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US History II-Unit 1 - Sophia Milestone 1. All answers| US History II Unit 1 -Milestone 1

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US History II-Unit 1 -Milestone 1 Q Which statement about populism most closely aligns with historian Michael Kazin’s interpretation of the term? Q In the late 19th century, the conso... lidation of manufacturing in large cities, along with an ever-growing railroad system, changed the nature of consumerism in rural America. Choose the most accurate statement about these changes in rural consumption practices. Q In the summer of 1893, a young historian, Frederick Jackson Turner, presented a paper that explained his views on the significance of the frontier in American history. Choose the statement that best reflects Turner’s views on the significance of the Western frontier. Identify the most important reason that the election of 1896 was significant in American politics. Choose the statement that best reflects an argument used by Chief Joseph to oppose federal assimilation. Choose the group or entity that was a predecessor of the Populist Party. Which list of activities best represents the basic practices of historians? Read the excerpt from a memoir written by Allan Pinkerton about the Great Railway Strike of 1877. “For this reason the strike of ’77 was a complete failure. Although in many instances riotous excesses were not committed, the attempt of which they were all guilty—to prevent the movement of trains—made their strike as truly a riotous proceeding as the pillage, arson, and murder of Pittsburgh could have made it. By this act the strikers placed themselves in an attitude of defiance to all law and to society, and as surely arrayed law, order, and society against them. Had they won, it would have been a triumph of anarchy; and anarchy is a something impossible to exist. No community can exist save under law and order; and no riotous strike is possible of success short of revolution; while revolution itself is a failure, unless it brings to a people a still purer law and a more secure order.” What group of people would most likely agree with Allan Pinkerton’s opinion? Consider this political cartoon from 1891 that depicts Uncle Sam in front of a crowd of immigrants. A judge tells Uncle Sam, “If Immigration was properly Restricted you would no longer be troubled with Anarchy, Socialism, the Mafia and such kindred evils!” Some of the labels on the immigrants include: “German socialist,” “Polish vagabond,” and “English convict.” Choose the statement that best reflects how new immigrants to America were viewed by citizens as illustrated in the cartoon. What was the philosophy behind the Social Gospel? Kino, an experienced historian, is very interested in the internment of Japanese Americans during World War II. As a historian, he is aware of possible influences on his interpretation of events. Which factor should be allowed to influence his interpretation? A meat packing plant buys a smaller meat packing plant and lowers prices to effectively run another out of business. It then strikes a deal with the railroad to transport the meat at a lower price and gains control of the meat market. What aspect of industrialization does this represent? Choose the factor that was most likely an effect of rapid industrialization in the United States during the late 19th century. Choose the true statement about the Knights of Labor. By the late 1800s, some settlers’ dreams of the West were not matched by the realities. Choose the statement that describes one of these “realities.” Consider the excerpt from a speech given by the former slave and abolitionist Frederick Douglass: “I have had but one idea for the last three years to present to the American people, and the phraseology in which I clothe it is the old abolition phraseology. I am for the ‘immediate, unconditional, and universal’ enfranchisement of the black man, in every State in the Union. [Loud applause.] Without this, his liberty is a mockery; without this, you might as well almost retain the old name of slavery for his condition; for in fact, if he is not the slave of the individual master, he is the slave of society, and holds his liberty as a privilege, not as a right. He is at the mercy of the mob, and has no means of protecting himself.” Which question would be most relevant for analyzing this historical speech? “In the 1930s Dust Bowl, soil across large swathes of the American midwest dried out and was carried into the air creating massive dust storms like this one.” A historian would most likely make this statement if they were analyzing this image through what historical lens? Because of the economic downturn in the 1890s, many Americans organized in order to seek relief from elected officials. Choose the statement that reflects an action undertaken in the 1890s by government officials in response to workers’ demands. Which of these is an example of a secondary source for historical research on President Theodore Roosevelt? White Democrats, or “redeemers,” were central to the development of the Jim Crow system in the South during the late 19th century. Which statement most represents their efforts? Choose the statement that applies equally to the “Old South” and the “New South.” Choose the true statement about the nature of the rural economy in the late 19th century. Several ideologies—social Darwinism, the self-made man and the Gospel of Wealth—emerged in the Gilded Age, each with its advocates. Choose the statement most likely spoken by Henry George. Choose the most accurate statement about the nature of politics in the Gilded Age. Choose the most accurate statement about the nature of politics in the Gilded Age. “In the 1930s Dust Bowl, soil across large swathes of the American midwest dried out and was carried into the air creating massive dust storms like this one.” A historian would most likely make this statement if they were analyzing this image through what historical lens? In the late 19th century, the consolidation of manufacturing in large cities, along with an ever-growing railroad system, changed the nature of consumerism in rural America. Choose the most accurate statement about these changes in rural consumption practices. By the late 1800s, some settlers’ dreams of the West were not matched by the realities. Choose the statement that describes one of these “realities.” [Show More]

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