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BTEC Applied Science Unit 5 Exam 105 Questions with Answers,100% CORRECT

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BTEC Applied Science Unit 5 Exam 105 Questions with Answers Function of the Right Pulmonary Artery - CORRECT ANSWER Carried deoxygenated blood to the right lung Function of the Aorta - CORRECT... ANSWER Carries oxygenated blood from the left ventricle to the rest of the body Function of the Left Pulmonary Artery - CORRECT ANSWER Carries deoxygenated blood to the left lung Function of the Left Pulmonary Vein - CORRECT ANSWER Carries oxygenated blood to heart from left lung Function of Semilunar Valve - CORRECT ANSWER prevent backflow of blood from aorta to ventricles Function of the Atrioventricular (Bicuspid) Valve - CORRECT ANSWER Prevent backflow of blood from Left Ventricle to Left Atrium Function of the Septum - CORRECT ANSWER Cardiac muscle that divides the left and right side of heart Function of Purkinje Fibres - CORRECT ANSWER Carry nerve impulses to ventricles to ventricles to aid contraction Function of the Inferior Vena Cava - CORRECT ANSWER Carries deoxygenated blood from the lower body to the heart Function of the Bundles of His - CORRECT ANSWER transmit impulses from AV Node to ventricles Function of Atrioventricular (Tricuspid) Valve - CORRECT ANSWER Prevent backflow of blood from Right Ventricle to Right Atrium Function of Sinoatrial Node (SA Node) - CORRECT ANSWER The pacemaker of the heart, which is responsible for the regular contraction of the heart muscle. Function of the Right Pulmonary Vein - CORRECT ANSWER Carry oxygenated blood to the heart from right lung Function of the Superior Vena Cava - CORRECT ANSWER Carry deoxygenated blood from upper body to Right Atrium Step 1 of Blood Flow(deoxygenated) - CORRECT ANSWER Aorta relax and fill with blood from Superior and Inferior Vena Cavae Step 2 of Blood Flow (deoxygenated) - CORRECT ANSWER Atria Contract (Atrial Systole) which forces AV valves open and blood moves through to fill ventricles Step 3 of Blood Flow(deoxygenated) - CORRECT ANSWER AV Valves close shut to prevent backflow Step 4 of Blood Flow (deoxygenated) - CORRECT ANSWER Ventricles contract (Ventricular Systole) - increases pressure Step 5 of Blood Flow (deoxygenated) - CORRECT ANSWER The pressure causes semilunar valves to open and blood flows into pulmonary arteries (deoxygenated) The pressure in arteries closes the SL valves to prevent backflow. What happens to the process of blood flow for oxygenated blood? - CORRECT ANSWER The process for deoxygenated is reversed. Blood enters from Pulmonary Veins, into Left Atrium and is forced through to Left Ventricle through the Bicuspid Valve. The ventricle contracts and forced blood through the Sl Valve into the Aorta where it is pumped around the body. The formulae for cardiac output? - CORRECT ANSWER Cardiac Output = Heart Rate X Stroke Volume What is the Cardiac Cycle? - CORRECT ANSWER The process of pumping blood around the heart, once oxygenated blood is received from lung. Step 1 of the cardiac cycle - CORRECT ANSWER Blood drains from Left Atrium from Pulmonary Vein. This is cardiac diastole (heart fills with blood). Step 2 of the cardiac cycle - CORRECT ANSWER The raising of blood pressure in Left Atrium forces Bicuspid Valve to open. Step 3 of the cardiac cycle - CORRECT ANSWER The contraction of Left Atrium (atrial systole) forces blood through the AV valve into the Left Ventricle. Step 4 of the cardiac cycle - CORRECT ANSWER When the Left Ventricle is full (Ventricular Diastole) the ventricles contract (Ventricular Systole). Step 5 of the cardiac cycle - CORRECT ANSWER The pressure caused by Ventricular Systole causes AV Valve to shut and causes SL valves to open. Blood is forced up into the Aorta. What happens to the right side of the heart in the cardiac cycle? - CORRECT ANSWER The process is exactly the same for deoxygenated blood. The Structure of Arteries - CORRECT ANSWER Thick wall, smooth muscle and elastic fibres. They are also lined with endothelial cells in a narrow lumen. The Structure of Capilliaries - CORRECT ANSWER Very thin wall with a small lumen. The Structure of Veins - CORRECT ANSWER A thin wall, with very little smooth muscle or elastic fibres. The lumen is wide and there are valves. Function of Arteries - CORRECT ANSWER To withstand high blood pressure as they carry blood away from heart. They must be able to change the diameter of lumen with the blood flow. The walls must be able to stretch when blood is pumped through and be able to recoil back to size. Therefore the surface must be low friction. Function of Capillaries - CORRECT ANSWER There needs to be rapid exchange (diffusion etc) between blood and tissues hence the thin wall. They also link arteries and veins. Function of Veins - CORRECT ANSWER Be able to pump blood to heart under low blood pressure. They do not stretch or recoil due to low bp. They act as a reservoir so have a large volume. Valves prevent the backflow of blood. What is the ABO blood system? - CORRECT ANSWER A blood type classifying system dependent on A and B antigens/antibodies. Type A Blood - CORRECT ANSWER Anti-B Antibodies A Antigen Type B Blood - CORRECT ANSWER Anti-A Antibodies B Antigens Type AB Blood - CORRECT ANSWER NO Antibodies A Antigen and B Antigen Type O Blood - CORRECT ANSWER Anti-A Antibodies and Anti-B Antibodies NO Antigens What is deemed as Universal Donor? - CORRECT ANSWER Type O Rh Negative blood is deemed as this. Why is type O Rh-negative the "universal donor"? - CORRECT ANSWER It can be donated to all other blood types because it contains no A/B or rhesus antigens. This means that no antibodies will attack it and agglutinate the blood. When is O Rh-negative blood used? - CORRECT ANSWER Only in ermegnecies as normally the patient will receive blood with same Rh and ABO group as their own. What is the Rhesus System? - CORRECT ANSWER Classifies blood as Rh-positive or Rh-negative. How is Rh-negative blood present in human? - CORRECT ANSWER An inherited blood protein is not present on Red Blood Cells. How is the Rh negative (Rh-) different? - CORRECT ANSWER does NOT contain the protein and is RECESSIVE Rh-Rh- = Rh- What type of blood can Rh-positive people receive? - CORRECT ANSWER Rh-negative blood only. What type of blood can Rh-negative people receive? - CORRECT ANSWER Only Rh-negative CANNOT receive Rh-positive blood. Factors which can increase CVD - CORRECT ANSWER Diet Smoking Age Inactivity Genetics High Blood Pressure Diet - CORRECT ANSWER There is a correlation between dietary habits and CVD. Lipoprotein and salt levels, if high will impact cholesterol levels and cause fatty deposits. Smoking - CORRECT ANSWER There is a correlation and causation between smoking and CVD as the chemicals cause damage to walls of arteries which causes them to constrict and lower blood flow. Gender - CORRECT ANSWER Oestrogen in females offers protection from CVD. This is because it decreases LDL cholesterol levels (bad cholesterol). After menopause females face a higher risk as this protection is reduced. Age - CORRECT ANSWER Older people lose elasticity and width of arteries which decreases blood flow to heart. Inactivity - CORRECT ANSWER lack of physical activity and exercise will lead to an increased blood pressure. High bp causes the arteries to narrow as plaque builds up and blood flow is therefore reduced. Genetics - CORRECT ANSWER Can inherit high bp, poor metabolism of cholesterol and easily damaged arteries. These all affect blood flow to heart. High Blood Pressure - CORRECT ANSWER This should not be above 140 mm Hg systolic and 90 mm Hg diastolic. High BP will damage arteries and increase risk of CVD. 3 types of CVD Treatments - CORRECT ANSWER Anti-hypertensive (diuretics/ calcium channel blockers) Statins Transplantation and Immunosuppression Positives of Anti-hypertensive (diuretics/ calcium channel blockers) treatments - CORRECT ANSWER It reduces Blood Pressure, reducing damage to arteries. Positives of Statins - CORRECT ANSWER Reduces LDL as the enzyme is inhibited in the liver. Positives of Transplantation and Immunosuppression - CORRECT ANSWER The heart is able to function properly. Negatives of Anti-hypertensive (diuretics/ calcium channel blockers) Treatment - CORRECT ANSWER There side effects such as occasional dizziness, nausea and cramps. Negatives of Statins - CORRECT ANSWER Tiredness, Sleeplessness, Nausea, Headaches, Weakness and Fatigue Negatives of Transplantation and Immunosuppresion - CORRECT ANSWER Risk of rejection and these reduce immunity to other diseases so there is an increased risk of infection. Electrocardiograms - CORRECT ANSWER These are tests that record the electrical activity of the heart and the results are published on a graph known as an electrocardiogram. An abnormal reading means that CVD conditions or other heart problems can be diagnosed. What are the parts of an ECG? - CORRECT ANSWER The P Wave The QRS Complex The T wave The P Wave - CORRECT ANSWER indicates atrial depolarization in both left and right atrium. This means there is atrial contraction (atrial systole) The QRS Complex - CORRECT ANSWER Includes The Q Wave, The R Wave and The S Wave All 3 waves occur in rapid succession This complex indicates that the myogenic impulse is travelling across the ventricles to initiate ventricular depolarisation (ventricular systole). The T Wave - CORRECT ANSWER This indicates Ventricular Repolarization (Ventricular Diastole). What is a normal rhythm of the heart? - CORRECT ANSWER 60-100 bpm. What is the bpm of Bradycardia? - CORRECT ANSWER less than 60 bpm. What is the bpm of Ventricular Fibrillation? - CORRECT ANSWER A very irregular ventricular rate. What is the bpm of Sinus Arrhythmia? - CORRECT ANSWER Normal beats but they are triggered at irregular intervals. What is the bpm of Tachycardia? - CORRECT ANSWER More than 100 bpm. What happens in the practical? - CORRECT ANSWER Caffeine is added to Daphnia to observe the change in heart rate. Why is caffeine used? - CORRECT ANSWER It is a known stimulant that may affect the heart. Why are Daphnia used? - CORRECT ANSWER They are very abundant in supply Are easily obtained They are also easily transparent so the heart can be seen. They have a simple nervous system so the ethical issues are low. Why aren't humans used? - CORRECT ANSWER There is a complex nervous system Needs dissection Cannot kill for experiment Can give consent Ethical issues of using Daphnia - CORRECT ANSWER Simple nervous system No dissection needed Abundant in nature Bred for fish food CANNOT GIVE CONSENT Limitations of using Daphnia - CORRECT ANSWER They are not humans, so any conclusions made, must be thoroughly considered before linking to humans. What steps must be taken to ensure the experiment is successful? - CORRECT ANSWER The daphnia must be immobilised All the variables must be controlled. The heart rate must all be measured the same Immobilise Daphnia Step - CORRECT ANSWER These needs to be done to ensure a successful experiment Cotton wool submerged in a small dish of solution is used to trap Daphnia. Controlling the Variables - CORRECT ANSWER Temp must be monitored to maintain it, this is done with a thermometer in the water. The daphnia should all be the same size and age. Ensuring that all the variables are controlled means that the experiment is repeatable. Measurement of heart rate - CORRECT ANSWER Can be done by placing dots in paper in a S shape to avoid overlapping or repeatedly adding on a calculator. Variables - CORRECT ANSWER Temperature Age/size/sex of Daphnia Aspects of pre-treatment (water type, habitat type, time out of habitat). Safety Measures - CORRECT ANSWER Do not mix water and electric Wash hands after handling daphnia. What is the ideal temperature? - CORRECT ANSWER If the investigation is to investigate the effect of a substance (caffeine) the temp must be constant. An unconstant temp could affect the heart rate. 25C is a suitable temp in this investigation as it ensures a high level of activity without enzyme denaturing. Alveoli - CORRECT ANSWER The air sacs of the lungs in which the gas exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place ,this is through diffusion. Co2 out of blood into alveoli to be exhaled. O2 into blood for respiration. Alveolar fluid surrounds the alveoli. This is known as Pulmonary Surfactant which helps to reduce surface tension of alveoli. As well as maintain a moist surface to assist in diffusion. The surface contains phospholipids which aid with this. Pathway of Air into Lungs - CORRECT ANSWER Nose/Mouth Pharynx Epiglottis Larynx Trachea Bronchi Bronchioles Alveoli Pleural Membranes - CORRECT ANSWER A serous membrane that lines the rib cage. Outer pleural membrane = lines outside of lungs. The space between lungs and rib cage is filled with fluid, which reduces friction and increases lubrication. The Pleural Membranes provide protection too. These membranes allow the expansion of lungs without damage. Features of the Gas Exchange System - CORRECT ANSWER Large Surface Area - 500-700 mil alveoli (70-100m2) A thin gas exchange surface - one cell thick with squamous epithelium which assists diffusion. A good blood supply - through the capillaries which allows efficient, continuous gas transfer. It is important for continuous gas transfer to aid in maintaining the high conc. gradient of both gases. The Concentrations of Gases (O2 and CO2) - CORRECT ANSWER In Alveoli - High conc of O2 and a low conc of CO2 - O2 dissolves in moisture so moist surfaces of alveoli help this to happen. In Blood - Low conc of O2 in blood. This means that there is a conc grad. between blood and alveoli. So O2 diffuses from alveoli to blood. (high to low conc). - High conc of CO2 in blood. So there is a conc grad. between blood and alveoli. So CO2 diffuses down conc grad (high to low) from blood to alveoli. Ventilation (Inhalation) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Diaphragm contracts and moves down to flatten. 2. If more O2 is needed then, the external intercostal muscles contract and move rib cage up and out to accommodate more O2. 3. The volume of the thoracic cavity increases. 4. An increase in volume causes a pressure decrease in the thoracic cavity which then is lower than outside. 5. Air then rushes in down a pressure gradient. Ventilation (Exhalation) - CORRECT ANSWER 1. Internal Intercostal Muscles contract and move the rib cage in and down. 2. The abs contract and push diaphragm back to dome shape. 3. The volume of thoracic cavity decreases. 4. A decrease in volume = increase in pressure compared to outside. 5. Air is forced out. In Alveoli - The elastic fibres shrink and increase pressure to force air out. Mechanical Ventilation - CORRECT ANSWER The use of a mechanical ventilator to assist breathing. Air is pumped into trachea through endotracheal or tracheostomy tube. This increases pressure which then allows air to flow in. The pressure drops to zero which allows lungs to exhale air. A punctured lung - the effects - CORRECT ANSWER A hole in a lung would cause a hole in the thoracic cavity. Air would enter the thoracic cavity and increase the pressure outside the lungs. HOWEVER The pressure would also increase in the lungs, so there is no pressure difference and air would neither flow in or out. Spirometer - CORRECT ANSWER A device used to measure aspects of the lungs. The patient breathes in and out of an airtight container which makes the device move up and down. Parts of a spirometry graph - CORRECT ANSWER Tidal Volume Expiratory Reserve Volume Residual Volume Vital Capacity Total Lung Capacity Tidal Volume (TV) - CORRECT ANSWER amount of air inhaled or exhaled with each breath under resting conditions Expiratory Reserve Volume (ERV) - CORRECT ANSWER Amount of air that can be forcefully exhaled after a normal tidal volume exhalation Residual Volume (RV) - CORRECT ANSWER Amount of air remaining in the lungs after a forced exhalation Vital Capacity (VC) - CORRECT ANSWER The difference between the minimum and maximum volume of air in the lungs (TLC-RV). So the volume between full inspiration (TLC) and full exhalation(RV). Total Lung Capacity (TLC) - CORRECT ANSWER maximum amount of air contained in lungs after maximum inhalation. Peak Expiratory Flow Test - CORRECT ANSWER Measures how fast an exhalation breath can be done. A full breath is taken (full inhalation) and is exhaled as quickly as possible into the peak flow meter. This is measured in dm3 min-1. Forced Vital Capacity - CORRECT ANSWER The maximum amount of air that can be removed from the lungs during forced expiration forced vital capacity (FVC) test - CORRECT ANSWER measures the amount of gas expelled when a subject takes a deep breath and then forcefully exhales to maximum. Spirometer Trace calculations - CORRECT ANSWER Breathing rate = 1 minute/time taken for 1 breath Respiratory Minute Ventilation = Tidal Vol x Breathing Rate Oxygen Consumption = XR/XS (gradient of tidal vol). [Show More]

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