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NR 443 Community Health Test A|Complete Solutions

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NR 443 Community Health Test A A nurse is preparing a community education program about health care needs during pregnancy. The nurse should include that which of the following vaccines is safe to ... administer to a client who is pregnant? A.) Herpes zoster B.) Tdap C.) Varicella D.) MMR A nurse is caring for a client who has terminal lung cancer and is receiving hospice care. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the client is in the denial stage of the grief process? A.) "I'm looking forward to my daughter's wedding next year." B.) "I don't deserve to die. This just isn't fair." C.) If I could just make it through this, i'd never smoke again." D.) "I'm going to plan my memorial service next week." A nurse is developing a community education program about risk factors for family violence. The nurse should include which of the following circumstances as a risk factor for? A.) Attempting to end the relationship B.) Lacking supportive friends outside the relationship C.) Having health issues that limit independence D.) Taking antianxiety or sedative medications A community health nurse is discussing the role of a faith community nurse with a chaplain. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the discussion? A.) The faith community nurse can provide pharmacological pain management for clients who have a terminal illness. -role of a home health/ hospice nurse B.) The faith community nurse can plan workplace safety training for employees in a local factory – occupational health nurse C.) The faith community nurse can provide wound care for clients in their homes- role of home health/ wound care nurse D.) The faith community nurse can facilitate substance abuse support groups A community health nurse is caring for an adolescent who is seeking help for an unplanned pregnancy. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? A.) Recommend that the adolescent meet with the school guidance counselor to discuss educational options B.) Request permission to interview the father of the child to obtain a medical history C.) Help the client obtain a provider for prenatal care D.) Provide information on parenting classes so the client can learn about caring for a newborn A nurse is assessing a new client at a public health clinic. Which of the following areas should the nurse address as part of the culutral assessment? A.) Immunization status B.) Sexual activity C.) Illness practices D.) Food allergies 1. A community health nurse is creating a program to reduce domestic violence in the community. Which of the following interventions should the nurse identify as secondary prevention? A.) Creating a public service announcement about the warning signs of intimate partner abuse B.) Recognizing and reporting suspected abuse to the appropriate protective services C.) Collaborating with support agencies to ensure the ongoing treatment for abuse D.) Educating individuals and groups about preventing domestic and community abuse 2. A nurse in an emergency department is caring for a client who is homeless and has hypothermia. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A.) Notify the local law enforcement agency of the client's situation. Only got legal issues.. B.) initiate a referral to the facility's social worker. C.) Ask the client why he did not seek shelter sooner. D.) Tell the client everything will work out now that he is in the hospital. 3. A home health nurse is conducting a follow-up visit for a client who was recently discharged from an acute rehabilitation program for. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A.) Tell the client to take naltrexone daily B.) Instruct the client to take buprenophine for the next 9 to 12 months C.) Teach the client to avoid foods the contain tyramine D.) Schedule transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) biweekly 4. A clinic nurse is caring for a client who reports taking ginkgo biloba for several weeks since seeing a naturopathic healer. The nurse should instruct the client that ginkgo biloba may alter the effects of which of the following medications? A.) Warfarin B.) Metoprolol C.) Digoxin D.) Diltiazem 5. A community heath nurse is conducting a needs assessment of a community. The nurse should identify that which of the following methods will yield direct data? A.) Health surveys -yield 2ndary data B.) Medical records- yield 2ndary data C.) Informant interviews D.) Morbidity / Mortality Statistics – Vital statistic yield 2ndary data 6. A nurse at a county health department is caring for a client who is at 28 weeks of gestation. The nurse should identify which of the following characteristics as a risk for potential future abuse of the newborn? A.) The client recently married the father of her unborn baby B.) The client works part-time at a local restaurant C.) The client has changed providers three times during her pregnancy D.) The client has recurring nightmares about her unborn baby 7. A nurse is caring for a client who has recently emigrated from another country and states, "The health care system in my country was better and should be used everywhere." The nurse should recognize that the client is demonstrating which of the following behaviors? A.) Social organization B.) Cultural imposition C.) Ethnocentrism D.) Stereotyping 8. A nurse in a community health clinic is preparing to administer an immunization to a 5-year-old child. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A.) Ask the child to pretend to blow up a balloon during the injection B.) Reassure the child that the injection is not going to hurt C.) Ask the child's parent to leave the room during the injection D.) Request that the child count backwards from the number 10 during the injection 9. A nurse is conducting a home visit for an older adult client. The nurse should identify which of the following findings as an indicator of possible neglect? A.) Lives alone- indicator of possible neglect. If client lack of access to basic necessities such as food water the these require further assessment. B.) Taking outdated prescriptions C.) Has a BMI of 25 -25-30 overweight. Weightloss and malnourish indicates possible neglect. D.) Presence of alcohol in the home 10. A nurse is performing a home visit for a client who has tuberculosis (TB). As the nurse is leaving the client's house, a neighbor asks, "Is it true that my neighbor has TB?" Which of the following responses should the nurse make? A.) "You should ask the public health department"- this leads the neighbor to believe that the information is obtainable. The public health dept will not disclose this information. B.) Do you have questions about tuberculosis?" C.) "Have you ever been tested for tuberculosis?" further anxiety D.) "You should take precautions against this infection." 11. A school nurse is reviewing the records of four students who are returning to school after being diagnosed with methicillin-resistatn staphylococcus aureus (MRSA). Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A.) Coordinate an immunization clinic at the school- immunixation to reduce spread MRSA not available. B.) Recommend prophylactic treatment for classmates. Prophylactic not avaliable C.) Report the cases of MRSA to child protective services D.) Provide education about MRSA throughout the school system 12. A nurse is developing a genogram for a client to determine education needs. Which of the following health risk information should the nurse expect to obtain with this tool? A.) Biological B.) Behavioral- include personal and family health habits, the nurse should conduct a lifestyle risk assessment C.) Social- social risk, include high risk stress environment like a high crime neighborhood. Nurse should conduct and environmental risk assessment. D.) Economic- include relationship between family resources and the demand for 13. A nurse is planning a health promotion activities for the local community. Which of the following activities should the nurse include as an? A.) Teaching foot care to adults who have diabetes mellitus B.) Testing school-age children for lead exposure C.) Providing tuberculosis screenings for day care providers D.) Teaching meal planning classes to older adults 14. A nurse is caring for a 16-year-old cient who has a new diagnosis of human papillomavirus. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A.) Report the infection to the state health department B.) Instruct the client to return for a blood test in 1 month. C.) Administer ceftriaxone 250mg IM.- for client who has gonorrhea D.) Teach the client how to apply imiquimod 5% cream to the lesions. 15. A nurse is caring for a client who has stage IV pancreatic cancer and has received information regarding available treatment options. Which of the following is the responsibility of the nurse if the client chooses to forgo treatment and enter hospice care? A.) Make the hospice referral in accordance with the client's decision B.) Verify that the client's health insurance pays for hospice services- not nurse responsibility C.) Recommend a second opinion from another provider- advice nontherapeutic D.) Assess whether or not the family agrees with the client's decision- breech of 16. A community health nurse is planning a presentation for adults who have a family history of Alzheimer's disease. Which of the following behaviors should the nurse include as an early manifestation of Alzheimer's disease? A.) Withdrawal from social activities B.) Forgetting the location of common objects C.) Experiencing incontinence D.) Neglecting personal hygiene 17. A home health nurse is planning care for a client who reports practicing traditional Asian health beliefs. The nurse should recognize that the client participates in which of the following actions? A.) Place a cup of steam against the skin to draw out toxins from the body B.) Applies cool compresses across the body to reduce fever- balnce yin and yang C.) Avoids eating diary and meat products during the same meal- Orthodox Judaism D.) Visits a shaman to seek healing from illness- American Indian beliefs heal illness 18. A nurse in an emergency department is triaging clients following an explosion at a local factory. Which of the following clients should the nurse identify as the priority? A.) A client who has a superficial burns to 10% of the abdomen B.) A client who has tracheal deviation and shortness of breath C.) A client who has agonal respirations and an open head injury- A client who has agonal resp and an open head injury has a minimal chance of survival evem w/ intervention. Therefore, the nurse should not identify this client as the priority D.) A client who has a fracture of the humerus and a bleeding foot laceration 19. A school nurse is educating a group of high school student about recommended dietary guidelines. Which of the following statements by a student indicates an understanding of the teaching? A.) "I can consume up to 25% of my daily calories from saturate fatty acids. -less than 10% B.) "I should consume less than 300mg / day of dietary cholesterol. C.) "I can increase my daily consumption of foods that contain refined grains."- should decrease because refined grains often contain solid fats, added amts of sugar, and high sodium. Ex: white flour, white bread, and white rice D.) "I should consume 800mg / day of dietary calcium."- 1,300 mg/day, promotes calcium skeletal growth and bone mineralization which is necessary during adolescence. 20. A community health nurse is providing care to a client who has stopped taking his prescribed blood pressure medication. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first? A.) Inform the provider of the client's decision B.) Determine the client's reason for discontinuing the medication C.) Discuss the consequences of discontinuing the medication with the client D.) Provide the client with an educational pamphlet about the medication 21. A nurse is providing education regarding lead exposure to a group of clients who live in a housing development built in 1968. Which of the following client statements indicates an understanding of the teaching? A.) "I will use a dry-sanding technique when preparing to repaint my front door."-client should use a wet-sanding technique to prevent aerosolizing lead particles B.) "I will vacuum our wood floors every week." – should wet mop wood floors to prevent aerosolizing lead particles. C.) I will increase the amount of red meat and milk in my child's diet." D.) "I will use hot tap water to prepare my baby's formula."- client should use cold 22. A nurse in a clinic is planning teaching for a client who was newly diagnosed with hepatitis C. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? A.) Consume a low-carbohydrate diet until symptoms resolve- instruct to consume diet high in carbs and calories as part of managing viral hepatitis B.) Schedule an appointment for an immunoglobulin injection- postexposure prophylaxis is available for hepatitis A NOT hepatitis C C.) Abstain from sexual intercourse until antibody tests are negative D.) Wear a mask in public places while receiving treatment- transmitted through blood and body fluids. Not necessary for client to follow airborne precautions. . 23. A school nurse is notified that a school-age child has been newly diagnosed with pertussis. Which of the following actions should the school nurse take? (Select all that apply.) A.) Instruct the parent to keep the child at home until the coughing stage has passed- most communicable disease B.) Encourage family members to obtain prophylactic treatment- individual exposed to pertussis should be treated prophylactically with erythromycin, clarithromycin, or azithromycin C.) Quarantine the children in the child's class- nurse should place client droplet precautions, it is not necessary quarantine the children in class D.) Recommend that the child receive a pneumococcal vaccine in 28 days.- pneumococcal vaccine not effective against pertusis E.) Check the immunization status of the child's classmates.- checked to identify the children who are most likely to acquire the infection 24. A community health nurse is planning an in-service about STIs for a group of adolescents. Which of the following clinical findings should the nurse include as a manifestation of primary syphilis? A.) Malaise B.) Maculopapular rash on palms C.) Chancre D.) Lymphadenopathy 25. A community heath nurse is reviewing plans for a health education program. The nurse should identify that which of the following components of the plan needs to be changed? A.) Program content is organized topically B.) Pamphlets are written at a 12th-grade level C.) The presentation is delivered via a computer slide presentation D.) Attendance at the program is voluntary 26. A home health nurse is providing nutritional instructions to a client who has COPD and is malnourished. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include? A.) Drink at least 480mL (16oz) of liquid with each meal.- should limit liquid intake @ meal times B.) Avoid foods that contain eggs- should consume proteins such as eggs C.) Lie flat for 15 to 30 mins after eating- high fowlers D.) Use milk instead of water when making canned soup 27. A community health nurse is providing teaching about health promotion to a group of adolescents. Which of the following topics is the most important for the nurse to include in an attempt to lower adolescent mortality rates? A.) Underage smoking B.) Safer sex practices C.) Safety belt use D.) Heart-healthy diet 28. A home care nurse is visiting an older adult and notes that unwashed dishes are piled up and newspapers cover the front steps. Which of the following questions should the nurse to ask the client to determine if he is socially isolated? A.) "Why haven't you brought in your newspapers?" B.) "Do you need help completing your housework?" C.) "How often do you have visitors come to see you?" D.) "Have you considered moving to an assisted living facility?" 29. A home health care nurse is teaching a client's family about preventing the transmission of Clostridum difficile. Which of the following transmission-based precautions should the nurse include in the teaching? A.) Contact precautions B.) Droplet precautions C.) Airborne precautions D.) Protective environment 30. A nurse is giving a presentation about family violence at a local community center. Which of the following information should the nurse include? A.) Minority populations may be at greater risk for abuse. B.) Intimate partner abuse occurs more frequently in lower socioeconomic households C.) Child abuse is more common in homes where intimate partner abuse is present D.) Children who are abused are less likely to become abusers 31. A public health nurse is planning a community health promotion program for hypertension prevention. Which of the following interventions should the nurse include as a tertiary prevention strategy? A.) Provide education about risk factors for hypertension- primary prevention include community education about risk factors and early intervention. B.) Conduct a hypertension screening clinic for the community- 2ndary prevention conduct screening clinic for the community C.) Teach clients who have a family history of hypertension how to monitor blood pressure- 2ndary prevention TEACHING clients who have a fam hx of hypertension to monitor BP D.) Implement an exercise program for clients who have hypertension 32. A community health nurse is participating in a group session for clients who have alcohol and substance use disorders. Which of the following information should the nurse provide regarding support programs for these individuals? A.) Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) is a support group that requires disclosure of attendance to employers- AA is a support grp that can help who are addicted to alcohol and other substances. The intent of the support grp is confidentiality and anonymity. B.) Narcotics Anonymous (NA) is a on-on-one program that assists clients- recovery from addiction to opioids C.) Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) assists a client who has an addiction to alcohol with developing a daily recovery program D.) Narcotics Anonymous (NA) will cure a client from her substance use disorder if she stays involved with the program- NA is a support grp that helps clients understand the chronic nature of their addiction and learn to make changes in their life to stop using substances. . 33. A public health nurse is planning an educational program for a group of nurses at a community health department about pertussis infection. which of the following information should the nurse include? A.) Individuals should receive an annual influenza vaccine to minimize the risk of infection with pertussis.- the annual influenza vaccine doesn’t protect individuals from infection w/ Bordetella pertussis. Individuals should still receive immunization against pertussis B.) Newborns should receive the first dose of the diptheria, tetanus, and aceullular pertussis (DTaP) vaccine prior to discharge from the hospital- infants receive an immunization against diphtheria, tetanus, and pertusis in the form of the DTaP vaccine. Infants should receive the 1st dose of the DTaP vaccine at no earlier than 6wks of age. Infants should receive a series of five vaccines by the age of 6 years. C.) Individuals who have had pertussis do not require immunization- individual who have a hx of infection w/ Bordeealla pertusis do not maintain permanent immunity against reinfection and should still receive the vaccine. D.) Individuals transmit the pertussis bacterial through airborne droplets Transmission occurs when an individual who has an infection with Bordetella pertussis coughs and expels droplets smaller than 5 microns 34. Community leaders have requested a meeting with a community health nurse to discuss creating a mobile meals program. Which of the following should the community health nurse assess first? A.) The leadership support of the community- while the support afforded by the leaders of the community should be determined prior to implementing the program, it is not the 1st thing the nurse should assess. B.) The accessibility of residences- while the accessibility of residences will need to be determined prior to implementing the program, it is not the first thing the nurse should assess. C.) The availability of volunteers- while the availability of volunteers will need to be determined prior to implementing the program, it is not the 1st thing the nurse should assess. D.) The need for the program 35. A community health nurse identifies an increase in the occurrence of osteoporosis-related fractures in women experiencing menopause. Which of the following primary prevention strategies should the nurse implement? A.) Advise the women to keep their immunizations updated.- no immunization to prevent osteoporosis B.) Encourage the women to participate in weight-bearing activities C.) Educate the women about the importance of limiting sun exposure- need sun exposure to absrp vitamin D preveting osteoporosis. D.) Instruct at-risk women to increase their intake of foods high in vitamin E.-vitamin E not r/t bone density 36. An occupational health nurse is assessing a client who reports taking ibuprofen daily. The nurse should counsel the client about the risk for which of the following adverse effects? A.) Gastric ulcerations B.) Orthostatic hypotension- tachycardia and dysthymias are ADR of ibuprofen C.) Hyperglycemia- hypoglycemia ADR of ibuprofen D.) Urinary retention- oliguria, dysuria, and hematuria ADR of ibuprofen 37. A faith community nurse is teaching the daughter of a client who has a terminal illness about her role as a member of the client's health care team. Which of the following statements by the daughter indicates an understanding of the teaching? A.) "You will be able to access my mother's hospital medical records for us to review." B.) "You will be able to give my mother pain medication."- the client will require assistance from a hospice nurse to receive pain meds during the dying process C.) "You can submit invoices to Medicare to reimburse you for your services." D.) "You will coordinate with volunteers who will come to help my mother." 38. A public health nurse is conducting an education sesssion about Lyme disease for a group of older adult clients at a senior center. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the client understands the teaching? A.) "I should get an annual immunization to prevent Lyme disease." B.) "I can take penicillin for 10 to 14 days to manage Lyme disease." C.) "I can get Lyme disease from a mosquito bite." D.) "I will have abdominal pain and diarrhea if I get Lyme disease." 39. An occupational health nurse in a factory is performing a routine tuberculosis screening and identifies an employee who has a positive Mantoux tuberculin test. Which of the following actions should the nurse take? A.) Instruct the employee to prepare a list of close personal contacts B.) Initiate an employee immunization program- no immunization for tuberculosis C.) Instruct the employee to wear an N95 respiratory mask- Health care providers of clients who have tuberculosis should wear an N95 resp mask to prevent exposure to the infection. D.) Administer prophylactic penicillin to other employees- prophylactic tx for exposed individuals does not include penicillin. 40. A nurse is preparing to administer medication to a client who has active tuberculosis. Which of the following precautionary measures should the nurse take? A.) Wear gloves B.) Wear a gown C.) Use disposable equipment D.) Use an N95 respiratory 41. A nurse in a pediatric clinic is providing care to several clients. The nurse should recognize that which of the following conditions is included on the Nationally Notifiable Infections Conditions list? A.) Varicella B.) Erythema infectiosum- contagious transmitted via resp. secretions & blood, not a nationally notifiable infectious conditions list. C.) Scarlet fever-contagious transmitted via direct contact who is infected or indirect contact w. contaminated objects but not nationally notifiable infectious conditions list. D.) Molluscum contagiosum- contagious illness transmitted via skin to skin contact but not nationally notifiable infectious conditons list. 42. A community health nurse is participating in a quality improvement plan for a local health department. Which of the following techniques should the nurse use for process evaluation of the facility? (Select all that apply). A.) Focus groups B.) Written audits C.) Satisfaction survey D.) Interviews E.) Values self-study 43. A community health nurse is planning to establish a community garden to address the lack of nutritious food options in the area. Which of the following actions should the nurse take first to initiate the plan? A.) Identify community members who demonstrate an interest in the project B.) Hold a community information session to inform the residents of the plan C.) Select residents to take on leadership roles in the project D.) Monitor the progress of the project to keep the project on course 44. A community health nurse is conducting vision screenings at a health fair for an older adult client who has age-related macular degeneration. Which of the following statements should the nurse identify as an indication that the client is adapting to the changes? A.) "I have a prescription bottle magnifier to help me read my pill bottle labels." B.) "I canceled all of my magazine prescriptions since I can't read them." C.) "I purchased green towels to use in my bathroom." D.) "I have learned that I cannot go outside when the sun is bright" [Show More]

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