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COM 312 Final Exam Study Guide 240 Questions with Verified Answers,100% CORRECT

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COM 312 Final Exam Study Guide 240 Questions with Verified Answers Conflict Should be accepted as a fact of life. - CORRECT ANSWER True According to our textbook, conflict may exist even when pe... ople are not arguing or even talking to each other. - CORRECT ANSWER True Effective conflict managment occurs when our communication behavior produces an outcome that is satisfactory to everyone concerned. - CORRECT ANSWER True Communication skills are innate; they are not learned. - CORRECT ANSWER False When conflicts arise, they arise because of the way both peolpe act with respect to one another. Both people in a conflict situation contribute to the emergence of conflict. - CORRECT ANSWER True The transactional model of communication emphasized the end product of communicating (convincing, persuading, controlling, or dominating others) whereas the linear view emphasizes the exchange of verbal and nonverbal messages in an attempt to better understand one another's perspective and create shared meaning. - CORRECT ANSWER False Parties involved in conflict can always agree on and identify a specific behavior as the trigger for that conflict. - CORRECT ANSWER False You and your roommate differ on how much clutter is "too much". According to the text, this is an example of: - CORRECT ANSWER Incompatible goals My husband and I each value education and want our children to do well academically. I think our children should not be allowed to play video games or watch more than one hour of television per day during the week so that they have more time to study. My husband thinks that is overly restrictive. This has become a source of conflict for us. According to the text, this is an example of: - CORRECT ANSWER Incompatible means In the author's view, interpersonal conflict: - CORRECT ANSWER Requires interdependence. According to our textbook, which of the following refers to communication behavior a person employs based on his or her analysis of a conflict situation that involves alternative ways of dealing with conflict? - CORRECT ANSWER Conflict managment According to our textbook, which of the following refers to "Only one alternative in which parties solve a problem or issue and expect it not to arise again?" - CORRECT ANSWER Conflict resolution. Which of the following is FALSE? - CORRECT ANSWER All conflict management should result in conflict resolution. When it comes to interpersonal conflict, - CORRECT ANSWER The closer the relationship, the more likely conflict becomes. The text describes the process view of conflict as having _ stages - CORRECT ANSWER 5 The participants involved, their relationship, other interested parties, and the physical and social environment are key variables of: - CORRECT ANSWER The prelude to conflict At which phase of conflict does at least one person make known to the other that a conflict exists? - CORRECT ANSWER The initiation phase. Which of the following statements is true about destructive conflict? - CORRECT ANSWER All of the above statements are true about destructive conflict. All of the following are true regarding civility except? - CORRECT ANSWER It is dependent on our liking the other person. The text recommends viewing conflict as: - CORRECT ANSWER An opportunity. Tangible issues center on gut feelings like love, respect, and self-esteem as well as other topics like power, cooperation, and other beneficial behaviors such as attention and caring: - CORRECT ANSWER False Both excessive conflict and excessive harmony are abnormal - CORRECT ANSWER True When people collaborate, they are rigid in terms of the goal of developing mutually satisfying solutions, but they are flexible with respect to the means for achieving them. - CORRECT ANSWER True Avoidance behavior is more typical of husbands than of wives. - CORRECT ANSWER True Collaborative argument occurs when one has a desire to win no matter what harm it does to the relationship - CORRECT ANSWER False Avoidance/accommodation can serve as useful purposes, as long as it eliminates arguing and does not damage the relationship: - CORRECT ANSWER True Personality conflicts often do not result in mutually satisfying outcomes: - CORRECT ANSWER True At the dinner table, two teenage siblings argue with their parents about who should be allowed to use the car on Friday night. According to the text, this is most likely a(n) _ conflict issue: - CORRECT ANSWER Tangible If I ask my partner why he bought a new big screen television we can't afford, this is likely a ___ issue - CORRECT ANSWER Behavioral ________ Conflicts focus on a whole constellaion of issues such as being dominating, lazy, shy, introverted, self, achievement, oriented, etc. - CORRECT ANSWER Personality If I hint to my boyfriend that after two years of dating it's time to put a ring on it, this is most likely a ____ issue: - CORRECT ANSWER Relationship It seems like every time CJ makes a trip home from college, his Dad starts the same argument about whether CJ should change his major. Their argument is an example of a : - CORRECT ANSWER Script Saying I don't want to make waves is an example of an ___ statement: - CORRECT ANSWER Avoidant/Accomodating Withholding something the other person wants, secretly undermining others, spreading lies, and or denying a problem exists while failing to cooperate are examples of ____ behavior: - CORRECT ANSWER Passive-aggressive The text describes ____ as storing up hurts and anger until they finally explode: - CORRECT ANSWER Gunnysacking Which conflict style is generally regarded as the most appropriate/ideal? - CORRECT ANSWER Collaboration Which conflict style shows low concern for self and high concern for others? - CORRECT ANSWER Accommodation Which conflict style shows moderate concern for self, and moderate concern for others? - CORRECT ANSWER Compromise Which conflict style shows high concern for self and low concern for others? - CORRECT ANSWER Dominant ____ occurs when the behaviors of one person intensity/escalate the behaviors of another: - CORRECT ANSWER Schismogenesis The way people act in conflict situations is due, in large part, to their individual dispositions or ways of thinking. - CORRECT ANSWER True Misplaced conflict occurs when people get carried away and exaggerate a conflict: - CORRECT ANSWER False Conflict rarely creates uncertainty - CORRECT ANSWER False False conflicts are generally resolved with sufficient information: - CORRECT ANSWER True A high comparison level will cause us to expect/demand more from our relational partners: - CORRECT ANSWER True Conflict encourages the growth and adaptation of a system. Without conflict, a system faces the possibility of stagnation and decay: - CORRECT ANSWER True People are rarely rational about the way they "do" conflict, rarely calculating and weighing the costs and rewards: - CORRECT ANSWER False According to the textbook, the dependence of person A on person B contributes person B's power over person A. - CORRECT ANSWER True the id, superego, and ego are aspects of which theory? - CORRECT ANSWER Psychodynamic According to the textbook, which aspect "contains everything that is inherited, present at birth, or fixed in the constitution"? - CORRECT ANSWER Id Intrapersonal theories of conflict assume that the way we act in conflict is based on: - CORRECT ANSWER Our individual dispositions or ways of thinking. Which of the following are both intrapersonal theories? - CORRECT ANSWER Attribution and Psychodynamics The tendency to credit my intelligence and hard work for my successes and to blame situational factors for my failures is known as: - CORRECT ANSWER Self-serving bias When outcomes in a relationship exceed the comparison level of alternatives, - CORRECT ANSWER partners are likely to remain satisfied and committed. Determining the values of a relationship by weighing its costs against its benefits is central to which theory? - CORRECT ANSWER Social exchange What are two types of attributions discussed in the textbook? - CORRECT ANSWER internal and external How we respond to anxiety and to repression are key components in which theory? - CORRECT ANSWER Psychodynamics Alex feels that Jo doesn't put sufficient effort into making the relationship work, and thinks, "I know I can find someone who would care about me more and treat me better". This is most clearly an example of which theory? - CORRECT ANSWER Social exchange Which theory underscores the importance of interrelated components acting together? - CORRECT ANSWER Systems "The system maintains itself in pursuit of a goal" refers to - CORRECT ANSWER Homeostasis Confronting others is always advisable - CORRECT ANSWER False Empathy requires that we both understand and agree with how the other person feels. - CORRECT ANSWER False According to research cited in the textbook, only 1 percent of people report thinking about the other person's view in a conflict situation - CORRECT ANSWER True One of the best things we can do for another person is to tell them that they shouldn't feel so bad and remind them that other peolpe have it much worse than they do. - CORRECT ANSWER False The entire confrontation process stops when an unerstanding, agreement, or resolution is arrived at. - CORRECT ANSWER False People who are assertive with one another have the greatest chance of achieving mutual satisfaction and growth in their relationship. - CORRECT ANSWER True In the S-TLC system, the L stands for - CORRECT ANSWER Listening There are how many steps in the confrontation process? - CORRECT ANSWER 6 Which of the following is NOT one of the four types of goals related to conflict? - CORRECT ANSWER Emotional In the confrontation process, statements like "You can't really be angry over this!" and "I know exactly how you feel": - CORRECT ANSWER Negate the uniqueness of the other person's experience. According to the text, the confrontation process ends: - CORRECT ANSWER After reevaluation. According to the textbook, which of the following is "a state of emotional arousal that occurs when we believe that the other person is attacking us" - CORRECT ANSWER Defensiveness Considering each party's goals and applying creativity should occur as part of which component of the authors systems for dealing with conflict? - CORRECT ANSWER Thinking According to the textbook, advantages of using I-statements include all but the following: - CORRECT ANSWER All of the above are advantages of using I statements. According to the textbook, in a conflict we need to use I-statements primarily in order to - CORRECT ANSWER Avoid arousing defensiveness in the other person. Which of the following is NOT one of the four types of I-statements recommended by the text? - CORRECT ANSWER Assumption statement Jordan and Pat agreed on a solution to their conflict. Then they worked backward to determine the steps needed to accomplish the solution. This is an example of - CORRECT ANSWER Reversal Which of the following refers to a person's abilities and talents that actually limit the persons thinking? - CORRECT ANSWER Trained incapacity Which of the following stages of creativity occurs when a particular idea finally appears in response to a problem? - CORRECT ANSWER Illumination stage. Which of the following stages of creativity includes all you previous learnings as well as any information you gather to address the problem at hand? - CORRECT ANSWER Preparation stage Physical Violence is always more harmful and traumatizing than verbal aggression. - CORRECT ANSWER False Like conflict, violence is inevitable - CORRECT ANSWER False Dating violence is more common among late adolescents who use alcohol or marijuana - CORRECT ANSWER True Verbal conduct of a sexual nature is NOT considered sexual harrasment - CORRECT ANSWER False As many as 35 percent of high school students experience a physical altercation in a year's time. - CORRECT ANSWER True Under the right conditions, all of us may turn violent: - CORRECT ANSWER True Verbal abuse rarely plays a role in conflicts that turn physically violent - CORRECT ANSWER False The inability to argue verbally to defend a position, or to refute positions others take, is a major contributor to physical and verbal violence: - CORRECT ANSWER True Studies showed that the presence of bystanders increased the use of violence by men toward women, but decreased the use of violence of women toward men. - CORRECT ANSWER False Men are more likely to resort to physical violence toward their female partners than vice versa. - CORRECT ANSWER True ________ refers to the situaiton in which one person in a relationship withholds grievances form the other, usually due to fear of alienating the other person or fear of the other person's severe reaction: - CORRECT ANSWER Chilling effect. According to the textbook, effectiveness is ______; appropriateness is ______ - CORRECT ANSWER Achieving one's goals, not violating social conventions. According to the authors, communication competence refers to: - CORRECT ANSWER Being both effective and appropriate All of the following are cues that potentially violent communicators give EXCEPT: - CORRECT ANSWER Dominaitng According to the textbook, which of the following approaches to the study of interpersonal violence "identifies the sequence of behavior within communication patterns that differentiate violent from nonviolent interpersonal relationships?" - CORRECT ANSWER Communication Interaction Approach According to the textbook, which of the following approaches to the study of interpersonal violence focuses on the "beliefs, perceptions, attributions, and other predispositions that promote violent conflict communication behavior?" - CORRECT ANSWER Communication cognition approach The best time to counter abuse is - CORRECT ANSWER The first time it happens. According to the textbook, which of the following skills can reduce the likelihood of violent communication? - CORRECT ANSWER All of the above skills can reduce the likelihood of violent communication. According to the textbook, which of the following refers to violence that men and women both engage in occasionally that does not become more frequent or more severe over time? - CORRECT ANSWER Common couple violence _____ describes violence that is a part of a pattern of behaviors a person engages in to exert control over his or her partner: - CORRECT ANSWER Intimate terrorism. People have power over us to the extent that we depend on them, they can affect our goal achievement, and they have the resources we need to accomplish our goals. - CORRECT ANSWER True In terms of verbal communication, dominant people do not have authority over another unless the other person grants this power to him/her. - CORRECT ANSWER True Dominant people exercise legitimate power when they rely on threats to intimidate others and stifle input. - CORRECT ANSWER False Powerful speakers tend to use fewer intensifiers, less formal grammar, and more questioning forms. - CORRECT ANSWER False Women end to interrupt more often than men do. - CORRECT ANSWER False Generally speaking, decisions made after seeking input from others are more effective than decisions made without input from others. - CORRECT ANSWER True In relationships, the person with the greatest amount of interest in maintaining the relationship typically has more power in it: - CORRECT ANSWER False Defensive behaviors are associated with anyone, whether in positions of authority or not: - CORRECT ANSWER True Researchers classify fear of conflict as one of the five major dysfunctions of a team. - CORRECT ANSWER True ___ is the ability to influence or control events: - CORRECT ANSWER Power An _____ is a message that sounds like a promise but operates like a threat because there is a penalty associated with noncompliance that may hurt the recipient - CORRECT ANSWER Thromise Interrupting others, speaking loudly, controlling the topic of conversation, saying "I expect this to be done immediately" using fewer polite forms, etc. are all examples of ___: - CORRECT ANSWER Powerful speech Speaking softly, sounding tentative, hedging, and using disclaimers and tag questions are all examples of ____ - CORRECT ANSWER Powerless speech. All of the following are true regarding conflict climate EXCEPT: - CORRECT ANSWER We must be aware of the conflict climate in order for it to influence the conflict. According to the text, the middle category between powerful and powerless speech is _____ speech. - CORRECT ANSWER Neutral Which of the following is NOT one of the strategies recommended in the text for subordinates to equalize power with superior? - CORRECT ANSWER Always try to control the topic of conversation. ______ Occurs when individuals get so caught up in a situation they are experiencing that they begin to act in ways that are harmful or even illegal: - CORRECT ANSWER The Lucifer Effect _______ occurs when people are so committed to the people, goals, and or ideals of a group that they fail to engage in conflict when they should. - CORRECT ANSWER Groupthink _____ occurs when people disagree with the decision being made (along with others) , but do not voice their opinion and just go along with the decision: - CORRECT ANSWER The Abilene Paradox The textbook described all of the following suggestions for avoiding the abuse of power EXCEPT: - CORRECT ANSWER ALL of the above are suggestions given by the text for avoiding the abuse of power. Face management frequently includes the management of interpersonal conflict. - CORRECT ANSWER True We tend to take less credit than is due when outcomes are good and assume more responsibility than we should when outcomes are bad. - CORRECT ANSWER False Guilt is more self-focused and shame is more behavior focuse - CORRECT ANSWER False When people lose face they may also seek retaliation - CORRECT ANSWER True One person's positive face managment may poduce autonomous face conflict in another. - CORRECT ANSWER True Disclaimers are additions to the message that soften the forcefulness of the message. - CORRECT ANSWER True Unless an offense is server, when apologies appear to be sincere and the offender does not seem likely to repeat the offense, acceptance is the socially expected result of an apology: - CORRECT ANSWER True An apology is an explanation for behavior when quesitoned - CORRECT ANSWER False According to research, apologies and offering some sort of corrective action were seen as the most appropriate and effective ways to restore face after a violation: - CORRECT ANSWER True All of the following are TRUE regarding the concept of face EXCEPT: - CORRECT ANSWER It is a stable factor of our personalities. We try to get others to encourage, recognize, and approve our independence, privacy, and contributions. This is - CORRECT ANSWER Autonomous face management. All of the following are techniques of preventive face management EXCEPT: - CORRECT ANSWER Giving an account for our behavior. If I say, "Is this my table? No one has cleared it yet?" to indicate uncertainty and receptivity to suggestions, I am using which type of preventative facework? - CORRECT ANSWER Hedging If I indicate that I have good reasons and appropriate qualifications for the statement I am about to make (e.g. I am your mom and I care about you, so I want to say...), I am using which type of preventative facework? - CORRECT ANSWER Credentializing If I ask the other to hear me out before getting upset, I am using which type of preventative facework? - CORRECT ANSWER Appeal for suspended judgment. ___ admits an offender's guilt and offer something to make up for it, while _____ are statements from an offender accepting blame and expressing regret. - CORRECT ANSWER Concessions; apologies A(n)________ is a form of account that acknowledges an offense has occurred but denies responsibility for it: - CORRECT ANSWER Excuse A(n) ________ diminishes the meaning of the offense rather than diffusing responsibility for it. - CORRECT ANSWER Justification In a relationship that we want to preserve, when we realize that we have caused the other person to lose face we should: - CORRECT ANSWER Attempt a repair Research cited in our text book found which of the following to be TRUE about face management and computer-mediated communication? - CORRECT ANSWER ALL of the above statements are true about face management and computer-mediated communication (CMC) Not all stress is bad for us. - CORRECT ANSWER True People who are generous have a lower risk of illness and lower rates of depression - CORRECT ANSWER True In distress, we can easily point to the stressors, but in hyperstress, we can't. - CORRECT ANSWER False Research indicates that the tendency to tell jokes and stories predicts perceiving events and situaitons in one's life as more predictable and controllable. - CORRECT ANSWER True Anger for older adults (over 50) is more fequent and mroe intense - CORRECT ANSWER False Anger may be viewed as a secondary emotion, meaning that its origin is in other emotions such as fear and siaapoitment: - CORRECT ANSWER True Men and women experience anger that results in aggression in different ways - CORRECT ANSWER True Women are more often anger-ins than men - CORRECT ANSWER False Anger is unrelated to personality traits - CORRECT ANSWER False Which of the following is the most correct representation of stress? - CORRECT ANSWER Both A and B ______ Is short term stress that encourages us to take more seriously and expend more energy on important activities: - CORRECT ANSWER Eustress _____ occurs when too many tasks and responsibilities pile up on us and we are unable to adapt to the changes or cope with all that is happening at once. - CORRECT ANSWER Hyperstress _____ Happens when we start feeling anxious because we're bored or unchallenged by or situation - CORRECT ANSWER Hypostress ______ Arises when we lose control over a situation and the source of stress is unclear: - CORRECT ANSWER Distress The text uses which term for people who manage anger in the following ways?: Think positively about conflict, apply theories to understand conflict management, use assertive communication behavior, and manage the conflict climate and stress levels? - CORRECT ANSWER Anger controllers All of the following are strategies recommended by the text for managing stress EXCEPT: - CORRECT ANSWER Avoid negative emotions The text says that thinking that others should know what we want, focusing on how awful our situation is, and overgeneralzing are all examples of: - CORRECT ANSWER Negative self-talk Which of the following is TRUE? - CORRECT ANSWER All of the above Humor can alleviate a stressful situation Humor can help people express a negative emotion in a positive way Humor can assist people saving face. When people talk about how horrible their circumstances are, or the fact that it is simply unbearable, they are engaging in which kind of negative self talk? - CORRECT ANSWER Awful statements When people use words like always, never, everyone, and no one, they are engaging in which kind of negative self talk? - CORRECT ANSWER Overgeneralizations The truth bias makes us more vulnerable and less accurate in detecting deception when it occurs. - CORRECT ANSWER True The more involved we are with another person, the less intense our negative emotions when we discover that the person has lied to us. - CORRECT ANSWER False Emotional residues are the lingering response to transgressions, such as shock, disbelief hurt, anger, and or betrayal. - CORRECT ANSWER True According to research, the most frequent reason people give for not forgiving someone is that the other person has not admitted wrongdoing, or asked for forgiveness. - CORRECT ANSWER True People who lack empathy find it harder to forgive others. - CORRECT ANSWER True An offended person may choose to forgive without any input from the offender - CORRECT ANSWER True When a person forgives, he or she must try to forget the offense in order to move on - CORRECT ANSWER False You can forgive someone without ever telling them that they've been forgiven - CORRECT ANSWER True College-aged students who were hurt in previous dating relationships had an easier time forgiving than any other age group who had similar experiences: - CORRECT ANSWER False Researchers have found that the process of forgiving ooneself is the same as that of forgiving others. - CORRECT ANSWER False Forgiveness is linked to both mental and physical benefits - CORRECT ANSWER True All of the following are TRUe regarding forgiveness EXCEPT: - CORRECT ANSWER Forgiveness obligates us to reconcile with the offender. Which of the following describes "The behavioral process in which we take action to restore a relationship or create a new one following forgiveness"? - CORRECT ANSWER Reconciliation Core relational rules: - CORRECT ANSWER Define our expectations about the way we should behave toward others as well as the way they should behave towards us. Which of the following is most correct? - CORRECT ANSWER Reconciliation requires action by two people. According to the text, there are reasons that people choose not to forgive. Which of the following is NOT one of the reasons discussed? - CORRECT ANSWER Forgiving requires reconciling. All of the following are true EXCEPT: - CORRECT ANSWER Getting a balanced amount of revenge will make up for the transgression. Which of the following statements is true: When it comes to empathy and forgiveness, - CORRECT ANSWER Men who are able to see themselves as potential offenders are more likely than women to forgive because they can see themselves as potential offenders. According to the text, reconciliation without forgiveness: - CORRECT ANSWER May create a dangerous emotional position for the victim. Which of the following is true regarding communication's role in forgiveness? - CORRECT ANSWER The victim can forgive without communicating forgiveness to the offender. Intangible issues concern hard, physical, or observable assets that are often scarce. - CORRECT ANSWER False Your BATNA may change during a negotiation - CORRECT ANSWER True Research indicates that when people set their goals higher, they obtain better results than if they begin with goals closer to their resistance point: - CORRECT ANSWER True Competitive negotiation is an integrative form that combines formal bargaining techniques with many skills including effective listening, assertiveness, supportive communication, and collaboration. - CORRECT ANSWER False Bargainers who make concessions are more likely to elicit cooperative behavior from the other person than are those who make demands or make no concessions at all - CORRECT ANSWER True A good way to resolve win-lose conflicts is to shift from positions (where we want the same object) to interests (where different positions may satisfy both our needs) - CORRECT ANSWER True According to research, when people think in terms of short-term rather than long-term results, they are likely to cooperate more. - CORRECT ANSWER False People who feel good about a previous negotiation experience are more likely to be willing to engage in cooperative negotiations with the same person again. - CORRECT ANSWER True It is best to begin a negotiation by focusing on issues the parties most disagree on. - CORRECT ANSWER False You are rarely likely to benefit from communicating anger unless you clearly have more power than the other person in the negotiation - CORRECT ANSWER True In negotiation, people try to minimize their losses and maximize their gains. This is referred to as _____. - CORRECT ANSWER The minimax principle. In negotiation, a person's most perferred option, which would maximize gains is called ______ - CORRECT ANSWER The aspiration point. In negotiation, the lowest identifiable amount a person is willing to concede to the other person is called ________ - CORRECT ANSWER The resistance point Mary Jane went to a car dealership to trade in her old car and purchase a new car. Before going, she decided that if the sales negotiation didn't work out, she had other options: 1) she could keep driving her old car, 2) Buy a new car from a different dealership. Which of the following best describes her thinking? - CORRECT ANSWER She established her BATNA. Our textbook explains that brainstorming, cost cutting, compensation, priortizing, and basing decisions on objective criteria can do all of the following EXCEPT: - CORRECT ANSWER Help an individual focus on maximum personal gains. Bonnie and Clyde in the library studying. Bonnie is hot and wants the window... This is most clearly an example of - CORRECT ANSWER Cooperative Negotiation Listing all possible solutions regardless of their feasibility is part of - CORRECT ANSWER Brainstorming __________ (Also referred to as logrolling) is a process in which each side grants to the other those issues or objects that the other gives top priority - CORRECT ANSWER Prioritizing Fair market value, going rates, precedent, professional standards, and expert opinion are all examples of - CORRECT ANSWER Objective criteria. _____ Is a matter of breaking the problem down into its smallest pieces, and then dealing with each piece one at a time. - CORRECT ANSWER Fractionation Mediation is usually more satisfying, cheaper, and faster than litigation: - CORRECT ANSWER True Mediators always maintain decision-making power regarding the final outcome of the mediation: - CORRECT ANSWER False Obligations are a form of rules that tell us what we had better not say in a certain situation - CORRECT ANSWER False When people know the rules, they tend to conform to them - CORRECT ANSWER True Mediators should begin with the most difficult issues to resolve, leaving the easiest issues for last. - CORRECT ANSWER False In mediation, disputants must agree on the feasibility of the solution before the mediation process can conclude - CORRECT ANSWER True While drafting the final agreement, mediators should comment positively about areas of agreement - CORRECT ANSWER False Whenever possible, mediators should set a future date with the conflict parties to review and evaluate the final agreement and compliance with it - CORRECT ANSWER True In which form of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) do a neutral judge and jury in the legal system hear attorneys and then decide a case? - CORRECT ANSWER Adjudication In which for of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) does a neutral party practice "shuttle diplomacy" y going back and forth between conflicting parties who are unable (for whatever reason) to meet together? - CORRECT ANSWER Conciliation In which form of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) does a neutral party facilitate communication between conflicting parties so that they may work out their own mutually acceptable agreement? - CORRECT ANSWER Mediation In which form of ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) does a neutral party (not necessarily a judge) consider both sides of a dispute and make a decision (often more binding than a decision made by a judge in the legal system) - CORRECT ANSWER Arbirtration All of the following statements about mediation are true EXCEPT - CORRECT ANSWER All of the above statements about mediation are true. In a ____, the mediator steps aside with one disputant for a private discussion - CORRECT ANSWER Caucus When a mediator asks neutral questions to get a better picture of the issues and specific contextual features of a conflict, what mediation technique is being used? - CORRECT ANSWER Framing A final agreement drawn up during the mediation process can be thought of a list of ____ because it should outline specific and obseravble actions each party must take to fulfill the agreement. - CORRECT ANSWER Behavioral Commitments If a mediator says to Maureen and her leasing agent "It sounds like you both want to resolve this issue quickly. Also, you're both interested in taking care of the crack in the shower and the kitchen flooring. Let's start by discussing these things" the mediator is using which mediation technique? - CORRECT ANSWER Common ground All of the following are skills needed and used by mediators EXCEPT: - CORRECT ANSWER Determining the most fair and equitable solution for disputants. Marcus said to his sister, Kara "You didn't even care about Dad as much as I did. You ignored him, ran around partying and traveling while I stayed here here with him, caring for his health. There's no way you should get the ouse instead of me." The mediator said "Marcus, so you feel you invested more effort and care into your fathers health, and as a result, believe that you deserve to inherit the house more than Kara?" In the above example, which technique did the mediator demonstrate? - CORRECT ANSWER Reframing In which stage of mediation should disputants start recognizing their own goals, with the help of a mediator? - CORRECT ANSWER Describing the dispute Managers spend an average of 20% of their time managing conflict. - CORRECT ANSWER True COnflict and conflict managment at work have no influence on individual, group, and organizaitonal effectiveness. - CORRECT ANSWER False Workplace relationships are more or less mandatory relationships. - CORRECT ANSWER True Moderate amounts of conflict can be helpful and therefore desirable in the workplace. - CORRECT ANSWER True Those who are members of minority groups are more likely to perceive a conflict than those in the dominant group. - CORRECT ANSWER True Bullies tend to target members of the opposite sex. - CORRECT ANSWER False Conflicts are likely to occur when maintenance roles are at odds with task roles. - CORRECT ANSWER True Large organizations that are male dominated tend to experience a greater degree of bullying than organizations that are not male dominated. - CORRECT ANSWER True Having a personal policy of not answering work-related emails, texts, or phone calls on weekends would be an effort to manage which type of conflict? - CORRECT ANSWER Work-life A group of students have been assigned to work together on a class project. Some members want the parts of the assignment broken up and assigned to individual members. Others think the group should work together on all parts of the project. What type of conflict are they having? - CORRECT ANSWER Instrumental Despite having the highest evaluations in his department for several years, Alex wasn't given the raise, respect, or appreciaition he feels he deserves. This represents what type of conflict? - CORRECT ANSWER Identity Stacy and David work together as adjunct instructors at a local college: - CORRECT ANSWER Relationship Christine teaches at the local university. Christine's boss Jane has an autocratic - CORRECT ANSWER Process According to the textbook, the development perspective on group conflict includes which stage/phases? - CORRECT ANSWER Forming, storming, and norming. A recently created team has been instructed by the head of the company to recommend new procedures for a particular company process. Tje members feel some identification with the group, but not a strong sense of unity around its purpose, and are having conflicts over member roles. This group is most likely in which stage of development? - CORRECT ANSWER Storming All of the following are types of workplace roles discussed in the text except: - CORRECT ANSWER Norming People who facilitate communication and help resolve conflicts are generally serving ______ roles. - CORRECT ANSWER Maintenance Which strategy does the text recommend as a way of managing conflict in the workplace? - CORRECT ANSWER All of the above Reverse discourse, subversive (dis)obedience, and exodus are all strategies recommended for dealing with - CORRECT ANSWER Bullying Using collective voice as a strategy to deal with workplace bullying includes: - CORRECT ANSWER Multiple employees letting each other know they have a problem with the same person. [Show More]

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