History > QUESTIONS & ANSWERS > DeAnza College - HIST 17bChapter 10-14. All Answers For grade A 100% (All)

DeAnza College - HIST 17bChapter 10-14. All Answers For grade A 100%

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DeAnza College - HIST 17b Chapter 10 Why did France agree so readily to sell the Louisiana Territory to the United States? Why did some Federalists in the U.S. House of Representatives back the R epub... lican Aaron Burr over the Republican Thomas Jefferson in the contested election of 1800? What effect did the War of 1812 have on the Federalist Party? What was the purpose of the Washington phenomenon known in the years from 1809 to 1816 as "Mrs. Madison's crush"? What strategy did Thomas Jefferson employ to reduce the national debt? Unlike his predecessors George Washington and John Adams, as the president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson What kind of tone did Thomas Jefferson set for his presidency when he took office in 1801? Which group was the biggest loser in the War of 1812? What inspired Gabriel's rebellion in Virginia in 1800? Why did Congress pass the Non-Intercourse Act in 1809? Why was Thomas Jefferson so alarmed by the rumor that France had taken possession of the trans-Mississippi territory? According to Map 10.2, which of the following was true of the Louisiana Purchase? What was the Chesapeake incident of 1807? Why did Federalist Alexander Hamilton back Thomas Jefferson over Aaron Burr after the election of 1800 reached the House of Representatives? After the tense and contentious presidential election of 1800, the transfer of power from Federalist John Adams to Republican Thomas Jefferson was How did authorities find out about the slave Gabriel's planned rebellion? Why did Lewis and Clark and their crew appear to be peaceful to suspicious Indian tribes? Between 1763 and 1800, which country possessed the large area of North America just west of the United States? Which southwestern Indian tribe defended itself against Spanish incursions through careful diplomacy and periodic shows of strength? How did President Adams try to prolong his influence in the U.S. government in the final weeks before Jefferson became president? When President Jefferson instructed Robert R. Livingston, America's minister in France, to negotiate with the French in 1802, he wanted Livingston to How did American ships secure safe passage off the coast of North Africa from 1776 to 1801? Which explorer was arrested by the Spanish while he was in the Rocky Mountains? Who led the Americans to victory in the Creek War at the Battle of Horseshoe Bend in March 1814? What message was the artist of "The Burning of Washington City" attempting to convey? What happened to the Federalist Party as a result of the Embargo Act of 1807? What brought the war between the United States and Tripoli to an end in 1804? Who was Zebulon Pike? As president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson worked to institute In 1800, Spain struck a secret deal to transfer its trans-Mississippi land to What did Thomas Jefferson see as the source of true liberty in America? Why did the pasha (military head) of Tripoli declare war on the United States? According to Thomas Jefferson, the federal government should not The first formal declaration of war against the United States by a foreign power was issued in 1801 by which country? Why was the 1803 Supreme Court decision in Marbury v. Madison a landmark case? What did British soldiers do when they entered Washington in 1814? In the years following Thomas Jefferson's presidency, the federal government's pursuit of peace with the Osage Indians was What, according to Jefferson's vision, was the western boundary of the Louisiana Purchase? What strategy did Thomas Jefferson employ to reduce the national debt? Why was the presidential election of 1800 thrown into the House of Representatives? Why did Lewis and Clark give the Indians peace medals featuring the face of Thomas Jefferson? What strategy did Thomas Jefferson employ to facilitate a productive alliance with the Osage Indians when he initiated diplomatic relations with them in 1804? Why did Federalist Alexander Hamilton back Thomas Jefferson over Aaron Burr after the election of 1800 reached the House of Representatives? Where did Lewis and Clark begin their expedition in the spring of 1804? How had the Comanche Indians defended their autonomy and territory against Spanish incursions in the eighteenth century? Why did New Englanders generally oppose the declaration of war on Great Britain in 1812? Which candidate won the U.S. presidential election in 1808? In 1805, Meriwether Lewis and William Clark ended their expedition at Unlike his predecessors George Washington and John Adams, as the president of the United States, Thomas Jefferson Why did Lewis and Clark bring corn mill grinders to Indian tribal chiefs? How did the style of James Madison's presidential administration compare with that of Thomas Jefferson's presidency? Which First Lady was called the "presidentress"? DeAnza College - HIST 17b Chapter 11 Chapter 11 How was President Andrew Jackson different from President Thomas Jefferson? How did Pennsylvania and New York seek to create new regional market s for goods in the 1810s? Which of the following describes the atmosphere at Jackson's inauguration in 1829? Who did President Jackson appoint to cabinet positions? Why did the state of South Carolina object so strongly to the 1828 Tariff of Abominations? According to this strike leader, why did the Lowell mill workers go on strike? Which of the following goals was one of Andrew Jackson's highest priorities during his presidency? How did Andrew Jackson differ from past presidents in his presidential appointments? How did the election of 1828 change the viewpoints of national politicians? Which part of the United States did John Quincy Adams carry in the election of 1828? The author of this report would agree with which of the following statements? Who did the owners of the Lowell mills employ for manufacturing work? The financial crisis triggered by the panic of 1819 occurred because the United States economy was dependent on What did South Carolina politicians devise in response to the 1828 Tariff of Abominations? Before 1815 the cheapest form of transportation available to move a crate of American goods was via Which of the following statements describes the Cherokees who lived in the state of Georgia during Andrew Jackson's presidential administration? How did Andrew Jackson respond to South Carolina's nullification of the Tariff of Abominations? What accounted for high voter turnout in 1828 and rising voter turnout in the 1830s? Between 1830 and 1832, thousands of northern white women sent petitions to Washington to protest How did President Jackson justify his veto of the Bank of the United States' charter renewal? Which figure involved in the election of 1828 earned the nickname "the Barbecue Orator?" As a promoter of the interests of farmers in the South and West, one of Jackson's major priorities as president was Why was the presidential election of 1828 unprecedented? Who opposed the steep federal tariffs passed by the U.S. Congress in 1816 and 1824? In 1827, the Cherokee tribe of Georgia wrote a constitution modeled on what document? Andrew Jackson's destruction of the Bank of the United States in 1836 caused In the 1830s, issues were defined and political personalities publicized by When the women workers in the textile mills went on strike in the 1830s, some of them denounced their employers for trying to turn them into What incident finally precipitated the forcible removal of the Cherokees from Georgia in the 1838 Trail of Tears? Who became a major political voice for critics of the nation's emerging financial system during the 1820s? What technological development spurred the growth of the textile industry in the United States? Which group was important for creating the speculative fever in railroad construction in the 1830s? Which of the following describes the shoebinding profession in the 1820s and 1830s? How did Andrew Jackson's supporters portray him in the election of 1828? Why did Andrew Jackson veto Kentucky's Maysville Road project in 1830? What development made New York City the premier commercial city in the United States by the 1830s? How did the Sauk and Fox Indians resist their removal from western Illinois in 1832? Why was the U.S. federal government reluctant to fund projects to improve public transport during the first decades of the nineteenth century? What made the cause of the Georgia Cherokees attractive to their white supporters in the 1830s? Why were American presidential candidates increasingly dependent on newspapers in their campaigns in the 1830s? Why were textile jobs popular with women in the early nineteenth century? In the first third of the nineteenth century, nearly all American road-building projects were funded primarily by What was the message of the cartoon "The Political Barbecue, 1834"? Which region of the United States was home to the first textile factories in the early nineteenth century? How did Andrew Jackson characterize Indians during his presidential administration? Why did the candidates' characters become central issues in elections after 1828? In the first half of the nineteenth century, when prospective entrepreneurs obtained bank loans to finance their new ventures, the loans were issued in the form of\ What did the National Republicans, who later called themselves the Whig Party, support? How did President Andrew Jackson and his administration respond to the Supreme Court's decision in Worcester v. Georgia? Between 1814 and 1816, the number of state-chartered banks in the U.S. How did President Jackson justify his veto of the Bank of the United States' charter renewal? In 1827, the Cherokee tribe of Georgia wrote a constitution modeled on what document? Which group was important for creating the speculative fever in railroad construction in the 1830s? How did Andrew Jackson characterize Indians during his presidential administration? Why did some Americans blame the second Bank of the United States for the panic of 1819? The 1828 election inaugurated what change in American politics? How did the election of 1828 differ from the election of 1824? As president, Andrew Jackson adopted the "spoils system," which was How did Congress respond to Andrew Jackson's plan for expelling the Indians from American territory east of the Mississippi River? The 1828 campaign poster stresses which of the following points? What did the Supreme Court rule in the 1832 case of Worcester v. Georgia? Why were canals such an important innovation in the early nineteenth century? Which part of the United States did Andrew Jackson fail to carry in the election of 1828? What factor emboldened the women who worked in the Lowell mills and facilitated their ability to organize the strikes of the 1830s? How did John Quincy Adams's opponents portray him in the 1828 election? What was the result of lawyers' refashioning the American legal system during the market revolution? Which priorities did President Andrew Jackson and President Thomas Jefferson have in common? After the election of 1828, national politicians in the United States viewed political parties as Based on this excerpt from his farewell address, Andrew Jackson would likely agree with which of the following statements? Which of the following statements describes the Cherokees who lived in the state of Georgia during Andrew Jackson's presidential administration? How does this statement reflect Abraham Lincoln's opin ion on the free-labor system? In addition to reading, arithmetic, and penmanship, public schools in the mid-nineteenth century taught lessons in Why were American manufacturers in the first half of the nineteenth century, unlike their European counterparts, spurred to invent laborsaving methods and devices? How did Mormons establish a thriving community and efficient irrigation system in the Utah desert in the 1840s and 1850s? How did the federal government achieve its goal of attracting settlers to the new territories of the West? Why did the idea of manifest destiny gain support from so many Americans? How did the increasing number of white settlers in the West bring devastation to the Plains Indians during the mid-1800s? Why did white Americans stream into Texas to buy land from Stephen F. Austin in the 1820s? How did the federal government make possible the nation's leap in agricultural productivity? How did the "American system" of standardized parts produced by machine invigorate the nineteenth-century American economy? How did women find life in Oregon Country? What, according to leaders in the North and West in the mid-nineteenth century, was free labor? What percentage of the American population lived on farms in the middle of the nineteenth century? What accounted for the labor shortage that characterized the American economy in the first half of the nineteenth century? Why did the Mormons flee from the East to the area near the Great Salt Lake in the 1840s? What group first blazed the Oregon Trail in the early decades of the nineteenth century? Why did so many Americans pick up and move frequently during the nineteenth century? The majority of the immigrants who arrived in America between 1840 and 1860 came from Germany or What percentage of free African Americans owned property in the mid-nineteenth century? What issue sparked the event known as the Mormon War in Salt Lake City in 1857? Who oversaw the great exodus of Mormons to the Great Salt Lake? What was the Bear Flag Revolt led by John C. Frémont in 1846? Whose new mechanical reaper made it possible for farmers to harvest twelve acres of wheat each day by the 1840s? What happened to the size of the nation's total corn and wheat harvests during the years between 1840 and 1860? Which region led the nation in manufacturing during the middle of the nineteenth century? The phrase manifest destiny referred to Americans' German immigrants arriving in the United States between 1840 and 1860 generally worked as Why did farmers find that greater agricultural productivity was possible in the Midwest? According to free-labor spokesmen, who could achieve success in America? The maps "Major Trails West" and "Plains Indians and Trails West in the 1840s and 1850s" support which of the following statements? Most of the mileage of American railroad tracks in the mid-nineteenth century was located in which region? Many of the Plains Indians that Americans encountered on their journeys to Oregon depended on what for their subsistence? What did advocates of the free-labor ideal in the mid-nineteenth century blame for the existence of social and economic degradation and misery in the United States? Irish immigrants arriving in America in the mid-nineteenth century congregated in which part of the country? Most Irish immigrants in the mid-nineteenth century comprised which class in American society? Why did so many settlers die along the Oregon Trail? How did free-labor proponents characterize wage labor? About what percentage of American men owned land in 1860? What accounted for the success of the railroads in the middle of the nineteenth century? What resulted from General Sam Houston's victory against Santa Anna's troops in San Jacinto in 1836? What describes the economic status of about 60 percent of American men in 1860? Proponents of free labor in the mid-nineteenth century suggested that successful wage laborers would eventually be able to What grew dramatically as a result of the emerging railroad industry in the United States in the mid-nineteenth century? How would a proponent of the free-labor ideal respond to the painting "Poverty and Prosperity"? Why did the Mexican government allow Americans to settle in Texas beginning in the 1820s? American manufacturers specialized in producing items for what market? American claims to the Oregon Country competed with those of which nation? How did the federal government promote the expansion of the rail network in the United States after 1850? Who led Texas rebels to victory over General Santa Anna and the Mexican army at San Jacinto in April 1836? Why did a non-Mormon mob kill Mormon leader Joseph Smith and his brother in Nauvoo, Illinois, in June of 1844? In the nineteenth century, the desire of Americans to get ahead economically led to In addition to reading, arithmetic, and penmanship, public schools in the mid-nineteenth century taught lessons in Who were most of the Americans who bought and settled the Texas land sold by Stephen F. Austin in the 1820s? Which American coined the term manifest destiny in 1845? Why did German immigrants fare better in the United States in the nineteenth century than Irish immigrants? What does the mechanical reaper advertisement suggest about how mechanical reapers altered farm work? U.S. manufacturers supported the implementation of tariffs in the mid-nineteenth The image "A German Immigrant in New York" accurately represents which of the following statements about German immigrants in the mid-nineteenth century? . Who invented the new steel plow that Midwestern farmers used to great advantage after the 1830s? Why did the Mexican government grant ranchos to new settlers in California in the 1820s? Who owned almost all railroads in the early days of the industry in the 1850s? The ideology of manifest destiny rested on the notions of How were the railroad industry and the telegraph industry linked in the mid-nineteenth century? Why did American workers earn higher wages than British workers during the first half of the nineteenth century? Why did 1.7 million Irish immigrants leave their home country between 1840 and 1860? How did communities throughout the North and West act to support the free-labor ideal? How did mechanical reapers and better plows permit farmers to increase their crop productivity? How did the federal government respond when westward-bound emigrants asked for more protection against the Plains Indians? Why did the Mexican government ban further immigration to Texas from the United States in 1830? The Mormon faith of the mid-nineteenth century grew out of which religious tradition? Andrew Melrose, the artist of the painting "Westward the Star of Empire Takes Its Way," would likely agree with which of the following statements? How did railroads "break the bonds of nature" in the United States in the mid-nineteenth century? Chapter 13 What did nineteenth-century planters mean when they characterized the master-slave relationship as paternalistic? Which of the following political policies contributed to slave owners' ad option of paternalist approaches to slaves' welfare? How did planters have time to concentrate on marketing, finance, and general plantation affairs? How did plantations differ from farms in the antebellum South? The ideology of paternalism was based on the conception that slaves were How did young enslaved children spend their days? What happened to slaves when they became too old to work in the field? What was William Harper's argument in this passage from Memoir on Slavery? The limited autonomy slave owners granted to slaves during their nonworking hours in the antebellum South contributed to What was the significance of the Mason-Dixon line in the United States in the 1830s? What did the nineteenth-century plantation mistress spend most of her time doing? In which of the following southern states were African Americans a majority of the population by 1860? Which factor explains the tremendous growth of the southern slave population between 1790 and 1860? What drove the imperative to add increasing numbers of states to the United States in the area below the Mason-Dixon line in the mid-nineteenth century? The southern concept of chivalry in the antebellum period rested upon what assumptions about the nature of women? Who was responsible for the majority of cotton production in the antebellum period? The individualism and independence of southern men meant that social standing and political advancement required Which of the following was a defining feature of life for most southern plantation mistresses in the antebellum period? The institution of black slavery in the antebellum South had what effect on nonslaveholding whites? Most plantation mistresses kept their opinions on issues to themselves, but the diarist Mary Boykin Chesnut echoed many southern women in railing against How did southern planters invest their profits during the antebellum period? Who did large planters typically place in charge of supervising the field labor of slaves? Which of the following was a major disadvantage for slaves who worked in the big house? In the nineteenth century, why were southern whites more intensely and urgently dedicated to white supremacy than northern whites? What core belief was the basis for Southerners' defense of slavery in the nineteenth century? How did planters have time to concentrate on marketing, finance, and general plantation affairs? The ideology of paternalism was based on the conception that slaves were Who provided care for the very young children of slaves on Southern plantations in the antebellum period? What was the "Second Middle Passage" that many slaves endured during the first half of the nineteenth century? What did the South's concept of the master as a dominant patriarch mean for slave women? According to historians, how was a planter distinguished from a farmer in the antebellum South? Following the lead of southern academics, writers, and clergy, in the 1820s and 1830s, white Southerners began to describe slavery as What was the least common slave occupation during the antebellum period? Why did many nineteenth-century slave owners switch from using horses as plantation work animals to using mules? Some nineteenth-century slave owners permitted slave families to engage in "overwork," which was In reality, what did the South's concept of chivalry mean for white women in the antebellum period? What did the common form of protest known by slaves as "lying out" entail? What was responsible for destroying hundreds of thousands of slave families in the nineteenth-century South? Which of the following was true of the form of Christianity adopted by slaves in the nineteenth century? Which of the following was a critical difference between white couples' marriages and slaves' marriages in the antebellum South? How did the cultural ideal of the southern lady compare to that for the middling white woman of the North? Mary Boykin Chesnut would agree with which of the following statements? Why did many slave owners begin to treat their slaves marginally better in the years between 1810 and 1860? Plantation mistresses experienced both benefits and detrimental effects from the institution of slavery, which led most of them to Why did slave owners promote Christianity in the slave quarters of their plantations? Why did American slaves in the antebellum South accommodate the institution of slavery to the extent that they did? Due to its predominantly agricultural economy, the nineteenth-century South Throughout the antebellum years, the slave-based economy of the South What characteristics made the South the "cotton kingdom"? Who would have been required to carry a freedom paper such as the one depicted here? How did slaves express resistance to their situation on a daily basis in the antebellum South? Why were large-scale slave revolts so rare in the antebellum South? How many slaves were there in the South by the year 1860? What does the painting "American Slave Market" reveal about the slave trade? What did antebellum planters do to most slave boys and girls when they reached the age of eleven or twelve? Which crop dominated the economy of the Lower South by 1860? According to Thornton Stringfellow, how does the Bible describe the relationship between master and slave? By 1860, what proportion of Southerners were black? In which of the following southern states were African Americans a majority of the population by 1860? According to the map, which crop commanded the greatest agricultural area in the Upper South? Why did Southerners move west during the first half of the nineteenth century? In the 1820s and 1830s, southern efforts to strengthen slavery led to Edward W. Clay, the artist of the lithograph "The Fruits of Amalgamation," would agree with which of the following statements? What was John C. Calhoun's argument about slavery and race in the South? Chapter 14 What national issue took center stage in the presidential election campaign of 1848? What provisions did the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1854 include to address the issue of slavery in the for mer Indian territory? When it was founded in 1854, what was the Republican Party's goal regarding the issue of slavery? What was U.S. Supreme Court Chief Justice Roger B. Taney's political orientation in the 1850s? Which was the first state to secede from the Union after Lincoln's election to the presidency in 1860? What was the Whigs' strategy in the presidential election of 1848? By what means had some individual Northerners been aiding runaway slaves before the 1850s? How did Democrats portray the Republican Party during the election of 1856? Republicans based their response to the Dred Scott ruling on the dissenting opinion of which Supreme Court justice? How did many Christians in the North respond to the death of John Brown in 1859? Which candidate won the presidential election of 1848? Harriet Beecher Stowe, author of Uncle Tom's Cabin, became an opponent of slavery because of her background as a The presidential election of 1856 made it obvious that Who massacred five allegedly proslavery settlers along Pottawatomie Creek in Kansas in 1856? What group denounced Illinois Senator Stephen Douglas in the spring of 1860? How did Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois win passage of the resolutions in Henry Clay's omnibus bill? What city became a center of grassroots resistance against the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850? Who sustained the Democratic Party once antislavery Americans abandoned it in 1854? Why did Stephen A. Douglas come out against the proslavery Lecompton constitution in 1857? What did the Republicans include in their 1860 presidential platform? Why did many Northerners oppose the extension of slavery into the land gained from the war with Mexico? What happened to Nebraska's Plains Indians when the United States altered the status of their territory? Which issue sparked the development of the Republican Party? In the 1850s, Abraham Lincoln believed that the Constitution Who did the original Democratic Party nominate for president to oppose Abraham Lincoln in 1860? When it came up for a vote in 1847, the Wilmot Proviso Who did northern state legislatures aim to protect when they passed personal liberty laws in the 1830s? What did the Whig Party's showing in the presidential election of 1852 demonstrate? Which of the following statements describes Abraham Lincoln's view on black equality during the 1850s? Who carried the most slave states in the election of 1860? The Free-Soil Party did not win a single state in the election of 1848, but it succeeded, in a sense, by Who wrote the antislavery novel Uncle Tom's Cabin? The Know-Nothing Party that emerged in the 1850s arose from the split between What was the result of the Lincoln-Douglas debates? What did southern Democrats demand at the convention in Charleston in April 1860? In the debate over the Wilmot Proviso, why did Senator John C. Calhoun contend that Congress did not have the authority to ban slavery in the territories? After she published Uncle Tom's Cabin in 1852, Southerners characterized Harriet Beecher Stowe as a The official name of the nineteenth-century Know-Nothing Party was the In order to ensure the outcome they desired in Kansas, both proslavery and antislavery forces Most Northerners believed which of the following statements about John Brown's 1859 raid on Harpers Ferry, Virginia? How did David Wilmot's Proviso propose dealing with slavery in the lands acquired in the Mexican War? What critical obstacle did Illinois senator Stephen Douglas face as he maneuvered to route a transcontinental railroad through Chicago in the 1850s? Why did women flock to the Republican Party, even though they could not vote for its candidates? What did the Supreme Court rule in its 1857 decision in the Dred Scott case? What was the outcome of the raid on Harper's Ferry for John Brown himself? Why did Daniel Webster of Massachusetts argue that it was unnecessary for Congress to enact a legal ban on slavery in the territories? Who were the "doughfaces" of the mid-nineteenth century? How did the Democratic Party manage to capture the presidency in the election of 1856 even though it had lost so many of its northern supporters? How did Republicans respond to the Dred Scott ruling? Why did some southern Democrats decide to create the Constitutional Union Party during the presidential election of 1860? What cause did Franklin Pierce embrace in 1852 as he tried to put the sectional controversy in the past? Why did the Know-Nothing Party emerge in the 1850s? Who, in addition to Harriet Beecher Stowe, published an influential indictment of slavery during the decades preceding the Civil War? Why did the Democratic Party lose its dominance in the free states after 1854? What did President Taylor do to cause the issue of slavery in the territories to erupt in Congress in 1849? Agreement on which issue kept the Democrats relatively united in the 1850s? The Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 allowed the seizure of an alleged slave after a slaveholder appeared before an appointed commissioner and Which question about the institution of slavery did Americans face in the 1840s and 1850s? What did the Free-Soil Party call for in its 1848 presidential platform? What effect did the new party system have on politics during the 1850s? This map demonstrates which of the following political shifts that occurred between 1848 and 1860? What about the doctrine of popular sovereignty made it attractive to Northerners and Southerners alike? In the mid-nineteenth century, what did most Americans believe the Constitution said about who had the power to decide about the existence of slavery in the United States? What was the response to Harriet Beecher Stowe's Uncle Tom's Cabin? Which group of politicians was known as the "fire-eaters"? Which element of slavery formed the central theme of Harriet Beecher Stowe's book? Which of the following were some of the key elements of the Compromise of 1850? How did antislavery Whigs respond to their party's nomination of the slave owner Zachary Taylor as its presidential candidate in 1848? Who did the Republicans nominate for the U.S. presidency in 1856? Why did Northerners object to the 1850 Fugitive Slave Act? What caused the disillusion of the Know-Nothing Party during the election of 1856? The nineteenth-century Know-Nothing Party demonstrated its political success when it captured What happened to the Know-Nothing Party in the election of 1856? The notion of popular sovereignty, when applied to the U.S. territories in the mid-nineteenth century, meant that The poster advertising Uncle Tom's Cabin, which proclaimed the novel "The Greatest Book of the Age," was intended for what audience? Which U.S. senator proposed the popular sovereignty approach as a compromise solution to the issue of slavery in the U.S. territories in the mid-nineteenth century? To what were Northerners referring when they talked about "free labor" in the mid-nineteenth century? Which senator won passage of the resolutions in Henry Clay's omnibus bill by breaking the bill into its various parts for separate voting? Which requirement made Stephen A. Douglas's Kansas-Nebraska Act controversial? Why did President Pierce send diplomat James Gadsden to purchase some 30,000 square miles from Mexico in 1853? Why did the Democrats nominate Lewis Cass of Michigan as their candidate for the election of 1848? Why did some Americans call David Wilmot's proposal the "White Man's Proviso"? Why did half of the northern Democrats vote in favor of the Kansas-Nebraska Act? Who did the Know-Nothings nominate for president in 1856? Why did Uncle Tom's Cabin solidify northern sentiment against slavery? How did northern states begin to provide fugitive slaves with protection from their owners during the 1830s? Why was the Whig candidate, General Winfield Scott of Virginia, so badly defeated in the election of 1852? Why did the Democrats nominate Franklin Pierce as their presidential candidate in 1852? [Show More]

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