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SOCIOLOGY 1 final Questions and Answers fall 2020,100% CORRECT

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SOCIOLOGY 1 final Questions and Answers fall 2020 Question 1 1 / 1 pts A The American core value that pervades U.S. life and is underscored by the American revolution is . individualism... progress equality freedom Question 2 1 / 1 pts A The research method that is also referred to as "fieldwork" is . secondary analysis experimentation the use of surveys participant-observation Question 3 1 / 1 pts A At a United Nations women's conference in Beijing, satellites instantly transmitted the grievances of women worldwide. As a consequence, norms governing gender relations between men and women were subject to change. This illustrates: how societies can change their modes of production. technology's influence on nonmaterial culture. the importance of good communication tools. the process of cultural lag. Question 4 1 / 1 pts A A general statement about how some parts of the world fit together and how they work is defined as a . proposition theory correlation hypothesis IncorrectQuestion 5 0 / 1 pts A Research conducted by Cumming on disengagement theory revealed that disengagement: occurs after a person reaches 70 years of age. begins during early adolescence. begins when a person retires. is a gradual process that occurs over several decades. Question 6 1 / 1 pts A If a person had lived during Karl Marx's lifetime and had been a laborer at the Smittertown ironworks, Marx would have considered that person a member of the . proletariat bourgeois middle class lumpen-proletarian Question 7 1 / 1 pts A Research on the "Saints" and the "Roughnecks" by William Chambliss demonstrates that to understand human behavior, sociologists should focus . only on social structure on both macro and micro levels of analysis on the psychological aspects of people's lives only on social interaction Question 8 1 / 1 pts A Which statement is least true of role-taking behavior as developed by George Herbert Mead? Younger children have less ability to visualize the role of others than older children. The theory was based on symbolic interactionism. The role-taking behavior of children is developed in a three stage process. Mead used the term "looking glass self" to indicate the self as subject. Question 9 1 / 1 pts A The tendency for people to stereotype ethnic or racial groups that are distinctly different from each other, but have similar characteristics, such as lumping Japanese immigrants together with Chinese and Vietnamese immigrants, is referred to as . the spillover effect biculturalism multiculturalism transculturalism Question 10 1 / 1 pts A Sociologists classify women as a because each society has set up barriers that prevent women from gaining equal access to power, property and prestige. subculture class dominating group minority group Question 11 1 / 1 pts A Companies that operate across many national boundaries which helps the Most Industrialized Nations maintain global dominance are referred to as . oligarchies interlocking directorates bureaucracies multinational corporations Question 12 1 / 1 pts A When Bosnian Serbs practiced "ethnic cleansing" of the Muslim population during the 1990s they employed a combination of . population transfer and segregation assimilation and segregation genocide and pluralism population transfer and genocide Question 13 1 / 1 pts A Frank is examining the events that have occurred over the past 50 years and how these events have affected his own life. By doing so, Frank is engaged in . the sociological imagination the social imperative determinism positivism Question 14 1 / 1 pts A The theory of aging that equates happiness to the amount and quality of program participation the elderly engage in falls under the classification of . subcultural theory activities theory social disengagement theory exchange theory IncorrectQuestion 15 0 / 1 pts A In a random sample: there is no consistent method of choosing the participants in the study. the participants in the study are picked from volunteers. participants in the study are picked at the convenience of the researcher. everyone in the population has the same chance of being included in the study. Question 16 1 / 1 pts A Jamaican women prefer portly men with rounded mid-sections while American women prefer men who have triangular physiques, big shoulders, and thin waist lines. This difference in what is socially desirable or undesirable is an example of differences in . sanctions mores norms values Question 17 1 / 1 pts A Jewelry, art, hairstyles and clothing each represent examples of . high culture low culture nonmaterial culture material culture Question 18 1 / 1 pts A Prior to the research of H.M. Skeels and H. B. Dye, it was believed children reared in orphanages tended to have lower IQs because: they lacked the early skills training provided by daycare. of biological reasons..."they were just born that way." institutions, such as orphanages, tend to restrict a child's intellectual development. their natural parents did not love them. Question 19 1 / 1 pts A When sociologists refer to the culture within us, they are referring to: man's ability to engage in cognitive thought processes and analyze social events. the instinctual abilities we have to form social bonds and perpetuate the species. the learned and shared ways of believing and doing that are a part of our behavior. the cultural characteristics passed on through heredity. Question 20 1 / 1 pts A Which statement best reflects the reality of income inequality in the United States over the past 60 years? Incomes of the poor have increased while the incomes of the rich have declined. The overall levels of income inequality have fluctuated greatly. Incomes of the poor have declined while the incomes of the rich have increased. Anti-poverty programs have greatly reduced income inequality in the U.S.A. Question 21 1 / 1 pts A Americans glorify academic progress and material success. However, most students do not graduate with honors and most citizens are not wealthy. This condition characterizes the difference between and . real culture; symbolic culture ideal culture; real culture material culture; symbolic culture unrealistic culture; realistic culture IncorrectQuestion 22 0 / 1 pts A Which statement is least true of values? Some values cluster together to form a larger whole. Values are distinct, independent units that are mutually exclusive and exhaustive. Not all values fall into neat, integrated packages. Americans have a tendency to embrace one set of values more than others. Question 23 1 / 1 pts A Because social factors have been found to influence whether individuals commit suicide, the suicide rates remain fairly constant year after year. True False Question 24 1 / 1 pts A Selene is a member of an environmentalist group. Based on the typologies of social movements presented in the text, Selene would be considered a member of a[n] social movement. alterative redemptive reformative transformative Question 25 1 / 1 pts A The term that stresses the social contexts in which people live and how those contexts influence their lives is . the sociological framework the social imperative social solidarity the sociological perspective IncorrectQuestion 26 0 / 1 pts A The case of Oskar and Jack, the two identical twins who were raised separately, provided evidence that: identical twins will group up sharing similar interests and needs. heredity is the fundamental predictor of behavior. one's orientation to life is largely the result of environment. environment has little affect on a child's system of moral values. Question 27 1 / 1 pts A Someone who ignores societal rules, disregards common courtesies, and simply pursues their own needs would have a/an according to Freud. weak super ego deformed id enhanced libido neurotic personality Question 28 1 / 1 pts A A leader who is passive and appears to be uninvolved in a group would be termed a[n] leader. authoritarian democratic authoritative laissez-faire Question 29 1 / 1 pts A Bill proposes marriage to Jennifer and presents her with a diamond ring. The ring represents . a status symbol symbolic interaction an ascribed status a master status Question 30 1 / 1 pts A The founder of ethnomethodology was sociologist . Edward Hall Erving Goffman Robert Merton Harold Garfinkel Question 31 1 / 1 pts A The concepts of reserve labor force and split labor market are a part of in explaining prejudice. structural functionalism the conflict perspective the symbolic interactionist perspective functional analysis Question 32 1 / 1 pts A Which of the following statements is least true of an ascribed status? An ascribed status is involuntary. Race, ethnicity, and social class at birth are example of ascribed status. Certain ascribed statuses can be chosen. Ascribed statuses provide guidelines for how we are to act and feel. Question 33 1 / 1 pts A The two sociological perspectives that focus on the broader picture or the macrosociological approach, are . symbolic interactionism and conflict theory conflict theory and functionalism symbolic interactionism and neo-conflict theory functionalism and symbolic interactionism Question 34 1 / 1 pts A Hilda is studying at the library. She has placed her coat on the chair next to her and has spread books in front of the other chairs radiating out to about four feet. Hilda is trying to establish a "distance zone" that Hall would call Hilda's . social distance public distance personal distance intimate distance Question 35 1 / 1 pts A Of the following factors, the one that is most significant in determining what constitutes childhood is . the responsibilities a child is given the child's parents the age of a child the culture of a society Question 36 1 / 1 pts A Stratification within the former Soviet Union was largely a function of: the elimination of all class distinctions. ownership of the means of production. political position within the Communist Party. inherited wealth. Question 37 1 / 1 pts A Frank is examining the events that have occurred over the past 50 years and how these events have affected his own life. By doing so, Frank is engaged in . the social imperative positivism determinism the sociological imagination Question 38 1 / 1 pts A Sociologists emphasize the notion that our thinking and motivation are largely determined by . influences drawn from our life experiences our individual personalities our biologically inherited genetic structure our natural born instincts Question 39 1 / 1 pts A The fact that the same behavior regarding mate selection can be defined as rape in Nebraska and marriage in Iraq illustrates the sociological fact that deviance: is synonymous with crime. is culturally relative. is widespread in Islamic countries. is illegal in Nebraska. Question 40 1 / 1 pts A Max Weber stressed the notion that sociological research should be "value free." This means that sociologists should not: receive pay for their research work. let personal values affect their research. be social critics. study social values. Question 41 1 / 1 pts A Research on the "Saints" and the "Roughnecks" by William Chambliss demonstrates that to understand human behavior, sociologists should focus . on the psychological aspects of people's lives on both macro and micro levels of analysis only on social interaction only on social structure Question 42 1 / 1 pts A In bureaucracies, "red tape" is a term which refers to: rules and procedures which may impede the purpose of an organization. organizations in communist countries. bureaucratic anomie. bureaucratic alienation. Question 43 1 / 1 pts A Julia is writing a note to one of her classmates. In the note she uses the emoticon:.) and adds OTF to the message. Based on these two expressions, what conclusion can we reach about the content of her note? Julia was explaining to her friend that "older teens fail" because of their reckless behavior. Julia was laughing so hysterically she had tears in her eyes and was rolling on the floor. Julia was upset with her friend and encouraged her to change her behavior. Julia asked her friend to accompany her to the Sadie Hawkins Dance being held this Friday. Question 44 1 / 1 pts A When labels lead us to see certain things while the same labels lead us to be blind to the messages they convey, sociologists refer to this condition as . the Thomas Theorem discriminating vision selective perception the Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis Question 45 1 / 1 pts A Which of the following statement is least true regarding the concept of ideology versus force as a means to maintain stratification? Withholding information "in the interest of national security" is a technique democracies use to maintain stratification. Medieval Europe provides a prime example of how ideology maintains stratification. Coercion is as effective as ideology, but it is expensive and creates false consciousness. The divine right of kings was an ideology used by nobility and clergy with great effect. Question 46 1 / 1 pts A A general statement about how some parts of the world fit together and how they work is defined as a . correlation theory proposition hypothesis Question 47 1 / 1 pts A Elizabeth sets goals for herself that are sometimes beyond her personal capability. When she fails to achieve them, she is prone to become irritable and moody, and blames racial, ethnic, and religious minorities for her failures. In view of this, Elizabeth is: using minorities as her scapegoat. a victim of affirmative action. demonstrating an antisocial personality. exhibiting signs of having an authoritarian personality. IncorrectQuestion 48 0 / 1 pts A In World Systems Theory, most of Africa and Asia are are comprised of nations because these nations were left out of the development of industrial capitalism. semiperiphery core external area periphery Question 49 1 / 1 pts A The major difference between sociological and psychological theories used to explain deviance is that: only psychological explanations are accepted by the medical community. sociological explanations focus on factors outside the individual and psychological explanations address conditions within the individual. sociological explanations are more accurate in explaining the true cause of crime. psychological explanations are based on genetic predispositions while sociological explanations concentrate on body types and physical differences. Question 50 1 / 1 pts A The practice by industrialized nations of controlling the Least Industrialized Nations through debt is referred to as . neocolonialism imperialism modernization capitalism Quiz Score: 45 out of 50 [Show More]

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