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NURSE 420 Exam 1 leader Spring 2020 - Grade A+ | NURSE420 Exam 1 leader Spring 2020 - West Coast UniversityWest Coast University

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NURSE 420 Exam 1 leader Spring 2020 Exam 1 Leadership. 1. When your nurse leader maintains strong control over the nursing staff and makes most of the decisions about how the unit will function, y... our leader is demonstrating what style of leadership? a. Laissez-faire b. Authoritarian c. Democratic d. transactional 2. Which of the following is an example of laissez-faire style of leadership? a. A nurse manager allows staff to participate in a trial use of new IV pumps and contribute input when choosing a new product. b. A nurse manager instructs two staff nurses to work out a problem themselves when a conflict arises between them. c. A nurse manager allows the staff to select one of six colors of scrubs for the unit nursing staff to wear. d. A nurse manager allows the nursing staff to choose which holiday they would prefer to take off before completing the work schedule. 3. The home health RN is planning for the day’s visits. Which client should be seen first? a. The five-month-old discharged one week ago with pneumonia who is being treated with amoxicillin liquid suspension. b. The 50-year-old with multiple stage 3 & 4 pressure ulcers requiring dressing changes. c. The 30-year-old with an exacerbation of multiple sclerosis being treated with cortisone via a centrally placed venous catheter. d. The 78-year-old who had a gastrectomy three weeks ago with a PEG tube. 4. Which statement accurately reflects leadership? a. The position of a leader is always assigned. b. Members of a group will follow a person in a leadership position only by choice. c. A leader carries a legitimate source of power. d. Being leader required meeting organizational goals. 5. A manager who use a rational-empirical change strategy understands which one of the following to be relevant: a. Peer pressure influences change b. Reward-based incentives influence change c. Information supports change d. Punishment supports the acceptance of change. 6. You are the supervisor of a new RN graduate on your unit. What would be the most helpful action for you to take to help the new RN adjust to the new role? a. Tell the new RN to avoid confrontations with doctors whenever possible. b. Advise the new RN that this is the real world, like it or not c. Be alert to signs and symptoms of the shock phase of role transition. d. Tell the new RN to let go of unrealistic nursing school values. 7. Which one of the following principles of effective time management is most important for a charge nurse to remember about the use of a daily “to do” list? a. It is a planning tool, and thus must have flexibility in its implementation b. It should remain unchanged once initial planning is completed. c. It should address short-term, intermediate, and long-term goals for the week. d. It should be highly structured, thus decreasing the possibility of procrastination. 8. What is the first step to developing an educational program for nursing staff? a. Surveying the staff on what educational program they would like b. Identifying the resources available to meet their needs. c. Identifying the desired skills or knowledge the staff should have. d. Assessing the staff’s willingness to learn new skills. 9. In relation to Kurt Lewin’s Change Theory, which statement is NOT true? a. During unfreezing, the goal of a change agent is to make staff aware of a situation needing change. b. Refreezing often requires a change agent to stay involved over time to help stabilize and support the change at the new level. c. During the movement phase, it is important to keep the driving and restraining forces equal to each other. d. Changes should only be implemented for good reasons and include persons affected by the change in the planning. 10. Which term best describes the stress a new graduate RN experiences during the socialization process when transitioning from the student nurse role to the professional RN role? a. Student burnout b. Reality shock c. Role redefinition d. Role confusion 11. Good management in staffing nursing units in larger healthcare facilities usually includes all but which one of the following practices: a. Using a decentralized approach to ensure there is adequate staffing throughout the medical center. b. Ensuring that fair and uniform staffing and scheduling policies are in place. c. Using an in-house registry/float pool to assist in covering sick calls, weekend shifts and holidays. d. Using traveling nurses wisely to fill longer term staff vacancies or leaves of absences. 12. According to the Stages of Change Model, which one of the following is NOT accurately described? a. Pre-contemplative: A patient asks his friends about local fitness centers. b. Contemplative: A patient recognizes he needs more exercise. c. Preparation: A patient researches and buys new exercise equipment d. Action: A patient starts exercising 3 times/week with friends. e. Maintenance: A patient gets up and goes to the gym, even though his friend cannot go with him today. 13. After receiving a report from the night-shift RN, which of the following should the oncoming day-shift RN assess first? a. A 65-year-old man with a draining nasogastric tube who had a bowel resection the previous day b. A 55-year-old man with left-sided weakness who is asking for assistance to use a urinal. c. A 48-year-old woman scheduled for a mastectomy who is complaining of chills. d. A 32-year-old woman who is refusing magnesium hydroxide (Milk of Magnesia) prior to breakfast. 14. A nurse educator is responsible for teaching staff members about the prevention of central line associated bloodstream infection. To prevent infection, a central line dressing change procedure has been updated. The staff needs to be informed of the change in hospital procedure. Which method of education would best enhance the staff’s retention of this information? a. Vendor in-service program on new type of central line dressings available b. In-service education training program on the new procedure c. Brief educational “huddles” for staff conducted by each charge nurse at the change of shift. d. An IV therapy refresher course for all staff RNs. 15. A RN working the evening shift has just finished receiving a report on the following clients. Which client should the RN see first? a. A 46-year-old male postoperative day 2 for an open cholecystectomy b. A 52-year-old female who had a thyroidectomy and arrived on the unit 1 hour ago. c. A 25-year-old female admitted 4 hours ago for nausea, vomiting, and nonspecific abdominal pain. d. A 60-year-old male with diagnosis of bleeding peptic ulcer disease (PUD) who completed a blood transfusion 2 hours ago. 16. Which best describes mentorship? a. The focus, intensity and duration of relationships are similar in mentorship and preceptorship. b. Staff are not usually assigned to be mentors. It is a role voluntarily chosen by the mentor. c. Person being mentored must be willing to put aside their personal goals and beliefs in an effort to identify more closely with their mentor. d. Most nurses will have the opportunity for many mentor relationships during their careers. 17. The Hawthorne effect implies that: a. People are inherently good and will seek out work. b. Staff productivity will increase or decrease as the lighting in the work area is increased or decreased. c. Membership in small work groups becomes a form of social control. d. Humans respond to the fact that they are being observed. 18. A nurse manager of a behavioral health unit is known for being very organized and focused when managing unit tasks and daily patient care operations. He is comfortable in maintaining order, adheres to the budget and maintains the status quo on the unit. By these behaviors, this leader is demonstrating which one of the following leadership styles? a. Interactional b. Transformational c. Transactional d. authoritarian 19. What is critical thinking? a. It requires reasoning and creative analysis b. It is a simple approach to decision making c. It is narrower in scope than decision making d. It is synonym for the problem-solving process. 20. A RN preceptor is observing a newly hired registered nurse on the unit who is preparing to administer a blood transfusion. Which of the following actions by the newly hired registered nurse requires intervention by the RN preceptor? a. Inserts a large-bore IV catheter into the client forearm. b. Administer 0.9% sodium chloride IV. c. Verifies blood compatibility and expiration date of the blood with an unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) d. Assesses for a history of blood transfusion reactions. 21. Which client should the RN team leader assess first after morning report? a. A client with diabetes whose capillary blood glucose was 150 mg/dL before breakfast. b. A client who has a heart rate of 110 beats per minute after an albuterol respiratory treatment c. A client with chronic kidney disease who has a creatinine level of 23 d. A client 2 days postoperative colon resection with an oral temperature of 103.6 degrees Farenheit. 22. The most common mistake nurses make in regard to time management is: a. Prioritizing poorly b. Not using the nursing process c. Failing to delegate d. Not taking the time to plan 23. A RN working in the psychiatric unit receives a report on the following four clients. Which client should the RN assess first? a. A client who has paranoid schizophrenia and is pacing the halls b. A client with severe agoraphobia who refuses to leave her room c. A client who is socially withdrawn and refuses to eat d. A client with stage 3 (severe) anxiety who is disoriented. 24. New IV pumps are being delivered to a medical-surgical floor. Which of the following training options should the charge nurse use to best evaluate staff competency with the new equipment? a. Ask each nurse to read the procedure and sign an acknowledgement that they will follow the procedure when using the new pump b. Have the staff view a demonstration video of the new IV pump on the hospital website c. Require each nurse to attend a required in-service that reviews all features of the new pump d. Allow time during the workday for each nurse to demonstrate proficiency in using the new pump 25. Which is the most important first step in the time management process? a. Completing the highest priority task b. Performing a personal time inventory c. Setting aside enough time for sufficient daily planning d. Delegating work that cannot be accomplished in a day 26. The triage RN at a busy urgent care center prioritizes clients for evaluation. The RN determines that which of the following clients should be seen FIRST? a. A women at 6 weeks’ gestation who complains of lower abdominal cramping and vaginal bleeding b. A toddler whose parents report nausea/mild vomiting for 1 hour and a fever of 101.4˚F c. A patient diagnosed with renal disease who missed his dialysis appointment the day before and who complains of swelling in his feet and ankles. d. A preschool child who has a forehead laceration from a fall, no loss of consciousness, and who is smiling and playing with his toys. 27. Which activity below is the most effective way of initially handling a very complex or overwhelming task? a. Plan ways to finish the task with minimal rest breaks b. Delegate portions of the task to qualified staff c. Break the task into smaller, less intimidating units d. Delay beginning the task until it has your undivided attention 28. The RN has just received the change of shift report. Which client should the RN assess first? a. A client two days post gastrectomy with scant drainage. b. A client with pneumonia with an oral temperature of 101 degrees c. A client two hours post lobectomy of the lung with 150mls drainage in the past hour. d. A client with a fractured hip in Buck’s traction. 29. A nurse manager presents the pros and cons of implementing a new procedure for the care of patients on her unit. In doing so, which type of strategy is she using to obtain staff support for the change? a. Power strategy b. Normative strategy c. Rational strategy d. Coercive strategy 30. What is the best reponse for a nurse manager to use with an employee who has a pattern of lengthy chatter? a. “I’m sorry but I do not have any time today to talk with you.” b. “I can talk with you at 11 AM for 15 minutes.” c. “Stop by and we can talk during your lunch break.” d. “We’ll need to make it brief since my schedule is tight today.” 31. Which represents the correct order of management functions that are incorporated into the management process? a. Assessing, directing, organizing, staffing, and evaluating b. Planning, organizing, staffing, directing, and controlling c. Organizing, planning, staffing, directing, and evaluating d. Directing, staffing, assessing, implementing , and controlling 32. A RN is caring for a client who is receiving a blood transfusion and develops Urticaria one-half hour after the transfusion has begun. What is the first action the RN should take? a. Call the physician b. Take vital signs and observe for further symptoms c. Administer Benadryl and continue the infusion d. Stop the infusion e. Slow the rate of infusion 33. In the managerial decision-making process, a manager should know that the first step he/she must always do is: a. Assess gaps in performance b. Gather data c. Evaluate alternative actions d. Set objectives 34. A nurse manager is evaluating a new RN’s time-management skills. Which statement made by the new RN may indicate potential concerns with time management? a. “I am late in giving the antibiotic because I needed to assist with a dressing change.” b. “I completed the physical assessment before checking which morning medications were to be given.” c. “I didn’t get out on time because I admitted a client who came 15 minutes before the end of my shift.” d. “I would like to leave but I still need to document all the medications I gave today.” 35. When using a decentralized approach to unit staffing, all of the following are advantages except one of the following. Which is not an advantage? a. Provides greater autonomy and flexibility for individual staff members. b. Is more cost effective in meeting overall organizational needs. c. Staff are able to negotiate time off requests directly with their manager d. Managers retain greater control over unit staffing. 36. A nurse manager is developing an orientation plan for newly licensed RNs. Which one of the following should not be included in the orientation plan? a. Socialization to the unit culture b. Facility policies and procedures c. How to be an effective preceptor d. How to access and use the institution’s computerized information systems e. Assessment of the RN’s skill proficiency 37. A RN is triaging clients after a local disaster. Which of the following clients should the nurse recommend to discharge first? a. A client who has a large hematoma over the left eyebrow and is reporting a headache b. A client who has a contusion to the right upper abdominal quadrant and is reporting pain c. A client who has a suspected fracture to the right wrist and is reporting limited movement d. A client who has Ecchymosis to the left ankle and is reporting swelling. 38. The RN is analyzing serum laboratory results for a 73-year-old female client scheduled for surgery in 2 hours. The RN concludes that which result would warrant the most immediate notification of the physician? a. Potassium 4.5 mEq/dL b. Prothrombin time 22 seconds c. Hemoglobin 10 g/dL d. Creatinine 1.0 mg/dL 39. What is the best definition of decision making? a. The planning process of management b. The evaluation phase of the executive role c. One step in the problem-solving process d. Required to justify the need for scarce items 40. Joseph is a nurse manager who uses a Theory X approach with his staff. Which one of the following assumptions about his workers would Joseph most likely believe: a. I need to threaten my staff in order to motivate them b. The nurses on my unit will naturally put forth effort on their own c. My staff are hard-working and often go the extra mile d. Staff that I’ve educated usually will act responsibly. 41. Which client should the RN see first? a. A client who is asking for his pain medication before his physical therapy treatment b. A client who needs you to call the doctor about his stomach upset that he is experiencing since starting a newly prescribed medication yesterday c. A client who is extremely upset with the nurse assistant who took care of him last night and wants her fired. d. A client who just started to experience nausea, chest tightness and jaw pain. 42. A change nurse is planning to introduce a new type of infusion pump to the unit nursing staff. Which one of the following statements by the charge nurse displays that she has more skill as a change agent? a. “I want to let everyone know today we start using a new infusion pump.” b. “It is never too late to learn how to use a new infusion pump.” c. “I want to remind everyone about the dates/times for the new infusion pump in-services planned for next week.” d. “This week we expect to have an in-service on the new infusion pump.” 43. A chief nurse at your organization is recognized as possessing emotional intelligence. One of her characteristics is that she is very self-aware. Which one of the following statements would best illustrate her self-awareness? a. She is able to understand and accept the emotional makeup of other people b. She has the ability to control or redirect disruptive impulses or moods as well as suspend judgment. c. She has a passion to work for reasons that go beyond money or status, she pursues goals with energy and commitment d. She has the ability to recognize and understand her own moods, emotions, and drive, as well as their effects on others. 44. A decision grid allows a decision maker to do which one of the following? a. Quantify and explain detailed information b. Examine alternatives visually and compare each against the same criteria c. Plot a decision over time d. Predict when events must take place to complete a project on time. 45. The client returns to the unit from surgery with a blood pressure of 100/50, pulse 122, and respiration 30. Which action by the RN should receive priority? a. Continue to monitor the vital signs b. Ask the client how he feels c. Contact the physician d. Ask the LPN to continue the post-op care. 46. All of the following are important time effectiveness strategies for patient care except: a. Completing more difficult or strenuous tasks when energy level is high b. Grouping selected activities for clients in close proximity to each other to prevent unnecessary walking, when it is safe to do so c. Completing the majority of patient care documentation at the end of the shift. d. Asking for help when a team approach to care is more effective. 47. Breaking an overwhelming task into “bite-sized pieces” is a strategy to address: a. Interruptions b. Prioritization c. Procrastination d. distractions 48. A nurse manager who is focused on continuous improvements and shares a strong vision for the future of the unit is demonstrating which one of the following styles of leadership? a. Transactional b. Interactional c. Transformational d. situational 49. Which emotions may arise with change? (select all that apply) a. Anxiety/fear b. Loss c. Pride d. frustration 50. The quality of a decision is most often influenced by which one of the following? a. The decision maker’s immediate supervisor b. The type of decision that needs to be made c. The questions asked and alternative generated d. The time of day the decision is made. [Show More]

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