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C180-Introduction to Psychology Questions and Answers Latest Update

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C180-Introduction to Psychology Questions and Answers Latest Update Psychology Correct Answer- scientific study of the mind and behavior Mind Correct Answer- the nonphysical manifestation of the br... ain's activity Behavior Correct Answer- The outwardly observable acts of a person, either alone or in a group. Structuralism Correct Answer- a school of psychology concerned with analyzing the mind by looking at its smallest and simplest components and seeing how they fit together to form complete experiences. consciousness Correct Answer- the state of being aware of self and the world. introspection Correct Answer- the technique of observing interior mental events as or immediately after they occur Functionalism Correct Answer- A school of thought in psychology that sought to understand how the mind helps individuals adapt to the world around them and function effectively in it. natural selection Correct Answer- the theory that some individual organisms in every species, from ants to oak trees, possess characteristics that enable them to survive and reproduce more fruitfully than others. adaptation Correct Answer- inborn characteristics that help an organism survive and produce many offspring.Gesalt psychologists Correct Answer- psychologists who focus on the macro psychology of the behavior of the whole rather than the micro view of the parts Gestalt Laws: Similarity Correct Answer- items that are similar, our brains group together Gestalt laws of pragnanz Correct Answer- reality is organized into the simplest form possible Gestalt Laws: Proximity Correct Answer- objects that are close to one another are grouped together. Gestalt Laws: Continuity Correct Answer- lines are seen as following the smoothest path. Gestalt Laws: Closure Correct Answer- objects grouped together are seen as a whole. unconscious Correct Answer- the condition of being unaware of the outside world and unable to bring oneself into awareness at will. defensive mechanisms Correct Answer- unconscious psychological strategies that protect a person from anxiety based on unacceptable thoughts or feelings. psychodynamic theory Correct Answer- A psychological theory that specifies that mental events are engaged in continual push-and-pull interactions among conscious and unconscious thoughts and feelings; the goal is enlightenment on how such interactions affect behavior. humanistic psychology Correct Answer- a school of thought in psychology that assumes people have positive values, free will, and deep inner creativity. cognitive psychology Correct Answer- a school of thought in psychology that attempts to characterize mental events that allow information to be stored and operated on internally.According to psycho-dynamic psychology, depression is a result of Correct Answer- suppressed aggressive drives Who was a key figure of the behaviorist school of psychological thought? Correct Answer- B.F. Skinner Who was a key figure in the development of psychoanalysis? Correct Answer- Sigmund Freud Which level of need must be met before the need for belongingness and love can be satisfied, according to Maslow's hierarchy of needs? Correct Answer- Physiological Suppose there is a positive correlation between age and life satisfaction.What conclusion does the correlation support? Correct Answer- As age increases, the level of life satisfaction also increases. How can psychological researchers reduce the impact of their own biases? Correct Answer- By collecting all the data from experiments before running the statistics Phineas Gage was involved in a serious railway construction accident in 1848. A steel rod went through his left cheek and exited through the top of his head. After he recovered, people who knew him noticed that his personality and behavior were different. Eventually, descriptions of Gage before and after the accident provided evidence that the frontal lobe is involved in executive functioning.Which research method does the study of Gage represent? Correct Answer- Case study Which principle should be established in any psychological study? Correct Answer- Participants should be protected from needless harm. Which part of the brain is responsible for memory? Correct Answer- hippocampus What does the cerebellum influence? Correct Answer- Balance and fine motor movementWhat does the hypothalamus influence? Correct Answer- Pleasure What does the hippocampus influence? Correct Answer- Memory Which structure is closely associated with reproduction in males? Correct Answer- Testes Neural impulses are able to travel the neural pathways with assistance from chemicals called neurotransmitters. What is the function of the neurotransmitter serotonin? Correct Answer- It affects mood. Neural impulses are able to travel the neural pathways with assistance from chemicals called neurotransmitters. Which neurotransmitter enables muscle action? Correct AnswerAcetylcholine Which component of the nervous system is integral in activating the body's fight-or-flight response? Correct Answer- Sympathetic nervous system A farmer drives a truck full of feed for cattle into a field. The farmer honks the horn when driving into the field. On the third day, the farmer drives into the field and honks the horn, and the cattle start moving toward the truck.Which theorist is associated with studying this type of behavior? Correct Answer- Ivan Pavlov In Pavlov's original demonstration of classical conditioning, what did the dog's salivation to the ringing of the bell represent? Correct Answer- Conditioned response A firefighter hears the station alarm each time a fire is reported. Later, while fighting the fire, the firefighter's heart is racing.According to Pavlov, which learned association is most likely to develop in this scenario? Correct Answer- The firefighter learns to react emotionally in a similar way to the alarm as to the fire.A child's parents want to teach their child to use the toilet by using positive reinforcement.Which schedule of positive reinforcement would be most helpful to parents wanting to achieve rapid learning? Correct Answer- The parents should use a continuous reinforcement schedule because it can produce rapid learning. A 50-year-old person who has not ridden a bicycle since childhood gets on a bicycle and rides effortlessly without even thinking about it.What type of memory is being used in this situation? Correct Answer- Implicit memory A teenager asks a parent for help with calculus homework. The parent has not solved calculus problems in more than 20 years and remembers very little about it.Which concept corresponds to this situation? Correct Answer- Storage decay Franco has been away from his hometown in Italy for more than 30 years, but he can still paint it from memory with impressive accuracy.Which memory is Franco using? Correct AnswerLong-term memory Which type of memory holds information until it can be encoded? Correct Answer- Short-term memory Which theorist claims that personality derives from sexually charged subconscious forces? Correct Answer- Sigmund Freud Researcher Abraham Maslow claims that people strive to satisfy certain needs as they approach self-actualization.Which perspective is most closely associated with this view? Correct AnswerHumanistic In which situation is a participant most likely to conform, according to the results of Asch's study of conformity? Correct Answer- When everyone else in the group expresses the same opinion According to Freud, which concept is a component of the id? Correct Answer- Pleasure principleWhat did Carl Rogers say was necessary for a growth-promoting environment? Correct AnswerUnconditional positive regard What would a learning theorist characterize as an operantly conditioned behavior? Correct Answer- Using oven mitts after burning a hand on a hot stove What is an Eysenck personality dimension that is characterized by one's emotional response to stimuli? Correct Answer- Neuroticism How would a learning theorist characterize having the desire to take part in highly stimulating activities because of past reinforcement? Correct Answer- As an operantly conditioned behavior How would a learning theorist characterize a child not saying a curse word after witnessing a sibling's severe punishment for saying the curse word? Correct Answer- As an observationally learned behavior Which belief illustrates situational attribution? Correct Answer- When a vehicle suddenly moves in front of another car, the driver must have had an emergency. During a college's spirit week, students are arbitrarily assigned to two teams for a series of competitive activities. Two friends are placed on separate teams and find their friendship strains during the competition.Which phenomenon accounts for this strain? Correct AnswerOutgroup bias A person makes a donation to a charity because it feels good. The person also receives a thankyou gift and positive attention from peers.What explains this person's decision to donate? Correct Answer- Social exchange theory Loto has been approached by a member of his social club to volunteer one day a week at the local food bank, a charity that the club has decided to support. Loto is busy with his home andfamily but realizes that helping will increase his feelings of giving to the community and enhance how members of the club may view him. He decides to make the time in his schedule for this volunteer effort. What is this an example of, in terms of altruism? Correct AnswerSocial exchange theory A group of individuals who are moderately opposed to the death penalty meet to discuss the issue. After two hours of discussion, most find themselves more strongly opposed to the death penalty than they were before the meeting.Which concept is this scenario an example of? Correct Answer- Group polarization A company's research department is under strong pressure to solve an urgent problem with one of the company's products. In their urgency, the department's executives decide to focus on one possible solution and refuse to consider alternatives.Which dynamic does this scenario best illustrate? Correct Answer- Groupthink Which term arose from research seeking to understand why a group of strangers are unlikely to help another person in a moment of need? Correct Answer- Bystander effect Attraction includes three psychological determinants. Physical attractiveness and repeated contact are two. What is the third determinant? Correct Answer- Similarity A patient regularly hears two voices conversing with each other and reports that the voices are being controlled by the CIA. The patient's speech has grown increasingly irrelevant to the situation. The patient bathes infrequently and demonstrates a reduced range of emotional expressiveness.Which mental disorder is the patient most likely suffering from? Correct Answer- Schizophrenia A patient reports experiencing intense periods of discomfort over the past month. These incidents developed abruptly and generally persist for approximately 15 minutes. The patient notes an accelerated heart rate, shortness of breath, dizziness, intense chest pain, and a fear of dying during such episodes. The patient was examined by a physician, who determined that a heart attack was not the cause of these symptoms. The patient now experiences persistent concern about having additional episodes.Which mental disorder is the patient most likely suffering from? Correct Answer- panic disorderWhich disorder is classified as an anxiety disorder? Correct Answer- Social phobia Which disorder is classified as an anxiety disorder? Correct Answer- Post-traumatic stress disorder What kind of disorder is is bipolar disorder? Correct Answer- Mood disorder Which type of therapy is based on the belief that an individual's interpretation of events is what causes unhappiness, rather than unhappiness being caused by the actual events? Correct Answer- Rational-emotive therapy A therapist seeks to increase a client's self-awareness and self-acceptance, also known as person-centered therapy based on Carl Roger's theory.Which theoretical orientation is this? Correct Answer- Humanistic Using Aaron Beck's theory, a therapist focuses on how patterns of thinking influence the feelings a client experiences in reaction to an event in the client's life. The therapist seeks to help the client understand how the emotional response results from the client's interpretation of the event.Which theoretical orientation is this? Correct Answer- Cognitive A therapist is helping clients become more aware of patterns of irrational negative thinking. The therapist is encouraging the clients to replace negative thoughts with a more balanced perspective and asks them to practice this new approach between treatment sessions.Which theoretical orientation does this approach represent? Correct Answer- Cognitive-behavioral Which therapeutic approach is effectively a laboratory for improving social relationships? Correct Answer- Group therapy Which type of therapeutic drug is bipolar disorder commonly treated with? Correct AnswerMood stabilizerWhat is most commonly treated with antipsychotic medications? Correct AnswerSchizophrenia Which type of therapeutic drug is Xanax? Correct Answer- Antianxiety Which type of therapeutic drug is Prozac? Correct Answer- Antidepression Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs Correct Answer- (level 1) Physiological Needs-{water, food, air} (level 2) Safety and Security {shelter & protection} , (level 3) Relationships, Love and Affection {sense of belonging & love}, (level 4) Self Esteem {feeling appreciated by others}, (level 5) Cognitive Needs- {understand the world}, (level 6) Aesthetic Needs- {harmony & order}, (level 7) Self-Actualization Needs- {be all that you are capable of becoming} Psychologist Carl Rogers developed a therapy based on the _____ approach. Correct Answerhumanistic evolutionary psychology Correct Answer- a school of thought in psychology that assumes that certain cognitive strategies and goals are so important that natural selection has built them into human brains. Structuralism Correct Answer- Uses introspection to discover the elements of the mind and rules for combining them Wundt founded the first psychology laboratory, 1879 Functionalism Correct Answer- Studies why thoughts, feelings, and behavior occur and how they are adaptive. James' Principles of Psychology, 1890Gestalt psychology Correct Answer- Focus on overall patterns of thoughts or experience; "the whole is more than the sum of its parts." Wertheimer's paper on perceived movement, 1912 Psychodynamic theory Correct Answer- Conflicts among conscious and unconscious forces underlie many thoughts, feelings, and behaviors [Show More]

Last updated: 1 year ago

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