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CNN Exam 215 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT

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CNN Exam 215 Questions with Verified Answers lockdown- He was on lockdown for breaking and entering. - CORRECT ANSWER tecrit, kilit altına alma acquiescence- Acquiescence rather than pursui... ng justice is encouraged from women victims. - CORRECT ANSWER rıza, razı olma rambunctious- It is not clear whether the plan is to punish the English bid for its rambunctious media, despite other European newspapers now weighing in. - CORRECT ANSWER gürültücü, şamatacı, ele avuca sığmaz forge- Investigators from Kroll found 114 rubber stamps for fake companies used to give forged documents a more legitimate look, the Times reported. - CORRECT ANSWER sahtesini yapmak successor- Mao Zedong's successors have been somewhat more lenient. - CORRECT ANSWER halef, yerine geçen contagious- Emotions such as happiness and confidence are known to be contagious, with one person's excitement sparking rolling biochemical reactions in onlookers' brains. - CORRECT ANSWER bulaşıcı controversial- Australia has also recently reopened an offshore processing centre on Nauru, as it puts back in place a controversial policy it ended four years ago. - CORRECT ANSWER tartışmalı inaugurate- Secretary of State Hillary Clinton inaugurated a major new industrial park on the nation's northern coast. - CORRECT ANSWER törenle açmak, resmen işe başlatmak, (birini) törenle bir göreve getirmek legitimate- These entrepreneurs offer some valuable insights about turning an interesting idea into a legitimate business. - CORRECT ANSWER yasaya uygun, yasal, meşru unilaterally- Henry Ford unilaterally raised the pay of his workers for sound economic reasons. - CORRECT ANSWER tek taraflı bir şekilde amendment- They also said that legal amendments recently enacted by President "undermined" the United Nations convention. - CORRECT ANSWER yasa değişikliği, düzeltme amid- The robust numbers, which come amid a volatile global economy, are likely to ease the pressure on the central bank to cut interest rates further. - CORRECT ANSWER kuşatılmış volatile- In order to win in a volatile environment, companies must produce the best products, faster and at the lowest cost. - CORRECT ANSWER istikrarsız, değişken glimpse- My first glimpse of Andy Warhol made me begin to look at my life — and my surroundings — in a startling new way. - CORRECT ANSWER anlık bakış, göz atmak baffle- Lawmakers said they were left baffled and angered by his performance. - CORRECT ANSWER şaşırtmak, kafasını karıştırmak scrooge- "Call me Mr. Scrooge, if you want, but there'll be no Christmas decorations around the city." - CORRECT ANSWER cimri, eli sıkı churn out- One big change might be its use of carbon fiber components, like injection-molded parts that can be churned out in a couple of minutes. - CORRECT ANSWER seri üretim yapmak avert- Reining in military spending is on the table as President Obama and Republican leaders in Congress look for ways to avert a fiscal crisis. - CORRECT ANSWER önlemek, bertaraf etmek breakthrough- The first group focuses on breakthroughs, getting the big ideas right. - CORRECT ANSWER atılım, yeni bir gelişme compromise- Obama: No 'red lines' on top tax rate In his news conference, the president cracked open a door to compromise with Republicans in debt talks. - CORRECT ANSWER uzlaşma,v.uzlaş:n.uzlaşma revenue- In the short term, policy experts expect that the combination of increased tax revenue and reduced government spending would put a drag on the economy. - CORRECT ANSWER gelir, kazanç loophole- The White House and congressional Republicans have differed on whether to raise revenue through higher tax rates or by closing tax loopholes and deductions. - CORRECT ANSWER yasal boşluk deduction- But the White House believes that simply ending tax deductions would not generate enough new revenue to address the yawning budget deficit. - CORRECT ANSWER kesinti dividend- In expectation of higher dividend tax rates in 2013, companies have been shifting dividends or announcing special payouts to shareholders. - CORRECT ANSWER kâr payı stimulus- He said additional capital investment would act as a stimulus for regeneration and economic recovery. - CORRECT ANSWER teşvik payroll- Low payroll taxes boost the economy in several ways. - CORRECT ANSWER maaş bordrosu entitlement- But they could also make it harder as empowered Democrats, including some elected on liberal platforms, resist significant changes in entitlement programs like and . - CORRECT ANSWER yetki verme, yetkilendirme trifle- In a phone interview, Mr. Kipiniak said the earnestness of the reviewer's hurt feelings over such a trifle made it prime comedic fodder. - CORRECT ANSWER değersiz şey, önemsiz şey bespectacled- A Western diplomat who has met the bespectacled, soft-spoken president many times described him as "modest, courageous and committed". - CORRECT ANSWER gözlüklü confinement- He has remained there since, spending five months in solitary confinement with no access to books, television or writing material. - CORRECT ANSWER hapis, tutukluluk brig- Bradley Manning's Fort Meade pretrial has ordered that prosecutors hand over hundreds of emails from officers overseeing the alleged whistleblower's detention at a military brig. - CORRECT ANSWER askeri hapishane lesser- The lesser known Joseph O'Conor also impresses in Lost Child, his cheerful, chatty academic gradually revealing the dark insanity of his character. - CORRECT ANSWER ikinci derecedeki, daha küçük contemplate- In October last year, Mr. Reid took the first step toward going nuclear, a step many of his predecessors have contemplated but never done. - CORRECT ANSWER tasarlamak, niyet etmek flip-flops- Some were indeed showing up in uncoordinated clothing and flip-flops. - CORRECT ANSWER Parmak-arası terlik peek-a-boo- He enjoys playing peekaboo with babies, drinking coffee, and making fun of his social betters. - CORRECT ANSWER çocuklara yüzünüzü saklayıp, sonra açıp göstererek ve "cee" diye seslenerek yapılan oyun restraint- "How many more journalists must die in custody before some restraint is imposed on security forces?" - CORRECT ANSWER kısıtlama, baskı testimony- On Tuesday he cleared the courtroom and heard two hours of testimony in secret. - CORRECT ANSWER şahitlik, tanıklık, testify- Simpson never testified at the criminal trial, but memorably demonstrated in court that a glove found near the slaying scene did not fit his hand. - CORRECT ANSWER ifade vermek altercation- Police said three British tourists had been arrested following a reported altercation with four off-duty soldiers in the early hours. - CORRECT ANSWER münakaşa segregation- The risks increase with degree of segregation in all racial and ethnic groups, but are strongest for Hispanics, they found. - CORRECT ANSWER tecrit, fark gözetme, ayrı tutma, ayrım: racial segregation ırk ayrımı extradition- The Home Office rejected his appeal in November 2011 and ordered his extradition. - CORRECT ANSWER suçlunun ülkesine iadesi precedent- There is precedent for major retail chains trafficking in avant-garde art. - CORRECT ANSWER geçmiş örnek fellowship- Latin American countries are also increasing the number of fellowships to attract talented students from developing countries, including those in Africa and Asia. - CORRECT ANSWER üniversite bursu exile- The government accuses exiled Tibetan leaders including the Dalai Lama of stirring up unrest. - CORRECT ANSWER sürgün, sürgüne göndermek compound- Right now, there are over 20 chemical compounds discovered and invented in China undergoing clinical trials. - CORRECT ANSWER bileşim, yerleşke mandatory- And he said new mandatory assessments on nursing and midwifery staffing levels in our hospitals were coming into force from April next year. - CORRECT ANSWER zorunlu ploy- In decades gone by, developing nations tended to see the issue as a ploy by rich countries to avoid talking about unsustainable consumption. - CORRECT ANSWER manevra, hile, taktik intervention- However any military intervention will not be ready until some time next year. - CORRECT ANSWER müdahale indict- Several days later, a grand jury indicted Mr. Strauss-Kahn on charges including attempted rape, sexual abuse, criminal sexual act, unlawful imprisonment and forcible touching. - CORRECT ANSWER suçlamak, itham etmek curfew- Authorities have imposed an indefinite curfew in Kokrajhar district in India's northeastern state of Assam following fresh violence, reports say. - CORRECT ANSWER sokağa çıkma yasağı kinky- And "No, stop!" when he heedlessly posted explicit musings about his kinky sex dreams. - CORRECT ANSWER sapıkça retaliation- Civil defense authorities in Israel, anticipating retaliation, had instructed residents within a 25-mile radius of Gaza not to go to school or work on Thursday. - CORRECT ANSWER misilleme assertion- U.S. officials have denied those assertions but have acknowledged a federal grand jury in Alexandria, Virginia, has been collecting evidence about WikiLeaks. - CORRECT ANSWER iddia atrocious- According to last Friday's atrocious August jobs report from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, nearly 400,000 people stopped looking for work in August. - CORRECT ANSWER zalim, berbat, menfur, iğrenç intermittent- Fargo & Co. also faced lingering problems with its website after customers had intermittent access issues on Tuesday, a spokeswoman for the bank said. - CORRECT ANSWER kesintili, aralıklı cessation- PricewaterhouseCoopers said approximately 180 of the site's 500 permanent staff will be made redundant next week following the cessation of refining activities. - CORRECT ANSWER durdurma, ara verme uprising- More than 40,000 people have been killed in the uprising, activists said. - CORRECT ANSWER ayaklanma, isyan reciprocal- By proclamation of December 8, 1910, reciprocal relations as to mechanical music reproductions were also proclaimed between Germany and the United States. - CORRECT ANSWER karşılıklı, çift taraflı skirmish- But many economists say the current battles are mere skirmishes, not a real trade war. - CORRECT ANSWER hafif ölçekli çatışma integrity- But the lack of integrity among educators and school administrators is especially dispiriting, said Li Mao, an educational consultant in Beijing. - CORRECT ANSWER bütünlük, dürüstlük debris- The blasts shattered windows in nearby buildings, littering the street with glass and debris. - CORRECT ANSWER yıkıntı, enkaz scatter- Then there are the comparisons with the Jewish settlements scattered across the West Bank. - CORRECT ANSWER dağılmak, yayılmak tranquil- It is tempting to see Clarke in the unlikely role of Neville Chamberlain waving a piece of paper and promising better, more tranquil days ahead. - CORRECT ANSWER huzurlu, sakin barrage- About 9 p.m., after an artillery barrage, Chinese troops swept up the hill. - CORRECT ANSWER yaylım ateşi, set, engel rupture- - While two of the bombs ruptured on impact, another landed safely - The rest are caused by problems like clots coming from the heart and ruptured blood vessels in the brain. - But the rebel alliance has since ruptured, with Islamist fighters chasing Tuareg separatist groups out of several northern towns and imposing Sharia law. - CORRECT ANSWER ilişkilerin kesilmesi, çatlak, parçalanmak admission- - Research suggests about one in ten hospital admissions result in an "adverse event". - By his own admission, the young Gerrard could be terribly anxious at times. - CORRECT ANSWER kabul, itiraf, kayıt progressive- Some progressive leaders are urging Gov. to take a more active role in supporting candidates who favor public financing of campaigns. - CORRECT ANSWER ilerici elaborate on- HP would not elaborate on the specific issues it raised. - CORRECT ANSWER ayrıntılarına girmek revelation- His family said the headstone had been dismantled "out of respect to public opinion" following the revelations he had sexually abused girls and young women. - CORRECT ANSWER vahiy, açığa çıkma derogatory- They walked away making derogatory remarks about this man, calling him a "gook" and so on. - CORRECT ANSWER aşağılayıcı, küçültücü affinity- On "Adam's Lament," a CD of choral works, Mr. Pärt, an Estonian, displays his affinity for the mystics and saints of the Eastern Orthodox Church. - CORRECT ANSWER yakınlık, akrabalık, benzerlik incongruity- There are amazing incongruities between station and character. - CORRECT ANSWER uyuşmazlık, tutarsızlık hype- Consumer spending, after all, represents about 70 percent of total economic output, and Black Friday is the most hyped shopping day of the year. - CORRECT ANSWER yanıltıcı reklam, yutturmaca fodder- So far, these proposals have mostly served as fodder for computer models and scientific papers. - CORRECT ANSWER yem scheme- Early in the development of the class, we learned that a grading scheme was necessary that recognized individual accomplishment but rewarded collaborative problem solving. - CORRECT ANSWER plan, proje reveller- Free bus transport home throughout the city will be available for revellers at the Street Party. - CORRECT ANSWER eğlence düşkünü venture- On Thursday the companies announced a joint venture to make gas turbines, boilers and fuel cells. - CORRECT ANSWER girişim, teşebbüs pelt- -Some demonstrators tried to pelt him with water bottles. -The federal government banned the importation of polar bear pelts four years ago, when it listed the species under the Endangered Species Act. - CORRECT ANSWER 1. with ... yağmuruna tutmak: They pelted him with rotten tomatoes. Onu çürük domates yağmuruna tuttular. They pelted her with questions 2. kürk palliative- Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren explains past listing of Native American heritageTerminal breast cancer leads woman to pick palliative care, not aggressive theraphy. - CORRECT ANSWER Tedavi etmeden yatıştırıcı ve rahatlatıcı ilaç veya tedavi skylight- Farther into the restaurant is a bigger room, brightly illuminated by skylights, where large groups, especially those with children, are seated. - CORRECT ANSWER tavan penceresi, çatı penceresi vicinity- Like many other buildings in the vicinity, he said, it was flooded and would need new transformers, boilers and other equipment. - CORRECT ANSWER civar, çevre creek- In the wild giant otters are found in remote areas within some freshwater lakes, rivers, creeks, and reservoirs of tropical South America. - CORRECT ANSWER dere drain- -Mr. Agafonov fell, hit his head on a metal drain cover and died several days later. -And then he scored 30 more in the first nine minutes of the second half, draining seven straight 3s at one point. - CORRECT ANSWER kanalizasyon, sayı yapmak hurtle- -As America hurtles toward the fiscal cliff, there's an increasingly frantic search for ways to shore up the country's deteriorating balance sheet. -An asteroid hurtles toward Earth, picks up momentum, and crashes - CORRECT ANSWER savrulmak, hızla düşmek plummet- Elderly and vulnerable residents have been given temporary heaters and cooking equipment as temperatures plummeted to well below freezing overnight. - CORRECT ANSWER (dikine ve büyük bir hızla) düşmek, düşüvermek frantically- New strikes on Sunday leveled homes in Gaza, burying residents under the rubble as rescuers frantically dug for survivors. - CORRECT ANSWER delirmiş bir halde, çıldırmış bir halde understatement- "Furious would be an understatement," Boylan told ABC's "Good Morning America." - CORRECT ANSWER bir şeyi olduğundan hafif gösteren ifade propel- He's fiercely demanding, in ways that have propelled the business forward while exhausting many managers. - CORRECT ANSWER itmek, sürüklemek gridlock- Some investors interpret the benign numbers as evidence that worries about gridlock in Washington and the slowing global economy are overblown. - CORRECT ANSWER tıkanıklık, trafiğin kilitlenmesi, trafik tıkanıklığı pillar- -We were walking through this big entrance hall with stone pillars and marble floors. -Even the pillars of American cookery — fried chicken, meatloaf, burgers — exist on cooking shows and food magazines largely as a platform for "exciting" variations. - CORRECT ANSWER sütun, kolon, önemli destekçi consensus- But an international consensus is growing that the yuan is closing in on its fair value after about a decade at an artificially weak level. - CORRECT ANSWER görüş birliği break-even- AMD said it is building a business model to break even at an operating level of $1.3 billion in revenue. - CORRECT ANSWER başabaş, Ne kâr ne de zarar durumu clawback- New York City Comptroller John Liu filed papers last year seeking to force the firms to strengthen their clawback policies. - CORRECT ANSWER geri almak (verilen parayı) stalemate- Graham Sims, the council's chief executive, said they were faced with "rising costs and legal stalemates". - CORRECT ANSWER çıkmaz reiterate- "We're stopping here, we're waiting, we're not going to Goma," he said, reiterating a call for the government to start negotiations. - CORRECT ANSWER tekrarlamak remark- Mr. Johnson, who is expected to step down early next year, made his remarks before the Oxford Union, the debating society in Oxford, England. - CORRECT ANSWER düşünce, yorum unveil- And all these photographs will be unveiled in a comprehensive book published this week commemorating the long reign of Queen Elizabeth II. - CORRECT ANSWER açığa çıkarmak bleak- After years of bleak economic news, enough Americans now believe better days lie ahead for the U.S. economy. - CORRECT ANSWER iç açıcı olmayan, kasvetli shenanigan- The whole world is well acquainted with Mr. Berlusconi's scandals and shenanigans—wild parties, prostitutes, unsavory business partners. - CORRECT ANSWER dalavere, şaklabanlık, kurnazlık finesse- But then, he has had years to finesse those ideas. - CORRECT ANSWER ustalık, incelik, ustalıkla durumu idare etmek curb- But warnings that Leveson proposals would curb press freedom were "overdone," he said. - CORRECT ANSWER frenlemek impose- Bans on shell fish have been imposed in some regions. - CORRECT ANSWER Yürürlüğe koymak itemize- When books are returned itemized bills are sent by the binder made out to each department. - CORRECT ANSWER ayrıntılı olarak listelemek equity- A few crowdfunding companies willing to register as broker-dealers are selling equity stakes. - CORRECT ANSWER özsermaye private equity- Smaller, privately held firms - particularly private equity companies, known for their tax-planning acumen - seem to be taking the biggest interest. - CORRECT ANSWER özel sermaye şirketi venture capital- Like many venture capital investors, Mr. Khosla will risk a few strikeouts for the chance to hit home runs. - CORRECT ANSWER risk sermayesi hedge fund- For certain high-profile underperformers, the percentage of these shares owned by hedge funds has steadily increased this year. - CORRECT ANSWER yatırım fonu compensation- The workers are demanding compensation for their lost salaries. - CORRECT ANSWER tazminat carried interest- A share in the profits of a venture capital fund in ratios disproportionate to the capital contributed A company will have to give investors their cash back first and then share in profits with the investors (difference between "independent" fund formed by individuals and bank or other institution fund is that a carried interest is often the "raison d'etre" of the fund but in the institutional setting the venture capitalist often has to negotiate a bonus compensation system which often is not compatible with the rest of the institution) - CORRECT ANSWER alınan faiz, başarı primi derive- ConAgra was accused of making dubious "natural" claims on four varieties of Wesson cooking oil, all of which derive from genetically modified crops. - CORRECT ANSWER -den sağlamak, -den elde etmek, -den almak: He derives his income from his investments. Gelirini yatırımlarından sağlıyor. warp- But in Margaret's eyes every little thing said or done seemed to have a peculiar meaning, which her own warped mind attached to it. - CORRECT ANSWER çarpıtmak lean- Raw nuts, lean meats, and a moderate amount of fruit are easy to keep on hand. - CORRECT ANSWER zarif ,yağsız dupe- They have been duped by the greatest bankers' swindle on earth. - CORRECT ANSWER enayi yerine koymak, enayi, budala lenient- Even in places where laws are lenient, religious authorities and social attitudes can be harsh, with vigilantes inflicting beatings or beheadings. - CORRECT ANSWER hoşgörülü coercion- The secret ballot is in place to protect voters against coercion and intimidation by election officials, employers and others, Appel pointed out. - CORRECT ANSWER baskı/zorlama probation- One received three years and the two others were put on probation, according to Xinhua. - CORRECT ANSWER şartla salıverme obscene- They had performed an obscene song attacking Russian leader Vladimir Putin inside a Moscow cathedral. - CORRECT ANSWER müstehcen clamp down on- France, along with Britain and Germany, are intensifying efforts to clamp down on loopholes that allow big international companies to minimize their tax bills. - CORRECT ANSWER aman vermemek vice- "We're not making money on people's vices," says Matt. - CORRECT ANSWER ahlaksızlık burden- Though they fully appreciated the burdens their parents shouldered, they lamented a family that totally revolved around one child. - CORRECT ANSWER yük, sorumluluk worship- Historians believe that thousands of years ago people used Stonehenge to worship the sun so these latest developments are very exciting. - CORRECT ANSWER tapmak deity- Classical music was an easy target: in the early 1950s radio transmissions were purged of Sanskrit words and the names of Hindu deities. - CORRECT ANSWER ilah humble- His humble demeanor and crumpled appearance appeal to distinctly New Zealand values, yet his modesty belies his influence. - CORRECT ANSWER mütevazi crackpot- Yet Mr. Hussain is also a deeply contentious figure, accused of using his television pulpit to promote hate speech and crackpot conspiracy theories. - CORRECT ANSWER kaçık, çılgın remedy- "Given the drastic remedy imposed on covered jurisdictions by Section 5," he wrote, "I do not believe that such equivocal evidence can sustain the scheme." - CORRECT ANSWER çare, deva airy fairy- disapproval If you describe someone's ideas as airy-fairy, you are critical of them because you think the ideas are vague, impractical, and unrealistic. their airy-fairy principles - CORRECT ANSWER hayal ürünü dressage- In-ear commentary will add explanation at sports including fencing, table tennis, judo and dressage. - CORRECT ANSWER engel atlama (binicilik) tangible- This will provide a tangible, physical link between work done and reward received, thus motivating people to do it more, via classical conditioning. - CORRECT ANSWER somut age-old- In relatively wealthy Catalonia, age-old tensions are being revealed again by the crisis. - CORRECT ANSWER çok eski, asırlık innate- Ms. Caruso said bankers who do well in the incubator setting must have an innate entrepreneurial flair in addition to extensive industry experience. - CORRECT ANSWER doğuştan beast of burden- Consider, for instance, early pioneers who spent day after day clearing trees from fields using only hand tools and beasts of burden. - CORRECT ANSWER yük hayvanı tame- Over the next eight years, as global oil supplies loosened and inflation was tamed, gasoline prices dropped. - CORRECT ANSWER uslandırmak, terbiye etmek, evcilleştirmek hardship- It is not now known, however, what effect, if any, the local hardships imposed by Hurricane Sandy will have on the plans. - CORRECT ANSWER geçim sıkıntısı saddle- Still saddled with heavy debt burdens during the weak recovery, millions of American households cut back spending on food, cars and other goods. - CORRECT ANSWER semer vurmak, eyer, eyerlemek stint- His credentials as an economic reformer during two previous stints as finance minister are buying him time to pull India back from the fiscal precipice. - CORRECT ANSWER görev resort- -Earlier this year, the Farc said they would no longer resort to kidnapping or holding prisoners. -According to the Times, the United States is ready to launch military action in Syria "within days" if President Assad resorts to using chemical weapons. - CORRECT ANSWER başvurmak suffice it to say- Suffice to say, there are still numerous sites around the globe offering up illegal APKs. - CORRECT ANSWER şu kadarını söylemek yeter ki eventuality- "We will be prepared in any eventuality," White House aide David Plouffe said Sunday on ABC's "This Week," although he declined to elaborate. - CORRECT ANSWER ihtimal persistent- But cracks are beginning to show as slowing economic growth and persistent unemployment deter customers from making purchases - CORRECT ANSWER ısrarlı, sürekli reconnaissance- He was leading an elite reconnaissance unit which came under attack. - CORRECT ANSWER keşif errant- Still, Israel worries that Syria's civil war could spill across into the Golan, and repeated errant fire has intensified that concern. - CORRECT ANSWER hatalı bolster- The housing market has been bolstered by low mortgage rates but remains far from a full recovery. - CORRECT ANSWER desteklemek, güçlendirmek tycoon- That case confirmed what many have long suspected were cosy relations between business tycoons and government officials, triggering a wave of public condemnation. - CORRECT ANSWER kodaman heir- The bank said his heirs remain major shareholders after his passing. - CORRECT ANSWER mirasçı, varis conspicuous- Heseltine's achievements have been matched by conspicuous failures, but his self belief is almost thrillingly impregnable, making him quite impervious to any such impression. - CORRECT ANSWER bariz, belirgin attest- I can attest: Devouring fantasy football tidbits, no matter how meaningless or numerically abstract, makes me happy. - CORRECT ANSWER onaylamak, doğrulamak summon- After a formal interview, Cath Burrows, 44, has been summoned by Lancashire police over driving without due care and attention. - CORRECT ANSWER (birini) resmen emirle çağırmak; (birini) çağırtmak deplorable- "But, as today's deplorable attack on Parliament shows, the situation remains perilous." - CORRECT ANSWER elim, içler acısı fallout- Europe's crisis needs to be fixed because the fallout is seriously threatening developing countries. - CORRECT ANSWER serpinti (nükleer) stem from- The reported ruling follows a lawsuit stemming from allegations of breach of contract and lost profits related to a yellow pages listing service. - CORRECT ANSWER -den kaynaklanmak, -den ileri gelmek persecution- Iraqi law enforcement agencies are involved in the systematic and deadly persecution of gay men and women there, a BBC investigation has revealed. - CORRECT ANSWER işkence, eziyet huddle- Instead, Ibrahim says, her family members huddled together in the living room, covered in blankets, during the nightly bombing raids. - CORRECT ANSWER Bir yere toplanmak (askeri) feud- Residents said the feud between the Waters' and Barbieri's had been long-standing, and was primarily over the bird cages. - CORRECT ANSWER kan davası, düşmanlık dispute- Such tenant-landlord disputes have been playing out throughout Harlem, as long-awaited redevelopment has lifted property values. - CORRECT ANSWER anlaşmazlık, ihtilaf, kavga grumble- The cumulative effect has been a growing grumble in Australia about Deans's future, part of which seems based on his New Zealand nationality. - CORRECT ANSWER söylenmek, homurdanmak streamline- Her top priorities are making it more current, streamlined, and easy to navigate. - CORRECT ANSWER kolaylaştırmak, trundle- At Explore, as at many schools in New York City, children trundle from segregated neighborhoods to segregated schools, living a hermetic reality. - CORRECT ANSWER yuvarlanma (yavaş ve gürültülü şekilde) shrivel- -Fried artichokes were as shriveled and dry as autumn leaves. -I've always thought of nans as little, shrivelled old women, hunched over with a stick or sat in a rocking chair knitting. - CORRECT ANSWER kırışmak, buruşmak pastiche- Some of the ancient-looking buildings made of gnarled wood and bamboo actually are pastiches, created by Mr. Chuong from vintage materials. - CORRECT ANSWER muhtelif eserleri taklit edip hicvederek yapılan müzik parçası veya resim discomfit- -Even so, the idea of business meddling in development still discomfits many. -Grant's discomfitted and shattered army had taken refuge on the plateau. - CORRECT ANSWER kızdırmak, mağlup etmek, utandırmak sully- -Brands such as Levi's ignored the discounter, not wanting to sully their name. -"You are sullying our image," Mr. Hasadi said he had told him. -Burning coal sullies the atmosphere and leaves toxic ash mountains. - CORRECT ANSWER kirletmek, lekelemek; gölge düşürmek soothsayer- -Not that long ago such a pursuit would have been considered utter folly and best left to soothsayers and astrologers. - CORRECT ANSWER kâhin; falcı, gaipten haber veren kimse sedulous- He had been always true to his love, but not always sedulous to recall her. - CORRECT ANSWER hamarat, gayretli, çalışkan vibrissae- They are very sensitive to currents of air, but they do not respond to light or sound and seldom to contact with the vibrissae. - CORRECT ANSWER bıyık kılı (kedi vb.) shard- -Building windows were blown out and glass shards and debris were scattered on the street below. - CORRECT ANSWER kırık parça barnacle- -She was merely a little old gray barnacle sticking to her husband's estate. -Among others, Darwin had a considerable collection of barnacles gathered from boats and wharves in all parts of the world. -Barnacle geese have been tagged with satellite trackers amid concern planned offshore wind farms could affect their migration from Britain to the Arctic. - CORRECT ANSWER yapışkan kişi, sırnaşık, yaban kazı, kaya midyesi chaste- -But as sexuality stigma expert Gregory Herek points out, these chaste and abstracted images are several steps removed from real or even imagined erotic behavior. -Intellect and heart combined are like the same surface engraved and enamelled in artistic design—chaste, delicate and finished. - CORRECT ANSWER iffetli, gösterişsiz suffuse- -Add to the joy while it remains, For on in riper years Those eyes, now beaming with delight, May be suffused with tears. -Bart frantically felt in his pocket, and then, conscious that many eyes were on him, sat still, but a guilty flush suffused his face. - CORRECT ANSWER yayılarak (belirli bir renge) boyamak; kaplamak; doldurmak: Happiness suffused her face. Yüzünden mutluluk akıyordu. bludgeon- -So we watch protesters bludgeoned and accused of an attempted coup. -By offering such proposals, Cleaver said, the president "cancels out any bludgeoning that Democrats might give the Republicans over Medicare and Medicaid." - CORRECT ANSWER cop, coplamak, sopayla dövmek, zorla yaptırmak ingratiate- -When she lost the nomination, he sought to ingratiate himself with Obama's camp. -Perhaps it is Mr. Casabian's charming and easygoing nature that ingratiates him with many of his hosts who say they benefit from having him around. - CORRECT ANSWER gözüne girmek, sevgisini kazanmak, ingratiate oneself with a person yağcılık yaparcasına birisine sokulmak ingratiating- -Pretty good?" went on Clarence in his most ingratiating tone, climbing into the boat without being asked and sitting down beside Edward. - CORRECT ANSWER sokulgan conflate- -The phrase "attacks success" conflates Obama's words with his deeds. -Three mythic plots are conflated and acted out simultaneously, on a single set. - CORRECT ANSWER birleştirmek, bütünleştirmek sapling- -Mr Beatty said the infected saplings had been planted last year. -Researchers will therefore be watching the native forest closely, noting which species regenerate naturally and planting saplings to fill in the gaps. -"After all," said the sapling, "it is not such a great matter to keep straight; it only requires an effort." - CORRECT ANSWER fidan, delikanlı botch- -Epstein declined comment about the botched deal Saturday. -Last month, police in Cedar Falls, Iowa, where Peregrine was based, found Mr. Wasendorf unconcious in his car after a botched suicide attempt. Facebook's botched IPO has spawned numerous shareholder lawsuits. - CORRECT ANSWER (-ed)beceriksiz, -içine etmek, yüzüne gözüne bulaştırmak awry- -Asked about Harper's recent approach at the plate, Manager Davey Johnson said nothing was awry. - CORRECT ANSWER eğri, ters, yamuk to go awry- -Games often try to be funny, but in the end, things can go awry. - CORRECT ANSWER (işlerin) ters gitmesi burgeon- -Many marketing types and economists would hail its residents as members of Brazil's burgeoning "new middle class", who have become avid consumers. -He became involved in the burgeoning civil rights movement. - CORRECT ANSWER filizlenmek, gelişmeye başlamak tawdry- -Investors, after learning more tawdry details about how banks' investment research was made, grew increasingly willing to work with independent analysts -From the tray of tawdry jewellery, he picked up a locket with a smile to himself. - CORRECT ANSWER adi, bayağı, zevksiz tidings- -They waited, however, longer than they expected: three, four o'clock came, and no tidings arrived. - CORRECT ANSWER havadis, haber minutiae- -Most are full of the cheerful minutiae of life: washday at home, patrols on service, socks being darned, children, the weather. - CORRECT ANSWER ufak ayrıntılar, detay redolent- -Whilst he was gone, there came by, on a mule with rich purple housings, an old man redolent of wealth. -I recognised one, Mrs Rashleigh's; she was in advance of all, dressed with extravagant taste, painted, veiled, and redolent of perfumes. -Moscheles's works, though technically demanding, are period pieces, redolent of the early-19th-century salon. - CORRECT ANSWER (of) kokan, anımsatan nib- -My father began writing with an abominably scratchy nib. -Unfortunately, a third, ghastly choice is offered as well: caramelized foie gras with peaches, vanilla ice cream and cocoa nibs. - CORRECT ANSWER kalem ucu, çekilmiş kahve offal- -After a stroll through the fish bazaar, Ms. Clark's group visits an offal butcher selling lamb brains, livers and various other organs. - CORRECT ANSWER sakatat rancid- -It is not so with the flesh of the black rhinoceros, which is strong, rancid, and bitter. Reid, Mayne - CORRECT ANSWER ekşimiş, kokmuş, küflü dirge- -At midnight dirges were sung, while eager multitudes passed by looking upon the face of the dead. - CORRECT ANSWER ağıt, cenaze ayini midriff- -Hatton shouted, sinking another left into the fat body bag strapped around Shannon's midriff. - CORRECT ANSWER diyafram chivvy- -The police chivvied him a little, but not much; he was so obviously innocent of everything that there was nothing for them in him. -A throwback, no doubt, to the time when she counted the day lost that was not spent in chivvying some unfortunate fox over the countryside. - CORRECT ANSWER sıkıştırmak, rahatsız etmek, avlamak udder- -As for 310 million calves suckling at the Social Security program's udders all at once, that too is impossible -Freshly drawn raw milk from tuberculous cattle may contain enormous numbers of tubercle bacilli, especially if the udder is diseased. - CORRECT ANSWER inek memesi tureen- -A hot soup tureen was also included in the order. - CORRECT ANSWER büyük çorba kâsesi inveigle- -She checked herself, feeling that she had no desire to be inveigled into discussing his character. - CORRECT ANSWER ayartmak, baştan çıkarmak, bağlama çekmek prig- -Mr Musgrave was not a prig, but he came perilously near to being one at times. -I always thought Sir Charles was a terrible prig; horribly self-satisfied and altogether too much taken up with marveling at his own virtues. - CORRECT ANSWER ukala, kendini beğenmiş rumpus- -He did say, though, that the tiger was raising a rumpus up forward, and trying to break into the men's quarters. - CORRECT ANSWER kavga, kargaşa, velvele adumbrate- -As I have adumbrated to you more than once, I am not so sure of all this. - CORRECT ANSWER ima etmek, dokundurmak fuddle- -He felt fuddled, his eyes seemed strained and dim, his throat burned painfully. -Inside we found Mrs. Brown 'a bit fuddled,' as her husband had predicted. - CORRECT ANSWER sersemlemek, çakırkeyif olmak hoax- -Scotland's top law officer has warned that people making hoax calls aimed at disrupting Olympic events north of the border could face imprisonment. - CORRECT ANSWER oyun, muziplik, kafa bulma elaborate- -In an elaborate plot, they obtain the device's unique identification number. -"This is unethical," he said, but did not elaborate further. - CORRECT ANSWER özenle hazırlanmış, ayrıntıya girmek sentiment- -These are common sentiments in the eastern suburbs of St. Louis, a region of fading factory towns fringed by new subdivisions. - CORRECT ANSWER His, duygu, seziş; his inceliği, aşırı hassasiyet cloying- -Gift stores prominently display cloying teddy bears and expensive heart-shaped chocolates. - CORRECT ANSWER tiksindirici, bıkkınlık verici, gına getiren petition- -The White House promises that any petition that gathers more than 25,000 signatures within 30 days will receive an official response. - CORRECT ANSWER dilekçe lash out- -Morfis, a taxi driver, denied murder, saying he lashed out with a pocket knife after being taunted by a group of British youths. -Addressing the nation Friday, Prime Minister Yoshihiko Noda lashed out at the opposition for holding public services hostage. - CORRECT ANSWER saldırmak, (at) azarlamak, çatmak intrigue- -Instead of raw sales data, investors seem to be more intrigued by rumors and speculation surrounding the company's future line of products. -All the key appointments will in fact have been decided in advance, in horsetrading and intrigue behind closed doors. - CORRECT ANSWER ilgisini çekmek, entrika (ing) ilgi çekici friction- -The Europeans hope that eliminating frictions in U.S.-E.U. trade would provide some badly needed economic growth. -Anchor escapement mechanisms, most commonly used in Swiss mechanical watches, regulate timekeeping using a mechanism that generates friction and must therefore be lubricated. - CORRECT ANSWER sürtüşme, sürtünme impersonate- -Authorities arrested a man early Sunday morning with "phony firefighter credentials" for felony theft and impersonating a fire official, police said. - CORRECT ANSWER taklit etmek subsequently- -He was fired from at least two hospitals but was hired subsequently by four others. - CORRECT ANSWER hemen ardından appalling- -England's performance was appalling and the second-half substitute Davies made little impact, was booked and never selected again. - CORRECT ANSWER berbat, korkunç, çok kötü scam- -I thought this was the greatest scam going—getting paid for watching sports—this Weight Watchers thing is a bigger scam," he said. - CORRECT ANSWER dolandırıcılık, dolandırmak ward- -Crucially, immigrant women, whose fecundity had been holding up the U.S. numbers, opted out of the maternity ward in the greatest numbers. -The trust said five out of the seven wards evacuated on Friday evening following the fire were now operating normally. - CORRECT ANSWER koğuş ward off- -But the new study suggests loading up on more carrots, broccoli and oranges every day won't ward off hunger over the long run. - CORRECT ANSWER önlemek, engellemek, savuşturmak, etkisiz hale getirmek outrage- -There was outrage after footage emerged showing men passing the girl between them, trying to remove her top. - CORRECT ANSWER öfke, nefret stunt- -"Your stunt was done at a time in this country where there is paranoia about the intrusion of the media into people's lives," Gary Slenders wrote. - CORRECT ANSWER marifet, numara, dublör outcry- -The initial invitation sparked an outcry among human rights observers. -The accusations against Ms. Masih had triggered an outcry in Pakistan and were condemned worldwide, while renewing focus on Pakistan's controversial blasphemy law. - CORRECT ANSWER protesto conscience- -"This is an act of conscience on my part — I didn't like seeking a guy getting beaten up by the power structure," Gingrich said. -McQuaid said his "conscience is 100 percent clear." - CORRECT ANSWER vicdan praise- -So far, the commission's work is winning qualified praise from environmentalists and some in the oil industry. - CORRECT ANSWER övmek, övgü endure- -The hiring was welcome news for players who just endured Auburn's worst season in 60 years. -Of course, penalties off the fairway are nothing compared with the hardship endured by ordinary North Koreans. - CORRECT ANSWER dayanmak, katlanmak turmoil- -The Times's critic concluded: "Seldom or never have I seen inner turmoil evoked with such theatrical resourcefulness." - CORRECT ANSWER karışıklık, kargaşa [Show More]

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