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SPCE 680 Final Exam Test Bank, questions & answers, Ball State University.

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SPCE 680 Final Exam Test Bank. Chapter 8 Who is most likely to be the first person to suspect an ASD? Question 2 The most common previous diagnosis of men and women with Asperge... r syndrome is: Question 3 Which factor most strongly influences cluster membership? Question 4 What implication(s) does the term Òautism spectrum disorderÓ have? Question 5 Ben went to playgroup, but did not interact with the other children, unless he saw a puzzle that he wanted, in which case he would go over and take it. This reflects which of the following features of early development that distinguish highly significantly between children with ASD and typically developing infants? Question 6 It has been suggested that screening be used as a presumptive way to identify ASD in infants and toddlers. Which of the following is true regarding screening? Question 7 Ben's parents had general concerns about his development, and they brought him to see their GP when he was still not speaking at age 3. The GP reassured them that Ben could catch up. During Ben's appointment with a speech and language therapist, Ben's words were garbled, and only his parents could understand him. The speech and language therapist reassured his parents that this would probably resolve spontaneously. Why might these healthcare professionals have been reluctant to ÒlabelÓ Ben? Question 8 Why is it important for a diagnosis to be valid? Question 9 In the case history of Ben at the beginning of chapter 8, Ben's parents raised concern many times that Ben might have a developmental problem and many red flags were present. What process should have Ben's doctors used to monitor him? Question 10 Ben would tell fantastical stories (e.g. that he had fathered a baby), which he seemed to believe. His parents discovered these were stories other children used to tease Ben because he believed them, despite their fantastical qualities. What part of Wing and Gould's triad is Brad struggling with? Brian has an ASD, and he has a difficult time understanding other people's perspectives.What of the following might help him develop better theory of mind skills? Question 2 The most widely accepted mean prevalence rate of ASD as determined by the well-designed CDC study that examined eight-year-olds over 14 sites is: Question 3 The problem with estimating prevalence rates of Asperger syndrome is: Question 4 Which of the following is NOT a feature of ADHD inattentiveness at all ages? Question 5 Jack has trouble sitting still at school.He often fidgets and squirms when he must stay seated for longer periods of time. Jack has trouble waiting his turn to answer questions, often blurting out the answers before the teacher has even finished speaking. What is Jack likely struggling with? Question 6 Sean has an ASD. He has a difficult time changing his routine, which often causes problems for his father, who has a variable work schedule. Sometimes Sean will throw tantrums, and his father often responds by raising his voice or slamming things around the house. Which dimension of expressed emotion is this family showing? Question 7 Which of the following statements is NOT true about ASD? Question 8 Which of the following statements is true about ADHD? Question 9 Each of the following is a dimension of expressed emotion in family interaction that might lead to deterioration in ASD EXCEPT: Question 10 Children with early onset epilepsy have an increased risk of: The Social Responsiveness Scale can help identify all of the following disorders except? Question 2 What form of evaluation is used in the Autism Rating Scale? Question 3 Test authors have the responsibility to inform users about which of the following? Question 4 Which of the following is not true of validity? Question 5 Which assessment tool had a national standardization sample of children in the US and Canada? Question 6 Which ASD rating scale has the smallest comparison group? Question 7 The validity of CARS ratings made by other professionals was examined. What was the result? Question 8 The Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule has many similarities to the diagnostic criteria in the DSM-IV. What does the ADOS lack in terms of the DSM-IV diagnosis? Question 9 According to Bracken (1987) what is an acceptable level of test reliability? Question 10 Why do we describe a person's score as falling within a range of values? Reduced empathizing in men with ASD due to testosterone levels in utero is a crucial step in the extreme male brain theory. What is an alternative explanation for reduced empathy in men? Question 2 Emily's 3-year-old daughter was recently diagnosed with an ASD. Emily is convinced her daughter was developing normally until she received an MMR vaccination. What may be influencing Emily's perception? Question 3 Intra-uterine growth restriction is associated with which of the following risks? Question 4 Intra-uterine exposure to which drug contributes to increased risk of ADHD? Question 5 Joey has an ASD. Which of the following is true about his immediate family? Question 6 All of the following are possible explanations for the pattern of ASD symptoms seen in Russian and Romanian orphanages EXCEPT: Question 7 A prevalence rate of gastrointestinal symptoms in ASD derived from a sample of children presenting to a gastroenterology clinic may be problematic due to: Question 8 Occurrences of ASD- and ADHD-like traits have been associated with which chromosomal situation? Question 9 Which of these prenatal factors is associated with development of ASD? Question 10 What is the most common cause of androgen insensitivity syndrome? Which of the following is considered a secondary disability of ASD? Question 2 Mothers' of children with an ASD are at an increased risk of developing ______________ as a result of lack of support from their partner, additional challenging behaviors from the child, and worrying about their own mothering ability. Question 3 Why might parents not notice that early warning signs of ASD? Question 4 Roger is an adult with a slightly lower than normal IQ, but has more severe deficits in his performance IQ. His palate is underdeveloped causing issues with his speech. He also experiences psychosis. Which condition does Roger have? Question 5 Which of the following is not a characteristic of hyperlexia? Question 6 Social, language, truncal coordination, and eye-hand coordination are all areas of development that are checked in the first year of life. Although all four areas can be affected by ASD which one is seen as the most significant fundamental delay? Question 7 Brad has an extra X chromosome. He falls within the normal range in intellectual functioning; however he has difficulty reading and deficits in social interaction. What condition does Brad have? Question 8 Which of the following should be the goal of psychological interventions used for treatment? Question 9 Sandy was diagnosed with autistic disorder when she was two years old. What does this tell you about her attachment style? Question 10 Behavioral interventions generally include reinforcing and shaping behavior that adults think are appropriate. More recent studies are finding which of the following are beneficial in increasing social attention and interactions? What affect does ASD have on sexual identity? Question 2 Janet has atypical Asperger syndrome. When she goes to the grocery store, Janet makes a list, even if she is only picking up a few items. If Janet does not make a physical list and has to work from her own memory, she finds that she spends an inordinate amount of time going from one side of the store to the other, because she has difficulty reordering her memorized list after acquiring an item. Which of Janet's abilities might be impaired? Question 3 What is the main impairment in atypical autism? Question 4 A minority of people with an ASD present forensic problems. In those who do present a problem, however, offending is more likely to be against __________ than __________, and more likely to involve __________ than __________. Question 5 Peter is a 30-year-old man with atypical Asperger syndrome. He works on a ship dock unloading incoming shipments.His supervisor, a neurotypical man, assigns the shifts and directs each employee to the trucks they are to unload. Peter feels he is often treated unfairly by his supervisor, and feels he is given the worst shifts to work and the fullest trucks to unload. After weeks of feeling he was being treated unfairly, Peter saw his coworker in the parking lot and attacked him. What is the most likely reason that Peter attacked a neurotypical coworker instead of his supervisor? Question 6 The theory that people have a 'cache' or store of social knowledge that is drawn on in determining a course of action in social situations primarily implicates which brain region? Question 7 The phenotype of _________ syndrome corresponds closely to that of atypical Asperger syndrome. Question 8 ADHD is associated with a substantially increased risk of rage in children, likely for which of the following reasons? Question 9 Which of the following are characteristics of executive syndrome? Question 10 People with atypical Asperger syndrome, like other people with ADHD, are drawn to substance misuse. Which substance is most often misused by these individuals? Question 1 How do the consequences of impaired social imagination change over time in people with ASD? Question 2 Which of the following statements is true? Question 3 Why is Asperger syndrome often confounded with schizoid personality disorder? Question 4 Which of the following factors contributes to work difficulties for people with ASD? Question 5 Which of the following is a potential problem for people with ASD seeking sexual satisfaction? Question 6 In a study of US adults with disability, a _______ proportion of people with ASD were employed than were employed from most other disabled groups; the ASD group worked _______ hours and received _______ wages than other groups. Question 7 Why might people with Asperger's syndrome struggle with knowing when to avoid conflict in relationships and when to engage in it? Question 8 Two periods in adulthood in which assessments of ASD might peak are in early adulthood and late thirties/early forties. What situations in adulthood does Tantum suggest might cause these peaks? Question 9 Misuse of which drug can lead to reduced face interpretation ability and reduced empathy in adults with ADHD without ASD? Question 10 Impairment of _______ diminishes in adolescences in atypical Asperger syndrome, although the impairment of _______ does not. The ________ are the grooves that visible on the brain and the _______ ridges. Question 2 _____ percent of people with ASD also meet the diagnostic criteria for ADHD. Question 3 The dominate hemisphere is the hemisphere that contains the _________ center of the brain and is the ________ hemisphere. Question 4 A study with macaques showed that lesions in the medial temporal lobe caused impairments in ___________ and __________ which the authors thought was similar to the behaviors shown in children with autism. Question 5 _____________ area is essential for speech production while ______________ area is required for semantic processing and comprehension. Question 6 What part of the prefrontal cortex is the main processing area for taste and olfaction? Question 7 The frontal cortex is involved in gaze control and imitation, particularly of facial expressions. This suggests which kind of neurons are housed here? Question 8 Which of the following functions that is affected in ASD is attributed to dysfunction in the right hemisphere? Question 9 How is Brodmann's cytoarchitectonic map constructed? Question 10 The dorsolateral PFC is responsible for all of the following except: The _______________ network is active when a task is being focused on while the ______________ network is active when carrying out a task. Question 2 CNVs are being implicated in which of the following disorders? Question 3 Which of the following subsystems is not part of the default network? Question 4 Which of the following is the cause of recombination and is the time when damaging variation occurs? Question 5 Ova and sperm are haploid. What does this mean? . Question 6 Which of the following serves as a means of reducing genetic dose, competition between alleles, and alter the structure and function of organs or parts of organs? Question 7 Absence or dysgenesis of the corpus callosum leads to all of the following clinical features except: Question 8 Which of the following is true about epistasis? Question 9 The __________ is the middle of a chromosome and the ________ is the end. Question 10 If only one allele is affected by a mutation or disorder, only half of the person's children are likely to get the allele while the other half remains unaffected. What principle is this following? ____________ loneliness refers to the feeling of a lack of attachment, of not mattering to another person as an individual; ____________ loneliness refers to the feeling of being out of the social circle, having no social role, place or influence. Question 2 ____________ are more alert to facial expressions of anger than those of other emotions. Question 3 ____________ tend to manage conflict using violence, while ____________ tend manage conflict using placation. Question 4 Why might placation be a difficult strategy for people with an ASD to employ when dealing with neurotypicals? Question 5 Which of these is a normalization technique? Question 6 The idea that there are a higher number of heterozygotes for ASD genes in the population to counteract the reproductive disadvantage of a person who is homozygous for these genes is called: Question 7 __________ is associated with shame- and anxiety-proneness leading to the avoidance of situations that may provoke social comparisons, social withdrawal, and difficulty in making emotional commitments. Question 8 Which personal factors are correlated with better outcomes for those with ASD? Question 9 How many young people with ASD report being bullied at school? Question 10 Meredith has worked for the company and the same boss for 20 years.Her boss frequently makes rude and offensive comments that make Meredith angry. On the several occasions where Meredith approached her boss about these comments, her boss ignored her and told her to resume her work. Meredith persistent anger puts her at increased risk of: What is the failure to understand writing due to problems in translating letters into sounds and vice versa called? Question 2 Who developed the theory that is now the basis for the linguistic and structuralism for psychology? Question 3 What is a phonological disorder? Question 4 The behavioral approach to the DSM-IV definition is considered outmoded mainly because it fails to capture what component of communication? Question 5 Communication disorders (which include speech, language, and hearing disorders) affect what percent of Americans? Question 6 In cases of selective mutism in what setting is the child most often mute? Question 7 What factors contribute to delayed social development? Question 8 Shannon proposed that 50% of spoken utterances are redundancies. What purpose do these redundancies in language serve? Question 9 Children with ASD who viewed action scenes did not show activity over the presumed mirror neuron areas. This suggested that what process was offline? Question 10 In regards to eye orientation, humans are unique in what way in comparison to other non-human primates? Which of the following is true about consolidation? Question 2 Movement disorders of cerebellar origin are called what? Question 3 Bernard has an ASD and hypermnesis. How do his parents describe his memory ability? Question 4 Hughlings Jackson suggested that ASD was a consequence of which of the following? Question 5 Which of the following is not a fundamental capacity of executive functioning according to Friedman? Question 6 What is the relationship between clumsiness and intelligence? Question 7 Sally has an ASD. What executive function is most likely to be impaired? Question 8 Which of the following does load refer to when examining neurological network dysfunction? Question 9 What range of IQ scores is considered borderline intellectual functioning? Question 10 Sara is presented with a series of novel tasks that required problem solving. Sara is able to come up with new solutions to the problems. What type of intelligence is being measured? At what age is a diagnosis of ASD found to be very stable? Question 2 Which of the following is false in relation to children with ASD after the age of two? Question 3 During middle and high school what is not the primary question assessment is trying to answer? Question 4 As part of the initial diagnostic assessment you should provide recommendations which include of the following except? Question 5 Which of the following is considered the Ògold standardÓ of parent report measures for diagnosis beginning at a developmental age of two? Question 6 Which of the following skills tend to not development to the same extent as IQ and language skills? Question 7 Which of the following behaviors in infants is not strongly associated with a later diagnosis of ASD? Question 8 Which of the following is the down side to using the Autism Diagnostic Observation Schedule? Question 9 In the United States a child's first assessment for an ASD often takes place before when? Question 10 Screening for ASD or other developmental concerns in groups of children for whom developmental concerns have already been raised is considered a _______________. Which of the following is not one of the symptoms used to differentiate tic disorder from ASD stereotypical behavior? Question 2 Which assessment is considered the Ògold standardÓ in evaluating psychiatric disorders in childhood and adolescents? Question 3 Which of the following is a complication in assessment of comorbidities in ASD? Question 4 Which of the following is not identified as a problem in using self-report to identify comorbid disorders in children with ASD? Question 5 Which of the following assessments has a version specifically designed for use with children on the autism spectrum? Question 6 Two large studies found that over what percent of individuals with ASD were above diagnostic threshold for another emotional or behavioral disorder? Question 7 Which of the following is true in regards to the prevalence of depression? Question 8 Which of the following is not a symptom of depression when comorbid with ASD? Question 9 Which of the following anxiety disorders is the most difficult to differentiate from ASD? Question 10 Which of the following is true in regards to anxiety in individuals with ASD? The assessment of ASD in the schools requires school psychologists to do what? Question 2 In the study conducted to assess diagnostic assessment practices in schools the authors reported which was most utilized? Question 3 In reflection on the school as a system, Ringeisen et al. adopted a three-level model of how schools operate. What are the three levels? Question 4 Accomplishing the goal of introducing and successfully using new methods requires which of the following? Question 5 Which of the following is not a data collection tool used when conducting an analogue functional analysis? Question 6 Schools are under a high degree of scrutiny because they are held accountable to all of the following except? Question 7 Who is the gap between empirically based knowledge and broadly disseminated implementation costly to? Question 8 How does descriptive assessment assist in the process of functional analysis? Question 9 In the same study as question 12, what was the most widely used developmental tool? Question 10 What do studies stress the importance of capitalizing on in order to aid in the interpretation of functional analysis data? [Show More]

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