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URBAN5085: Governance and markets: the practicalities: advantages and challenges of the increasing tendency to involve citizens in policy decisions? 2500 Words Essay. No Plagiarism. Grade A Content.

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Outline the principles by which democratic accountability and representativeness might be assessed and, using the example of a country which is familiar to you, evaluate the strengths and weaknesses o... f its structures and processes of democracy. Explain what is meant by a shift from ‘government’ to ‘governance’. Evaluate the extent to which this has been salient and significant change in a country familiar to you. Focusing on a city you are familiar with, use urban political theories to critically discuss a controversial policy and its outcome. Using real-life examples, critically discuss why an understanding of theories of the state and power matters in your chosen profession. What are the advantages and challenges of the increasing tendency to involve citizens in policy decisions? Evaluate the extent to which theories of power help illuminate how the use of a scarce resource, such as urban land, is decided. Assess the extent to which practitioners in your chosen profession should concern themselves with democratic accountability and representativeness using illustrative examples. Outline and evaluate the strategies the state can use to shape and influence market outcomes in urban development. Questions deliberately ‘open’ to allow you to pursue your interests – choose what you have found most interesting/relevant to you.   Learning outcomes By the end of the course and having undertaken the relevant reading and assignments, students should be able to: • Outline, discuss and critique the principal theories of the state and of governance, including identifying, explaining and evaluating critically the continuities and shifts in the concerns and administrative methods of western governance. • Identify and describe key criteria for evaluating structures and processes of 'good' governance including being responsive; democratic; accountable; efficient and effective. • Conceptualise the changing nature of the State in terms of the notion of the differentiated polity, and describe different models of the state. • Explain the principles of democracy and accountability, of democratic processes and the concept of responsible government. • Differentiate trends in public attitudes to politics, including considering how Government can 'reconnect' citizens with central and local politics and evaluating various methods of doing so. • Assess the structure and processes of contemporary urban governance with respect to land use, real estate development and economic development. • Evaluate the concepts of state failure and market failure, and how the state can work with markets in relation to urban development. • Recognise how the significance of strategies, urban development plans or programmes needs to be balanced with other relevant factors in reaching decisions Topic Introduction to course From Government to governance Moira Munro This session will introduce key concepts in government, explore the shift to governance in policy-making, discuss modes of governance and theories of good governance Contested debates in government and governance Amin Kamete This session will introduce critical debates and their related concepts including who governs, process and outcome, knowledge and its use in governance, and the notion of the public interest. Power, democracy and the state Amin Kamete This session discusses theories of power in relation to the state and models of democracy Urban Political theory Amin Kamete This session will look at how we conceive of the relationship between cities and states and some of the key political theories in urban policy The state and market shaping. Moira Munro This session considers how the state can use markets to achieve desired ends. Considering urban development it considers strategies to shape markets – how it can influence through institutions, regulations and market stimulus. Planning as implementation of urban governance Amin Kamete This session will introduce planning as a particular form of urban governance and link the practice of planning to the conceptual ideas explored in previous sessions of the course Principles of democratic accountability Ade Kearns This session looks at principles of democracy, the representative state, elections and democratic deficits Reshaping UK Local Government in an age of Austerity. Annette Hastings This session will explore how local government is reshaping its approach to governance, to modernise and cope with a more constrained public spending context Governance and public participation Claire Bynner This session examines the rise of public participation in contemporary governance and introduces some approaches to participation from the UK policy context. Public Participation in Practice Claire Bynner & Michael Kordas. This session looks at methods of public participation and how these can be applied in practice Urban decision making in practice Moira Munro: Johanna Boyd how difficult decisions get taken in the real world of tackling urban problems Revision & essay preparation Amin Kamete & Moira Munro. Reading list and other learning resources There is no text book for this course – although Adams and Tiesdell (2012) contains much of relevance for this course and Development Process. Below we provide a starting reading list – there is a mix of classic references and more modern sources and text books reflecting the broad coverage of theory and practice at different levels in this course. Additional reading will be provided in many of the sessions. We expect students to use their own bibliographic skills and this list as a basis on which to build relevant literature for their background reading for the assignments. Note you can access e-books and articles on line from the library. Adams, D. and Tiesdell, S. (2012) Shaping Places – Urban Planning, Design and Development London: Routledge Arnstein, Sherry R. "A Ladder of Citizen Participation," Journal of the American Institute Planners, Vol. 35, No. 4, July 1969, pp. 216-224. Bailey, N., Bramley, G., and Hastings, A. (2015), 'Local responses to 'austerity'', Local Government Studies 41 (4): 571-81. Beetham,D. Ed. (1994) Defining and Measuring Democracy. London: Sage. Beetham,D. (1999) ‘The idea of democratic audit in comparative perspective’, Parliamentary Affairs, 52:4, 567-581. Blakely, E.J., and Leigh, N.G. (2010) Planning local economic development: theory and practice (Fourth Edition.). London: SAGE. (Link) Borowiak,C. T. (2011) Accountability and Democracy: The Pitfalls and Promise of Popular Control. Oxford: Oxford University Press.(available as e-book from the library) Bovens,M. (2010) ‘Two Concepts of Accountability: Accountability as a Virtue and as a Mechanism’, West European Politics, 33:5, 946-967. Bragg, S. (2007). "“Student Voice” and Governmentality: The production of enterprising subjects?" Discourse: Studies in the Cultural Politics of Education 28(3): 343-358. Castells, M. (2012) Networks of outrage and hope: Social movements in the internet age. Cambridge: Polity Press.(available as e-book from the library) CQ Press (2011) Urban issues: selections from CQ researcher (5th ed.). Washington, DC.: CQ Press. Cullingworth, B., Nadin, V et al (2015) Town and country planning in the UK. London: Routledge (also e-book) Dahl, R. (1957) The concept of power. Behavioural Science 2(3): 201 Dahl, R. (1961) Who Governs? Newhaven: Yale University Press Dalton, R. (2004) Democratic Choices, Democratic Challenges : The Erosion of Political Support in Advanced Industrial Democracies, Oxford: Oxford University Press.(available as e-book from the library) Davies, J. S. (2012). Active citizenship: navigating the Conservative heartlands of the New Labour project." Policy & Politics 40, 1, 3-19. Davies, J. S. and M. Pill (2012). Empowerment or abandonment? Prospects for neighbourhood revitalization under the big society. Public Money & Management 32, 3, 193-200. Davis, M. (1990) City of Quartz. London: Verso (available as e-book from the library) Dean, M (2010) Governmentality: Power and Rule in Modern Society 2nd edition London: Sage Donald, B., Glasmeier, A., Gray, M., and Lobao, L. (2014) Austerity in the city: economic crisis and urban service decline?, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 7 (1): 3-15. Dowding, K. (2001), ‘Explaining urban regimes’, International Journal of Urban & Regional Research, 25 (1), 7-19. Escobar, O (2014) Towards Participatory Democracy in Scotland Scotland 44: Ideas for a new nation Escobar, O (2014) Towards Participatory Democracy, now online: http://postmag.org/towards-participatory-democracy-in-scotland Fainstein, S.S., and Campbell, S. (2011) Readings in urban theory (3rd ed.). Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. Feldman, M. S., K. Sköldberg, et al. (2004). "Making Sense of Stories: A Rhetorical Approach to Narrative Analysis." Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 14(2): 147-170. Flyvbjerg, B. (1998) Rationality and Power: Democracy in Practice, Chicago: University of Chicago Press. Friedmann, J. (1987). Planning in the Public Domain: From Knowledge to Action. Chichester: Princeton University Press Gilg, A.W. (2005) Planning in Britain: Understanding and evaluating the postwar system London: Sage. (also e-book available from library) Griffin, L. (2012). ‘Where is power in governance? Why geography matters in the theory of governance.’ Political Studies Review, 10(2): 208–220. doi: 10.1111/j.1478-9302.2012.00260.x Harvey, D. (1973) Social Justice and the City. London Hajer, M (2003) ‘Policy without Polity? Policy Analysis and the institutional void’ Policy Sciences 36 (2) 175-195. Hajer, M. and Wagenaar, H. (eds) (2003) Deliberative Policy Analysis: Understanding governance in the network society, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Harvey, D. (1989), ‘From managerialism to entrepreneurialism: The transformation of urban governance in late capitalism’, Geografiska Annaler, 71B, 3-17. Hastings, A., Bailey, N., Besemer, K., Bramley, G., Gannon, M., and Watkins, D. (2015) The cost of the cuts: the impact on local government and poorer communities, York: JRF. http://www.jrf.org.uk/publications/cost-cuts-impact-local-government-and-poorer-communities Hastings, A., Bailey, N., Besemer, K., Bramley, G., Gannon, M., and Watkins, D. (2015), 'Coping with the cuts? The management of the worst financial settlement in living memory', Local Government Studies 41 (4): 601-21. Hastings, A., Bailey, N., Bramley, G., and Gannon, M. (2015), 'The value of local government for welfare', in Brunton, A. et al. (eds ), In defence of welfare 2, Bristol: Policy Press. http://www.social-policy.org.uk/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2015/04/10_hastings.pdf Holliday, I. (2000), ‘Is the British state hollowing out?’ Political Quarterly, 48, 167-176. Hudson, D and Lowe, S (2009) Understanding the policy process (2nd Edn) Bristol: Policy Press Hughes, O.E. (2012) Public Management and Administration (4th Edn) Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Imrie, R. a. R., Mike, Ed. (2003). Urban Renaissance? New Labour, community and urban policy. Bristol, The Policy Press. Jessop, B. (2002) Liberalism, neoliberalism and urban governance. Antipode 34: 452-472. John, P (2014) ‘The great survivor: The persistence and resilience of English Local Government’ Local Government Studies 40 (5) 687-704. Jonas, E.G. and Wilson, D. (1999) (eds) The Urban Growth Machine. New York, State University of New York Press. Jouve, B. (2005). From government to urban governance in Western Europe: a critical analysis. Public Administration and Development, 25(4): 285–294. doi: 10.1002/pad.385 Keane, J. (2015). The Life and Death of Democracy. United Kingdom: W.W Norton & Company. Kisby, B. (2010). "The Big Society: Power to the People?" Political Quarterly 81(4): 484-491 Klosterman, R.A. (1985). Arguments for and against planning. Town Planning Review, 56(1): 5-20. Kordas, M., (2014) ‘In Practice: Development Planning and Charrettes Beyond the Mainstream’. Scottish Planner, June 2014.. Lawson, L. and A. Kearns (2010). "'Community Empowerment' in the Context of the Glasgow Housing Stock Transfer." Urban Studies 47(7): 1459-1478. Leach, S. & Wilson, D. (2004), ‘Urban elites in England: New models of executive governance’, International Journal of Urban & Regional Research, 28 (1), 134-149. [Part of a symposium on the Transformation of Urban Political Leadership in Western Europe] Levitas, R (2012) The Just’s Umbrella: Austerity and the Big Society in Coalition policy and beyond Critical Social Policy 32 (3) 320-342. Lowndes, V. and L. Pratchett (2012). Local Governance under the Coalition Government: Austerity, Localism and the "Big Society". Local Government Studies 38(1): 21-40. Lowndes, V. and A. Gardner (2016). "Local governance under the Conservatives: super-austerity,devolution and the ‘smarter state’." Local Government Studies: 1-19. Lowndes, V. and K. McCaughie (2013). "Weathering the perfect storm? Austerity and institutional resilience in local government." Policy & Politics. DOI: 10.1332/030557312655747 McGuirk, P. (2012) Geographies of urban politics: pathways, intersections, interventions. Geographical Research, 50(3): 256–268. doi: 10.1111/j.1745-5871.2011.00726.x Mann, M. (1997), ‘Has globalization ended the rise and rise of the nation-state?’, Review of International Political Economy, 4, 472-496. Madanipour, A., Hull, A., & Healey, P. (Eds.). (2001). The governance of place: space and planning processes. Aldershot: Ashgate Meegan, R., Kennett, P., Jones, G., and Croft, J. (2014) Global economic crisis, austerity and neoliberal urban governance in England, Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 7 (1): 137-53. Moran, M (2011) Politics and Governance in the UK : 2nd Edition Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan Norris, P. (2002) Democratic phoenix: Reinventing political activism, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Norris, P (2010) Making democratic governance work: how regimes shape prosperity, welfare and peace. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press (available as an e-book from the library) Nyseth, T. (2008). Network governance in contested urban landscapes. Planning Theory & Practice, 9(4): 497–514. Olsen, J P (2015) Democratic order, autonomy and accountability Governance 28 (4) 425-440. Peck, J. (2012) Austerity urbanism: American cities under extreme economy, City 16 (6): 626-55. Peck, J (2014) Pushing austerity: state failure, municipal bankruptcy and the crises of fiscal federalism in the USA. Cambridge Journal of Regions, Economy and Society 7, 17–44. Pierre, J. (1999) Models of urban governance. Urban Affairs Review, 34(3): 372–396. doi: 10.1177/10780879922183988 Peters, B.G. (1997), ‘Shouldn’t row, can’t steer: What’s a government to do?’, Public Policy & Administration, 12 (2). Pollitt, C (2012) New Perspectives on Public Services: Place and Technology Oxford: Oxford University Press (available online as an e--book from the library) Przeworski,A., Stokes,S.C. and Manin,B. (1999) Democracy, Accountability and Representation. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Putnam, R. D. (2000) Bowling alone: the collapse and revival of American community, New York ; London: Simon & Schuster. Rhodes, R.A.W. (1996), ‘The new governance: Governing without government’, Political Studies, 44, 652-667. Richard, D and Smith, M (2002) Governance and public policy in the United Kingdom. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Richardson, L. Purdham, K et al (2014) Responsible citizens and accountable service providers? Renegotiating the contract between citizen and state Environment and Planning A 36 (7) 1716-1731. Richardson, L. (2008). DIY Community Action : Neighbourhood problems and community self-help. Bristol, The Policy Press. Rose, N. (1999). Powers of Freedom: Reframing Political Thought. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press. Ryfe, D. M., & Stalsburg, B. (2012). ‘The participation and recruitment challenge’. pp 43-58 in Nabatchi. T et al (eds) Democracy in motion: Evaluating the practice and impact of deliberative civic engagement OUP (e-book available from library) Sampson, A (2005) Who runs this place? The anatomy of Britain in the 21st Century. London: John Murray Sandercock, L. (2003). Cosmopolis II : mongrel cities in the 21st century. New York: Continuum. Sassen, S. (2001) The Global City (2nd ed). New Jersey: Princeton University Press. Sassen, S (2012) Cities in a world economy London: Sage Skelcher, C. (2000). "Changing images of the State: overloaded, hollowed-out, congested." Public Policy and Administration 15(3): 3- 19 Soja, E. (1996) Thirdspace: Journeys to Los Angeles and other real and imagined places (Oxford: Blackwell) Smith, N (1996) Gentrification and the revanchist city London: Routledge Smith, N (2008) Uneven development: nature, capital and the production of space 3rd ed University of Georgia Stoker, G. (2006), Why Politics Matters – Making democracy work, Palgrave Macmillan, Basingstoke. Strom,K. (2000) ‘Delegation and accountability in parliamentary democracies’, European Journal of Political Research 37: 261–289. Sullivan, H. (2012). DEBATE: A Big Society needs an active state. Policy & Politics 40, 1, 141-144 Taylor-Gooby, P. (2013). The Double Crisis of the Welfare State and What We Can Do About It Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. (e-book, available from library) Thommassen, J (2014) Elections and Democracy: Representation and Accountability. Oxford: OUP (available as an e-book from the library). Urban Studies (2016) – Volume 53, 13 is a special issue: Urban land and conflict in the global south – several papers are of interest. Van den Dool, L. et al (2015) The quest for good urban governance: theoretical reflections and international practices Weisbaden: Springer (available as e-book) Wachhaus, A (2014) Governance beyond Government Administration and Society 46,5, 573-593. Weber, M. (2009) From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology. London: Routledge & Kegan Williams, A. Goodwin, M. and Cloke, P. (2014) Neoliberalism, Big Society and Progressive localism Environment and Planning A 46 (12) 2798 - 2815 Wilson, D. & Game, C. (2011), Local Government in the United Kingdom (5th edition), Macmillan, Basingstoke. Wood, J. (2015) Children and Planning: To What Extent Does the Scottish Town Planning System Facilitate the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child?, Planning Practice & Research, 30:2. [Show More]

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