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CLE 003 Technical Reviews Exam 100% PASS RATE, GRADED A

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CLE 003 Technical Reviews Exam 100% Which of the following is true of the idea screening phase of the new product development process? New product ideas are not eliminated merely because they are o... utside the fields of a firm's interest in this stage. Lack of technology and resources is often not a useful reason to discount new product ideas in this stage. A firm needs to consider three categories of risk and its associated risk tolerance in this stage prior to reaching a decision. Unlike the idea generation stage, this stage is not involved in expanding viable ideas into full product concepts. Axon Automobiles Ltd., an American automobile manufacturing company, manufactures cars in left-hand drive configuration, in which the driving seat and controls are positioned on the lefthand side of the vehicle. On exporting its products to select automobile dealers in India, the company witnessed a significant dip in its sales as Indians require vehicles in right-hand drive configuration. This failure can be best attributed to: the lack of personal selling on the part of the sales force. entering a domestic market without extensive product planning. the lack of adequate pricing strategies in foreign markets. problems encountered in effectively using census data. Which of the following denotes a growth direction through the increase in market share of present products in present markets? Market penetration Diversification Market development Benchmarking Which of the following is true of mass merchandisers? They handle deep assortments in a limited number of product categories. They compete on the basis of providing variety in different product categories and low-priced products in their large assortments. They are retailers whose primary advantages to consumers are suitable location, close-in parking, and easy entry and exit. They are large, low-priced limited-line retail chains that attempt to capitalize and establish themselves in a single product category. The management of Delicaci, a multi-cuisine restaurant, is very conservative and insists that its chefs follow traditional recipes and frowns upon any experimentation. The management also insists on playing regular music in the restaurant to conform to the brand image it has established. Moreover, despite receiving negative customer feedback, the management is reluctant to change its mode of operations. This particularly implies that the management of the restaurant:has a limited view of marketing. lacks creativity. lacks strong competition. lacks obsolescence. Which of the following is a type of psychological pricing strategy? Cost-plus pricing Rate-of-return pricing Markup pricing Bundle pricing Gable Brothers Inc. is trying to find a viable market for its new fountain pen. After conducting a psychographic segmentation, it found that the segment of potential consumers is so small that the volume in sales would not be profitable for the company. Therefore, top management has decided to not release the product into the market. In the context of the stages of the market segmentation process, the company is currently: deciding the market segmentation strategy. delineating the firm's current situation. dividing markets on relevant dimensions. determining consumer needs and wants. retailing is the fastest-growing method of retailing. Direct Limited-line System Online Which of the following is responsible for making the comprehension of service marketing difficult? Lack of demand for services Excessive marketing expertise Factors of intangibility and inseparability Obsolescence of services Which of the following is true of local advertising agencies? Companies using local advertising agencies are able to take advantage of economies of scale. Local advertising agencies in emerging markets take a more entrepreneurial and fresherapproach to advertising than global agencies. Local advertising is always more successful than advertising through global agencies. Local advertising agencies are better than global agencies in adapting a firm's message to different cultures. An organizational purchase that involves extensive research and large investments and happens occasionally is typically a . modified rebuy new task purchase just-in-time purchase straight rebuy Products that are purchased by business firms for the purpose of producing other goods or for running a business are called . convenience goods organizational goods specialty goods shopping goods What does the horizontal dimension of the VALS™ framework represent? Degree of innovativeness Level of resources Consumer needs Primary motivation The Helen Mortimer Foundation is a nonprofit organization that develops marketing strategies to encourage people to stop smoking in an effort to reduce the incidence of lung cancer. This best exemplifies marketing for a(n) . organization person Cause service An advantage for many service industries is the fact that services, because of their intangibility, are less subject to than goods. Obsolescence Innovation quality control CreativityWhich of the following observations about how behavioral influences affect organizational buying is true? Different buyers will have different degrees of commitment to their buying role in the organization. Organizational buyers are not subject to personal motives in the buying decisions as are other individuals. In a lethargic organization, individuals approach their occupation with a weak commitment to the expected norms of behavior. Organizational buyers are typically unaffected by organizational culture as they are primarily concerned with suppliers. An automobile manufacturing firm decides to meet all its suppliers while planning to manufacture a new automobile that is a minor variant of an existing model in terms of design and performance. The firm wants to provide its loyal customers with automobiles at a low price without compromising on performance. According to authors Crawford and DiBenedetto, this new product falls into the category of . cost reductions price redemptions repositionings price exemptions An ad for Concordia kitchen cabinets states "For an exceptional look in cabinetry that you won't find anywhere else, buy Concordia cabinets." This is an example of positioning: based on superiority to competitive products. in terms of superior product users. based on being a cost leader in the market. in terms of where consumers live and shop. Markup pricing: is commonly used in retailing. is commonly used by manufacturers. is most often used to describe the pricing of jobs that are nonroutine and difficult to "cost" in advance. is a psychological pricing strategy.HealthPro cereal ads show the cereal being used as a topping on yogurt, as a snack when topped with honey, and served hot as an alternative to oatmeal. In this case, HealthPro is using a positioning strategy based on: superiority to competitive products. consumer lifestyles. particular types of product users. use or application. Which of the following best describes external information for marketing information systems? Inventory data that can indicate how rapidly products are selling Expenses incurred by a company in personal selling Costs incurred by a company for advertising its products and services Information on technological advances in the field A producer of alcoholic beverages produces four different brands of beer: BlackStar, BlueStar, Grandeur, and Holmes. BlackStar is a standard brew, while BlueStar has a low alcohol content. Grandeur is low in calories, and Holmes has a high alcohol content. In this case, the manufacturer uses different brand names for each of its products to: associate the image of one product with that of another. increase consumer brand awareness. enter a new product class. target specific market segments more efficiently. The depth of a product mix refers to the: average number of products in each product line. degree of similarity between product lines. number of product lines handled by the organization. total number of products or items in the company's product mix. In which of the following scenarios is new task purchase most likely to be used? For the purchase of a pair of shoes For the purchase of real estate For the purchase of a mattress For the purchase of grocery itemsAccording to the general pricing model, in the short term, discounts and allowances offered by manufacturers have to be larger or more frequent than initially planned because: there is an impending need to increase demand to profitable levels. there is a need to prevent channel members from becoming independent manufacturers. the price structure that has been fixed cannot be reviewed at regular intervals. there is only one way for money to flow out of firms through the price-product mechanism. Which of the following is true of agricultural goods and raw materials? These products have a high value per unit. These products are fairly homogeneous. These products are always sold in single units or in small volumes. These products cannot be used to produce other goods. Which of the following is an activity performed by sellers and others that accompany the sale of a product and that aid in its exchange or its utilization? Securing a bank loan Offering a home security plan Seeking a health insurance cover Availing warranty on computer equipment An independent designer sells his exclusive collection of premium sportswear for men and women at specialty stores and select departmental stores nationwide. He considers his products as being characterized by high unit value and limited frequency of purchase. Before choosing his intermediaries, he checks to ensure that they have a good reputation in the market. Which of the following methods of distribution is the designer most likely using? Selective Restrictive Intensive Extensive Which of the following is an example of a client relationship? Leasor-leasee Telecaller-consumer Salesperson-customerBroker-investor In contrast to organizational goods, consumer products are often distributed through . matrix channels indirect channels horizontal channels control channels Which of the following products or services is most likely to be distributed through an indirect channel? Smartphones Complex medical equipment Tropical flowers Computer systems Which of the following is true of the research approach to determining the advertising budget? It attempts to determine retail price by using production costs as a base. It is a less rational approach to the expenditure decision when compared to other models. It is generally more expensive when compared to some other models. It is less desirable as it limits advertising outlays to the amount of available funds. With regard to product improvement, refer mainly to product features, design, package, and so forth. marketing dimensions attributes extensions fads Alison receives a phone call from an Easy-Wash customer service representative who wants information on her experience with the washer-dryer combination that she had recently purchased and the overall purchase and installation experience. Alison claims that she is extremely satisfied with the purchase and the company's responsiveness. This customer service practice by Easy-Wash is undertaken to . offer the customer a substantial assessment of available alternatives by providing a marketing source of information help the customer in the process of alternative evaluation reduce the perceived psychosocial risks associated with the decision to purchase the productreduce the possibility of postpurchase dissonance in Alison's mind The best-known psychographic segmentation called , which was originally developed in the 1970s, explains and predicts consumer behavior. AIO VALS ZIP PRIZM Which of the following is true about missionary salespeople? They are used to focus exclusively on promotion of existing products and introduction of new products. They are used when a product is extremely high priced and is being sold to the whole organization. They provide training to the front-line staff of the buying organization. They are especially useful when a product is to be used to solve certain technical problems of buyers. Soffia Inc. manufactures a moisturizing soap with anti-ultraviolet properties, which is sold under the brand name DewMist. The company also manufactures Safechoice, a non-abrasive, antibacterial brand of soap, which is a different brand. Which of the following strategies has Soffia used in this scenario? Multibranding strategy Dual branding strategy Cobranding strategy Family branding strategy Which of the following is true of slotting allowances? They are discounts offered for purchasing a large number of units. They are often in the form of price reductions for performing promotional activities. They tend to add marketing cost to a manufacturer and affect profits. They are payments made by retailers to manufacturers to allow them to stock the manufacturer's products.Which of the following is defined as the elapsed time between product definition and product availability? Scalability Time to market Cycle time Information provision Which of the following viewpoints about the contribution of advertising to the economic health of a firm sees advertising as a competitive weapon and places emphasis on the strategic aspects of the advertising function? The generalist viewpoint The specialist viewpoint The consumer attrition perspective The marketing management approach Sharla, Thom, and Irving started working at the Golden Hotel one year ago. Though they were all hired at the same time and for the same position, Sharla is often viewed as being a leader on the team. Sharla is an example of a leader. charismatic transactional transformational sanctioned Nonsanctioned Which of the following terms best describes the tendency to underestimate the influence of external factors and overestimate the influence of internal factors when making judgments about the behavior of others? fundamental attribution error randomness error halo effect selective perception Overconfidence Why are management by exception leaders considered ineffective? They provide considerable freedom to their employees. They fail to build followers' self-esteem and confidence. They are not team oriented, participative, or humane.They tend to be available only when there is a problem. They describe their least preferred coworker in favorable terms. Which of the following conflict-handling intentions is unassertive and uncooperative? collaborating compromising accommodating competing Avoiding Which of the following is not a reason why organic structures promote innovation? low centralization low vertical differentiation high formalization cross-fertilization high flexibility Which of the following theories proposes that people prefer to feel they have control over their actions, so anything that makes a previously enjoyed task feel more like an obligation than a freely chosen activity will undermine motivation? motivation-hygiene theory goal setting theory self-determination theory theory of needs two-factor theory The University of Michigan studies define a(n) leader as one who takes a personal interest in the needs of his/her subordinates. contingency task-oriented employee-oriented production-oriented structure initiating indicates the tendency of an individual to attribute his own successes to internal factors while putting the blame for failures on external factors. Distinction biasSelf-serving bias Selective perception Fundamental attribution error Stereotyping A is consistent with recent efforts by companies to reduce costs, cut overhead, speed up decision making, increase flexibility, get closer to customers, and empower employees. wider span of control high degree of formalization lack of work specialization high degree of centralization longer chain of command Which of the following terms refers to the process by which an individual's desire for acceptance by the group and the pressure by the group on individual members to match its standards results in a change in individual attitudes and behaviors? coercion convergence confluence conformity commitment The theory of cognitive dissonance was proposed by . Skinner Hofstede Maslow Festinger Pavlov During the "design" step of appreciative inquiry, participants . use information from the discovery phase to speculate on possible futures find a common vision of how the organization will look in the future recount times they felt the organization worked best write action plans and develop implementation strategies identify the organization's strengths What sort of goals does Management by Objectives (MBO) emphasize? inspirational, verifiable, and creativetangible, verifiable, and measurable profitable, attainable, and verifiable achievable, controllable, and profitable challenging, rewarding, and measurable In the context of behavioral dimensions of leadership identified in the Ohio State Studies, is the extent to which a person's job relationships are characterized by mutual trust, respect for employees' ideas, and regard for their feelings. position power initiating structure task orientation consideration production orientation and people are more likely to assert themselves in group situations. Stern; dominant Sociable; manipulativ e Sociable; withdrawn Stern; manipulativ e Sociable, dominant Harriet has been assigned the task of setting up work teams for a complex software development project. Each team has different work requirements. Harriet must choose the best structure for each team, based on its specific requirements. Team A must operate very quickly to meet stringent deadlines. The quality of the final project depends highly on Team A's output, so Team A must also work very accurately. Which of the following network structures should Harriet choose for this team?wheel mesh star chain all-channel In the case of distributive bargaining, the point indicates what a person would like to achieve out of a negotiation. focus resistance clarification target closure The right inherent in a managerial position to give orders and expect orders to be obeyed is termed . unity of command chain of command authorityleadership span of control Plagiarism includes using someone else’s words without quotation marks. writing the same paragraph for two different course assignments without indicating (the second time) that you have used it before. unintentionally omitting a reference for something you found on the Internet. all of the above According to the concept of organizational demography, if team members have dissimilar experiences, it will lead to . higher employee motivation higher employee turnover higher team efficacy increased employee satisfaction decreased level of conflictsAmple evidence exists which indicates that an employee who is satisfied and treated fairly is more likely to . be recruited by other organizations become used by others within the team engage in citizenship behaviors be named team lead meet their managers expectations Which of the following statements is true regarding task conflicts? Task conflicts are almost always dysfunctional. Groups performing routine tasks won't benefit from task conflict. Task conflicts relate to how the work gets done. Task conflict focuses on interpersonal relationships. Task conflicts hinder creativity and innovation. You are responsible for the annual holiday toy drive at your workplace. Every few days, you send out an email of how many items have been collected and post a picture of one of your coworkers putting a toy in the box. What influence tactic are you trying?nudging reward system peer pressure force escalation of commitment Lydia works as a 911 operator. Her job strength is dictated most likely by . clarity consistency consequences constraints comprehension In discussing a given set of alternatives and arriving at a solution, group members tend to exaggerate the initial positions they hold. This phenomenon is called . groupshift emotional labor groupthinkself-concordance satisficing Which one of the following characteristics is not necessarily true about groups? Groups have two or more members. Groups have particular objectives. Groups interact. Groups are determined by the organization chart. Group members are interdependent. According to the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) classification, people belonging to the " " type are practical and prefer routine and order. feeling perceiving sensing extraverted introvertedSharon is unhappy with her job as a salesperson at a retail store for many reasons. Yesterday a customer asked her where the shampoo was located. Sharon listlessly replied, "I don't know." She then turned her back on the customer and continued stocking the shelf. This is an example of how job satisfaction can affect . customer satisfaction workplace deviance employee OCB absenteeism turnover Which of the following is not a possible result of felt conflict? hostility frustration anxiety indifference tension According to research findings, which of the following is more likely to bemotivating for the employees in the long run? commissions merit-based pay stock options recognition bonuses Which of the following statements is not true regarding subcultures? If organizations were composed only of numerous subcultures, organizational culture as an independent variable would be significantly less powerful. Subcultures include core values of the organization. Subcultures influence members' behavior. Subcultures typically exist within a department. When we talk about an organization's culture, we are referring to its subculture. Joanna watches her friend Sharon slim down. This increases her confidence that she can lose weight too. Which of the following ways of increasing self-efficacy is represented by this example? vicarious modeling verbal persuasionarousal focused training enactive mastery Jennifer has come to realize that conflict has both functional, as well as dysfunctional, outcomes. She has observed examples of both in her organization. Last month, Jennifer's department experienced constructive conflict during a meeting. Which of the following is not an outcome of this functional conflict? Tensions are released. Groupthink is increased. Interest and curiosity are encouraged. Creativity and innovation are stimulated. The quality of decisions is improved. Which of the following employees does not exhibit deviant behavior in the workplace? Lily does not show up for work for more than 3 days a week. Samuel quits his job because his manager never appreciates his efforts. Cara wraps up her work early to attend her daughter's ballet recital.Joanna, an HR executive, uses work time to surf articles on the latest fashion trends. Wilson takes work supplies like pens and paper clips home for personal use. The of an environment refers to the degree of heterogeneity and concentration among environmental elements. complexity permeability volatility adaptability flexibility Diane and Clarke are two employees in an organization who recently started working together. Diane is an older, long-tenured woman raised in rural Kansas, who achieved her current level in the organization by starting as a high school graduate and working her way up the hierarchy. Clarke is a young, recently hired male college graduate with a business degree, raised in a Spanish-speaking neighborhood in Miami. However, both are deeply committed to their families, share a common way of thinking about important work problems, like to work collaboratively, and are interested in international assignments in the future. Which of the following describes the diversity between these two? deep-level diversity lateral-level diversity hierarchical-level diversitysurface-level diversity individual-level diversity Which of the following is the first step in the Kotter's eight-step plan for implementing change? Establish a sense of urgency by creating a compelling reason for why change is needed. Communicate the vision throughout the organization. Plan for, create, and reward short-term "wins" that move the organization toward the new vision. Form a coalition with enough power to lead the change. Create a new vision to direct the change and strategies for achieving the vision. Which of the following statements best defines a work group? A work group consists of 5 or more people who work collaboratively. A work group is a group comprised of 10 or more people who belong to the same department. A work group interacts primarily to share information, rather than to engage in work that requires joint effort. A work group's performance is generally greater than the sum of its inputs from individual members. A work group has a positive synergy and no active group dynamics, resulting ingreater outputs. anice and Shunil are both senior software analysts. They have worked together on projects for six years and get along great. Janice is pregnant and anticipating the arrival of her first child and she is not willing to work full time. Shunil would like to experiment with opening his own business as a home media installation consultant, and does not want to continue to work full time. They both need some income. Which of the following alternative job structures would be best for Janice and Shunil? job enrichment job rotation job sharing job enlargement telecommuting Fiedler's contingency leadership model assumes that . an individual can use the LPC to change his/her style to a more productive style an individual's leadership style is essentially fixed each person's style will change in accordance with the situation at hand there is no ideal way to match leadership styles with situations all leaders can learn to adapt to different contingenciesThe conflict-handling intention of collaborating is . affective and reflective unassertive and cooperative assertive and uncooperative assertive and cooperative unassertive and uncooperative Eva is not getting the results she needs from her data base administration team. She believes that this problem is occurring because the administration team is a virtual team. Which of the following is one of the things that Eva should do to create an effective virtual team? Allow more independence among members. Avoid publicizing team successes company-wide. Include peer evaluation in the appraisal system. Monitor progress of the team closely. Conduct training for improving interpersonal skillsThe things that an organization does so well that they give it an advantage over similar organizations represent that organization's . competitive parity distinctive competencies external opportunities vendor analysis variables The nation of Lancaster is embroiled in civil war. Its citizens, who are against the government, have resorted to armed conflict. Consequently, which of the following problems is a foreign company operating in Lancaster likely to face? [Show More]

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