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Training and Development C235, Top Exam Questions and answers, graded A+

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Training and Development C235, Top Exam Questions and answers, graded A+ human capital - ✔✔-The knowledge, competency and motivation that resides in the human resources of an organization ... Buy or Build - ✔✔-2 ways to acquire skilled human resources: hire from outside, or develop from inside HRM - ✔✔-Human Resource Management Human Resource Management - ✔✔-consists of the activities managers perform to plan for, attract, develop, and retain an effective workforce HRM objective - ✔✔-to support organization's efforts toward effectively and efficiently meeting its business goals and accomplishing strategy for succeeding in the marketplace Training - ✔✔-a subsystem of human resource management Orientation - ✔✔-the first step in the training and development process, designed to introduce employees to the company culture and provide key administrative information Human capital - ✔✔-HRM represents the entire set of activities used by an organization to align its __________with organizational objectives and strategies. HRM includes planning for____? - ✔✔--Recruitment and selection of employees - Training and Development -Assuring a safe and healthy work environment What is the overarching objective of the HRM system? - ✔✔-Support the organization's efforts toward effectively and efficiently meeting its business goals and accomplishing its strategy for succeeding in the marketplace What can be thought of as a "subsystem" in the broader system of overall human resource management? - ✔✔-Training Where is one of the first places a new employee is sent after he or she is hired? - ✔✔-Training Resource-Based View (RBV) - ✔✔-This view pictures organizations as bundles of resources, such as people, capital, plant, and equipment Competitive Advantage - ✔✔-The ability to provide a product or service to a paying customer in a way that cannot be matched now or in the foreseeable future by a competitor. Four characteristics a resource must possess before it is capable of providing a firm with a sustained competitive advantage. - ✔✔--Create value for the customer -Be rare and/or unique -Be non-substitutable -Be inimitable intangible resources - ✔✔-organizational capabilities, processes, systems, attributes, and knowledge and information controlled by the firm Example of Intangible Resource (1) - ✔✔-Human Capital -Tacit knowledge -Education and experience -Work-related know-how Example of Intangible Resource (2) - ✔✔-Social Capital -Corporate culture -Management philosophy and practices -Coaching/mentoring relationships -Informal networking systems Example of Intangible Resource (3) - ✔✔-Intellectual Capital -Patents and trade secrets -Copyrights -Intellectual property Example of Intangible Resource (4) - ✔✔-Organizational Capability -Bring new products to market quickly -Absorb and integrate other cultures in a merger -Identify customer needs and respond directly to them -Continuously improve production processes to drive down costs In the resource-based view of the firm, resources are considered potential sources of __________ in the marketplace. - ✔✔-Competitive Advantage According to RBV, when can a resource create a competitive advantage? - ✔✔-Only when it is not available to other firms and when it can easily move across organizational boundaries. Human resources works best when combined in ________ and _________ ways. - ✔✔-Creative and Productive Learning - ✔✔-A relatively permanent change in knowledge, skills, attitudes, or social behavior resulting from practice or experience. It is the desired outcome of any training program Training (note) - ✔✔-Is learning that is planned by the organization and designed so as to further organizational objectives. 3 Goals of Training - ✔✔-a) to improve individual self-awareness, b) to enhance knowledge and skill levels in one or more areas of expertise, and c) to increase the motivation to do the job well Self-Awareness - ✔✔-Includes an understanding of the impact one's behavior has on others, selfconfidence in the performance of one's work, and a clarity about one's roles and responsibilities in the organization. Knowledge and Skill Enhancement - ✔✔-Skill level enhancement can be oriented toward motor skills (driving a forklift safely), interpersonal skills (effective teamwork), intellectual skills (problem solving), or others ADDIE model - ✔✔-Five-step instructional design process that governs the development of learning programs. -Analysis -Design -Development -Implementation -Evaluation ADDIE Model (note) - ✔✔-The ADDIE model evolved from instructional design theory that guided postWorld War II training in the military, particularly in the Air Force. ADDIE Model (note) - ✔✔-The goal of ADDIE from the beginning was to foster the design and conduct of effective and efficient training for specific jobs, assuring that learners leave the training with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform those jobs. Training is used by an organization in order to: - ✔✔-Facilitate goal accomplishment True or False: The Association for Talent Development (ATD) publishes an annual report on the state of the training industry in which it refers to the state of L&D (learning and development). - ✔✔-True Training may be aimed at one or more of the following three goals: - ✔✔--Improve individual selfawareness -Enhance knowledge and skill levels in one or more areas of expertise -Increase the motivation to do the job well Before any training and development program is begun, you should first: - ✔✔-Assess the training needs Organizations often skip a vital step in their training and development programs which is to: - ✔✔- Evaluates the effectiveness of training E-learning - ✔✔-The use of electronic technologies to deliver information and facilitate the development of skills and knowledge. Instructional; Example - ✔✔-Training that involves an instructor or on-line materials is a form of ________ training, whereas training that is on the job or coaching/mentoring is a form of _________ training. In the public-sector, training and development programs seem to be: - ✔✔-Increasing True or False: In the late 1970s, the average annual training expenditure per employee was under $100. - ✔✔-True As of 2011, the most common types of training were: - ✔✔-I: Managerial and supervisory training II: Profession or industry specific training III: Training on business practices Learning Organization - ✔✔-A learning organization is capable of adapting quickly to a changing environment by learning at three levels: individual, team, and organizational Copyright Act of 1976 - ✔✔-protects the authors of "original works" from others who would use their work unlawfully. "Fair Use" provision - ✔✔-his provision allows the use of copyrighted works under certain conditions. While the guidelines are at least partially subjective, "fair use" depends on five critical factors: 1) purpose (commercial or noncommercial), 2) nature (critique or parody versus a business flyer or advertisement), 3) percentage of the copyrighted work that is used, 4) amount (a few copies versus a hundred), and 5) effect on potential market value of the copyrighted work. Civil Rights Act of 1964 - ✔✔-Title VII of this law prohibits discrimination in employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, and sex. adverse impact - ✔✔-A substantially different rate of selection in hiring, promotion or other employment decision which works to the disadvantage of members o a race, sex, or ethnic group. Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 - ✔✔-A law passed in 1990 that requires employers and public facilities to make "reasonable accommodations" for people with disabilities and prohibits discrimination against these individuals in employment. Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967 - ✔✔-Prohibits discrimination against workers over the age of 40 and restricts mandatory retirement The Copyright Act of 1976: - ✔✔-Protects the authors of original works from others who would use their work unlawfully. Copyright is automatically granted when the original work is first: - ✔✔-Printed, drawn, and saved to a file According to the book, all are examples of copyrighted work except: - ✔✔-Methods or systems It is illegal to use someone else's work without : - ✔✔-Getting permission from the original owner True or False: According to the Copyright Act of 1976, if an employee creates an original work as part of his job, the copyright is owned by the employee. - ✔✔-False Globalization - ✔✔-the process by which businesses or other organizations develop international influence or start operating on an international scale. Hofstede's Cultural Dimensions - ✔✔-power distance, individualism, masculinity, uncertainty avoidance, long-term orientation The main reasons why training is becoming increasingly important are because of: - ✔✔-I: Globalization II: Advances in technology How have advances in technology impacted training? - ✔✔-Has made training more readily available Increases in competitive pressures, when combined with the rapid advancement of technology: - ✔✔- Lead to skills and competencies that quickly become obsolete As a result of technology, globalization had become: - ✔✔-Easier Globalization has made this type of training more common: - ✔✔-Diversity True or False: Because of the aging and retirements of Baby Boomers, organizations are experiencing an abundance of skilled leaders. - ✔✔-False One of the main reasons employees leave jobs is because: - ✔✔-They are uncomfortable with the working environment created by their direct supervisor Training brought on by immigration and the aging labor force is necessary in order to: - ✔✔-- Teach necessary technical skills -Integrate immigrant workers -Eliminate skill deficiencies Training is a major influence on - ✔✔-Retention Sustained competitive advantage comes from: - ✔✔-Intangible True or False: Organizations that invest the most in training and development have shareholder returns 46 percent higher than the market average. - ✔✔-True Training has gone from being a side issue in the past, to being part of the company's: - ✔✔-Business Strategy Training created as a result of immigration and the aging labor force is necessary in order to: - ✔✔-Fulfill the psychological contract between employer and employee Companies today are not offering employees ________ but, instead __________. - ✔✔-Job security; Employment security Needs Assessment - ✔✔-A step in the training process that is designed to ensure that any training program is meeting a real need in the organization Needs assessment (Note) - ✔✔-some research suggests that only 27 percent of organizations with greater than 1,000 employees utilize needs analysis prior to implementation of training programs. Subject Matter Expert (SME) - ✔✔-Employees at any level in the organization who are the experts on the nature of the tasks that need to be performed more effectively or performed in the future. KSAOs - ✔✔-knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics necessary to perform tasks. Needs Assessment - ✔✔-_______ is to determine if an organization needs training, where it needs training, and the type of training that is needed. Which role assesses current organizational effectiveness in broad terms? - ✔✔-Upper level management Which role assesses current organizational effectiveness in broad terms? - ✔✔-Middle Management SMEs are employees that can be found working in: - ✔✔--Lower management -Upper level management -Middle management -Average employee The three levels upon which needs assessment is conduced are: - ✔✔-Organizational level, task level, and person level Needs assessment is conducted on _____ levels. - ✔✔-Three On what level of needs assessment would you determine what training needs to be done based on low performance and quality? - ✔✔-Organizational On what level of needs assessment would you assess the skills and knowledge necessary for a person to perform a particular job? - ✔✔-Task Person level of needs assessment: - ✔✔--Focuses on individual employees -Utilizes individual annual performance review data -Determines who needs the training True or False: The first step, before needs assessment, is to determine the organization's goals and needs. - ✔✔-True Organization analysis addresses all the following issues EXCEPT: - ✔✔-How the organization relates to its internal environment and what this environment suggests in terms of future training needs When performing an organization analysis, it is necessary to investigate _________ components of an organization. - ✔✔-System-wide The degree to which the program is connected to—and supportive of—organizational goals and strategy: - ✔✔-Determines the effectiveness of the training program What is one reason why it is important for the training program to be supportive of organizational goals and strategies? - ✔✔-So employees attend and take it seriously So managers will value the training A task analysis is used to: - ✔✔-Determine the tasks required to meet major organizational goals Determine important dimensions of tasks at an organization Develop a list of knowledge, skills, abilities, and other characteristics necessary for successful job completion A task analysis results in a detailed statement of: - ✔✔-A description of the job The preliminary list of tasks associated with a given job can be developed by: - ✔✔-I: Talking with those who have done the work II: Talking with the supervisors of those who do the work IV: Observing someone doing the job Once the preliminary list of tasks is developed, the analyst should seek validation of the list by: - ✔✔- Checking with other subject matter experts What kinds of tasks should be targeted for training? - ✔✔-Tasks that are important Tasks that are frequently performed Tasks that are difficult to perform True or False: Self and supervisor training needs analysis are usually fairly similar and can be used to design specific training programs. - ✔✔-False Person analysis is used to determine: - ✔✔-I: Which employees need the training? II: What kind of training each employee needs? Performance appraisals must be used in person analysis to: - ✔✔-Identify areas of performance deficiency Task analysis focuses on ________. Person analysis focuses on _________. - ✔✔-A group of workers; individuals In training design, it is important to understand the of incoming trainees', EXCEPT: - ✔✔-Work Experience Newer, more extensive versions of orientation are now frequently referred to as ______. - ✔✔-Onboarding All are considered intangible resources except: - ✔✔-Company Equipment What are the five basic steps in the training and development cycle? - ✔✔-Assessment, design, development, implementation, and evaluation The ADDIE Model is meant to be used as a cycle even though many organizations use the model as a _________ series of steps. - ✔✔-Linear According to ASTD, the most common type of training is... - ✔✔-Managerial and Supervisory True or False: In most cases, employees will prefer training that is on-line to training that is in person (traditional classroom). - ✔✔-False According to ASTD, the least common type of training is... - ✔✔-Basic Skills According to the ASTD survey in 2011, the average direct expenditure for training per employee was: - ✔✔-$1000-$2000 The term "Organization" refers to: - ✔✔-A social unit of people structured and managed to meet a need or pursue collective goals. Organizations can acquire skilled human resources by: - ✔✔-Hiring them from the outside Develop them from the inside Organizations which primarily focus on bringing in new talent for human resources eventually are faced with what? - ✔✔-Upgrading their existing human resources capabilities. In order for an organization to survive and prosper under changing environmental conditions, employees must learn to: - ✔✔-Adapt True or False: It is only through hiring from the outside that human resource departments are able to upgrade and add to the existing competencies and capabilities of an organization's internal labor pool. - ✔✔-False An organization's training and development reputation can help with: - ✔✔-Recruiting The acronym "HRM" means: - ✔✔-Human Resource Management A "Learning Organization" adapts quickly by learning at: - ✔✔-I: Individual levels II: Team levels III: Organizational levels At what level is learning most difficult to understand and interpret? - ✔✔-Organizational In a "learning organization," learning is __________-based. - ✔✔-Performance Corporate culture, management philosophy and practices, coaching/mentoring relationships, and informal networking systems are all examples of: - ✔✔-Social Capital Tacit knowledge, education and experience, and work-related know-how are all examples of: - ✔✔- Human Capital HRM represents the entire set of activities used by an organization to align its __________with organizational objectives and strategies. - ✔✔-Human Capital HRM includes planning for __________? - ✔✔-Recruitment and selection of employees Training and Development Assuring a safe and healthy work environment What is the overarching objective of the HRM system? - ✔✔-Support the organization's efforts toward effectively and efficiently meeting its business goals and accomplishing its strategy for succeeding in the marketplace. What can be thought of as a "subsystem" in the broader system of overall human resource management? - ✔✔-Training Where is one of the first places a new employee is sent after he or she is hired? - ✔✔-Training What is the "Resource-based view"? - ✔✔-View that pictures organizations as bundles of resources, such as people, capital, plant, or equipment. In the resource-based view of the firm, resources are considered potential sources of __________ in the marketplace. - ✔✔-Competitive advantage According to RBV, when can a resource create a competitive advantage? - ✔✔-Only when it is not available to other firms and when it cannot easily move across organizational boundaries. The four characteristics a resource must possess before it is capable of providing a firm with a sustained competitive advantage are: - ✔✔-Create value for the customer, be rare and/or unique, be nonsubstitutable, and be inimitable. Human resources works best when combined in ________ and _________ ways. - ✔✔-Creative and Productive Training is used by an organization in order to: - ✔✔-Facilitate goal accomplishment True or False: The Association for Talent D [Show More]

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C235 Pre-assessment, Test Questions and answers, 100% Accurate, graded A+

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