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NR 599 Week 4 Midterm Exam Guide. Quality Questions and 100% Correct Answers

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NR 599 Week 4 Midterm Exam Guide 1. The nurse understands that nursing informatics is recognized as a specialty area of practice by which statement? a. Research priorities for nursing informatics in... clude the development of a standard nursing language and the development of databases for clinical information. b. A formal educational program at the master's level must be completed before a nurse is eligible to sit for the credentialing examination. c. As a differentiated practice, nursing informatics is focused upon the client, the environment, health, and the nurse. d. There is a need for nursing informatics interests to gain representation by work groups and organizations within the United States. 2. Which statement by the nurse verifies that the nurse is "information literate"? a. "I understand how to search for a website and evaluate its usefulness for health care needs." b. "I utilize databases in the health care setting to input client information such as skin condition." c. "I use email over the Internet to correspond with clients and provide information." d. "I can use software applications such as word processing, spreadsheets, and presentations." 3. Which statement best distinguishes the difference between information literacy and computer literacy? a. Information literacy is unnecessary in health care whereas computer literacy provides the basis for computer order entry. b. Information literacy is the foundation of the EHR whereas computer literacy helps the nurse to access data. c. A nurse can extrapolate data with computer literacy and not information skills. d. Information literacy forms the basis for ongoing learning whereas computer literacy refers to a familiarity with the use of personal computers. 4. Which statement indicates the appropriate level of informatics competencies to the correct nurse? a. A nurse informatics specialist extrapolates data to develop best practice model for indwelling catheter care. b. The novice nurse using a spreadsheet to document medication reactions. c. An experienced staff nurse creates databases employing SNOMED. d. A beginning nurse utilizes the Internet to integrate multidisciplinary languages. 5. Describe at least three factors in the current healthcare delivery system that drive the implementation of information technology in the acute care setting. a. Patient safety b. Nursing shortage c. Evidence-based practice d. Increased numbers of digital natives in nursing practice 6. Which action indicates the nurse is functioning as a knowledge worker? a. The nurse auscultates hypoactive bowel sounds while doing a client assessment eight hours postoperatively after abdominal surgery and documents the assessment in the electronic medical record. b. The nurse administers four units of regular insulin to the client whose blood glucose is 240 at 11:30 a.m. per physician's sliding scale orders and documents it on the electronic medical administration record. c. The nurse auscultates diminished breath sounds in a postoperative client the morning after abdominal surgery and encourages the client to turn, cough, and deep breathe every hour instead of every two hours. d. The nurse obtains the client's vital signs of BP-120/82, P-112, and R-32, totals up the intake of 1040 ml and the output of 1100 ml, and records these data in the electronic medical record. 7. A disadvantage to the utilization of the electronic medical record (EMR) includes which of the following? a. Accessibility from several different locations simultaneously and by different levels of providers b. The intensive training in the beginning needed to prepare staff members to use the EMR c. Less time available for client care because more time is required for documentation activity d. Inability to incorporate diagnostic images into the EMR because of space limitations 8. Over the next few years, nursing informatics and other health informatics disciplines will crisscross, resulting in more interdisciplinary projects. This statement is true because of which of the following reasons? a. Nurse informatics specialists will work collaboratively with other disciplines to develop user-friendly systems. b. Nurse informatics specialists will work with other disciplines in an attempt to gain control over the use of the health care technology. c. Nurse informatics specialists understand all of the disciplines and are able to effect changes in technology. d. Nurse informatics specialists are knowledgeable about the needs of the typical consumer of technology. 9. Information is defined as which of the following? a. The management and processing of facts b. Interpreted data c. A collection of numbers, characters, or facts that are needed for analysis and possible action d. A synthesis of data derived from several sources to produce a single concept or idea 10. The Informatics Nurse Specialist is an integral member of the health care team with the expertise to: a. Create a vision of what is possible in the specialty of informatics. b. Create standardized nursing languages. c. Create interactive web sites . d. Create strategic plans for hardware improvement 11. Which of the following answers is the best definition of data? a. Data are a collection of numbers, characters, or facts that are gathered according to some perceived need for analysis and possibly action at a later point in time. b. Data are the synthesis of information derived from several sources to produce a single concept or idea. c. The definition of data is knowledge used appropriately to manage and solve problems. d. The general term data is used to refer to the management and processing of information with the assistance of computers. 12. Which health risk related to computer use has been best documented? a. Miscarriage or sterility b. Ulnar nerve syndrome c. Carpal tunnel syndrome d. Cataracts 13. Health care information plans include adding super users to the hospital staff. Which person is most appropriate for this role? a. An experienced staff nurse who has been employed at the institution for three years b. An informatics nurse specialist with a master's degree and informatics certification c. A newly hired charge nurse who has practiced for ten years in an intensive care unit d. A clinical nurse specialist for three departments, employed at the institution for six years 14. Which example best fits the description of a local area network (LAN)? a. One server communicates with multiple PCs and printers b. Office computers are connected through the use of the Internet c. Client computers are interconnected with multiple servers d. Internet technology is used to communicate with hospital suppliers 15. In which instance is using a wireless device an advantage for health care provider staff? a. More memory is needed to input data for glucose monitoring and insulin coverage. b. Error reduction is needed to input data, such as vital signs from a client's isolation room. c. A larger screen is needed to track data, such as medication administration times with vital signs. d. An increase in security is needed to prevent physician orders from being intercepted on the Intranet. 16. Which of these is an advantage in the use of personal digital assistants (PDAs) in the health care setting? a. PDAs may be synchronized with any network without the use of special equipment or software. b. PDAs minimize the chance of interception of data transmission. c. Current medication information may be easily stored and compared to actual client data. d. Data loss is minimized due to long battery life and ease of backups. 17. Many workstations house clinical information systems and provide Internet access in the acute care setting. Which type of software program is most likely to be used by the health care staff providing direct patient care? a. A programming language such as Java to access the Internet b. A virus checker to increase security for Internet connections c. A programming language such as COBOL to create databases d. A programming language such as Visual Basic to enter data 18. Which of the following is not a common input device? a. Network b. Keyboard c. Webcamera d. Joystick 19. Which of the following best describes an intranet? a. The largest and best known electronic network in the world b. Limited to systems affiliated with education and government agencies c. A network outside of the hospital system for use by customers or suppliers d. A private hospital system that is protected from outside access 20. What are the two types of memory categories? a. Control and central processing units b. Read-only memory (ROM) and Random access memory (RAM) c. Flash drives and user ports d. CDROMs and DVDs 21. Handheld or personal digital assistants (PDAs) are more visible in the health care system. Which of the following answers best describes an advantage of using a PDA? a. A PDA is easily transported to the point of care. b. The probability of theft is high; therefore, nurses can keep the device in their pockets. c. The PDA has a small screen size. d. PDAs can hold up to rough use. 22. A set of instructions that communicates with the computer and tells it what to do is called which of the following? a. Software b. Manual c. Hardware d. Input devices 23. Which of the following terms serves as a set of programs designed to accomplish a particular task such as word processing, financial management, or drawing? A. APPLICATION SOFTWARE b. Vista c. XP d. Windows 24. Which of the following is considered a threat to information quality? a. An unauthorized user hacks into the system to review the clients' records b. Not verifying information as correct prior to entry c. An earthquake interrupts the power supply and causes data loss d. A wireless transmission is intercepted to review a new client's records. 25. In which instance is using the technique of data mining most appropriate? a. To document quality improvement when problems are identified and targeted on a medical-surgical unit b. To find the appropriate treatment for a client with advanced lung cancer c. To identify an appropriate diagnosis for a client with undetermined signs and symptoms d. To assist in the determination of the correct dose of medication to give a client in congestive heart failure 26. Which of the following is a key motivation to outsource data storage? a. To allow company personnel to maintain their positions in the company b. To contract with company employees to maintain their loyalty C. TO REDUCE COSTS REQUIRED FOR DATA STORAGE AND MAINTENANCE d. To maintain data storage on site with the least amount of effort 27. When is it more appropriate to use online storage as compared to offline storage? a. Safety of backup materials is a must b. Long-term data storage is required for old records c. Old client records should be kept more safely d. Immediate access to data may be needed 28. Which of the following is an example of a system check? a. When a duplicate entry is entered into the system, that entry is immediately deleted. b. The nurse asks clients to verify their names when prompted by the computer system. c. After turning on the bedside computer, the system performs a self-check before data will input. d. Software in the system automatically corrects misspelled words and abbreviations. 29. Data verification techniques are important to ensure data accuracy. For which of the following clients is data verification most difficult? a. A client who is visually impaired can verbalize which data are correct and incorrect. b. A client who is hard of hearing can read and confirm printouts of entered data. c. A client who does not speak English can point to the screen to verify correct data. d. A client who is unable to read can affirm verbally that the information is correct. 30. Which type of storage document is most accurate and improves access to records? a. Immediate entry of data into automated systems b. Films of old records converted from old client paper records c. Document imaging and scanning of old client paper records d. Original paper records from old client charts 31. Which of the following will have the greatest impact on data integrity? a. The computer system goes down but is completely restored within one minute. B. A NURSE COLLECTS DATA RELATED TO ALLERGIES BUT FAILS TO DOCUMENT ALL REPORTED ALLERGIES. c. A clinic manager uses secondary storage for storing clinical records offline. d. A number of printed media clinical records are discarded in the regular trash dumpster. 32. Data integrity is crucial to the success of professional nursing practice. Which of the following phrases identifies its relevance to quality care? a. Data integrity provides a systematic approach to the care of the patient. b. The use of authentic data ensures mistakes are avoided. c. All data entered into the system are accurate. d. Data integrity is a driving force in treatment decision making. 33. The best teaching method to assure nurses are competent with laptops and handheld devices is which of the following? a. A class based on relevant learning objectives with student demonstration of competence. b. Point-of-care orientation c. Online orientation d. Written directions found in a central location 34. Technology committee members debate the merits of online versus offline storage. Which response is the most accurate when describing data storage? a. Online storage is a slower retrieval system. b. Offline storage provides access to current data. c. Offline storage is used for data that are needed less frequently. d. Online storage provides limited access to current data. 35. Which of the following terms is a knowledge management tool that engages software to uncover inter- relationships within large data-sets? a. Data mining b. Knowledge discovery c. Data destruction d. Data cleansing 36. Knowledge discovery in databases offers the health care team trended patterns that can be transformed into useful data. Which nursing role can best benefit from knowledge discovery as it pertains to evidence-based practice? a. The nurse as administrator b. The nurse as educator C. THE NURSE AS RESEARCHER d. The nurse at point of care 37. Which of the following statements is true about knowledge discovery and the role of the nurse? a. Point-of-care nurses do not have the education to translate knowledge into best practice models. b. Nurses have the ability to translate knowledge into improved practice patterns. c. Nurses cannot act upon data unless in collaboration with other health care professionals. d. Attending physicians rather than nurses are in the best position to deliver high-quality and cost- effective care that is dependent upon their ability to translate knowledge (evidence) into practice. 38. An ethnographer selects Ethnograph, a software program to analyze data obtained from client interviews. Which of the following is a potential disadvantage of using software for qualitative research? a. Data must be sorted manually into subsets for future analysis. b. Research may be molded to fit the software program. c. The researcher must input data separately for the best analysis. d. There is less available time for data analysis. 39. Which statement is true regarding the realization of a universal electronic health record (EHR)? a. Security and confidentiality issues have been resolved. b. The EHR exists only in private, for-profit acute-care institutions. c. Health care providers are unified in the standardization of the EHR. d. The lack of common language prevents the EHR from becoming a reality. 40. Data mining supports sifting through large volumes of data at rapid speeds. In which instance would the use of data mining be inappropriate? a. To provide information that may enhance the company's market share b. To hide confidential information in databases using real values c. To identify common factors relating to medication errors d. To search databases to review trends in the health care arena 41. Which form of technology has recently been designated as useful at the point of care? a. Computer on wheels b. Monitoring DVDs c. Portable Dynamap d. Personal digital assistant 42. The electronic health record (EHR) provides the database needed to support research and evidence-based practice. Which of the following best depicts the use of the EHR in the collection of data? a. Only experienced clinicians understand the usage of EHR data. b. Incorporation of evidence-based guidelines into the EHR can improve the quality of care. c. Extrapolating data from an EHR can be a lengthy process and counterproductive. d. The EHR can be a reservoir for research studies. 43. It is important for nurses to bridge the gap between practice and research to promote safe, evidence-based nursing care. One of the best ways to close this gap is by which of the following? a. Extrapolate data from the electronic health record (EHR). b. Write all patient data in the nurse's station notebook. c. Analyze singular pieces of data and note its relevance to all patients. d. Keep data that seem irrelevant from the research committee. 44. A program outcome essential for health care students is that they be skilled in which of the following? a. Electronic spreadsheet applications b. Electronic database management applications c. Applications that facilitate electronic literature searches d. Electronic slide presentation applications 45. Constant changes in health care and its delivery creates challenges for clinicians to keep abreast of the latest evidence-based practice (EBP) findings and recommendations. What can health care professionals do in order to narrow the time in synthesizing research from the "bench" to the client's "bedside"? Select all that apply. a. Use available toolkits to locate existing guidelines and develop EBP guidelines. b. Locate nursing research Web links. c. Enroll in a doctoral program. d. Foster health care informatics skills. e. Join a focused online discussion group to help identify specific areas for EBP or original research. 46. Which of the following statements about evidence-based practice (EBP) is true? A. HOSPITALS HAVE NOT YET BEGUN TO BUILD EBP INTO THEIR CLINICAL LADDERS. b. The standards of practice are not currently established with evidence-based competencies. c. Staff nurses indicate higher levels of familiarity with EBP than advanced practice nurses. d. A number of facilities now consider EBP to be part of everyday clinical practice. [Show More]

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