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Com 312 - Exam One 171 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT

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Com 312 - Exam One 171 Questions with Verified Answers Why Intercultural Through Film and Media? - CORRECT ANSWER Human experience is now more visual and visualized than ever before from the satell... ite picture to medical images of the interior of the human body. The proliferation of visuality has made film and television entertainment the United States' second largest export after aerospace What Material Does Media Culture Provide When We Forge our Identity? - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Sense of self 2. Male or female 3. Class 4. Ethnicity and race 5. Nationality and sexuality Media - CORRECT ANSWER Helps us shape our core values and provides symbols, myths, and resources of culture Media Exposure Research - CORRECT ANSWER Shows that media consumption has a measurable influence on people's perceptions of the real world, regardless of accuracy. Viewing teen movies is associated with negative stereotypes about female friendships and gender roles Media Artifact - CORRECT ANSWER To understand a media artifact we must be able to understand the context in which it was created and analyze its constructed meanings, then determine its impact on groups and individuals David Cannadine - CORRECT ANSWER Proposed that the world needed to be understood beyond the "them/bad vs. us/good" model that has been utilized in politics and media. He posits 6 forms of regulators of human life and identity Religious Identity - CORRECT ANSWER Can be a regulator of how we live our lives and provide a clear sense of identity PEW Research Center - CORRECT ANSWER More Christian babies born than any other religion but it is expected that in less than 20 years, Muslim babies will exceed Christian births National and Cultural Identities - CORRECT ANSWER A person belongs to, however this is not always accurate Culture - CORRECT ANSWER A population large enough to produce new generations of members without relying on outside people. The totality of the group's thoughts, experiences, and patterns of behavior and its concepts, values, and assumptions about life that guide behavior and how those evolve with contact with other cultures Cultural Identity - CORRECT ANSWER The identification with perceived acceptance into a group that has a shared system of symbols and meanings as well as norms of conduct. Knowing a person's cultural identity helps understand the opportunities and challenges that each individual in that culture had to deal with Hofstede's 4 Elements of Culture - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Symbols: verbal and non-verbal language 2. Rituals: socially essential collective activities within a culture 3. Values: feelings not open for discussion within a culture about what is good and bad, beautiful or ugly, normal or abnormal 4. Heroes: real or imaginary people who serve as behavior models within a culture. Can be the subjects of novels or other forms of literature Class and Identity - CORRECT ANSWER Refers to one's economic position in society (upper, middle and lower class) Social Class - CORRECT ANSWER A position in a society's hierarchy based on income, education, occupation, and neighborhood Gender and Identity - CORRECT ANSWER How a culture deals with gender reveals much about the culture's values Gender Identity - CORRECT ANSWER May be defined more by one's culture than one's biology Biological Perspective - CORRECT ANSWER A large body of people characterized by similarity of descent like skin color, other facial and bodily features. The weaker the UV light, the fairer the skin Sociohistorical Perspective - CORRECT ANSWER Explains how racial categories have varied over time and between cultures. Sees race as unstable and socially determined through constant debate Civilization and Identity - CORRECT ANSWER Western, Latin-American, Sub-Saharan African, Eastern Orthodox, Islamic, Confucian, Hindu and Japanese Sub-culture - CORRECT ANSWER Resembles a culture. Are often based on geographic region, ethnicity, or economic or social class Ethnicity - CORRECT ANSWER Group of people of the same descent and heritage who share a common and distinctive culture passed on through generations Co-culture - CORRECT ANSWER No one culture is secondary Communication - CORRECT ANSWER 1. The means by which individuals learn appropriate behaviors and the means by which those behaviors are regulated 2. The means by which individuals having one group identity interact with individuals with other group identities and by which the groups interact with one another as formal groups 3. Culture cannot be known without a study of communication and communication can only be understood by understanding the culture it supports Social Justice - CORRECT ANSWER The idea that every human being is of equal and incalculable value, entitled to decent standards of freedom and justice, and that any violation of those standards must be acknowledged, testiied to, and fought against Social Justice Continued - CORRECT ANSWER When we are members of a majority group, we might have a superficial understanding of issues of social justice because that is what is made available through mainstream society. When we are members of a minority group, we may have deeper personal understanding of social inequality but we may not have the scholarly language to discuss it in an academic setting Forms of Resistance (8) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Silence 2. Withdrawal 3. Immobilizing guilt 4. Feeling overly hopeless or hopeful 5. Rejection 6. Anger 7. Sarcasm 8. Argumentation Analyzing Movies - CORRECT ANSWER Everything in how a movie is made has meaning, nothing happens by chance Movie > form > content What to Observes About a Movie (9) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. The form xxx 2. The shots 3. The angles 4. Light and dark: light is usually very accurate in film 5. Color 6. Special effects: CGI 7. Sound 8. Settings and décor 9. Costumes and makeup Shots (4) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Extreme 2. Long 3. Medium: contains figure from knees or waist up for showing movement or dialogue 4. Close up: concentrates on a small object (face) Magnifies size = elevates significance Angles - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Determined by where the camera is 2. Serves as a commentary on the subject matter Color - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Color tends to be a subconscious element in film 2. Visual artists have used color for symbolic purposes 3. Color symbolism is culturally acquired 4. Cool colors tend to suggest tranquility, serenity 5. Warm colors suggest aggressiveness, violence Sound Effects (3) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Although the function of sound effects is primarily atmospheric, they can also be precise sources of meaning in film. 2. Cinematic sound is a constructed experience 3. The pitch, volume, and tempo of sound effects can strongly affect our responses of any given noise. Music (2) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Is a highly abstract art. With or without lyrics, music can be more specific when juxtaposed with film images. 2. Certain kinds of music can suggest places, classes, or ethnic groups. It can be used as foreshadowing, to provoke anxiety, to control emotional shifts within a scene, to provide ironic contrast, for characterization Setting and Decor (3) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Settings are not merely backdrops for the action, but symbolic extensions of the theme and characterization 2. What matters most in a setting is how it embodies the essence of the story 3. The set must present the character before he has even appeared Costumes and Makeup (4) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. They are not merely frills added to enhance an illusion, but aspects of character and theme 2. Costumes can reveal class, self-image, even psychological states. They can also reveal change and transition 3. Costumes represent another language system in movies, a symbolic form of communication 4. Observe for details of period, class, sex, age, color, overall image In Content - CORRECT ANSWER Films are a form of narrative. Narrative has been the way humans communicate since the earliest of times. Narratology is the study of how stories work, how we make sense of the raw materials of a narrative, how we fit them together to form a coherent whole. It's impossible to understand a movie without being actively engaged in a dynamic interplay with it's narrative logic. Plot (4) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Most of us have been watching TV and movies for so long that we're hardly aware of our instantaneous adjustments to an unfolding plot. 2. Narrational strategies are often determined by genre 3. In the initial scenes the narrative for the movie is implied. Initial scenes establish the internal world of the story 4. Classic plot structures are linear an often take the form of a journey 3 Broad Classifications of Motion Pictures - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Fiction 2. Documentary 3. Avant-garde Documentaries and Avant-Garde - CORRECT ANSWER Documentaries and avant-garde films don't usually tell stories, they are structured according to a theme or an argument. Documentarists believe that they are reporting on the world as it is Ideology (3) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Virtually every movie presents us with role models, ideal ways of behaving, negative traits, and an implied morality based on the filmmaker's sense of right and wrong 2. Every film has a slant, a given ideological perspective that privileges certain characters, institutions, behaviors, and motives as attractive, and others as repellent 3. Movies are variable in their degree of ideological explicitness from neutral to explicit Cultural Assumptions (5) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Public information about social groups that is shared among the individuals within a culture 2. Assumptions are considered not only to exist in an individuals head, but in the fabric of society itself and can be transmitted and altered through communication. 3. Assumptions are the predispositions the individual employs to pattern the world and are usually felt by the individual to be an aspect of the world and not simply his/her perception of it 4. Assumptions provide a person with a sense of reality 5. We are here to challenge and question that reality Sensory Input - CORRECT ANSWER A physical interaction. Our perception and thought processes are not independent of the cultural environment Sensation - CORRECT ANSWER The neurological process by which we become aware of our environment Perception (3) - CORRECT ANSWER Humans sense and perceive the world in a way that is unique to their upbringing 1. Selection: language (names, vowel lengths) 2. Organization 3. Interpretation Low Content - CORRECT ANSWER Cultures in which little of the meaning is determined by the context because the message is encoded in the explicit code High Content - CORRECT ANSWER Cultures in which less has to be said and written because more of the meaning is in the physical environment or already shared by people Face (Public Self-Image) - CORRECT ANSWER + = to be approved of by others - = freedom of action and imposition High Context Cultures (3) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Hierarchical 2. Avoid direct confrontation 3. Communicate indirectly Intercultural Communication Competence - CORRECT ANSWER The ability to communicate effectively and appropriately with people of other cultures. Requires understanding of other's perceptions and values Chen's 4 Skill Areas - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Personality strength 2. Communication skills 3. Psychological adjustment 4. Cultural awareness Third Culture - CORRECT ANSWER A new culture that two or more individuals from different cultures can share which is not merely the fusion of the separate cultures but a new coherent whole Advantages of Marrying Inter-ethnically or Inter-culturally (3) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Stronger bond 2. A unique sense of identity 3. Reduced ethnocentricity To Enjoy Benefits (3) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Spouses must first understand how the two cultures are different 2. Adapt to the other culture 3. Develop intercultural communication competence Multiculturalism - CORRECT ANSWER A person can transform from a monocultural person to a multicultural person. A multicultural person is one who respects cultures and has tolerance for differences Post-ethnic Cultures - CORRECT ANSWER Recognizes that each person lives in many diverse groups and so we are not confined to one group and that groups based on affiliations are as substantial and authentic as groups based on blood and history Criticisms Fun Facts (5) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. China has more English speakers than the United States. 2. In England, in the 1880's, "Pants" was considered a dirty word! 3. The distress code 'Mayday' comes from the French for help me, M'Aide! 4. The most popular first name in the world is: Muhammad 5. WAS IT A CAR OR A CAT I SAW.. 'WASITACARORACATISAW'.. This is the only English sentence which even if we read in reverse, it'll give the same sentence Language - CORRECT ANSWER A set of symbols shared by a community to communicate meaning and experience The symbols may be sounds or gestures Of the 7,100 languages spoken today, each has unique sounds, words and structures Linguists study the words in languages and then look for similar sounding words with similar meanings in different languages. Sapir-Whorf Hypothesis - CORRECT ANSWER Reality embedded in culture's language and language controls thought and cultural norms The world that each of us knows is predetermined by the language of our culture The differences between languages represent basic differences in the worldview of diverse cultures The importance of things and events is reflected by the vocabulary Grammar had an even greater impact than vocabulary Criticism of Sapir-Whorf - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Not precise 2. Language doesn't reflect intelligence 3. Number of words doesn't reflect understanding of a concept Linguistic Relativism (2) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Linguistic characteristics and cultural norms influence each other 2. There are cultural effects in language development Translation Problems (6) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Vocabulary equivalence 2. Idiomatic equivalence 3. Grammatical-syntactical equivalence 4. Experiential equivalence 5. Conceptual equivalence (abstract ideas) 6. Human and machine translators Pidgin - CORRECT ANSWER Mixture of 2+ languages to create a third Creole - CORRECT ANSWER A new language developed by prolongued contact of 2+ languages Esperanto - CORRECT ANSWER An attempt at a universal language Language as Nationalism - CORRECT ANSWER Language is central to national identity Cultural invasion = one group penetrating the culture of another group to impose its own view of the world The Spread of English - CORRECT ANSWER 1/5 to ¼ of the world population is familiar with English. It is the official language of 60 sovereign states and 28 non-sovereign states Official Language Laws (3) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Many countries have official language laws 2. India and South Africa have several official languages 3. The U.S. does not have one The English Only Movement - CORRECT ANSWER "We have room for but one language in this country, and that is the English language, for we intend to see that the crucible turns our people out as Americans, of American nationality and not as dwellers in a polyglot boarding house." -Roosevelt 1907 Spanish (3) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. The 2nd most spoken language in the U.S. 2. 45 million Hispanophones speak Spanish as a first or second language 3. The U.S. is the 3rd largest Hispanophone country in the world after Mexico and Colombia States and territories that have official languages other than English (8) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Alaska 2. Hawaii 3. Louisiana (Consideration) 4. New Mexico (Consideration) 5. American Samoa 6. Guam 7. Northern Mariana Islands 8. Puerto Rico Lion - CORRECT ANSWER 1. "I have lived a blessed life" 2. "I have never seen poverty like this" 3. "I have never seen children treated this way" According to the World Bank... - CORRECT ANSWER In 2013, 10.7 percent of the world's population lived on less than US$1.90 a day, compared to 12.4 percent in 2012. That's down from 35% in 1990 Reduction in Extreme Poverty - CORRECT ANSWER Between 2012 and 2013 was mainly driven by East Asia and Pacific (71 million fewer poor) -notably China and Indonesia—and South Asia (37 million fewer poor) -notably India Half of the extreme poor live in Sub-Saharan Africa, 389 million people living on less than US$1.90 a day in 2013, more than all the other regions combined It is becoming even more difficult to reach those remaining in extreme poverty, who often live in fragile contexts and remote areas. Access to good schools, healthcare, electricity, safe water and other critical services remains elusive for many people Poverty - CORRECT ANSWER Is not merely about a lack of material goods. To be poor is also to lack control over one's life and resources, and to be marginalized and excluded from social, economic and political processes that affect one's life Culture of Poverty - CORRECT ANSWER The co-culture [of the poor] develops mechanisms that tend to perpetuate it, especially because of what happens to the worldview, aspirations, and character of the children who grow up in it Types of Poverty - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Situational 2. Generational 3. Absolute 4. Relative 5. Urban 6. Rural Situational Poverty - CORRECT ANSWER Generally caused by a sudden crisis or loss and is often temporary. Events causing situational poverty include environmental disasters, divorce, or severe health problems Generational Poverty - CORRECT ANSWER Occurs in families where at least two generations have been born into poverty. Families living in this type of poverty are not equipped with the tools to move out of their situations Absolute Poverty - CORRECT ANSWER Is rare in the United States, involves a scarcity of such necessities as shelter, running water, and food. Families who live in absolute poverty tend to focus on day-to-day survival Relative Poverty - CORRECT ANSWER The economic status of a family whose income is insufficient to meet its society's average standard of living Urban Poverty - CORRECT ANSWER Occurs in metropolitan areas with populations of at least 50,000 people. The urban poor deal with a complex aggregate of chronic and acute stressors (including crowding, violence, and noise) and are dependent on often-inadequate large-city services Rural Poverty - CORRECT ANSWER In rural areas, there are more single-guardian households, and families often have less access to services, support for disabilities, and quality education opportunities. Programs to encourage transition from welfare to work are problematic in remote rural areas, where job opportunities are few Communication and Poverty (5) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Intrapersonal 2. Interpersonal 3. Small group 4. Organizational 5. Mass Non-verbal Communication - CORRECT ANSWER Actions and attributes that have socially shared meaning, are consciously sent or received, and have potential feedback from the receiver Types of Non-verbal Communication - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Proxemics 2. Kinesics: gestures, body movements, facial expressions, and eye contact 3. Chronemics: use of time 3a. Monochromic: doing one thing at a time 3b. Polychromic: time is flexible Paralanguage - CORRECT ANSWER The non-verbal elements of the voice: laughter, sobs, intensity, pitch, extent, uh, um Silence Functions - CORRECT ANSWER 1. To provide time to think. 2. To hurt others. 3. To respond to personal anxiety. 4. To prevent communication. 5. To communicate emotions. 6. To achieve specific effects. 7. To say nothing Artifactual Communication - CORRECT ANSWER Messages conveyed through objects or arrangement of objects made by human hands (clothes) Territoriality - CORRECT ANSWER How spaces can be used to communicate messages Olfactics - CORRECT ANSWER Communication via smell Haptics - CORRECT ANSWER Communication via touch (affection, appreciation, sexual interest) Non-verbal Misinterpretations as a Barrier (2) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. If we are unaware of differences in non-verbal communication, misinterpretations may arise. 2. It must not be assumed that non-verbals are universal Sex - CORRECT ANSWER The biological features based on chromosomal evidence that distinguish males from females Gender - CORRECT ANSWER The learned behaviors and attitudes associated with the words feminine and masculine. Gender is socially constructed Sex and Gender - CORRECT ANSWER While sex denotes the biological differentiations between men and women, gender categories tell us how men and women are assumed to behave in a certain society, which can change over time Gender Equality - CORRECT ANSWER Is not dependent on the income level of a country The Gender Inequality Measure - CORRECT ANSWER Has shown that gender inequality has been reduced worldwide, however there are still significant gaps 1. Reproductive 2. Heath 3. Empowerment 4. Labor Health (3) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Women in many countries are victims of violence. In many countries domestic violence is treated as private, family matter 2. Female genital mutilation is a common practice in many countries, primarily in Africa under the belief that it reduces promiscuity. 3. Women are victims of neglect, trafficking into prostitution, rape, incest, domestic violence, political torture, abuses of refugees, and the ravages of war Education - CORRECT ANSWER Nearly 2/3 of the world's illiterate are women Malala Yousafzai (3) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Born in 1997 in Pakistan 2. She is known as an activist for female education and the youngest Nobel Prize laureate 3. She has been an advocate for women's education in Northwest Pakistan where the local Taliban had banned girls from attending school Economics (4) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Women represent more than 40% of the workforce 2. The average wage for women is 2/3 that for men 3. In the U.S. women with 4 years of college earn roughly the same median salary as men with a high school education 4. The difference in salaries result from women being able to work less hours than men and from lower salaries paid in fields traditionally held by women Political Participation (4) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Worldwide, women's representations in national parliaments is 20% 2. In 2013 24.2% of all U.S. state legislators were women 3. Worldwide, women's representation in cabinets was just under 7% 4. With limited participation in political decision making, women worldwide are not treated as equal to men in laws governing travel, marriage and divorce, acquisition of nationality property management, employment seeking, and property inheritance Masculinities - CORRECT ANSWER Are constructed in relation to bodies, identities, institutions, ideas, social norms, and historical and geographical contexts Masculinity - CORRECT ANSWER It provides a personal sense of self, is constructed in opposition to femininity, and is conceptualized through ideas of the relationship between mind, body, and emotions. Women are seen as "in touch with their emotions" while men are seen as "hard bodied and impermeable" Health (5) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Men in the U.S. on average, die 7 years younger than women 2. Higher rates of all 15 leading causes of death 3. Men are more likely to suffer severe chronic conditions and fatal diseases 4. In most parts of the world, health outcomes among boys and men continue to be worse than among girls and women 5. Including both men and women in efforts to reduce gender inequalities would improve everyone's health and well-being In many societies, men generally enjoy more opportunities, privileges, and power than women, yet these advantages do not translate into better health outcomes Life Expectancy (2) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. In the region with the lowest life expectancy (sub-Saharan Africa) men live 5.3 years less than women on average. 2. Easter Europe has the biggest difference with women outliving men by 11.6 years Heath Hazards Associated with Male Norms - CORRECT ANSWER Rsk-taking and adventure, and the fact that men are less likely to visit a doctor when they are ill and, when they see a doctor, are less likely to report on the symptoms of disease or illness Facts (4) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. England: women had more consultations with general practitioners than men 2. Malawi, South Africa, Uganda: notions of masculinity increase the risk of HIV, inhibit men from testing, taking instructions from nurses 3. Gendered occupations: 750,000 men vs. 102,000 women died of occupational related causes 4. Policy makers tend to assume that gendered approaches to health improvement are primarily about women Sexual Violence - CORRECT ANSWER Generally underreported, rape and sexual violence not only generate physical pain, but shame, confusion, guilt, fear, and stigma.If the abuse is recognized, it may not always be seen as sexual violence, it is often described as abuse or torture. Although it happens at times of peace, sexual violence against men has been reported at times of conflict. It was often reported in the conflict in former Yugoslavia, and in the conflict in Congo. Male sexual violence is about power and dominance M/F Education - CORRECT ANSWER While in many countries girls are not allowed to receive quality education, a variety of factors impact the education of boys. In many locations boys are considered more independent, less interested in learning, and have the potential to make money while working which leads to higher desertion rates. A study in the Philippines found that poor families tend to withdraw boys from school because they seem unresponsive to learning, and because boys have more diverse work opportunities than girls M/W Workplace - CORRECT ANSWER Although some companies have updated their parental leave policies to include both men and women, this is not a generalized practice anywhere in the world Men are twice as likely to have their request for work flexibility rejected Sexual Orientation - CORRECT ANSWER An inherent or immutable enduring emotional, romantic or sexual attraction to other people Gender Identity - CORRECT ANSWER One's innermost concept of self as male, female, a blend of both or neither - how individuals perceive themselves and what they call themselves. One's gender identity can be the same or different from their sex assigned at birth Gender Expression - CORRECT ANSWER External appearance of one's gender identity, usually expressed through behavior, clothing, haircut or voice, and which may or may not conform to socially defined behaviors and characteristics typically associated with being either masculine or feminine Transgender - CORRECT ANSWER An umbrella term for people whose gender identity and/or expression is different from cultural expectations based on the sex they were assigned at birth. Being transgender does not imply any specific sexual orientation. Therefore, transgender people may identify as straight, gay, lesbian, bisexual, etc Gender Transition - CORRECT ANSWER The process by which some people strive to more closely align their internal knowledge of gender with its outward appearance. Some people socially transition, whereby they might begin dressing, using names and pronouns and/or be socially recognized as another gender. Others undergo physical transitions in which they modify their bodies through medical interventions Gender Dysphoria - CORRECT ANSWER Clinically significant distress caused when a person's assigned birth gender is not the same as the one with which they identify Homophobia - CORRECT ANSWER Fear, hatred, discomfort with or mistrust of people who are lesbian, gay, or bisexual. There are also biphobia and transphobia Language, name-calling, discrimination, hate crimes Internalized Homophobia - CORRECT ANSWER People who are homophobic while also experiencing same-sex attraction themselves Stats/facts - CORRECT ANSWER 1. 40% of homeless youth identify as LGBT 2. 68% of those kids were kicked out by their families 3. 54% survivors of abuse by their families 4. 26 countries that have legalized gay marriage 5. In Africa, Asia, and the Middle East, attitudes towards homosexuality are negative 6. In 8 to 10 African countries, less than 5% feel society should accept homosexuality 7. It is perceived as a threat in masculine cultures 8. South Korea does not criminalize consensual same-sex behavior among civilians, and the army prohibits anti-gay discrimination and "outing" of gay soldiers. However, the 1962 Military Criminal Act's Article 92-6 has been used to punish sexual acts between servicemen with up to two years in prison under a "disgraceful conduct" clause—regardless of consent and whether they have sex in or outside of military facilities. They contend that banning "indecent conduct" is necessary for maintaining discipline in the predominantly-male military Seroe Fioletovoe (Grey Violet) - CORRECT ANSWER LGBT activist feared disappeared in eastern Ukraine) SF, a Russian transgender person. Arrived in Donetsk People's Republic on Jan, 31st. They were immediately detained and no one heard from them in 2 weeks Most Studied Subfields of Intercultural Communication - CORRECT ANSWER Individuals adapting to a new culture (Y. Y. Kim, 2005). They can be sojourners, expatriates, refugees, or asylees What Challenges do Immigrants Face? - CORRECT ANSWER Learning a new language, finding living arrangements, food, new landscapes, social customs, government, education, popular culture, and more Culture Shock - CORRECT ANSWER Feelings of disorientation or anxiety that many people experience for a time while living in a foreign country Five Stages of Culture Shock Process - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Honeymoon 2. Irritation with differences 3. Increased ability to function 4. Autonomy 5. Biculturalism Acculturative Stress - CORRECT ANSWER Is now generally preferred over culture shock when describing the impact of culture change on the individual Rather than focusing on purely negative outcomes, acculturative stress implies a process characterized by phases of stress and adjustment Coping with Acculturative Stress - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Avoidance 2. Acceptance 3. Close support 4. Distant support 5. Self-blame Immigration - CORRECT ANSWER The international movement of people into a destination country to which they are not natives or where they do not possess citizenship in order to settle or reside there Facts/stats - CORRECT ANSWER 1. By 2013, 232 m people (3.2%) of the world's population lived outside the countries of birth 2. The U.S. is host to more immigrants than any other nation 3. In 1875 the first federal laws were enacted to bar convicts and prostitutes. Later they included people with "physical, mental, or moral defects" "subversive doctrines" "economic disqualifications" or were illiterate 4. Each major wave of immigrants has experienced discrimination: Germans, Eastern and Southern Europeans, Irish, Italians, Chinese, Jews, Haitians 5. Immigration from Mexico has largely been tied to the labor needs in the U.S. (agriculture, building railroads, mining) 6. The Bracero program lasted from the 1940's until the 1960's 7. 1960- Less than 600,000 Mexican-born people in the U.S. 8. 1980- More than 2 million 9. The largest sustained mass migration of one group to the U.S. 10. From 2000 to 2010 the fastest growing group in the U.S. was people who identify as Asians Eugenics - CORRECT ANSWER Scientific racism. "The science of improving a human population by controlled breeding to increase the occurrence of desirable heritable characteristics. Developed largely by Francis Galton as a method of improving the human race, it fell into disfavor only after the perversion of its doctrines by the Nazis." Asians vs. Hispanics - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Asians have surpassed Hispanics as the largest group of new immigrants in the U.S. A record 18.2 million Asians were recorded to be living in the U.S., making them the fastest-growing racial group in the country 2. Asian Americans trace their roots to any of dozens of countries in the Far East, Southeast Asia and the Indian subcontinent 3. Each country of origin subgroup has its own unique history, culture, language, religious beliefs, economic and demographic traits, social and political values, and pathways into America 4. More than half (54%) say that having a successful marriage is one of the most important things in life; just 34% of all American adults agree 5. Two-thirds of Asian-American adults (67%) say that being a good parent is one of the most important things in life; just 50% of all adults agree 6. U.S. Asians also have a strong sense of filial respect; about two-thirds say parents should have a lot or some influence in choosing one's profession (66%) and spouse (61%) Y.Y. Kim Cross-cultural Adaptation Theory - CORRECT ANSWER Describes the process an individual undergoes upon entering a new culture. Not all individuals adapt at the same rate Host Communication Competence - CORRECT ANSWER Capacity to communicate with the host culture's communication symbols and meaning systems (language) Participation in Host Social Communication - CORRECT ANSWER The time and skill devoted to participation in the host culture's mass media and interpersonal communication with host culture members Participation in Ethnic Social Communication - CORRECT ANSWER Time devoted to communicating with fellow co-immigrants and time devoted to mass media targeted to the immigrant Host Environment - CORRECT ANSWER The relative strength of the immigrant group to maintain it's culture and the strength of the new host culture to conform Predisposition - CORRECT ANSWER How similar the home culture is to the new host culture Categories of Acculturation - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Acculturation: immigrant's learning and adopting the norms and values of the new host culture 2. Marginalization: losing one's cultural identity and not having any psychological contact with the larger society 3. Separation: maintaining one's original culture and not participating in the new culture 4. Assimilation: giving up one's original cultural identity and moving into full participation in the new culture 5. Integration: maintaining important parts of one's original culture as well as becoming an integral part of the new culture 5 Important Personality Factors - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Openness 2. Conscientiousness 3. Extraversion 4. Agreeableness 5. Neuroticism Perspective Taking - CORRECT ANSWER The cognitive ability to take on the perspective of another person, while empathetic concern is a more emotional tendency that involves feeling sympathy and concern for others Barries to Intercultural Communication - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Anxiety: focused attention on what you are expected to do 2. Assuming similarity instead of difference: when you have no information about a new culture, it might be easier to assume no differences exist, which in turn could lead to miscommunication 3. Ethnocentrism: negatively judging aspects of another's culture by the standards of one's own culture 3a. Example: ethnocentrism in healthcare - health care professionals project their own culturally specific values and behaviors onto the patientThis has contributed significantly to non-compliance. In order to remedy this situation, it is important for healthcare workers to separate the values of their own cultural background from the cultural background and values of the patients for whom they provide care 4. Stereotypes 5. Prejudice Cultural Schemas - CORRECT ANSWER Mental frameworks for interpreting the world that are shared by members of a cultural group. They act as social codes to guide individuals' behavior as they strive to fit in and succeed in a particular cultural context Cultural Relativism - CORRECT ANSWER We must try to understand people's behavior in the context of their culture. We recognize the arbitrary nature of our own cultural behaviors and are willing to reexamine them Cultural relativism encourages respect for different cultural values, beliefs, and practices. We are less likely to interpret differences as bizarre, offensive, or deficient if we consider them in terms of their own cultural context Civility - CORRECT ANSWER Respecting the humanity of diverse others. It does not involve endorsing their specific ideas or behavior. Respect as civility means showing a positive regard for others as equals. It involves disagreeing without demonizing, and hearing diverse opinions without attacking Cultural Intelligence - CORRECT ANSWER Embodies this notion of respect as civility. It involves neither the sacrifice nor the moderation of personal convictions. It does, however, make us more expansive in our thinking and promotes reflection. We might even decide that our way is not the only or the best way after all Cultural Nearsightedness - CORRECT ANSWER A less severe form of ethnocentrism Stereotypes - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Judgements made on the basis of ethnic group membership 2. Everyone can stereotype and anyone can be stereotyped 3. Cultural sensitivity vs. ethnic stereotyping 4. Profiling Stereotypes impede communication in the following ways - CORRECT ANSWER They cause us to assume that a widely held belief is true when it may not beContinued use of the stereotype reinforces the beliefThey cause us to assume that a widely held belief is true of any individualThe stereotype can become a self-fulfilling prophecy Cultivation Theory - CORRECT ANSWER Media has long term effects which are small, gradual, indirect, but cumulative and significant. Repeated exposure to media stereotypes lead to their acceptance as a social reality Prejudice - CORRECT ANSWER The irrational dislike, suspicion or hatred of a particular group, race, religion, or sexual orientation. People with what is known as an authoritarian personality are those who are highly prejudiced. They tend to think in bipolar terms, are highly conventional, moralistic, and uncritical of higher authority. When people hold prejudicial attitudes toward others, they tend to view everyone who fits into a certain group as being "all the same." They paint every individual who holds particular characteristics or beliefs with a very broad brush and fail to really look at each person as a unique individual Racism - CORRECT ANSWER The belief and practice of racial privilege or social advantages based on race Communication can play a role in either spreading prejudice and racism or stopping their spread Prejudice and racism are commonly viewed as being rooted in a child's early socialization and fostered in communication with other people who are racist Hate Speech - CORRECT ANSWER Threats or verbal slurs directed against specific groups or physical acts such as burning crosses or spray painting swastikas Blood Diamond - CORRECT ANSWER 1. German-American political war thriller film 2. Leonardo di Caprio, Jennifer Connelly and Djimon Honshu 3. Set during the civil war in Sierra Leone in 1991-2002 4. The film depicts a country torn apart by the struggle between government loyalists and insurgent forces 5. Also portrays many of the atrocities of war, including rebels' amputations of people's hands to discourage them from voting in upcoming elections Sierra Leone - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Population 6.1 million 2. Languages English, Krio (Creole language derived from English) and a range of African languages 3. Major religions Islam, Christianity 4. Life expectancy 48 years (men), 49 years (women) 5. West Africa 6. Capital: Freetown, founded as a home for repatriated former slaves in 1787 7. Modern history: civil war 8. Ended in 2002 with the help of Britain, and a large UN peacekeeping mission Ishmael Beah - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Sierra Leonean author and human rights activist 2. Wrote a long way gone: memoirs of a boy soldier 3. At age 12 he was forced to become a child soldier 4. Fought almost 3 years before being rescued by UNICEF 5. No memory of how many people he killed during his time in the government army 6. Used different drugs and were brainwashed 7. In 1996 he was invited to speak at the UN in New York 8. He often appears in media such as the daily show, ABC News, etc. to speak out against the use of children in war 9. He also travels as a U.N. advocate to counsel children forcibly recruited into war 10. During a recent trip to the Central African Republic 45 youths were freed, including 35 who were released before Beah's arrival, and taken to a shelter managed by the Danish Refugee Council Pre-socialization - CORRECT ANSWER All the information an individual acquires before participation in a subculture Socialization - CORRECT ANSWER Undergoing training in the characteristics of a subculture Acceptance/Ostracism - CORRECT ANSWER Acceptance of Activities Rugby - CORRECT ANSWER After being requested to leave the premises of a popular restaurant following a mass food fight, a Canadian university rugby team drew away from the parking lot to a crescendo of breaking glass when players hurled empty beer bottles out of windows; one Canadian subject was arrested and jailed for attempting to steal an enormous mirror from behind a crowded bar while on tour in the U.S.; The construction of normal identities as rugby players, climbers, or bodybuilders therefore frequently involves a complete turnaround from the preconceptions that may have been acquired during the presocialization stage Confirmation may occur gradually, in rugby for example, in the process of making the team, undergoing the rigors of rookie night, and becoming more and more involved with established players both on and off the field. It is the process of establishing a reputation as a reliable individual whose values and behavior apparently conform to subcultural expectations Subcultures in the US - CORRECT ANSWER States that the entire population of the u.s. can be divided into 10 distinctive regional subcultures that are relatively homogenious 10 Regional Subcultures - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Anglo-French: Predominantly White, ethnically diverse region. One of the strongest Catholic regions. 2. Blackbelt: Racial composition of more than 36% Black population 3. British: Bible-belt. High in manufacturing jobs 4. Heartland: Central Midwest. Most racially White and homogeneous 5. Border: Appalachian Mts. Somewhat more heterogeneity than heartland 6. Hispanic: 45% of the population consider themselves Spanish-speaking 7. Germanic: Mostly Protestant. Economically healthy, manufacturing, agriculture & natural resources 8. Nordic: Founded by Mormons who fled persecution 9. Ethnic: Ethnic polyglot in metropolitan areas 10. Rurban: in nucleated metropolitan areas and growing regions of the sunbelt National Geographic - CORRECT ANSWER 1. 129 years old 2. Looked at the archives and found a long history of racism taking many forms 3. For example, a 1916 article about Australia featured a photograph of two Indigenous Australians with the caption: "South Australian Blackfellows: these savages rank lowest in intelligence of all human beings." 4. The magazine routinely depicted non-white foreigners as exotic, primitive, noble savages, while virtually ignoring people of colour in the US. Bare-breasted "native" women were a memorable recurring feature throughout the 50s and 60s 5. Things began to get better in the 70s The Kerner Commission - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Released 50 years ago 2. 1967, the President of the United States established this Commission and directed it to answer three basic questions: What happened? Why did it happen? What can be done to prevent it from happening again? 3. The basic conclusion: Our nation is moving toward two societies, one black, one white—separate and unequal 4. We have found a significant imbalance between what actually happened in our cities and what the newspaper, radio and television coverage of the riots told us happened. The Commission, in studying last summer's disturbances, visited many of the cities and interviewed participants and observers. We found that the disorders, as serious as they were, were less destructive, less widespread, and less a black-white confrontation than most people believed. 5. There were instances of gross flaws in presenting news of the 1967 riots. Some newspapers printed "scare" headlines unsupported by the mild stories that followed. All media reported rumors that had no basis in fact. Some newsmen staged "riot" events for the cameras. 6. The press obtained much factual information about the scale of the disorders—property damage, personal injury, and deaths—from local officials, who often were inexperienced in dealing with civil disorders and not always able to sort out fact from rumor in the confusion. 7. The coverage of the disorders—particularly on television—tended to define the events as black-white confrontations. New Racism - CORRECT ANSWER 1. In the New Racism, minorities are not biologically inferior, but different. They have a different culture, although in many respects there are deficiencies , such as single-parent families, drug abuse, lacking achievement values, and dependence on welfare and affirmative action 2. They are expressed, enacted and confirmed by text and talk, such as everyday conversations, board meetings, job interviews, policies, laws, parliamentary debates, political propaganda, textbooks, scholarly articles, movies, TV and news reports in the press, among hundreds of other genres. They appear mere talk, and far removed from the open Discourse Involved in the Reproduction of Racism - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Media discourse is the main source of people's knowledge, attitudes and ideologies, both of other elites and of ordinary citizens. Of course, the media do this in joint production with the other elites, primarily politicians, professionals and academics 2. Most white readers have few daily experiences with minorities. 3. Most white readers have few alternative sources for information about minorities. 4. Negative attitudes about minorities are in the interest of most white readers. 5. More than most other topics, ethnic issues provide positive but polarized identification for most white readers, in terms of Us and Them. 6. The media emphasize such group polarization by focusing on various Problems and Threats for Us, thus actively involving most white readers. 7. Minority groups do not have enough power to publicly oppose biased reporting. 8. The dominant (media) discourse on ethnic issues is virtually consensual. 9. In particular there is little debate on the new racism. 10. Anti-racist dissidents have little access to the media Discourse Analysis Approach - CORRECT ANSWER Construction of new racism in media messages: avoids explicitly racist labels, and uses negative words to describe the properties or actions of immigrants or minorities (for instance, illegal ). Special code words (such as welfare mothers ) may be used, and the readers are able to interpret these words in terms of minorities and the problems attributed to them. Attitudes about groups and opinions about specific events may influence the lexical choice of such words as riot on the one hand, or urban unrest , disturbance or uprising on the other hand, as is also the case for the classical example of terrorist vs. rebel vs. freedom fighter. Thus, most mentions of terrorists (especially also in the US press) will stereotypically refer to Arabs. Violent men who are our friends or allies will seldom get that label. For the same reason, drug lords are always Latin men in South America, never the white Latinos in the US - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Hispanic: A person who speaks the Spanish language (Costa Rica, Spain, Mexico, Guatemala). The census considers it an ethnicity not a race 2. Spanish: A citizen of Spain 3. Mexican: A citizen of Mexico 4. Latino: A person from a Latin-American country. 5. Chicano: Born in the U.S. from Mexican ancestry 6. In the U.S. Hispanic and Latino are often used interchangeably Latinx - CORRECT ANSWER 1. pronounced "La-teen-ex" 2. Gender-neutral alternative to Latino, Latina and even Latin 3. Scholars, activists, and an increasing number of journalists 4. Part of a "linguistic revolution" that aims to move beyond gender binaries 5. Includes people who are trans, queer, agender, non-binary, gender non-conforming or gender fluid Diffusion of Innovation - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Spanish media has spread partly as an innovation 2. Opinion leaders influence informally other individual's attitudes or behavior. 3. A change agent is a person who influences innovation decisions in a direction deemed desirable by a change agency 4. The rate of adoption is the speed at which an innovation is adopted by members of a social system Current Issues with Latinos in the US - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Media Framing 2. Political exploitation DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Allowed some individuals who entered the country as minors, and had either entered or remained in the country illegally, to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and to be eligible for a work permit. 2. Increased the wages and labor force participation of DACA-eligible immigrants, and reduced the number of unauthorized immigrant households living in poverty [Show More]

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