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FSCJ BSC2085C-Human Anatomy and Physiology Final

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FSCJ BSC2085C-Human Anatomy and Physiology Final An emergency medical technician is examining a trauma victim by shining a pen light into her patient's eye. She records the reactivity of the patent... s pupils as they constrict when stimulated by the light. This test supports which of the following? - ✔✔The patient has function of the oculomotor nerve (III) The muscles of facial expression insert into skin or other muscles, not bones. - ✔✔True There are seven cervical, twelve thoracic, and five lumbar vertebrae. - ✔✔True All of the following will help the skin fight infection but one. which of the following will have little effect on the skin's ability to fight infection? - ✔✔Greater production of melanin Chondroblasts - ✔✔Within the cartilage divide and secrete new matrix The glenohumeral joint that articulate the humerus to the pectoral girdle is a highly mobile joint. This mobility comes at a cost because? - ✔✔The joint is relatively unstable and can easily dislocate A stimulus traveling toward a synapse appears to open calcium ion channels at the presynaptic end, which in turn promotes fusion of synaptic vesicles to the axonal membrane. - ✔✔True The canal connecting the third and fourth ventricles and running through the midbrain is the interventricular foramen - ✔✔False Inborn or intrinsic reflexes are? - ✔✔Involuntary, yet may be modified by learned behavior. The mastoid sinuses are located at a position in the skull where they are usually free from infections. - ✔✔False One of the functional characteristics of life is excitability or responsiveness. This refers to? - ✔✔Sensing changes in the environment and then reacting or responding to them. Which ventricle is continuous with the central canal of the spinal cord? - ✔✔Fourth Most superficial thorax muscles are extrinsic shoulder muscles. - ✔✔True ____is fat soluble, produced in the skin on exposure to UV radiation, and necessary for normal bone growth and function. - ✔✔Vitamin D Which structure regulates the amount of light passing to the visual receptors of the eye? - ✔✔Iris Which joint does NOT belong with the others? - ✔✔Wrist Fibers that enter and leave the sympathetic trunks without synapsing form structures called? - ✔✔Splanchnic nerves Which of the following surrounds the individual muscle cell? - ✔✔Endomysium Collections of nerve cell bodies outside the central nervous system are called - ✔✔ganglia neural tracts that convey information to the brain concerning temperature and pain would be? - ✔✔lateral spinothalamic Mineralocorticoid is to adlesterone as glucocorticoid is to? - ✔✔Cortisol Atrial natriuretic peptide is a hormone that controls blood pressure in part by increasing the urinary excretion of sodium. - ✔✔True Ciliary muscles are considered voluntary, skeletal muscle. - ✔✔False If active transport establishes a concentration gradient with the use of ATP, then the concentration gradient can be looked at as? - ✔✔potential energy that can be harnessed when molecules passively diffuse down the concentration gradient. The cell responsible for secreting the matrix of bone is the ________. - ✔✔Osteoblast Compact bone is replaced more often than spongy bone. - ✔✔False At the grocery store a cute, little curly-haired child is standing behind you in line. You turn around for a moment and she sticks her tongue out at you. Which tongue muscle did she use? - ✔✔Genioglossus A shallow groove on the surface of the cortex is called a ________. - ✔✔Sulcus The concentration of ions in the chemical environment surrounding the neurons must be tightly regulated for neurons to function properly. Which of the following cells is most responsible for this? - ✔✔astrocytes About 60% to 80% of the volume of most living cells consists of organic compounds. - ✔✔False Schwann cells are functionally similar to ________. - ✔✔Oligodendrocytes Which tissue type would likely function to hold the kidneys in place? - ✔✔adipose Two terms for the massive motor tracts serving voluntary movement are ________. - ✔✔Pyramidal and corticospinal Hormones often cause a cell to elicit multiple responses; this is because ________. - ✔✔during protein kinase activation, enzymes phosphorylate many other enzymes Olfactory cells and taste buds are normally stimulated by ________. - ✔✔Substances in solution A contraction in which the muscle does not shorten but its tension increases is called isometric contraction. - ✔✔True For intramembranous ossification to take place, which of the following is necessary? - ✔✔Ossification centers form in the fibrous connective tissue membrane A smooth muscle cell has a central nucleus but lacks striations. - ✔✔True Creatine phosphate functions in the muscle cell by ________. - ✔✔storing energy that will be transferred to ADP to resynthesize ATP The hypothalamic-hypophyseal tract ________. - ✔✔runs through the infundibulum Chemical substances secreted by cells into the extracellular fluids that travel through the blood and regulate the metabolic function of other cells in the body are called ________. - ✔✔Hormones ________ epithelium appears to have two or three layers of cells, but all the cells are in contact with the basement membrane. - ✔✔Pseudostratified columnar A high fever causes an enzyme to lose its three dimensional structure and function. Which bonds are broken when a protein denatures? - ✔✔Hydrogen bonds The second cranial nerve forms a chiasma at the base of the brain for partial crossover of neural fibers. - ✔✔True An individual who could trace a picture of a bicycle with his or her finger but could not recognize it as a bicycle is most likely to have sustained damage to the ________. - ✔✔Visual association area Nutrients are delivered and waste products are carried away from the cells of the posterior segment of the eye by blood vessels. However, the cells in the cornea and lens (in the anterior segment) are avascular. Which is the best explanation for how these cells are maintained? - ✔✔The aqueous humor is continuously replenished and flows from the ciliary process to drain in the scleral venous Which of the following would not be restricted (limited) by low levels of ATP? - ✔✔Osmosis Some of the nerve endings in the skin are sensitive to changes in temperature. They are part of a negative feedback mechanism regulating body temperature. These nerve endings represent a(n) ________ in the negative feedback mechanism. - ✔✔Receptor What do the genioglossus, hyoglossus, and styloglossus muscles have in common? - ✔✔All act on the tongue Articulations permitting only slight degrees of movement are ________. - ✔✔Amphiarthroses Lengthwise, long bone growth during infancy and youth is exclusively through ________. - ✔✔interstitial growth of the epiphyseal plates Leptin is secreted by ________. - ✔✔Adipose cells Your instructor gives you an unknown organ for you to examine and identify through microscopy. What should you do first with the sample? - ✔✔Fix it with preservative The oval window is connected directly to which passageway? - ✔✔Scala vestibuli Saddle joints have concave and convex surfaces. Identify a saddle joint of the skeleton. - ✔✔carpometacarpal joint of the thumb Humans can see several thousand shades of color but have cone photoreceptors that are sensitive to only three (perhaps four) wavelengths of light. What is the best explanation for why we see so many colors? - ✔✔Color perception is achieved by activation of various combinations between the three cone types. Visible light fits between ________. - ✔✔UV and infrared Thyroid hormone production requires the presence of both iodine and calcium. - ✔✔False A major characteristic of fibrocartilage is its unique amount of flexibility and elasticity. - ✔✔False Microtubules are hollow tubes made of subunits of the protein tubulin. - ✔✔True Inability to absorb digested nutrients and secrete mucus might indicate a disorder in which epithelial tissue? - ✔✔Simple columnar Starch is the stored carbohydrate in plants, while ________ is the stored carbohydrate in animals. - ✔✔Gycogen Parasympathetic functions include ________. - ✔✔Lens accommodation for close vision Declarative memory ________. - ✔✔Is the ability to learn specific information Which of the following nerves does not arise from the brachial plexus? - ✔✔Phrenic Irritation of the phrenic nerve may cause diaphragm spasms called hiccups. - ✔✔True Movement at the hip joint does not have as wide a range of motion as at the shoulder joint. - ✔✔True Striking the "funny bone" is actually stimulation of (or injury to) the ________. - ✔✔Ulnar nerve The anterior chamber of the eye is filled with vitreous humor. - ✔✔False The shock-absorbing pads between the vertebrae are formed of fibrocartilage. - ✔✔True The first "way station" in the visual pathway from the eye, after there has been partial crossover of the fibers in the optic chiasma, is the ________. - ✔✔Lateral geniculate body of the thalamus During the relative refractory period of an action potential, a larger than normal stimulus is needed to cause another action potential. This is due to the fact that ________. - ✔✔The voltage gated potassium ion channels remain open long enough to hyperpolarize the axon membrane Moving your jaw forward, causing an underbite, is called ________. - ✔✔Protraction The vertebral column is held in place primarily by the anterior and posterior longitudinal ligaments. - ✔✔True What type of chemical bond can form between an atom with 11 protons and an atom with 17 protons? - ✔✔Ionic At what age do bones reach their peak density? - ✔✔Early adulthood A patient is hyperventilating. The "blowing off" of excessive carbon dioxide causes a decrease in blood H+ concentration. How can the carbonic acid-bicarbonate buffer system function to correct this imbalance? - ✔✔H2CO3 dissociates to form more H+ and lower pH Which of the following is a dural septum, described as a large sickle-shaped fold that dips into the longitudinal fissure between the cerebral hemispheres? - ✔✔Flax cerebri Choose the answer that best describes HCO3-. - ✔✔Bicarbonate ion Which bone would likely take the longest to heal? - ✔✔Thigh bone of an elderly individual The musculocutaneous nerve is a major nerve of the brachial plexus. - ✔✔True Which statement best describes connective tissue? - ✔✔Usually contains a large amount of matrix What type of cells line the ventricles of the brain? - ✔✔Ependymal cells Generally speaking, connective tissues are largely non-living extracellular matrix. Which of the following is an EXCEPTION? - ✔✔Adipose The skin is not able to receive stimuli because the cells of the epidermis are not living and therefore there are no sensory receptors in the skin. - ✔✔False Preparing the body for the "fight-or-flight" response is the role of the ________. - ✔✔Sympathetic division Epithelial tissues always exhibit polarity; that is, they have a free surface and a basal surface. - ✔✔True The articular surfaces of synovial joints play a minimal role in joint stability. - ✔✔True Pronation is a much stronger movement than supination. - ✔✔False The function of the root hair plexus is to ________. - ✔✔Allow the hair to assist in touch sensation Compared to the shoulder, displacements of the hip joints are ________. - ✔✔rare because of the ligament reinforcement There are three layers of neurons in the retina. The axons of which of these neuron layers form the optic nerves? - ✔✔Ganglion cells What are the levers that operate at a mechanical advantage called? - ✔✔Power levers Erection (vasodilation) of the penis or clitoris ________. - ✔✔Is primarily under parasympathetic control What does CH4 mean? - ✔✔There is one carbon and four hydrogen atoms Which of the following does NOT describe uses for the ATP molecule? - ✔✔Pigment structure Which of the following describes a parasagittal plane? - ✔✔Any sagittal plane except in the midline Which of the following is NOT a cardinal sign of diabetes mellitus? - ✔✔polycythemia Which sympathetic fibers form a splanchnic nerve? - ✔✔those that pass through the trunk ganglion to synapse in collateral or prevertebral ganglia Select the correct statement about equilibrium. - ✔✔Cristae respond to angular acceleration and deceleration Systems of the body. - ✔✔Integumentary system, Skeletal system, muscular system, lymphatic system/immunity, respitory system, digestive system, nervous system, endocrine system, cardiovascular system, urinary system, male reproductive system, female reproductive system Nine regions of the abdominopelvic grid - ✔✔Top (1-3) right hypocondriac, epigastric region, left hypocondriac. Middle (4-6) right lumbar region, umbilical region, left lumbar region. Bottom (7-9) right illiac region, hypogastric region, left illiac region [Show More]

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