*NURSING > EXAM > OB/GYN ARDMS Registry Review Exam 425 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT (All)

OB/GYN ARDMS Registry Review Exam 425 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT

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OB/GYN ARDMS Registry Review Exam 425 Questions with Verified Answers Rhombencephalon - CORRECT ANSWER The primitive hindbrain can be seen as a cystic structure with in the embryonic head? Dec... idua Basalis - CORRECT ANSWER The maternal side of the developing placenta is referred to as the? 1 mm/day - CORRECT ANSWER Up to 10 weeks gestational age, the mean diameter of the normal gestational sac should grow? 12 weeks CRL measures > 45mm - CORRECT ANSWER Physicologic hernation of fetal intestines outside the abdomen should not be seen after what gestational age? 7 mm - CORRECT ANSWER The base of the umbilical cord should not exceed? 3600 units/liter 2000 units/liter - CORRECT ANSWER One should be able to transabdominally image a gestational sac when the IRC level for hCG is = or >? Transvaginally? Hydatiform Mole - CORRECT ANSWER Patient is 10 weeks by menstrual dates with pregnancy induced hypertension. You suspect? Preeclamsia - CORRECT ANSWER Almost always pathonomonic of a molar pregnancy in the 1st trimester? Dilated cervix - CORRECT ANSWER Pregnant patient presents with bledding and cramping. What would be suspect of an inevitable abortion? Heteroectopic pregnancy - CORRECT ANSWER An ectopic with a normal IUP? Yolk Sac - CORRECT ANSWER To differentiate an early IUP from a pseudogestational sac, it is helpful to visualize? 6mm Irregulary shaped Calcified - CORRECT ANSWER A yolk sac is considered abnormal when it's diameter exceed? Shape? Appearance? Methotrexate - CORRECT ANSWER What drug can be used to treat an early unruptured ectopic pregnancy in order to preserve fertility? Anteflexed - CORRECT ANSWER The most common position of a uterus is? Interstitual Rupture is accompanied by bleeding from the uterin arteries - CORRECT ANSWER In a ruptured extopic pregnancy, which section of the tube is most life threatening? Why? The amnion and yolk sac - CORRECT ANSWER The double bleb sign refers to? 8 weeks 10 weeks - CORRECT ANSWER At how many weeks, the normal gestational sac should occupy 1/2 of the uterine cavity and show a yolk sac, embryo and heart beat? At how many weeks will it fill the uterine cavity with a well defined fetus? Trophoblastic Disease - CORRECT ANSWER 1. A group of rare tumors that involve abnormal growth of cells inside the uterus. They start in cells that would normaly develope into the placenta. Complete Hydatiform Mole - CORRECT ANSWER Most common form of Trophoblastic Disease? Complete - CORRECT ANSWER A Hydatidiform Mole from trophoblastic neoplasia without the presents of an embryo? Partial - CORRECT ANSWER A Hydatidiform Mole from trophoblastic neoplasia with an abnormal embryo or fetus. Theca Lutein Cysts - CORRECT ANSWER Functional ovarian cysts are called? Trophoblastic Disease - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with: Hydatididform Mole Theca Lutein Cysts Pregnancy induced hypertension Hyperemesis gravidarum Large for gestational age All characteristics of? CRL - CORRECT ANSWER Most reliable calculation for the EDC is? 11 weeks - CORRECT ANSWER Because of spinal segmentation, CRL begins to loose accuracy after how many weeks? Vitelline Duct (omphalomesenteric duct) - CORRECT ANSWER The structure that initially maintains a connction between the yolk sac and embryo once they diverge from each other? Contains and artery and a vein. Nuchal translucency - CORRECT ANSWER Thickening of the nuchal soft tissue during the 1st trimester and a strong corrolation for chromosomal defects? Shirodkar Procedure - CORRECT ANSWER A procedure preformed to treat and incompentent cervix. The most complicated, the suture is almost completely buried beneath the cervical mucosa? McDonald Procedure - CORRECT ANSWER A procedure preformed to treat and incompentent cervix with a less invasive outcome using a purse string suture. Ectopic - CORRECT ANSWER With this type of pregnancy, the most common symptom is pain? Interstital - CORRECT ANSWER An ectopic pregnancy in this part of the tube is more life threatening? 3mm - CORRECT ANSWER Normally, nuchal translucency doesn't exceed? Chorid Plexus - CORRECT ANSWER This lies within the atria of the lateral ventricals bilaterally? Lateral Ventricular Atria - CORRECT ANSWER In ruling out hydrocephalus, where would one 1st begin to see enlargement? 1cm in largest dimension transversely - CORRECT ANSWER The normal measurements for the lateral ventricla of the fetal brain are? 3 ossidication centers (2 posterior pointing toward each other, 1 anterior) - CORRECT ANSWER When the fetal spine is imaged transversly, the ultrasound demonstrates? M-mode - CORRECT ANSWER What US modality would you us to prove fetal life on a frozen image? Left Atrium - CORRECT ANSWER The anatomic structure closest to the spine in a 4-chamber heart view is? Fetal Heart - CORRECT ANSWER This occupies 1/3 of the chest cavity pointing toward the left side of the fetus? RVOT - Pulmonary Artery LVOT - Ascending Aorta - CORRECT ANSWER The great vessels of the heart consist of? Foramen Ovale - CORRECT ANSWER Communication between right and left Atria is termed? 45 degree angle to the left of midline - CORRECT ANSWER In a normal fetus, the heart is positioned at what angle? Chordae Tendineae / papillary muscle - CORRECT ANSWER A small rounded echoginic structure withing the left ventrical of the heart is? Coronal - CORRECT ANSWER Which view best demonstrated the diaphram? Transverse @ the level of 4-chamber heart Transverse view @ level of 4-chamber heart - CORRECT ANSWER The thoracic circumference is measured in the? Aortic Arch - CORRECT ANSWER The candy-cane pulsating vessel imaged somewhat to the left of the spine in longitudinal is? Esophageal Artesia - CORRECT ANSWER The fluid filled stomach should always be seen in the upper LT quadrant. If not seen, you should suspect? Esophagel Atresia - CORRECT ANSWER The esophagus does not properly develop or is missing? 12-13 weeks - CORRECT ANSWER At what gestational age is the amniotic fluid volume and fluid in the fetal bladder almost entirely due to functioning kidneys? 30-45 mins. - CORRECT ANSWER The fetal bladder should fill and empty approximatly every? Posterior Urethral Valves - CORRECT ANSWER The bladder of the male fetus is sometimes enlarged because of? Most common cause of male fetus bladder obstruction outlet? Clocal Malformation or Urethral Atresia - CORRECT ANSWER Most common female bladder obstruction outlet? Iliac Bones - CORRECT ANSWER What structures can be seen at the level of the bladder using a coronal view of the fetal pelvis on an OB exam? Abdomenal Circumference - CORRECT ANSWER When you image the fetal stomach transverse at the level of the portal vien, you are at the right level for what measurement? MSAFP Triple Screen CVS Amniocentesis - CORRECT ANSWER What lab tests are performed to determine if a fetus has a neural tube defect or Down's syndrome? Amniocentesis - CORRECT ANSWER This test can rule out Down's syndrome? Fetal Anatomy - CORRECT ANSWER 2nd trimester OB US are better than 1st trimester in determining? Vertex - CORRECT ANSWER Most favortable position of the baby for birth where the crown area of the head presents first? Vasa Previa - CORRECT ANSWER In sagittal midline view, if the cord is positioned near the cervical os, this is called? 37 weeks - CORRECT ANSWER Dr's usually don't consider a C-section due to previa until what gestational week? Chorion and Decidua - CORRECT ANSWER Th placenta developes from the? Excessive Wharton's jelly - CORRECT ANSWER A thickened appearing cord is most likely from? Functions of the placenta - CORRECT ANSWER This produces alpha-fetoprotein, provides nurishment for the fetus as well as protection? Succenturiate Placenta - CORRECT ANSWER An accessory placenta lobe is called? 2cm - CORRECT ANSWER A placenta previa can be ruled out if the placental edge is at least how far from the internal cervical os? Placenta Accreta - CORRECT ANSWER A severe OB complication involving an abnormally deep attachment of the placenta through the endometrium and myometrium? Hydrops Infection Triploidy-lethal chromosome abnormality (69 instead of 46) Diabetes - CORRECT ANSWER A placental measuring 7cm in the greatest AP dimension may be associated with? 4cm - CORRECT ANSWER The thickness of the full-term placental should not measure more than? Chorioangioma - CORRECT ANSWER Benign vascular tumors of the placenta, large ones can cause IUGR, Hydrops and Abruption? Superoir to fetal bladder - CORRECT ANSWER To demonstrate umbilical cord insertion into the fetal abdomen, you should look? 2 umbilical arteries - CORRECT ANSWER Applying color Doppler to the transverse image through the fetal bladder will help verify? Placental Abruption - CORRECT ANSWER The placental lining has separted from the uterus. Most common pathological cause of late pregnancy bleeding? BPD/OFD x 100 - CORRECT ANSWER Cephalic Index formula? Dolichocephaly - CORRECT ANSWER Cephalic Index below 70%, head shape that is long and narrow? Brachycephaly - CORRECT ANSWER Cephalic Index above 85%, head shape that is abnormally short? 70 to 85% - CORRECT ANSWER Normal Cephalic Index range? CRL @ 10 weeks - CORRECT ANSWER The best method and time for estimating gestational age would be? 30 weeks - CORRECT ANSWER Cerebellar measurements can be used to estimate gestational age but loose accuracy after? 30 weeks - CORRECT ANSWER Epiphyseal centers will not be identified sonographically until after? Leading Edge - CORRECT ANSWER BPD position calipers on outer edge of anterior skull and inner edge of posterior skull is termed? Amniocentesis - CORRECT ANSWER Fetal lung maturity is best determined by? Naegele's rule (approx. 280 days) - CORRECT ANSWER One can caluclate a patient's due date by adding 9 months + 7 days to the 1st day of last period. This is done according to? Hegar's sign - CORRECT ANSWER Present in 1st trimester, softening of utern consistancy and possibility to palpate the connection between cervix and fundus? Chadwick's sign - CORRECT ANSWER Present in the 1st trimester, bluish discoloration of cervix, vagina and labia caused by the hormone estrogen causing venous congestion? Amenorrhea - CORRECT ANSWER Absence of menstrual period? Quickening - CORRECT ANSWER When the mother start to feel movement between 16 and 20 weeks? 1mm (reliable up to 10 weeks) - CORRECT ANSWER The size of the gestational sac should increase daily by? 3 - CORRECT ANSWER If no embryo is seen within a sac, one can roughly calculate the gestational age in weeks by measuring the mean sac diameter and adding ___ to it? 2 weeks - CORRECT ANSWER Gestational sac measurements are accurate in estimating gestational age to within how many weeks? Cerebellar length Binocular distance Renal length Humerus length - CORRECT ANSWER What anatomy can be measured to confirm gestational age? Angle of Asynclitism - CORRECT ANSWER Determining the tilt of the head within the uterus is helpful in obtaining the correct angle for the BPD and circumference. This is called finding the? Clavical - CORRECT ANSWER Which long bone is least likely to be affected by IUGR? Fetal stomach and gallbladder - CORRECT ANSWER Measure the abdominal circumference at the level of? BPD - CORRECT ANSWER The head circumference is considered more accurate than the? Intrauterine Growth Retardation - CORRECT ANSWER IUGR stands for? Non-stress test - CORRECT ANSWER Calculates fetal heart rate according to fetal activity? Anasarca Pleural effusions Ascites Polyhydramnios - CORRECT ANSWER These are associated with nonimmune hydrops? Monozygotic - CORRECT ANSWER Twins from fertilization of a single ova are called? Monozygotic gestations - CORRECT ANSWER Twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome is specific to _____ gestation? Dichorionic - CORRECT ANSWER Monozygotic twins can be ___chorionic? Placentation - CORRECT ANSWER Chorionicity is related to? Dichorionic - CORRECT ANSWER 100% of dizygotic twins are ___chorionic? Monozygotic - CORRECT ANSWER Identical twins develope from the same zygote? Dizygotic - CORRECT ANSWER Fraternal twins develope from 2 seperate zygotes and are fertilized by 2 seperate sperm? Dichorionic - CORRECT ANSWER Each twin has it's own chorionic and amnionic sac? Chorionicity and Amnionicity - CORRECT ANSWER These are determined by the timing of separation of the single zygote during pregnancy? Caudal Regression Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Anomaly associated with maternal DM and is an abnormal development of the lower spine? Trisomy 21 - CORRECT ANSWER If a patient's AFP level is low, one should check for? Ventricular - CORRECT ANSWER These measurements in the head are consistant throughout the pregnancy? Thanatrophoic dwarfism - CORRECT ANSWER A skull that is shaped like a clover leaf is most likely associated with? Thanatrophoic dwarfism - CORRECT ANSWER Characteristics of this are: narrow chest, small rib cage, enlarged head with large forehead and wide spaced eyes, still born or die shortly after birth from respratory failure? Vein of Galen Aneurysm - CORRECT ANSWER You discover a rounded, fluid filed midline structure withing the fetal brain that shows color Doppler. This is most likely? Vein of Galen Aneursym - CORRECT ANSWER This can lead to cardiac failure, hydrocephaly and subarachnoid hemorrhage in neonates? Cleft defect of the face Trisomy 13 Large monoventricle with fused thalami Usually fatal - CORRECT ANSWER These are associated with alobar holoprosencephaly? FL/AC - CORRECT ANSWER Which ratio is most sensitive for detecting asymetrical IUGR? Oligohydramnios - CORRECT ANSWER These are associated with? IUGR Premature rupture of membranes Bilateral renal agenesis Intrauterine fetal demise Deficiency of amniotic fluid AFI < 5-6 cm Polyhydramnios - CORRECT ANSWER These are associated with? Excess of amniotic fluid AFI > 24cm Fetal renal disorders, increased urin production Impaired swallowing Anencephaly Down's syndrome Preeclampsia or Toxemia - CORRECT ANSWER A patient after 20 weeks who presents with hypertension, swelling and protienuria is said to have? Eclampsia - CORRECT ANSWER Hypertension causing seizures during pregnancy? Transposition of the great vessels - CORRECT ANSWER What cardiac abnormallity can not be detected by the 4-chamber heart view? Hydrocephalus - CORRECT ANSWER Build up of fluid inside the skull that leads to brain swelling Anencephally - CORRECT ANSWER Neural tube defect, fails to close, absence of major portion of the brain, most do not survive? Acrania - CORRECT ANSWER Partial or complete absence of the top portion of the skull, incompatible with life? Encephalocele - CORRECT ANSWER Neural tube defect, sac-like protrusionof the brain and the membranes through openings in the skul? Cleft Palate - CORRECT ANSWER Upper lip and roof of mouth do not come together? Cystic Hygroma - CORRECT ANSWER Large cyst-like cavities containing watery fluid (lymph fluid) on the neck area, benign? Teratoma - CORRECT ANSWER Encapsulated tumor with tissure or organ components, can contain teeth, hair and bones, can be benign or malignant? Turner"s Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER An abnormal X chromosomal in females which leaves them infertal because of the absents of ovarian function. Extra skin on the neck, heart defects, swelling in hands & feet, kidney problems? Lecithin/Sphingomyelin Ratio - CORRECT ANSWER What ratio test is best for determining fetal lung maturity using amniotic fluid? Puerperium - CORRECT ANSWER Refers to after delivery, a process that takes 6-8 weeks? 4 weeks - CORRECT ANSWER The postpartum uterus should revert back to pregravida size within how many weeks? Coexistent Mole and Live Fetus - CORRECT ANSWER A molar pregnancy associated with a viable fetus is called? Cystadenoma - CORRECT ANSWER A benign tumor derived from glandular tissue. Can make a pregnant patient present large for gestational age? Cystic Teratoma - CORRECT ANSWER Germ cell tumors composed of multiple cell types derived from one or more of the 3 germ layers. Can make a pregnant patient present large for gestational age? Leiomyomas - CORRECT ANSWER Benign fibroid tumor. Can make a pregnant patient present large for gestational age? Trophoblastic Disease - CORRECT ANSWER Rare and appear when cells in the womb start to grow out of control. Can make a pregnant patient present large for gestational age? Dizygotic Twinning - CORRECT ANSWER Caused by multiple ovulations at the same time More common in blacks Higher incidence in women over 40 Considered fraternal 30 weeks - CORRECT ANSWER Twin growth is similar to singletons up to what gestational week? Monozygotic Twins - CORRECT ANSWER The same ovum split Twin-to-twin transfusion TRAP sequence Conjoined twins Cord entanglement TRAP Sequence (Twin Reversed Arterial Perfusion) - CORRECT ANSWER An anomily where the acardiac/acephalic twin receives all of its blood from the normal twin. Blood enters the acardiac/cephalic twin through reversed flow through its umbilical artery and exits through its umbilical vein, which is opposite of normal flow? IUGR Advanced placental grade for age Fetal demise Oligohydramnios - CORRECT ANSWER Maternal hypertension is associated with? Rhogam - CORRECT ANSWER Which drug is given to RH- mothers to protect against alloimmunization? Rhogam - CORRECT ANSWER RhoGam prevents the development of maternal RH antibodies. 2. RhoGam is given to Rh-negative mothers who have an Rh-positive fetus and who have not developed antibodies to Rh factor. 3. It is also given to Rh-negative women who have abortions or miscarriages even if the Rh factor of the fetus is not known. 4. RhoGam must be given within 72 hours of delivery or abortion. 5. RhoGam is also given at 28 weeks gestation. Fetal Blood Intrauterin Transfusion - CORRECT ANSWER Packed red blood cells are introduced into the umbilical vein is called? C-section - CORRECT ANSWER The most common surgical procedure during pregnancy? Pelvicaliectasis - CORRECT ANSWER Dialated renal pelvis and calyces? Chorioadenoma Destruens - CORRECT ANSWER A molar pregnancy that is considered invasive but does not metastasize is called? (relative harmless) Cerclage - CORRECT ANSWER Surgical procedure where the cervix is sewn closed during pregnancy during 12-14 weeks. Shirodkar procedure - CORRECT ANSWER A type of cerclage where a 5mm band of permanent suture is buried in the cervix. More invasive procedure? Delivery results in a C-section. McDonald's procedure - CORRECT ANSWER A type of cerclage where a permanent purse string suture is placed high on the cervix, less invasive on the cervix. Delivery results in a C-section. 6-8 weeks - CORRECT ANSWER Postpartum period last for? Utern Atony - CORRECT ANSWER Uterine contractions after delivery? If uterus is unable to adequately contract, bleeding will persist. Macrosomic - CORRECT ANSWER Large for gestational age? Fetal weight > 4500g Microsomic - CORRECT ANSWER Small for gestational age? Fetal weight <2500g Multi gestations Polyhydramnios Macrosomic Long labor - CORRECT ANSWER Causes for postpartum hemorrage? TORCH - CORRECT ANSWER Perinatal infections passed from mother to baby? Toxoplasmosis Other Rubella Cytomegalovirus Herpes-2 Maternal Diabetes TORCH Non-immune hydrops - CORRECT ANSWER This can result in a thick, edematous placenta? Erythroblastosis Fetalis - CORRECT ANSWER This can result in a thick, edematous placenta? Caused by RH- ? Polyhydramnios - CORRECT ANSWER AFI > 20cm Causes can be: neural tub defect, omphalacele, dwarfism, twins? Meconium - CORRECT ANSWER Gree tinged particles floating in amniotic fluid are most likely? Vernix - CORRECT ANSWER Shedding of skin and hair that occurs normally toward the end of pregnancy, whitish in color? Multiples of the median (MoM) - CORRECT ANSWER MSAFT results are reported in the what units of measurement? Unconjugated Estriol (uE3) Human Chorionic Gonadotropin (hCG Alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) - CORRECT ANSWER A triple marker screening measures? Abdominal wall defect Fetal demise Maternal renal abnormalities Multiple gestations - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with elevated MSAFP? Death of fetus Underestimation of gestational age Missed abortion Hydatidiform mole - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with decreased MSAFP? Spina Bifida - CORRECT ANSWER Acetyl Cholinesterase (ACHE) is most specific for? Spina Bifida - CORRECT ANSWER An incomplete closing of the embryonic neural tube? Anencelpaly - CORRECT ANSWER Portion of the newual tube that will become the cerebrum does not close? Down's Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Enlarged nucal thickness Abnormal triple screen Decreased MSAFP Increased incidence with increased maternal age PUBS (percutaneous umbilical blood sampling) - CORRECT ANSWER In utero procedure at highest risks of complications is? 15-16 weeks - CORRECT ANSWER For best results, the optimal gestational age for karyotyping by amniocentesis is? Karyotyping - CORRECT ANSWER This discribes the number of chromosomes and what they look like under a microscope? Autosomal Dominant - CORRECT ANSWER A disorder that is caused by the presence of only one defective gene is? Chorionic Villus Sampling (CVS) - CORRECT ANSWER The sample is taken from the chorion frondosum Provides a means of early diagnosis The waiting period for results is shorter Spotting is common following the procedure 10-12 weeks - CORRECT ANSWER At what gestational age are chorionic villus sampling procedures commonly performed? X-linked Disease - CORRECT ANSWER The mother must have the disease to pass it on to her children It is an auosomal dominant disorder 100% of all female offspring will have the disease process. Fetal Demise - CORRECT ANSWER Absence of cardiac motion for @ least 3 mins. Diagnosis should be confirmed by 2 examiners Spalding's sign might be present Druel's sign might be present Spalding's Sign - CORRECT ANSWER Overlapping of the skull bones; indicates fetal death? Druel's Sign - CORRECT ANSWER Edema of soft tissue of the head? Robert's Sign - CORRECT ANSWER Gas in the fetal abdomen? Lithopedion - CORRECT ANSWER Calcified Fetus? Unknown causes - CORRECT ANSWER The most common cause of fetal death in the 3rd trimester is? Chromosomal abnormalities - CORRECT ANSWER The most common cause of fetal demise in 1st trimester is? Placental Abruption - CORRECT ANSWER What condition is anindicaiton for immediate delivery, for without it there is the risk of intrauterine demise? Dialation & Cruettage (D&C) Dialation & Evacuation (D&E) Labor Induction - CORRECT ANSWER Common medical interventions for the removal of retained products of conception (RPOC)? Associated with RPOC - CORRECT ANSWER 2 weeks postpartum with heavy bleeding. Complex homogenous mass within endometrium with a + urine choriogonadotropin (UCG). Echogenic mass in the cervix with a +UCG. Acoustic shadowing from bony structures within utern cavity. Banana Sign - CORRECT ANSWER This shape of the cerabellum is seen with nerual tube defects and Arnold-Chiari Malformaiton? Lemon Sing - CORRECT ANSWER This shape of the head denotes the scalloping (overlapping frontal bones) which make the cross section of the head appear in this shape rather than oval? Holoprosencephaly - CORRECT ANSWER Fetal forebrain failes to develope into 2 hemispheres. Proboscis Cyclopia Fused thalami Anencephaly - CORRECT ANSWER The most common neural tube defect, absence of all or part of the brain? Encephaloceles - CORRECT ANSWER Usually found in the occipital region, sac-like protrusions of part of the brain through opening in the skull. Hydrocephalus - CORRECT ANSWER "Water on the brain" Abnormal accumulation of cerebrospinal fluid in the ventricles or cavities of the brain? Can cause "dangling" or "drooping" chorid plexus. Microcephaly - CORRECT ANSWER Abnormally small head, can mimic anencephaly, but has crainal bones.? Acrania - CORRECT ANSWER When no cranial bones are present? Dandy-Walker Malformation - CORRECT ANSWER The presents of hydrocephalus, a posterior fossa cyst, agenesis of corpus callosum and enlarged 4th ventrical. Ventriculomegaly - CORRECT ANSWER Dilation of the ventricular system without enlargement of the cranium, caused by hydrocephalus? Trisomy 13 (Patau Syndrome) - CORRECT ANSWER The presents of Holoprosencephaly, chromosomal condition associated with sever intellectual disability and physical abnormalities, cells in the body contain extra genetic material from chromosome 13, this abnormality increased with maternal age? Holoprosencephaly - CORRECT ANSWER Results from abnormal cleavage of the fetal forebrain? Macrosomia - CORRECT ANSWER Frequently associated with dibetic mother the fetal head and abdomen are enlarged Birth weight of 4000-4500g (8lb 13oz to 9lb 15oz) Trisomy 18 (Edward's Syndrome) - CORRECT ANSWER The 2nd most common Trisomy disorder. A genetic disorder where a person has a 3rd copy of the material from chromosome 18 instead of the ususal 2 copies. Meiotic disjunction (error in cell division), more life threatening in the early months/years of life, can live to 20-30's with assistance, usually imcompatable with life. Trisomy 21 (Down's Syndrome) - CORRECT ANSWER 1st most common trisomy, baby has 3 of the 21 chromosomes. 47 chromosomes instead of 46? Triploidy - CORRECT ANSWER a rare lethal chromosome abnormality caused by the presents of an entire extra set of chromosomes? (69 instead of 46) Lemon Sign - CORRECT ANSWER Assocated with spina bifida This head shape resultin gfrom flattening of the frontal bone. Flattened cerebellum Chorid Plexus Cyst - CORRECT ANSWER A cyst within the fetal brain that is thought almost asways to regress with fetal age? Hydranencephaly - CORRECT ANSWER Poor prognosis complete destruction of the cerebrum Usually complete destruction of the fetal cortical brain tissue resulting in total atrophy of the brain with replacement of the tissue with fluid? Hypotelorism - CORRECT ANSWER Cyclopis Abnormally close eyes Caused by large alcohol intake in the 1st month of pregnancy. Microganthia - CORRECT ANSWER A condition where the jaw is undersized Can correct its self during growth Moderate posterior position of the frontal bone Decreased size of nasal bone Decreased size of tongue Absence of nasal septum Cystic Hygromas (Turner's Syndrome) - CORRECT ANSWER Gonadal dysgenesis One or all sex chromosomes is absent Short stature, swelling Broad ches, Low hairline Low set ears, Sterility, Non working ovaries Webbed neck Spina Bifida - CORRECT ANSWER Lemon Sign of skull Flattened cerebellum Dialated ventricles Obliterated cisterna magna Cerebellum rounded, bananna shaped 15 - 21 Weeks - CORRECT ANSWER At what gestational age is nuchal thickness measured? Anencephaly - CORRECT ANSWER The most common abnormality associated with the central nervous system? Meningomyelocele - CORRECT ANSWER A spinal defect containing meninges and neural tissue? Splaying of the laminae - CORRECT ANSWER The 3 ossification center of the fetal spine form a V or U shape rather than a normal circle? Cord insertion into the abdomen - CORRECT ANSWER A sonographer can best distinguish between a gastroschisis and an omphalocele by visualizing what? Omphalocele - CORRECT ANSWER A birth defect where infants intestines or abdominal organs stick out of the navel, a type of hernia, the muscles in the fetal abdominal wall do not close properly? Gastroschisis - CORRECT ANSWER Normal cord insertion Preterm delivery Not associated with other anomalies Birth defect characterized by an opening in the abdominal wall that allows the stomach and small and large intestines to extend outside the body? Limb/Body wall complex - CORRECT ANSWER An anomaly involving the abdominal wall defects which usually are not campatible with life, mainly involves the chest and abdomen, risk factor of maternal cocaine abuse? Bladder Exstrophy - CORRECT ANSWER When a part or all of the bladder is present outside the body. Failure of abdomenal wall to close. Appears as a soft tissue mass protruding from the anterior wall of the fetus just inferior to cord insertion. Cloacal Exstrophy - CORRECT ANSWER When much of the abdominal organs are exposed. Extreamly rare. Fetal Hydrops - CORRECT ANSWER Pleural effusion Anasarca - genralized edema Ascites Pericardial effusion Megacystis - CORRECT ANSWER An abnormally large or distended bladder? Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation (CCAM) - CORRECT ANSWER - is a congenital disorder similar to bronchopulmonary sequestration. - usually an entire lobe of lung is replaced by a non-working cystic piece of abnormal lung tissue. This abnormal tissue will never function as normal lung tissue. - can be life-threatening for the fetus Diaphragmatic Hernia - CORRECT ANSWER Sonography demonstrates a localized cystic appearing structure adjacent to the fetal heart that displaces the heart along the anterior chest wall, associated with neural tube defects, and compression of fetal lungs? Hydronephrosis - CORRECT ANSWER Most common renal abnormality in an unborn fetus is? Potter's Syndrome Type I - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with oligohydramnios, autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease, and limited lung development (pulmonary hypoplasia)? Potter's Syndrome Type II - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with oligohydramnios, one kidney is absent and the other one is small and malformed with under developed lungs? Polycystic Kidney - CORRECT ANSWER A hereditary condition in which the kidneys are enlarges and contain many cysts? PUV - posterior urethral valves obstruction - CORRECT ANSWER Most common cause of bladder outlet obstruction in males? Sonographically, profoundly dialated bladder, thickened bladder wall, oligohydramnios may be present. Urethral Atresia or Cloacal (opening) Malformation - CORRECT ANSWER Most common cause of bladder outlet obstruction in females? UPJ - Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction - CORRECT ANSWER An obstructionin the area that connect the renal pelvis to one of the tubes (ureter) that moves urine to the bladder? UVJ - Uretherovesical Junction Obstruction - CORRECT ANSWER A blockage where the ureter meets the bladder? UPJ - Ureteropelvic Junction Obstruction - CORRECT ANSWER The most likely cause of fetal unilateral hydronephrosis? Oligohydramnios - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with < 5cm of amniotic fluid; associated with placental insufficency, bilateral renal agenesis, or posterior urethral valves (in males) and resultant inability to excrete urine. Can give rise to Potter's syndrome and IUGR? Classic Potter's Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER The congenital absence of bilateraly kidneys and severe oligohydramnios? Urachal Cyst - CORRECT ANSWER A cystic mass between the Anterior ABD wall and the Anterior/superior to the bladder? Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia or Duodenal Atresia - CORRECT ANSWER Visualization of the fetal heart and stomach in their correct positions rules out? 1/3 With the Left Atrium closest to the Aorta - CORRECT ANSWER The fetal heart should occupy _____ of the fetal chest and be positioned @ a 45 degree angle to the left of fetal midline. Double Bubble - CORRECT ANSWER A fluid filled dialated duodenum next to the fetal fluid filled stomach is called? Caused by an intestinal obstructions, 30% can have Down's Syndrome, duodenal atresia. Down's Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Echogenic bowel, shortened femer, mild pevictasis, thickened nucal fold, Trisomy 21, brachycephaly (short head), duodenal atresia, cnogenital heartdefects? Osteogenesis imperfecta & artifact - CORRECT ANSWER Fracture of the femur can be a result of? Talipes - CORRECT ANSWER Clubfoot - looks like the foot has been rotated internally @ the ankle. Caudal Regression Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with diabetes, "Mermaid Sign" or "Sirenomelia", deadly birth defect in which 2 lower limbs are attached or fused together, abnormal formation of the umbilical cord vessels? Thanatophoric Dysplasia - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with cloverleaf head, severe skeletal disorder, extreamly short limbs, extra folds of skin on arms and legs, narrow chest, short ribs, under developed lungs, wide-spaced eyes, usually still born or die shortly after birth? Clinodactyly - CORRECT ANSWER Overlapping digits? Rocker Bottom Foot - CORRECT ANSWER A rounded sole and abnormally large heel, conjunction with Trisomy 13, Trisomy 9, and Edward's Syndrome? Double Right Outlet - CORRECT ANSWER Hypoplastic left ventrical (severely under developed), both aorta and pulmonary arteries are attached to the RT ventricle? Congenital Diaphragmatic Hernia - CORRECT ANSWER Cystic fluid-filled collection adjacent and posterior to the heart, malformation of the diaphragm allow abdomenal organs to push up into the lung area? Cystic Adenomatoid Malformaiton - CORRECT ANSWER A disorder of the lung where the lung tissue is replaced with a non working cystic lobe, can be faitial? Transposition of the great vessels - CORRECT ANSWER What congenital cardiac abnormalitie can you NOT see with the 4-chamber view of the fetal heart? Pericardial Effusion - CORRECT ANSWER Fluid around the heart is called? Common and Benign - CORRECT ANSWER Premature atrial contractions of the fetal heart are? Microglossia - CORRECT ANSWER An abnormally small tongue is called? Hypospadias - CORRECT ANSWER A congenital defect which the opening of the urethra is on the underside of the penis? Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER 1st discribed in the 1960's as a syndrome associated with gigantism, macroglossia, omphaloceles, and renal abnormalities, large body and orgams? Classic Potter's Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER This refers to bilateral renal agenesis, not compatible with life, Polyhydramnios? Turner's syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with cystic hygroma usually on the neck, females absent of an entire sex chromosome, Triploidy - CORRECT ANSWER A syndrome associated with an extra set of chromosomes, result of 2 sperm fertilizing one ovum? Trisomy 21 - CORRECT ANSWER Down's Syndrome Flat nasal profile Duodenal atresia Ventriculomegaly Echogenic bowel Elevated MSAFP - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with: multiple gestations, anencephaly, omphalocele and spina bifida? Decreased MSAFP - CORRECT ANSWER →under 0.5 MoMs: →associated with trisomy 21 and 18, fetal demise, inaccurate gestational dating, gestational diabetes, trophoblastic disease, obesity? IUGR - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with: placental insufficiency, <10th% for rowth, twin-to-twin transfusion, chronic maternal hypertension? Alfa-fetoprotein - CORRECT ANSWER This is synthesized in the fetal yolk sac, GI tract, & liver and enters the maternal bloodstream through the placenta? Trophoblastic Disease - CORRECT ANSWER A group of rare tumors that involve abnormal growth of cells in the uterus. Starts in cells that would normally develope into the placenta. Hydatidiform mole, Invasive mole. Choriocarcinoma A decrease in systolic flow - CORRECT ANSWER When IUGR is suspected die to placental insufficiency, the wave flow from the umbilical artery shows? Fetal Hydrops - CORRECT ANSWER The sonographer visualizes 2 or more sites at which fluid has collected in the fetus is called? Hydatidiform Mole - CORRECT ANSWER A patient presents as 14 weeks LMP, measuring large for gestational age, bleeding and no fetal heart tones. You suspect? 16 WEEKS - CORRECT ANSWER The corpus lutesl cyst accompaning early pregnancy should resolve by? Large for gestational age - CORRECT ANSWER The following: Uterine fibroids, olyhydramnios, adnexal mass or multi gestations might cause a patient to present? 16-20 weeks - CORRECT ANSWER If a pelvic mass requires surgery during pregnancy, the best time would be? Leiomyoma (fibroid) Enlarge - CORRECT ANSWER The most common solid mass associated with pregnancy is _____ and the increased hormone levels may cause it to ______ existing ones. Corpus luteum Cyst - CORRECT ANSWER Most common cystic mass during pregnancy? Theca Lutein Cyst - CORRECT ANSWER An cystic adnexal finding most likely associated with trophoblastic disease? Theca Lutein Cyst - CORRECT ANSWER Largest of the functional cysts, they appear as very large, bilateral, multiloculated cystic masses. They are associated with high levels of hCG, twins, molar and erythroblastosis pregnancies. Are seen most frequently in association with gestational trophoblastic disease. may undergo hemorrhage, rupture, and torsion. nausea and vomiting. Focal Myometrial Contractions - CORRECT ANSWER The uterine contractions commonly seen during OB ultrasounds are? Pouch-of-Douglas - CORRECT ANSWER This is the sagittal section of the lower part of a female trunk below the uterus between the rectum and posterior wall of the uterus, lowest area of the peritoneal cavity? Hypothalamus, Pituitary, Ovaries - CORRECT ANSWER The menstrual cycle is influenced by? Infundibulum - CORRECT ANSWER The part of the fallopian tube that is the farthest from the uterus and gives ris to the fimbriage? (fingerlike projections responsible for picking up the egg) Ampulla - CORRECT ANSWER The part of the fallopian tube in the middle where the ovum becomes fertilized? Isthmus - CORRECT ANSWER The part of the fallopian tube that is the closest to the uterus? Interstitual - CORRECT ANSWER The part of the fallopian tube that is connected through the muscle of the uterus? Most life-threatening if an ectopic ruptures here due to bleeding from the uterin arteries? Piriformis Muscle - CORRECT ANSWER The muscles most frequently mistaken for enlarged ovaries are? Estrogen - CORRECT ANSWER This hormone is responsible for: Stimulating endometrial proliferation Inducing rhythmic contractions of the tubes Causing fibroids to enlarge Breast duct engorgement? Levator ani Muscles - CORRECT ANSWER The floor of the pelvis is formed by what muscles? 5mm - CORRECT ANSWER A postmenapausal endometrium should measure no more than? Internal Iliac Artery - CORRECT ANSWER Which vessel provides the best landmark for locating the ovary sonographically? High Velocity, High Resistance Pattern - CORRECT ANSWER Doppler wave forms of the utern arterial flow are typically? Low Velocity, Low Resistance Pattern - CORRECT ANSWER Doppler wave form of the ovary arterial flow is typically? The same time - CORRECT ANSWER Embryologically, the urinary tract and uterus develop when? Hyperstimulation - CORRECT ANSWER Normal ovarian follicles should show ovarian parenchyma between them. If no tissue can be seen between the follicular cysts and the cysts are fairly equal in size, one can suspect? Obturator Internus - CORRECT ANSWER Which muscle groups form the lateral pelvic sidewalls? Vagina - CORRECT ANSWER A Gartner's duct cyst is found in the? Vagina - CORRECT ANSWER The lavator ani muscles are seen, transversely, at the same level as the? Serosa - CORRECT ANSWER The outer membrane of the uterus? Endometrium - CORRECT ANSWER The inner most layer of the uterus? Myometrium - CORRECT ANSWER The middle layer of the uterus? Perimetrium - CORRECT ANSWER The outside layer of the uterus? Nabothian Cyst - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with a common benign cyst, frequently multiple, obstructed and dialated endocervical gland, within the wall of the cervix? Lateral - CORRECT ANSWER The iliac vessels usually lie _____ to the ovary? Fallopian Tubes - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with: They lie within the broad ligament, fertilization usually occurs withing the ampullary portion, it provides nutrients for the ova and sperm, the fimbria communicates with the peritoneal cavity? Nulliparous - CORRECT ANSWER This uterus is small and never had children? Multiparous - CORRECT ANSWER This uterus is larger and had many children? Gravida - CORRECT ANSWER A pregnate woman? Para - CORRECT ANSWER The number of live births a woman has had? Abortus - CORRECT ANSWER The number of lost pregnancies? (still births not included) Salpingo-oophorectomy - CORRECT ANSWER Both tubes and ovaries removed? Posterior Anterior - CORRECT ANSWER Anatomically the uterus lies ____ to the bladder and ____ to the rectum. Bladder Uterus Overies Tubes - CORRECT ANSWER The true pelvis includes? 8x6x4cm - CORRECT ANSWER The normal nullgravida uterus measures? Mullerian - CORRECT ANSWER Embryologically, the _____ ducts fuse to form the uterus, vagina and tubes? Transvaginal Exam - CORRECT ANSWER A patient with large fibroids would not be a good candidate for this type of exam? Bleach Cidex Sporicidin Transeptic NOT BETADINE - CORRECT ANSWER What agens are satisfactory as a disinfectant for a vaginal transducer? Globular uterus - CORRECT ANSWER What is a uterus called that is glove-like or rounded? Broad Ligament - CORRECT ANSWER This is not a true ligament, a double fold of peritomeum and does not provide a solid means of suspension for the uterus, the ovaries attach to this posterior surface? Hypogastric Artery - CORRECT ANSWER This is another name for the Internal Iliac Artery? Cervical - CORRECT ANSWER For Doppler evaluation, US the utern artery at what level for best access? Fornix - CORRECT ANSWER The potential space around the cervix is? Proliferative Endometrium - CORRECT ANSWER The endometrium gets thicker prior to menses. This is called? Leiomyoma - CORRECT ANSWER A uterine fibroid is called a? Poliferative stage - CORRECT ANSWER At this stage the endometrium gets thicker prior to menses? Secretory stage - CORRECT ANSWER At this stage the ovaries produce progesterone and the endometrium provides a hospitable environment for the egg? Periovulatory stage - CORRECT ANSWER This is the stage just before ovulation? Perimenopausal stage - CORRECT ANSWER This is the stage just before menopause? Retroverted, Retroflexed, Dextroposed - CORRECT ANSWER Three discriptions of a uterus pointed to the patient's left? Antiverted, Antiflexed, Levoposed - CORRECT ANSWER Three discriptions of a uterus pointed to the patient's right? Graafian Follicle - CORRECT ANSWER A mature follicle ready for ovulation is called? Preantral Follicle - CORRECT ANSWER A developing follicale is called? 2.5cm - CORRECT ANSWER Ovulation occures when the dominant follicle reaches what size? 2-3mm/day - CORRECT ANSWER During the time just before ovulation, the follicle grows rapidly in a linear manner by ___mm? Periovulatory - CORRECT ANSWER A 24 year old patient at day 14 of her menstruel cycle should show a ____ endometrium? 24-36 hours - CORRECT ANSWER How soon after ovulation does fertilization usually occur? Physiologic Cysts of the ovary - CORRECT ANSWER Follicular cyst Corpus Luteal cyst Theca Lutein cyst Polycystic Estrogen - CORRECT ANSWER Endometrial proliferation phase is stimulated by? Menstrual Cycle - CORRECT ANSWER Day 1-4 Menstrual Phase Day 1-14 Folicular Phase Day 5-15 Proliferative Phase Day 15-28 Secretory or Luteal Phase hCG (human chorogonadotropin) - CORRECT ANSWER What hormone level rises to produce a positive pregnancy test? This hormone is also secreated by the developing placenta following implantaiton of the fertilized ovum. Corpus Luteal Cyst - CORRECT ANSWER A patient taking oral contraceptives would not be expected to develope a what? The pill prevents ovulation, it depresses the FSH. Menarche - CORRECT ANSWER The term to describe the onset of the 1st menstrual cycle is? Preovulatory stage - CORRECT ANSWER The endometrium echo would appear hypoechoic during this stage? Secretory Phase - CORRECT ANSWER The phase following ovulation is called? 100% effective - CORRECT ANSWER Combination oral contraceptives are virtually? Zygote - CORRECT ANSWER A fertilized egg is called a? Pituitary gland - CORRECT ANSWER FSH is produced by the? 48 hours - CORRECT ANSWER During early pregnancy, hCG levels should double every how many hours? hCG increased to a point then plateau - CORRECT ANSWER The hCG levels associated with an extopic pregnancy act how? 8mm - CORRECT ANSWER Day 8 of the menstrual cycle, the endometrium should measure? LH (lutenizing hormone) - CORRECT ANSWER What hormone is responsible for ovulation? Progesterone - CORRECT ANSWER The hormone responsible for premenstrual symptoms and early pregnancy? Proliferative phase - CORRECT ANSWER The menstrual phase when the endometrium is its thinnest? Mittleschmertz - CORRECT ANSWER The term that refers to mid-cycle or ovulatory pain caused by changes in estrogen levels? Placenta - CORRECT ANSWER hCG is produced by the? Ovary and Adrenal Gland - CORRECT ANSWER In a female, testosterone is derived mostly from ____ and ____? 14 days - CORRECT ANSWER In the absence of fertilization, the corpus luteum cyst should regress in ____ days? Hematocolpos - CORRECT ANSWER Blood in the vagina? Most commonly caused by an imperforated hymen. Adrenal Hyperplasia - CORRECT ANSWER Female pseudohermaphroditism is most often caused by? Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) - CORRECT ANSWER Most common disease amoung pediatric patients? Granulosa Cell Tumor - CORRECT ANSWER What ovarian tumor would cause preocious puberty in a child? This is the most common stromal tumor in children and associated with feminizing effects as a result of estrogen production. Turner's Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Most common cause for gonadal dysgenesis, females do not have 2 X chromosomes? Infantile uterus - CORRECT ANSWER The cervix occupies most of the length of the uterine body until puberty, cervix is longer, 2/3rds the length of the utern body and no flexion between cervix and uterus? Sexual Ambiguity - CORRECT ANSWER Mixed gonadal dysgenesis is known as? Anovulation - CORRECT ANSWER The failure to ovulate? Hydrosalpinx - CORRECT ANSWER Blocked tube filled with fluid? Endometriosis - CORRECT ANSWER Cells from the lining of the endometrium grow in other areas of the body and an estimated 40% of women with this will have trouble conceiving? Estrogen - CORRECT ANSWER The hormone that produces cervical mucus? Sonohysterography - CORRECT ANSWER (saline infused sonography or SIS) Technique that uses a catheter inserted into the endometrial cavity, with the insertion of saline solution or contrast medium to fill the endometrial cavity for the purpose of demonstrating abnormalities within the cavity or uterine tubes? Clomid - CORRECT ANSWER The drug of choice used to induce ovulation? Taken orally, helps stimulate ovulation in patients who fail to ovulate because of hypothalamic or pituitary disorders. hCG - CORRECT ANSWER Hormone to trigger ovulation given by intramusculary injection? Estradiol - CORRECT ANSWER What lab value is compared to the ultrasound findings to determine when the ovary is ready to ovulate? In Vitro Fertalization - CORRECT ANSWER Permits the Dr. to retrieve many oocytes? GIFT - CORRECT ANSWER A form of artificial insemination, gamete intrafallopian transfer, has higher success rate than In Vitro? ZIFT - CORRECT ANSWER A form of artificial insemination, Zygote intrafallopia transfer, transfer of fertilized oocytes into the tube either laparoscopically or transcervically? >8mm - CORRECT ANSWER The endometrium in a patient receiving HRT would be abnormal if it measured more than? <5mm - CORRECT ANSWER A postmenepausal women not on HRT, the endometrium should not measure more than? Benign Hyperplasia (increased cell production) - CORRECT ANSWER Most common cause of postmenopausal bleeding and although benign, it is considered a precursor to endometrial cancer? Diseases seen in postmenapausal women - CORRECT ANSWER Endometrial carcinoma Ovarian Cancer Endometrial Hyperplasia Leiomyomas Endometrial carcinoma - CORRECT ANSWER The most common gynecological maligancy seen in the United States? Postmenepausal Uterus - CORRECT ANSWER This decreases in size and becomes infantile in appearance in postmenepausal women? Low Impedance - CORRECT ANSWER On color Doppler US, most malignant ovarian tumors yield flow signals that are best characterized as? Enodmetial atrophy - CORRECT ANSWER Seen in postmenepausal woman, asymptomatic, fluid in the endometrium cavity caused by vessels becoming frail and breaking? Malignancy - CORRECT ANSWER An ovarian tumor with pelvic ascites usually suggest? An exception would be ascites associated with ovarian fibroma. Ovary - CORRECT ANSWER Most common site for an extrauterine adnexal mass is the? Thecoma - CORRECT ANSWER A solid benign ovarian neoplasm? Fibroma - CORRECT ANSWER A solid benign fibroid? Brenner's Tumor - CORRECT ANSWER A solid malignant ovarian tumor? Teratoma - CORRECT ANSWER A solid tumor, can be malignant or benign formd by different types of tissue? Dysgerminoma - CORRECT ANSWER A malignant ovarian germ cell tumor? Endometrioma Cyctadenoma Dermoid Pyosalpinx - CORRECT ANSWER Benign ovarian tumors? Endometrioma "Chocolate Cyst" - CORRECT ANSWER A benign cyst of the oary related to endometriosis? Adnexal mass with likelyhood of malignancy - CORRECT ANSWER A large, thick-walled cyst with multiple thick septations anf free fluid would suggest? Benign masses - CORRECT ANSWER An adnexal mass appearing cystic and walls are thin, if septations are present, they are thin and lack solid tissue? Ecoderm, Mesoderm and Endoderm - CORRECT ANSWER A benign teratoma contains tissue from? Ectoderm - CORRECT ANSWER A dermoid cyst contains tissue from? Stein-Leventhal Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER Associated with obesity, hirsutism (hairiness in women), infertility, polycystic ovary disease, anovulation due to hormone imbalances, irregular menses, excessive androgen? Granulosa Cell Tumor - CORRECT ANSWER A tumor that is benign but can become malignant, estrogenic and seen mostly in postmenepausal women? Arrhenoblastoma - CORRECT ANSWER A female mass considered androgenic, secreats testosterone, masculine stature, male hair growth and after removal female characteristics should return? Androgen - CORRECT ANSWER The hormone responsible for male characteristics? Mullerian Ducts - CORRECT ANSWER A bicornuate uterus is a congenital malformation that results from incomplete fusion of the? Space of Retzuis - CORRECT ANSWER The retropubic, extraperitoneal space between pubic symphisis and bladder? Paraovarian Cyst - CORRECT ANSWER This is a broad ligament cyst and arises from the epoophoron (next to the ovary and tube)? - Other cysts found in this area: cysts of Kobelt's tubles, hydatids of Morgagni, fimbrial cysts. Endometriosis - CORRECT ANSWER A disease of upp/middle class professionals, more common in caucasians, can be hereditary. Symptoms are cyclic, menorrhagia, dysmenorrhagia, dyspareunia? Anterior and Superior - CORRECT ANSWER The most common location for a benign cystic teretoma is? Endometrioma - CORRECT ANSWER "chocolate cyst", associated with endometriosis, adnexal in location and usually asymptomatic? Uterine Fibroid - CORRECT ANSWER One would not expect to see cul-de-sac fluid with what pathology? Hydrosalpinx - CORRECT ANSWER Chlamydia and severe pelvic pain are typical with causing fluid in the tubes called? DES (diethylstilbestrol) - CORRECT ANSWER This is a synthetic estrogen and was used to prevent miscarriages but is no longer in use? Can cause: uterine malformations, cervical and vaginal cancer, preterm labor and ectopic pregnancies. Benign - CORRECT ANSWER Most ovarian ovarian tumors are? (malignant or benign) Meig's syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER A specific condition of ascites and hydrothorax in conjunction with a benign ovary fibroma? Hydrothorax - CORRECT ANSWER A serous fluid accumulationin the pleural cavity? Fitz-Hugh Curtis Syndrome - CORRECT ANSWER A development of perihepatitis with adhesions and RUQ pain, PID or salpingo-oophoritis, vaginal and cervical pathogenic bacteria is called? Malignancy - CORRECT ANSWER Symptoms of abdominal swelling, low back pain and elevated CA-125 may suggest? CA-125 - CORRECT ANSWER A cancer antigen found in ovarian cancer? Hepatic Adenoma - CORRECT ANSWER A patient taking oral contraceptives for more than 5 years is at an increased risk for? Hepatic adenoma - CORRECT ANSWER A rare benign liver tumor that may be caused by prolonged oral contraceptives? Lithotomy - CORRECT ANSWER the patient must be in this position for a TV exam, feet in sturps and bottom at edge of table? Trendelenburg's Position - CORRECT ANSWER Patient is supine with the head at a 45 degree angle lower than the feet? This is a treatment for an imcompitant cervix. Frank breech - CORRECT ANSWER The fetus is butt first with feet and legs extended upwards? Cervical carcinoma - CORRECT ANSWER This affects women of menstrual age, vaginal discharge or bleeding, a retrovesical mass, obstruction of the ureters and invasion of the bladder? ... - CORRECT ANSWER Endometrial Thickness Menstrual phase 2-3mm Early proliferative phase 4-6mm Periovulatory phase 6-8mm Secretory phase 8-15mm Solid Teratoma - CORRECT ANSWER An encapsulated tumor with tissue or organ components of all three germ layer, usually benign? Adenocarcinoma - CORRECT ANSWER Cancer of ovarian cells? Arrhenoblastoma - CORRECT ANSWER A malignant ovarian tumor that releases male hormones in a woman? Fibroma - CORRECT ANSWER Benign ovarian tumor associated with ascites? (Meig's tumor) Dysgerminoma - CORRECT ANSWER A malignant ovarian germ cell tumor? 3mm - CORRECT ANSWER Normal nucal translucency does not exceed? Uterine artery - CORRECT ANSWER The cervix is supplied by the? Inferior to the renal arteries - CORRECT ANSWER Ovarian arteries arise from the lateral margine of the AO at the level? IVC - CORRECT ANSWER The RT ovarian vein drains into the? [Show More]

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