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Anatomy and Physiology HESI A2 Admission Assessment 4th edition 154 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT

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Anatomy and Physiology HESI A2 Admission Assessment 4th edition 154 Questions with Verified Answers Medial -CORRECT ANSWER toward the midline Lateral -CORRECT ANSWER away from the midline P... roximal -CORRECT ANSWER closer to point of attachment Distal -CORRECT ANSWER farther away from point of attachment What plane divides the body into superior and inferior portions? -CORRECT ANSWER transverse plane What plane divides the body into left and right halves? -CORRECT ANSWER Sagittal plane What covers lines and protects the body and its internal organs? -CORRECT ANSWER epithelial cells what is the framework of the body that provides structure and support for the organs? -CORRECT ANSWER connective tissue what is composed of neurons and neuroglia? -CORRECT ANSWER nervous tissue what tissue has the ability to contract or shorten and can be involuntary or voluntary? -CORRECT ANSWER muscle tissue DNA is duplicated and distributed evenly to two daughter cells what is this? -CORRECT ANSWER mitosis what is the special cell division that takes place in the gonads? -CORRECT ANSWER meiosis what is the outer most protective layer made of dead, keratinized epithelial cells called? -CORRECT ANSWER epidermis what is the underlying nerve endings associated with the skin structure called? -CORRECT ANSWER dermis what is the inner layer of the dermis composed of? -CORRECT ANSWER fibrous connective tissue with blood vessels what is the most widely distributed sweat gland that regulates body temperature by releasing a watery secretion that evaporates from the surface of the skin called? -CORRECT ANSWER eccrine glands what contains bits of cytoplasm from the secreting cells and is mainly found in the armpits or groin area? -CORRECT ANSWER apocrine glands what gland releases an oily substance known as sebum through the hair follicles that lubricates the skin and prevents drying? -CORRECT ANSWER sebaceous glands what is produced by holocrine secretion in which whole cells of the gland are part of the secretion? -CORRECT ANSWER sebum what consists of the skull, vertebral column, 12 pairs of ribs, and the sternum? -CORRECT ANSWER axial skeleton what consists of the girdles and the limbs? -CORRECT ANSWER appendicular skeleton what produces movement by contracting in response to nervous stimulation? -CORRECT ANSWER muscles what is the result from the sliding together of actin and myosin filaments within a muscle cell or fiber called? -CORRECT ANSWER muscle contraction what must be present in order for a muscle cell to contract? -CORRECT ANSWER ATP and calcium what is the muscle that produces an opposite movement? -CORRECT ANSWER antagonist what muscle works in cooperation with the prime mover called? -CORRECT ANSWER synergists what reduces the angle at a joint? -CORRECT ANSWER flexor wha increases the angle at a joint? -CORRECT ANSWER extensor what draws a limb away from the midline? -CORRECT ANSWER abductors what returns a limb closer to the midline? -CORRECT ANSWER adductors what system works closely with the endocrine glands in correlating/integrating body functions such as digestion and reproduction? -CORRECT ANSWER nervous system all actions of the nervous system depend on what? -CORRECT ANSWER transmission of nerve impulses over neurons/nerve cells what transmits the impulse toward the cell body? -CORRECT ANSWER dendrites what transmits the impulse away from the cell body? -CORRECT ANSWER axons what is compromised of the spinal cord and brain? -CORRECT ANSWER CNS what is composed of all other neurons in the body? -CORRECT ANSWER PNS what transmits nerve impulses to the CNS? -CORRECT ANSWER sensory afferent what transmits nerve impulses away from the CNS to the effector organs such as muscles,glands and digestive organs? -CORRECT ANSWER motor efferent what part of the brain is associated with movement and sensory input? -CORRECT ANSWER cerebrum what part of the brain is associated with muscular coordination? -CORRECT ANSWER cerebellum what part of the brain controls many vital functions such as respiration and the heart rate? -CORRECT ANSWER medulla oblongata the base of the skull is known as -CORRECT ANSWER foramen magnum the spinal cord extends from -CORRECT ANSWER foramen magnum to L1/L2 vertebrae what are the reflexes in which nerve impulses travel through the spinal cord only and do not reach the brain called? -CORRECT ANSWER simple spinal reflexes sensory impulses enter where on the spinal cord? -CORRECT ANSWER dorsal horns motor impulses leave through where on the spinal cord? -CORRECT ANSWER ventral horns what assists the nervous system in homeostasis and plays an important role in growth and sexual maturation? -CORRECT ANSWER endocrine system where do the endocrine and nervous system meet? -CORRECT ANSWER hypothalamus and pituitary gland what are chemical messengers that control the growth, differentiation, and metabolism of specific target cells called? -CORRECT ANSWER hormones what are the two major groups of hormones called? -CORRECT ANSWER steroid/nonsteroid hormones what hormone enters the target cell and has a direct effect of the DNA of the nucleus? -CORRECT ANSWER steroid hormones what hormones remain at the surface and act as a secondary messenger? -CORRECT ANSWER protein hormones what released from the adrenal cortex helps to reduce inflammation, raises the blood sugar level and inhibits the release of histamine? -CORRECT ANSWER cortisol what is nicknamed the master gland? -CORRECT ANSWER pituitary gland the anterior lobe of the pituitary gland is also known as -CORRECT ANSWER adenohypophysis the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland is also known as -CORRECT ANSWER neurohypophysis what are the hormones released in the neurohypophysis called? -CORRECT ANSWER oxytocin, ADH what consists approximately of 55% plasma and 45% formed elements? -CORRECT ANSWER whole blood red blood cells are known as -CORRECT ANSWER erythrocytes white blood cells are known as -CORRECT ANSWER leukocytes formed elements are produced from what? -CORRECT ANSWER stem cells in red bone marrow what is modified for transport of oxygen? -CORRECT ANSWER erythrocytes most of the oxygen transported by erythrocytes is bound to a pigmented protein called? -CORRECT ANSWER hemoglobin what white blood cells are active in phagocytosis? -CORRECT ANSWER neutrophils and monocytes what white blood cells are active in antibody formation? -CORRECT ANSWER lymphocytes what is active in the process of blood clotting? -CORRECT ANSWER platelets what serves to transport oxygen/nutrients to body cells and to carry away CO2/ metabolic waste? -CORRECT ANSWER blood what contains approximately 10% proteins, ions, nutrients, waste products and hormones that is dissolved or suspended in water? -CORRECT ANSWER plasma what is a double pump that sends blood to the lungs for oxygenation through the pulmonary circuit and to the remainder of the body through the systemic circuit? -CORRECT ANSWER heart what valve is on the right side of the heart? -CORRECT ANSWER tricuspid valve what valve is on the left side of the heart? -CORRECT ANSWER bicuspid valve what valves are found at the entrance of the pulmonary trunk and the aorta? -CORRECT ANSWER semilunar valves blood is supplied to the heart muscle by what? -CORRECT ANSWER coronary arteries blood drains from the myocardium directly into what? -CORRECT ANSWER right atrium through coronary sinus the intrinsic beat in the heart is initiated by what? -CORRECT ANSWER sinoatrial node what is a period from the end of the best ventricular contraction to the end of the next ventricular contraction? -CORRECT ANSWER cardiac cycle the contraction phase of the heart is called -CORRECT ANSWER systole the relaxation phase of the heart is called -CORRECT ANSWER diastole what carries blood away from the heart -CORRECT ANSWER arteries what carries blood to the heart -CORRECT ANSWER veins what are the smallest of the blood vessels? -CORRECT ANSWER capillaries the systemic arteries begins with what that sends branches to all part of the body? -CORRECT ANSWER aorta the smallest arteries are known as -CORRECT ANSWER arterioles what are the large valves that empty into the right atrium of the heart called? -CORRECT ANSWER superior/inferior vena cava what is controlled by the respiratory control center in the medulla oblongata? -CORRECT ANSWER respiration what refers to the exchange of gases between the atmosphere and blood through alveoli? -CORRECT ANSWER external respiration what refers to the exchange of gases between the blood and body cells? -CORRECT ANSWER internal respiration what requires the contraction of the diaphragm to enlarge the thoracic cavity? -CORRECT ANSWER inhalation what is a passive process in which the lungs recoil as respiratory muscles relax and the thorax decreases in size? -CORRECT ANSWER exhalation what is the regulator of blood pH? -CORRECT ANSWER carbon dioxide what contains an enzyme known as amylase? -CORRECT ANSWER saliva where does digestion and absorption of food occur? -CORRECT ANSWER small intestine what organ contributes to dilute the chyme and bicarbonate ions to neutralize the acid from the stomach? -CORRECT ANSWER pancreas what organ reabsorbs water and stores and eliminates undigested food? -CORRECT ANSWER large intestine what are the abundant bacteria in the digestive system known as? -CORRECT ANSWER intestinal flora what organ filters blood? -CORRECT ANSWER kidneys what are tubes that transport urine to to the urinary bladder known as? -CORRECT ANSWER ureters what are the functional units of the kidneys? -CORRECT ANSWER nephrons the actual filtration process of the urinary system occurs through what? -CORRECT ANSWER the glomerulus in the bowmans capsule of the nephron what is reabsorbed at the tubules of the nephron? -CORRECT ANSWER water what is the final product produced by millions of nephrons per each kidney? -CORRECT ANSWER urine what develops within the seminiferous tubules of each testis? -CORRECT ANSWER spermatozoa what produces testosterone? -CORRECT ANSWER interstitial cells once produced the sperm is matured and stored where in the male reproductive system? -CORRECT ANSWER epididymis what does pathway of sperm include? -CORRECT ANSWER vas deferens, ejaculatory duct, urethra what glands of the male reproductive system produce the transport medium or semen? -CORRECT ANSWER seminal vesicles,prostate gland,bulbourethral gland what produced by follicles initiates the preparation of the endometrium of the uterus for pregnancy? -CORRECT ANSWER estrogen what stimulates ovulation and the conversion of the follicle to the corpus luteum? -CORRECT ANSWER luteinizing hormone the corpus luteum secrets what hormones? -CORRECT ANSWER progesterone/estrogen Specialized glands in the ear canal produce earwax called ____ that protects the middle ear of foreign particles -CORRECT ANSWER cerumen auditory bones called_____ transmit the sound vibrations -CORRECT ANSWER ossicles what includes the cochlea,semicircular canals, and vestibules of the ear? -CORRECT ANSWER bony labyrinth functions of what include support, movement, blood cell formation, protection of internal organs, detoxification, provision for muscle attachment, and mineral storage? -CORRECT ANSWER skeletal system how many cervical vertebrae are there? -CORRECT ANSWER 7 how many thoracic vertebrae are there? -CORRECT ANSWER 12 how many lumbar vertebrae are there? -CORRECT ANSWER 5 how many sacral vertebrae are there? -CORRECT ANSWER 5 the skin is involved in what through the activation of the sweat glands? -CORRECT ANSWER temperature homeostasis what is controlled by a negative feedback system consisting of a receptor,control center, and effector? -CORRECT ANSWER temperature of the body sebum is produced by what type of secretion? -CORRECT ANSWER holocrine secretion what type of glands are activated as part of the bodies thermoregulation? -CORRECT ANSWER eccrine glands what runs vertically throughout compact bone and is surrounded by concentric circles of bone tissue called lamellae? -CORRECT ANSWER Haversian canals which type of bone consists of trabeculae? -CORRECT ANSWER spongy bone the origin of the bone does what? -CORRECT ANSWER remains immobile the insertion of the bone does what? -CORRECT ANSWER moves as the muscle contracts and relaxes what type of muscles work in pairs to move various parts of the body and are voluntary? -CORRECT ANSWER skeletal muscle what type of muscle is found in the walls of internal organs and are involuntary? -CORRECT ANSWER smooth muscle what two muscles extend the foot? -CORRECT ANSWER gastrocnemius and soleus what three muscles move the lower leg? -CORRECT ANSWER quadriceps femoris, hamstrings, sartorius what muscles elevate and depress the ribs? -CORRECT ANSWER external/internal oblique what two muscles move the lower arm? -CORRECT ANSWER biceps/triceps brachii what muscle moves the shoulder? -CORRECT ANSWER trapezius what muscles moves the upper arm? -CORRECT ANSWER pectorals major, deltoid, latissimus dorsi what muscle moves the head? -CORRECT ANSWER sternocleidomastoid what muscle draws the lips together? -CORRECT ANSWER orbicularis oris what muscle closes the eye? -CORRECT ANSWER orbicularis oculi what muscles move the mandible? -CORRECT ANSWER temporalis/masseter what in the nervous system deals with stressful or emergency situations? -CORRECT ANSWER sympathetic nervous system what system controls the five senses and the movement of skeletal muscles? -CORRECT ANSWER somatic nervous system what system includes the para/sympathetic nervous systems? -CORRECT ANSWER autonomic nervous system what system maintains homeostasis within the body? -CORRECT ANSWER ANS what monitors blood sugar level/ helps in lipid and protein metabolism? -CORRECT ANSWER what controls cardiac function/ raises blood sugar levels? -CORRECT ANSWER adrenal medulla what helps regulate metabolism/functions in growth and development? -CORRECT ANSWER thyroid gland what regulates calcium levels in the blood? -CORRECT ANSWER parathyroid what raises/lowers blood sugar and is active in carbohydrate metabolism? -CORRECT ANSWER pancreas islets what plays a role in the immune responses? -CORRECT ANSWER thymus gland what has an influence on daily biorhythms/ sexual activity? -CORRECT ANSWER pineal gland what plays an important role in growth/development? -CORRECT ANSWER pituitary gland acidosis is? -CORRECT ANSWER low pH alkalosis is? -CORRECT ANSWER high pH what is an increase in carbon dioxide and a decrease in arterial pH? -CORRECT ANSWER chemoreceptor stimulation What vein returns blood to the heart, draining the head, neck, and upper torso? -CORRECT ANSWER superior vena cava what are the 5 tropic hormones of the endocrine system? -CORRECT ANSWER GH,ACTH,TSH,FSH,LH [Show More]

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