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NURS 550 Psych nursing cert review guide Practice questions (2020) – Drexel University | NURS550 Psych nursing cert review guide Practice questions (2020)

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NURS 550 Psych nursing cert review guide Practice questions (2020) – Drexel University 1. According to Freudian theory, unconscious actions or thought to protect the ego from anxiety are called: ... a. Freudian slips b. Unconscious motivation c. Defense mechanisms d. Transference 2. According to Freudian theory, the personality has three components. The component characterized by the desire for immediate and complete satisfaction is the: a. Reality principle b. Id - wish c. Ego- defense d. Superego- moral 3. If a child’s activities are primarily social interaction, doing homework, and practicing basketball, then according to Erikson, he is in the following stage of development: a. Trust v mistrust b. Autonomy v shame c. Initiative v guilt d. Industry v inferiority 4. In the interpersonal theory of Harry Stack Sullivan, the “self-system” is: a. The part of the personality that satisfies the drive for security b. A construct to describe the narcissism inherent in all interpersonal relationships c. A construct built from the child’s experience, made up of reflected appraisals by significant others d. The part of the personality that satisfies the drive for satisfaction 5. According to Harry Stack Sullivan, the basic drives that underlie human behavior are: a. The drive for satisfaction and the drive for security b. The drive to fulfill basic physical needs and the drive to fulfill sexual needs c. The drive to reduce anxiety and the drive to avoid fear d. The drive for love and work 6. The existential theories of personality focus on: a. The meaning of life for the individual b. Present experience, with little attention to the past c. One’s philosophy of life d. Conforming to societal demands 7. According to Carl Rogers, the important attributes of the therapist are: a. Congruence, unconditional positive regard, and empathetic understanding b. Knowledge of Rogers’s theory, patience, and ability to interpret dreams c. Knowledge of Rogers’s theory, congruence, and interest in human development d. Willingness to drop facades, openness to individual meanings, and compassion 8. The therapist utilizing Gestalt therapy recognizes that introjection is: a. A fantasy about what another person is experiencing b. Accepting the beliefs and opinions of others without question c. Turning back on oneself that which is meant for someone else d. Merging with the environment 9. The main goal of Gestalt therapy is: a. Dropping facades b. Differentiating between self and others c. Integration of self and world awareness d. Resolving conflicts from the past 10. Techniques in Gestalt therapy do NOT include: a. Playing the projection b. Making the rounds c. Exaggeration of a feeling or action d. Paradoxical prescription 11. Behavioral theories of personality are concerned with: a. Unconscious phenomena b. Cognitions c. Emotions d. Reinforcement 12. Aaron Beck developed a theory of cognitive therapy after he discovered that his clients had “automatic thoughts.” The automatic thoughts: a. Came from too much free association b. Labeled, interpreted, and evaluated situations according to a personal set of rules c. Indicated to the client that he should not trust the therapist d. Warned clients of any physiological needs 13. The therapist who utilizes Beck’s therapy will warn the client: a. To try to ignore or suppress his automatic thoughts b. That emotionally healthy individuals do not have automatic thoughts c. That automatic thoughts are deeply imbedded and cannot be changed d. That a perception of reality is not necessarily reality 14. The therapist utilizing Beck’s therapy will help the client to: a. Recognize and change his/her automatic thoughts b. See reality as the therapist sees it c. Change his/her reality be changing his/her environment d. Recognize and accept that automatic thoughts suggest delusional thinking 15. The nurse utilizing Bowen’s theory in family therapy will observe the patterns of emotional interaction within a family. Bowen calls these patterns: a. Triangles b. The family projection process c. The nuclear family emotional system d. The family differentiation process 16. In Bowen’s Family Systems Therapy, the multigenerational family transmission process refers to: a. Genetic traits b. Relationships patterns and anxiety about specific issues that have been transmitted through the generations c. Relationships between grandparents and grandchildren d. Hereditary disorders 17. The nurse practicing Bowen’s Family Systems Therapy will guide family members to: a. Use their sibling position to their advantage b. Periodically cut off other family members emotionally c. Create specific triangles d. Increase differentiation of self 18. When the nurse using Minuchin’s Structural Family Therapy observes that a mother holds a 7-year-old child in her lap, answers questions for the child, and describes protecting the child from siblings and neighbors, the nurse will suspect: a. Accommodation b. Enmeshment c. Disengagement d. An unusual transaction 19. In Minuchin’s Structural Family Therapy, the main tasks of the therapist are: a. Joining and restructuring b. Clarifying the family structure and explaining it c. Identifying family communication patterns and maintaining family strengths d. Enacting the family structure and delineating boundaries 20. A therapist who utilizes Minuchin’s Structural Family Therapy will probably: a. Point out family strengths b. Identify multigenerational transactions c. Maintain his/her position of authority d. Decrease stress 21. A therapist who utilizes the Structural Family Therapy of Minuchin would NOT utilize symptoms by: a. Moving to new symptoms b. De-emphasizing symptoms c. Exaggerating symptoms d. Rewarding symptoms 22. A client seeks treatment from a Solution-Focused therapist for somatic complaints. What would the therapist’s question to her most likely be? a. Can you tell me what happened in your childhood? b. Tell me about the surgeries you have had? c. When you aren’t in terrible pain, or visiting your doctor, what will you be doing instead? d. What was going on in your life when the pain started? 23. Which of the following is NOT true of the Resolution or Termination phase of the nurse-client relationship? a. Preliminaries for this phase are introduced in the Orientation phase b. Talk about the impending separation should be avoided so that the client does not decompensate c. The client should be encouraged to review his progress and goals d. The nurse should model appropriate expression of feelings 24. Which of the following statements would the nurse NOT make in negotiating a contract with the client within the nurse-client relationship? a. I would like to meet with you on a once a week basis while we are trying to resolve this crisis b. We need about 10 sessions to work on this problem c. I have malpractice insurance in case there is any problem d. We will not be exploring your past, but only looking at things that are going on now 25. In a session with the nurse, the client begins to whine about his inability to complete his assigned task from the previous sessions. The nurse responds by scolding him for his failure. This is an example of: a. Transference b. Countertransference c. Transference and countertransference d. Goal setting 26. Sarah has been at least 10 minutes late for each of her previous sessions. Today she arrives 20 minutes late. The nurse should: a. Express anger toward Sarah b. Confront Sarah firmly and set limits on her behavior c. Discuss terminating their sessions if she continues this pattern d. Comment on her observations and assist Sarah to understand her behavior 27. Adrienne has just finished describing how devastated she was at the recent loss of her mother. Which of the following response by the nurse would NOT be a barrier to therapeutic communication? a. I know how you feel. I lost my mother recently, too b. Well, it’s better to have loved and lost, if you know what I mean c. When did she die? Of what? Does anyone else in your family have that problem? d. It sounds like it’s been a really tough period for you 28. A PMHNP has had several meetings with a therapy group. On this particular occasion, it is noted that members seem angry with the nurse and each other. They seem to be competing with each other to see who can refrain from breaking the silence longest. Which stage of group development do these behaviors signify? a. Storming b. Norming c. Performing d. Mourning 29. A PMHNP notes that members of her therapy group have become most supportive of one another and very attached to the group. Which stage of group development do these behaviors signify? a. Forming b. Storming c. Norming d. Performing 30. Whose responsibility is it to deal with transference issues in group therapy? a. The nurse b. The group members c. The nurse and the group members d. The group member who is involved in the transference 31. How should a member terminating be handled in groups? a. Little attention should be paid to it since this person is now ready to leave and other members are more in need of assistance b. Members may discuss it if they wish, but should be allowed to avoid it if it causes anxiety c. Members should be encouraged to focus only on the positive aspects of the leaving so that negative feelings do not arise d. Members should be encouraged to express whatever feelings arise in the process of leaving 32. A PMHNP is the family therapist for a family whose youngest child is the identified patient. The child has been brought in for therapy because he has been doing poorly and acting out at school. How will the nurse begin the initial session with the family? a. By asking the child why he is doing poorly in school b. By asking the parents why they think he is doing poorly in school c. By asking each family member how they did in school d. By asking questions about the family in general 33. A family with extremely rigid boundaries will probably NOT have: a. Positive links to society b. Clear boundaries c. Strong parental coalition d. Efficient negotiation and task performance 34. Mike Brown has completed gender reassignment surgery (male to female) and is now legally Mikaela Brown. Mikaela states that she is still attracted to females and not males. The PMHNP should classify Mikaela’s sexual orientation as? a. Lesbian b. Heterosexual c. Homosexual d. Bisexual 35. When assessing the relationship between a patient and her 10-month old infant, the PMHNP notes that the infant showed no distress when the mother briefly left the room and did not acknowledge the mother on her return. The PMHNP classifies this attachment style as: a. Secure b. Ambivalent c. Disorganized d. Avoidant 36. The area of psychology that involves the study of the mental process involved in attention, memory, and perception and how these processes affect behavior is: a. Social psychology b. Psychoanalysis c. Cognitive psychology d. Gestalt psychology 37. A 35-year old recently widowed patient was a happily married stay at home mom but has experienced severe anxiety and panic attacks since her husband’s death left her with few employable skills, little money, and three children to raise. Considering Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, this patient’s primary need at this time is likely to be: a. Physiological b. Love/belonging c. Esteem d. Safety/security 38. When conducting psychoeducation for a patient and family members, the initial action of the PMHNP is to: a. Evaluate current knowledge b. Develop written materials c. Identify and mitigate barriers to learning d. Plan lessons from simple to complex 39. An example of secondary prevention used by the PMHNP for an at-risk adolescent is: a. Refer to Alateen if the parents are alcoholics b. Refer to a support group for children of divorce c. Work with the patient to modify negative behaviors d. Provide sex education courses 40. The parents of a 15-year old boy are concerned that their son no longer wants to be involved in family activities. The PMHNP points out that, according to Erikson’s stages of human development, the key event during the stage of adolescence (12-18) is: a. School b. Love relationships c. Peer relationships d. Independence 41. A patient whose partner has left him for someone else and who spends an hour discussing all of the positive aspects of being single is probably using the defense mechanism of: a. Displacement b. Intellectualism c. Denial d. Rationalization 42. The PMHNP is conducting a smoking cessation class for a group of patients, and two patients are adamant in stating that they plan to resume smoking after discharge from the psychiatric facility. The best solution is to: a. Exclude the two patients from the group b. Warn patients that smoking could endanger their lives c. Arrange for the two patients to meet a person with lung cancer from smoking d. Provide information about symptoms of concern, such as increased cough 43. A 28-year old female patient who experienced sexual abuse as a child expresses distorted feelings of guilt and shame, blaming herself for the abuse and exhibiting low self-esteem. The most effective therapeutic approach is likely: a. Therapeutic milieu b. Psychoanalysis c. CBT d. EMDR 44. A patient in CBT for MDD is experiencing negative thoughts. The statement by the patient that indicates that she is applying principles learned in therapy is: a. I know I need to change because I feel so worthless all the time b. I can’t fix this situation, so I am going to think about being on a vacation c. I should have known better than to think I could fix this situation d. I want to feel better about this situation 45. According to CBT, the type of automatic thought exemplified when a patient states, “My mother thinks I’m a failure” is: a. personalizing b. all-or-nothing c. discounting positives d. mind reading 46. During a patient interview, the PMHNP notes that the patient is rubbing her hands together, sitting tensely, answering abruptly, and avoiding eye contact. The PMHNP tells the patient, “I can see that you are upset.” The therapeutic technique is: a. Clarifying b. Observing c. Restating d. Empathizing 47. A patient with bulimia nervosa is very angry at the PMHNP because of the restrictions that the PMHNP has prescribed after meals to prevent the patient form purging. However, the patient denies she is angry and accuses the PMHNP of being angry with her. This is an example of: a. Suppression b. Denial c. Projection d. Repression 48. Motivational interviewing for reduction of high-risk behavior includes which of the following components? a. Vigorous confrontation of resistance to change b. Maintenance of a detached, impersonal attitude c. Encouragement of the client to accept the therapist as authoritative and to foster dependency d. Developing discrepancy by helping the client to see how their day-to-day behavior deviates from their ideals [Show More]

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