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Ashford University PSYCHOLOGY 303 Abnormal Psychology - Exam. 100% Correct

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PSYCHOLOGY 303 Sally is seriously depressed at age 18. Research using the Q-sort suggests that as a child, Sally probably would have been described as According to the text, tests of conscientiousne... ss seem to predict ________ better than ________. Studies using the Q-set suggest that overcontrol might be a risk factor for depression in males but not females. Integrity tests are often used by employers in personnel selection. Researchers have proposed that self-monitoring is actually a type rather than a trait. Which of the following is NOT a dimension that would likely show differences between liberals and conservatives? Which of the Big Five traits appears to have the most inconsistency in terms of cross-cultural replication? What brain region appears to be important for the abilities to plan ahead, anticipate consequences, and to engage in moral reasoning? What brain region seems to connect the two halves of the brain? Evidence from research and from brain damage case studies suggests that the ________ is/are the location of cognitive control, serving to anticipate the future, plan for it, and regulate emotions in response to it. A low level of MAO in the blood seems to correlate with sensation seeking and criminal behavior. The only time females have testosterone in their bodies is when they are pregnant with male offspring. False Nerve fibers that connect nerves to each other are called Which brain region secretes several hormones and is located just above the roof of the mouth? Drugs like Prozac and Paxil work on the dopamine system. False One problem researchers experience when attempting to directly link testosterone to aggression and sexuality is that Before brain surgery, Elliot was a good father and held a responsible job. After removal of portions of his frontal lobe, Elliot’s personality changed in what way? As a result of Timothy’s genes, he went through puberty later than his peers. Because he was much smaller than other boys, they tended to pick on him, and he fought back to protect himself. As a young adult, Timothy is more aggressive than his peers. This scenario illustrates that his aggression is Kara is placing a personal ad in the local paper. According to evolutionary predictions about mate selection, what will she most likely mention when describing herself? The prevalence for the short allele of 5-HTTT is higher in Caucasians than in Japanese populations. Half-siblings share about how much genetic material on average? .25 Which piece of evidence was NOT discussed as providing support for Bem’s theory? What gene seems to be related to the trait of sensation seeking or novelty seeking? DRD4 The short allele form of 5-HTTT is thought to be the riskier form for a high level of neuroticism. A researcher who measures the extent to which genetic factors influence the trait of narcissism is taking an evolutionary approach. The point of view that scientists will be able to reduce everything about the mind to biology is called Humans share about 98 percent of their genetic material with chimpanzees. What might explain difference in heritability coefficients between twin and non-twin studies? In a successful joke, the forbidden impulse is Repression is a more complicated defense mechanism than denial. Psychoanalytic theory frequently leads to a set of hypotheses that cannot be disproved by observations. In that respect, psychoanalytic theory Which defense mechanism seems to have few negative consequences according to Freud? Sally accuses her husband of having an affair because she is secretly attracted to the next-door neighbor. Sally is likely ________ her own feelings. The ego develops during the anal stage. Strategies that help individuals cope with anxiety, guilt, and shame are called The superego uses defense mechanisms to keep impulses at bay. A moralistic church official ends up patronizing prostitutes. According to Freudian theory, this was caused by As a boy, Steve enjoyed the power he had over his friends. Later in life he became a politician who used his influence to promote social justice. This is an example of what Freud called Sophia tries to keep her distance from other people, especially her boyfriend. How might Freud explain this behavior? Psychoanalytic therapy emphasizes unconditional positive regard. According to the text, what is the psychological theme of the anal stage? The ego’s energy store is The ________ is the idea that psychic energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Trivialization is one kind of rationalization. What type of primary process thinking refers to the instance where one image represents multiple thoughts, memories, and emotions? According to psychoanalytic theory, no action is ever random. The two key dimensions of adult attachment are ambivalence about relationships and investment in relationships. In middle age, we experience the psychosocial crisis of ________, according to Erikson. Ellen is a 50-year-old woman who is raising her two grandchildren, is active in her community, and is learning how to paint. According to Erikson’s theory, Ellen has chosen Adler felt that ________ was an important motivator of human thought and behavior. Freud’s phallic stage corresponds to Erikson’s stage of Tom was a sickly child and always felt helpless. According to Adler, as an adult Tom will probably Which sequence represents the correct order for Erikson’s first three psychosocial stages? Horney’s major deviation from traditional Freudian ideas was her There is evidence that catharsis is beneficial for physical and psychological health. Jane feels inferior to the people around her, but she tries to act like she is powerful and in control. Adler would say that Jane is Some psychologists maintain that your relationships with other people are based on the images of them that you hold in your mind. Psychologists who emphasize this idea are known as ________ theorists. According to Jung, all people use all four types of thinking (rational thinking, feeling, sensing, and intuiting). According to Freud, when do individuals focus on enhancing society? In one study, male U.S. military veterans were asked about their past behaviors. Those with higher testosterone levels more often reported If you commit a slip of the tongue when you are tired, Freud would say that Serotonin seems to play a role in the inhibition of behavioral impulses. In psychoanalytic terms, objects are Which hormone is associated with the fight-or-flight response? Freud believed that sublimation is generally a positive process. The major histocompatibility complex (MHC) is What does Freud mean by fixation? Freud initially used hypnosis in therapy and later used free association According to psychoanalytic theory, ________ occurs when the mind battles itself. What behavioral genetic research finding seems to support the conclusion that the effect of growing up in the same home environment is rather minimal? Ricardo likes to drive fast cars and enjoys bungee jumping and going to noisy nightclubs. According to Eysenck’s theory, it is likely that Ricardo is a(n) ________ whose ARAS causes him to be chronically ________. According to evolutionary theory, a man’s greatest worry is that One difference between the neo-Freudians and Freud is that nearly all neo-Freudians According to the somatic marker hypothesis, specific regions of the brain store specific life memories. The approach that attempts to explain how patterns of behavior characteristic of the entire human species originated because of the survival value they had for our ancestors is called Unlike other perspectives, the psychoanalytic perspective emphasizes the importance of ________ in determining behavior. According to the text, what is one reason why psychoanalytic theory is not advancing in academic departments? Buss, Larsen, Westen, and Semmelroth make the point that the recent finding that male sexual jealousy is the leading cause of spouse battering and homicide across cultures worldwide offers suggestive evidence that Hormones carry nerve impulses across synapses Which of the following is TRUE about Freud’s description of the ego Which of the following is NOT considered to be a compelling reason to learn about Freud? The main goal of psychoanalytic therapy is According to the text, Freud was What is the technical name for drugs like Prozac Galen suggested that there were ________ basic types of personality, each linked to an excessive amount of a different ________. Sally believes that anything natural is morally acceptable. What fallacy is she committing? Research suggests that avoidant children are likely to grow up to be adults who tend to The time, place, and circumstances into which you happened to be born is called Carl Rogers maintained that the one basic tendency for humans is to Which of the following philosophers was NOT mentioned in the text as an existentialist thinker? Descartes According to George Kelly, your interpretation or theory of what the world is like is your Linda thinks that her friends will like her only if she is thin, attractive, and cheerful. Rogers would say that it is unlikely that Linda will Existentialists would say that if Donna does not worry about existential concerns but instead focuses on getting a job, obtaining material wealth, or maintaining her friendships, then she will According to Sartre, angst can be analyzed into three separate sensations. What are they? anguish, forlornness, despair George Kelly believed that personal constructs are bipolar True Kelly emphasized the importance of unconditional positive regard False The courage to face mortality and the apparent meaningless of life is called ________ by existential philosophers An autotelic activity The biological component of experience is called Eigenwelt. False The tendency to see members of your own group as very different from one another but the members of groups to which you do not belong as very similar to each other is called the Ethnocentrism is the tendency to The individualist versus collectivist distinction is analogous to the distinction between ________ with respect to personal values About 25 percent of the population should be left-handed. False Shalom Schwartz and Lilach Sagiv (1995) identified two basic dimensions that they believe organize universal values. What are those two basic dimensions? The holier-than-thou effect is most likely to occur in members from what country? Germany Which of the following is one of the two aspects of the measure of bicultural identity integration (BII)? Individuals from which country would be the least willing to describe themselves in contradictory terms? If members of two cultures experience the same emotions, seek the same goals, and organize their thoughts in comparable ways, then the two cultures Which of the following psychologists was NOT considered a social learning theorist Expectancy value theory states that the individual will weigh both the size of the reward and the likelihood of obtaining the reward when faced with a decision. Skinner was among the first to insist that classical conditioning and operant conditioning The attempt to determine how behavior is connected to the environment is called Pavlov’s experiments on the timing of associations demonstrated that two things become associated because A ranked ordering of the behaviors that an individual might perform is called a(n) Behaviorism is concerned with ________, whereas Rotter’s social learning perspective is concerned with ________. Following Bandura, many social learning theorists agree that the important causes of behavior One advantage of behaviorism is that it is supported by objective data Individuals from which of the following countries are least likely to demonstrate consistencies in emotional experience across situations? You are only able to observe what you actually did and thought when faced with a particular dilemma. This fact creates problems for which two stages of the realistic accuracy model? Which stage of the realistic accuracy model has the most important implications for self-knowledge? relevance According to the text, individuals from India used personality trait terms to describe their acquaintances ________ percent of the time, whereas individuals from America used personality trait terms ________ percent of the time. 20; 50 According to the text, a study found that acquaintances’ judgments of assertiveness did not predict observed behavior in the laboratory, whereas self-judgments predicted observed behavior in the laboratory. According to William James, the ________ does the thinking and sensing, whereas the ________ is the object of thoughts about the self. I; me What is the name of the cognitive structure that contains the declarative self? According to self-discrepancy theory, what emotion arises from discrepancies between ideal and actual selves? Judging your own personality is typically much easier than judging others’ personalities. False What state government set up a task force to enhance the self-esteem of its residents? Which of the following statements best describes the state of the evidence regarding individualistic versus collectivistic cultures and the sense of self? Sam is schematic for agreeableness. What will happen when he is asked to make judgments about whether he is friendly, kind, and modest? Self knowledge can be divided into ________ knowledge and ________ knowledge. procedural; declarative William James believed that our ________ includes ________. When people think about their own behavior, they tend to believe that According to the text, individuals in India never use personality trait terms to describe their acquaintances. Which theorist developed the concept of personal constructs? Which is NOT one of the central intrinsic goals featured in self-determination theory? The self-esteem of individuals with narcissistic personality disorder is believed to be fragile or brittle. Which philosophical idea explains the learning process? An exceedingly strange individual who believes that she has direct contact with extraterrestrial life might have which personality disorder? An individual who truly believes that he or she should be the first person rescued from a burning building exhibits a symptom of which personality disorder? A person who habitually avoids social interaction but is unaware of his shyness is said to have ________ knowledge about the self. The Rep test is used to evaluate whether an individual is a fully functioning person Several studies have examined whether certain Big Five traits apply universally across cultures. As it stands, which trait does NOT appear to be truly universal? According to the textbook, the root of depression is ________, whereas the root of anxiety is ________. People often report two or more personal strivings that are inconsistent with each other. What term describes the term that non-psychoanalytic researchers sometimes use to refer to the unconscious? The idea that, in time, you can get used to almost anything is associated with which learning mechanism(s)? Men are more likely than women to have narcissistic personality disorder. True An individual who likes to watch emotional movies and has extreme reactions to the tragic deaths of celebrities would likely score high on what personality dimension? Someone who is a workaholic might just suffer from which personality disorder? Bandura’s concept of efficacy is similar to what Rotter called Which of the following is NOT one of the diagnostic criteria for borderline personality disorder? Existentialists believed that science, technology, and philosophy had lost touch with human experience. What disorder might represent an extreme or exaggerated version of traits associated with “marching to a different drummer” or acting original and somewhat idiosyncratically? Individuals with amnesia are typically unable to provide valid self-reports of personality. Which theorist would most likely make the statement that stress is valuable for optimal psychological development? Hedonism provides the ________ necessary for learning and behavior to occur. According to Dollard and Miller, a state of psychological tension that feels good when it is reduced is called a drive. Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of idiographic goals? The most important limitation of the strict behaviorist approaches to personality psychology is that they What seems to be the best way to raise self-esteem? Punishment is always more effective when it immediately follows the behavior than when punishment is delayed. According to the test, what is the best approach to test contructions: The effects of irrelevant influences that might lessen your ability to see the trait or state you are trying to measure are called According to the text, the goal of a scientific education is: The MMPI is a broad band personality inventory that yields S data How would a situationist interpret a correlation of around .30? The terms expectancy effects and behavioral confirmation refer to the same psychological phenomenon Personality judgment can occur in applied setting without the use of objective tests Behavioral coherence is associated with being a good target for persoanlity judgment True The MMPI was designed Which of the following is NOT likely to undermine reliability in a measure Which of the following is NOT one of the Big Five A test that is reliable may not be valid True Egon Brunswik's concept that research should be designed to sample across all of the domains (e.g. people, methods, and stimuli) to which the investigator wishes to apply the results is referred to as Funder and Ozer (1983) examined the results of three classic social psychological studies. They converted the results of effect sizes and found that the effects were equivalent to correlations in the range of ________ (in absolute value) What term describes computer-assisted methods to measure thoughts and feelings that occur during normal daily activities ______ data derive from the researchers direct observation of what the subject does B The California Psychological Inventory (CPI) was designed Which of the following behaviors would be the easiest to predict accurately Citizenship behaviors at work is predicted by which trait The Thematic Appreciation Test and the Rorschach test elicit ________ data Answers to projective tests such as the Rorschach ink blots are considered B data The most important and generally useful way to enhance reliability is According to Damasio's somatic marker hypothesis, damage to the right frontal lobes impairs one's _______, which then impairs one's______ In a heated argument with his current girlfriend, Tyler accidently calls her by the name of his ex-girlfriend. This is an example of a(n) According to Freud, boys and girls figure out what it means to be male and female Some research suggests that the relationship between testosterone and physical aggression holds only or most strongly for The most frequently used defense mechanism is probably Rationalization The last stage in the life span for Erikson is generatively versus stagnation False Which of the following would NOT be a pronounced symptom in a patient who suffers frontal lobe damage Most modern therapists practice strict Freudian psychoanalysis False Horney felt that when women experience penis envy, it symbolizes their The heritability of moderate mental retardation is higher than the heritability of severe mental retardation True Which Big Five domain capture a tendency toward general psychopathology Neuroticism Mark claims that it is okay for him to take supplies from his employer because he uses some of them to do office work at home. Mark is using the defense mechanism of According to Jeffrey Gray's theory, dopamine is associated with what reward-seeking systems Chris spends most of the time before his surgery calmly discussing the death rates associated with the surgery with his doctor and reading all the latest medical articles on his disease.. Freud would say that Chris is using ______ to deal with his illness Intellectualization What term refers to images of very thin slices of the brain Tomographs What does the 'f' in the California F scale stand for Fascism The assumption that everything a person does has a specific cause is called Dennis is very attracted to his boss, Heidi. Instead of asking her out, he asks his neighbor Karen to go out with his. Dennis is _______ his feelings for his boss Displacing A politician who supported severe efforts to restrict Internet access in his community to prevent the spread of child pornography was arrested and convicted for possession of child pornography. Which defense mechanism best accounts for this paradoxical behavior Which factor below would be part of the so-called non-shared environment Some researchers argue the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors might be better classified as anti-neurotics rather than anti-depressants True Umwelt includes bodily sensation of pleasure and pain True Which of the following is NOT one of the diagnostic criteria for narcissistic personality disorder What is the most recent edition of the DSM DSM-IV-TR According to Dollard and Miller, in order for a reward to be reinforcing and produce behavior change, the reward must Satisfy a need Individuals who suffer from avoidant personality disorder actually have deep cravings for social contact and acceptance False Individuals with amnesia are _______, which suggests that accurate self-knowledge ________ memories of specific life events All of the personality approaches are both right and wrong in some respects True Losing face is a primary danger in what type of culture Short-term memory is limited to seven plus or minus two chunks of information True Someone who consistently expects criticism, contempt, and rejection from others is likely to have which personality disorder Avoidant Negative media portrayals of particular groups can be linked with less self-efficacy True Which of the following symptoms is NOT associated with schizoid personality disorders Which class of drugs has shown some success as a treatment for OCPD According to Funder's classification scheme, what four disorders are characterized by patterns of behavior that interfere with social relationships and can make an individual difficult to be around Each personality paradigm effectively addresses its own key concerns Repeating the items on a grocery list such as "chesse, bread, soda, canned soup, salad dressing, and paper napkins" over and over again in your mind is an example of what process Rehearsal A description such as "emotional hemophilia" applies most accurately to which personality disorder Borderline Answers to the questions on the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory are considered S-Data False I data are superior to S data when considering reports of self-esteem true S data have face validity true Introspection is an example of what type of method? case The most important advantage of B data is that they are based on Dr. Garcia wants to measure the earliest autobiographical memories of the participants in her project. She would most likely obtain _____ data S There is nothing wrong with assuming that extraversion is defined as the attribute that extraversion assessments measure Data supporting the validity of projective tests is widespread false Eliminating the use of personality tests in employment screening will What of the following is NOT a basic method for constructing objective personality tests? In a study of social expectancies, Snyder, Tanke, and Berscheid (1977) found that if male participants were shown a photograph of an attractive woman and told they would be interacting with her by telephone, the female participant they actually spoke with was Shy people fear social interactions and often feel lonely. They are typically perceived by others as Judgment of you personality by others It appears that there are gender differences in the attributed that make someone a good judge of personality According to the text, what trait refers to individual differences in the willingness to engage in sexual relations with minimal acquaintanceship? The Q-sort is the only way to get reliable S data using the many trait approach false According to Jack Block, ______gets people into trouble, but_______gets people out of trouble. ego undercontrol; ego resilency Research on______addressed important questions concerning the way that inner reality and the private self-relate to external reality and the self as presented to other self-monitoring People who adjust their behavior to best fit the situation are called __________’ and people whose behavior is guided by their personality are called _______. high self-monitors; low self-monitors What is the best summary of the current state of knowledge about personality types Which correlates of delay of gratification were common in both girls and boys? What is another name for ego control? self-control The Big Six model is also called the HEXACO true Behavioral genetics, like trait psychology, focuses on aspects of personality that _______, whereas evolutionary psychology more typically focuses on aspects of personality that _______. The approach that attempts to explain how individuals differences in behavior (ie personality traits) are shared by biological relatives is called behavioral genetics Imagine a situation in which food and water were scares and very few children received adequare nutritions. What will happen to the heritability coeffiecent for height A woman who mates with an unstable but attractive man seems to follow a different reproductive strategy than most other women. This idea is called the sexy son hypothesis In the past, some psychologists have concluded that shared family environments have little or no effect on personality development. Recent research has cast doubt on such conclusions by finding that: Evolutionary psychology has tried to account for individual differences by asserting that all of the following EXCEPT Freud believed that humor was the method through which the ego vents ordinarily forbidden thoughts or urges true Freud thought that parents should refuse to provide infants comfort and security to avoid fixation at the oral stage false If a woman pursed an acting career because she craved attention and flattery, Freud would probably say that she Persistent denial is not often a sign of serious psychopathology false According to psychoanalytic theory, no action is ever random true Trisha, who is on a diet, passes a bakery and see a chocolate cake in the window. She immediately wants to go in and get the cake, but realizes that eating the cake will only destroy her diet. When she then feels guilty for even thinking about breaking her diet, Trisha is experiencing The superego is concerned with right and wrong true Toddlers are largely concerned with the industry versus inferiority psychosocial conflict false The Myers-Briggs Type indicator is a measure of Adler’s style of life false According to Weston, all of the following studies might be described as psychoanalytic research EXCEPT Which of the following is generally TRUE about neo-Freudians? Most neo-Freudians differ from Freud in three major respects. Which of the following is NOT one of these differences Paul is always concerned about how he appears to others and thus wears a carefully chosen public “face” in every situation. According to Jung, Paul has The Buddhist idea of anatta referes to the impermanence of all things false Which Buddhist term refers to the idea that all things are in flux and impermanent? false Which Buddhist term refers to the idea that all things are in flux and impermanent? anicca The Buddhist alternative to existential anguish, forlornness, and despair is nirvana According to Sartre, the existential challenge is Nirvana leads to a pleasant albeit selfless state true The humanist psychologist Carl Rodgers and Abraham Maslow took basic existential assumptions and added that the assumption that Humanistic psychologists believe that people are basically good true According to Sarte, angst can be analyzed by three separate sensations. What are they? According to Carl Rodgers, a person can only be understood from the persepective of the entire panorama of their conscious experience or what he called their phenomenal field Believing that others value you based only on intelligence, success, or attractiveness can lead to On average, Americans are fonder of tranquility than Chinese individuals false The tendency to see members of your own group as very different from one another but the members of groups to which you do not belong as very similar to each other is called There are about 557 trait words in the Chinese language true Studies of cross-cultural gender differences in Big Five tend to find It has been suggested than the only way that psychologists can address the generalizability issue is Compared to collectivist cultures, members of individualist cultures are more likely to According to the ecological approach, differences in ecology generate difference in _____, which in turn shapes ______. Both punishment and reinforcement can be used to get someone to stop performing a behavior true what learning process may explain why some addicts are more likely to overdose in new settings as opposed to familiar settings? According to Rotter, locus of control is analogous to Barbara thinks that Joe will go out on a date with her if she ever get up the courage to ask him. Barbara’s perception of the likelihood that Joe will accept reflects her _____, whereas her doubts about her ability to ask him out reflects her ______. Julian Rooter’s social learning theory focuses primarily on decision making There is some evidence that habituation to suffering might make people less likely to help or assist others in need true Mark thinks that if her askes for a $50-a-week raise, he will definitely get it. Expectancy value theory would predict that mark will ask for a ______ a week raise and classic behaviorism would predict that he will ask for a _____ a week raise I am preparing for a test in psychology, and I tell you, “Im sure that Im going to fail. Im going to study all night, and Ill just be happy with anything higher than a C”. You are preparing for the same test and you say, “Oh Come on. Weve been going to lecture and keeping up with the reading People can talk much more easily about explicit goal than implicit goals true Which of the following is a characteristic of the rational system People seem to know that it is irrational to be more upset by running 30 minutes late and missing a plane by the a minute (ie the plane departure was delayed) as opposedto running 30 minutes late missing a plane by 30 minutes (i.e., the plane took off as scheduled) true What theorists is most closely identified with cognitive- experiential self-theory? What of the following is NOT one of the primary goals proposed by David McClelland? What idiographic goal term refers to long-term goals that organize broad areas of a persons life Behavioral consistency is positively associated with ______ in American culture, whereas behavior consistency is ________ in Korean culture Rehearsal is sufficient to move information into long-term memory false Behavioral consistency seems to be unrelated to measure of mental health among Koreans true According to previous research about cultural differences in person-based descirptions, how might someone in India describe an individual Imagine that you are trying to teach a classroom of personality students how to better remember the material for an exam. What would likely be the best recommendation that you could make? Which of the following in NOT associated with low self-esteem? Which of the following in NOT one of the diagnostic criteria for OCPD? Confused, delusional, and even self-destructive thinking is NOT associated with which of the following personality disorders antisocial Which of the following is NOT one of the diagnosis criteria for narcissistic personality disorders Females are more likely to suffer from schizoid personality disorders, whereas males are more likely to suffer from schizotypal personality disorders false An individual who consistently fears abandonment may suffer from which personality disorders borderline When researchers say “preferences need no inferences” with respect to emotion, what are they really arguing? Amy is a generally aggressive and hostile child. Imagine that Suzanne accidentally bumped into Amy in a crowded room. Based on theories related to priming and chronic accessibility, Amy would perceive Suzanne’s bump as an ________ and likely respond with ________. All of the following traditions strongly contributed to the understanding of personality processes EXCEPT Essential goals that almost everyone pursues are called ________ goals. nomothetic What is likely to happen when an individual with a good relationship with his mother is exposed to the subliminal message, “Mommy and I are one”? Emotions can be considered a kind of declarative knowledge using the language of cognitive psychology. False What dimension is not typically included in the definition of happiness used by contemporary researchers? eudaimonia Someone who is attracted to exclusive social clubs because other people cannot typically join such groups exhibits a symptom of which personality disorder? narcissistic Dressing provocatively at very inappropriate times such as at a funeral might be symptomatic of which personality disorder? histrionic Which disorder appears in the DSM Cluster B? antisocial Which of the following is one of the diagnostic criteria for borderline personality disorder rapid mood shifts . Paranoid personality disorder is more common in males than in females. False According to the DSM, which disorder is particularly difficult to assess with self-reports? Antisocial [Show More]

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