*NURSING > QUESTIONS & ANSWERS > Family Medicine Aquifer questions with answers. Complete study set. Graded A+ (All)

Family Medicine Aquifer questions with answers. Complete study set. Graded A+

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Increased risk of breast cancer - ✔✔first degree relative with breast cancer, menarche before age 12, monopause after 45, advanced age of first pregnancy, advanced age, increased weight, increased... breast density When to stop Pap smears - ✔✔ages 65-70 who have had 3+ normal paps in the past 10 years. not sexually active, hysterectomy for benign disease mammogram screening according to the USPSTF - ✔✔biennnial testing from ages 50-74 for normal risk mammogram screening according to ACOG and ACS - ✔✔start at age 40 and continue as long as woman in good health Cigarette smoking immunizations - ✔✔Annual influenza Pneumococcal vaccinations Td every 10 years, Tdap 1 time Shingles after age 50 BMI devisions - ✔✔underweight <18.5 Ideal 18.5-25 overweight 25-30 obese 30-40 Morbidly obese >40 Melanoma ABCDE - ✔✔Asymmetry Border Color variation - blue, black, brown Diameter >6 mm Evolving Lung cancer screening - ✔✔55-80 years with 30 pack year history and currently smoking or quit within the past 15 years Colon cancer screening - ✔✔ages 50-75 with normal risk Causes of insomnia in elderly - ✔✔1. Environmental problems 2. Drugs, alcohol and caffeine 3. Parasomnias ( RLS, rem disorders) 4. Disturbances in sleep-wake cycle (shift work) 5. Psychiatric disorders 6. Cardiorespiratory disease (asthma, COPD, heart failure) 7. Pain or pruritus 8.GERD 9. Hyperthyroidism SIG E CAPS - ✔✔Sleep Interest Guilt Energy Concentration Appetite Psychomotor Suicide Length of time to diagnose Major Depressive Disorder - ✔✔4 weeks MDD vs grief - ✔✔MDD has: -guilt about things other than actions taken or not taken at the time of death -thought of death other than feeling that he/she would be better off dead or with deceased -morbid preoccupation with worthlessness -marked psychomotor retardation -prolonged and marked functional impairment -hallucinations other than hearing voice of deceased Elders who attempt suicide - ✔✔-drug overdose most common -more likely to be widows/ers that live alone -reduced sleep quality -suicidal behaviors do not increase with age, but rates of completed suicides do Lab tests to rule out medical causes of insomnia, fatigue and depression - ✔✔CBC, CMP, TSH ESR if rheumatologic suggested ECG if patient on drugs that alter cardiac conductivity (TCAs) Achilles Tendon Rupture - ✔✔usually one to two inches above tendinous insertion on calcaneous, greatest btwn 30-50 yrs of age, typically be unable to stand on their toes and tend to exhibit a positive Thompson test compartment syndrome symptoms - ✔✔-Severe pain out of proportion to what's expected -Pallor -Parasthesia -Paralysis -Pulseless (possibly) -Pressure/tight Ottawa Ankle Rules - ✔✔Includes: The examiner should order x-rays when the patient has ankle or midfoot pain/bone tenderness, has bone tenderness at the base of the 5th metatarsal, or is unable to bear weight for four steps when examined Best support following ankle ligament tear - ✔✔semi-rigid ankle support UTI treatment - ✔✔TMP/SMX treatment on symptoms alone Graves Disease symptoms - ✔✔weight loss palpitations tremor insomnia gynecomastia fatigue Best imaging for thyroid nodule - ✔✔thyroid ultrasound thyroid nodules by age - ✔✔older people = multinodular disease younger patients = solitary nodules hemolytic anemia labs - ✔✔high ldh, indirect bili, low haptoglobin Graves disease treatment - ✔✔RAI treatment continue propranolol until euthyroid check TSH after 2-3 months after treatment and treat as necessary Graves labs - ✔✔low tsh, high free t4, high diffuse RAI uptake Diabetes treatment - ✔✔1. A1c >6.5% 2. fasting plasma glucose >126 3. plasma glucose >200 2 hours after glucose tolerance test 4. plasma glucose >200 + symptoms first line diabetes treatment - ✔✔Metformin Diabetic retinopathy description - ✔✔macular edema, new blood vessel formation occurs in 25% of diabetes with >25 years diabetes HHS - ✔✔AMS, tachycardia, low BP, dry mucus membranes. no ketones in UA, pH >6.4 best second line BP medications following ACE/ARB in diabetics - ✔✔CCBs and thiazides NOT furosemide or metoprolol best test for DVT - ✔✔venous doppler best test to rule out DVT - ✔✔D-dimer Cellulitis signs and symptoms - ✔✔localized area of inflammation -warmth -redness -edema -pain, tenderness -fever -lymphadenopathy (can worsen rapidly & become systemic if not treated properly) Chronic knee pain treatment - ✔✔weight loss steroid injection if joint inflammation PT HTN diagnosis - ✔✔>/= 140/90 mmHg on at least two separate occasions life style modifications that decrease CV risk - ✔✔smoking cessation DASH eating plan Weight loss increased exercise NOT alcohol consumption HTCZ adverse events - ✔✔gout flairs CHD risk factors - ✔✔Smoking HTN Low HDL Family History of CHD Age (women >55, men >45) lack of exercise sedentary job High BMI ACS in women - ✔✔Palpitations, nausea, vomiting pain not likely to be ACS - ✔✔pulsating pleuritic positional reproduced by palpation Reasons to do an exercise stress test - ✔✔new atypical chest pain in someone with: history of high cholesterol smoking family history palpitations that cause lightheadedness workup - ✔✔48 hour Holter monitor Loop monitor if not daily symptoms Arrhythmia workup Regional nerve root back pain - ✔✔increased pain with cough, abnormal gait, loss of ankle jerk Vertebral causes of back pain - ✔✔point tenderness on spinous process pain with lumbar extension [Show More]

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