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Of Mice and Men Questions and Answers Graded A

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Of Mice and Men Questions and Answers Graded A In what part of the country does the novel take place? Time period? ✔✔This novel takes place near the Salinas River in California. It is set durin... g the Great Depression List words that describe Lennie. ✔✔Lennie is big, childlike, slow, simple, and forgetful. List words that describe George. ✔✔George is caring, small, a leader, and quick. To what animal is Lennie compared? ✔✔Lennie is comparable to a dog or bear. Why were George and Lennie run out of Weed? ✔✔Lennie touched and clung on to a girls dress. The people of Weed thought that he was trying to rape her, so George and Lennie had to flee. What things does Lennie do and say that make him like a child? ✔✔Lennie is extremely forgetful. He is also always asking George about the rabbits. He loves to touch soft things. Where does George tell Lennie to hide if he gets in trouble? ✔✔George tells Lennie to go and hide in the brush next to the river where they camped if he gets into trouble. How does Steinbeck convey Lennie's animal-like qualities? ✔✔Steinbeck often talks about how Lennie walks heavily and drags his feet the way a bear would drag its paws. He also is protective of the dead mice he carries and drinks from the water like a horse. Why does Steinbeck describe the actions of Lennie's hands (foreshadowing their importance) ✔✔Steinbeck often described how large and strong Lennie's hands are. The text foreshadows the danger that Lennie's hands can cause. What is George's attitude toward Lennie in this section? Why does he stay with Lennie? ✔✔George is extremely frustrated with Lennie in chapter 1 because he knows he would be better off without him. George knew that Lennie had no one after his aunt Clara died, and that Lennie could not look after himself. Explain the connection between Lennie's mouse and what happened in Weed. ✔✔Lennie likes to stroke soft things. He stroked the mice just like he had stroked the girls dress in weed. The American Dream ✔✔George dreams of owning a little house with a couple of acres and having a cow and pigs. He claims that he and Lennie will live off the fat of the land. What suggests that the dream of the farm is unrealistic? ✔✔They did not make enough money to make their dream come to fruition. Lennie also had many "mishaps" and legal troubles that prevented the two from ever settle in one place. Give some examples of foreshadowing in this section. ✔✔The story starts off with George and Lennie on the run from the incident in Weed. Lennie is often found stroking dead mice in his pocket. George tells Lennie where to go if trouble arises. 1. Who greeted George and Lennie at the bunkhouse? ✔✔Lennie and George were greeted by Candy, and old swamper or handyman. Why does George answer all the questions directed to Lennie? ✔✔George answers the questions directed at Lennie to prevent Lennie from talking. He is scared that Lennie will get them in trouble if he speaks. How does the boss react to George's friendship with Lennie? ✔✔The boss finds George and Lennie's relationship strange. He sees George as Lennie's caretaker, which was unusual for migrant workers. What excuse does George give for Lennie's slowness? ✔✔George told the boss that Lennie was kicked in the head by a horse when he was younger. What does Curley think about George and Lennie's traveling together? ✔✔Curley is suspicious of George's motives. He thinks that George is simply taking advantage of Lennie. What does the swamper mean by the statement "Curley's pretty handy"? ✔✔Candy is saying that Curley has a reputation as being a good boxer and will not hesitate to fight someone What uneasy feeling does George have about Curley's wife? ✔✔George thinks Curley's wife is a tart. He warns Lennie that she is trouble. Which character names from this section have symbolic importance? ✔✔The name Crooks symbolizes the crooked way in which he stands. Curley's wife is not even given a name. She is called only a genitive of her husbands name. Lastly, Lennie Small is symbolic because of his small mental capacity. The name suggests his childlike behavior and dependence on George. Is Candy's opinion of Curley's wife justified? Why? ✔✔7) Candy thinks that Curley's wife likes to flirt and fool around with the men on the ranch while Curley is not around. I do not think his opinion is justified, because there is more to her than what he sees. What qualities does the description of Slim suggest? ✔✔8) The description of Slim infers that he is strong, capable, dedicated, and versatile. Give examples of foreshadowing. ✔✔The death of Candy's dog foreshadows another death later in the novel. The introduction to Curley's wife also foreshadows some future conflict later in the novel. George even tells Lennie that she is trouble. Who is Slim? ✔✔Slim is the jerkline skinner and "prince of the ranch." He is greatly admired and respected. What kind act does Slim do for Lennie? ✔✔Slim offers Lennie one of the puppies. . Why do you think George told Slim about what happened in Weed? ✔✔George trusts Slim and feels the need to tell someone the truth. From Carlson's point of view list words that describe Candy's dog. ✔✔Carlson described Candy's dog as old, beaten, smelly, stiff, and no good. What is Carlson's solution to the problem of the dog? ✔✔Carlson proposes that he shoot Candy's dog to put it out of its misery. Describe how Carlson shoots Candy's dog. ✔✔Carlson shoots the dog in the back of the head to make the killing quick and painless. What role does Candy play in helping George and Lennie try to buy land? ✔✔Candy is willing to pitch in a few hundred dollars he has saved up to become a part of their dream. What does George's conversation with Slim reveal about his past treatment of and present feelings toward Lennie? ✔✔George reveals that he had treated Lennie poorly in the past. He feels that Lennie is an obligation, and that he could have lived a better life without him. George knows that he has to take care of Lennie, despite the frustration it causes. 2. Why does George trust Slim? ✔✔George respects Slim and is touched when Slim praises Lennie for his good work ethic. 8. What comparisons does Candy make between his own condition and his dog's? How does this relate to the idea of responsibility (mercy killing)? ✔✔Candy and his dog are both very old. Because the dog was so old, it was considered useless. Putting the dog out of its misery seemed like the most human option. 9. What does Lennie's fight with Curley show the ranch hands? What does the description of this fight suggest about the nature of violence? ✔✔The ranch hands lose the little respect they had for Curley when he picked on Lennie. Lennie showed just how strong he really was by crushing Curley's hand. Lennie is not a violent person until he loses control of himself. 1. Name four of the possessions that Crooks has in his room. ✔✔Crooks has several pairs of shoes, a pair of rubber boots, a big alarm clock, a single-barreled shotgun. He also has a mauled copy of the California Civil Code for 1905. 2. What does Crooks say happens to a guy if he gets too lonely? ✔✔Crooks says that a guy goes nuts if he ain't got nobody. 3. What does Crooks offer in return for joining George, Lennie, and Candy on the dream farm? ✔✔Crooks offers to work for free on the farm if George allows Crooks to accompany them. 4. What is Crooks' reaction to the threats of Curley's wife? ✔✔Crooks cowers and stares helplessly at Curley's wife in response to her threats. 3. Why does Crooks allow Lennie to enter his room? ✔✔Crooks gives into Lennie and lets him enter because he is very lonely and enjoys the company that Lennie brings. 4. How do Crooks' words to Lennie about loneliness reinforce this theme of the novel? ✔✔Crooks's character serves as another example of loneliness in the novel. No one wants to talk to him and he is separated because of his race. 7. How does the behavior of Curley's wife seem deliberately designed to provoke the men? ✔✔Curley's wife knows what the men think about her yet she continues to try and talk to them. 8. What motives does Steinbeck suggest for her behavior? ✔✔Steinbeck characterizes Curley's wife as being desperately lonely and naive. She does not understand the trouble she causes by talking to the men. 9. How is her nature as a destructive character most clearly revealed? ✔✔Curley's wife puts down other people to make herself feel better. She takes advantage of Lennie for attention. She also threatens to have the men fired because of her relation with the boss. 1. What did Lennie do to the puppy? ✔✔Lennie handled the puppy too roughy and accidentally killed it. 2. In what ways does Lennie show that he is confused and nervous? ✔✔Lennie tries to hide the dead puppy, in fear of George not allowing him to tend the rabbits. 3. When Curley's wife asks Lennie why he likes rabbits so much, what is his response? ✔✔Lennie said that he likes to pet nice things. 4. What reason does Curley's wife give Lennie for wanting to talk to him? ✔✔Curley's wife tells Lennie that she is lonely and deserves the right to talk to somebody. 5. Where does Lennie go right after he kills Curley's wife? ✔✔Lennie ran to go hide in the brush by the river, where George told him to. 6. Whom does Candy blame for the murder? ✔✔Candy blames Curley's wife for the murder. He thinks she knew better than to talk to Lennie. 7. Why is Candy so angry at what has happened? ✔✔Candy is angry because he knows that they can now no longer live out their dream together. 1. How is Lennie's treatment of his dead puppy typical of his character? ✔✔Lennie is kind to anything soft, dead or alive. He likes to pet things too hard. 3. How does Curley's wife feel about him? ✔✔Curley's wife had dreams of being a famous movie star in hollywood. Her dream is not realistic. She put too much trust into someone that did not intend on making her famous. 4. How does she entice Lennie into touching her? ✔✔Curley's wife tells Lennie to touch her hair because it is very soft. 5. What is the true nature of his attack? ✔✔The attack was unintentional. When he kills her, Lennie realizes he has done a bad thing. 6. How does Lennie react to what he has done? Are you surprised? Why/why not? ✔✔Lennie is frightened and panicked. He does not fully understand the consequences of the crime he committed. His immediate reaction was to go and hide in the brush as George told him to. This does not surprise me, because George had warned Lennie of what to do in this type of situation. 7. How does George's reaction to the murder relate to his belief in the dream? ✔✔George knew that the dreams were never going to happen. The dream did not exist without Lennie. 8. Compare the reactions of Curley and Slim. ✔✔Curley wanted to kill Lennie out of vengeance. Slim knew that killing Lennie out of mercy was the right thing to do. 1. While he is waiting for George in the clearing, what two hallucinations does Lennie have? ✔✔Lennie has a hallucination of a big rabbit and a hallucination of his Aunt Clara. 2. What does George tell Lennie to calm him down before he shoots him? ✔✔To calm Lennie down, George re-tells the story of how they are going to get a farm and how Lennie will be able to tend the rabbits. 3. How do Curley and Carlson assume that Lennie met his death? ✔✔Curley and Carlson believe that Lennie had stolen Carlson's gun and that George had taken it away from him and shot him. 4. Why did George lie to the others about what really happened? ✔✔George made it seem like he shot Lennie out of self-defense. 1. Describe Lennie's state of mind as he goes to hide in the brush. ✔✔Lennie is nervous and confused. His hallucinations prove that his mind is not all there. 2. The description of Lennie's death recalls another event in the novel. What is it? ✔✔Lennie's death is very similar to Candy's dog. Lennie and Candy's dog were both shot in the back of the head for a mercy killing. 3. What does this parallel reveal about George's motives? ✔✔George feels partial ownership for Lennie's actions. George shoots Lennie and gives him a mercy killing instead of offering him to the others for a lynching. 5. Why does George lie about the gun? ✔✔He knew that Lennie was going to be killed no matter what. He wanted to make it seem like he killed Lennie in self-defense. 6. Why does Slim treat George as he does? ✔✔Slim is the only person that knows why George had to do what he did. Slim is very compassionate towards George. [Show More]

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