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NAADAC Module Two Study Guide Updated Version. Questions with accurate answers. Graded A+ Adlerian Psychology (Therapy)

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NAADAC Module Two Study Guide Updated Version. Questions with accurate answers. Graded A+ Adlerian Psychology (Therapy) *What is the basis?* - ✔✔It is holistic in nature and we are all striv... ing towards superiority and perfection, must learn how to deal with feelings of inferiority. Adlerian Psychology (Therapy) *What is the method of counseling?* - ✔✔A method of counseling, which is also called individual Psychology, where all behavior is believed to be purposive and goal directed Adlerian Psychology (Therapy) *What is Fictional Finalism?* - ✔✔A component of Adlerian therapy is an imagined central goal that gives a client purpose and guides his or her behavior. Adlerian Psychology (Therapy) *Phenomenology*. - ✔✔To use Adlerian therapy effectively, an addiction counselor or other helping professional must attempt to view the world from the perspective of the client through a process called *phenomenology.* ln other words, the client can only be understood in terms of his or her family, social and cultural contexts, perceptions and private loqic. Adlerian Psychology (Therapy) *Private Logic* - ✔✔*Private logic* is reality as we perceive it; it is subjective, and the behavior that results from it can change if the client's perceptions change. Addiction counselors and other helping professionals must recognize the client's perspective and work to create change within it. Adlerian Psychology (Therapy) *Lifestyle* - ✔✔A component of Adlerian therapy that refers to the client's chosen method of moving through life. Adlerian Psychology (Therapy) *Social Interest* - ✔✔A component of Adlerian therapy that is an awareness of being a part 0f the human community and how one interacts with the social world. Behavior Therapy *What is the basis?* - ✔✔A method of therapy that focuses on modifying the client's learned behaviors that are negatively affecting their lives. Behavior Therapy *What is classical conditioning?* - ✔✔*Think Pavlov's dog*, where a particular response to a stimuli can be elicited over time by association with another related stimuli, like ringing of the bell when food is given to the dog. Behavior Therapy *Operant Conditioning* - ✔✔Think BF Skinner and his little girl, where behavior is reinforced and learned based on the consequences of the behavior. Behavior Therapy *Social Learning Approach* - ✔✔Think the post toasties cereal joke - A method of behavior therapy developed by Albert Bandura where *behavior is learned by observing the consequences of someone else's experience.* Behavior Therapy *How is it applied?* - ✔✔Tokens for sobriety i.e. AA Chips Cue Exposure Treatment Aversion Therapy i.e. Antabuse - Schick Shadel Cognitive Behavior Therapy *What is the basis?* - ✔✔An method of counseling that focuses on simultaneously learning new behaviors and restructuring automatic thoughts,. Cognitive Behavior Therapy *Where it does not work well* - ✔✔For the client who is unwilling to be engaged in therapy and do the homework. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) *History and Original Intent* - ✔✔Modified form of CBT originally designed to treat suicide patients who meet the diagnosis for *borderline personality disorder*. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) *What else is DBT used for?* - ✔✔Shown empirically to be useful for substance dependence, depression, post- traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and eating disorders. Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) *Main Principal* - ✔✔*Mindfulness* - Essential and core skill *Interpersonal Effectiveness* - Similar to assertiveness training *Distress Tolerance* - This involves accepting, finding meaning for, and tolerating distress *Emotional Regulation* - Learning to regulate emotions Family Systems Counseling *Six Basic Family Roles* - ✔✔*Substance Abuser* *Enabler* *Hero* *Scapegoat* *Lost Child* *Mascot* - Most likely to commit suicide Family Systems Counseling *Common Family Approaches* - ✔✔*Bowenian Family Therapy* triangulation, genograms *Experiential/Humanistic Family Therapy* Focuses on the present, promoting choice, self-determination and actualization *Family Disease Model* Family disease *Structural Family Therapy* enmeshment - boundaries *Strategic Family Therapy* directives Gestalt Therapy *Basis* - ✔✔A method of counsering where a client gains awareness of his or her behavior and learns how to accept personal responsibility for those behaviors Gestalt Therapy *Key Aspects* - ✔✔*Genuineness* must occur between the client and the therapist *Projective Therapy* Think empty chair approach Gestalt Therapy *Other Key Tenets* - ✔✔*Existentialism* focuses on present day and stresses personal responsibility for one's own destiny *Unfinished Business* Unexpressed feelings from childhood that now interfere with healthy functioning *Contact* process of interacting with nature and with other people without losing one's sense of individuality Medication Assisted Treatment *Basis* - ✔✔The use of prescriptions to assist and support a client's ongoing counseling and recovery Medication Assisted Treatment *Types* - ✔✔*Sensitizers* Overly sensitizes Antabuse *Antagonists* Block the effects Naltrexone *Opioid Inverse Agonist* both opioid-like properties and can also be a blocker of opioids Buprenorphine *Psychotropics* dual diagnosis anti-depressants Person Centered Therapy *Basis* - ✔✔The client, not the counselor directs the course of the treatment process Person Centered Therapy *Main Principals* - ✔✔*Humanism:* A philosophical movement that focuses on the innate nature within all humans to achieve our potential and find meaning in our lives *Congruence:* This is the most important of the three attitudes. lt is a condition where the counselor is consistently *genuine or real*, the counselor is able to match his or her external behavior with inner thoughts and feelings *Unconditional Positive Regard:* A component of person- centered therapy where a counselor shows the client constant acceptance and caring. *Accurate Empathic Understanding:* The ability to identify with and understand the subjective world of a client; also a component of person-centered therapy Psychoanalytical Theory *Basis* - ✔✔A *deterministic method* of counseling where the mental dysfunction results from a client's internal conflicts, processes and memories. Psychoanalytical Theory *Key Principles* - ✔✔*Unconscious Mind:* A part of the human psyche that functions outside of the awareness of the individual *Analysis of Resistance:* A component of psychoanalytical therapy where a client surfaces repressed material from the unconscious mind up to the conscious mind, *ld:* A component of psychoanalytical therapy that is the source of unconscious aggressive and sexual urges *Ego:* A component of psychoanalytical therapy that is the mediator between the id and superego *Super Ego:* A component of psychoanalytical therapy that is the source of moral urges *Defense Mechanism:* A technique employed by the ego when a conflict between the superego and id causes anxiety, according to psychoanalytical therapy Rational-emotive;behavior Therapy (REBT) *Basis* - ✔✔A method of counseling that focuses on changing the problematic beliefs ol an individual as a result of the events in his or her life Rational-emotive;behavior Therapy (REBT) *Key Principal* - ✔✔*Activating Events:* According to rational-emotive- behavior therapy, they are events that occur in an individual's life that lead to a reaction (belief) about that event, *Beliefs:* How a person feels or thinks about an activating event; a component of rational-emotivebehavior therapy. *Consequences:* How an individual behaves based on his or her beliefs concerning an activating event; a component of rational-emotive-behavior therapy Rational-emotive;behavior Therapy (REBT) *The A-B-C Theory* - ✔✔ABC Model of REBT *A* = Activating Event *B* = Beliefs *C* = Emotional and Behavioral Consequences ln therapy, the therapist also introduces *D (disputing intervention)*, *E (the effect of D)*, and *F (the new feeling that results from E)*. Reality Therapy/Control Theory *Basis* - ✔✔A method of counseling that focuses on how a client perceives the external world and the behaviors he or she exhibits to fit those perceptions and needs. Reality Therapy/Control Theory *Central Question of Reality Therapy* - ✔✔ls what you are choosing to do getting you what you want? Reality Therapy/Control Theory *Key Principal" - ✔✔*Success Identity:* A component of reality therapy/control theory where a person feels he or she has seltworth, is powerful, and is able to love and be Reality Therapy/Control Theory *Total Behavior* - ✔✔Doing Thinking Feeling Physiology Reality Therapy/Control Theory *Eight Basic Principles* - ✔✔1) develop a therapeutic relationship 2) focus on the client's current behavior 3) ask the client to evaluate the behavior 4) develop plans for change; 5) get a commitment from the client 6) do not accept any excuses 7) do not use punishment 8) never give up on the client Solution-Focused Therapy *Basis* - ✔✔What is possible in developing solutions, rather than attempting to understand the problem. Solution-Focused Therapy *Key Principle* - ✔✔*Utilization:* A component sf solution- focused therapy where the counselor helps the client utilize previous successes to motivate change Addiction Counseling Practices *Evaluation* - ✔✔A systematic and ongoing process in which a relationship is initially formed with the evaluating counselor in the initiation of a two-phase process: *Screening* and *Assessment* Addiction Counseling Practices *Screening* - ✔✔The first phase of evaluation where the potential client is briefly interviewed to determine if he or she is appropriate for that specific facility Addiction Counseling Practices *Intake* - ✔✔Generally the business end of services that must be finalized before treatment can begin i.e. ROIs, Consent for services, clarification of fees, etc Addiction Counseling Practices *Assessment* - ✔✔The second phase of evaluation where the client is interviewed extensively to determine the most effective treatment plan after he or she is admitted into the treatment program. *Assessment of the client's history, experiences and mental status* Addiction Counseling Practices *Assessment generally has five major objectives* - ✔✔*1)* To identify those who have a condition related to a psychoactive substance use disorder. *2)* To assess the full range of difficulties currently experienced by the client. The addiction counselor or other helping professional should rate the symptom severity, diagnose evident mental health disorders and screen for related difficulties or challenges; *3)* To plan appropriate treatment interventions for the client; *4)* To involve the appropriate family members or significant others in the client's evaluation and treatment; *5)* To determine the methods for evaluating the effectiveness of the treatment interventions that will be implemented. Addiction Counseling Practices *Global Assessment of Functioning (GAF)* - ✔✔Pre DSM5 for accessing for Axis V Addiction Counseling Practices *Individualized Treatment Plan* - ✔✔*Reflects the salient points of the assessment and outlines the next steps for the client.* lt is important for the *client to be involved* in this process as it fosters a sense of ownership and, internal motivation to pursue the agreed upon goals, Addiction Counseling Practices *Treatment Plan Key Elements* - ✔✔Need Goal Statement Measurable Objective Strategies and Interventions Addiction Treatment Modalities *Brief Therapy* - ✔✔Brief therapy does not point to any specific therapy or theoretical approach but rather is a relative set of therapies that includes a shorter time period and fewer sessions than "traditional" therapy. Addiction Treatment Modalities *Brief Therapy Parts* - ✔✔Induction Phase Alliance (Pretreatment) Refocus/Change Termination/Homework Continuation/Followup Addiction Treatment Modalities *Motivational Interviewing* - ✔✔non-directive approach to counseling that uses the internal motivation of a client to evoke and sustain rapid change, instead of counselor interpretation and discovery Addiction Treatment Modalities *Motivational Interviewing - OARS* - ✔✔O = Ask *Open*-ended questions A = *Afflrm* the client for change R = Listen *Reflectively* S = Provide *Summaries* Addressing Relapse *True or False: Relapse is unpredictable* - ✔✔*False* Relapse is usually preceded by clearly def [Show More]

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