pain Stomach fullness Progressive weight loss p. 1116 The primary health care provider prescribes bevacizumab for a patient who underwent surgical resection for colorectal cancer. Which is an expected outcome of this medication? <p>The primary health care provider prescribes bevacizumab for a patient who underwent surgical resection for colorectal cancer. Which is an expected outcome of this medication?</p> Block growth factors that promote cancer cell growth Interrupt the DNA production of cells and destroy them Control pain, hemorrhage, bowel obstruction, or metastasis to the lung Reduce blood flow to the growing tumor cells, thereby depriving the nutrients for growth p. 1130 What is a feature of hepatic abscess? <p>What is a feature of hepatic abscess?</p> Mortality rates of hepatic abscesses are low. Right upper abdominal pain is a common manifestation. Symptoms of amebic hepatic abscess are usually sudden. Multiple hepatic abscesses are often found simultaneously. 1188 The nurse is teaching a patient with a hiatal hernia about how to prevent heartburn. What statement by the patient indicates a need for further teaching? <p>The nurse is teaching a patient with a hiatal hernia about how to prevent heartburn. What statement by the patient indicates a need for further teaching?</p> "I should avoid excessive vigorous exercises." "I should lie down in the flat position following meals." "I should raise the head of the bed on a 6-inch block while sleeping." "I should avoid fatty foods, coffee, tea, cola, and chocolate in my diet." . p. 1093 What symptom should be assessed for in a patient suspected of having gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)? <p>What symptom should be assessed for in a patient suspected of having gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD)?</p> Nausea Vomiting Eructation Unplanned weight loss p. 1089 The nurse is caring for a patient with a suspected diagnosis of pernicious anemia. What test does the nurse anticipate being ordered for this patient? <p>The nurse is caring for a patient with a suspected diagnosis of pernicious anemia. What test does the nurse anticipate being ordered for this patient?</p> The Schilling test Ultrasonography Bile acid breath test Lactose tolerance test p. 1141 What is a symptom of late dumping syndrome seen 90 minutes to 3 hours after eating? <p>What is a symptom of late dumping syndrome seen 90 minutes to 3 hours after eating?</p> Pallor Vertigo Confusion Tachycardia pp. 1117-1118 What laboratory test is indicated for a patient who is being evaluated for malabsorption disorders? <p>What laboratory test is indicated for a patient who is being evaluated for malabsorption disorders?</p> The Schilling test Fecal fat analysis Bile acid breath test Lactose tolerance test <p>The nurse is reinforcing the instructions on swallowing provided by the speech-language pathologist to a patient diagnosed with esophageal cancer. Which instruction to the patient is the <b>highest</b> priority?</p> "Place food at the back of the mouth as you eat." "Do not be overly concerned with tongue or lip movements." "Before swallowing, tilt the head back to straighten the esophagus." "Do not attempt to reach food particles that are on your lips or around your mouth." p. 1097 A patient who has undergone gastric surgery is advised a specific diet to prevent dumping syndrome. What type of breads and cereals are used with caution in this patient? <p>A patient who has undergone gastric surgery is advised a specific diet to prevent dumping syndrome. What type of breads and cereals are used with caution in this patient?</p> Muffins White breads Whole-grain breads Breads with frosting p. 1118 Which statement about the procedure for an appendectomy is correct? <p>Which statement about the procedure for an appendectomy is correct?</p> The patient can likely be discharged the day after the surgery. The patient can return to usual activities in 2 to 3 days after the surgery. Natural orifice transluminal endoscopic surgery (NOTES) creates an incision near the umbilicus. Laparoscopy is an invasive procedure used to remove the inflamed appendix. p. 1147 Which symptom of chronic pancreatitis also occurs with acute pancreatitis? <p>Which symptom of chronic pancreatitis also occurs with acute pancreatitis?</p> Ascites Abdominal pain Protein malabsorption Loss of exocrine function p. 1202 What physiological change is seen in a patient with ulcerative colitis? <p>What physiological change is seen in a patient with ulcerative colitis?</p> Increase in hemoglobin levels Increase in serum albumin levels Increase in white blood cell levels Increase in blood levels of sodium, potassium, and chlorine p. 1151 What is a behavioral illness that is known to relate to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)? <p>What is a behavioral illness that is known to relate to irritable bowel syndrome (IBS)?</p> Anxiety Schizophrenia Bipolar disorder Attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) p. 1136 What is a common complication of Crohn's disease? <p>What is a common complication of Crohn's disease?</p> Fistulas Tenesmus Liquid stools Bloody stools p. 1150 A patient is diagnosed with constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome. What medication does the nurse anticipate will be prescribed by the primary health care provider? <p>A patient is diagnosed with constipation-predominant irritable bowel syndrome. What medication does the nurse anticipate will be prescribed by the primary health care provider?</p> Rifaximin Linaclotide Loperamide Amitriptyline p. 1136 What laboratory finding signifies an immune response to liver disease? <p>What laboratory finding signifies an immune response to liver disease?</p> Elevated serum globulin Elevated serum ammonia Decreased serum albumin Decreased serum total protein p. 1174 The nurse asks a patient with liver disease to raise the arms to shoulder level and dorsiflex the hands. A few moments later, the hand begins to flap upward and downward. How does the nurse correctly document this in the medical record? <p>The nurse asks a patient with liver disease to raise the arms to shoulder level and dorsiflex the hands. A few moments later, the hand begins to flap upward and downward. How does the nurse correctly document this in the medical record?</p> Asterixis Kehr's sign Hyperreflexia Positive Babinski's sign p. 1173 The nurse is caring for a patient who has experienced two days of obstipation. What does the nurse understand about this patient? <p>The nurse is caring for a patient who has experienced two days of obstipation. What does the nurse understand about this patient?</p> The patient has not passed stool in two days. The patient has not been able to eat in two days. The patient has been vomiting for two days in a row. The patient has been having diarrhea for the past two days. p. 1123 What therapy is used in the treatment of esophageal cancer if surgery is not an option? <p>What therapy is used in the treatment of esophageal cancer if surgery is not an option?</p> Radiation Chemotherapy Targeted therapies Esophageal dilation p. 1097 The nurse is caring for a patient with peritonitis. What assessment findings will the nurse observe? Select all that apply. Diarrhea Anorexia Low-grade fever Distended abdomen Increased urine output Which medication prevents the migration of white blood cells (WBCs) to inflamed bowel tissue? <p>Which medication prevents the migration of white blood cells (WBCs) to inflamed bowel tissue?</p> Prednisone Vedolizumab Azathioprine Metronidazole [Show More]

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