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NCE + CPCE Questions TEST BANK. All Examinable Questions with accurate answers. 100% Approved pass rate. FULL COVERAGE,0VER 200 QUIZZES

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NCE + CPCE Questions TEST BANK. All Examinable Questions with accurate answers. 100% Approved pass rate. FULL COVERAGE,0VER 200 QUIZZES ________ was a university professor in the late 19th and ... early 20th century who was an advocate for the career guidance movement and wrote several books about the importance of vocational counseling. In 1909, ______ most well-known book, Choosing a Vocation, was published posthumously and outlined the trait-factor theory of career development. Frank Parsons The first stage of ______ consists of developing trust between counselor and client, with the result being a better understanding of the problems the client has in terms of career decisions. Career Counseling Within the career counseling process there are several steps: [6] 1. establishing a relationship. 2. identifying the problem. 3. conducting an assessment. 4. providing information. 5. making a decision. 6. Implementing the plan. Much like in counseling practice, issues of confidentiality arise in research as well. Only ______ gathering data should have access to information obtained on subjects during the study. Information gathered during studies should only be released to others with the written consent of the subjects. Researchers and research assistants ________ was passed in 1972 as part of the educational amendments, and bans sex discrimination in K12 schools and colleges. While _______ technically applies to both academics and athletics, the focus has mostly been on giving women equal opportunities with men in sports, and giving women the same proportion of participation in athletic opportunities as men have. Title IX Researchers might apply a test after the analysis of variance is calculated (post hoc) if it is unclear as to which mean scores are significantly different from each other. Post hoc tests that may be able to clarify this problem include ___________. [4] 1. Scheffe's method 2. Tukey's HSD 3. Newman-Keuls 4. Duncan's new multiple range test Researchers might apply a test after the analysis of variance is calculated. Post Hoc The ___________ test is a nonparametric measure used when scores collected from two independent samples do not follow normal distributions. Mann-Whitney U A needs assessment is an important element of program planning, as it defines the differences between what currently exists and what is needed or desired to change the situation. When collecting data, random sampling should be used when possible in order to obtain an accurate representation of needs. This ensures that the data is _______ and can be applied to the broader system. Valid There are four levels of measurement: [4] 1. Nominal 2. Ordinal 3. Interval 4. Ratio ________ refers to numbers that represent categories or qualities of the variable, such as race, gender, and age. Nonparametric statistical measures, which are often used with descriptive data, should be used with nominal data. Nominal data ________________ measures, which are often used with descriptive data, should be used with nominal data. Nonparametric statistical Proponents of ____________ believe that career development results from constant interaction between the individual, the environment, and the dynamics between individual and environment. From a __________ standpoint, the goal of career counseling is for the individual to make sense of his or her situation. Contextualism __________ assert that individuals cannot be separated from their environments and that reality is created by individuals' perceptions and ways of organizing information. Contextualists ________ model of consultation in counseling is a mental health consultation model. In ________ model, two professionals discuss issues specific to mental health diagnoses, such as eating disorders, and treatment. The center of discussion can be an individual client or family, the consultee and the client, treatment or a specific program, or the consultee and administration. Caplan's Irvin Yalom is known for his contributions to group counseling theory. He identified four stages: [4] "Storming" is the second group stage in a theory identified by Tuckman, not Yalom. 1. Orientation 2. Conflict 3. Cohesion 4. Termination. Any individual who threatens to kill himself or herself should be taken seriously, even if those close to the individual do not think he or she would actually follow through. The counselor should certainly tell the student's parents about the suicidal statement and arrange a meeting between the student and teacher to discuss the incident. However, before doing anything else the counselor should perform a ___________ to determine whether there is imminent danger to the student. If the counselor determines that the student is actively suicidal, then measures should be taken to ensure his safety, such as hospitalization. Risk assessment Career counselors must be sensitive to clients' backgrounds and cultural norms. Although the client may not have any values in common with other Asian individuals, it is worthwhile for the counselor to _______________ to guide the direction as he or she assists the client. Explore the client's personal values ______________ counseling is often appealing to multicultural clients because of the strong focus on family dynamics and, for some, the formality of the therapist which may appeal to the client's expectation of professional distance. Psychoanalytical _____________ also emphasizes conceptual relativity and a lack of assumption, which may appeal to multicultural clients as well. While some multicultural clients have childhood trauma, this certainly does not apply to all or even most of these clients. Psychoanalysis ______________ was a Swiss psychologist and developmental theorist known for his theory of cognitive development. His theory is based on the belief that children learn best through interactions with others, and it breaks down human development into sensorimotor, preoperational, concrete operational, and formal operational stages. Jean Piaget Jean Piaget Human Development Stages [4] 1. Sensorimotor 2. Preoperational 3. Concrete Operational 4. Formal Operational Stages. __________ is best known for his development of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic theory. Sigmund Freud __________ is notable for his development of attachment theory and a focus on relationships in early childhood. John Bowlby __________ created the eight stages of psychosocial development, based on the idea that individuals experience specific types of tension in different stages of life. Erik Erikson ______________ refers to times when, for many different reasons, one end of a distribution of scores has more variability than the other end, resulting in a fan-like appearance. Heteroscedasticity ____________ refers to times when scores are equally distributed throughout the range. Homoscedasticity ___________ occurs in families that have diffuse boundaries and the separation between family members is unclear. In this example, the mother and son have difficulty distinguishing themselves from one another, which seems to be a significant barrier to the marital relationship and the father-son relationship. The counselor can urge the mother to encourage her son to be more independent and to express his own feelings, opinions, and beliefs without fear of judgment. Enmeshment Sometimes researchers use __________ as a technique to collect data on specific types of behaviors. The data is then recorded using coding systems, record forms, and/or schedules. An example of this is a behavioral flow sheet, in which the recorder documents certain behaviors that occur within a specific time frame, such as every hour. Observation There are ethical issues in testing that counselors must consider. Tests and assessments carry the possibility of being biased toward certain groups of people, usually the majority group, and require training in order to select and interpret. With the increase in the use of computers in testing, confidentiality is becoming more of an issue in that test results should be kept private unless the test taker _____________. Ideally, test scores should also only be released to professionals who can competently interpret them. Agrees to release scores and reports. There are many advantages to group counseling, including ___________. [3] In addition, group norms develop over time, providing members a chance to practice their skills in a subset of the "real" world. 1. The opportunity to experience social support, peer confrontation, and new behaviors. 2. Having a safe place to practice new skills. 3. Getting exposure to an experience that more nearly replicates the participants' everyday world. The _____________ refers to the idea that a collection of restraints in the workplace historically have prevented women from moving up the career ladder in organizations. These restraints include childcare duties, stereotypes of women's cognitive abilities, and other factors. "Glass Ceiling" _______ was a strong proponent of the collective unconscious, which has developed in the human species over time and contains archetypes for humans' intense emotional responses. Carl Jung Goals of Jungian therapy include getting to know oneself, integration of self, and transformation of self. Jung introduced the concepts of introversion and extraversion, both of which are measured on the ___________________. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator. A ____________ uses points or other types of reinforcements to reward individuals who exhibit desired behaviors. These points can then be used to purchase goods and privileges. Token Economy Counseling program management is similar to other management positions in that it requires a specialized set of skills. These include _________ [1], which refers to assessment of the current state of the program and how it might look different in the future; _____________________. [6] 1. Strategic Planning 2. Program Design and Development; 3. Budgeting; 4. Personnel management; 5. Supervision; 6. Evaluation. 7. Marketing and Public Relations. The National Board for Certified Counselors (NBCC) grants generic counselor certification as National Certified Counselor (NCC). Individuals who are NCCs can also obtain specialty counselor certification in the areas of school counseling, mental health counseling, and addictions counseling. ___________ is not one of these specialties. Career counseling The American Counseling Association (ACA) is an organization dedicated to the growth and enhancement of the counseling profession. In 2010 the ACA sponsored a task for, __________, which worked to find this mutually agreeable definition of counseling: "Counseling is a professional relationship that empowers diverse individuals, families, and groups to accomplish mental health, wellness, education, and career goals." 20/20: A Vision for the Future Clients with ____________ are those who experience disruptions in the normal integration of behavior, consciousness, identity, memory, body representation, and motor control. _______________ are common in individuals who have experienced trauma. They are often comorbid with depression, anxiety, and substance use as well as suicidal and self-injurious behavior. Dissociative Disorders ___________ is well known for his contributions to the field of family counseling, as he diligently developed a comprehensive and thoughtful theory that is helpful to many family counselors. Murray Bowen The goal of ____________ is to identify dysfunctional patterns that exist within family systems and then alter and improve these patterns so they are not passed on to the next generation. Bowenian Family Therapy Crisis situations can occur at any time, particularly in the mental health field. Counselors should be aware of how to address these types of situations and how to handle clients in crises. The first step of crisis intervention is to ___________. Conduct a thorough assessment of the client and assess for risk of danger to self or others. The steps of crisis intervention are as follows: [7] 1. Conduct a thorough assessment of the client and assess for risk of danger to self or others. 2. Establish rapport 3. Identify specific problems and cause of the crisis 4. Counsel the client to understand the emotional content of the situation 5. Work on alternative solutions 6. Implement an action plan. 7. Follow up to evaluate effectiveness. In 1976, ______ was the first state to pass the first general practice counselor licensure law. Other states began passing their own counselor licensure laws soon after. Virginia ________ statistics, such as the t-test and analysis of variance, can be used when samples are randomly drawn from the population and results are distributed along a normal curve. Parametric ___________ statistics, such as chi-square and the Mann-Whitney U test, are used when data is not normally distributed and variances are inconsistent. Nonparametric Counselors, like other health professionals, may be taken to court for causing harm to clients for many different reasons such as: [3] 1. Negligence 2. Misrepresentation of Professional Service 3. Sexual Harassment. Counselors are mandated to report suspected or reported child abuse and neglect to the proper authorities, and _______ be taken to court for doing so. Cannot ___________ is under the DSM-5 umbrella category of disruptive, impulse-control, and conduct disorders. These typically appear first in childhood or adolescence and include severe problems with emotional and/or behavioral regulation. ______________ can be diagnosed when individuals meet certain criteria such as aggression toward people or animals, destruction of property, deception or theft, and/or serious violations of rules. Conduct Disorder Autism spectrum disorder is a ______________ disorder typically diagnosed in childhood. Individuals with ________________ disorders usually have contact with several medical professionals before counselors become involved, though counselors in schools and community mental health agencies may be in contact with these individuals. Neurodevelopmental Symptoms of ________ typically have a biological basis and appear very early in childhood, and it is usually a medical professional rather than a counselor who diagnoses it. Medications cannot mask symptoms of _________, such as the lack of ability to understand social cues. Children with ______ can learn social skills with individualized interventions that provide social scripts and models. Autism _________________ is used to determine covariance when an independent variable and its impact on dependent variables is controlled. Analysis of Covariance (ANCOVA) _______________ is used to find whether significant differences between two variables exist. Factorial ANOVA ________________ can be used to determine differences between three different forms of one variable, such as levels of income. One-Way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) ______________ is the statistic used when there is more than one dependent variable involved in the analysis. Multivariate Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) The _____________ is a personality assessment that provides a specific psychological type, based on the work of Carl Jung. Despite the fact that the _________ lacks reliability and validity, it continues to be one of the most commonly used personality inventories. Myers-Briggs Type Inventory Carl Jung posited that there are four principal psychological functions through which individuals experience the world: [4] 1. Sensation, 2. Intuition 3. Feeling 4. Thinking. According to ______________ model of counseling, the client may view the counselor as being the expert, in that the counselor has a special set of skills and experience; attractive, in that the client wants to gain the counselor's approval; and trustworthy, in that the counselor is seen as caring and wanting to help. The counselor is generally not seen as authoritative, which refers to the right to exercise power over someone else. Strong's Social Influence The ______________ is a coalition of master's degree programs in counseling psychology, as these programs are not eligible for accreditation by the APA or CACREP. Some educators and counselors view the _________ as an alternative to CACREP. Master's in Psychology and Counseling Accreditation Council (MPCAC) Essential steps in program planning are: [3] While a pilot study can be helpful to identify any major problems before full implementation, it is not essential to program development. 1. Conceptualization, which includes examining broader systems, establishing a philosophy, and assessing needs. 2. Development of goals and objectives of the program; implementation; 3. Evaluation of the program, including whether goals and objectives were met. A ___________ design uses a correlation coefficient to describe the relationship between variables. Non-Experimental Correlational Many companies have ____________ to assist workers with mental health and substance use issues. The duties of counselors working in _______ vary depending on the company, but typically include identifying, counseling, and referring out individuals for a variety of reasons. Some ______ counselors work for the company and others work for a contract agency. Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs) Most children develop a sense of being male or female by the age of ______. The counselor should explain the concept of gender identity to the parents in this situation and assure them that their child is most likely developing normally. Three ___________ are important documents and agreements between counselor and client to ensure that all parties agree on the goals of treatment and how those goals will be reached. Treatment plan(s) While some insurance companies do require treatment plans for the insured, the main purposes of a treatment plan are to: [3] 1. Help the client resolve problems, 2. To help the client function at a higher level. 3. To help the client move to the least restrictive environment, if applicable. _________ are those measured by assessments or tests, such as an inventory that shows how a client's strengths match those needed in the social work profession. Tested Interests _____________ are those that can be observed, such as a person's course of study, past jobs held, and activities the person likes. Manifested Interests _____________ are interests that an individual reports. Expressed Interests There are three types of interests individuals may have, and knowing these interests can help career counselors assist clients in finding suitable occupations and predicting occupational satisfaction. [3] 1. Tested Interests 2. Manifested Interests 3. Expressed Interests ___________ refers to the tendency for a low-scoring or high-scoring test taker on the pretest to obtain a score closer to the mean on a posttest. This change in scores is due to error on the pretest due to environmental factors, chance, and personal influences. Statistical Regression A ___________ design uses experimental and control groups that are comprised of randomly assigned participants. Researchers who use experimental designs typically want to determine cause-and-effect relationships, like the relationship between test grades and a differently formatted seminar in this example. True Experimental According to Erikson, ________________ is a stage in early adulthood when the young adult seeks intimate relationships and is tasked with either giving up some independence or becoming lonely and isolated. Intimacy versus Isolation _________ validity refers to the consequences of a study on society. Consequential _____________ behaviors are those that the individual considers unacceptable. Individuals with panic disorder, for example, feel uncomfortable with the physiological symptoms of anxiety that accompany the disorder and are therefore more likely to be motivated to change. Individuals with anorexia nervosa, however, often experience ambivalence about receiving treatment for the disorder, since the symptoms are somewhat effective at temporarily relieving anxiety about body shape and control. Ego-Dystonic Early in his career, _________ explanation of career development consisted of vocational development stages and vocational development tasks. In the middle part of his career, however, ______ acknowledged that career development involves not only the career but variables within the individual. Super's __________________ disorders are characterized by a preoccupation with and engagement in repetitive behaviors. Currently, recommended treatment approaches include a combination of psychotropic medication and therapy. Cognitive behavioral therapy, particularly CBT that includes exposure and response prevention, has been shown to be particularly effective. Obsessive-Compulsive _________ refers to the degree to which a test or assessment is consistent and can be expected to provide similar results if the same subjects were to participate in the same study again. Reliability Sometimes researchers test a study's _________ by testing the same group twice, then comparing the results of both _______ and reliability. Stability It is recommended that researchers wait about _________ before re-administering a test to the same group. Two Weeks Super's Life-Career Rainbow helps people think about the work/life balance in their lives and acknowledges the eight life roles that many people hold: [8] 1. Homemaker 2. Spouse 3. Parent 4. Worker 5. Citizen 6. Leisurite 7. Student 8. Child Some researchers believe a test must __________ in order to be considered valid, though not all researchers agree on this point. Benefit Society The ________ consists of a collection of abstract ink blot images onto which the individual projects often unconscious desires, urges, and needs. The _________ is considered an unstructured test, as the individual is given considerable flexibility in how he or she responds. Rorschach According to Erikson, ______________ occurs in middle adulthood when adults desire to contribute to society and produce something valuable. Generativity versus Stagnation According to Erikson, ___________ occurs during later adulthood when older adults view life as either meaningful or full of regrets. Integrity versus Despair According to Erikson, _____________ occurs during latency (ages 6 to 11) when children are tasked with mastering social and academic skills. Industry versus Inferiority _________ therapy was developed by Carl Whitaker, who takes a very active role in the therapeutic process. ___________ counselors attempt to join the family during therapy sessions, using their own personal experiences as family members to initiate change within the family system. In __________ therapy, symbolism is a tool counselors use to explain family members' experiences. Experiential Family At times, ethical dilemmas can arise in family counseling. Before starting therapy with a family, the counselor should explain the limits of ____________ with all family members and address ways that secrets will be handled should they arise Confidentiality ______________ is known for his ecological view of human development and his belief that it is important to examine all systems impacting an individual. A school-aged child is not only affected by his family and school, but also by his neighborhood, peers, and other groups. Urie Bronfenbrenner ___________ developed social learning theory, which combines social and cognitive factors. Albert Bandura ____________ is known for his work in combining intellectual and ethical development. William Perry ___________ is known for his work in defining developmental tasks during major stages of life. Daniel Levinson An important step in the counseling program ___________ is processing information as the planning moves forward. It is best to have a clear structure of individuals who can obtain and relay feedback about goals, objectives, needs, philosophy, and the broader system to the planning team to ensure that the ________ is as relevant and thorough as possible. Planning Process ______________ was a psychotherapist and social scientist known for his contributions of sociometry and psychodrama to group psychotherapy. Jacob Moreno (1889-1974) _________, the study and measurement of social relationships, has been developed even more since Jacob Moreno' death to be culturally and ethnically inclusive Sociometry Achievement tests are often reported in terms of _____________. This means that if a student correctly answers the same number of items that an average 7th grader completes, that student receives a _____________ of 7. Grade-Equivalent Score(s). _____________ work similarly to grade-equivalent scores, in that an individual who earns a score equivalent to 9.0 has correctly answered the same number of items that an average 9-year-old answers. Age-Equivalent Scores _________ is the health insurance provider for United States Armed Forces personnel, retirees, and their dependents. Individuals who are covered by __________ are permitted to seek services from a _________ Certified Mental Health Counselor. Other counselors can provide services to individuals covered by ________, but only if they practice under a _____________-authorized physician. TRICARE The later research of _________ focused on the balance between reason and intuition when making career decisions and is termed "Positive Uncertainty." This is related to Gelatt's earlier five-step process for making decisions about careers, which included the need to consider objective information while also attending to one's value system. H B Gelatt The remaining answer options are incorrect because they are not topics addressed in group couples' counseling. Childhood trauma is best addressed in individual counseling due to the strong affective component of this type of work. Counseling is typically contraindicated when physical violence is occurring in the home; the best approach is for the aggressor to seek his or her own individual counseling (or perhaps participate in a group specifically for individuals who are violent to their partners). Group couples' counseling is contraindicated for crisis situations, as crisis intervention is counselor-led rather than a process that integrates feedback from group members. ... Group couples counseling is frequently more _________ than process-oriented. Content-Oriented The goals of many couples counseling groups are to: [3] 1. Improve communication between parents and their children. 2. Resolve conflicts 3. Learn new parenting skills. Sometimes parents of children with mental health problems attend _______________ groups to learn more about that specific diagnosis and how it can affect an individual's life. Psychoeducational The ______________ Act provides up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave during a 12-month period. It may be taken by a parent with a newly biological or adopted child or by any employee to care for an immediate family member who is ill. An adult who wants to spend time with her biological parents is not eligible to take ___________. Family and Medical Leave (FMLA) A __________ scale is one way researchers collect information about individuals' opinions and beliefs. Scales ask respondents to report their perception of certain issues and experiences. Researchers have the ability to choose adjectives that allow them to analyze respondents' unconscious desires and anxieties. Semantic Differential In 1913, the __________ was founded as the first professional counseling association, and in 1952 merged with several other organizations to form what would later become the American Counseling Association (ACA). National Vocational Guidance Association Irvin Yalom, a well-known figure in the field of group counseling, believed that certain leadership functions were present in the field of group counseling. These leader functions include: [4] 1. Emotional Stimulation, in which counselors encourage healthy expression of emotions. 2. Caring, which is characterized by warmth, acceptance, genuineness, and concern; 3. Meaning Attribution, in which the group leader provides a cognitive perspective to group members' experiences. 4. Executive leadership, which is characterized by the group leader structuring the group and ensures that the group is moving in a specific direction. According to Irvin Yalom, during the _______________ stage, the emphasis is placed on managing the group as a social system. Executive Leadership ____________ is a popular intervention used to empower individuals to stand up for themselves without undermining or denying others' rights. ___________ helps individuals learn how to make their opinions and feelings known without becoming aggressive toward others, and it promotes expression of both positive and negative emotions. ______________ does not promote the justification of one's own actions in relation to others' behaviors. Assertiveness Training ________________ is a legal term that refers to the fact that in a court of law the counselor does not have to reveal what the client said during counseling sessions. Privileged Communication Counselors are obligated to break privileged communication in several situations, including: [7] 1. Times when the client is a danger to himself or others. 2. When child abuse or neglect is suspected 3. When a client asks that counseling records be released 4. When a lawsuit is filed against the counselor 5. When involuntary hospitalization is considered 6. When supervision of the counselor is taking place 7. When the counselor's records are subpoenaed by a judge. ______________ are those that are very different than those done on the job; an example might be a history professor who spends his free time rock-climbing and running marathons. Compensatory Activities Career counselors often classify leisure activities as either _________________. Compensatory or Spillover. __________________ are the same types of activities that are done on the job; an example of _________ might be a psychologist who spends her free time reading books about cognitive development. Spillover Activities When there are two groups, and therefore two mean scores, researchers can use the _________. This test compares the t value from the first calculation to the t value in the second calculation to find whether the mean scores of the two groups are significantly different from each other. t-test Career counselors should encourage clients to regularly ____________ to check for possible opportunities. Check the websites of potential employers __________, the process of informally making social connections with others in one's desired field, can also be an effective way of finding employment. Networking ___________ groups are best for those with more serious types of pathology, such as severe depression or psychosis. Many participants in tertiary groups also see an individual therapist on a regular basis. Tertiary _________ groups are more focused on healthy living and coping strategies and include support and psychoeducational groups. Primary ____________ groups aim to reduce or prevent the severity of existing problems. Secondary ___________ refers to the existence of both male and female physical characteristics, and some counselors provide _____________ counseling to help clients uncover both male and female characteristics on emotional and psychological levels. Androgyny; Androgynous Sandra Bem's __________ found that about 30 percent of children and college students are androgynous. Sex-Role Inventory When collecting data, researchers may be _____________. intrusive or unobtrusive. __________ methods refer to times when clients know that they are the subject of observation and/or data collection. Intrusive ___________ methods refer to times when the individuals are unaware that data is being collected, such as when you review a client's existing records. Unobtrusive Counselors should be knowledgeable in assessing for suicide risk. There are several warning signs of suicide, including: [6] Counselors who determine that clients are an imminent danger to themselves (or others) are obligated to protect the client. 1. Previous attempts, 2. Verbal threats of suicide, 3. Having a plan in place and access to fatal means, 4. Depression and hopelessness, 5. Giving belongings away, and 6. A history of drug or alcohol abuse. Counselors may frequently conduct clinical interviews and can use a _________________ to gather information about the client's overall functioning. Formal Mental Status Exam Components of the Formal Mental Status Exam include: [5] 1. Appearance and behavior, 2. Mood and Affect, 3. Thought processes, 4. Intellectual functioning, and 5. Sensorium. _________ include the client's facial expressions and other nonverbal expressions of emotion along with statements that reflect their feelings. Mood and Affect The __________ Act was passed as an attempt at providing the same level of coverage to individuals with mental health issues as to those with medical issues. This legislation applies only to private sector health plans that cover 50 or more employees, along with state and local government plans. Mental Health Parity and Addiction Equity When a research study is funded partly or fully by federal sources, it must be approved by an _______________, sometimes known as a Human Subjects Committee. The duty of the __________ is to review the study's methods to ensure they are ethical. Institutional Review Board (IRB) ________ theory posits that career success depends on how much an individual believes he or she can be successful. Self-Efficacy This Self-Efficacy Theory states that whether a behavior will be: 1. Initiated, 2. How much energy will go into this behavior, and 3. How persistent the individual will be are dependent on the individual's ____________. Expectations. Researchers must use ____________ statistics when it is uncertain whether the distribution of scores falls along a normal curve or whether the variance of the test sample represents the variance within the general population. Nonparametric Examples of nonparametric statistical measures are the: [3] 1. Mann-Whitney U test 2. The Wilcoxen signed-rank test, and th [Show More]

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