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Hesi Pathophysiology Practice Exam Questions with answers, rated A. 2022/2023

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Hesi Pathophysiology Practice Exam Questions with answers, rated A. 2022/2023 After talking w/ the HCP, a male pt continues to have questions about the results of a prostatic surface antigen (PSA... ) screening test and asks the nurse how the PSA levels become elevated. The nurse should explain which pathophysiological mechanism? - ✔✔As the prostate gland enlarges, its cells contribute more PSA in the circulating blood PSA is a glycoprotein found in prostatic epithelial cells, and elevations are used as a specific tumor markers. Elevations in PSA are r/t gland volume, ie. benign BPH, prostatitis, and cancer of the prostate, indicating tumor cell load. PSA levels are also used to monitor response to therapy A 26 yr old male client w/ Hodgkin's disease is scheduled to undergo radiation therapy. The clinet expresses concern about the effect of radiation on his ability to have children. What info should the nurse provide? - ✔✔Permanent sterility occurs in the male client who receive radiation Low sperm count and loss of motility are seen in males w/ Hodgkin's disease b/f any therapy. Radiotherapy often results in permanent aspermia, or sterility The nurse hears short, high-pitched sounds just b/f the end of inspiration in the right and left lower lobes when auscultating a client's lungs. How should this finding be recorded? - ✔✔Crackles in the right and left lower lobes Fine crackles - short, high-pitched sounds heard just b/f the end of inspiration that are the result of rapid equalization of pressure when collaped alveoli or terminal bronchioles suddenly snap open Wheezing is a continuous high-pitched squeaking or musical sound caused by rapid vibration of bronchial walls that are 1st evident on expiration and may be audible A client is admitted to the ER w/ a tension pneumothorax. Which assessment should the nurse expect to ID? - ✔✔A deviation of the trachea toward the side opposite of the pneumothorax Tension pneumothorax is caused by rapid accumulation of air in the pleural space, causing severely high intrapleural pressure. This results in collapse of the lung, and the mediastinum shifts toward the unaffected side, which is subsequently compressed A client who is receiving a whole blood transfusion dv's chills, fever, and a HA 30 min after the transfusion is started. The nurse shold recognize these sx as characteristic of what rxn? - ✔✔A febrile transfusion reaction Sx of a febrile reaction include sudden chills, fever, HA, flushing, and muscle pain. An allergic rxn is the response of histamine release which is characterized by flushing, itching, and urticaria. It exhibits an exaggerated allergic response that progresses to shock and possible cardiac arrest an acute hemolytic reaction presents w/ fever, chills, but is hallmarked by the onset of low back pain, tachycardia, tachypnea, vascular collapse, hemoglobinuria, dark urine, ARF, shock, cardiac arrest, and even death The nurse is analyzing the waveforms of a client's ECG. What finding indicates a disturbance in electrical conduction in the ventricles? - ✔✔QRS interval of 0.14 second the normal duration of the QRS is 0.04 - 0.12 sec T wave is 0.16 sec; PR is 0.12 - 0.20 sec; QT is 0.31-0.38 sec Several hrs after surgical repair of an AAA, the client dvps left flank pain. the nurse determines the client's urinary output is 20 m.;hr for the past 2 hrs. The nurse should conclude that these findings support which complication? - ✔✔Renal artery embolization Post-op complications of surgical repair of AAA are r/t the location of resection, graft, or stent placement along the abd'l aorta. Embolization of a fragment of thrombus or plaque from the aorta into a renal artery can compromise blood flow in 1 of the renal arteries, resulting in renal ischemia that precipitates unilateral flank pain A client w/ markedly distended bladder is dx w/ hydronephroosis and left hydroureter after an IV pyelogram. The nurse catheterizes the client and obtains a residual urine vol of 1650 ml. this finding supports which pathophysiological cause of the client's urinary tract obstruction? - ✔✔Obstruction at the urinary bladder neck Hydroureter (dilation of the renal pelvis), vesicoureteral reflux (backward mvmt of urine from the lower to upper urinary tracts), and hydronephrosis (dilation or enlargement of the renal pelvis and calyces) result from post-renal obstruction which can consequently result in chronic pyelonephritis and renal atrophy. Ascending urinary reflux occurs when normal ureteral peristaltic pressure is met w/ an increase in urinary pressure occurring during bladder filling if the urinary bladder neck is obstructed The nurse is planning care for a client who has a right hemispheric stroke. Which nsg dx should the nurse include in the POC? - ✔✔Risk for injury r/t denial of deficits and impulsiveness Right-brain damage - a client experience difficulty in judgment and spatial perception and is more likely to be impulsive and move quickly, which placing the client at risk for falls the nurse is teaching a client w/ maple syrup urine disease, an autosomal recessive DO about the inheritance pattern. Which info should the nurse provide? - ✔✔both genes of a pair must be abnormal for the DO to occur A female client tells the nurse that she does not know which day of the month is best to do breast self exams. Which instruction should the nurse provide? - ✔✔5-7 days after menses cease this is because the physiologic alterations in breast size and activity reach their minimal level after menses A client reports unprotected sex 1 wk ago and is worried about HIV exposure. An initial HIV antibody screen (ELISA) is obtained. The nurse teaches the client that seroconversion to HIV positive relies on antibody production by B lymphocytes after exposure to the virus. When should the nurse recommend the client return for repeat blood testing? - ✔✔6-12 wks although the HIV antigen is detectable appx 2 wks after exposure, seroconversion to HIV positive may take up to 6-12 wks after exposure A nurse is planning to teach self care measures to a female client about prevention of yeast infections. Which instructions should the nurse provide? - ✔✔avoid tight fitting clothing and do not use bubble bath or bath salts Which rxn should the nurse ID in a client who is responding to stimulation of the sympathetic nervous system (SNS)? - ✔✔Increased HR any stressor that is perceived as threatening to homeostasis acts to stimulate the SNS and manifests as a flight or flight response, which includes an increased HR Parasympathetic Nervous System: pupil constriction, bronchial constriction, decreased BP A client w/ asthma receives a prescription for high BP during a clinic visit. Which prescription should the nurse anticipate the client to receive that is least likely to exacerbate asthma? - ✔✔Metoprolol the nurse is preparing to administer atropine, an anticholinergic, to a client who is scheduled for a cholecystectomy. The client asks the nurse to explain the reason for the prescribed med. What response is best for the nurse to provide? - ✔✔decrease the risk of bradycardia during sugery it us used to increase the automaticity of the sinoatrial node and prevent a dangerous reduction in HR during surgical anesthesia A deficiency of intrinsic factor should alert the nurse to assess a client's hx for which condition? - ✔✔Pernicious anemia the most common cause is lack of instrinsic factor, a glucoprotein produced by the parietal cells of the gastric lining the nurse is assessing an older client and determines that the client's left upper eyelid droops, covering more of the iris than the right eyelid. Which description should the nurse use to document this finding? - ✔✔ptosis on the left eyelid A client w/ aortic valve stenosis dvps HF. Which pathophys finding occurs in the myocardial cells as a result of the increased cardiac workload? - ✔✔Increase in size HTN and incompetent or stenotic heart valves cause an increase in the workload of the heart by increasing afterload which requires an increase in the force of cxn to pump blood out of the heart. Myocardial hypertrophy results because the cells increase in surface area or size by increasing the amt of contractile proteins, but the quantity of fibers remain constant. As myocardial hypertrophy progresses, the heart becomes ineffective as a pump because the ventricular wall cannot dvp enough tension to cause effective contraction, which causes myocardial irritability due to hypoxia The nurse is measuring BP on all 4 ext's of a child w/ coarctation of the aorta. Which BP finding should the nurse expect to obtain? - ✔✔Lower in thelegs than in the arms In coarctation of the aorta, a congenital constriction is found at the aorta near the ductus arteriosus region that lies past the left subclavian arteries, which perfuses the upper extremities. What is the underlying phathophys process b/w free radicals and destruction of a cell membrane? - ✔✔Enzyme release from lysosomes Oxidative damage to cells is thought to be a causative factor in disease and aging. If free radicals bind to polyunsaturated fatty acids found in the lysosome membrane, the lysosome, nicknamed "suicide bags" leaks its protein catalytic enzymes intracellularly and the cell is destroyed Which clinical finding shojuld the nurse ID in a client who is admitted w/ cardiac cirrhosis? - ✔✔Peripheral edema 4 types of cirrhosis: alcoholic, post-necrotic, biliary, and cardiac. Cardiac is associated w/ severe right sided heart failure, so peripheral edema is most consistant While the nurse obtains a male client's hx, review of systems, and physical exam, the client tells the nurse that his breast drains fluid secretions from the nipple. The nurse should seek further eval of which endocrine land fxn? - ✔✔Hypothalamus and anterior pituitary Breast fluid and milk production are induced by the presence of prolactin secreted from the anterior pituitary gland, which is regulated by the hypothalmus' secretion of prolactin-inhibiting hormone in both men and women. further eval of the hypothalamus and anterior pituitary gland should provide additional info about the secretions or lactation The nurse is assessing the lab results for a client who is admitted w/ renal failure and osteodystrophy. Which findings are consistent w/ the client's clinical picture? - ✔✔K+ 5.5 mEq and total Ca+ 6 mg/dL In renal failure, normal serum electrolyte balance is altered because the kidneys fail to acitvate vitamin D, Ca+ absorption is impaired, and serum Ca+ decreases, which stimulates the release of PTH causing resorption of Ca+ and phosphate from the bone. A decreased tubular excretion and a decreased glomerular filtration rate results in hypocalcemia, hyperphosphatemia, and hyperkalemia [Show More]

Last updated: 1 year ago

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