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APhA Immunization Exam 80 Questions with Answers,100% CORRECT

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APhA Immunization Exam 80 Questions with Answers Which of the following vaccines may be administered to boys and young men aged 9 through 26 years to reduce the likelihood of acquiring genital wart... s? Hepatitis A. Hepatitis B. VAR. HPV9. - CORRECT ANSWER HPV9 What is the type of immunity that occurs when a pregnant woman is vaccinated with Tdap to protect the infant from pertussis after birth? Active immunity Acquired immunity Cell-mediated immunity Passive immunity - CORRECT ANSWER passive immunity Even though state laws may have specific mandates, how long should pharmacists maintain records of immunizations? 5 years. 10 years. 20 years. For the patient's lifetime. - CORRECT ANSWER For the patient's lifetime. HealthMap Vaccine Finder is a free online tool that allows pharmacists to: Order vaccines from multiple distributors through a centralized hub. Manage vaccine inventory during shortages. List their vaccination services so patients can find them when searching the website for nearby immunizers. Order free print marketing materials. - CORRECT ANSWER List their vaccination services so patients can find them when searching the website for nearby immunizers. Which of the following is recognized by sociologists as a factor in a patient's decision whether to be vaccinated? History of medication use. History of chronic medical conditions. Influence of a health care provider. Discount coupon in local newspaper. - CORRECT ANSWER Influence of a health care provider. Why was the live attenuated influenza vaccine (LAIV) removed from the ACIP's influenza vaccine recommendations? It was shown to cause influenza in children and adolescents. Low effectiveness of this vaccine was seen during the 2013-2014 and 2015-2016 influenza seasons. Serious adverse events were reported with LAIV. There was concern about vaccine supply issues. - CORRECT ANSWER Low effectiveness of this vaccine was seen during the 2013-2014 and 2015-2016 influenza seasons. HZV should not be administered to a patient with a history of anaphylaxis to: Eggs. Latex. Tree nuts. Gelatin. - CORRECT ANSWER Gelatin. The monitoring system that health care providers should use to report serious adverse events after vaccination is: VAERS. OSHA. CMS-1500. VICP. - CORRECT ANSWER VAERS Kyle is a 5-year-old boy who is up to date with his vaccinations. He has never experienced any adverse effects from vaccinations. At his next well-child check-up, Kyle will be receiving the following vaccines: IPV, MMR, varicella vaccine, and a tetanus-containing vaccine. Which of the following tetanus-containing vaccines would be appropriate for him? DTaP. DT. Td. Tdap. - CORRECT ANSWER DTaP Federal law makes offering an annual influenza vaccination a requirement for continued federal funding in which setting? Patient-centered medical homes Accountable care organizations Long-term care facilities Home health care - CORRECT ANSWER Long-term care facilities Robert is a 48-year-old pharmacist who is preparing to provide immunizations in his pharmacy for the first time next fall. He has no documentation of receiving the hepatitis B vaccine and would like to be vaccinated before administering vaccines in his practice. What is the recommended routine schedule for vaccination against hepatitis B? 0 and 2 months. 0 and 6 months. 0, 1, and 2 months. 0, 1, and 6 months. - CORRECT ANSWER 0, 1, and 6 months. Which of the following is most likely to result in an influenza pandemic? Antigenic drift in an influenza A virus. Antigenic shift in an influenza A virus. Antigenic drift in an influenza B virus. Antigenic shift in an influenza C virus. - CORRECT ANSWER Antigenic shift in an influenza A virus. Kimberly is a 34 year-old woman who is 30 weeks pregnant. She received a Td booster dose 1 year ago when she cut her hand while working in the kitchen. She has no documentation of receiving a Tdap vaccine. The most appropriate recommendation would be to administer: Tdap as soon as possible. Tdap immediately postpartum. DTaP as soon as possible. Td in 9 years. - CORRECT ANSWER Tdap as soon as possible. For a patient who needs to receive IIV and HZV, which of the following best describes appropriate administration of these vaccines? Administer IIV and wait 4 weeks before administering HZV. Administer these 2 vaccines at the same visit. Mix the 2 vaccines together in the same syringe before administration to minimize the number of injections. Administer the HZV now, then wait 3 months before administering IIV. - CORRECT ANSWER Administer these 2 vaccines at the same visit. Which of these vaccines is an inactivated vaccine? LAIV. Varicella. MMR. Tdap. - CORRECT ANSWER Tdap. If a vial of influenza vaccine is left out of the refrigerator on the pharmacy counter overnight, what should be done with the vaccine? Dispose of it as biohazardous waste immediately. Refrigerate immediately and use within 30 days. Mark "do not use," place in the refrigerator, and call the manufacturer for further guidance. Mark "do not use," place in the freezer, and call the manufacturer for further guidance. - CORRECT ANSWER Mark "do not use," place in the refrigerator, and call the manufacturer for further guidance. Which of the following statements about live attenuated vaccines is true? They should generally be avoided in immunocompromised individuals. Their effectiveness wanes faster than inactivated vaccines. They can be either whole cell, fractional, or toxoids. Circulating antibodies have no impact on their effectiveness. - CORRECT ANSWER They should generally be avoided in immunocompromised individuals. Which of these vaccines is a live attenuated vaccine? IIV4. Zoster. PPSV23. Td. - CORRECT ANSWER zoster Alan is a 47-year-old man who has no documentation of a primary series of tetanus-containing vaccine. Which of the following would be an appropriate primary series for Alan? DTaP today; Td in 4 weeks; Td 6 months after the second dose. Tdap today; Tdap in 4 weeks; Tdap 6 months after the second dose. DTaP today; DTaP in 4 weeks, DTaP 6 months after the second dose. Tdap today; Td in 4 weeks; Td 6 months after the second dose. - CORRECT ANSWER Tdap today; Td in 4 weeks; Td 6 months after the second dose. Which of the following best describes how to administer MMR vaccine to an adult patient weighing 210 lb? Inject subcutaneously at a 45° angle in the outer aspect of the upper arm. Inject intramuscularly at a 45° angle in the deltoid muscle. Inject subcutaneously at a 90° angle in the outer aspect of the upper arm. Inject intramuscularly at a 90° angle in the deltoid muscle. - CORRECT ANSWER Inject subcutaneously at a 45° angle in the outer aspect of the upper arm. HPV vaccine is recommended for which of the following individuals? 36-year-old woman. 27-year-old woman. 12-year-old boy. 8-year-old girl. - CORRECT ANSWER 12-year-old boy. Which of the following diseases are transmitted through mosquito bites? Typhoid fever and Haemophilus influenzae type b. Hepatitis A and typhoid fever. Yellow fever and Japanese encephalitis. Hepatitis A and measles. - CORRECT ANSWER Yellow fever and Japanese encephalitis. When Mary turned 64, she was diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. At that time, she received PPSV23. Which of the following represents appropriate pneumococcal coverage for Mary. Administer PPSV23 at age 65, then PCV13 at age 66. Administer PPSV23 at age 69, then PCV13 at age 70 Administer PCV13 at age 65, then PPSV23 at age 69. Administer PCV13 at age 65, then PPSV23 at age 66. - CORRECT ANSWER Administer PCV13 at age 65, then PPSV23 at age 69. According to ACIP recommendations, which of the following needle lengths would be appropriate for administering HZV to an adult patient? ½ inch. ⅝ inch. 1 inch. 1½ inch. - CORRECT ANSWER ⅝ inch. Which of the following documents must be given to every patient or patient's caregiver before administration of a vaccine covered under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA)? CMS-1500. VIS. PHS-731. CMS-855B. - CORRECT ANSWER VIS Aiden is a 6-month-old healthy boy with no known allergies. He has received vaccinations in the past with no reported adverse reactions. Aiden's father asks about having his son vaccinated against influenza. The most appropriate response would be to inform the father that Aiden: Is too young to be vaccinated against influenza Should receive 1 dose of IIV4 today followed by a second dose of IIV4 administered 4 weeks later Should receive 1 dose of LAIV today followed by a second dose of LAIV a - CORRECT ANSWER Should receive 1 dose of IIV4 today followed by a second dose of IIV4 administered 4 weeks later Which of the following is a requirement of the Occupational Safety and Health Administration's (OSHA's) Bloodborne Pathogens Standard? All persons employed by the pharmacy must be offered hepatitis A and hepatitis B vaccines. Health care providers must use safety devices when administering injectable vaccines. All needles should be clipped or recapped before placing in the biohazard container. All employees of the pharmacy must attend an OSHA training course every 5 years. - CORRECT ANSWER Health care providers must use safety devices when administering injectable vaccines. What is the most common complication of pertussis? Seizures Pneumonia Hypoxemia Colic - CORRECT ANSWER pneumonia With the exception of rotavirus, the routinely recommended live vaccines are contraindicated in a patient who: Is finishing a course of antibiotics. Is breastfeeding. Is immunosuppressed. Received another live vaccine 6 weeks ago. - CORRECT ANSWER Is immunosuppressed. How often are the Healthy People targets for vaccination rates updated? Every year Every 5 years Every 10 years Every 20 years - CORRECT ANSWER Every 10 years Which type of vaccine involves stimulation of B cells without the assistance of T helper cells? Live attenuated vaccines Conjugated vaccines Pure polysaccharide vaccines Recombinant vaccines - CORRECT ANSWER Pure polysaccharide vaccines In which publication does the CDC initially publish new or updated vaccine recommendations? Epidemiology and Prevention of Vaccine-Preventable Diseases Needle Tips Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) Vaccine - CORRECT ANSWER Morbidity and Mortality Weekly Report (MMWR) According to ACIP, which of the following is a contraindication to receiving HZV? Current treatment for lymphoma. Age 59 years or younger. Past history of herpes zoster. Has never received the varicella zoster vaccine (VAR). - CORRECT ANSWER Current treatment for lymphoma. Justin is a healthy 16-year-old boy who has no documentation of varicella vaccine or history of the disease. He should receive: No doses of varicella vaccine because he can be considered immune to varicella 1 dose of varicella vaccine. 2 doses of varicella vaccine separated by at least 4 weeks. 2 doses of varicella vaccine separated by 3 months. - CORRECT ANSWER 2 doses of varicella vaccine separated by at least 4 weeks. Emily is a 16-year-old high-school student with no chronic medical conditions. Emily's immunization record shows that she completed the primary series for IPV, HepA, Hib, DTaP, and MMR, and she had a physician-diagnosed case of chickenpox at 2 years of age. Which of the following would be the most appropriate recommendation for her today? Tdap, HPV, MCV, HepB, and influenza, if during influenza season. DTaP, HPV, MCV, HepB, and influenza, if during influenza season. Tdap, HPV, MCV, and influ - CORRECT ANSWER Tdap, HPV, MCV, HepB, and influenza, if during influenza season. Which of the following tetanus booster vaccines would be most appropriate for administration to a 12-year-old boy who has completed a primary series with DTaP and has no known allergies? DTaP. DT. Td. Tdap. - CORRECT ANSWER Tdap Which of the following statements is true regarding how vaccines evoke an immune response? T cells bind directly to the antigen contained in the vaccine and activate the humoral immune response. The antigen in the vaccine activates B cells, which produce antigen-specific antibodies and memory cells. When exposed to the vaccine, T cells mature into plasma cells and produce antigen-specific antibodies. B cells bind directly to the antigen contained in the vaccine and activate the cell-mediate - CORRECT ANSWER The antigen in the vaccine activates B cells, which produce antigen-specific antibodies and memory cells. Ava has arrived at the clinic for her well-child visit. She is 4 months old. Ava's immunization record reveals that she has received the following vaccines: 2 doses of HepB 1 dose of Hib 1 dose of rotavirus 1 dose of PCV13 1 dose of DTaP 1 dose of IPV Which vaccines should Ava receive at today's visit? DTaP, Hib, PCV13, IPV, rotavirus, and IIV. DTaP, Hib, PCV13, IPV, and rotavirus. DTaP, HepB, MMR, and varicella. DTaP, PCV13, IPV, and IIV. - CORRECT ANSWER DTaP, Hib, PCV13, IPV, and rotavirus. If pharmacists are called upon to assist with vaccination efforts following a natural disaster, which vaccine is likely to be needed by many of the victims? Tetanus Pneumococcal MMR Meningococcal B - CORRECT ANSWER tetanus John is a 46-year-old man with diabetes. He requests a refill of his diabetes testing supplies on October 21st. His immunization record indicates that he has completed the primary series of MMR, DTaP, HepA, and HepB vaccines. John has a documented history of chickenpox, and his last Td booster dose was 19 years ago. Which of the following vaccines should he receive? Td and influenza. PCV13, Td, and IIV. PPSV23, Tdap, and IIV. PCV13 and IIV. - CORRECT ANSWER PPSV23, Tdap, and IIV. All Medicare Part B enrollees are covered for which vaccines? Influenza, PPSV23, and PCV13 HZV, influenza, and PPSV23 Tdap, PCV13, and influenza HZV, Tdap, and PPSV23 - CORRECT ANSWER Influenza, PPSV23, and PCV13 Which of the following immunization strategies is preferred for adults under the age of 65 years with immunocompromising conditions who require both PCV13 and PPSV23? PCV13 first, followed by PPSV23 at least 8 weeks later. PCV13 first, followed by PPSV23 at least 1 year later. PPSV23 first, followed by PCV13 at least 8 weeks later. PPSV23 first, followed by PCV13 at least 6 months later. - CORRECT ANSWER PCV13 first, followed by PPSV23 at least 8 weeks later. A history of anaphylaxis caused by gelatin would be a contraindication to receiving which of the following vaccines? Varicella. Tdap. Pneumococcal. Hepatitis B. - CORRECT ANSWER varicella A 69 year-old man received Td vaccination 4 years ago. He is preparing to travel to see his newborn granddaughter next month. Which of the following vaccines containing tetanus, diphtheria, and/or pertussis would be most appropriate for him? Td. Tdap. He is over 64 years of age; neither Td or Tdap are recommended at this time. It is too soon to administer any tetanus-containing vaccines. - CORRECT ANSWER Tdap. Vaccines as well as exposure to natural disease are both examples of which type of immunity? Innate immunity Temporary immunity Active immunity Passive immunity - CORRECT ANSWER active immunity According to ACIP recommendations, what is the maximum number of doses of PPSV23 a patient should receive in his or her lifetime? 1 dose. 2 doses. 3 doses. Unlimited. - CORRECT ANSWER 3 doses. According to the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP), which of the following would be considered adequate evidence of immunity to varicella, indicating that administration of varicella vaccine is unnecessary? Patient self-reported case of chickenpox Patient self-reported case of herpes zoster. Birth in the United States after 1990. Diagnosis of chickenpox by a health care provider. - CORRECT ANSWER Diagnosis of chickenpox by a health care provider. Which of the following best describes an opportunity for pharmacists to use diagnosis-based screening to identify people at risk for vaccine-preventable diseases? Performing a medication review for a patient who has diabetes. Recommending vaccinations for a patient undergoing a splenectomy. Providing hospital discharge counseling to a patient. Providing vaccine information at a booth of a health fair. - CORRECT ANSWER Performing a medication review for a patient who has diabetes. What is the standard dose of epinephrine for managing anaphylaxis? 0.01 mg per kg body weight, up to a maximum of 0.5 mg. 0.1 mg per kg body weight, up to a maximum of 5 mg. 0.5 mg for all patients. 5 mg for all patients. - CORRECT ANSWER 0.01 mg per kg body weight, up to a maximum of 0.5 mg. According to ACIP recommendations, HZV is indicated for the prevention of herpes zoster in adults aged: 18 years and older. 50 years and older. 60 years and older. 65 years and older. - CORRECT ANSWER 60 years and older. During which step of the Pharmacists' Patient Care Process would a pharmacist analyze a patient's need for certain vaccines? Collect Assess Plan Implement - CORRECT ANSWER assess What is the minimum needle length recommended for administering HepB vaccine to an adult patient weighing 130 lb? ½ inch. ⅝ inch. 1 inch. 1½ inch. - CORRECT ANSWER 1 inch For which age group is the adjuvanted inactivated influenza vaccine approved? 2 through 49 years 19 through 64 years 4 years and older 65 years and older - CORRECT ANSWER 65 years and older If a patient received the first dose of HepB but did not return for the remaining doses in the series, under what circumstances should the HepB series be restarted? If more than 2 months have passed since the second dose was due. If more than 1 year has passed since the second dose was due. If more than 5 years have passed since the second dose was due. The series should not be restarted; resume the series where it was interrupted. - CORRECT ANSWER The series should not be restarted; resume the series where it was interrupted. Which of the following vaccines is recommended for infants to receive within 24 hours of birth? IIV3, if during influenza season. Hepatitis A. Hepatitis B. MMR. - CORRECT ANSWER Hepatitis B. Why are adjuvants added to vaccines? To minimize the adverse reactions of the vaccine. To strengthen the immune response to the antigen. To extend the vaccines expiration date. To provide immediate protection from disease. - CORRECT ANSWER To strengthen the immune response to the antigen. Why should refrigerated vaccines be stored in the middle of the refrigerator? To keep them separated from food on the bottom shelf. To be at eye level. There are fewer temperature fluctuations. They are easier to reach. - CORRECT ANSWER There are fewer temperature fluctuations. After completion of a primary vaccine series and documentation of a one-time dose of Tdap, Td booster doses are recommended every: 1 year. 2 years. 5 years. 10 years. - CORRECT ANSWER 10 years Which of the following statements about establishing clinics for administering vaccines is true? Clinics can only be held within the pharmacy. Technicians can administer screening questionnaires and distribute VISs. In all states, student pharmacists can administer vaccines during a clinic under appropriate supervision. Clinics are better-suited to year-round vaccines than to influenza vaccines. - CORRECT ANSWER Technicians can administer screening questionnaires and distribute VISs. Which of the following statements is true regarding varicella-containing vaccines? The potency of HZV is greater than that of varicella vaccine. The potency of varicella vaccine is greater than that of HZV. The potency of varicella vaccine is the same as HZV. The vaccines are interchangeable. - CORRECT ANSWER The potency of HZV is greater than that of varicella vaccine. Which of the following patients are appropriate candidates for the 2-dose schedule of HPV9? 15 year-old boy with no medical conditions, series has not been started 11 year-old girl with no medical conditions, series has not been started 12 year-old boy with no medical conditions, 1st dose given on May 9th, 2nd dose given on September 14th 9 year-old boy who had a heart transplant at age 2 and has a history of sexual abuse, 1st dose given on February 23rd, 2nd dose has not been given - CORRECT ANSWER 11 year-old girl with no medical conditions, series has not been started Kate is a 24-year-old woman with asthma. She requests a refill of her albuterol inhaler on November 1st. Kate's immunization record indicates that she completed the primary series of MMR, varicella, DTaP, HepA, and HepB vaccines, and she received a dose of Tdap 2 years ago. For complete coverage, which of the following vaccines should she receive? PCV13 and IIV. PPSV23, IIV, and HPV. PPSV23, IIV, HPV, and Td. IIV, HPV, and Td. - CORRECT ANSWER PPSV23, IIV, and HPV. Adolescents should be routinely vaccinated with MCV4 on the following schedule: 1 dose at age 11 to 12 years. 1 dose at age 16 years. 1 dose at age 11 to 12 years, followed by a booster dose at age 16 years. 1 dose at age 16 years, followed by a booster dose at age 18 years. - CORRECT ANSWER 1 dose at age 11 to 12 years, followed by a booster dose at age 16 years. How is the live, cholera vaccine administered? Intramuscularly. Orally. Subcutaneously. Intranasally. - CORRECT ANSWER Orally. The childhood/adolescent and adult immunization schedules are updated and published annually during which months? January or February April or May September or October November or December - CORRECT ANSWER January or February Which disease is almost certain to cause death if infected patients do not receive postexposure prophylaxis? Hepatitis B. Measles. Meningococal disease. Rabies. - CORRECT ANSWER rabies The presence of fever, diffuse maculopapular rash, and Koplik spots are characteristic of which of the following diseases? Rubella. Varicella. Measles. Mumps. - CORRECT ANSWER measles Which of the following patients would be a candidate for PPSV23? 12-month-old boy with asthma. 25-year-old man who smokes cigarettes. 33-year-old woman who is pregnant. 50-year-old woman with no medical conditions. - CORRECT ANSWER 25-year-old man who smokes cigarettes. RotaTeq (RV5) should be administered as a: 2-dose series to infants at 2 and 4 months of age. 2-dose series to infants at 0 and 6 months of age. 3-dose series to infants at 2, 4, and 6 months of age. 3-dose series to infants at 1, 2, and 6 months of age. - CORRECT ANSWER 3-dose series to infants at 2, 4, and 6 months of age. Which of the following statements would be accurate when responding to a patient's concerns about the safety of vaccines? In recent years, several hot lots of the vaccine have been known to cause severe adverse events. We do not stock these vaccines. Thimerosal in vaccines poses a risk for autism—we can use a vaccine that is thimerosal-free. The immune system is capable of stimulating an immune response to multiple vaccines administered at the same time. While influenza vaccines may cause - CORRECT ANSWER The immune system is capable of stimulating an immune response to multiple vaccines administered at the same time. When looking at the schedule for vaccines that might be indicated for children and adolescents aged 18 years or younger based on medical indications, what does the orange bar represent? Contraindicated. Precautions for vaccination. Recommended if an additional risk factor is present. Additional doses may be needed based on condition. - CORRECT ANSWER Precautions for vaccination. Upon giving a VIS to a patient who is to receive a vaccine cover under the National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act, what must be documented? The date the VIS was given to the patient or caregiver and the title of the VIS. The date printed on the VIS and signed confirmation that the patient has read the VIS. The date the VIS was given to the patient or caregiver and the date printed on the VIS. Signed confirmation that the patient has read the VIS and the title of the VIS. - CORRECT ANSWER The date the VIS was given to the patient or caregiver and the date printed on the VIS. Alex is a 32-year-old man who is scheduled to travel to a country where hepatitis A is endemic. He leaves in 3 weeks and will be gone a month. He received his first dose of hepatitis A vaccine today. Alex should be counseled to return for his second dose of hepatitis A vaccine: In 4 weeks. In 6 months. In 2 years. Immediately after travel. - CORRECT ANSWER In 6 months. Jackie is a 34-year-old woman who received an influenza vaccine from you today. She wants to know how long it will take for the vaccine to begin working to protect her from getting the flu. What would be the most appropriate response to this patient? 90 days 28 days 14 days 2 days - CORRECT ANSWER 14 days Name the vaccine-preventable disease that may be contracted by unimmunized children from adults serving as reservoirs for the disease, which causes a paroxysmal cough and potentially can result in pneumonia, seizures, encephalopathy, hypoxia, and death. Pneumococcal disease. Pertussis. Varicella. Influenza. - CORRECT ANSWER pertussis Arthus reactions, which are exaggerated local reactions that can occur if a patient is vaccinated too frequently, are most commonly reported after which vaccine? Inactivated influenza vaccine (IIV). Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccines. Pneumococcal polysaccharide vaccine (PPSV). Hepatitis B vaccine. - CORRECT ANSWER Tetanus and diphtheria toxoid-containing vaccines. Which of the following patients is a candidate for both MenACWY and MenB vaccines? A 10 year-old who just had his spleen removed. A 16 year-old with HIV. A 2-month old with a C2 deficiency (a complement component deficiency). A 22 year-old military recruit. - CORRECT ANSWER A 10 year-old who just had his spleen removed. If a patient is a candidate for revaccination with PPSV23, what is the ACIP-recommended interval between doses of this vaccine? 1 year. 2 years. 3 years. 5 years. - CORRECT ANSWER 5 years David is a healthy 5-year-old boy who is scheduled to see his pediatrician for a checkup in July prior to starting kindergarten. David's immunization record reveals that he has received the following vaccines: 3 doses of HepB 4 doses of PCV13 2 doses of HepA 3 doses of IPV 2 doses of rotavirus 1 dose of MMRV 4 doses of DTaP 4 doses of Hib Which vaccines should David receive at this visit? DTaP, IPV, MMR, and varicella. DTaP, MMR, and MCV4. DTaP, MMR, rotavirus, and IPV. MMR and varicella. - CORRECT ANSWER DTaP, IPV, MMR, and varicella. In 2014, which vaccination rate was lowest among adolescents 13 through 17 years of age? Tdap MMR Meningococcal (MenACWY) HPV - CORRECT ANSWER HPV [Show More]

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