US HISTORY REGENTS > EXAM > U.S Constitution Test, for the GED 210 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT (All)

U.S Constitution Test, for the GED 210 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT

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U.S Constitution Test, for the GED 210 Questions with Verified Answers What is the theory of American government? - CORRECT ANSWER The theory of American government is that the government's power... be given to the people. What are the two main topics covered in the Declaration of Independence ? - CORRECT ANSWER 1- The theory of American Government 2- The list of wrong things done to America by the English government. What was the date of which the Declaration of Independence became effective? - CORRECT ANSWER July 4, 1776 Who was one of the main authors of the Declaration of Independence? - CORRECT ANSWER Thomas Jefferson Central, national, federal - CORRECT ANSWER Names for the main government of the United States; this government is in Washington, DC Congress - CORRECT ANSWER The Senate and the House of Representatives Legislative Branch - CORRECT ANSWER The lawmakers (congress) make up this branch of federal government Executive Branch - CORRECT ANSWER President, Vice President, and the Cabinet. Judicial Branch - CORRECT ANSWER Courts and judges make up this branch of federal government Amendment - CORRECT ANSWER A change in the constitution What was the name of the first plan of government for the United States? - CORRECT ANSWER The first plan was the Articles of Confederation What was wrong with this plan of government? - CORRECT ANSWER Each state had too much power and federal government had too little power. In what year was the constitutional convention held? - CORRECT ANSWER The constitutional convention was held in the year 1787 Where was the constitutional convention held? - CORRECT ANSWER The constitutional convention was held in Philadelphia What is the main idea upon which the U.S government is founded? - CORRECT ANSWER The theory of American government is that the powers of the government rest with the people. How many articles are there in the Constitution? - CORRECT ANSWER There are 7 articles. When did we get the first ten amendments? - CORRECT ANSWER After signing the constitution, congress wrote the Bill of Rights in 1791 Why are the first ten amendments so important to you? - CORRECT ANSWER The ten amendments guarantee personal freedoms to each citizen. Name the three parts of the Constitution - CORRECT ANSWER The Preamble, the Articles of Confederation, and the Amendments. What are the three terms often used to refer to the government in Washington, DC? - CORRECT ANSWER National, Federal, and Central. Federal System of government (federalism) - CORRECT ANSWER State governments united under one stronger central government. Delegated powers - CORRECT ANSWER Eighteen powers listed in Article I; powers given to the U.S. Congress. Reserved powers - CORRECT ANSWER powers not given to the federal government by the Constitution. Implied powers - CORRECT ANSWER Powers "hinted' at by the "necessary and proper" clause of Article I. What is the federal system of government? - CORRECT ANSWER A federal system has several states united under one government. Central government is the strongest. Article I(the Legislative branch) gives _______(number) powers to the U.S. Congress. - CORRECT ANSWER 18 powers Where does Congress get the authority to use powers other than the ones listed in Article I? - CORRECT ANSWER Congress gets additional power from the "necessary and proper" clause of Article I. How does each state get its power? - CORRECT ANSWER Each state gets power from the tenth amendment. How many branches are there in the federal government? - CORRECT ANSWER There are three Branches. What are the names of the branches? - CORRECT ANSWER Legislative, Executive, and Judicial. What is the division of powers within the federal government most often called? - CORRECT ANSWER The division of powers is called Separation of Powers. Which article describes and explains the Legislative Branch(Congress)? - CORRECT ANSWER Article I; describes and explains the lawmaking process. Which article describes and explains the Executive Branch(the President and advisers)? - CORRECT ANSWER Article II; describes and explains the execution of laws. Which article describes and explains the Judicial Branch(the courts and judges)? - CORRECT ANSWER Article III; describes and explains the interpretation of laws. Who is the Speaker of the House? - CORRECT ANSWER Paul Ryan. Who is the Vice President? - CORRECT ANSWER Mike Pence. Who is the President? - CORRECT ANSWER Donald J. Trump. Compromise - CORRECT ANSWER Each side gives a little in an argument. Impeach - CORRECT ANSWER To accuse a public official of doing wrong while in office. Apportionment - CORRECT ANSWER Giving each state the number of representatives it deserves based on the population of the state. Census - CORRECT ANSWER Count of people in the U.S. taken every ten years. Concurrent - CORRECT ANSWER At the same time. Writ of Habeas Corpus - CORRECT ANSWER "To have a body of evidence" Bill of attainder - CORRECT ANSWER An act of Parliament which allowed a person to be punished without a trial, jury, or witnesses. Ex post facto law - CORRECT ANSWER "after the fact" Bicameral - CORRECT ANSWER Having two houses. Eminent Domain - CORRECT ANSWER If this government power is used, the taking of property must be accompanied by a fair price. President pro tempore - CORRECT ANSWER Leader of the Senate when the Vice President of the U.S. cannot be present at meetings. Lay - CORRECT ANSWER Imposing and collecting a tax. What was the "Great Compromise" which large and small states created? - CORRECT ANSWER The great compromise was the creation of Congress during constitutional convention, Congress was to be made of the Senate and the house of representatives. Small houses received as much members as large states. Why did the creation of Senate help satisfy the small states? - CORRECT ANSWER The small states liked the idea of Senate because all states were equally represented Who elected senators before 1913 - CORRECT ANSWER Lawmakers elected senators Who conducts the elections for Congress? - CORRECT ANSWER Each state is responsible. Who determines if elected senators and representatives meet the proper qualifications? - CORRECT ANSWER House of representatives and the Senate determine. What is a census? - CORRECT ANSWER A counting of U.S population every ten years. How often do we apportion the membership of the House of Representatives? - CORRECT ANSWER Every ten years after census. Who is the leader of the House of Representatives? - CORRECT ANSWER The speaker of the house, whom is elected by members. Who is the leader of the Senate? - CORRECT ANSWER Vice president of the United States. What are the qualifications for senators? - CORRECT ANSWER -Must be at least 30 years old -U.S citizen for at least 9 years -Live in state they represent What are the qualifications for representatives? - CORRECT ANSWER -At least 25 years old -U.S citizen for at least 7 years -Live in state they represent List five powers that the constitution has given to the Congress. - CORRECT ANSWER Raise and support an army, collect taxes, borrow money, regulate trade, coin money, set up lower courts, set up post offices, and declare war. What is the power given to the President in Article I? - CORRECT ANSWER Article I gives the power to approve or veto laws Congress makes. Congress is forbidden to do what three things? - CORRECT ANSWER Suspend writs of habeas corpus, issue bills of attainder, and pass ex post facto laws. What is an ex post facto law? - CORRECT ANSWER An ex post facto law makes an act of crime after it has been committed. What is a bill of attainder? - CORRECT ANSWER A bill of attainder is a Legislated act in England to punish for crimes with no trial, this is illegal in U.S . What is a writ of habeas corpus? - CORRECT ANSWER To have a body of evidence is a court order the prisoner must be told lawfully the reason of arrest. How often does the Congress have to meet? - CORRECT ANSWER At least once a year. Bill - CORRECT ANSWER A proposed law Appropriation bill - CORRECT ANSWER A bill which is a plan to spend taxpayers' money Presidential veto - CORRECT ANSWER The president rejects a bill and sends a message to Congress giving his reasons Pocket veto - CORRECT ANSWER The president does not sign a bill within ten days (Sundays not included) after Congress adjourns Filibuster - CORRECT ANSWER A senator's method of delaying the Senate's voting on a bill Lobbyists - CORRECT ANSWER People who want to influence members of Congress to pass certain laws. Which house of Congress must begin bills that involve spending taxpayers' money? - CORRECT ANSWER House of representatives may introduce the appropriation bills How may a senator delay the vote on a bill? - CORRECT ANSWER A long speech that prevents senate from voting on a bill, this is called a filibuster. What is a presidential veto? - CORRECT ANSWER The presidential veto is the president's rejection of a bill, ten days(not Sundays) of receiving a bill. A message to congress is sent regarding reasons of veto of the bill. How much time does the president have to veto a bill? - CORRECT ANSWER The president has ten days. What is a pocket veto? - CORRECT ANSWER A pocket veto is when congress adjourns within ten days(not Sundays)the president by taking no action kills the bill. If the president doesn't sign a veto law within ten days it becomes a law without his signature. People who work for groups that want to affect the way members of Congress vote are referred to as what? - CORRECT ANSWER A lobbyist is the name given. Who actually elects the President and Vice President? - CORRECT ANSWER The electoral college actually elects the President and Vice President. Must a candidate win a majority of both electoral and popular votes? - CORRECT ANSWER A candidate for President must win only a majority of electoral votes. He or she does not have to win popular. If no candidate received a majority of the Electoral votes, who chooses from a top three? - CORRECT ANSWER If no candidate received a majority of the electoral votes the House of Representatives chooses from a top three. What branch of federal government is given the power to Declare war? - CORRECT ANSWER The legislative branch is allowed to declare war. Who is the Commander In Chief of the Armed forces during war? - CORRECT ANSWER The president is the Commander In Chief. What are three requirements that the President and Vice President must meet in order to be elected? - CORRECT ANSWER 1- Be a natural born citizen 2- Be at least 35 years old 3- Be a U.S resident for 14 years How can Congress Punish Executive and Judicial Branch officials for committing wrong? - CORRECT ANSWER Congress can hold an impeachment and trials. In impeachment actions the _________ accuses the official of wrong doing. The _____ tries the official. - CORRECT ANSWER House of Representatives accuses official. Senate tries official. What branch of federal government deals with foreign nations? - CORRECT ANSWER The executive branch. Who makes treaties? - CORRECT ANSWER The President can make treaties with foreign nations. Who must approve treaties? - CORRECT ANSWER Two thirds of Senate. How long can the President serve? - CORRECT ANSWER No more than ten years. When does the Cabinet meet? - CORRECT ANSWER At request of the President. Appeal - CORRECT ANSWER To refuse to accept the decision of a lower court and to apply to have the case heard in a higher court. Appellate court - CORRECT ANSWER A court which hears appeal cases. Original jurisdiction - CORRECT ANSWER The court where a case is first tried. Treason - CORRECT ANSWER Fighting or working against your own country during times of war. Espionage - CORRECT ANSWER Spying on a foreign power during times of peace. How many courts did the constitution create? - CORRECT ANSWER The constitution created one court, The U.S Supreme Court. Who decides the number of Supreme Court Justices(judges)? - CORRECT ANSWER Congress sets the number of Supreme Court Justices. How many types of federal courts are there? - CORRECT ANSWER There are three courts. In what kinds of cases does the Supreme court have original jurisdiction? - CORRECT ANSWER Cases that involve the states and in cases that involve foreign countries. What three types of cases do U.S District Courts try? - CORRECT ANSWER Breaking laws written by congress, laws in the constitution, or between citizens of two different states. They don't hear appeals. What types of cases do the U.S Circuit Courts of Appeals try? - CORRECT ANSWER The U.S circuit courts try cases that were not settled in the U.S district courts. No cases begin in the U.S circuit court of appeals. Where must trial be held? - CORRECT ANSWER In the state where the crime was committed. What is treason? - CORRECT ANSWER Treason is fighting or working against the U.S during times of war. What evidence must be given if a person is to be convicted of treason? - CORRECT ANSWER If a person is convicted of treason, two witnesses must testify in open court or the accused must confess in open court. How many Supreme Court Justices are there? - CORRECT ANSWER There are nine. How long do federal judges serve? - CORRECT ANSWER Federal judges serve for life, on good behavior. How may federal judges lose their jobs? - CORRECT ANSWER Federal judges may lose their jobs if congress completes an impeachment action against them. Legislative checks Executive - CORRECT ANSWER Senate accepts or rejects president's treaties Congress accepts or rejects choice of Vice President. Congress can pass law over to president's veto and remove officials with impeachment. Legislative checks Judicial - CORRECT ANSWER Congress can remove federal judges through impeachment. The senate accepts or rejects the appointments of federal judges. Executive checks legislative - CORRECT ANSWER The president can approve or veto laws that congress makes. Executive checks judicial - CORRECT ANSWER the president appoints federal judges Judicial checks legislative - CORRECT ANSWER the supreme court can declare a law that congress makes unconstitutional Judicial checks executive - CORRECT ANSWER The chief justice of the supreme court serves as the judge in an impeachment trial of president. Supreme court may declare action by the president unconstitutional . What is judicial review? - CORRECT ANSWER The principle that allows the supreme court to decide if laws made by congress do or do not follow the constitution What case established the Supreme Court's power of Judicial Review? - CORRECT ANSWER The case Marbury V.S Maddison What is extradition? - CORRECT ANSWER The process by which the governor of a state returns person to the state where they have been accused of crime How can you become a citizen of another state? - CORRECT ANSWER By moving to the state and living there. Who must approve changing a state's boundary? - CORRECT ANSWER The legislature and congress What type of government does the constitution guarantee each state? - CORRECT ANSWER Each state shall have a republican form of government. According to Article VI, what is the supreme Law of the Land? - CORRECT ANSWER Laws made by congress and U.S treaties. How may an amendment to the Constitution be proposed? - CORRECT ANSWER Two thirds of both houses of congress may propose an amendment. Two thirds of the senate legislatures may ask congress to call a convention will propose the amendment. How may an amendment to the Constitution be ratified(approved)? - CORRECT ANSWER By either three fourths of the state's legislatures or three fourths of the states conventions. How many of the original 13 states had to approve the Constitution before it became law? - CORRECT ANSWER Nine states had to approve. Suffrage - CORRECT ANSWER the right to vote Due process of law - CORRECT ANSWER Guarantees that no person shall be deprived of his or her rights without a fair trial and equal protection. poll tax - CORRECT ANSWER A tax which voters must pay Self-incrimination - CORRECT ANSWER A person making him- or herself seem guilty Bail - CORRECT ANSWER Money given to the court by the accused person to guarantee the court that the person will return for trial Warrant - CORRECT ANSWER A judge's order granting a search of property or an arrest Militia - CORRECT ANSWER An army of a state's citizens Grand Jury - CORRECT ANSWER Issues indictments Prohibitions - CORRECT ANSWER Selling alcoholic beverages is illegal Which amendments make up the Bill of Rights? - CORRECT ANSWER First ten amendments Which amendment guarantees the rights of free speech, free press, peaceful assembly, the right to petition, and freedom of religion? - CORRECT ANSWER The first amendment What does the 5th amendment guarantee you? - CORRECT ANSWER Protection from self incrimination What 6th, 7th, 8th Amendments guarantee a person who has been arrested? - CORRECT ANSWER That punishments will not be cruel and unusual What were the civil war amendments? - CORRECT ANSWER Abolished slavery, U.S citizenship to former slaves and former male slaves the right to vote What was involved in the Brown v. Board of Education case? - CORRECT ANSWER Segregated schools were declared unconstitutional by the 14th amendment. Which amendment made the Bill of Rights apply to all citizens including former slaves? - CORRECT ANSWER The 14th amendment. Which amendment gives women the right to vote? - CORRECT ANSWER the 19th amendment Which amendment gives 18 year old citizens the right to vote? - CORRECT ANSWER the 26th amendment How should the U.S flag be displayed with the flags of other countries? - CORRECT ANSWER At the same height and same size How should the U.S flag be carried in procession? - CORRECT ANSWER It should be marching to the right front and center of other flags in line. Should the U.S flag be allowed to touch anything? - CORRECT ANSWER It should fall free, not touch anything below it, and not draped over any vehicle. When should the U.S flag be displayed upside down? - CORRECT ANSWER Only if there is distress. What is the proper position for the U.S flag when it is displayed on a staff with the flags of cities or states? - CORRECT ANSWER The U.S flag should be at peak. When should the U.S flag be displayed? - CORRECT ANSWER Can be flown from sunrise to sunset on state and national holidays and at night with a light. Where is the Bill of Rights in the Illinois Constitution? - CORRECT ANSWER Article one The Illinois Constitution guarantees freedom from discrimination on the basis of a person's sex. It also guarantees that people with certain handicaps will not discriminated against. What handicaps are listed? - CORRECT ANSWER That they will not be discriminated against despite mental or physical handicaps. What group of people is not allowed to vote in Illinois? - CORRECT ANSWER Persons convicted of felony are not allowed to vote while i n prison What are the qualifications to register to vote in Illinois? - CORRECT ANSWER 1 be U.S citizen. 2) 18 or older 3) have lived in an election precinct for at least 30 days prior to election General Assembly - CORRECT ANSWER Legislative Branch of state government of Illinois Bill - CORRECT ANSWER A proposed law General election - CORRECT ANSWER election held every two years in even numbered years Appropriation - CORRECT ANSWER Authority to spend state funds Minority party - CORRECT ANSWER Party that does not have a majority in the House or Senate Contiguous - CORRECT ANSWER Next to each other Compact - CORRECT ANSWER Densely populated Override - CORRECT ANSWER The general assembly can pass a bill over the objection of the Governor What is a legislative district? A representative district? - CORRECT ANSWER One state senator is elected from legislative district and House member is elected from representative district What is a bicameral legislature - CORRECT ANSWER Two house legislature such as the Illinois general assembly and U.S congress How are bills enacted into laws? - CORRECT ANSWER Pass both houses of general assembly must be approved by majority of each house its sent to governor within 30 days if its signed. it is a law Who can call a special session of the legislature - CORRECT ANSWER The governor What special veto power does the governor have? - CORRECT ANSWER The governor may veto one or more items in an appropriation bill without vetoing the entire bill Does the legislature have the power to 'check' the executive and judicial branch officials? - CORRECT ANSWER The House has the sole power to investigate Who must decide if the general assembly members are properly elected and qualified to serve? - CORRECT ANSWER Each house of the general assembly Chief Executive Officer - CORRECT ANSWER governor "Supreme executive power" - CORRECT ANSWER Power granted to the governor Executive officers - CORRECT ANSWER Governor, Lieutenant Governor, Attorney General, Secretary of State, Comptroller, and Treasurer Reprieve - CORRECT ANSWER Postponement of punishment Malfeasance - CORRECT ANSWER Wrongdoing Commutation - CORRECT ANSWER Reduction of punishment Do the elected officers of the Executive Branch have the duties described for them in the constitution? - CORRECT ANSWER Yes they do have duties described in Article V. The Constitution authorizes the Governor to nominate some officers who serve in the Executive Branch. The state senate must approve them. Does the governor have the authority to remove any of these officers? - CORRECT ANSWER Yes the governor may remove the officer whom he or she has appointed for incompetence, neglect of the duty or malfeasance while in office. What qualifications are necessary for a person to be eligible to serve as an elected state executive officer? - CORRECT ANSWER 1) U.S citizen 2) At least 25 years old 3) a resident of this state preceding 3 years before his or her election. Original jurisdiction - CORRECT ANSWER Hearing a case for the first time Writ - CORRECT ANSWER A formal legal document Revenue - CORRECT ANSWER Cases dealing with tax matter Mandamus - CORRECT ANSWER Ordering a public officer to carry out his or her duties Prohibition - CORRECT ANSWER Forbids a lower court form trying a case that should be in another court Habeas corpus - CORRECT ANSWER Brings a person before a court to determine the legality of his or her detention How many types of courts in Illinois? - CORRECT ANSWER Associate judges are appointed In federal courts the president appoint all judges How many judicial districts are there in Illinois? - CORRECT ANSWER There are five districts What is original jurisdiction? - CORRECT ANSWER It is when a court hears a case for the first time What two courts have original jurisdiction? - CORRECT ANSWER The supreme court and circuit do If there is a conflict between a state law and a county ordinance, which should you follow? - CORRECT ANSWER A state law should be followed beforehand Are Illinois citizens required to pay a graduated income tax to the state? - CORRECT ANSWER Illinois citizens are required to pay a nongraduated income tax How much time is a person given to pay his or her taxes before finally losing his or her property? - CORRECT ANSWER Two years. Is all real estate property in Illinois taxed? - CORRECT ANSWER Certain property(Church) are not taxed. What does the Illinois Constitution say concerning the cost of public education? - CORRECT ANSWER Education is public schools through secondary is to be free. Who is commander- in- chief of the Illinois National Guard? - CORRECT ANSWER The governor is commander in chief Is it legal for taxpayer money to be used for public transportation - CORRECT ANSWER Public money may be used Can the Illinois General Assembly alone pass an amendment to the Illinois Constitution? - CORRECT ANSWER The general assembly alone, cannot Ordinane - CORRECT ANSWER A law passed by a city or village government Fiscal Year - CORRECT ANSWER a 365 day period for which a government or organization plans the use of its funds Audit - CORRECT ANSWER Examination of books and records about spending/ receiving money Appropriation - CORRECT ANSWER A plan to spend taxpayer's money Revenue - CORRECT ANSWER Money that the government gets from taxes and fees Nongraduated income tax - CORRECT ANSWER A type of tax that is a flat tax on incomes Personal property - CORRECT ANSWER Household goods and furniture, automobiles, and money Bond - CORRECT ANSWER A paper which shows that someone owes you money Environment - CORRECT ANSWER All of a persons surroundings Militia - CORRECT ANSWER Body of people who can be called into active military service Illinois national guard - CORRECT ANSWER Name of the militia in Illinois Civillians - CORRECT ANSWER people not in the military Bribery - CORRECT ANSWER Offering Compensation to someone in order to get him or her to do something (usually illegal) you want done. Perjury - CORRECT ANSWER Swearing something is true when you know that it is not true. Auditor General - CORRECT ANSWER Checks the state's accounts. [Show More]

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