Sociology > QUESTIONS & ANSWERS > Scottsdale Community College SOC 140 Ch 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, Final All Questions and Answers. (All)

Scottsdale Community College SOC 140 Ch 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, Final All Questions and Answers.

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SOC 140 Ch 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 14, Final HERE IS A LIST OF THE QUESTIONS SOC 140 Chapter 8 1. When two or more racial or ethnic groups occupy an area and each have their own culture and their own sep... arate sets of social institutions and primary group relationships it is called: 2. For most minority groups in American society, discrimination is decreasing, but this group has seen discrimination increase in the last few years. This group is: 3. The emergence of self-determination for black Africans has strengthened the hopes of African Americans for greater self-determination. 4. The argument for pluralism as the ideal type of intergroup relations is based on the premise that: 5. The main criticism of assimilation as an ideal model of intergroup relations is: 6. When two or more groups come to share common attitudes, values, and lifestyles it is called: 7. Native American people continue to resist pressures for assimilation. 8. The fact that many Americans equate all Muslims with terrorists and view all Arabs as Muslims is based on: 9. All of the following are examples of the difficulties of separatism EXCEPT: 10. Obama won the 2008 presidential election based on support from all the following groups EXCEPT: 11. Chicanismo refers to: 12. The tendency for people of color to be placed at particular risk of suffering the harmful effects of environmental contaminants is called: 13. All of the following are arguments against pluralism as an ideal model of intergroup relations EXCEPT: 14. The idea of America as a “melting pot” ties in with which ideal model of intergroup relations? 15. All other groups in America have been expected to adopt the language, culture, and social structure of the white, northern Europeans. This is an example of: 16. An emphasis on the preservation of the distinct cultural characteristics of different racial, ethnic, and religious groups is called anglo conformity. 17. Most of the violence committed by blacks in the 1960s was initiated: 18. When two or more social groups come to share one common social structure it is called: 19. Native Americans have used many means to reach their goals which include: 20. Which of the following is true? 21. Since separatism often requires population transfer so that people of different groups have a distinct geographic base, it can be difficult to implement. 22. The “Ethnic Revival” among white Americans is 23. When groups retain some social structures and institutions of their own but share others it is called: 24. The effort by African Americans to emphasize African history, philosophy, and culture in education and other settings is called: 25. In the early stages of the civil rights movement the goals were, for the most part, to: 26. The shift among Hispanic Americans from Republican to Democratic voters can be attributed to: 27. When two groups so assimilate that they lose any identity as separate groups, they have achieved amalgamation. 28. Multiculturalism is similar in meaning to: 29. One argument for pluralism is that it creates divisions in society SOC140 Chapter 9 1. When an indigenous group is made subordinate to another group entering from the outside, the result is usually: 2. The internal colonialism of Hawaii is similar to that of South Africa. 3. Divisions, or cleavages, where all racial, religious, class and language divisions are cut the same way is called: 4. When two ethnic groups speak different languages the potential for conflict between them increases. 5. Which of the following is true? 6. Which ethnic group dominated the former Yugoslavia? 7. Germany has had more problems with opposition to immigration due to: 8. Racial/ethnic relations in Switzerland and Hawaii are harmonious due to all of the following EXCEPT: 9. The legally mandated system of racial classification, segregation, and discrimination in South Africa was called: 10. The presence of a colonial history causes intergroup inequality. 11. In Northern Ireland the wealthy are primarily descendants of: 12. The reason for Hawaii’s harmonious race relations is due to: 13. Apartheid in South Africa represented one of the most rigid systems of racial inequality in the modern world. 14. On April 27, 1994, who was elected president of South Africa? 15. The harshest response to growing immigration in the early and mid-1990s has been in 16. Germany admits more immigrants than most Western countries. 17. English-speaking Canadians have led the separatist movement in Quebec. 18. The impetus for the Jewish settlement of Palestine came not from the expansionist desires of a colonial power but in large part from the desire for a safe homeland. 19. Yandu is a highly urban industrialized modern country. Its people are classified into nine ethnic classifications. All speak the same language and are equally divided into three religious groups. What would you predict about the level of ethnic conflict in this society? 20. There appears to be a relationship between urbanization and modernization and changes in majority-minority relationships around the world. Some of the ways urbanization and modernization have brought changes include all the following EXCEPT: SOC140 Chapter 11 1. Because Medicaid pays well, most physicians welcome these patients into their practices. 2. Health care in America is economically and racially stratified because: 3. Black job seekers often face all of the following EXCEPT: 4. The percentage of African Americans enrolled in medical schools is increasing each year. 5. In Saskatchewan province Canada, when they introduced a $1.50 fee for each visit to the doctor (it had been free) they found what result? 6. White Americans are more likely than minority groups to: 7. People with incomes below the poverty level today see doctors more often than before Medicaid was established. 8. The split labor market theory is based on the: 9. Because Medicaid pays well, most physicians welcome these patients into their practices. 10. Most minority people who use traditional medicine which involves folk medicine or religious healing, rarely go to see medical doctors. 11. When African Americans experience racism at work and they choose not to respond, what effect does this have on their health? 12. In hospitals, the higher the proportion of patients who are black, the less intensive the procedures that are provided and the higher the mortality rate. 13. Minorities have shorter life expectancy than whites. Which of the following is a reason for this? 14. The United States spends more money per capita on health care than any other country in the world. 15. Which kind of wealth is most heavily concentrated in the hands of a few wealthy whites? 16. All of the following are reasons why minorities do not get the health care they need EXCEPT: 17. Which of the following is true? 18. All of the following are reasons that many cities are in fiscal crisis EXCEPT: 19. For health care many Mexican Americans use: 20. Which statement is true according to the split labor market theory? 21. Medicaid mills: 22. Szmanski’s (1976) study showed that in states with relatively high racial inequality in income, whites had lower average incomes and: 23. Becker’s starting point—that some people have a "taste for discrimination" assumes that the main cause of discrimination is: 24. In the study by Reich which examined the 1960 and 1970 Census data on the 48 largest metropolitan areas in the United States it was concluded that: 25. People with incomes below the poverty level today see doctors more often than before Medicaid was established. 26. Increasing the number of minority physicians is important for all the following reasons EXCEPT: 27. Which of the following is true of Gary Becker’s economic theory of discrimination? 28. The practice of hiring better-educated employees when education is not a factor completing the job is deliberately racist. 29. Among the industrialized countries of the world, which two have health care systems based solely on the ability to pay? 30. Minority group members suffer from more health disadvantages than do whites in all the following ways EXCEPT: 31. Employers tend to prefer to hire workers with more education than is necessary to do the work because: SOC140 Chapter 12 1. The net effect of job shifts from cities to suburbs is to take jobs out of areas where blacks and Hispanics live. 2. When callers on the phone to real estate or rental agents sound black or Hispanic, they are: 3. In 2000, nearly 40% of African Americans had no motor vehicle. 4. The tendency for people in any two groups or races to live in separate areas is called: 5. The incompetent federal response to Hurricane Katrina was due to all of the following EXCEPT: 6. When sociologists talk about housing segregation they are referring to laws that prevent groups of people from living near each other. 7. Which of the following racial/ethnic groups experienced the least amount of housing segregation? 8. The practice whereby unscrupulous real-estate agents play on the fears of white and the housing predicament of blacks to make a fast buck by encouraging the rapid turnover of a neighborhood from all-white to all-black is called: 9. Both black and white homeowners are harmed by blockbusting. 10. While the average segregation index for African Americans has been declining, the index for Hispanics has: 11. Which of the following is true about housing segregation? 12. Which of the following is true about housing segregation? 13. Home loans made to lenders perceived as riskier, that have substantially higher interest rates and sometimes less favorable terms than more conventional loans are called: 14. Asian Americans and Hispanics are as segregated as African Americans. 15. A major decline in the overall number of such manufacturing jobs as a result of automation and globalization which is a trend called: 16. Once a neighborhood becomes minimally integrated a common result is: 17. In Hurricane Katrina most of the people who died were African American. 18. In tests completed on bias in the homeowner insurance industry, the biggest difference by race was in: 19. When it comes to subprime loans: 20. One major result of spatial mismatch is: 21. Blacks are relatively underrepresented in the suburbs. 22. The people disproportionately affected by Hurricane Katrina in 2005 were: 23. Because of foreclosures, often due to subprime and sometimes predatory loans, the homeownership rate has negatively affected which group the most? 24. Molotch (2006) found that race affected the different governmental response in Hurricane Katrina in that: 25. According to research by Massey and others, segregation reduces the quality of life of the black middle class. 26. Discrimination in the lending institutions includes all of the following EXCEPT:. 27. Neighborhood association or deed restrictions that forbid the sale or rental of a house to minority groups are called: 28. When minority populations live in one area and job opportunities are largely in another, this is called: SOC140 Chapter 13 1. All the following are results of welfare reform EXCEPT: 2. Zoning is used against minorities by: 3. In the 2000 Presidential election, Florida and other states probably violated the Voting Rights Act by all the following EXCEPT: 4. Which of the following statements is true about the small claims court system? 5. Prior to the Voting Rights Act of 1965, Southern states implemented policies or laws whose intent was to limit the ability of African Americans to vote. These include all of the following EXCEPT: 6. Which of the following is true about the decision to arrest? 7. Minority votes make a difference in elections: 8. All of the following may cause welfare reform to fail EXCEPT 9. In the 1990s, an African American male in his 20s is more likely to be under the criminal justice system control than in college 10. In order to keep minority group members from voting, majority group members passed laws that stipulated that a person was not eligible to vote unless their grandfather had voted. What is this practice called? 11. A major reason for the falling real wages of lower-income households is: 12. Which of the following is true about segregation in the use of public facilities? 13. Which of the following is not true about relations between minorities and the police? 14. Of the more than 4700 persons killed by police during the period from 1952 to 1969, over 2300, or 49 percent, were: 15. The United States government imprisoned Japanese Americans during WWII. This is an example of how the U. S. government: 16. All of the following are true about the war on drugs and minorities EXCEPT: 17. Which of the following has often been a precipitating event to a riot? 18. Which of the following statements is false? 19. The Uniform Crime Reports (UCR) record white-collar crime. 20. The monetary guarantee that an accused person who has been released from jail will show up for his or her trial is called: 21. Which of the following is true about African American men and the Criminal Justice System? 22. The police practice of stopping or questioning people on the basis of their race is called: 23. The power elite is/are: 24. Most black congressional representatives are elected by predominately black constituencies. 25. The poll tax was: 26. Why are mass-transit systems important, especially for minorities? 27. The economic welfare of minorities has been influenced both directly and indirectly by government high construction policies that outwardly had nothing to do with race. 28. Which of the following is false? 29. Rarely are minority group members involved in white-collar crime. 30. Which of the following is true? SOC140 Chapter 14 1. Minority schools are more likely to be underfunded than white schools. 2. Research on detracking (eliminating tracking) has shown all the following EXCEPT: formerly in low tracks 3. All of the following factors are important in how desegregation is carried out EXCEPT: 4. Which of the following is reflective of the conflict perspective on education? 5. Educational tracking is the practice where: 6. An example of a social studies multicultural curriculum would include all of the following EXCEPT: 7. Black English has no standards or rules. 8. According to the Coleman report, _____________ was the most important factor in student achievement. 9. Multiculturalism is a(n) _______ approach to education. 10. The theory that our beliefs about ourselves are based on the messages we get from others is called: 11. The Coleman report found that underachieving students tended to all the following EXCEPT: 12. Coleman found that underachieving children tended to have a poor self image. 13. Minority students are likely to do better in schools where teachers do not expect them to succeed. 14. Black English has a verb tense called the habitual tense that is not present in standard English. Which of the following phrases represents the habitual tense? 15. In a study by Harvey and Slatin (1975), teachers were given pictures of children and asked to evaluate their chances of success. They said: 16. Which of the following is true about Black English? 17. Between 1988 and 2005-6 school segregation actually increased somewhat. 18. Compensatory educational programs involve: 19. Most Hispanic children attend schools with a majority of the students from which racial or ethnic group? 20. Rosenthal and Jacobson’s book, Pygmalion in the Classroom illustrated the power of: 21. Which of the following is false about tracking? 22. Even when attempts have been made to equalize funding for poor school districts, they may fail because: 23. All of the following factors are known to influence I.Q. test scores EXCEPT: 24. Essentially the findings of the Coleman report on education were consistent with the: 25. Studies suggest that all of the following improves the ability of minority students in the classroom EXCEPT: 26. Studies on the educational system have found all of the following EXCEPT 27. I. Q. tests are supposed to test: 28. Schools with students from primarily the lower classes mainly stress conformity and obedience. Final 1. All of the following tend to promote cultural pluralism among Hispanic Americans EXCEPT: 2. The main argument Native people have made against the use of Indians as sports mascots for teams and schools is: 3. Pluralism happens when two or more groups come to share a common culture or common attitudes, values and lifestyles. 4. The more cross-cutting cleavages in a society, the greater the ethnic or racial conflict. 5. Which of the following has helped to reduce the conflict in Quebec, Canada? 6. Racial divisions tend to be more intense than ethnic divisions because 7. The more cross-cutting cleavages in a society, the greater the ethnic or racial conflict. Industrialization is no guarantee of improved race relations. 8. The patterns of assimilation in Mexico can be accounted for by: 9. The Soviet republic that has had ethnic massacres committed by virtually all of its ethnic groups against one another was: 10. Which group has faced increased harassment and discrimination in the U.S. since September 11, 2001. This group is 11. Which of the following is true about the Medicaid program? 12. Studies by Glenn (1963, 1966), Dowdall (1974), and Farley (1987) showed that, given the level of discrimination in American society, whites in areas with more blacks enjoyed higher occupational status, income, and/or employment rates. These findings support the following theory(ies): 13. Which of the following is true about minorities and economics? 14. Which of the following is true about black and white preferences in terms of racial housing segregation? 15. The majority of black Americans live in central cities 16. The selective showing of property to majority and minority group members is called: 17. In a recent study on preferences terms of the race or ethnicity of one’s neighbors: 18. From a functionalist perspective, the role and functions of government and the political system includes the belief that: [Show More]

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