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ISSA Unit 8 – Questions and Answers Rated A+

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ISSA Unit 8 – Questions and Answers Rated A+ What is total fitness ✔✔• Striving for the highest quality of existence... includes mental psychological physical components other components o... f total fitness ✔✔Heredity • Influences physical fitness and health, neither doom's nor guarantee you success in achieving total fitness Environment • Characteristics that affect fitness and health, climate, altitude pollution ,friends parenta values workplace Freedom from stress • Should be measured by how well you think control outcomes in your life mind body and spirit • Focus on the overall happiness and realize your full potential this is the most important Freedom from disease or injury • A person cannot call themselves totally fit if disease and injury is present. Clients who are happy in are at ease are more generally healthy and fit in fitness terms define strength and list its four main source ✔✔Is the ability to exert musculoskeletal force against an external object i.e barbell the ground or an opponent. 1) How the body is put together as an efficient machine 2)how the internal systems work to create Energy and promote repair we monoline in growth in response to training 3) How skills attitude belief systems tolerance to pain and to relate to allow the body to function at peak efficiency 4) How factors external to the body i.e whether gravity equipment...can be manipulated to produce greater output strength ✔✔Is the ability to contract the muscles with maximum force given constraints stemming from • Structural/ anatomical factors (dictates body's efficacy) • Psychological/ biochemical factors (controls how internal system works to create energy Repairs stress tissues and promotes growth In response to training) • psychoneural/psychosocial factors (How skills, attitude, belief systems,pain tolerance interrlate to allow your body to function at peak efficiency) • External/ environmental factors ( Such as whether gravity or Equipment can be manipulated to force greater output) 1RM ✔✔max effort for one rep of a weight training exercise. Also expressed as ones "max or "one rep max What is limit strength and what type athlete needs to maximize their limits strength ✔✔• Limit strength is the amount of musculoskeletal force you can generate for one all out effort. •achieved under influence of some sort of work producing aid i.e. Supplements, hypnosis therapeutic techniques, ergogenic substances and electrotherapy power lifters •foundation for all further training and should be developed first What are 3 types of limit strength? provide an example of each and a given exercise ✔✔Eccentric strength • How much weight you can lower in the downward phase of an exercise or movement without losing control i.e Bicep curl lowered slowly rather than letting it drop Static strength • The strength required to resist and control the weight resistance in other words how much weight you can hold stationary without losing control i.e. Wall sits,wall squats holding that position keeping the muscles isolated in the movement Concentric strength • How much weight you can lift at one time with an all out muscle contraction,occurs when the force generated by the muscle exceeds the load opposing is contraction one rep Max,bench press on upward motion of the press. What is the difference between absolute strength and limit strength ✔✔Absolute strength is the same as limit strength ,where it's the amount of muscularskeletal force you can generate for one all out effort but ABSOLUTE STRENGTH is achieved their training ALONE What is speed strength? and what are its 2 types? What are the differences between the 2 types and how are they each used in an exercise ✔✔speed strength also referred to as power • How will you apply force with speed •defined in work divided by time •ability of the neuromuscular system to produce the greatest possible impulse in the shortest possible time. comprised of starting and explosive strength. starting strength • The ability to recruit or "turn on" as many muscle fibers (muscle cells) or muscle units (mu) as possible instantaneously • i.e. Firing a 100 mph fastball which requires tremendous starting strength Explosive strength • The ability to exert strength or force as rapidly as possible in a given action, in other words your ability to leave them turned on for a measurable period. i.e a Football linemen pushing his opponent but the Max explosive strength is snatch , clean and jerk which are Olympic lifts Define anaerobic strength. Which pathway is utilised when exerting this type of strength? ✔✔anaerobic strength • An activity is performed without the muscles having to be supplied with oxygen in order to allow them to perform the activity. You have to repay the oxygen debt to your muscles and your do that by breathing hard when she stopped that activity. ATP/CP • Does not involve oxygene therefore in anaerobic • ATP/CP refers to biochemicals inside the muscles that provide energy for the muscles to work •When you run out of ATP/CP have to begin using that glycogen to resynthesize ATP/CP so that work can continue • glycolytic refers to the sugar stored inside your muscles called glycogen Concentric strength ✔✔• How much weight you can lift at one time with an all out muscle contraction,occurs when the force generated by the muscle exceeds the load opposing is contraction one rep Max,bench press on upward motion of the press. Eccentric strength ✔✔• How much weight you can lower in the downward phase of an exercise or movement without losing control i.e Bicep curl lowered slowly rather than letting it drop. Static strength ✔✔• The strength required to resist and control the weight resistance in other words how much weight you can hold stationary without losing control i.e. Wall sits,wall squats holding that position keeping the muscles isolated in the movement speed strength ✔✔• How will you apply force with speed •defined in work divided by time •ability of the neuromuscular system to produce the greatest possible impulse in the shortest possible •explosive training in conditioning starting strength ✔✔• The ability to recruit or "turn on" as many muscle fibers (muscle cells) or muscle units (mu) as possible instantaneously • i.e. Firing a 100 mph fastball which requires tremendous starting strength Explosive strength ✔✔• The ability to exert strength or force as rapidly as possible in a given action, in other words your ability to leave them turned on for a measurable period. i.e a Football linemen pushing his opponent but the Max explosive strength is snatch , clean and jerk which are Olympic lifts •acceleration ability and starting strength What is linear strength endurance ? ✔✔• Sustained all out Max effort over an extended. This simply means that the same moment is repetitively performed i.e. Running (strides) or reps in bodybuilding anaerobic strength •all out max running speed aerobic strength •marathon running What is nonlinear strength endurance ✔✔But ability to perform an activity with exceeding explosiveness over and over for an extended period of time. nonlinear anaerobic strength endurance •powerlifter in competition nonlinear aerobic strength endurance •fast paced basketball/soccer match for 1 to 2 hours What are several measures of your cardiovascular efficiency in regards to aerobic strength? ✔✔aerobic strength • Musculoskeletal force in energy production that requires oxygen 2 types (linear.....nonlinear) 1.) Low Heart rate • how many times your heart beats per minute 2.) High stroke volume• how much blood pumped out of the heart with each beat 3.) High ejection fraction of left ventricle • the percentage of blood in the left ventricle of your heart muscle that is pushed out with each heart beat 4.) High Max oxygen uptake ability •how much oxygen your muscles used during exercise List the 7 factors of strength curve ✔✔strength curve • Is the written attempt to Analyze the components of strength production in all human movements and is broken down into 7 innerrelatable factors Factor 1: angle Q • It is the definition of Starting strength.(the amount of strength to start the movement) The steeper the line the greater the number of muscle fibers you will have simultaneously recruited in the movement Factor 2: angle A • Tangent becomes greater you're going faster and faster in your application of greater force. •Diminishes from one angle to the next your rate of speed is diminishing as you approach your Max force output. If it stays the same this means that your speed is increasing linear as you apply greater force Factor 3 :force • A maxim out of forest output you produce during any given move me is called F Max Factor 4: time • Measure how long it takes from the beginning of upward (concentric) movement to exert maximum force (FMax) ,this is called T Max(reps the speed of movement) in usually it is appropriate to make T Max as short as possible Factor 5: the relationship between time in force •fmax÷tmax= explosive strength starting strength (angle Q is thw ability to turn on motor units. Explosive strength is the ability to leave them turned on, the two are not the same. Factor 6: relationship between limit strength in Fmax • Simply working limit strength is not the way for an athlete to become great. Continually hammering limit strength your 1RM will eventually result in muscle being synthesize beyond the point where one strength -to- weight ratio is greatest. Added strength when carried to this extreme almost invariably means added weight slower movement speed and the inability to achieve positive acceleration a steep angle Q let alone greater explosive strength Factor 7: amortization phase • The brief moment between East centric in concentric contraction also known as a transition phase 1 of 3 parts of a standard resistance training exercise. functional strength ✔✔part of factor 6 of strength curve • A category a strange back and improve the ability to perform everyday task or sport skills those overall strength and balance and augments resistance to injury ballistic stress / movement ✔✔Part of factor 7 of the strength curve Ballistic stress •is a coporate from many sports careers being ended •its commonly used by individuals to help them develop and improve explosiveness and power and the body this is achieved by accelerating in releasing weight into free space. Ballistic movement • Muscle contractions that exhibit maximum velocities and accelerations over a very short period of time. They exhibit high fiery rates high force production in very brief contraction times. Name the 7 granddaddy laws and why they should be a part of periodized training Program ✔✔1) principle of individual differences 2)over compensation principle 3) Overload principle 4) SAID principle 5)use/disuse principle 6)GAS principle 7)principle of specificity should be apart of periodized training for successful weight training. note: within these principles are variables such as volume, duration, intensity,frequency, balance and recovery which must be manipulated in order for progression to occur. periodization ✔✔How's ones training is broken down into discreet time periods called "macrocyles" "mesocycles" and "mircocycles" aka periodized training General Adaptation Syndrome GAS ✔✔Is a model of training that describes the body's shortterm, long-term reactions to stress. it's the foundation for periodization can be grouped into 3 stages (alarm, resistance,and exhaustion) one factor model(being total work) supercompensation ✔✔The post training period During which the training function/ parameter has a higher performance capacity than it did prior to training fitness fatigue model ✔✔at any time preparedness is the difference between the positive effects of fitness and the negative affects of fatigue . looks at the long term aftereffects from training stimuli. two factor model (both work and intensity level) What are several ways training can cause fatigue ✔✔DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness) • The pain and stiffness experienced in a muscles several hours to days after on a custom or strenuous exercise Overreaching •An Accumulation of training and/or nom-training stress resulting in a short-term decrement in performance capacity with or without related psychological and physiological signs and symptoms of overtraining in which restoration of performance capacity may take from several days to several weeks flushing workout Cleansing a muscle of metabolic toxins by increasing the blood supply to it through exertion. what is constant resistance and what is an example of an exercise with this type of equipment? ✔✔constant resistance •means that a weight (resistance) does not increase or decrease during the course of exercise. Remains constant from the start of an exercise movement to its completion. i.e lifting a dumbbell or barbell Benefits- allows for more natural movement and strength and stabilizer muscles in addition to targeted muscles what is variable resistance and what principle is mainly associated with it? ✔✔•strength training equipment which can through the use of elliptical cams and other technology,vary the amount of weight being lifted to match the strength curve for a particular exercise. • Exert forces that roughly coincides with the natural variance of each joints leverage i.e navtilus machine, weights mounted in cables and pulleys associated with the Overload principle. Benefits- allow optimal stress for each muscle through a full range of motion overload principle ✔✔states that greater than normal stress or load on th body is required for training adaption to take place. aerobic strength ✔✔It's highly dependent on cardiovascular in endurance as it involves exerting force and at the same time is supplies the muscles with oxygen and removes metabolic waste amortization strength ✔✔to improve this plyometrics and skill training can do this What is accommodating resistance in how does it differ from variable resistance ✔✔• Machinery is designed to allow you to exert maximum resistance throughout the full range of motion in each of your exercises •Variable Resistance devices operate on the theory that the amount of resistance changes to match to leverage changes in your body. Accommodating Resistance maintains the resistance by controlling the speed of your exercise movement i.e exercise bike where friction controls how fast you can pedal or rowing machine What is static resistance in how can it be incorporated in an exercise ✔✔Static resistance •type of training that focuses on a way of developing the most muscle mass and strength through the smallest amount of motion in time in the gym i.e plank and Wall sit mainly deals with isometrics • Where you exert force Against a solid immovable object benefits- thought to help overcome sticking points and a movements range How do you bands and chains work and what are the benefits of each in relation to exercise ✔✔resistant band • Any elastic band use for stretch training chains • and resistance bands can be added to almost any exercise therefore increasing the effectiveness and the difficulty of an exercise Benefits- force to recruit more muscle fibers which translate into more growth Increasing the potential for added benefits and strength power explosive this general performance and increases and lean muscle how they work I.e. Squat, the resistance from bands or chains decreases on the way down and increases on the way up by how much depends on the strength of the bands or weight of the chains What are the benefits of calisthenics provide at least 3 examples ✔✔Calisthenics •a system of exercise movements without equipment for the building of strength for some flexibility and physical grace Benefits- •Endurance cardio or single muscle group • strength • flexibility •sports skill What is the primary advantage of dumbbell training in relation to synergistic and stabilizer muscle groups ✔✔•Dumbbells and barbells are more effective in developing a smaller center just stick helping muscles and stabilizer muscles •Improves overall strength and protects against potential injuries •This is from cassily being forced to adjust and readjust the position of dumbbells What are some advantages of training with kettle Bells woods proper swing phase of a kettle bell consist of ✔✔kettlebells advantages •builds and endurance •limit strength •speed endurance •strength endurance •power. •builds core stability •coordination •flexibility •endurance proper swing phase • Allows you to concentrate on the velocity of movement forcefully extending the hips and then having to rapidly control the eccentric portion of the movement with the hamstrings. most popular exercises clean and jerks snatches twists swings What are some advantages of dumbbell training name 3 dumbbell exercises that utilize I least 3 exercise groups ✔✔•power lock dumbbells take up less space for homes/gyms •adjustable dumbbells are less expensive and take up less space • Dumbbells help synergistic (helping) muscles and stabilizer muscles act more prominently which improves overall strength and protects against potential injuries because you're always forced to adjust/ readjust. •one arm dumbbell bent press shoulders triceps anterior serratus •one/two arm clean and press •one\two arm dumbbell snatch How does adjustability in balance play a positive and negative role in exercise machines ✔✔adjustability •Through just adjustability on some machines you will be able to go through full range of motion and balance this is (positive) •Most machines are made for average person so if you do not fit that mold the machine may be dangerous this is (negative) Balance •Lack of balance when doing the exercise this is negative •Some people consider it a positive some people do not have balance are free weights which is a major problem this is positive Unstable surface training ✔✔Training method in which unstable surfaces are used to enhance general balance and contraction potential throughout the body What type of exercises benefit from an unstable surface will type exercises do not benefit from a unstable surface ✔✔benefits- • Stability ball is effective with abdominal exercises in rehabilitation does not benefit- • Strength exercises with barbells in dumbbells What type of training benefits from the use of medicine balls ✔✔•Excellent means of training for upper body speed strength •Can be safely caught throne or repeal because of what they are made of •compensatory Acceleration training can be done with literally no inertia because when you released the ball , the resistant stress on the joints is far less What are the 3 main grips and when would you want to use each for a given exercise ✔✔Three main grips supinated •palms up i.e chin up pronated •palms down i.e pull up neutral grip •thumbs up i.e push up other grips alternated grip •supinated and pronated i.e barbell dead lift Hook grip •thumps around bar i.e similar to pronated grip but thumb wrapped around different grips allows you to target different muscles What is proper breathing pattern for new trainees verses at advanced Trainees ✔✔new trainees • Should exhale through the sticking point and inhale during the less strenuous portion of the lift •the sticking point or amortization phase is the transition from eccentric to concentric contraction advanced trainees • Breath holding on exertion • and if you are without cardiovascular problems • It's basically taking a deep breath holding the breath and exerting at the same time the valsolda maneuver is only recommended for experienced lifters during exercises that require back support blood pressure rises quickly and is not for beginners not for those with high blood pressure How does exhalation play a role in lifting ✔✔•You can relieve some pressure built up by a heavy lift by slowly in slightly exhaling through pursed lips •But don't let all the air out into you passed a sticking point because when you exhale it tells your body to relax and if you're not pass a sticking point injury may occur. Describe the benefits of warming up before exercise and what is the appropriate length ✔✔• General warm up is to increase the functional potential of the body as a whole •Specific warm up is to establish the optimal relationship between the forthcoming movements •4-5 mins advantages of a warm up ✔✔proper warm up will •increase the rate at which the muscles contract electrical activity of the muscle •limit strength •the amount of time a muscle can stay contracted °it will also improve the connective tissue is ability to accept force and reduce the potential for injury warm UPS can also psychologically prepare the individual for the work out Which specific types of activities in not benefit from warm up ✔✔Clients engage and progressive type sports or endurance events do not benefit from warming up Describe the purpose of an appropriate cool down in what is the appropriate length ✔✔•The cool down serves to return the body to the resting rates •cool down for 5 to 10 minutes in a light aerobic exercise • Can help remove lactic acid in diminish muscle soreness [Show More]

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