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University of South Florida_ HUN 3296Exam #1_ HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease. 96 out of 120.

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Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 1/26 Exam #1 Due Jun 3 at 11:59pm Points 120 Questions 60 Available May 31 at 8am - J... un 3 at 11:59pm 4 days Time Limit 120 Minutes Instructions This quiz is no longer available as the course has been concluded. Attempt History Attempt Time Score LATEST Attempt 1 86 minutes 96 out of 120 Score for this quiz: 96 out of 120 Submitted Jun 3 at 5:02pm This attempt took 86 minutes. Please read the Things to Know before Taking a Quiz/Exam in Canvas ( reference sheet carefully. This exam will assess knowledge of content presented in Chapters 1 - 7 of the textbook. If you experience technical problems, contact an ETA staff member: Mon - Fri [ 8:30am - 5:00pm ] call 1-813-974-6666 Sunday (6/2): 4:00PM until 7:00PM 813-480-2105 At any other time, please submit a Technical Problem Report Form ( gatewayCheck=Y29tLmdsaWRlYXBwLnNlcnZpY2VjYXRhbG9nX2NhdF9pdGVtX3ZpZXcuZG8/c3lzcGFybV9pZ . We will get back to you WITHIN 24 hours, which may be after the exam period. Question 1 2 / 2 pts You are advising a client on components of the Dietary Guidelines for Americans. Which of the following would you include in your advice?9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 2/26 Correct! Correct! Increase intake of vegetables and fruits. Decrease intake of milk and milk products to two cups per day. Decrease intake of whole grains and other complex carbohydrates. Increase intake of trans fats and saturated fats. Avoid all carbohydrates. Question 2 2 / 2 pts Minerals and water are organic and yield energy in the human body. True Correct! Correct! False Question 3 2 / 2 pts To ensure that the vitamin and mineral recommendations meet the needs of as many people as possible, the recommendations are set near the top end of the range of the population's estimated average requirements. Correct! Correct! True False Question 4 2 / 2 pts9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 3/26 All of the following nutrients are organic except: vitamins. fat. protein. Correct! Correct! minerals. carbohydrates Question 5 2 / 2 pts All of the following contain mixtures of the energy nutrients except: beef. potato. Correct! Correct! oil. legumes. spinach. Question 6 2 / 2 pts Leftovers should be used within how many days? 5-79/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 4/26 Correct! Correct! 3-4 2-3 1-2 10-12 Question 7 0 / 2 pts The gallbladder: orrect Answer orrect Answer reabsorbs water and salts. churns food to chyme. performs enzymatic digestion. Y You Answered ou Answered stores bile. contains bacteria that produce Vitamin K. Question 8 2 / 2 pts Chylomicrons contain the greatest proportion of: protein. cholesterol. phospholipid. water.9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 5/26 Correct! Correct! triglyceride. Question 9 2 / 2 pts Low-density lipoproteins, or LDL, are often referred to as "good" cholesterol. True Correct! Correct! False Question 10 2 / 2 pts Hands should be washed with soap and water often during food preparation in order to reduce the risk of foodborne illness. Correct! Correct! True False Question 11 0 / 2 pts The steady upward trend in sugar consumption among Americans can be attributed to: Y You Answered ou Answered consumer demand. bans on sugary soft drinks. better food preservation techniques.9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 6/26 improved food safety practices. orrect Answer orrect Answer food manufacturers. Question 12 2 / 2 pts Whenever carbohydrate is available to the body, the human brain depends exclusively on it as an energy source. Correct! Correct! True False Question 13 2 / 2 pts What are the basic units of all carbohydrates? Correct! Correct! monosaccharides disaccharides polysaccharides sucrose molecules glycogen Question 14 2 / 2 pts Soluble fibers are found in:9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 7/26 celery, wheat bran, and corn. Correct! Correct! kidney beans, apples, and oatmeal. corn, apples, and sunflower seeds. celery, soybeans, and bran flakes. celery, flax seeds, and corn. Question 15 0 / 2 pts Which statement about excessive sugar consumption is true? It causes cancer. Y You Answered ou Answered It causes heart disease. orrect Answer orrect Answer It causes dental caries. It causes hyperactive behavior in children. It causes gallbladder inflammation. Question 16 2 / 2 pts Which of the following is the most effective at alleviating constipation? Correct! Correct! cellulose pectin gums9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 8/26 glycogen lignins Question 17 2 / 2 pts The glycemic index ranks carbohydrate foods based on their effect on: Correct! Correct! blood glucose levels. blood cholesterol levels. weight. blood pressure. body fat percentage. Question 18 2 / 2 pts The most familiar source of sucrose is: bread. Correct! Correct! table sugar. milk. meat. fruit.9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 9/26 Question 19 2 / 2 pts Which of the following occurs mostly as part of lactose? glucose maltose fructose Correct! Correct! galactose sucrose Question 20 2 / 2 pts Excess glucose in the blood is converted into glycogen and stored primarily in the: brain and liver. Correct! Correct! liver and muscles. blood cells and brain. pancreas and brain. brain and muscles. Question 21 2 / 2 pts Consumers should keep the following in mind about foods made with fat substitutes:9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 10/26 They are a weight-loss wonder. Correct! Correct! They still provide kcalories. They aid in the absorption of certain vitamins. They adversely affect the taste and texture of foods. They are toxic. Question 22 0 / 2 pts How many ounces of fatty fish do the AHA Dietary Guidelines recommend that individuals consume each week? 0 Y You Answered ou Answered 3-6 orrect Answer orrect Answer 6-10 8-12 12-14 Question 23 2 / 2 pts Which of the following is an example of an omega-6 fatty acid? EPA. linolenic acid.9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 11/26 DHA. cholesterol. Correct! Correct! linoleic acid. Question 24 2 / 2 pts Connie wants to increase her intake of omega-3 fatty acids in an effort to prevent heart disease, hypertension, and cancer. Which of the following would you recommend to Connie? increase consumption of vegetable oils take omega-3 supplements Correct! Correct! eat a variety of different types of coldwater fatty fish increase consumption of nuts take fish oil supplements. Question 25 0 / 2 pts Characteristics of olestra include which of the following? it is made with glycerol. orrect Answer orrect Answer it cannot be absorbed by the body. it is used in all snack foods. Y You Answered ou Answered it can be toxic.9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 12/26 it is a source of energy for the brain Question 26 2 / 2 pts Due to their roles in brain development and prevention of heart disease, Americans need to consume more: Correct! Correct! omega-3 fatty acids. omega-6 fatty acids. monounsaturated fatty acids. essential fatty acids. trans fatty acids. Question 27 0 / 2 pts Many vegetable oils contain large amounts of: short-chain fatty acids. saturated fatty acids. orrect Answer orrect Answer omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids. medium-chain fatty acids. Y You Answered ou Answered omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids.9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 13/26 Question 28 2 / 2 pts Which of the following types of fatty acids are essential for normal growth and development and appear to play an important role in the prevention and treatment of many chronic diseases? monounsaturated saturated Correct! Correct! omega-3 omega-6 trans Question 29 2 / 2 pts It is possible to consume too little fat. Correct! Correct! True False Question 30 2 / 2 pts To replace saturated with unsaturated fats in your diet, which of the following would you spread on a bagel at breakfast? Correct! Correct! peanut butter margarine9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 14/26 butter cream cheese chocolate Question 31 2 / 2 pts During a medical mission trip to Africa, you encounter a child with severe malnutrition due to marasmus. The condition: results in increased resistance to disease. causes increased body temperature. is found only in children. affects physical development but leaves the brain unaffected. Correct! Correct! results in low resistance to disease. Question 32 2 / 2 pts The best choice for a dessert that will provide high-quality protein is: Correct! Correct! milk pudding. fruit gelatin. sherbet. apple pie.9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 15/26 peanut butter cookie. Question 33 0 / 2 pts The end products of protein metabolism are excreted by the: stomach. liver. Y You Answered ou Answered colon. gallbladder. orrect Answer orrect Answer kidneys. Question 34 0 / 2 pts An antibody is a type of protein that: Y You Answered ou Answered regulates pH balance in the body. transports lipids throughout the body. orrect Answer orrect Answer protects the body from viruses, bacteria, and other disease agents. regulates fluid balance in the body. carries messenger molecules.9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 16/26 Question 35 2 / 2 pts What happens when the diet lacks an essential amino acid? Proteins will be made but they will be limited in that particular amino acid. The body will synthesize it. A person's health will not be affected as long as carbohydrate and fat intakes are adequate. Correct! Correct! Protein synthesis will be limited. Fatty acids will be substituted for the missing amino acid. Question 36 2 / 2 pts Essential amino acids: are found mostly in plant foods. Correct! Correct! cannot be synthesized by the body. cannot be supplied by the diet. are the best source of energy for the body. are also referred to as dispensable amino acids. Question 37 2 / 2 pts9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 17/26 Which of the following proteins helps the body maintain its resistance to disease? Correct! Correct! antibodies collagen hormones hemoglobin albumin Question 38 2 / 2 pts One reason why proteins in fluids can help determine the fluids' distribution in living systems is that proteins are: large. resistant to heat. Correct! Correct! attracted to water. small. hydrophobic. Question 39 2 / 2 pts The term "non-essential," as it applies to amino acids, means that:9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 18/26 the body does not require them. they differ in their capacity to support growth. Correct! Correct! the body can produce those it lacks. they are not used to synthesize tissue. they must be consumed as part of the diet. Question 40 2 / 2 pts Amino acids are a secondary source of energy. Their primary function is to: Correct! Correct! build proteins needed by the body. provide essential water-soluble vitamins. produce thyroxin and insulin. supply most of the kcalories in the average U.S. diet. insulate the body against temperature extremes. Question 41 2 / 2 pts An individual can most easily alter his/her energy output by altering: the time of day he/she exercises. Correct! Correct! the intensity, duration, and frequency of exercise. his/her eating patterns.9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 19/26 the combination of foods eaten at a meal. sleep patterns. Question 42 2 / 2 pts Ketones can meet some of the nervous system's energy needs. Correct! Correct! True False Question 43 2 / 2 pts According to BMI criteria, a person with a BMI of 24 would be considered: underweight. overweight. obese. Correct! Correct! normal weight. physically fit. Question 44 2 / 2 pts The amount of fat a person's body stores when excess food is consumed:9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 20/26 is directly proportional to weight. is not influenced by GI functioning. always equals 1 pound per 3500 kcal. Correct! Correct! varies widely among individuals. cannot exceed 200,000 kcalories. Question 45 2 / 2 pts Within a day of beginning a fast, most of the body's stores of which of the following are depleted? Correct! Correct! glycogen amino acids fatty acids glycerol protein Question 46 0 / 2 pts The body metabolically recognizes the difference between fasting and starving. Y You Answered ou Answered True orrect Answer orrect Answer False9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 21/26 Question 47 0 / 2 pts Your client, Samantha, has been fasting to lose weight. Which of the following changes in her body would be least likely? loss of lean tissue. Y You Answered ou Answered disturbances of fluid and electrolyte balance. impairment of disease resistance. orrect Answer orrect Answer increased body temperature. increased metabolic rate. Question 48 2 / 2 pts Basal metabolic needs are large compared to energy needs for activities. Correct! Correct! True False Question 49 2 / 2 pts In the first few days of a fast, what percentage of needed glucose is supplied by protein breakdown? 259/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 22/26 50 75 Correct! Correct! 90 100 Question 50 2 / 2 pts The basal metabolic rate slows with increasing age because: the elderly are malnourished. fat mass in the body decreases. digestive efficiency declines. Correct! Correct! lean body mass diminishes. kidney function decreases. Question 51 2 / 2 pts The development of excess fat cells is most likely to occur: when you eat a large breakfast. Correct! Correct! during late childhood and puberty. if you are inactive. around the age of 40.9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 23/26 during pregnancy. Question 52 2 / 2 pts Which of the following is an environmental stimulus that is least likely to contribute to obesity? the abundance of food available an increase in portion sizes energy-dense fast food Correct! Correct! the year-round availability of fresh fruits and vegetables heavy advertising for fast food Question 53 2 / 2 pts An appropriate food to consume before a meal to increase one's feeling of fullness is: a cup of cream of chicken soup. an unbuttered roll. Correct! Correct! a cup of vegetable soup. a breadstick dipped in olive oil. chips and salsa.9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 24/26 Question 54 0 / 2 pts Which of the following is most likely to occur with the implementation of severe kcalorie restriction and rapid weight loss? Y You Answered ou Answered excessive loss of lean tissue. a lower basal metabolism. rapid regain of weight. orrect Answer orrect Answer rapid loss of fat tissue. increased risk for development of an eating disorder Question 55 2 / 2 pts The greatest appeal of fad diets is that they tend to ignore current diet recommendations. Correct! Correct! True False Question 56 2 / 2 pts Ghrelin is a hormone produced in the stomach that acts much like leptin. True Correct! Correct! False9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 25/26 Question 57 2 / 2 pts A key to preventing weight regain is to: only check weight once a month. avoid thinking thoughts that promote self-efficacy. Correct! Correct! view weight maintenance as a lifestyle, not a goal. skip breakfast every day. change eating patterns frequently. Question 58 2 / 2 pts The secret to safe and permanent weight loss is a sensible approach involving: Correct! Correct! physical activity and a healthy low-kcalorie diet. hormones and diet pills. a very-low-kcalorie diet combined with regular exercise. herbal supplements and a low-kcalorie diet. a low-carbohydrate diet and weekly fat-melting body wraps. Question 59 0 / 2 pts9/20/2019 Exam #1: HUN3296.310U19 Nutrition and Disease 26/26 Basal metabolism remains elevated for how long after intense and prolonged activity? Y You Answered ou Answered 30 minutes 2-3 days orrect Answer orrect Answer several hours only a few minutes indefinitely Question 60 2 / 2 pts The surgical approach to weight loss can often be justified in cases of: BMI 25-30. uncontrolled diabetes. Correct! Correct! clinically severe obesity. peptic ulcer disease. uncontrolled hypertension. Quiz Score: 96 out of 120 [Show More]

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