*NURSING > QUESTIONS & ANSWERS > AORN Periop 101 Questions & Answers. 100% Accurate. Graded A (All)

AORN Periop 101 Questions & Answers. 100% Accurate. Graded A

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AORN Periop 101 Questions & Answers. 100% Accurate. Graded A In addition to the surgeon, which surgical team members wear sterile gowns and gloves during the procedure? - ✔✔Scrub Person AND S... urgical assistant The pathology laboratory and blood bank are usually situated in which of the following areas? - ✔✔Unrestricted area What phases of the nursing process does the periopeartive nurse practice during the preoperative phase of the surgical experience? - ✔✔Assessment, Identification of desired outcome, Nursing diagnosis, Planning Data collection is part of which phase in the nursing process - ✔✔Assessment Which of the following is considered a critical perioperative nursing diagnosis within the PNDS? - ✔✔Risk for perioperative positioning injury Competency statements - ✔✔Direct a nurse's activity in the perioperative arena; Provide a basic model to evaluate the quality of nursing practice; Ascertain a level of skills and abilities necessary to fulfill the professional role (All of the above) Defining nursing goals and intervention strategies is a part of which phase in the nursing process - ✔✔Outcome identification Match each staff member with the appropriate responsibility - ✔✔Scrub person- Monitors aseptic technique; RN circulator- Creates and maintains a safe environment; Housekeeping- Cleans the furniture at the end of the OR day; Nurse anesthetist- administers anesthesia to the patient Creating cultures that supports patient safety through which of the following mechanisms? - ✔✔Convene and communicate with members about safety; Incorporate attention to patient safety into training programs; Collaborate across disciplines. The IOM report describes the importance of setting standards and expectations for patient safety. Setting standards can_____ - ✔✔Set expectations for the health professionals; Establish consistency across individuals and organizations; Help set expectations of consumers and purchases. Which of the following AORN Position Statement on Correct site of surgery is true? - ✔✔The staff member should verbally verify the correct site with each member of the surgical team Maintaining a safe OR environment, staff members are required to - ✔✔Monitor, identify, and reports safety hazards; Understand and comply with the emergency power outage plan; Practice sound, basic and OR specific electrical and fire safety. The elements required to create a cultures of safety include - ✔✔A sense of trust among team members; A sincere commitment of affirming safety as the first priority; Development and support of a proactive approach rather than a reactive blaming approach; Dissemination of receipt of information to all levels of staff. Which of the following practices should be used ti implement the Joint Commission's Universal Protocol for preventing Wrong Site, Wrong Procedure, Wrong Person Surgery? - ✔✔Using a time-out procedure before beginning the procedure The purpose of the National Patient Safety Goals is to - ✔✔Promote specific improvements in patient safety; Highlight problematic areas in health care; Describe evidence and expert-based system-wide solutions to the problems AORN's Guidelines for Perioperative Practice provides - ✔✔Information on administrative topics; Information that can be used to develop institution-specific policies; Scientific evidence for clinical practices. Which of the following are true about AORN's Guidelines for Perioperative Practice? - ✔✔They are based on what nurses do in ideal situations; They may be fulfilled to varying degrees in different situations. Why is it important for perioperative nurses to have a basic understanding of business principles? - ✔✔To enable them to plan safe and effective care that is also cost-effective; To facilitate competition for patient volume; To manage and allocate resources wisely Match the type of budget with its description - ✔✔Gross revenue- All monies received by the facility for goods and services; Fixed expenses- Medical records and administration; Net revenue- gross revenue minus expenses; Variable costs- Costs directly related to patient volume Which of the following definitions are correct? - ✔✔Liable means to bind or to be responsible to or to be under obligation to; Negligence means the failure to exercise care that a prudent person would perform under the same circumstances. Professionalism in nursing means - ✔✔Showing personal accountability in understanding the Nurse Practice Act; Maintaining a current knowledge base; Participating in professional organizations. Which of the following social media practices are important for the professional nurse to follow? - ✔✔Acknowledge that anything you post on the internet is there forever; Do no speak on behalf of your employer unless you have been authorized to do so; Facebook mixes your personal and professional lives and requires careful attention. Benefits of evidence based practice include which of the following? - ✔✔The professional perioperative nurse can base his or her practice on evidence; Provides point of care clinicians with tools that can assist in improving patient care, The evidence collected is rated for quality and strength. Which of the following statements reflects the findings from a research study of more than 11,000 nurses conducted in 2007 related to the importance of certification? - ✔✔Enhances feelings of personal accomplishment; Validates specialized knowledge. For a professional nurse, personal accountability means - ✔✔Willingness to take responsibility for one's actions; Being dependable in all situations; Making the best decisions with the input available; Willingness to bare consequences for one's actions Which of the following statements are true about objective data? - ✔✔Data that is the information written in the patient's record and nursing notes; History, physical, and laboratory data are examples of objective data Match the age groups with their ability for learning and understanding - ✔✔Birth to one month- The child is able to express only through crying; 1-12 months- The baby will smile, babble, and gurgle; One to three years- The baby is able to understand and respond to simple commands; Three to six years- The child is able to literally interpret terms. Patients in which of the following age groups have the greatest blood volume per unit of body weight? - ✔✔Children During the preoperative interview, why should the perioperative nurse ask patients about their use of herbal preparations, alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs? - ✔✔Herbal supplements may affect the metabolism of drugs administered; Recreational drug use may affect the choice of preoperative sedation; Smoking may affect circulatory and respiratory system assessment results. Which items are included in a psychosocial assessment? - ✔✔Coping styles; cultural beliefs and practices; Expectations of perioperative care; Spiritual or religious beliefs Which of the following statements is true? - ✔✔Lung capacity decreases with increasing age Which of the following factors make geriatric patients more sensitive to injury and cold? - ✔✔Decrease in subcutaneous fat Why is it important to assess the use of herbal supplements or recreational drugs before surgery? - ✔✔Herbal preparations can affect bleeding times; Herbal preparations can interfere with drug metabolism; Recreational drug use can result in withdrawal symptoms; Recreational drug users may require higher doses of anesthetic medications. What interventions can the perioperative nurse perform to protect elderly patients? - ✔✔Employ DVT prophylactic devices; Position the patient for effective air exchange; Use warming devices to maintain the normothermia A child in which of the following age groups can be described as "likes to socialized and can interpret terms"? - ✔✔3 to 6 years The goal of patient and family education is to - ✔✔Provide information to the patient; Improve knowledge; Achieve long lasting changes in behavior; Take ownership of the patient's care; Improve the patient's outcome. The importance of patient and family education is reflected by which of the following phrases? - ✔✔Improvement in quality of care; Increase in patient satisfaction; Increase in patient compliance; Ethical and legal mandates for patient education Which of the following form part of patient's ongoing education needs as a patient? - ✔✔Contact information for questions or concerns after surgery; Counseling on modified diet to be followed after surgery; List of foods that might interfere with prescribed mediation; Medications to be given and time intervals for taking. Factors that affect the patient's ability to learn include - ✔✔Disability; Fear of dying; Pain; Self-esteem The perioperative nurse provides care to each patient undergoing a surgical intervention in a manner that preserves and protects - ✔✔Patient autonomy, dignity, and human rights Patient and family education is a combination process involving - ✔✔Influencing behavior; Producing changes in knowledge; Producing change in attitudes and skills Factors that may affect an adult patient's ability to learn include - ✔✔Age; Attitude; Emotional state; Intellectual ability; Physical ability The perioperative nurse should use the directive interview technique over a nondirective interview technique when the information he or she needs - ✔✔Consists of predetermined questions; Consists of questions in a predetermined order; Is to document the patient's health history A preoperative patient's DNR order is - ✔✔Reconsidered to ensure that the risks and benefits of anesthesia and surgery are discussed before surgery Obtaining informed consent is a two step process of - ✔✔Communicating information and documenting the decision How does the perioperative nurse test the patient's level of understanding? - ✔✔By asking questions about the procedure and evaluating the answer A directive interview is - ✔✔Structures with predetermined questions Factors that may affect the amount of pain the patient will experience postoperatively are - ✔✔The surgical site; The nature and intended purpose of the surgery; the patient's fears regarding anesthesia or surger In addition to the surgeon, which surgical team members wear sterile gowns and gloves during the procedure? - ✔✔Scrub Person AND Surgical assistant The pathology laboratory and blood bank are usually situated in which of the following areas? - ✔✔Unrestricted area What phases of the nursing process does the periopeartive nurse practice during the preoperative phase of the surgical experience? - ✔✔Assessment, Identification of desired outcome, Nursing diagnosis, Planning Data collection is part of which phase in the nursing process - ✔✔Assessment Which of the following is considered a critical perioperative nursing diagnosis within the PNDS? - ✔✔Risk for perioperative positioning injury Competency statements - ✔✔Direct a nurse's activity in the perioperative arena; Provide a basic model to evaluate the quality of nursing practice; Ascertain a level of skills and abilities necessary to fulfill the professional role (All of the above) Defining nursing goals and intervention strategies is a part of which phase in the nursing process - ✔✔Outcome identification Match each staff member with the appropriate responsibility - ✔✔Scrub person- Monitors aseptic technique; RN circulator- Creates and maintains a safe environment; Housekeeping- Cleans the furniture at the end of the OR day; Nurse anesthetist- administers anesthesia to the patient Creating cultures that supports patient safety through which of the following mechanisms? - ✔✔Convene and communicate with members about safety; Incorporate attention to patient safety into training programs; Collaborate across disciplines. The IOM report describes the importance of setting standards and expectations for patient safety. Setting standards can_____ - ✔✔Set expectations for the health professionals; Establish consistency across individuals and organizations; Help set expectations of consumers and purchases. Which of the following AORN Position Statement on Correct site of surgery is true? - ✔✔The staff member should verbally verify the correct site with each member of the surgical team Maintaining a safe OR environment, staff members are required to - ✔✔Monitor, identify, and reports safety hazards; Understand and comply with the emergency power outage plan; Practice sound, basic and OR specific electrical and fire safety. The elements required to create a cultures of safety include - ✔✔A sense of trust among team members; A sincere commitment of affirming safety as the first priority; Development and support of a proactive approach rather than a reactive blaming approach; Dissemination of receipt of information to all levels of staff. Which of the following practices should be used ti implement the Joint Commission's Universal Protocol for preventing Wrong Site, Wrong Procedure, Wrong Person Surgery? - ✔✔Using a time-out procedure before beginning the procedure The purpose of the National Patient Safety Goals is to - ✔✔Promote specific improvements in patient safety; Highlight problematic areas in health care; Describe evidence and expert-based system-wide solutions to the problems AORN's Guidelines for Perioperative Practice provides - ✔✔Information on administrative topics; Information that can be used to develop institution-specific policies; Scientific evidence for clinical practices. Which of the following are true about AORN's Guidelines for Perioperative Practice? - ✔✔They are based on what nurses do in ideal situations; They may be fulfilled to varying degrees in different situations. Why is it important for perioperative nurses to have a basic understanding of business principles? - ✔✔To enable them to plan safe and effective care that is also cost-effective; To facilitate competition for patient volume; To manage and allocate resources wisely Match the type of budget with its description - ✔✔Gross revenue- All monies received by the facility for goods and services; Fixed expenses- Medical records and administration; Net revenue- gross revenue minus expenses; Variable costs- Costs directly related to patient volume Which of the following definitions are correct? - ✔✔Liable means to bind or to be responsible to or to be under obligation to; Negligence means the failure to exercise care that a prudent person would perform under the same circumstances. Professionalism in nursing means - ✔✔Showing personal accountability in understanding the Nurse Practice Act; Maintaining a current knowledge base; Participating in professional organizations. Which of the following social media practices are important for the professional nurse to follow? - ✔✔Acknowledge that anything you post on the internet is there forever; Do no speak on behalf of your employer unless you have been authorized to do so; Facebook mixes your personal and professional lives and requires careful attention. Benefits of evidence based practice include which of the following? - ✔✔The professional perioperative nurse can base his or her practice on evidence; Provides point of care clinicians with tools that can assist in improving patient care, The evidence collected is rated for quality and strength. Which of the following statements reflects the findings from a research study of more than 11,000 nurses conducted in 2007 related to the importance of certification? - ✔✔Enhances feelings of personal accomplishment; Validates specialized knowledge. For a professional nurse, personal accountability means - ✔✔Willingness to take responsibility for one's actions; Being dependable in all situations; Making the best decisions with the input available; Willingness to bare consequences for one's actions Which of the following statements are true about objective data? - ✔✔Data that is the information written in the patient's record and nursing notes; History, physical, and laboratory data are examples of objective data Match the age groups with their ability for learning and understanding - ✔✔Birth to one month- The child is able to express only through crying; 1-12 months- The baby will smile, babble, and gurgle; One to three years- The baby is able to understand and respond to simple commands; Three to six years- The child is able to literally interpret terms. Patients in which of the following age groups have the greatest blood volume per unit of body weight? - ✔✔Children During the preoperative interview, why should the perioperative nurse ask patients about their use of herbal preparations, alcohol, tobacco, and recreational drugs? - ✔✔Herbal supplements may affect the metabolism of drugs administered; Recreational drug use may affect the choice of preoperative sedation; Smoking may affect circulatory and respiratory system assessment results. Which items are included in a psychosocial assessment? - ✔✔Coping styles; cultural beliefs and practices; Expectations of perioperative care; Spiritual or religious beliefs Which of the following statements is true? - ✔✔Lung capacity decreases with increasing age Which of the following factors make geriatric patients more sensitive to injury and cold? - ✔✔Decrease in subcutaneous fat Why is it important to assess the use of herbal supplements or recreational drugs before surgery? - ✔✔Herbal preparations can affect bleeding times; Herbal preparations can interfere with drug metabolism; Recreational drug use can result in withdrawal symptoms; Recreational drug users may require higher doses of anesthetic medications. What interventions can the perioperative nurse perform to protect elderly patients? - ✔✔Employ DVT prophylactic devices; Position the patient for effective air exchange; Use warming devices to maintain the normothermia A child in which of the following age groups can be described as "likes to socialized and can interpret terms"? - ✔✔3 to 6 years The goal of patient and family education is to - ✔✔Provide information to the patient; Improve knowledge; Achieve long lasting changes in behavior; Take ownership of the patient's care; Improve the patient's outcome. The importance of patient and family education is reflected by which of the following phrases? - ✔✔Improvement in quality of care; Increase in patient satisfaction; Increase in patient compliance; Ethical and legal mandates for patient education Which of the following form part of patient's ongoing education needs as a patient? - ✔✔Contact information for questions or concerns after surgery; Counseling on modified diet to be followed after surgery; List of foods that might interfere with prescribed mediation; Medications to be given and time intervals for taking. Factors that affect the patient's ability to learn include - ✔✔Disability; Fear of dying; Pain; Self-esteem The perioperative nurse provides care to each patient undergoing a surgical intervention in a manner that preserves and protects - ✔✔Patient autonomy, dignity, and human rights Patient and family education is a combination process involving - ✔✔Influencing behavior; Producing changes in knowledge; Producing change in attitudes and skills Factors that may affect an adult patient's ability to learn include - ✔✔Age; Attitude; Emotional state; Intellectual ability; Physical ability The perioperative nurse should use the directive interview technique over a nondirective interview technique when the information he or she needs - ✔✔Consists of predetermined questions; Consists of questions in a predetermined order; Is to document the patient's health history A preoperative patient's DNR order is - ✔✔Reconsidered to ensure that the risks and benefits of anesthesia and surgery are discussed before surgery Obtaining informed consent is a two step process of - ✔✔Communicating information and documenting the decision How does the perioperative nurse test the patient's level of understanding? - ✔✔By asking questions about the procedure and evaluating the answer A directive interview is - ✔✔Structures with predetermined questions Factors that may affect the amount of pain the patient will experience postoperatively are - ✔✔The surgical site; The nature and intended purpose of the surgery; the patient's fears regarding anesthesia or surger [Show More]

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