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NCE Assessment (2022/2023) (Certified Solutions)

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NCE Assessment (2022/2023) (Certified Solutions) Galton ✔✔Developed first intelligence theory Binet ✔✔Developed first modern intelligence test and coined term IQ Terman ✔✔Revised Binet... 's IQ test into the Stanford-Binet Intelligence Quotient ✔✔Mental age divided by chronological age x 100 Power Test ✔✔Test that has no time limit and includes difficult items that few test takers can answer Speed Test ✔✔Test with a time limit; usually have easy items but too many to answer in time limit Standardized Test ✔✔Test that allows an individual's score to be compared to a norm group Mental Measurements Yearbook ✔✔Best source of information about commercially available assessments; provides reviews of tests; has companion called Tests in Print Test Critiques ✔✔Overview of assessments for the layperson Army Alpha and Beta ✔✔Developed by Robert Yerkes to screen cognitive ability of military recruits; group intelligence test Validity ✔✔Term that refers to whether test measures what it's supposed to measure; depends on test purpose and target population Content Validity ✔✔A depression inventory that has ?s on all the aspects of depression (physical, emotional, cognitive) has what kind of validity? Criterion Validity ✔✔Type of validity that shows how effective an instrument is at predicting an individual's performance; two kinds are concurrent and predictive Concurrent Validity ✔✔Validity that looks at relationship between test results and another currently obtainable measure; ex. compare depression inventory with hospital admissions in last 6 months Predictive Validity ✔✔Validity that looks at relationship between test results now and a measure collected in the future; ex. compare depression inventory with hospital admissions 2 years after the assessment Construct Validity ✔✔How well does an instrument measure a theoretical idea or concept? example is a personality inventory Experimental Design Validity ✔✔Validity that involves an experiment to show the instrument measures a certain construct; ex. have a therapist give depression inventory before and after therapy Factor Analysis ✔✔Statistical technique to analyze relationship between an instrument's items; ex. are subscales on depression inventory related to each other and concept of depression? Convergent Validity ✔✔Validity that looks at whether assessment is related to what it should be; ex. is depression inventory positively correlated to the Beck Depression Inventory? Discriminant Validity ✔✔Ex. depression inventory scores are not related to scores from an achievement test Face Validity ✔✔Does an instrument look credible? not a true measure of validity Validity Coefficient ✔✔Correlation between a test score and a criterion measure Standard Error of Estimate ✔✔Expected margin of error in a predicted criterion score due to imperfect validity of test Sensitivity ✔✔Instrument's ability to accurately identify the presence of a phenomenon; ex. depression inventory results show a depressed client has depression symptoms Specificity ✔✔Instrument's ability to accurately identify the absence of a phenomenon; ex. depression inventory results show a non-depressed client does not have depression symptoms False Positive Error ✔✔Instrument inaccurately identifies the presence of a phenomenon; ex. depression inventory results show a non-depressed client has depression symptoms False Negative Error ✔✔Instrument inaccurately identifies absence of a phenomenon; ex. depression inventory results show a depressed client does not have depression symptoms Incremental Validity ✔✔Extent to which an instrument enhances the accuracy of prediction of a specific criterion such as GPA or job performance Reliability ✔✔Consistency of scores by the same person over multiple administrations of the same test Test-Retest Reliability ✔✔Reliability that looks at scores on two different administrations of same test; affected by memory and practice; most accurate for stable characteristics like intelligence Alternate Form Reliability ✔✔Reliability that compares scores from two equivalent forms of the same test; also called parallel form reliability Internal Consistency ✔✔Measures consistency of responses from one test item to the next during one administration Split-half Reliability ✔✔Internal consistency that correlates one half of a test against the other; it's hard to divide most tests into comparable halves and also shorter tests tend to have lower reliability Spearman-Brown Formula ✔✔Used to estimate the impact that shortening or lengthening a test will have on its reliability Interitem Consistency ✔✔Measure of internal consistency that compares item responses with each other and the total test score Kuder-Richardson Formula ✔✔Used to calculate interitem consistency when items are dichotomous (yes/no, true/false) Cronbach's Coefficient Alpha ✔✔Used to calculate interitem consistency when items have multipoint responses (multiple choice) Inter-Scorer Reliability ✔✔Degree to which two people give consistent ratings when viewing the same behavior Reliability Coefficient ✔✔Correlation that expresses a test's reliability; the closer to 1.0 the better; also called Pearson r; range is -1 to +1 Standard Error of Measurement ✔✔Standard deviation of a persons' repeated test scores; inversely related to reliability (ex. reliability = 1.0, SEM = 0); helps you figure out what will probably happen if the subject takes the same test again Yes ✔✔Can test scores be reliable but not valid? No ✔✔Can test scores be valid but not reliable? Item Analysis ✔✔Statistically examining people's item responses to assess the quality of the test Item Difficulty ✔✔% of test takers who answer an item correctly; it's a p value between 0 and 1 with a high value meaning an easier item; .5 is ideal Item Discrimination ✔✔Degree to which a test item differentiates test-takers; ex. does item on depression inventory get a different answer from depressed people versus non-depressed people? Classical Test Theory ✔✔Theory that says score = true score + error Item Response Theory ✔✔Theory that uses mathematical models to detect item bias or equate scores from two different tests Nominal ✔✔Scale that classifies or label, has no zero point, and doesn't indicate order; ex. gender Ordinal ✔✔Scale that shows rank order but intervals between numbers aren't equal; ex. places in a horse race Interval ✔✔Scale that has numbers at equal distances but no absolute zero; ex. Fahrenheit Ratio ✔✔An interval scale with a true zero point; ex. height, weight Semantic Differential ✔✔Scale that asks test takers to place a mark between two dichotomous adjectives; also called self-anchored scale Thurstone Scale ✔✔Scale that measure multiple dimensions of an attitude by asking test takers to agree/disagree with a series of statements Guttman Scale ✔✔Scale that measures the intensity of a variable in progressive order; ex. would you permit gay students to live on campus? would you have a gay roommate? Derived Score ✔✔Converted raw score that gives meaning by comparing to a norm group Asymptotic ✔✔Characteristic of normal curve where tail approaches horizontal axis without ever touching it Criterion Referenced Assessment ✔✔Assessment that compares a person's score to a predetermined standard; ex. NCE, drivers license test Ipsative Assessment ✔✔Assessment that compares a person's score to a previous test score; ex. PE class, computer game Percentage Score ✔✔Raw score (number correct) divided by total number of items; not same as percentile; ex. you got half the questions correct Standardized Score ✔✔Score that allows comparison between an individual and a norm group; examples are z-scores and T scores Z Score ✔✔Score that represents the number of standard deviations above or below the mean at which a given score falls; subtract sample mean from raw score and divide by sample SD T Score ✔✔Standard score with an adjusted mean of 50 and a SD of 10; T = 10(z) + 50 Deviation IQ Score ✔✔Standard score that is often simply called a standard score and is used in IQ testing; have a mean of 100 and a SD of 15; SS = 15(z) + 100 Stanine ✔✔Standard score used on achievement tests that divides the normal curve into 9 intervals; each score represents a range of z-scores and percentiles; stanine = 2(z) + 5; only expressed in whole numbers Normal Curve Equivalent ✔✔Standard score used by schools to measure student achievement; mean of 50 and SD of 21.06; range from 1 to 99; NCE = 21.06(z) + 50 Developmental Scores ✔✔Scores that describe an individual's location on a developmental continuum and let you compare them to those of the same age Age Equivalent Scores ✔✔Developmental score that compares an individual's score with the average score of those of the same age; reported in years and months Grade Equivalent Scores ✔✔Developmental score that compares an individual's score with the average score of those in the same grade; reported as a decimal Achievement Test ✔✔Test that measures what you've already learned Aptitude Test ✔✔Test that measures what you're capable of learning Response Bias ✔✔Test taker uses a response set (ex. all yes answers) to answer test questions Test Adaptation ✔✔Changing a test for a different population; more than just translating the language Nomothetic ✔✔Test that assesses variables people share Idiographic ✔✔Test that assesses unique variables (ex. card sort) Long ✔✔Which test is more reliable - long or short? (Raw score - sample mean)/sample SD ✔✔What is the formula for a z score? 10(z) + 50 ✔✔What is the formula for a T score? 15(z) + 100 ✔✔What is the formula for a deviation IQ score? 2(z) + 5 ✔✔What is the formula for a stanine? 21.06(z) + 50 ✔✔What is the formula for a normal curve equivalent (NCE)? Horizontal ✔✔Would a test battery be considered a horizontal or vertical test? Validity ✔✔Which is more important, reliability or validity? Coefficient of Determination ✔✔Correlation between two administrations of a test (test-retest) is .7 - the true variance is 49% - what principle does this illustrate? Guilford ✔✔Who came up with the idea of convergent and divergent thinking? WPPSI ✔✔Which intelligence test is for kids ages 2 to 7? WAIS ✔✔Which intelligence test is for adults ages 16+ WISC ✔✔Which intelligence test is for kids ages 6 to 16? Cattell ✔✔The 16 PF personality test is based on the work of which person who came up the idea of fluid vs. crystallized intelligence? 1 ✔✔If all 50 people who took a test got question #1 correct, what would its item difficulty be? 68 ✔✔On an IQ test, what percent of scores fall between 85 and 115? 3 ✔✔For a normal distribution, almost all scores fall within how many standard deviations of the mean? 95 ✔✔In a normal distribution, what percent of scores fall within two standard deviations of the mean? Aptitude ✔✔The GRE, OLSAT, and WAIS are all examples of what kind of test? Yes ✔✔Is deception ethical in a research study if it's unavoidable, doesn't harm client, and has educational value? L Score ✔✔Which score on the MMPI indicates the truth of the test taker's answers? K Score ✔✔Which score on the MMPI indicates the test taker's attitudes (faking good vs. faking bad)? High Stakes Testing ✔✔Testing where there is a clear line between those who pass and fail, results have a direct consequence, and a single assessment is the determine factor for decision making High Stakes Testing ✔✔No Child Left Behind tests, NCE exam, drivers license test, and AP tests are all examples of what? Aptitude ✔✔Is an intelligence test an aptitude test or an achievement test? Barnum Effect ✔✔People's tendency to agree with results of their personality test results; also called Forer Effect Positive ✔✔What is the ideal item discrimination? Positive, negative, or zero? [Show More]

Last updated: 1 year ago

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